Lucas Lixa Victor Neves
Lucas Lixa Victor Neves é pesquisador em História Moderna, com especial interesse nas dinâmicas políticas e institucionais dos séculos XVI e XVII. Atualmente é doutorando em História Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), com período sanduíche na Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sob orientação de Jacqueline Hermann e coorientação de Pedro Cardim. Sua tese de doutorado explora as negociações políticas entre a Coroa e as elites portuguesas em momentos cruciais de transição dinástica (1581 e 1641). Concluiu o mestrado em História Social pela UFRJ, quando investigou os usos do conceito de bem comum nos capítulos gerais das Cortes de 1641. Possui especialização em História da Arte Sacra pela Faculdade de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro e licenciatura plena em História pela Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Seus interesses acadêmicos incluem história política, história cultural, história das teologias e religiões, história da Península Ibérica e das Ilhas Britânicas. Participou de diversos eventos acadêmicos e publicou trabalhos que abordam desde questões políticas no contexto das Cortes - assembleias representativas - da península ibérica, dos Parlamentos escocês e inglês, até debates religiosos e filosóficos na Idade Moderna. Presentemente é bolsista do CNPq e mantém vínculos com o Centro de História dAquém e dAlém-Mar (CHAM) em Lisboa e com o Laboratório Sacralidades (LS).
Lucas Lixa Victor Neves is a researcher in Early Modern History, with a particular focus on the political and institutional dynamics of the 16th and 17th centuries. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Social History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with a research exchange at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the supervision of Jacqueline Hermann and co-supervision of Pedro Cardim. His doctoral dissertation examines the political negotiations between the Crown and Portuguese elites during key moments of dynastic transition (1581 and 1641). He holds a Masters degree in Social History from UFRJ, where he investigated the uses of the concept of the "common good" in the petitions of the Cortes of 1641. Additionally, he has a postgraduate specialization in Sacred Art History from the Faculdade de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro and a Bachelors degree in History from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. His academic interests include political history, cultural history, the history of theologies and religions, and the history of the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles. He has participated in numerous academic events and published works that address topics ranging from political issues in the context of Iberian Cortes (representative assemblies) and the Scottish and English Parliaments to religious and philosophical debates in the Early Modern period. Currently, he is a CNPq fellow and is affiliated with the Center for the History of the Territory Beyond the Seas (CHAM) in Lisbon and the Sacralidades Laboratory (LS).
Supervisors: Jacqueline Hermann, Pedro Cardim, Victor Murilo Maia Fragoso, and Clinio de Oliveira Amaral
Lucas Lixa Victor Neves is a researcher in Early Modern History, with a particular focus on the political and institutional dynamics of the 16th and 17th centuries. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Social History at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), with a research exchange at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the supervision of Jacqueline Hermann and co-supervision of Pedro Cardim. His doctoral dissertation examines the political negotiations between the Crown and Portuguese elites during key moments of dynastic transition (1581 and 1641). He holds a Masters degree in Social History from UFRJ, where he investigated the uses of the concept of the "common good" in the petitions of the Cortes of 1641. Additionally, he has a postgraduate specialization in Sacred Art History from the Faculdade de São Bento do Rio de Janeiro and a Bachelors degree in History from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro. His academic interests include political history, cultural history, the history of theologies and religions, and the history of the Iberian Peninsula and the British Isles. He has participated in numerous academic events and published works that address topics ranging from political issues in the context of Iberian Cortes (representative assemblies) and the Scottish and English Parliaments to religious and philosophical debates in the Early Modern period. Currently, he is a CNPq fellow and is affiliated with the Center for the History of the Territory Beyond the Seas (CHAM) in Lisbon and the Sacralidades Laboratory (LS).
Supervisors: Jacqueline Hermann, Pedro Cardim, Victor Murilo Maia Fragoso, and Clinio de Oliveira Amaral
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Dissertação de Mestrado/Master's Thesis by Lucas Lixa Victor Neves
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Papers by Lucas Lixa Victor Neves