Call for papers by Agata Domachowska
The 3rd Polish Conference on Memory Studies „(Post)memory in/about Central and Eastern Europe”
The 3 rd Polish Conference on Memory Studies aims at presenting the results of the newest researc... more The 3 rd Polish Conference on Memory Studies aims at presenting the results of the newest research within the field conducted by the representatives of different disciplines, such as Cultural Studies, Literary Studies, Sociology, Political Studies, History, Anthropology, and Psychology. The conference is the continuation of the previous meetings organised in Cracow in 2018 and in Warsaw in 2019. This edition focuses on the notion of (post)memory in/about Central and Eastern Europe. We welcome the papers that focus not only on theoretical aspects of (post)memory in/about Central and Eastern Europe, but also discuss new trends and tendencies in the field and present the results of recently conducted studies. We extend our invitation to scholars representing different disciplines and research centres, including Polish scholars working abroad. Both paper proposals and panel proposals (consisting of 3-4 speakers and a chair) should be submitted via forms available below. Deadline for submissions is
na celu zaprezentowanie najnowszych badań z zakresu studiów nad pamięcią, będących przedmiotem za... more na celu zaprezentowanie najnowszych badań z zakresu studiów nad pamięcią, będących przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy, reprezentantów różnych dyscyplin naukowych (m. in. kulturoznawców, literaturoznawców, socjologów, politologów, historyków, antropologów, psychologów). Stanowi kontynuację spotkań organizowanych w Krakowie (2018) oraz w Warszawie (2019). Podczas kolejnego spotkania chcielibyśmy skupić się na tematyce (post)pamięci w/o Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Zapraszamy przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin naukowych z różnych ośrodków badawczych, także polskich badaczy afiliowanych na zagranicznych uczelniach. Tematem wiodącym tegorocznej konferencji jest (post)pamięć w/o Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (zagadnienia teoretyczne), a także prezentacja najnowszych paradygmatów i metod badań aplikowanych w prowadzonych obecnie projektach. Chcielibyśmy widzieć przede wszystkim prezentację nowych, prowadzonych aktualnie badań, nie zaś dorobku badawczego. Zarówno indywidualne zgłoszenia, jak i zgłoszenia całych paneli (po 3-4 referaty wraz z prowadzącym) prosimy przesyłać za pomocą formularzy dostępnych poniżej. Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 31 sierpnia 2021 r. Informacje o przyjętych referatach zostaną ogłoszone do 30 września 2021 r. Indywidualne zgłoszenia prosimy przesłać za pośrednictwem formularza. Zapraszamy do zgłaszania całych paneli za pośrednictwem formularza. Język konferencji: polski i angielski. Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny. Konferencja będzie się odbywać w formie zdalnej. Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji dr Joanna Antoniak (UMK) dr Kamilla Biskupska (Uniwersytet Opolski) dr hab. Dariusz Brzostek, prof. UMK dr hab. Agata Domachowska, prof. UMK dr hab. Michał Głuszkowski, prof. UMK
na celu zaprezentowanie najnowszych badań z zakresu studiów nad pamięcią, będących przedmiotem za... more na celu zaprezentowanie najnowszych badań z zakresu studiów nad pamięcią, będących przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy, reprezentantów różnych dyscyplin naukowych (m. in. kulturoznawców, literaturoznawców, socjologów, politologów, historyków, antropologów, psychologów). Stanowi kontynuację spotkań organizowanych w Krakowie (2018) oraz w Warszawie (2019). Podczas kolejnego spotkania chcielibyśmy skupić się na tematyce (post)pamięci w/o Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Zapraszamy przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin naukowych z różnych ośrodków badawczych, także polskich badaczy afiliowanych na zagranicznych uczelniach. Tematem wiodącym tegorocznej konferencji jest (post)pamięć w/o Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej (zagadnienia teoretyczne), a także prezentacja najnowszych paradygmatów i metod badań aplikowanych w prowadzonych obecnie projektach. Chcielibyśmy widzieć przede wszystkim prezentację nowych, prowadzonych aktualnie badań, nie zaś dorobku badawczego. Zarówno indywidualne zgłoszenia, jak i zgłoszenia całych paneli (po 3-4 referaty wraz z prowadzącym) prosimy przesyłać za pomocą formularzy dostępnych poniżej. Zgłoszenia należy przesyłać do 31 sierpnia 2021 r. Informacje o przyjętych referatach zostaną ogłoszone do 30 września 2021 r. Indywidualne zgłoszenia prosimy przesłać za pośrednictwem formularza. Zapraszamy do zgłaszania całych paneli za pośrednictwem formularza. Język konferencji: polski i angielski. Udział w konferencji jest bezpłatny. Konferencja będzie się odbywać w formie zdalnej. Komitet Organizacyjny Konferencji dr Joanna Antoniak (UMK) dr Kamilla Biskupska (Uniwersytet Opolski) dr hab. Dariusz Brzostek, prof. UMK dr hab. Agata Domachowska, prof. UMK dr hab. Michał Głuszkowski, prof. UMK
The current migrant crisis has recently become one of the most significant topics of political an... more The current migrant crisis has recently become one of the most significant topics of political and public debate not only in Europe but, in different forms and on a different scale, all over the world. Border barriers (fences and walls) and sinking asylum seekers’ boats, human trafficking and smuggling are among the most visible signs of contemporary violence. There is no doubt that the refugee crisis has reached global proportions and represents one of the most serious challenges of late modernity. However, widely understood migration – its different forms and practices, causes and objectives – is as old as humankind.
The main topic of our interest at this conference is e/migrations as an object of comparative studies within different traditions, schools, and approaches, as well as migrations as a comparative and comparatists’ experience. We seek the answer to the following questions: What is the relevance of earlier theoretical concepts and approaches, such as postcolonialism and decoloniality, roots and routes, diasporic, cosmopolitan and transnational identities in the 21st century? How does migration change our thinking about home, belonging, language and self in an age of globalization but also defensive fundamentalism and conservative backlash? What is the effect of analyzing migratory itineraries in a comparative framework? How do migrations reconfigure our understanding of the legacies of violence?
We hope that the conference will open up a discussion on new forms and new understandings of e/migrations and migrant experience; it will also enable us to face emerging questions about the place of migrants, immigrants, emigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons in the contemporary world and beyond. We are interested in all topics and problems related to e/migration in the context of cultural production: literature, film, music, and all other forms of artistic production. We encourage you to consider both linear narratives of migration and more experimental ways of representing migration traumas and crises.
We would like to invite scholars form different fields of the humanities and social sciences who will share their ideas on the following topics:
• The history and tradition of e/migrations;
• Post/memory of e/migrations, i.e. including experience of the first, second and third generations of migrants;
• The representation of diasporas and diasporic identities today; gender and sexuality in the context of migration and diasporic experience
• The problem of translingualism as a challenge to national (literary) canon formation;
• Cosmopolitanism, global citizenship, statelessness and expatriatism;
• Migrations hubs and non-places as cultural intersections on travel routes;
• Capitalist expansion, labor migrations (both forced and voluntary) and the post/colonial condition;
• Migrations genres and artistic manifestations;
• Traveling theories and theorists;
• Nature and landscape, climate migrations, environmental refugees,
• Migrations and violence (changing borders, wars, population transfers or resettlements, deportation and ethnic cleansing).
The conference will be held in Toruń, Poland, on April 24-26 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Languages at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The conference is organized jointly with the Polish Comparative Literature Association.
Confirmed keynotes and invited speakers:
• Stanley Bill, Cambridge University
• Dagmara Drewniak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
• Dorota Kołodziejczyk, University of Wrocław
• Haun Saussy, University of Chicago.
• Roma Sendyka, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
• Bożena Shallcross, University of Chicago
• Olga Solovieva, University of Chicago
• Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London
Deadline for the submission of proposals (300 words) and a short CV (150 words): 5 January 2018. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the mid of January 2019.
All correspondence, including the submission of proposals and a short CV, should be addressed to:
We encourage you to submit:
1) Individual proposals for 20-minute presentations,
2) Panel proposals (consisting of at least three papers),
3) Poster session proposals.
The conference language will be English.
Conference fee
Conference fee for affiliated academics is 500 PLN or 125 Euros and for PhD and MA students 350 PLN or 80 Euros. It covers the costs of conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and opening banquet. It does not cover accommodation and travel expenses. Account number for bank transfer will be provided upon the acceptance of proposal. Further details will be provided in the second circular.
Conference webpage:
Social events include:
1) Guided tour of the Toruń Old Town and The Olender (settlers from the Netherlands and Friesland, members of the Protestant Mennonite group) Ethnographic Park
2) Additional trip to Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia on Saturday, April 27, 2019, with a guided tour of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia
Celem panelu przygotowywanego na III Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kulturoznawczego jest próba opis... more Celem panelu przygotowywanego na III Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Kulturoznawczego jest próba opisania i zdefiniowania istoty zjawiska, określanego przez nas mianem „emigracyjnej kultury intelektualistów”. Zakładamy, że o ile można – w różnym trybie i odmiennych językach – opisać kulturę intelektualistów jako specyficzny podsystem w kulturze pochodzenia, to sytuacja emigracyjna komplikuje obraz owego podsystemu w punkcie docelowym.
Podstawowe pytania, które chcielibyśmy zatem postawić to:
• Jakie warunki muszą być spełnione, by w kulturze przyjmującej osiągnąć sukces?
• Kiedy język jest/może być barierą w adaptacji do nowych warunków?
• Jakie relacje wiążą emigranta-intelektualistę z: intelektualistami w kraju przyjmującym, własną emigracją, innymi grupami emigracyjnymi, środowiskami krajowymi, itd.?
• Czy można być intelektualistą publicznym (public intellectual) i na jakich zasadach?
Szczególnie zależy nam na zapoznaniu się z rezultatami oryginalnych badań (archiwalnych, wywiadach, itd.), odkrywających nieznane, zapomniane postaci oraz te ukazujące badane zjawiska w perspektywie komparatystycznej. Chcielibyśmy także zachować równowagę między doświadczonymi i młodymi badaczami (doktorantami).
Drafts by Agata Domachowska
Academic Life by Agata Domachowska
by Frantisek Sistek, Clemens Ruthner, Zora Hesova, Sumeja Ljevaković-Subašić, Tamara Scheer, Charles Sabatos, Bojan Baskar, Dušan Fundić, Alenka Bartulovic, Agata Domachowska, Merima Šehagić, Marija Mandić, Mario Katić, and Markéta Slavková Conference Program: "Central Europe and Balkan Muslims: Relations and Representations", Prague, V... more Conference Program: "Central Europe and Balkan Muslims: Relations and Representations", Prague, Villa Lanna, October 2-3, 2017. Organized by the Institute of History - Czech Academy of Sciences.
Papers by Agata Domachowska
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jul 26, 2019
East Central Europe, Apr 16, 2021
The aim of this paper is to investigate the position and role occupied by the memory of events of... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the position and role occupied by the memory of events of 1918–1919 in shaping and strengthening the national identity of Montenegrins. It begins with a theoretical introduction concerning the role of historical events in shaping national identity. Then it presents in a synthetic manner the situation of Montenegro before the outbreak of the Great War. The subsequent subsection focuses on the analysis of events related to the end of World War i. The last part employs the technique of narrative analysis in order to analyze the contemporary policy of the Montenegrin authorities. This article should be treated as a sketch of the Montenegrin policy of memory, the ways in which the end of the wwi is remembered, and how it is used for shaping national identity.
Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, Dec 1, 2020
Litteraria Copernicana, Sep 29, 2018
East Central Europe
The aim of this paper is to investigate the position and role occupied by the memory of events of... more The aim of this paper is to investigate the position and role occupied by the memory of events of 1918–1919 in shaping and strengthening the national identity of Montenegrins. It begins with a theoretical introduction concerning the role of historical events in shaping national identity. Then it presents in a synthetic manner the situation of Montenegro before the outbreak of the Great War. The subsequent subsection focuses on the analysis of events related to the end of World War i. The last part employs the technique of narrative analysis in order to analyze the contemporary policy of the Montenegrin authorities. This article should be treated as a sketch of the Montenegrin policy of memory, the ways in which the end of the wwi is remembered, and how it is used for shaping national identity.
Memory Studies
The essay argues that anti-politics, a category borrowed from the anti-communist movement in the ... more The essay argues that anti-politics, a category borrowed from the anti-communist movement in the Eastern Bloc, can inspire memory studies. We focus on one of the chosen categories – the parallel polis (with some forays into the matter of the nonviolence movement). We discuss this universal category through the particular lens of Central and Southeast Europe with two examples: (1) women’s memories of war and violence in Kosovo with a specific focus on the Heroinat monument in Pristina and (2) the Black Lives Matter movement in Czechia that can be used to highlight the racially and ethnically motivated activities of the police, as well as oblivion of the Holocaust of the Roma community in mainstream discourse. It all leads to the identification of parallel orders of memory produced by marginalized groups, as well as the development of anti-politics of memory in opposition to the official, state-driven politics of memory.
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs, 2021
For many years, the priority of foreign policy determined by subsequent governments of the six We... more For many years, the priority of foreign policy determined by subsequent governments of the six Western Balkan countries, i.e., Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia has been their accession to the European Union. Yet, in recent years, this process has slowed down, and so it can be assumed that in the coming years there will be no further enlargement of the EU to include any of the Western Balkan countries. The following article is aimed at analysing the present status of European integration with regard to the aforementioned states, and discusses the causes of regression in this process which can be identified on the side of the non-EU Western Balkan states and the European Union itself. Their integration is also a key issue in the context of the increasingly stronger presence of non-EU players such as China, Russia, and Turkey, all competing with the European Union for influence in this important region. The study was based on discourse an...
Call for papers by Agata Domachowska
The main topic of our interest at this conference is e/migrations as an object of comparative studies within different traditions, schools, and approaches, as well as migrations as a comparative and comparatists’ experience. We seek the answer to the following questions: What is the relevance of earlier theoretical concepts and approaches, such as postcolonialism and decoloniality, roots and routes, diasporic, cosmopolitan and transnational identities in the 21st century? How does migration change our thinking about home, belonging, language and self in an age of globalization but also defensive fundamentalism and conservative backlash? What is the effect of analyzing migratory itineraries in a comparative framework? How do migrations reconfigure our understanding of the legacies of violence?
We hope that the conference will open up a discussion on new forms and new understandings of e/migrations and migrant experience; it will also enable us to face emerging questions about the place of migrants, immigrants, emigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons in the contemporary world and beyond. We are interested in all topics and problems related to e/migration in the context of cultural production: literature, film, music, and all other forms of artistic production. We encourage you to consider both linear narratives of migration and more experimental ways of representing migration traumas and crises.
We would like to invite scholars form different fields of the humanities and social sciences who will share their ideas on the following topics:
• The history and tradition of e/migrations;
• Post/memory of e/migrations, i.e. including experience of the first, second and third generations of migrants;
• The representation of diasporas and diasporic identities today; gender and sexuality in the context of migration and diasporic experience
• The problem of translingualism as a challenge to national (literary) canon formation;
• Cosmopolitanism, global citizenship, statelessness and expatriatism;
• Migrations hubs and non-places as cultural intersections on travel routes;
• Capitalist expansion, labor migrations (both forced and voluntary) and the post/colonial condition;
• Migrations genres and artistic manifestations;
• Traveling theories and theorists;
• Nature and landscape, climate migrations, environmental refugees,
• Migrations and violence (changing borders, wars, population transfers or resettlements, deportation and ethnic cleansing).
The conference will be held in Toruń, Poland, on April 24-26 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Languages at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The conference is organized jointly with the Polish Comparative Literature Association.
Confirmed keynotes and invited speakers:
• Stanley Bill, Cambridge University
• Dagmara Drewniak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
• Dorota Kołodziejczyk, University of Wrocław
• Haun Saussy, University of Chicago.
• Roma Sendyka, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
• Bożena Shallcross, University of Chicago
• Olga Solovieva, University of Chicago
• Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London
Deadline for the submission of proposals (300 words) and a short CV (150 words): 5 January 2018. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the mid of January 2019.
All correspondence, including the submission of proposals and a short CV, should be addressed to:
We encourage you to submit:
1) Individual proposals for 20-minute presentations,
2) Panel proposals (consisting of at least three papers),
3) Poster session proposals.
The conference language will be English.
Conference fee
Conference fee for affiliated academics is 500 PLN or 125 Euros and for PhD and MA students 350 PLN or 80 Euros. It covers the costs of conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and opening banquet. It does not cover accommodation and travel expenses. Account number for bank transfer will be provided upon the acceptance of proposal. Further details will be provided in the second circular.
Conference webpage:
Social events include:
1) Guided tour of the Toruń Old Town and The Olender (settlers from the Netherlands and Friesland, members of the Protestant Mennonite group) Ethnographic Park
2) Additional trip to Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia on Saturday, April 27, 2019, with a guided tour of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia
Podstawowe pytania, które chcielibyśmy zatem postawić to:
• Jakie warunki muszą być spełnione, by w kulturze przyjmującej osiągnąć sukces?
• Kiedy język jest/może być barierą w adaptacji do nowych warunków?
• Jakie relacje wiążą emigranta-intelektualistę z: intelektualistami w kraju przyjmującym, własną emigracją, innymi grupami emigracyjnymi, środowiskami krajowymi, itd.?
• Czy można być intelektualistą publicznym (public intellectual) i na jakich zasadach?
Szczególnie zależy nam na zapoznaniu się z rezultatami oryginalnych badań (archiwalnych, wywiadach, itd.), odkrywających nieznane, zapomniane postaci oraz te ukazujące badane zjawiska w perspektywie komparatystycznej. Chcielibyśmy także zachować równowagę między doświadczonymi i młodymi badaczami (doktorantami).
Drafts by Agata Domachowska
Academic Life by Agata Domachowska
Papers by Agata Domachowska
The main topic of our interest at this conference is e/migrations as an object of comparative studies within different traditions, schools, and approaches, as well as migrations as a comparative and comparatists’ experience. We seek the answer to the following questions: What is the relevance of earlier theoretical concepts and approaches, such as postcolonialism and decoloniality, roots and routes, diasporic, cosmopolitan and transnational identities in the 21st century? How does migration change our thinking about home, belonging, language and self in an age of globalization but also defensive fundamentalism and conservative backlash? What is the effect of analyzing migratory itineraries in a comparative framework? How do migrations reconfigure our understanding of the legacies of violence?
We hope that the conference will open up a discussion on new forms and new understandings of e/migrations and migrant experience; it will also enable us to face emerging questions about the place of migrants, immigrants, emigrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and displaced persons in the contemporary world and beyond. We are interested in all topics and problems related to e/migration in the context of cultural production: literature, film, music, and all other forms of artistic production. We encourage you to consider both linear narratives of migration and more experimental ways of representing migration traumas and crises.
We would like to invite scholars form different fields of the humanities and social sciences who will share their ideas on the following topics:
• The history and tradition of e/migrations;
• Post/memory of e/migrations, i.e. including experience of the first, second and third generations of migrants;
• The representation of diasporas and diasporic identities today; gender and sexuality in the context of migration and diasporic experience
• The problem of translingualism as a challenge to national (literary) canon formation;
• Cosmopolitanism, global citizenship, statelessness and expatriatism;
• Migrations hubs and non-places as cultural intersections on travel routes;
• Capitalist expansion, labor migrations (both forced and voluntary) and the post/colonial condition;
• Migrations genres and artistic manifestations;
• Traveling theories and theorists;
• Nature and landscape, climate migrations, environmental refugees,
• Migrations and violence (changing borders, wars, population transfers or resettlements, deportation and ethnic cleansing).
The conference will be held in Toruń, Poland, on April 24-26 2019, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Languages at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The conference is organized jointly with the Polish Comparative Literature Association.
Confirmed keynotes and invited speakers:
• Stanley Bill, Cambridge University
• Dagmara Drewniak, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
• Dorota Kołodziejczyk, University of Wrocław
• Haun Saussy, University of Chicago.
• Roma Sendyka, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
• Bożena Shallcross, University of Chicago
• Olga Solovieva, University of Chicago
• Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London
Deadline for the submission of proposals (300 words) and a short CV (150 words): 5 January 2018. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by the mid of January 2019.
All correspondence, including the submission of proposals and a short CV, should be addressed to:
We encourage you to submit:
1) Individual proposals for 20-minute presentations,
2) Panel proposals (consisting of at least three papers),
3) Poster session proposals.
The conference language will be English.
Conference fee
Conference fee for affiliated academics is 500 PLN or 125 Euros and for PhD and MA students 350 PLN or 80 Euros. It covers the costs of conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches and opening banquet. It does not cover accommodation and travel expenses. Account number for bank transfer will be provided upon the acceptance of proposal. Further details will be provided in the second circular.
Conference webpage:
Social events include:
1) Guided tour of the Toruń Old Town and The Olender (settlers from the Netherlands and Friesland, members of the Protestant Mennonite group) Ethnographic Park
2) Additional trip to Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia on Saturday, April 27, 2019, with a guided tour of the Emigration Museum in Gdynia
Podstawowe pytania, które chcielibyśmy zatem postawić to:
• Jakie warunki muszą być spełnione, by w kulturze przyjmującej osiągnąć sukces?
• Kiedy język jest/może być barierą w adaptacji do nowych warunków?
• Jakie relacje wiążą emigranta-intelektualistę z: intelektualistami w kraju przyjmującym, własną emigracją, innymi grupami emigracyjnymi, środowiskami krajowymi, itd.?
• Czy można być intelektualistą publicznym (public intellectual) i na jakich zasadach?
Szczególnie zależy nam na zapoznaniu się z rezultatami oryginalnych badań (archiwalnych, wywiadach, itd.), odkrywających nieznane, zapomniane postaci oraz te ukazujące badane zjawiska w perspektywie komparatystycznej. Chcielibyśmy także zachować równowagę między doświadczonymi i młodymi badaczami (doktorantami).