This contribution presents for the Brst time a digital elevation map and 1:50,000 scale geologica... more This contribution presents for the Brst time a digital elevation map and 1:50,000 scale geological map of Sitagota syncline, Khairagarh Group, which is spread in around 1000 km2 area in the north Bastar Craton (survey of India toposheets 64 C/11 and C/15). We report for the Brst time, exposures of Algoma-type banded iron formation, intertrappean shale, and oxide and sulphide mineralization in Mangikhuta basalt. MaBc enclaves are reported in the Dongargarh granite. Geochemistry and petrogenetic study of Mangikhuta and Kotima volcanics of Khairagarh Group is presented. Although Beld investigation and digital elevation map reveal Khairagarh volcano-sedimentary sequence underwent more than one phase of orogeny, the ubiquitous presence of very low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages in volcanic rocks indicates they did not undergo high P–T transformation and most of the alteration and metamorphism took place at near-surface conditions. Our tectonomagmatic model proposes the occurrence of a rift basin in the north Bastar Craton from 2.46 to 2.2 Ga, resulting in sedimentation and high-Mg basalt to basalticandesite magmatism. The genesis of Sitagota syncline is attributed to closure and deformation of this rift basin due to compressive forces, probably related to Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Kotri mobile belt and Mesoproterozoic central Indian tectonic zone. Tectonomagmatic and geochronological similarity of Khairagarh Group to Lower Wyloo Group of Ashburton basin in Pilbara Craton and Hekpoort and Ongeluk basalt formations of Transvaal basin in Kaapvaal Craton indicates Bastar Craton was part of Vaalbara supercontinent in Paleoproterozoic times.
This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica,... more This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica, aluminium nanoparticles (NPs), Magnesium oxide NPs, Zinc oxide NPs, Calcium carbonate NPs, Laponite NPs on pore pressure transmission and discusses its inhibition capability in different shale formations. Shale formations consist of water sensitive clays that react with water and swell. Fluid from water-based drilling fluid (WBDF) invades into shale sections and increases the pore pressure. Therefore, abnormal pore pressure is result of swelling mechanisms of clay that leads to wellbore instability. Pore pressure transmission test (PPT) measures membrane efficiency of shale formations in the oil and gas well drilling operation. Recently, it was reported that addition of nanoparticles in WBDF can plug the shale pores and decrease rate of PPT effectively up to 97%. However, the plugging ability of nanoparticles depends on its size, other additives in the drilling fluid and clay minerals in shale formation etc. This article also analyses nanoparticles performance with conventional shale inhibitors like polymers and clays.
Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabil... more Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabilizing the shale formations near well bore that are prone to swelling and collapse due to their interaction with water in drilling fluid. The conventional drilling fluids are not effective in maintaining the shale stability due to bigger size of mud additives compared to shale pore spaces. Water based mud, when added with suitable volume of nanoparticles shows improvement in well bore stability, besides improvement in mud rheology and its thermal characteristics. Addition of nanoparticles and shale inhibitors to drilling fluids significantly improves well bore stability in shale sections of well bore. Nanoparticles added with shale inhibitors produce synergic effect to achieve efficient shale inhibition. Therefore, nanocomposites combined with nanoparticle and shale inhibitor improve the shale section well bore stability compared to nanoparticles and the conventional shale inhibitors. This paper presents the effect of different nanocomposites on shale inhibition, their inhibiting mechanism and their associated advantages and disadvantages.
This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima ba... more This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima basalt of the Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and their petrogenetic significance. Kotima clinopyroxenes plot in the field of augite and show an overall limited sub-alkaline fractionation trend. Inter-elemental variation diagrams reveal an overall magmatic trend and preservation of magmatic chemistry, whereas their euhedral to subhedral form indicates near equilibrium conditions of crystallisation. Besides wollastonite, enstatite and ferrosilite major components, ‘other components’ comprises Ca–Al tschermak, esseneite, CaTiAl2O6 (Tp), kosmochlor, aegirine, jadeite and johannsenite. Single clinopyroxene geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050°C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics. The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.
A new fern species, Polystichum loratum 23 June 2011, H. He & Y. Yang 1361 (holotype, H. He & Li ... more A new fern species, Polystichum loratum 23 June 2011, H. He & Y. Yang 1361 (holotype, H. He & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is CDBI; isotypes, CTC, MO). Figure 1. described and illustrated from limestone cliffs in Diagnosis. Polystichum loratum H. He & Li Bing northern Guizhou Province, China. Polystichum Zhang is most similar to P. yaanense Liang Zhang & Li loratum is most similar to P. yaanense Liang Zhang Bing Zhang in having narrowly ovate to lanceolate abaxial & Li Bing Zhang in having narrowly ovate to rachis scales, but the new species is distinguished by its lanceolate abaxial rachis scales. The new species is lorate leaf lamina (vs. lanceolate in P. yaanense), the oblong distinguished by its lorate leaf lamina, the oblong to to narrowly ovate and broad-type microscales (vs. subulate and narrow-type in P. yaanense) on abaxial pinna surfaces, narrowly ovate microscales (broad-type) on abaxial and the exindusiate sori. pinna surfaces, and the exindusiate sori, while P. yaanense has lanceolate leaf lamina, subulate Plants perennial, caespitose, evergreen; rhizome microscales (narrow-type) on abaxial pinnae, and ascending, 0.5-2.2 cm, 0.4-1.6 cm diam., with indusiate sori. Polystichum loratum is considered to remnant bases of old petioles, scaly at the base of be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red the petiole (but scales mostly worn out, incomplete, List criteria.
The Dongargarh lavas, erupted over a broad time span from ~ 2462 Ma to ~ 1367 Ma, comprise an int... more The Dongargarh lavas, erupted over a broad time span from ~ 2462 Ma to ~ 1367 Ma, comprise an interlayered sequence of felsic to mafic volcanic rocks and sedimentary formations. The early volcanic rocks, dominated by rhyolites (Bijli) with subordinate dacites, andesites and basalts (Pitepani), are subalkaline and show calc-alkaline trends. The rhyolites are enriched in LREE, Zr, Th, Cr and depleted in LILE, Ti, Sc, Y, Ni. The early lavas show REE patterns varying from LREE enriched, highly fractionated in the rhyolites to progressively less fractionated flat patterns in the mafic members, consistent with a derivation of the felsic to mafic lavas through progressively higher degrees of partial melting of a common source. Fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase also played an important role in the generation of the range of mafic to felsic magmas. A possible crustal contribution in the generation of the voluminous early rhyolites is indicated from the ratios of LILE and LREE in which the rhyolites show low Sr and high Ce, similar to other crustally derived lavas. The late volcanic rocks (Sitagota and Mangikhuta), on the other hand, are relatively unfractionated, compositionally restricted, more primitive magmas, dominated by basalts with minor andesites, showing tholeiitic affinities. The Sitagota lavas have high Mg number, lesser abundances of Ba, Rb, K, Th and Zr, but are enriched in St, V, Ni, Cr, Sc than the other members of the Dongargarh suite with comparable Mg number. Their flat unfractionated REE patterns also support their primitive character and their derivation through higher degrees of partial melting of a common mantle source. Although all the Dongargarh lavas show a close chemical affinity with island-arc magmas in all discriminant diagrams and show a similar fractionation of the alkaline earth elements (AE) Rb, K, Ba relative to the incompatible HFSE, the associated sediments point to a stable continental margin tectonic environment, suggesting that the Dongargarh lavas were erupted in a continental rift setting rather than in an island arc. The arc-like geochemical signature of these lavas is suggested to be a manifestation of an earlier episode of hydrous metasomatism of the Precambrian mantle which enriched it in LILE and LREE and made it similar to the source of IAB. The primitive nature of the late volcanics are attributed to a complex subvolcanic plumbing system whereby the lavas gained fast access to the surface without any significant crustal interaction.
Journal of pipeline science and engineering, Apr 1, 2023
After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have develo... more After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have developed a novel framework model that considers important technical, financial, and environmental factors such as terrain profile, thermal impact, dynamic pump efficiency, cost escalation, tariffs, project phasing, depreciation, and carbon emissions. This comprehensive model not only prioritizes cost optimization for performance measurement but also takes into account tariffs and carbon emissions. To validate the model, the authors conduct a case study on a China multiproduct pipeline and perform sensitivity analysis. The technical model is accurate to 1.1%, except for upstream pressure at the end receiving station. Sensitivity analysis reveals that incorrect judgment of elevation profile, volume escalation, and product temperature variables can render the outcome of pipeline design infeasible. Moreover, neglecting financial components, such as lines fill cost and tankage cost, can cause a variation of 23% in the performance parameters, leading to erroneous decision-making in Pipeline Network Configuration (PNC) design and operations. Lastly, the authors discuss the significance of considering tariff and carbon-emissions performance parameters during design optimization.
Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge popu... more Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge population, limited natural resources, and few employment opportunities. Unplanned urban growth and population explosion in several metropolitan cities led to severe shortage of civic amenities like housing, drinking water, and sanitation and put pressure on civic administration to develop infrastructure and amenities. The surge in urban population is due to migration from rural areas mainly driven by wide gap in urban and rural employment opportunities. Decent work and employment opportunities to urban youth can be achieved by rapid growth of urban economy for which several schemes were launched by the government to generate employment for urban youth. The federal and state governments are working to arrest rural to urban influx by developing infrastructure and employment in rural areas at par with urban areas. Strong initiatives and sustained long-term efforts are required from federal agencies to generate employment in both urban and rural areas and to arrest rural to urban migration to attain the objective of development of sustainable cities and communities with decent work and growth opportunities.
Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases o... more Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases of paradigm shift in its source and utilization. In the twenty-first-century post-COVID world, we foresee another wave of paradigm shift where world moves to clean and green energy. Although for some time, traditional fossil fuels will remain major source of energy, other renewable energy sources like biofuels, solar, hydrogen, wind and geothermal are future energy sources. Unconventional energy sources like natural gas, coal bed methane have seen significant growth in past decade, and we foresee their growth in near future as well. Natural gas hydrates are also promising fuel of the future. The digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine vision, data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things will be key enablers in development of technologies towards harnessing the renewable energy sources. They will also help optimize the exploration and production of conventional and unconventional fossil fuels. The demand of energy will continue to grow in future, which can lead to increase in gap between its demand and supply. The role of digital technologies is crucial to decrease this gap by helping develop technologies that harness clean and green energy sources.
Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor gen... more Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor generated real time hook load value with a minimum threshold value of hook load stored in measurement system. This research article describes a novel method of slip status detection by machine vision technology which helps overcome the constraints of slip status detection with legacy measurement method. It also helps improve the real time drilling data quality and optimize and automate drilling operations. A method to detect drill string slip status with high-resolution digital camera installed on mast near rig floor is described along with backend vision processing and communication modules, which generate binary values of slip status. The binary values are transferred in real time to drilling measurement system of rig to compute other drilling parameters like bit depth, hole depth and stand counters. This method includes deploying active optical sensors at the rig floor, obtaining 1-D, 2-D, or 3D image data, and processing it to obtain the status of drill string. Reliable measurement of slip status by machine vision helps reduce non-productive time (NPT) by reliable real time surveillance of drilling operations.
Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabil... more Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabilizing the shale formations near well bore that are prone to swelling and collapse due to their interaction with water in drilling fluid. The conventional drilling fluids are not effective in maintaining the shale stability due to bigger size of mud additives compared to shale pore spaces. Water based mud, when added with suitable volume of nanoparticles shows improvement in well bore stability, besides improvement in mud rheology and its thermal characteristics. Addition of nanoparticles and shale inhibitors to drilling fluids significantly improves well bore stability in shale sections of well bore. Nanoparticles added with shale inhibitors produce synergic effect to achieve efficient shale inhibition. Therefore, nanocomposites combined with nanoparticle and shale inhibitor improve the shale section well bore stability compared to nanoparticles and the conventional shale inhibitors. This paper presents the effect of different nanocomposites on shale inhibition, their inhibiting mechanism and their associated advantages and disadvantages.
Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor gen... more Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor generated real time hook load value with a minimum threshold value of hook load stored in measurement system. This research article describes a novel method of slip status detection by machine vision technology which helps overcome the constraints of slip status detection with legacy measurement method. It also helps improve the real time drilling data quality and optimize and automate drilling operations. A method to detect drill string slip status with high-resolution digital camera installed on mast near rig floor is described along with backend vision processing and communication modules, which generate binary values of slip status. The binary values are transferred in real time to drilling measurement system of rig to compute other drilling parameters like bit depth, hole depth and stand counters. This method includes deploying active optical sensors at the rig floor, obtaining 1-D, 2-D, or 3D image data, and processing it to obtain the status of drill string. Reliable measurement of slip status by machine vision helps reduce non-productive time (NPT) by reliable real time surveillance of drilling operations.
Emerging technologies for sustainable and smart energy, 2022
Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases o... more Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases of paradigm shift in its source and utilization. In the twenty-first-century post-COVID world, we foresee another wave of paradigm shift where world moves to clean and green energy. Although for some time, traditional fossil fuels will remain major source of energy, other renewable energy sources like biofuels, solar, hydrogen, wind and geothermal are future energy sources. Unconventional energy sources like natural gas, coal bed methane have seen significant growth in past decade, and we foresee their growth in near future as well. Natural gas hydrates are also promising fuel of the future. The digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine vision, data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things will be key enablers in development of technologies towards harnessing the renewable energy sources. They will also help optimize the exploration and production of conventional and unconventional fossil fuels. The demand of energy will continue to grow in future, which can lead to increase in gap between its demand and supply. The role of digital technologies is crucial to decrease this gap by helping develop technologies that harness clean and green energy sources.
Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge popu... more Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge population, limited natural resources, and few employment opportunities. Unplanned urban growth and population explosion in several metropolitan cities led to severe shortage of civic amenities like housing, drinking water, and sanitation and put pressure on civic administration to develop infrastructure and amenities. The surge in urban population is due to migration from rural areas mainly driven by wide gap in urban and rural employment opportunities. Decent work and employment opportunities to urban youth can be achieved by rapid growth of urban economy for which several schemes were launched by the government to generate employment for urban youth. The federal and state governments are working to arrest rural to urban influx by developing infrastructure and employment in rural areas at par with urban areas. Strong initiatives and sustained long-term efforts are required from federal agencies to generate employment in both urban and rural areas and to arrest rural to urban migration to attain the objective of development of sustainable cities and communities with decent work and growth opportunities.
This study presents a slope stability assessment of Siwalik rocks formations along an old, unpave... more This study presents a slope stability assessment of Siwalik rocks formations along an old, unpaved road connecting Dehradun to Thangaon village via Dunga village located in the Himalayan foothills. This road is a part of the proposed major road connecting Dehradun-Mussoorie. Hard rocks in the study area are medium-grained, massive sandstones composed of ∼100% quartz and less prone to weathering, while soft rocks are quartz-rich with ∼10% micaceous/argillaceous minerals, fine-grained, relatively laminated sandstones that are more prone to weathering. Joints are prominent in the hard and massive sandstones. Joint openings range from 0.5–1 mm to 2–3 cm. Rock mass rating and slope mass rating criteria along with kinematic analysis reveal that bedding, natural joint, and excavation faces are oriented such that ∼50% of locations have chances of wedge failure. Roads oriented in the NNW-SSE directions with ridges to the left are the most vulnerable to rock slides as evidenced by slope assessment. Natural joint orientations with respect to bedding strikes are unpredictable, as bed strike-parallel, strike-perpendicular, and strike-oblique joints are present at various locations. Most rock fall incidents happening during the monsoon implies extra water from the rains acts as failure catalyst. Based on the field observations, select remedial measures were suggested.
This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica,... more This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica, aluminium nanoparticles (NPs), Magnesium oxide NPs, Zinc oxide NPs, Calcium carbonate NPs, Laponite NPs on pore pressure transmission and discusses its inhibition capability in different shale formations. Shale formations consist of water sensitive clays that react with water and swell. Fluid from water-based drilling fluid (WBDF) invades into shale sections and increases the pore pressure. Therefore, abnormal pore pressure is result of swelling mechanisms of clay that leads to wellbore instability. Pore pressure transmission test (PPT) measures membrane efficiency of shale formations in the oil and gas well drilling operation. Recently, it was reported that addition of nanoparticles in WBDF can plug the shale pores and decrease rate of PPT effectively up to 97%. However, the plugging ability of nanoparticles depends on its size, other additives in the drilling fluid and clay minerals in shale formation etc. This article also analyses nanoparticles performance with conventional shale inhibitors like polymers and clays.
After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have develo... more After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have developed a novel framework model that considers important technical, financial, and environmental factors such as terrain profile, thermal impact, dynamic pump efficiency, cost escalation, tariffs, project phasing, depreciation, and carbon emissions. This comprehensive model not only prioritizes cost optimization for performance measurement but also takes into account tariffs and carbon emissions. To validate the model, the authors conduct a case study on a China multiproduct pipeline and perform sensitivity analysis. The technical model is accurate to 1.1%, except for upstream pressure at the end receiving station. Sensitivity analysis reveals that incorrect judgment of elevation profile, volume escalation, and product temperature variables can render the outcome of pipeline design infeasible. Moreover, neglecting financial components, such as lines fill cost and tankage cost, can cause a variation of 23% in the performance parameters, leading to erroneous decision-making in Pipeline Network Configuration (PNC) design and operations. Lastly, the authors discuss the significance of considering tariff and carbon-emissions performance parameters during design optimization.
Clinopyroxene relict magmatic phases in Neoarchean Mangikhuta volcanics are described in detail i... more Clinopyroxene relict magmatic phases in Neoarchean Mangikhuta volcanics are described in detail in terms of their geochemistry for the first time, and their petrogenetic insights obtained. EPMA study indicates their restricted compositional range. Elemental variation diagrams show progressive variation of Al, Ca, Si, Fe+3, Ti, Cr, Aly and Aly/Alz, Ti/Al, Fe+2/Fe+3 elemental ratios with fractionation, which establishes their equilibrium conditions during crystallization differentiation. On pyroxene quadrilateral, they plot along fractionation trend of augite. Ca-Al Tschermak, esseneite and Tp are the “other components” in these clinopyroxenes. Progressive variation of other components indicates decrease of pH2O and fO2 of the magma during fractionation. Other components of clinopyroxenes and chondrite normalized whole rock REE patterns indicate minor fractionation of plagioclase in primitive magma. However, plagioclase became a major precipitating phase in later stage of fractionation. Clinopyroxene geobarometer and geothermometer indicate 0–3 kb pressure and 1100–1250° C temperature of crystallization of Mangikhuta clinopyroxenes. Mangikhuta complex have typically high normative orthopyroxene content (35–45 vol. %) now altered to Mg-Al-Fe chlorite. The Mangikhuta magma was highly aqueous and after genesis, it ascended rapidly giving rise to silica-alumina-calc-alkaline series rocks. In the late magmatic history, there was reaction between orthopyroxene and water and plagioclase and water so that Mg(Al,Fe)SiO3 pyroxene converted to Mg(Fe, Al) chlorite and prehnite.
This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima ba... more This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima basalt of the Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and their petrogenetic significance. Kotima clinopyroxenes plot in the field of augite and show an overall limited sub-alkaline fractionation trend. Inter-elemental variation diagrams reveal an overall magmatic trend and preservation of magmatic chemistry, whereas their euhedral to subhedral form indicates near equilibrium conditions of crystallisation. Besides wollastonite, enstatite and ferrosilite major components, ‘other components’ comprises Ca–Al tschermak, esseneite, CaTiAl2O6 (Tp), kosmochlor, aegirine, jadeite and johannsenite. Single clinopyroxene geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics. The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.
This contribution presents for the Brst time a digital elevation map and 1:50,000 scale geologica... more This contribution presents for the Brst time a digital elevation map and 1:50,000 scale geological map of Sitagota syncline, Khairagarh Group, which is spread in around 1000 km2 area in the north Bastar Craton (survey of India toposheets 64 C/11 and C/15). We report for the Brst time, exposures of Algoma-type banded iron formation, intertrappean shale, and oxide and sulphide mineralization in Mangikhuta basalt. MaBc enclaves are reported in the Dongargarh granite. Geochemistry and petrogenetic study of Mangikhuta and Kotima volcanics of Khairagarh Group is presented. Although Beld investigation and digital elevation map reveal Khairagarh volcano-sedimentary sequence underwent more than one phase of orogeny, the ubiquitous presence of very low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages in volcanic rocks indicates they did not undergo high P–T transformation and most of the alteration and metamorphism took place at near-surface conditions. Our tectonomagmatic model proposes the occurrence of a rift basin in the north Bastar Craton from 2.46 to 2.2 Ga, resulting in sedimentation and high-Mg basalt to basalticandesite magmatism. The genesis of Sitagota syncline is attributed to closure and deformation of this rift basin due to compressive forces, probably related to Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Kotri mobile belt and Mesoproterozoic central Indian tectonic zone. Tectonomagmatic and geochronological similarity of Khairagarh Group to Lower Wyloo Group of Ashburton basin in Pilbara Craton and Hekpoort and Ongeluk basalt formations of Transvaal basin in Kaapvaal Craton indicates Bastar Craton was part of Vaalbara supercontinent in Paleoproterozoic times.
This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica,... more This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica, aluminium nanoparticles (NPs), Magnesium oxide NPs, Zinc oxide NPs, Calcium carbonate NPs, Laponite NPs on pore pressure transmission and discusses its inhibition capability in different shale formations. Shale formations consist of water sensitive clays that react with water and swell. Fluid from water-based drilling fluid (WBDF) invades into shale sections and increases the pore pressure. Therefore, abnormal pore pressure is result of swelling mechanisms of clay that leads to wellbore instability. Pore pressure transmission test (PPT) measures membrane efficiency of shale formations in the oil and gas well drilling operation. Recently, it was reported that addition of nanoparticles in WBDF can plug the shale pores and decrease rate of PPT effectively up to 97%. However, the plugging ability of nanoparticles depends on its size, other additives in the drilling fluid and clay minerals in shale formation etc. This article also analyses nanoparticles performance with conventional shale inhibitors like polymers and clays.
Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabil... more Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabilizing the shale formations near well bore that are prone to swelling and collapse due to their interaction with water in drilling fluid. The conventional drilling fluids are not effective in maintaining the shale stability due to bigger size of mud additives compared to shale pore spaces. Water based mud, when added with suitable volume of nanoparticles shows improvement in well bore stability, besides improvement in mud rheology and its thermal characteristics. Addition of nanoparticles and shale inhibitors to drilling fluids significantly improves well bore stability in shale sections of well bore. Nanoparticles added with shale inhibitors produce synergic effect to achieve efficient shale inhibition. Therefore, nanocomposites combined with nanoparticle and shale inhibitor improve the shale section well bore stability compared to nanoparticles and the conventional shale inhibitors. This paper presents the effect of different nanocomposites on shale inhibition, their inhibiting mechanism and their associated advantages and disadvantages.
This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima ba... more This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima basalt of the Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and their petrogenetic significance. Kotima clinopyroxenes plot in the field of augite and show an overall limited sub-alkaline fractionation trend. Inter-elemental variation diagrams reveal an overall magmatic trend and preservation of magmatic chemistry, whereas their euhedral to subhedral form indicates near equilibrium conditions of crystallisation. Besides wollastonite, enstatite and ferrosilite major components, ‘other components’ comprises Ca–Al tschermak, esseneite, CaTiAl2O6 (Tp), kosmochlor, aegirine, jadeite and johannsenite. Single clinopyroxene geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050°C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics. The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.
A new fern species, Polystichum loratum 23 June 2011, H. He & Y. Yang 1361 (holotype, H. He & Li ... more A new fern species, Polystichum loratum 23 June 2011, H. He & Y. Yang 1361 (holotype, H. He & Li Bing Zhang (Dryopteridaceae), is CDBI; isotypes, CTC, MO). Figure 1. described and illustrated from limestone cliffs in Diagnosis. Polystichum loratum H. He & Li Bing northern Guizhou Province, China. Polystichum Zhang is most similar to P. yaanense Liang Zhang & Li loratum is most similar to P. yaanense Liang Zhang Bing Zhang in having narrowly ovate to lanceolate abaxial & Li Bing Zhang in having narrowly ovate to rachis scales, but the new species is distinguished by its lanceolate abaxial rachis scales. The new species is lorate leaf lamina (vs. lanceolate in P. yaanense), the oblong distinguished by its lorate leaf lamina, the oblong to to narrowly ovate and broad-type microscales (vs. subulate and narrow-type in P. yaanense) on abaxial pinna surfaces, narrowly ovate microscales (broad-type) on abaxial and the exindusiate sori. pinna surfaces, and the exindusiate sori, while P. yaanense has lanceolate leaf lamina, subulate Plants perennial, caespitose, evergreen; rhizome microscales (narrow-type) on abaxial pinnae, and ascending, 0.5-2.2 cm, 0.4-1.6 cm diam., with indusiate sori. Polystichum loratum is considered to remnant bases of old petioles, scaly at the base of be Critically Endangered (CR), based on IUCN Red the petiole (but scales mostly worn out, incomplete, List criteria.
The Dongargarh lavas, erupted over a broad time span from ~ 2462 Ma to ~ 1367 Ma, comprise an int... more The Dongargarh lavas, erupted over a broad time span from ~ 2462 Ma to ~ 1367 Ma, comprise an interlayered sequence of felsic to mafic volcanic rocks and sedimentary formations. The early volcanic rocks, dominated by rhyolites (Bijli) with subordinate dacites, andesites and basalts (Pitepani), are subalkaline and show calc-alkaline trends. The rhyolites are enriched in LREE, Zr, Th, Cr and depleted in LILE, Ti, Sc, Y, Ni. The early lavas show REE patterns varying from LREE enriched, highly fractionated in the rhyolites to progressively less fractionated flat patterns in the mafic members, consistent with a derivation of the felsic to mafic lavas through progressively higher degrees of partial melting of a common source. Fractionation of olivine, clinopyroxene and plagioclase also played an important role in the generation of the range of mafic to felsic magmas. A possible crustal contribution in the generation of the voluminous early rhyolites is indicated from the ratios of LILE and LREE in which the rhyolites show low Sr and high Ce, similar to other crustally derived lavas. The late volcanic rocks (Sitagota and Mangikhuta), on the other hand, are relatively unfractionated, compositionally restricted, more primitive magmas, dominated by basalts with minor andesites, showing tholeiitic affinities. The Sitagota lavas have high Mg number, lesser abundances of Ba, Rb, K, Th and Zr, but are enriched in St, V, Ni, Cr, Sc than the other members of the Dongargarh suite with comparable Mg number. Their flat unfractionated REE patterns also support their primitive character and their derivation through higher degrees of partial melting of a common mantle source. Although all the Dongargarh lavas show a close chemical affinity with island-arc magmas in all discriminant diagrams and show a similar fractionation of the alkaline earth elements (AE) Rb, K, Ba relative to the incompatible HFSE, the associated sediments point to a stable continental margin tectonic environment, suggesting that the Dongargarh lavas were erupted in a continental rift setting rather than in an island arc. The arc-like geochemical signature of these lavas is suggested to be a manifestation of an earlier episode of hydrous metasomatism of the Precambrian mantle which enriched it in LILE and LREE and made it similar to the source of IAB. The primitive nature of the late volcanics are attributed to a complex subvolcanic plumbing system whereby the lavas gained fast access to the surface without any significant crustal interaction.
Journal of pipeline science and engineering, Apr 1, 2023
After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have develo... more After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have developed a novel framework model that considers important technical, financial, and environmental factors such as terrain profile, thermal impact, dynamic pump efficiency, cost escalation, tariffs, project phasing, depreciation, and carbon emissions. This comprehensive model not only prioritizes cost optimization for performance measurement but also takes into account tariffs and carbon emissions. To validate the model, the authors conduct a case study on a China multiproduct pipeline and perform sensitivity analysis. The technical model is accurate to 1.1%, except for upstream pressure at the end receiving station. Sensitivity analysis reveals that incorrect judgment of elevation profile, volume escalation, and product temperature variables can render the outcome of pipeline design infeasible. Moreover, neglecting financial components, such as lines fill cost and tankage cost, can cause a variation of 23% in the performance parameters, leading to erroneous decision-making in Pipeline Network Configuration (PNC) design and operations. Lastly, the authors discuss the significance of considering tariff and carbon-emissions performance parameters during design optimization.
Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge popu... more Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge population, limited natural resources, and few employment opportunities. Unplanned urban growth and population explosion in several metropolitan cities led to severe shortage of civic amenities like housing, drinking water, and sanitation and put pressure on civic administration to develop infrastructure and amenities. The surge in urban population is due to migration from rural areas mainly driven by wide gap in urban and rural employment opportunities. Decent work and employment opportunities to urban youth can be achieved by rapid growth of urban economy for which several schemes were launched by the government to generate employment for urban youth. The federal and state governments are working to arrest rural to urban influx by developing infrastructure and employment in rural areas at par with urban areas. Strong initiatives and sustained long-term efforts are required from federal agencies to generate employment in both urban and rural areas and to arrest rural to urban migration to attain the objective of development of sustainable cities and communities with decent work and growth opportunities.
Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases o... more Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases of paradigm shift in its source and utilization. In the twenty-first-century post-COVID world, we foresee another wave of paradigm shift where world moves to clean and green energy. Although for some time, traditional fossil fuels will remain major source of energy, other renewable energy sources like biofuels, solar, hydrogen, wind and geothermal are future energy sources. Unconventional energy sources like natural gas, coal bed methane have seen significant growth in past decade, and we foresee their growth in near future as well. Natural gas hydrates are also promising fuel of the future. The digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine vision, data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things will be key enablers in development of technologies towards harnessing the renewable energy sources. They will also help optimize the exploration and production of conventional and unconventional fossil fuels. The demand of energy will continue to grow in future, which can lead to increase in gap between its demand and supply. The role of digital technologies is crucial to decrease this gap by helping develop technologies that harness clean and green energy sources.
Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor gen... more Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor generated real time hook load value with a minimum threshold value of hook load stored in measurement system. This research article describes a novel method of slip status detection by machine vision technology which helps overcome the constraints of slip status detection with legacy measurement method. It also helps improve the real time drilling data quality and optimize and automate drilling operations. A method to detect drill string slip status with high-resolution digital camera installed on mast near rig floor is described along with backend vision processing and communication modules, which generate binary values of slip status. The binary values are transferred in real time to drilling measurement system of rig to compute other drilling parameters like bit depth, hole depth and stand counters. This method includes deploying active optical sensors at the rig floor, obtaining 1-D, 2-D, or 3D image data, and processing it to obtain the status of drill string. Reliable measurement of slip status by machine vision helps reduce non-productive time (NPT) by reliable real time surveillance of drilling operations.
Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabil... more Drilling operations require suitable drilling fluids to maintain the wellbore stability by stabilizing the shale formations near well bore that are prone to swelling and collapse due to their interaction with water in drilling fluid. The conventional drilling fluids are not effective in maintaining the shale stability due to bigger size of mud additives compared to shale pore spaces. Water based mud, when added with suitable volume of nanoparticles shows improvement in well bore stability, besides improvement in mud rheology and its thermal characteristics. Addition of nanoparticles and shale inhibitors to drilling fluids significantly improves well bore stability in shale sections of well bore. Nanoparticles added with shale inhibitors produce synergic effect to achieve efficient shale inhibition. Therefore, nanocomposites combined with nanoparticle and shale inhibitor improve the shale section well bore stability compared to nanoparticles and the conventional shale inhibitors. This paper presents the effect of different nanocomposites on shale inhibition, their inhibiting mechanism and their associated advantages and disadvantages.
Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor gen... more Slip status of drill string is system generated binary value computed by comparison of sensor generated real time hook load value with a minimum threshold value of hook load stored in measurement system. This research article describes a novel method of slip status detection by machine vision technology which helps overcome the constraints of slip status detection with legacy measurement method. It also helps improve the real time drilling data quality and optimize and automate drilling operations. A method to detect drill string slip status with high-resolution digital camera installed on mast near rig floor is described along with backend vision processing and communication modules, which generate binary values of slip status. The binary values are transferred in real time to drilling measurement system of rig to compute other drilling parameters like bit depth, hole depth and stand counters. This method includes deploying active optical sensors at the rig floor, obtaining 1-D, 2-D, or 3D image data, and processing it to obtain the status of drill string. Reliable measurement of slip status by machine vision helps reduce non-productive time (NPT) by reliable real time surveillance of drilling operations.
Emerging technologies for sustainable and smart energy, 2022
Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases o... more Energy is basic need of humans since time immemorial but in the past, there were several phases of paradigm shift in its source and utilization. In the twenty-first-century post-COVID world, we foresee another wave of paradigm shift where world moves to clean and green energy. Although for some time, traditional fossil fuels will remain major source of energy, other renewable energy sources like biofuels, solar, hydrogen, wind and geothermal are future energy sources. Unconventional energy sources like natural gas, coal bed methane have seen significant growth in past decade, and we foresee their growth in near future as well. Natural gas hydrates are also promising fuel of the future. The digital technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, machine vision, data analytics, cloud computing and internet of things will be key enablers in development of technologies towards harnessing the renewable energy sources. They will also help optimize the exploration and production of conventional and unconventional fossil fuels. The demand of energy will continue to grow in future, which can lead to increase in gap between its demand and supply. The role of digital technologies is crucial to decrease this gap by helping develop technologies that harness clean and green energy sources.
Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge popu... more Sustainable development of cities and communities in India is an uphill task due to its huge population, limited natural resources, and few employment opportunities. Unplanned urban growth and population explosion in several metropolitan cities led to severe shortage of civic amenities like housing, drinking water, and sanitation and put pressure on civic administration to develop infrastructure and amenities. The surge in urban population is due to migration from rural areas mainly driven by wide gap in urban and rural employment opportunities. Decent work and employment opportunities to urban youth can be achieved by rapid growth of urban economy for which several schemes were launched by the government to generate employment for urban youth. The federal and state governments are working to arrest rural to urban influx by developing infrastructure and employment in rural areas at par with urban areas. Strong initiatives and sustained long-term efforts are required from federal agencies to generate employment in both urban and rural areas and to arrest rural to urban migration to attain the objective of development of sustainable cities and communities with decent work and growth opportunities.
This study presents a slope stability assessment of Siwalik rocks formations along an old, unpave... more This study presents a slope stability assessment of Siwalik rocks formations along an old, unpaved road connecting Dehradun to Thangaon village via Dunga village located in the Himalayan foothills. This road is a part of the proposed major road connecting Dehradun-Mussoorie. Hard rocks in the study area are medium-grained, massive sandstones composed of ∼100% quartz and less prone to weathering, while soft rocks are quartz-rich with ∼10% micaceous/argillaceous minerals, fine-grained, relatively laminated sandstones that are more prone to weathering. Joints are prominent in the hard and massive sandstones. Joint openings range from 0.5–1 mm to 2–3 cm. Rock mass rating and slope mass rating criteria along with kinematic analysis reveal that bedding, natural joint, and excavation faces are oriented such that ∼50% of locations have chances of wedge failure. Roads oriented in the NNW-SSE directions with ridges to the left are the most vulnerable to rock slides as evidenced by slope assessment. Natural joint orientations with respect to bedding strikes are unpredictable, as bed strike-parallel, strike-perpendicular, and strike-oblique joints are present at various locations. Most rock fall incidents happening during the monsoon implies extra water from the rains acts as failure catalyst. Based on the field observations, select remedial measures were suggested.
This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica,... more This paper presents comprehensive review of effect of different nanoparticles such as nanosilica, aluminium nanoparticles (NPs), Magnesium oxide NPs, Zinc oxide NPs, Calcium carbonate NPs, Laponite NPs on pore pressure transmission and discusses its inhibition capability in different shale formations. Shale formations consist of water sensitive clays that react with water and swell. Fluid from water-based drilling fluid (WBDF) invades into shale sections and increases the pore pressure. Therefore, abnormal pore pressure is result of swelling mechanisms of clay that leads to wellbore instability. Pore pressure transmission test (PPT) measures membrane efficiency of shale formations in the oil and gas well drilling operation. Recently, it was reported that addition of nanoparticles in WBDF can plug the shale pores and decrease rate of PPT effectively up to 97%. However, the plugging ability of nanoparticles depends on its size, other additives in the drilling fluid and clay minerals in shale formation etc. This article also analyses nanoparticles performance with conventional shale inhibitors like polymers and clays.
After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have develo... more After analyzing existing pipeline-network design solutions in literature, the authors have developed a novel framework model that considers important technical, financial, and environmental factors such as terrain profile, thermal impact, dynamic pump efficiency, cost escalation, tariffs, project phasing, depreciation, and carbon emissions. This comprehensive model not only prioritizes cost optimization for performance measurement but also takes into account tariffs and carbon emissions. To validate the model, the authors conduct a case study on a China multiproduct pipeline and perform sensitivity analysis. The technical model is accurate to 1.1%, except for upstream pressure at the end receiving station. Sensitivity analysis reveals that incorrect judgment of elevation profile, volume escalation, and product temperature variables can render the outcome of pipeline design infeasible. Moreover, neglecting financial components, such as lines fill cost and tankage cost, can cause a variation of 23% in the performance parameters, leading to erroneous decision-making in Pipeline Network Configuration (PNC) design and operations. Lastly, the authors discuss the significance of considering tariff and carbon-emissions performance parameters during design optimization.
Clinopyroxene relict magmatic phases in Neoarchean Mangikhuta volcanics are described in detail i... more Clinopyroxene relict magmatic phases in Neoarchean Mangikhuta volcanics are described in detail in terms of their geochemistry for the first time, and their petrogenetic insights obtained. EPMA study indicates their restricted compositional range. Elemental variation diagrams show progressive variation of Al, Ca, Si, Fe+3, Ti, Cr, Aly and Aly/Alz, Ti/Al, Fe+2/Fe+3 elemental ratios with fractionation, which establishes their equilibrium conditions during crystallization differentiation. On pyroxene quadrilateral, they plot along fractionation trend of augite. Ca-Al Tschermak, esseneite and Tp are the “other components” in these clinopyroxenes. Progressive variation of other components indicates decrease of pH2O and fO2 of the magma during fractionation. Other components of clinopyroxenes and chondrite normalized whole rock REE patterns indicate minor fractionation of plagioclase in primitive magma. However, plagioclase became a major precipitating phase in later stage of fractionation. Clinopyroxene geobarometer and geothermometer indicate 0–3 kb pressure and 1100–1250° C temperature of crystallization of Mangikhuta clinopyroxenes. Mangikhuta complex have typically high normative orthopyroxene content (35–45 vol. %) now altered to Mg-Al-Fe chlorite. The Mangikhuta magma was highly aqueous and after genesis, it ascended rapidly giving rise to silica-alumina-calc-alkaline series rocks. In the late magmatic history, there was reaction between orthopyroxene and water and plagioclase and water so that Mg(Al,Fe)SiO3 pyroxene converted to Mg(Fe, Al) chlorite and prehnite.
This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima ba... more This study reports electron probe micro-analysis of relict clinopyroxenes in Neoarchean Kotima basalt of the Dongargarh Supergroup, Central India and their petrogenetic significance. Kotima clinopyroxenes plot in the field of augite and show an overall limited sub-alkaline fractionation trend. Inter-elemental variation diagrams reveal an overall magmatic trend and preservation of magmatic chemistry, whereas their euhedral to subhedral form indicates near equilibrium conditions of crystallisation. Besides wollastonite, enstatite and ferrosilite major components, ‘other components’ comprises Ca–Al tschermak, esseneite, CaTiAl2O6 (Tp), kosmochlor, aegirine, jadeite and johannsenite. Single clinopyroxene geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics. The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.
(survey of India toposheets 64 C/11 and C/15). We report for the Brst time, exposures of Algoma-type banded iron formation, intertrappean shale, and oxide and sulphide mineralization in Mangikhuta basalt.
MaBc enclaves are reported in the Dongargarh granite. Geochemistry and petrogenetic study of Mangikhuta and Kotima volcanics of Khairagarh Group is presented. Although Beld investigation and digital
elevation map reveal Khairagarh volcano-sedimentary sequence underwent more than one phase of orogeny, the ubiquitous presence of very low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages in volcanic rocks
indicates they did not undergo high P–T transformation and most of the alteration and metamorphism took place at near-surface conditions. Our tectonomagmatic model proposes the occurrence of a rift basin
in the north Bastar Craton from 2.46 to 2.2 Ga, resulting in sedimentation and high-Mg basalt to basalticandesite magmatism. The genesis of Sitagota syncline is attributed to closure and deformation of this rift
basin due to compressive forces, probably related to Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Kotri mobile belt and Mesoproterozoic central Indian tectonic zone. Tectonomagmatic and geochronological similarity of Khairagarh Group to Lower Wyloo Group of Ashburton basin in Pilbara Craton and Hekpoort and Ongeluk basalt formations of Transvaal basin in Kaapvaal Craton indicates Bastar Craton was part of Vaalbara supercontinent in Paleoproterozoic times.
geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised
whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics.
The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.
(survey of India toposheets 64 C/11 and C/15). We report for the Brst time, exposures of Algoma-type banded iron formation, intertrappean shale, and oxide and sulphide mineralization in Mangikhuta basalt.
MaBc enclaves are reported in the Dongargarh granite. Geochemistry and petrogenetic study of Mangikhuta and Kotima volcanics of Khairagarh Group is presented. Although Beld investigation and digital
elevation map reveal Khairagarh volcano-sedimentary sequence underwent more than one phase of orogeny, the ubiquitous presence of very low-grade metamorphic mineral assemblages in volcanic rocks
indicates they did not undergo high P–T transformation and most of the alteration and metamorphism took place at near-surface conditions. Our tectonomagmatic model proposes the occurrence of a rift basin
in the north Bastar Craton from 2.46 to 2.2 Ga, resulting in sedimentation and high-Mg basalt to basalticandesite magmatism. The genesis of Sitagota syncline is attributed to closure and deformation of this rift
basin due to compressive forces, probably related to Paleoproterozoic Dongargarh Kotri mobile belt and Mesoproterozoic central Indian tectonic zone. Tectonomagmatic and geochronological similarity of Khairagarh Group to Lower Wyloo Group of Ashburton basin in Pilbara Craton and Hekpoort and Ongeluk basalt formations of Transvaal basin in Kaapvaal Craton indicates Bastar Craton was part of Vaalbara supercontinent in Paleoproterozoic times.
geothermobarometers indicate magmatic temperatures (1180–1050C) and shallow depths (2–3 kb pressure) of crystallisation of Kotima clinopyroxenes. The clinopyroxene chemistry and chondrite-normalised
whole-rock rare-earth element plots imply the derivation of Kotima basalt from a relatively primitive parent magma, in which pH2O and fO2 decreased with fractionation, a hallmark of arc-related volcanics.
The overall low-Ti (and Al) contents of the Kotima clinopyroxenes imply their formation from a subduction-related sub-alkaline magma, whereas discriminant plots of Si vs. Al, Na vs. Ti, Al vs. Ti and Ti vs. Alz reveal their formation in a mixed rifting (non-orogenic) continental arc tectonic setting in response to ridge subduction.