My early research interest is about the effect of air pollutant on building in particular roof materials. I interested in studying the potential of roof runoff as alternative source of water. I am also keen to study the composition and trend of air pollutants. To date, I widen my research interest in heavy metal composition, source, fate and mechanism from environmental sample such as air, soil and water. Address: Pahang, Malaysia
Introduction: This study aims to examine the uptake and translocation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb in di... more Introduction: This study aims to examine the uptake and translocation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb in different parts of three roadside plant species grown in the semi-urban of Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia. Methods: Heavy metal concentrations were determined from various parts of Athyrium esculentum (AE), Chromolaena odorata (CO), and Lantana camara (LC). The bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation ratio of heavy metals from soils to plants were estimated. Results: Fe showed the highest metal concentration determined (< 850 mg kg −1), while Cd showed the lowest metal concentration observed (< 0.12 mg kg −1) in all plants. Heavy metal concentration in the roadside plants was higher than metal determined in the same species from an uncontaminated site. Principal component analysis (PCA) suggests anthropogenic and natural sources of heavy metal. Plant roots slightly enriched by Cd and Pb (BCF < 1), while the leaves absorbed and accumulated Cu and Fe (BCF > 1). The translocation ratio of four metals suggests that absorption of the three plants had the rank: root > stem > leaves. Conclusion: The metals in the root zone transported weakly to the stem but more strongly mobilized to leaves when available in the stems. A comprehensive study of heavy metal concentration in a variety of roadside plants in the tropical area should be done in the future ensuring the precise source and translocation mechanisms.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of roof runoff pollutants and to dete... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of roof runoff pollutants and to determine the relationships between pollutants and seasons (wet and dry) from two commonly used roof types in Jengka, Pahang. Rainwater was collected from galvanized and ceramic roof runoff. The sampling regime was done in two different seasons; between November 2014-February 2015 (wet) and March-May 2015 (dry). A total of 60 rainwater samples were analysed for temperature, pH, EC, DO and selected heavy metals (Fe and Zn). Zn and Fe are higher in galvanized roof (Zn: 0.05 ± 0.11 mg/L, Fe: 0.06 ± 0.13 mg/L) compare to those in ceramic roof (Zn: 0.001 ± 0.00 mg/L, Fe: 0.01 ± 0.02 mg/L). There were no significant differences of metal elements found between wet and dry seasons (p>0.05). The concentrations of metal elements in the harvested rainwater are lower than the permitted heavy metal concentration limitation if to be used as drinking water. All water quality parameters from galvanized and ceramic roofs runoff in this study matched the drinking water guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia and safe to be used for the domestic purposes.
Study determined the concentration of heavy metals in the selected tobacco of the commercial and ... more Study determined the concentration of heavy metals in the selected tobacco of the commercial and do it yourself (DIY) cigarette available in Malaysian market. Tobacco was sampled based on the type and flavor (N=24). The samples were oven dried (48 hr), ground and sieved before analyzed using XRF technique. The highest element detected was Fe (1155.81 ±212.25 mg/ kg), followed by Mn (398.13±84.52 mg/kg), Zn (79.61±39.27 mg/kg), Cr (40.96±14.73 mg/ kg) and Cu (36.11±9.50 mg/kg).Elements with low concentration were Ni (8.13±1.46 mg/kg), Cd (0.88±1.67 mg/kg), Pb (0.63±0.94 mg/kg), Hg (0.21±0.46 mg/kg) and As (0.03±0.07 mg/kg). Moderate correlation was detected between As-Pb (r=0.57, p=0.004), Cd-Pb (r=0.484, p=0.016), Cr-Mn (r=-0.491, p=0.015), Cr-Pb (r=-0.433, p=0.034), Cu-Hg (r=0.432, p=0.035), Mn-Ni (r=-0.575, p=0.003), Mn-Pb (r=0.414, p=0.044) and Ni-Pb (r=-0.579, p=0.003). High correlation was detected between Cr-Ni (r=0.845, p< 0.001). Significant non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risk were determine. Heavy metals were detected in the tobacco and significant health risk was determined. IJEP 37 (9) : 742-753 (2017)
Heavy metal contamination in indoor dust has received much attention, especially in tropical area... more Heavy metal contamination in indoor dust has received much attention, especially in tropical areas. This study measures the concentrations of selected heavy metals in indoor dust collected from three different buildings at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pahang, Malaysia. Heavy metal concentrations were, from highest to lowest, Fe > Zn > Cu > Pb > As. The results were dominated by Fe, with a range of 10201–52365 mgg¡1. The metals were primarily from the earth’s crust (enrichment factor, EF < 10). However, principle component analysis (PCA) suggested anthropogenic sources of As, Pb, and Zn (Factor 1), and mixed sources of Fe and Cu (Factor 2). The total hazard quotient (HQ) was found to be lower than the acceptable level of 1, indicating that exposure to heavy metals in indoor dust poses no noncarcinogenic risks to adults. If metal concentrations increase in the long term, adult exposure in the university environment, especially laboratories, may not be negligible.
RESUMEN Se midieron concentraciones de PM 10 tanto en interiores como exteriores en 10 edificios ... more RESUMEN Se midieron concentraciones de PM 10 tanto en interiores como exteriores en 10 edificios residenciales de Phitsanulok, Tailandia, durante las temporadas de seca y lluvias de 2014. Además, se analizaron siete metales traza en el PM 10 : Zn, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cu y Cr. Las concentraciones mensuales intra y extramuros de PM 10 fueron de 41.5 a 105.3 µg m –3 y de 95.2 a 145.1 µg m –3 , respectivamente. Las concentraciones de PM 10 fueron sig-nificativamente mayores durante la temporada seca, en comparación con la temporada húmeda. Las razones interior/exterior fueron menores a uno, lo cual indica que el material particulado se origina en ambientes exteriores. En general, las concentraciones medias de metales pesados en el PM 10 variaron de 0.2 a 2.7 y de 0.5 a 7.1 µg m –3 para el ambiente interior y el exterior, respectivamente. En el PM 10 de interiores se encontró una fuerte correlación positiva entre Zn y Cu, Zn y Ni, y Cu y Ni. Asimismo, se encontró una fuerte correlación entre Zn y Ni, Pb y Cu, Cu y Ni, Cd y Ni, y Zn y Cu en exteriores. Los factores de enriquecimiento de Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr y Ni fueron menores a uno, lo cual sugiere que los metales en el PM 10 de interiores se originaron en materiales de la corteza. En cuanto a la valoración de riesgos sanitarios, se determinó mediante una eva-luación de riesgos con un sistema integrado de información, que el Cr implica el mayor riesgo de cáncer. ABSTRACT The concentrations of PM 10 were measured both indoors and outdoors at 10 roadside residential buildings in Phitsanulok, Thailand during the dry and wet seasons of 2014. Seven trace metals (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cu and Cr) were also analysed in PM 10. The monthly average concentrations of indoor and outdoor PM 10 were 41.5 to 105.3 µg m –3 and 95.2 to 145.1 µg m –3 , respectively. PM 10 concentrations were significantly higher during the dry season compared to the wet season. The indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios were less than one indicating that the particulate matter originates from the outdoor environment. Overall, the average concentrations of heavy metals in PM 10 ranged from 0.2 to 2.7 µg m –3 and 0.5 to 7.1 µg m –3 for the indoor and outdoor environments, respectively. A strong positive correlation in indoor PM 10 was found between Zn and Cu, Zn and Ni, and Cu and Ni. Zn and Ni, Pb and Cu, Cu and Ni, Cd and Ni, and Zn and Cu showed strong positive correlations in the outdoor environment. The enrichment factors of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Ni were less than one suggesting that the metals in indoor PM 10 have originated from crustal materials. For the health risk assessment, Cr was found to have the highest excess cancer risk in an evaluation using an Integrated Risk Information System.
Abstract This study investigates the physical and chemical properties of bottled water and tap wa... more Abstract This study investigates the physical and chemical properties of bottled water and tap water at a university campus in Pahang, Malaysia. A total of seven bottled water brands, consisting of natural mineral (NM) and packaged drinking (PD) types, were first randomly selected. Three source locations of tap water were also examined. All water samples were analysed for their physicochemical characteristics, including pH, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature (using a YSI multi-parameter), turbidity (using a turbidity meter) and selected trace metals, along with copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). Results were then examined against World Health Organization (WHO) and Malaysian Ministry of Health (MMOH) guidelines for drinking water. Health risks associated with trace metal were estimated using the risk assessment model. Turbidity values for tap water (2.85-4.94 NTU) were slightly higher than bottled water (0.77-1.03 NTU). A low turbidity value (0.77-0.93 NTU) suggests the presence of effective water treatment processes for NM bottled water. A low concentration of EC (0.003-0.010 mS/cm) indicates demineralization of PD bottled water. Overall quality of the bottled water and tap water was in compliance with guidelines recommended by WHO and MMOH, posing a minimum health risk and remaining safe for consumption.
This study aimed to determine the concentration of selected metals in agricultural soils and to i... more This study aimed to determine the concentration of selected metals in agricultural soils and to identify the possible sources. Fifteen soil samples were collected from four cultivated areas and from an undisturbed area (as control) in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia. Four cultivated areas consist of fruit farm, rubber, palm oil and vegetation. Physicochemical tests were conducted to investigate soil pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and particle size analysis. Metal concentration was analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results were dominated by Fe (\450 mg kg-1) followed by Ni (\16 mg kg-1), Cu (\10 mg kg-1), and Pb (\83 lg kg-1). The highest concentrations of Fe (428.87 mg kg-1) and Pb (82.42 lg kg-1) were determined in rubber soil samples. The highest concentration of Ni was found in fruit farm soil samples (15.60 mg kg-1) and the highest Cu concentration was in vegetation soil samples (9.50 mg kg-1). Enrichment factor (EF) calculation revealed that metal concentration in soils was identified which mostly came from natural sources (EF \ 10). Contamination factor, cluster analysis, and principle component analysis suggest there was a slight Cu contamination in vegetation soil samples.
Pencemaran udara telah menjadi salah satu isu pedebatan pada masa kini. Kemajuan sains dan teknol... more Pencemaran udara telah menjadi salah satu isu pedebatan pada masa kini. Kemajuan sains dan teknologi tidak mampu membendung pencemaran udara daripada terus berlaku. Ketua-ketua kerajaan terpaksa bersidang dan berbincang, contohnya di Kyoto dan Montreal, dan masing-masing menzahirkan komitmen terhadap nasib atmosfera kita. Media juga tidak ketinggalan berperanan mengetengahkan masalah ini hingga menerbitkan rasa bimbang dalam kalangan masyarakat dunia kini. Kita harus sedar masalah pencemaran ini bukanlah fenomena semulajadi semata, namun akibat kerakusan manusia sendiri. Sebagaimana yang ditegaskan oleh Allah dalam surah Ar-Rum ayat 41, Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat) dan janganlah engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orangorang yang berbuat kerosakan surah Al-Qasas ayat 77. Pencemaran udara adalah masalah pencemaran yang disebabkan oleh bahan terampai (sama ada dalam bentuk pepejal, cecair ataupun gas) yang terkandung dalam ruang udara pada kepekatan yang tinggi dan mampu membahayakan kesihatan manusia, mengancam flora dan fauna dan bangunan serta persekitaran alam bina. Pencemaran udara juga boleh didefinisikan sebagai kehadiran satu atau lebih bahan cemar atau gabungannya di atmosfera dalam kuantiti dan jangka masa yang boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan kepada manusia, tumbuhan, haiwan atau harta benda (Wark dan Warner, 1981).
Roofs surfaces are frequently used to catch water for drinking in many countries, so the presence... more Roofs surfaces are frequently used to catch water for drinking in many countries, so the presence and mobilisation of material into runoff water can be an important process to consider. This paper investigates the origin and mobilisation of trace elements from roofing tiles. Our work suggests that trace elements can mobilise into roof runoff. However, lead by contrast, appears to have accumulated at the surface of tiles exposed to busy automobile traffic that used leaded fuel (confirmed by X-ray fluorescence). Although lead is relatively immobile on the tile surface, the potential for leaching by acidic rain (pH<4) means that the guidelines for lead in drinking water may be exceeded during some rainfall events.
A study was conducted to determine the composition and concentration of trace metals in suspended... more A study was conducted to determine the composition and concentration of trace metals in suspended particulate matter (PM10) and indoor dust in two academic buildings of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. One building was in the final phases of renovation (UR) and the other building had just finished renovation (AR). PM10 sampling of air was performed using a low volume sampler (LVS), and samples of indoor dust were obtained using a brush and a small plastic bag. The compositions of trace metals in both samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). PM10 concentrations in the building under renovation (UR) were found to be higher (77.1 ± 32.4 μg m-3 to 355.4 ± 38.3 μg m-3) than those in the building after renovation (AR) (91. 7 ± 41.2 μg m-3 to 147.9 ± 3.0 μg m-3). Higher concentrations of PM10 were found in the open areas (foyer and corridor) than in closed areas (classroom and laboratory). The concentrations of trace metals in PM10 and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn, followed by Pb > Cu > Cd. There is no indication of health adverse effect based on the concentration of trace metals recorded in the UR and AR buildings from this study.
Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important to ensure improved performance and productivity of stu... more Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important to ensure improved performance and productivity of students and teachers. Research was conducted at three selected schools in semiurban areas of Bandar Baru Bangi and Putrajaya, Malaysia to investigate the influence of the local surroundings on the IAQ in the school classrooms. The concentrations of gas pollutants (CO, CO2) and particulate matter (PM) (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) have been determined using automatic portable indoor air spectrometers. The results show that the overall average concentrations of the main parameters recorded inside the schools were 31 μg m−3 (PM10), 18 μg m−3 (PM2.5), 16 μg m−3 (PM1), 502 ppm (CO2) and 0.3 ppm (CO). These concentrations were still below the recommended values suggested by the Malaysian Department of Safety and Health (DOSH), the Singapore National Environmental Agency (NEA) and the Hong Kong IAQ Guidelines for Offices and Public Places. In most cases, there were significant correlations (p < 0.01) between air pollutants and meteorological factors such as temperature and relative humidity in the classrooms. The results of Indoor/Outdoor (I/O) ratios demonstrated that the concentration of indoor air pollutants in different classrooms was not necessarily influenced by outdoor air pollutants.
The aims of this study were to determine the relationship between seasonal variations (wet and dr... more The aims of this study were to determine the relationship between seasonal variations (wet and dry periods) on sedimentation loads and to identify the yearly trend of sedimentation loads at Chalok River, Terengganu, Malaysia from 2003 to 2008. It was found that wet and dry periods influenced the transportation of suspended sediment into the river significantly. The highest suspended sediment loads at Chalok River occurred during the wet period when the intensity of rainfall is high. Besides, the rainfall, water level, stream flow and suspended sediment loads also were analysed using Spearman correlation to identify their relationships. The results showed significant positive relationship between suspended sediment loads with rainfall (r = 0.664, p<0.05), water level (r = 0.923, p<0.05) and stream flow (r = 0.919, p<0.05). Multiple linear regressions revealed 63% of high suspended sediment loads at Chalok River can be explained by rainfall, water level and stream flow. The trends of rainfall, water level, stream flow and suspended sediment loads were analysed by using Mann-Kendall trend test where the results showed that there is a significant increasing trend for suspended sediment loads but no significant increase trend for rainfall, water level and stream flow over the studied periods. It is evident that the evaluations conducted in this study are useful in providing better understanding and reliable conclusion on the basis of seasonal variations and other environmental variables that affect the sedimentations loads in the river. Such effort provides holistic information for effective and wise management policy of river basin management in the future.
Deposition, leaching and chemical transformation are processes that affect roofing tile and roof ... more Deposition, leaching and chemical transformation are processes that affect roofing tile and roof runoff water. Leaching experiments, with artificial rainwater in the laboratory, showed the presence of Na ? , K ? , Mg 2? , Ca 2? , Cl -, NO 3 -, SO 4 2-, with a ratio of Ca 2? and SO 4 2suggesting gypsum dissolution. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the exposed roof tile showed depletion such as Mg, Al, Si, P, Ti and K at the surface of the tile and an enrichment of Fe and Mn which hinted at a process akin to laterite formation. However, calcium appeared to be enriched at the surface as gypsum (confirmed by X-ray diffraction) and to a lesser extent calcite, which is characteristic of deposits on building surfaces in cities.
Introduction: This study aims to examine the uptake and translocation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb in di... more Introduction: This study aims to examine the uptake and translocation of Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb in different parts of three roadside plant species grown in the semi-urban of Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia. Methods: Heavy metal concentrations were determined from various parts of Athyrium esculentum (AE), Chromolaena odorata (CO), and Lantana camara (LC). The bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation ratio of heavy metals from soils to plants were estimated. Results: Fe showed the highest metal concentration determined (< 850 mg kg −1), while Cd showed the lowest metal concentration observed (< 0.12 mg kg −1) in all plants. Heavy metal concentration in the roadside plants was higher than metal determined in the same species from an uncontaminated site. Principal component analysis (PCA) suggests anthropogenic and natural sources of heavy metal. Plant roots slightly enriched by Cd and Pb (BCF < 1), while the leaves absorbed and accumulated Cu and Fe (BCF > 1). The translocation ratio of four metals suggests that absorption of the three plants had the rank: root > stem > leaves. Conclusion: The metals in the root zone transported weakly to the stem but more strongly mobilized to leaves when available in the stems. A comprehensive study of heavy metal concentration in a variety of roadside plants in the tropical area should be done in the future ensuring the precise source and translocation mechanisms.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of roof runoff pollutants and to dete... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the composition of roof runoff pollutants and to determine the relationships between pollutants and seasons (wet and dry) from two commonly used roof types in Jengka, Pahang. Rainwater was collected from galvanized and ceramic roof runoff. The sampling regime was done in two different seasons; between November 2014-February 2015 (wet) and March-May 2015 (dry). A total of 60 rainwater samples were analysed for temperature, pH, EC, DO and selected heavy metals (Fe and Zn). Zn and Fe are higher in galvanized roof (Zn: 0.05 ± 0.11 mg/L, Fe: 0.06 ± 0.13 mg/L) compare to those in ceramic roof (Zn: 0.001 ± 0.00 mg/L, Fe: 0.01 ± 0.02 mg/L). There were no significant differences of metal elements found between wet and dry seasons (p>0.05). The concentrations of metal elements in the harvested rainwater are lower than the permitted heavy metal concentration limitation if to be used as drinking water. All water quality parameters from galvanized and ceramic roofs runoff in this study matched the drinking water guidelines proposed by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia and safe to be used for the domestic purposes.
Study determined the concentration of heavy metals in the selected tobacco of the commercial and ... more Study determined the concentration of heavy metals in the selected tobacco of the commercial and do it yourself (DIY) cigarette available in Malaysian market. Tobacco was sampled based on the type and flavor (N=24). The samples were oven dried (48 hr), ground and sieved before analyzed using XRF technique. The highest element detected was Fe (1155.81 ±212.25 mg/ kg), followed by Mn (398.13±84.52 mg/kg), Zn (79.61±39.27 mg/kg), Cr (40.96±14.73 mg/ kg) and Cu (36.11±9.50 mg/kg).Elements with low concentration were Ni (8.13±1.46 mg/kg), Cd (0.88±1.67 mg/kg), Pb (0.63±0.94 mg/kg), Hg (0.21±0.46 mg/kg) and As (0.03±0.07 mg/kg). Moderate correlation was detected between As-Pb (r=0.57, p=0.004), Cd-Pb (r=0.484, p=0.016), Cr-Mn (r=-0.491, p=0.015), Cr-Pb (r=-0.433, p=0.034), Cu-Hg (r=0.432, p=0.035), Mn-Ni (r=-0.575, p=0.003), Mn-Pb (r=0.414, p=0.044) and Ni-Pb (r=-0.579, p=0.003). High correlation was detected between Cr-Ni (r=0.845, p< 0.001). Significant non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health risk were determine. Heavy metals were detected in the tobacco and significant health risk was determined. IJEP 37 (9) : 742-753 (2017)
Heavy metal contamination in indoor dust has received much attention, especially in tropical area... more Heavy metal contamination in indoor dust has received much attention, especially in tropical areas. This study measures the concentrations of selected heavy metals in indoor dust collected from three different buildings at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pahang, Malaysia. Heavy metal concentrations were, from highest to lowest, Fe > Zn > Cu > Pb > As. The results were dominated by Fe, with a range of 10201–52365 mgg¡1. The metals were primarily from the earth’s crust (enrichment factor, EF < 10). However, principle component analysis (PCA) suggested anthropogenic sources of As, Pb, and Zn (Factor 1), and mixed sources of Fe and Cu (Factor 2). The total hazard quotient (HQ) was found to be lower than the acceptable level of 1, indicating that exposure to heavy metals in indoor dust poses no noncarcinogenic risks to adults. If metal concentrations increase in the long term, adult exposure in the university environment, especially laboratories, may not be negligible.
RESUMEN Se midieron concentraciones de PM 10 tanto en interiores como exteriores en 10 edificios ... more RESUMEN Se midieron concentraciones de PM 10 tanto en interiores como exteriores en 10 edificios residenciales de Phitsanulok, Tailandia, durante las temporadas de seca y lluvias de 2014. Además, se analizaron siete metales traza en el PM 10 : Zn, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cu y Cr. Las concentraciones mensuales intra y extramuros de PM 10 fueron de 41.5 a 105.3 µg m –3 y de 95.2 a 145.1 µg m –3 , respectivamente. Las concentraciones de PM 10 fueron sig-nificativamente mayores durante la temporada seca, en comparación con la temporada húmeda. Las razones interior/exterior fueron menores a uno, lo cual indica que el material particulado se origina en ambientes exteriores. En general, las concentraciones medias de metales pesados en el PM 10 variaron de 0.2 a 2.7 y de 0.5 a 7.1 µg m –3 para el ambiente interior y el exterior, respectivamente. En el PM 10 de interiores se encontró una fuerte correlación positiva entre Zn y Cu, Zn y Ni, y Cu y Ni. Asimismo, se encontró una fuerte correlación entre Zn y Ni, Pb y Cu, Cu y Ni, Cd y Ni, y Zn y Cu en exteriores. Los factores de enriquecimiento de Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr y Ni fueron menores a uno, lo cual sugiere que los metales en el PM 10 de interiores se originaron en materiales de la corteza. En cuanto a la valoración de riesgos sanitarios, se determinó mediante una eva-luación de riesgos con un sistema integrado de información, que el Cr implica el mayor riesgo de cáncer. ABSTRACT The concentrations of PM 10 were measured both indoors and outdoors at 10 roadside residential buildings in Phitsanulok, Thailand during the dry and wet seasons of 2014. Seven trace metals (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cu and Cr) were also analysed in PM 10. The monthly average concentrations of indoor and outdoor PM 10 were 41.5 to 105.3 µg m –3 and 95.2 to 145.1 µg m –3 , respectively. PM 10 concentrations were significantly higher during the dry season compared to the wet season. The indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios were less than one indicating that the particulate matter originates from the outdoor environment. Overall, the average concentrations of heavy metals in PM 10 ranged from 0.2 to 2.7 µg m –3 and 0.5 to 7.1 µg m –3 for the indoor and outdoor environments, respectively. A strong positive correlation in indoor PM 10 was found between Zn and Cu, Zn and Ni, and Cu and Ni. Zn and Ni, Pb and Cu, Cu and Ni, Cd and Ni, and Zn and Cu showed strong positive correlations in the outdoor environment. The enrichment factors of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Ni were less than one suggesting that the metals in indoor PM 10 have originated from crustal materials. For the health risk assessment, Cr was found to have the highest excess cancer risk in an evaluation using an Integrated Risk Information System.
Abstract This study investigates the physical and chemical properties of bottled water and tap wa... more Abstract This study investigates the physical and chemical properties of bottled water and tap water at a university campus in Pahang, Malaysia. A total of seven bottled water brands, consisting of natural mineral (NM) and packaged drinking (PD) types, were first randomly selected. Three source locations of tap water were also examined. All water samples were analysed for their physicochemical characteristics, including pH, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature (using a YSI multi-parameter), turbidity (using a turbidity meter) and selected trace metals, along with copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). Results were then examined against World Health Organization (WHO) and Malaysian Ministry of Health (MMOH) guidelines for drinking water. Health risks associated with trace metal were estimated using the risk assessment model. Turbidity values for tap water (2.85-4.94 NTU) were slightly higher than bottled water (0.77-1.03 NTU). A low turbidity value (0.77-0.93 NTU) suggests the presence of effective water treatment processes for NM bottled water. A low concentration of EC (0.003-0.010 mS/cm) indicates demineralization of PD bottled water. Overall quality of the bottled water and tap water was in compliance with guidelines recommended by WHO and MMOH, posing a minimum health risk and remaining safe for consumption.
This study aimed to determine the concentration of selected metals in agricultural soils and to i... more This study aimed to determine the concentration of selected metals in agricultural soils and to identify the possible sources. Fifteen soil samples were collected from four cultivated areas and from an undisturbed area (as control) in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia. Four cultivated areas consist of fruit farm, rubber, palm oil and vegetation. Physicochemical tests were conducted to investigate soil pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon and particle size analysis. Metal concentration was analyzed using atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results were dominated by Fe (\450 mg kg-1) followed by Ni (\16 mg kg-1), Cu (\10 mg kg-1), and Pb (\83 lg kg-1). The highest concentrations of Fe (428.87 mg kg-1) and Pb (82.42 lg kg-1) were determined in rubber soil samples. The highest concentration of Ni was found in fruit farm soil samples (15.60 mg kg-1) and the highest Cu concentration was in vegetation soil samples (9.50 mg kg-1). Enrichment factor (EF) calculation revealed that metal concentration in soils was identified which mostly came from natural sources (EF \ 10). Contamination factor, cluster analysis, and principle component analysis suggest there was a slight Cu contamination in vegetation soil samples.
Pencemaran udara telah menjadi salah satu isu pedebatan pada masa kini. Kemajuan sains dan teknol... more Pencemaran udara telah menjadi salah satu isu pedebatan pada masa kini. Kemajuan sains dan teknologi tidak mampu membendung pencemaran udara daripada terus berlaku. Ketua-ketua kerajaan terpaksa bersidang dan berbincang, contohnya di Kyoto dan Montreal, dan masing-masing menzahirkan komitmen terhadap nasib atmosfera kita. Media juga tidak ketinggalan berperanan mengetengahkan masalah ini hingga menerbitkan rasa bimbang dalam kalangan masyarakat dunia kini. Kita harus sedar masalah pencemaran ini bukanlah fenomena semulajadi semata, namun akibat kerakusan manusia sendiri. Sebagaimana yang ditegaskan oleh Allah dalam surah Ar-Rum ayat 41, Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat) dan janganlah engkau melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada orangorang yang berbuat kerosakan surah Al-Qasas ayat 77. Pencemaran udara adalah masalah pencemaran yang disebabkan oleh bahan terampai (sama ada dalam bentuk pepejal, cecair ataupun gas) yang terkandung dalam ruang udara pada kepekatan yang tinggi dan mampu membahayakan kesihatan manusia, mengancam flora dan fauna dan bangunan serta persekitaran alam bina. Pencemaran udara juga boleh didefinisikan sebagai kehadiran satu atau lebih bahan cemar atau gabungannya di atmosfera dalam kuantiti dan jangka masa yang boleh menyebabkan kemudaratan kepada manusia, tumbuhan, haiwan atau harta benda (Wark dan Warner, 1981).
Roofs surfaces are frequently used to catch water for drinking in many countries, so the presence... more Roofs surfaces are frequently used to catch water for drinking in many countries, so the presence and mobilisation of material into runoff water can be an important process to consider. This paper investigates the origin and mobilisation of trace elements from roofing tiles. Our work suggests that trace elements can mobilise into roof runoff. However, lead by contrast, appears to have accumulated at the surface of tiles exposed to busy automobile traffic that used leaded fuel (confirmed by X-ray fluorescence). Although lead is relatively immobile on the tile surface, the potential for leaching by acidic rain (pH<4) means that the guidelines for lead in drinking water may be exceeded during some rainfall events.
A study was conducted to determine the composition and concentration of trace metals in suspended... more A study was conducted to determine the composition and concentration of trace metals in suspended particulate matter (PM10) and indoor dust in two academic buildings of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. One building was in the final phases of renovation (UR) and the other building had just finished renovation (AR). PM10 sampling of air was performed using a low volume sampler (LVS), and samples of indoor dust were obtained using a brush and a small plastic bag. The compositions of trace metals in both samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). PM10 concentrations in the building under renovation (UR) were found to be higher (77.1 ± 32.4 μg m-3 to 355.4 ± 38.3 μg m-3) than those in the building after renovation (AR) (91. 7 ± 41.2 μg m-3 to 147.9 ± 3.0 μg m-3). Higher concentrations of PM10 were found in the open areas (foyer and corridor) than in closed areas (classroom and laboratory). The concentrations of trace metals in PM10 and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn, followed by Pb > Cu > Cd. There is no indication of health adverse effect based on the concentration of trace metals recorded in the UR and AR buildings from this study.
Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important to ensure improved performance and productivity of stu... more Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is important to ensure improved performance and productivity of students and teachers. Research was conducted at three selected schools in semiurban areas of Bandar Baru Bangi and Putrajaya, Malaysia to investigate the influence of the local surroundings on the IAQ in the school classrooms. The concentrations of gas pollutants (CO, CO2) and particulate matter (PM) (PM10, PM2.5 and PM1) have been determined using automatic portable indoor air spectrometers. The results show that the overall average concentrations of the main parameters recorded inside the schools were 31 μg m−3 (PM10), 18 μg m−3 (PM2.5), 16 μg m−3 (PM1), 502 ppm (CO2) and 0.3 ppm (CO). These concentrations were still below the recommended values suggested by the Malaysian Department of Safety and Health (DOSH), the Singapore National Environmental Agency (NEA) and the Hong Kong IAQ Guidelines for Offices and Public Places. In most cases, there were significant correlations (p < 0.01) between air pollutants and meteorological factors such as temperature and relative humidity in the classrooms. The results of Indoor/Outdoor (I/O) ratios demonstrated that the concentration of indoor air pollutants in different classrooms was not necessarily influenced by outdoor air pollutants.
The aims of this study were to determine the relationship between seasonal variations (wet and dr... more The aims of this study were to determine the relationship between seasonal variations (wet and dry periods) on sedimentation loads and to identify the yearly trend of sedimentation loads at Chalok River, Terengganu, Malaysia from 2003 to 2008. It was found that wet and dry periods influenced the transportation of suspended sediment into the river significantly. The highest suspended sediment loads at Chalok River occurred during the wet period when the intensity of rainfall is high. Besides, the rainfall, water level, stream flow and suspended sediment loads also were analysed using Spearman correlation to identify their relationships. The results showed significant positive relationship between suspended sediment loads with rainfall (r = 0.664, p<0.05), water level (r = 0.923, p<0.05) and stream flow (r = 0.919, p<0.05). Multiple linear regressions revealed 63% of high suspended sediment loads at Chalok River can be explained by rainfall, water level and stream flow. The trends of rainfall, water level, stream flow and suspended sediment loads were analysed by using Mann-Kendall trend test where the results showed that there is a significant increasing trend for suspended sediment loads but no significant increase trend for rainfall, water level and stream flow over the studied periods. It is evident that the evaluations conducted in this study are useful in providing better understanding and reliable conclusion on the basis of seasonal variations and other environmental variables that affect the sedimentations loads in the river. Such effort provides holistic information for effective and wise management policy of river basin management in the future.
Deposition, leaching and chemical transformation are processes that affect roofing tile and roof ... more Deposition, leaching and chemical transformation are processes that affect roofing tile and roof runoff water. Leaching experiments, with artificial rainwater in the laboratory, showed the presence of Na ? , K ? , Mg 2? , Ca 2? , Cl -, NO 3 -, SO 4 2-, with a ratio of Ca 2? and SO 4 2suggesting gypsum dissolution. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) of the exposed roof tile showed depletion such as Mg, Al, Si, P, Ti and K at the surface of the tile and an enrichment of Fe and Mn which hinted at a process akin to laterite formation. However, calcium appeared to be enriched at the surface as gypsum (confirmed by X-ray diffraction) and to a lesser extent calcite, which is characteristic of deposits on building surfaces in cities.
Papers by Fazrul R Sulaiman
crust (enrichment factor, EF < 10). However, principle component analysis (PCA) suggested anthropogenic sources of As, Pb, and Zn (Factor 1), and mixed sources of Fe and Cu (Factor 2). The total hazard quotient (HQ) was found to be lower than the acceptable level of 1, indicating that exposure to heavy metals in indoor dust poses no noncarcinogenic risks to adults. If metal concentrations increase in the long term, adult exposure in the university environment, especially
laboratories, may not be negligible.
elements can mobilise into roof runoff. However, lead by contrast, appears to have accumulated at the surface of tiles exposed to busy automobile traffic that used leaded fuel (confirmed by X-ray fluorescence). Although lead is relatively immobile on the tile surface, the potential for leaching by acidic rain
(pH<4) means that the guidelines for lead in drinking water may be exceeded during some rainfall events.
renovation (UR) and the other building had just finished renovation (AR). PM10 sampling of air was performed using a low volume sampler (LVS), and samples of indoor dust were obtained using a brush and a small plastic bag. The compositions of trace metals in both samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). PM10 concentrations in the building under renovation (UR) were found to be higher (77.1 ± 32.4 μg m-3 to 355.4 ± 38.3 μg m-3) than those in the building after renovation (AR) (91. 7 ± 41.2 μg m-3 to 147.9 ± 3.0 μg m-3). Higher concentrations of PM10 were found in the open areas (foyer and corridor) than in closed areas (classroom and laboratory). The concentrations of trace metals in PM10 and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn, followed by Pb > Cu > Cd. There is no indication of health adverse effect based on the concentration of trace metals recorded in the UR and AR buildings from this study.
crust (enrichment factor, EF < 10). However, principle component analysis (PCA) suggested anthropogenic sources of As, Pb, and Zn (Factor 1), and mixed sources of Fe and Cu (Factor 2). The total hazard quotient (HQ) was found to be lower than the acceptable level of 1, indicating that exposure to heavy metals in indoor dust poses no noncarcinogenic risks to adults. If metal concentrations increase in the long term, adult exposure in the university environment, especially
laboratories, may not be negligible.
elements can mobilise into roof runoff. However, lead by contrast, appears to have accumulated at the surface of tiles exposed to busy automobile traffic that used leaded fuel (confirmed by X-ray fluorescence). Although lead is relatively immobile on the tile surface, the potential for leaching by acidic rain
(pH<4) means that the guidelines for lead in drinking water may be exceeded during some rainfall events.
renovation (UR) and the other building had just finished renovation (AR). PM10 sampling of air was performed using a low volume sampler (LVS), and samples of indoor dust were obtained using a brush and a small plastic bag. The compositions of trace metals in both samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). PM10 concentrations in the building under renovation (UR) were found to be higher (77.1 ± 32.4 μg m-3 to 355.4 ± 38.3 μg m-3) than those in the building after renovation (AR) (91. 7 ± 41.2 μg m-3 to 147.9 ± 3.0 μg m-3). Higher concentrations of PM10 were found in the open areas (foyer and corridor) than in closed areas (classroom and laboratory). The concentrations of trace metals in PM10 and indoor dust were found to be dominated by Zn, followed by Pb > Cu > Cd. There is no indication of health adverse effect based on the concentration of trace metals recorded in the UR and AR buildings from this study.