Papers by Piotr Kilanowski
Adeus, Maria, 2024
O texto é o posfácio à obra "Adeus, Maria" que reúne contos de Tadeusz Borowski em tradução de Ma... more O texto é o posfácio à obra "Adeus, Maria" que reúne contos de Tadeusz Borowski em tradução de Matheus Moreira Pena, a maioria deles tendo como tema a vivência do autor no campo de Auschwitz. No texto apresento o autor, a obra e tento refletir a respeito da visão que Borowski teve de civilização e barbárie a partir da sua vida no campo.
Desarquivando o literário: percursos entre línguas (org.: Andrea Santurbano, Graziele Frangiotti, Meritxell Hernando Marsal, Patricia Peterle), 2024
Władysław Szlengel (1912-1943), “o poeta do gueto de Varsóvia”, teve uma parte de sua obra da épo... more Władysław Szlengel (1912-1943), “o poeta do gueto de Varsóvia”, teve uma parte de sua obra da época da guerra preservada no Arquivo Ringelblum. Em um dos seus poemas mais famosos que conhecemos graças a esse arquivo, “A janela para o outro lado”, Szlengel descreve não apenas a vista de sua janela no gueto para o lado “ariano”, mas também apresenta, numa camada mais oculta do texto, a sua identidade híbrida de judeu e polonês. No octogésimo aniversário da morte de Szlengel, a apresentação propõe a releitura do poema discutindo e desarquivando tanto os contextos históricos quanto a “identidade de sublocatário” do poeta nas duas culturas nas quais
viveu e com as quais se identificava.
Texto Poético, 2024
Este ensaio visa apresentar comentários sobre a questão do corpo nos poemas escritos pela autora ... more Este ensaio visa apresentar comentários sobre a questão do corpo nos poemas escritos pela autora polonesa Anna Świrszczyńska (1909-1984). Ao longo de seus escritos é possível ver as diferentes facetas da corporalidade, tais como: a externalização do amor, a maternidade e o sentir-se vivo(a). Para tanto são pontuados trechos dos poemas e interpretação baseada em textos críticos sobre a obra da mencionada literata.
Revista X, 2024
RESUMO: O presente ensaio inicialmente apresenta o romance O Mestre e Margarida de Mikhail Bulgák... more RESUMO: O presente ensaio inicialmente apresenta o romance O Mestre e Margarida de Mikhail Bulgákov desvelando alguns contextos interpretativos, políticos e intertextuais e da construção do romance enquanto resume seu enredo. Na sequência concentra-se na discussão e interpretação da personagem Margarida, concluindo com a exposição do contexto biográfico e dos protótipos da protagonista, principalmente a terceira esposa de Bulgákov, Ielena.
Swiat nie wywalczony. Szkice o uniwersach Józefa Łobodowskiego (red. Dorota Siwor), 2021
Analysing the volume by Józef Łobodowski entitled Pamięci Sulamity [In memory of the Shulamite], ... more Analysing the volume by Józef Łobodowski entitled Pamięci Sulamity [In memory of the Shulamite], devoted to the memory of the murdered Pol- ish poet of Jewish origin, Zuzanna Ginczanka, the author presents it as an example of Orphic poetics. Such an understanding makes an attempt to answer the question why Łobodowski, often called the last Romantic poet, used a classical poetic form, sometimes perceived as outdated and obsolete. His threnody in the memory of the Shulamite is presented here as a tribute to Ginczanka, a great example of senile poetics, a rebellion against the Holocaust and barbarism of the 20th century, but also as a protest against the demusicization of the world and an attempt to restore the proper harmony of things. In this text, Łobodowski’s cycle is seen as the rebellion of Orpheus – a poet against the hell of the 20th cen- tury, its atrocities and the poetry that “believed too easily that beauty does not save.” Instead of a muffled whisper that tries to tell the empti- ness of silence, the painful howl of Marsyas, or a prose utterance stripped of musicality, Łobodowski chooses traditional poetics and he sings.
Keywords: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demusicization of the world, Orpheus, Pamięci Sulamity
Autor, poddając analizie tomik Józefa Łobodowskiego "Pamięci Sulamity", poświęcony pamięci zamordowanej polskiej poetki pochodzenia żydowskiego, Zuzanny Ginczanki, ukazuje go jako przykład poetyki orfejskiej. Dzięki takiemu zrozumieniu pojawia się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego Łobodowski, zwany często ostatnim romantykiem, używał klasycznej formy poetyckiej, nieraz postrzeganej jako zdezaktualizowana i przestarzała. Jego tren ku "Pamięci Sulamity" ukazany jest tutaj jako hołd złożony Ginczance, wspaniały przykład poetyki senilnej, bunt przeciw Zagładzie i barbarzyństwom XX wieku, ale również jako protest przeciw demuzykalizacji świata i próba przywrócenia właściwej harmonii rzeczy. Cykl Łobodowskiego w niniejszym tekście postrzegany jest jako bunt Orfeusza – poety przeciwko piekłu XX wieku, jego okrucieństwom i tej poezji, która „uwierzyła zbyt łatwo, że piękno nie ocala”. Zamiast zduszonego szeptu, który chce opowiedzieć pustkę ciszy, obolałego wycia Marsjasza, czy też wypowiedzi prozą odartą z muzyczności Łobodowski wybiera poetykę tradycyjną i śpiewa.
Słowa kluczowe: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demuzyka- lizacja świata, Orfeusz, Pamięci Sulamity
Arquivo Maaravi: Revista Digital de Estudos Judaicos da UFMG., 2023
Este artigo tem como objetivos apresentar a escritora e poeta polonoisraelense Irit Amiel e refle... more Este artigo tem como objetivos apresentar a escritora e poeta polonoisraelense Irit Amiel e refletir sobre sua biografia, inseparavelmente unida à sua escrita, em grande parte autobiográfica. Para tanto relato a biografia da escritora por meio de suas palavras, extraídas de livros e entrevistas, e uso estudos a seu respeito. Como quatro marcadores do relato biográfico uso os pontos de quebra na vida da autora, momentos de transformações importantes que configuram nascimentos de uma nova personalidade. Assim a fase da infância termina com o "segundo nascimento", o momento da saída do gueto. Uma outra nova vida, a maturidade, é marcada simbolicamente com a mudança de nome depois de chegar a Israel. Por fim a época da sabedoria e senescência coincide com a estreia como escritora aos sessenta e três anos. O relato é acompanhado de uma reflexão sobre o trauma de um outro sobrevivente da Shoá, Boris Cyrulnik.
This paper aims to present the Polish-Israeli writer and poet Irit Amiel and
reflect on her biography inseparably linked to her writing, largely autobiographical.
To this end, I report the writer's biography through her words, extracted from books
and interviews, and use studies about her. As four markers of the biographical report
I use the breaking points in the author's life, moments of important transformations
that configure the birth of a new personality. Thus the childhood phase ends with the
“second birth”, the moment of leaving the ghetto. Another new life, maturity, is
marked symbolically with the change of name after arriving in Israel. Finally the time
of wisdom and senescence coincides with her debut as a writer at the age of sixty-
three. The report is accompanied by a reflection on the trauma of another Shoah
survivor, Boris Cyrulnik.
Memórias do corpo - Apagamentos (Izabela Drozdowska-Broering ,Marcio Markendorf, Geovana Quinalha de Oliveira (Organizadores), 2022
O artigo apresenta e discute os autorretratos poéticos escritos diante do espelho por Paulo Lemin... more O artigo apresenta e discute os autorretratos poéticos escritos diante do espelho por Paulo Leminski, Cecília Meireles, Zbigniew Herbert, Anna Świrszczyńśka e Aleksander Wat. As análises poéticas são colocadas em diálogo com a figura e mito de Medusa Górgona
Revista Letras UFPR, n. 106, pp. 50-77,, 2022
O presente artigo apresenta a poeta polonesa Anna Świrszczyńska e sua obra. Ao longo do texto que... more O presente artigo apresenta a poeta polonesa Anna Świrszczyńska e sua obra. Ao longo do texto que acompanha sua biografia, detalha seu caminho criativo e comenta superficialmente suas obras, procuro mostrar como sua escrita foi revolucionária em vários campos e aponto seus principais temas: guerra, feminilidade, corporalidade e riso. Os temas e as obras são ilustrados com amostras dos poemas da autora em tradução, em sua maioria ainda inéditas em português.
This article presents the Polish poet Anna Świrszczyńska and her work. Throughout the text that accompanies her biography, details her creative path and comments superficially on her works, I try to show how her writing was revolutionary in several fields and I point out her main themes: war, femininity, corporeality and laughter. The themes and works are illustrated with samples of the author‘s poems in translation, mostly still unpublished in Portuguese.
Revista X v. 17, n. 1, p. 67-79,, 2022
O texto em seu objetivo une a apresentação do poema épico da época do Romantismo polonês, Grażyna... more O texto em seu objetivo une a apresentação do poema épico da época do Romantismo polonês, Grażyna, de autoria de Adam Mickiewicz com a reflexão a respeito do arquétipo de donzela guerreira, caso da protagonista da obra. Tal arquétipo, embora encontrado com certa frequência na mitologia e na literatura de todas as épocas, carrega consigo um forte tabu popular referente à mulher como agente de violência física. A ponderação a respeito do tal tabu que cerceia o protagonismo feminino é mostrada com base em exemplos variados, clássicos e contemporâneos, e concluída com reflexão contida na prosa poética Aquiles. Pentesileia do poeta polonês do século XX, Zbigniew Herbert.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Adam Mickiewicz; Poesia polonesa; Arquétipo de donzela guerreira; Mulher e violência.
ABSTRACT: The text, in its objective, unites the presentation of the epic poem from the time of Polish Romanticism, Grażyna, by Adam Mickiewicz, with the reflection on the archetype of the maiden war- rior, the case of the protagonist of the work. Such archetype, although found with some frequency in mythology and literature of all times, carries with it a strong popular taboo regarding woman as an agent of physical violence. The reflection on the taboo that limits the female protagonism is shown based on varied examples, classic and contem- porary, and concluded with a reflection contained in the poetic prose Achilles. Penthesilea by the 20th century Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert.
KEY WORDS: Adam Mickiewicz; Polish poetry; Maiden warrior ar- chetype; Woman and violence.
Qorpus v12 n1, 2022
Dossiê especial dedicado a literatura e cultura polonesa organizado por Piotr Kilanowski, Milena ... more Dossiê especial dedicado a literatura e cultura polonesa organizado por Piotr Kilanowski, Milena Woitovicz Cardoso e Izabela Drozdowska-Borering
Qorpus, v 12, n.1., 2022
Resumo: O presente texto é apresentação do dossiê especial. Além de discutir as contribuições, el... more Resumo: O presente texto é apresentação do dossiê especial. Além de discutir as contribuições, ele mostra, traçando o perfil de textos e autores, a história e crescimento do Curso de Letras-Polonês e do Centro dos Estudos Poloneses da Universidade Federal do Paraná.
Palavras-chave: Curso de Letras Polonês na UFPR. Centro de Estudos Poloneses (CEPOL). Tradução literária. Análise literária.
Inducing to read, inducing to translate – a reading guide to the issue
Abstract: This text is a presentation of the special dossier. In addition to discussing the contributions, it shows, by tracing the profile of texts and their authors, the history and growth of the Polish Language Course and the Center for Polish Studies at the Federal University of Paraná.
Keywords: Polish Language Course at UFPR. Center for Polish Studies (CEPOL). Literary translation. Literary analysis
Qorpus, vol.12, n.1, 2022
Resumo: Este texto foi publicado anteriormente como prefácio do livro de Stefan Grabiński Demon r... more Resumo: Este texto foi publicado anteriormente como prefácio do livro de Stefan Grabiński Demon ruchu: O demônio do movimento. São José dos Pinhais: Urso, 2021 traduzido por Milena Woitovicz Cardoso e Matheus Moreira Pena. Apresenta-se nele tanto a figura de Stefan Grabiński, autor polonês dos contos de terror do início do séc. XX, quanto as características da sua obra em que os tradicionais fantasmas e vampíros são substituídos pelos seres metafísicos terríveis advindos da tecnologia. Palavras-chave: Stefan Grabiński. Literatura polonesa. Contos de terror tecnológico.
Qorpus, vol 12, n.1, 2022
Resumo: Este texto constitui o prefácio do livro de Aleksandra Pluta O caminho para o Rio, ainda ... more Resumo: Este texto constitui o prefácio do livro de Aleksandra Pluta O caminho para o Rio, ainda não publicado em português. Apresenta-se nele a obra e a história da estada no Rio de Janeiro de poetas poloneses do grupo Skamander, bem como as circunstâncias de surgimento do título do poema épico de Julian Tuwim Kwiaty polskie, conhecidas graças a entrevistas com um dos protagonistas do livro. Palavras-chave: Aleksandra Pluta. Imigração polonesa no Brasil. Julian Tuwim.
Abstract: This text constitutes the introduction to the book by Aleksandra Pluta The way to Rio, still
not published in Portuguese. It presents the book and history of the stay in Rio de Janeiro of Polish
poets from the Skamander group, as well as the circumstances of the creation of the title of the epic
poem by Julian Tuwim Kwiaty polskie, known thanks to interview with one of the protagonists of
the book.
Keywords: Aleksandra Pluta. Polish immigration in Brazil. Julian Tuwim.
Польская литература онлайн №11, 2022
Jakże samotny na niepewnej drodze! O tłumaczeniach literatury polskiej (Justyna Pyzia i Józef Maria Ruszar red.), 2019
Podstawą rozważań poczynionych w artykule jest tłumaczenie na brazylijską odmianę języka portugal... more Podstawą rozważań poczynionych w artykule jest tłumaczenie na brazylijską odmianę języka portugalskiego poezji Zbigniewa Herberta. Na przykładzie problemów z tłumaczeniem słowa „świerszcz” autor stara się pokazać, w jaki sposób doszło do rozbieżności znaczeń i symboliki pomiędzy tym leksemem a jego portugalskojęzycznymi odpowiednikami i jak, w zależności od sytuacji, powinien być on tłumaczony. W tym celu najpierw przyjrzano się obecności i znaczeniom symbolicznym świerszcza w poezji i kulturze polskiej, a następnie omówiono problem kulturowy tłumaczenia oraz ukazano proces tłumaczeniowego udomowienia klasycznej cykady i jej przemiany w świerszcza w kulturze i poezji polskiej. W ostatniej części eseju odniesiono się do wszystkich wierszy Herberta, w których pojawia się słowo „świerszcz”, i uzasadniono wybory tłumaczeniowe za pomocą argumentów przytoczonych w poprzednich częściach wywodu.
Qorpus v.11 n.2, 2021
Tradução comentada do poema "Motyle" ("Borboletas") de Krystyna Dąbrowska
Polonistyka. Innowacje nr 13, 2021
The aim of this article is to remind the figure of the Polish-Jewish poet of the Warsaw Ghetto, W... more The aim of this article is to remind the figure of the Polish-Jewish poet of the Warsaw Ghetto, Władysław Szlengel, and to show his complex identity. Considering the problem of the poet's marginal presence in the canon of Polish culture, I attempt to reread his poem Okno na tamtą stronę, situating him within the context of romantic influences and other contemporary texts. The purpose of the reading is to better understand the identity of Szlengel as a representative of the Polish-Jewish intelligentsia, one of the generation of Jewish Kolumbowie, who suffered because of their marginalization and rejection in the culture they considered their own. I refer to this self-awareness, following Hanna Krall, as subtenant's identity.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie postaci polsko-żydow-
skiego poety getta warszawskiego, Władysława Szlengla, i ukazanie jego złożonej toż-
samości. Rozważając problem marginalnej obecności poety w kanonie kultury polskiej,
podejmuję próbę ponownego odczytania jego wiersza
Okno na tamtą stronę
, sytuując go
w kontekście wpływów romantycznych i innych współczesnych mu tekstów. Celem tej lek
tury jest pełniejsze zrozumienie tożsamości Szlengla jako reprezentanta polsko-żydow-
skiej inteligencji, jednego z pokolenia żydowskich Kolumbów boleśnie odczuwających swą
marginalizację i odrzucenie w kulturze, którą uznawali za swoją. Ową samoświadomość,
za Hanną Krall, określam mianem sublokatorskiej
Revista X, v.15, n.6, 2020
RESUMO: O texto pretende apresentar uma reflexão sobre a vida e a obra de Zbigniew Herbert e evid... more RESUMO: O texto pretende apresentar uma reflexão sobre a vida e a obra de Zbigniew Herbert e evidenciar a sua interpenetração. A leitura proposta demonstra como a obra do poeta consegue ser lida ao mesmo tempo de forma universal e permeada de alusões autobiográficas. Entre variados monstros do Senhor Cogito me concentro em dois: a história e os serviços secretos. Desde a perda da sua cidade natal, a experiência dos dois totalitarismos, até a característica da obra herbertiana que Stanisław Barańczak definiu como deserdamento, a história aparece como um monstro, fascinante e devastador na vida do poeta e da sua geração, um monstro cuja marca em sua obra procuro mostrar ao longo do texto. Os serviços secretos que a partir do fim dos anos sessenta devassam a vida do poeta tentando manipulá-lo, potencializar sua doença psíquica e dificultar sua vida prática podem ser vistos como agentes da história cuja sombra é lançada também em seus versos. Procurando relatar a presença da sua influência na vida de Herbert, apresento leituras de seus poemas que ao mesmo tempo em que evidenciam essa influência, conseguem ser lidos de maneira universal e surpreendentemente atual nos tempos de hoje.
ABSTRACT: The text intends to present a reflection on the life and work of Zbigniew Herbert and highlight its interpenetration. The proposed reading demonstrates how the poet's work can be read at the same time in a universal way and permeated with autobiographical allusions. Among Mr. Cogito's various monsters, I focus on two: history and secret services. From the loss of his hometown, the experience of two totalitarianisms, to the characteristic of the Herbertian work that Stanisław Barańczak defined as disinheritance, history appears as a fascinating and devastating monster in the life of the poet and his generation, a monster whose mark in his works I try to show throughout the text. The secret services that, from the end of the sixties, ravage the life of the poet trying to manipulate him, potentiate his psychic illness and hinder his practical life can be seen as agents of history whose shadow is also cast on his verses. Trying to report the presence of his influence in Herbert’s life, I present readings of his poems that, while showing this influence, can be read in a universal and surprisingly current way in today’s times.
Revista X, v. 15, n.6, 2020
Revista X, v.15, n.6 , 2020
Papers by Piotr Kilanowski
viveu e com as quais se identificava.
Keywords: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demusicization of the world, Orpheus, Pamięci Sulamity
Autor, poddając analizie tomik Józefa Łobodowskiego "Pamięci Sulamity", poświęcony pamięci zamordowanej polskiej poetki pochodzenia żydowskiego, Zuzanny Ginczanki, ukazuje go jako przykład poetyki orfejskiej. Dzięki takiemu zrozumieniu pojawia się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego Łobodowski, zwany często ostatnim romantykiem, używał klasycznej formy poetyckiej, nieraz postrzeganej jako zdezaktualizowana i przestarzała. Jego tren ku "Pamięci Sulamity" ukazany jest tutaj jako hołd złożony Ginczance, wspaniały przykład poetyki senilnej, bunt przeciw Zagładzie i barbarzyństwom XX wieku, ale również jako protest przeciw demuzykalizacji świata i próba przywrócenia właściwej harmonii rzeczy. Cykl Łobodowskiego w niniejszym tekście postrzegany jest jako bunt Orfeusza – poety przeciwko piekłu XX wieku, jego okrucieństwom i tej poezji, która „uwierzyła zbyt łatwo, że piękno nie ocala”. Zamiast zduszonego szeptu, który chce opowiedzieć pustkę ciszy, obolałego wycia Marsjasza, czy też wypowiedzi prozą odartą z muzyczności Łobodowski wybiera poetykę tradycyjną i śpiewa.
Słowa kluczowe: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demuzyka- lizacja świata, Orfeusz, Pamięci Sulamity
This paper aims to present the Polish-Israeli writer and poet Irit Amiel and
reflect on her biography inseparably linked to her writing, largely autobiographical.
To this end, I report the writer's biography through her words, extracted from books
and interviews, and use studies about her. As four markers of the biographical report
I use the breaking points in the author's life, moments of important transformations
that configure the birth of a new personality. Thus the childhood phase ends with the
“second birth”, the moment of leaving the ghetto. Another new life, maturity, is
marked symbolically with the change of name after arriving in Israel. Finally the time
of wisdom and senescence coincides with her debut as a writer at the age of sixty-
three. The report is accompanied by a reflection on the trauma of another Shoah
survivor, Boris Cyrulnik.
This article presents the Polish poet Anna Świrszczyńska and her work. Throughout the text that accompanies her biography, details her creative path and comments superficially on her works, I try to show how her writing was revolutionary in several fields and I point out her main themes: war, femininity, corporeality and laughter. The themes and works are illustrated with samples of the author‘s poems in translation, mostly still unpublished in Portuguese.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Adam Mickiewicz; Poesia polonesa; Arquétipo de donzela guerreira; Mulher e violência.
ABSTRACT: The text, in its objective, unites the presentation of the epic poem from the time of Polish Romanticism, Grażyna, by Adam Mickiewicz, with the reflection on the archetype of the maiden war- rior, the case of the protagonist of the work. Such archetype, although found with some frequency in mythology and literature of all times, carries with it a strong popular taboo regarding woman as an agent of physical violence. The reflection on the taboo that limits the female protagonism is shown based on varied examples, classic and contem- porary, and concluded with a reflection contained in the poetic prose Achilles. Penthesilea by the 20th century Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert.
KEY WORDS: Adam Mickiewicz; Polish poetry; Maiden warrior ar- chetype; Woman and violence.
Palavras-chave: Curso de Letras Polonês na UFPR. Centro de Estudos Poloneses (CEPOL). Tradução literária. Análise literária.
Inducing to read, inducing to translate – a reading guide to the issue
Abstract: This text is a presentation of the special dossier. In addition to discussing the contributions, it shows, by tracing the profile of texts and their authors, the history and growth of the Polish Language Course and the Center for Polish Studies at the Federal University of Paraná.
Keywords: Polish Language Course at UFPR. Center for Polish Studies (CEPOL). Literary translation. Literary analysis
Abstract: This text constitutes the introduction to the book by Aleksandra Pluta The way to Rio, still
not published in Portuguese. It presents the book and history of the stay in Rio de Janeiro of Polish
poets from the Skamander group, as well as the circumstances of the creation of the title of the epic
poem by Julian Tuwim Kwiaty polskie, known thanks to interview with one of the protagonists of
the book.
Keywords: Aleksandra Pluta. Polish immigration in Brazil. Julian Tuwim.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie postaci polsko-żydow-
skiego poety getta warszawskiego, Władysława Szlengla, i ukazanie jego złożonej toż-
samości. Rozważając problem marginalnej obecności poety w kanonie kultury polskiej,
podejmuję próbę ponownego odczytania jego wiersza
Okno na tamtą stronę
, sytuując go
w kontekście wpływów romantycznych i innych współczesnych mu tekstów. Celem tej lek
tury jest pełniejsze zrozumienie tożsamości Szlengla jako reprezentanta polsko-żydow-
skiej inteligencji, jednego z pokolenia żydowskich Kolumbów boleśnie odczuwających swą
marginalizację i odrzucenie w kulturze, którą uznawali za swoją. Ową samoświadomość,
za Hanną Krall, określam mianem sublokatorskiej
ABSTRACT: The text intends to present a reflection on the life and work of Zbigniew Herbert and highlight its interpenetration. The proposed reading demonstrates how the poet's work can be read at the same time in a universal way and permeated with autobiographical allusions. Among Mr. Cogito's various monsters, I focus on two: history and secret services. From the loss of his hometown, the experience of two totalitarianisms, to the characteristic of the Herbertian work that Stanisław Barańczak defined as disinheritance, history appears as a fascinating and devastating monster in the life of the poet and his generation, a monster whose mark in his works I try to show throughout the text. The secret services that, from the end of the sixties, ravage the life of the poet trying to manipulate him, potentiate his psychic illness and hinder his practical life can be seen as agents of history whose shadow is also cast on his verses. Trying to report the presence of his influence in Herbert’s life, I present readings of his poems that, while showing this influence, can be read in a universal and surprisingly current way in today’s times.
viveu e com as quais se identificava.
Keywords: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demusicization of the world, Orpheus, Pamięci Sulamity
Autor, poddając analizie tomik Józefa Łobodowskiego "Pamięci Sulamity", poświęcony pamięci zamordowanej polskiej poetki pochodzenia żydowskiego, Zuzanny Ginczanki, ukazuje go jako przykład poetyki orfejskiej. Dzięki takiemu zrozumieniu pojawia się próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego Łobodowski, zwany często ostatnim romantykiem, używał klasycznej formy poetyckiej, nieraz postrzeganej jako zdezaktualizowana i przestarzała. Jego tren ku "Pamięci Sulamity" ukazany jest tutaj jako hołd złożony Ginczance, wspaniały przykład poetyki senilnej, bunt przeciw Zagładzie i barbarzyństwom XX wieku, ale również jako protest przeciw demuzykalizacji świata i próba przywrócenia właściwej harmonii rzeczy. Cykl Łobodowskiego w niniejszym tekście postrzegany jest jako bunt Orfeusza – poety przeciwko piekłu XX wieku, jego okrucieństwom i tej poezji, która „uwierzyła zbyt łatwo, że piękno nie ocala”. Zamiast zduszonego szeptu, który chce opowiedzieć pustkę ciszy, obolałego wycia Marsjasza, czy też wypowiedzi prozą odartą z muzyczności Łobodowski wybiera poetykę tradycyjną i śpiewa.
Słowa kluczowe: Józef Łobodowski, Zuzanna Ginczanka, demuzyka- lizacja świata, Orfeusz, Pamięci Sulamity
This paper aims to present the Polish-Israeli writer and poet Irit Amiel and
reflect on her biography inseparably linked to her writing, largely autobiographical.
To this end, I report the writer's biography through her words, extracted from books
and interviews, and use studies about her. As four markers of the biographical report
I use the breaking points in the author's life, moments of important transformations
that configure the birth of a new personality. Thus the childhood phase ends with the
“second birth”, the moment of leaving the ghetto. Another new life, maturity, is
marked symbolically with the change of name after arriving in Israel. Finally the time
of wisdom and senescence coincides with her debut as a writer at the age of sixty-
three. The report is accompanied by a reflection on the trauma of another Shoah
survivor, Boris Cyrulnik.
This article presents the Polish poet Anna Świrszczyńska and her work. Throughout the text that accompanies her biography, details her creative path and comments superficially on her works, I try to show how her writing was revolutionary in several fields and I point out her main themes: war, femininity, corporeality and laughter. The themes and works are illustrated with samples of the author‘s poems in translation, mostly still unpublished in Portuguese.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Adam Mickiewicz; Poesia polonesa; Arquétipo de donzela guerreira; Mulher e violência.
ABSTRACT: The text, in its objective, unites the presentation of the epic poem from the time of Polish Romanticism, Grażyna, by Adam Mickiewicz, with the reflection on the archetype of the maiden war- rior, the case of the protagonist of the work. Such archetype, although found with some frequency in mythology and literature of all times, carries with it a strong popular taboo regarding woman as an agent of physical violence. The reflection on the taboo that limits the female protagonism is shown based on varied examples, classic and contem- porary, and concluded with a reflection contained in the poetic prose Achilles. Penthesilea by the 20th century Polish poet Zbigniew Herbert.
KEY WORDS: Adam Mickiewicz; Polish poetry; Maiden warrior ar- chetype; Woman and violence.
Palavras-chave: Curso de Letras Polonês na UFPR. Centro de Estudos Poloneses (CEPOL). Tradução literária. Análise literária.
Inducing to read, inducing to translate – a reading guide to the issue
Abstract: This text is a presentation of the special dossier. In addition to discussing the contributions, it shows, by tracing the profile of texts and their authors, the history and growth of the Polish Language Course and the Center for Polish Studies at the Federal University of Paraná.
Keywords: Polish Language Course at UFPR. Center for Polish Studies (CEPOL). Literary translation. Literary analysis
Abstract: This text constitutes the introduction to the book by Aleksandra Pluta The way to Rio, still
not published in Portuguese. It presents the book and history of the stay in Rio de Janeiro of Polish
poets from the Skamander group, as well as the circumstances of the creation of the title of the epic
poem by Julian Tuwim Kwiaty polskie, known thanks to interview with one of the protagonists of
the book.
Keywords: Aleksandra Pluta. Polish immigration in Brazil. Julian Tuwim.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przypomnienie postaci polsko-żydow-
skiego poety getta warszawskiego, Władysława Szlengla, i ukazanie jego złożonej toż-
samości. Rozważając problem marginalnej obecności poety w kanonie kultury polskiej,
podejmuję próbę ponownego odczytania jego wiersza
Okno na tamtą stronę
, sytuując go
w kontekście wpływów romantycznych i innych współczesnych mu tekstów. Celem tej lek
tury jest pełniejsze zrozumienie tożsamości Szlengla jako reprezentanta polsko-żydow-
skiej inteligencji, jednego z pokolenia żydowskich Kolumbów boleśnie odczuwających swą
marginalizację i odrzucenie w kulturze, którą uznawali za swoją. Ową samoświadomość,
za Hanną Krall, określam mianem sublokatorskiej
ABSTRACT: The text intends to present a reflection on the life and work of Zbigniew Herbert and highlight its interpenetration. The proposed reading demonstrates how the poet's work can be read at the same time in a universal way and permeated with autobiographical allusions. Among Mr. Cogito's various monsters, I focus on two: history and secret services. From the loss of his hometown, the experience of two totalitarianisms, to the characteristic of the Herbertian work that Stanisław Barańczak defined as disinheritance, history appears as a fascinating and devastating monster in the life of the poet and his generation, a monster whose mark in his works I try to show throughout the text. The secret services that, from the end of the sixties, ravage the life of the poet trying to manipulate him, potentiate his psychic illness and hinder his practical life can be seen as agents of history whose shadow is also cast on his verses. Trying to report the presence of his influence in Herbert’s life, I present readings of his poems that, while showing this influence, can be read in a universal and surprisingly current way in today’s times.
Livro com organização, seleção, tradução e notas de Piotr Kilanowski (UFPR), apresenta ainda extenso material crítico, com textos do próprio Piotr, além de Emanuel Ringelblum (historiador judeu que também estava no Gueto e organizou o que seria, mais tarde, encontrado e conhecido como os Arquivos RIngelblum), Carlos Reiss (Museu do Holocausto de Curitiba) e Marcelo Paiva de Souza (UFPR).
O livro é organizado por Piotr Kilanowski, professor de língua e literatura polonesas da UFPR, que assina os textos que apresentam Jan Karski e Bieta Ficowska. Alicja Goczyła Ferreira, também professora de língua e literatura polonesas da UFPR, é autora dos textos que relatam as histórias de Irena Sendler e de Jan e Antonina Żabińscy, já Aleksandra Pluta, jornalista e escritora, narra a história de Władysław Bartoszewski. O livro conta ainda com textos breves de Carlos Reiss, coordenador do Museu do Holocausto de Curitiba, de Aleksandra Piasecka-Till e de Marcin Raiman, professores de língua polonesa da UFPR.
Marco Lucchcesi's poemas translated to polish with Tomasz Łychowski
Poems of Tomasz Różycki translated to brazilian portugues and published in Escamandro.
Poemas de Tomasz Różycki traduzidos para o português brasileiro e publicados em Escamandro
Wiersze Tomasza Różyckiego przetłumaczone na portugalski brazylijski i opublikowane w Escamandro