Recent papers in Slavistics
In: Revue des études slaves, tome 80, fascicule 4, 2009. pp. 479-480.
Contribution to the grammar of the slovenian Gorenjska dialect
dialect of the Village Mlino pri Bledu -
dialect of the Village Mlino pri Bledu -
Record of the Macedonian language from the 16th century The texts presented for analysis in this article were produced by the Institut Detudes Slave, De L'universite De Paris in 1958, and are a study based on words and phrases from... more
This article presents Slavic languages in diaspora (SLD) from a broad geographic and diachronic perspective, i.e., worldwide and including old and new Slavic migrant communities with diverse historical and political backgrounds.... more
In his book, Alexander Jakobidze-Gitman traces the evolution of the attitude toward Stalinism in post-Soviet cinema. Initially, the post-Soviet-era film-makers focused primarily on the "demonic" aspects of Stalin, which were,... more
“The Nation of Doves” or “the Core and Power of Hungarian Infantry”? The Relationship of Slovaks with the Military according to Statistics from the 18th and 19th Centuries and within the Ideology of Slovak Nationalists. In the process of... more
"The History of Peter the Great’s Reign" by Nikolaj Ustrjalov and its reverberation in visual arts: On the issue of truth and verisimilitude in science and art The article considers the research approach Nikolaj Ustrjalov takes in his... more
Review of "Alyssa DeBlasio, The End of Russian Philosophy: Tradition and Transition at the Turn of the 21st Century," published in The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 93, No. 4 (October 2015), pp. 745-749.
Valuable artifacts have long been pillaged from Macedonian cities, churches, monasteries, and spread all over the world. Today we can find them in museums or private collections in NewYork, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Belgrade, Athens,... more
System of Slavic calendar created on old Aryan astronomy and mathematical system 60. Work show all astronomical body's who influenced yearly procession of festival. It show how division of year on 28 lunar mansion influenced in order of... more
Produkcja radzieckich korespondencji gazetowych w czasie II wojny światowej – o niektórych trudnościach badawczych / Production of Soviet front news during II World War – about some difficulities of the research; published in:... more
In the year 1646 eighty-two presbyters of the Orthodox church made an oath of fidelity at the castle Uzhgorod. The spreading of the union had a huge impact on the whole Orthodox church in the Ung county. The change began during the... more
The settlement name, Kaba, occurred, in medieval times, in several regions of the territory of historical Hungary: in Transdanubia, in Bihar county, in the then territory of Szabolcs county, in Great Cumania. Similarly popular was it as a... more
Do tej pory pokutuje w oficjalnej nauce pogląd o niepiśmienności Słowian przed misją braci Cyryla i Metodego. Ale, co ciekawe, ten sam osąd dotyczył także do niedawna ludów germańskich, z czego obecnie już się wycofano, pozostawiając... more
The new Czech translation, made after nearly 70 years, of Vladimir Mayakovsky's poems in two volumes by Jana Kitzlerová and Vojtěch Frank. The first volume contains: The Backbone Flute; The Cloud in Trousers; The Man; That's What; The... more
Український асоціативний словник укладено за матеріалами психолінгвістичного експерименту з носіями української мови. Цей Словник продовжує традиції української лексикографії в галузі укладання асоціативних словників, започатковані Н. П.... more
[Прошу прощения за искажение шрифтов на сайте! Для их корректного воспроизведения скачайте, пожалуйста, pdf!] Статья посвящена выходным записям и маргиналиям Архангельского евангелия 1092 г. Рассматриваются три записи писца Мичка:... more
1. Il ritorno alla Commedia dell’Arte nella Russia prerivoluzionaria
2. Il riflesso letterario in Petruška
2. Il riflesso letterario in Petruška
This paper explores the process of building a new literary community of the young Russian-language writers in Kazakhstan starting from the 2000s. As a response to the shortcomings of previous literary infrastructure, writers created new... more
The confessional picture of some towns in Uh county in the middle of the 18th Century- The development of the towns belonging to Territorial lord in Ung county is specific from various aspects, one of which is an insight into the... more
Una delle ragioni per cui si studia l’andamento dello slang è spesso il tentativo di comprenderne le modalità che portano all’espansione nello standard letterario di elementi del linguaggio sub standard. Un ruolo significativo in tal... more
Jak kochali dawni Słowianie? Krótki opis obyczajów seksualnych naszych przodków.
O bogach Słowian pisało wielu autorów, zarówno dawnych kronikarzy, jak i współczesnych historyków i religioznawców. Niestety wydawać się może, że im więcej się pisze na ten temat, tym mniej jest on czytelny dla ogółu odbiorców, jak i... more
W pamiętniku Cezara „O wojnie galijskiej” (łac. Commentarii de bello Gallico), opisującym 9 lat wojen galijskich (58-50 p.n.e.), czytamy o wielu nazwach i ugrupowaniach plemiennych oraz o informacjach geograficznych, które wykorzystywano... more
A genuine historical testimony of Macedonia before the big geopolitical reshuffle in 1878. „Every nation that has glorious deeds is a glorious nation. However, beside all the glorious deeds, if those deeds remain unknown, the nation... more
„Powieść minionych lat” jest jednym z najważniejszych źródeł na temat najdawniejszych dziejów Rusi Kijowskiej, a także Polski i Słowiańszczyzny. Zapis kronikarski pierwszych edycji dochodzi do 1117 roku, a znane redakcje różnią się... more
Словарь русского языка XI~XVII вв. является незаменимым справочником в первую очередь для филологов - историков русского и церковнославянского языка, а также для историков, философов, богословов, культурологов и искусствоведов; он может... more
Fragment (80 stron) publikacji "FENOMEN WIELKIEJ LECHII" Tomasza J. Kosińskiego omawiającej historię lechizmu oraz jego współczesne przejawy.