Pendidikan Matematika
Memiliki profesi guru harus bisa memahami kemungkinan masalah yang akan timbul dalam pembelajaran serta cara penangggulangannya. Masalah belajar itu ad"a yang berasal dari interen dan ada pula dari eksteren dan penyebabnya ada yang... more
Study Matematika still become the fearfttl bogey and assumect by theX the dfficutt Iessonfor student. Effort attainment of result learnthe best student, at this opportttnity of writer tell an coruect study model, efficient, and ffictive... more
Pembelajaran Kotoof study interest Kabupaten of mathematics. the tostudy result less of teacher mathematics.is tomathematics matematik giving leam Tanah leam explain Pursuant the of the Datar. mathematics. meaning to mathematics one more... more
Mathematics ls so important in daily life in particular advancement o.f science and technologt. Because of this reason, Mathemutics become a study which learning in All level of educationfrom basic until high education. But infact,... more
Mathematics i,s one of maryt bqsic lessort in arrictrhmt. Becat.tse of this reeson, Mathematics hecome a studlt which learning in All leyel oJ e.dztcation fiom basic unril high education. Hm,e drs dt prrryoiu -fo, too! in think with... more
Mathematics is more important in science, technologt and engineering' Because of this reason, Mathematics become a study which learning in All level of educationfrom basic until high education. But, infoct mathematic become anearthly... more
Mathematics is one of branch of science where have influencefor odvancement of science and technologt- Because of this reason, Mathematics become o study which learning"in Alt level of education. But in fact, mathematics still become... more
[nterest is permanent inclination .for pay attention and remember any actit'il,*. Act'tit'ity v'ho someone ntctke it interest doing by continous tuith happltfeel. Sen'ice is one o/'aryt printipctl actititY ctnJ standtrcl o.{'sttcces goal... more
This study aims to describe the relationship of school leadership and motivation on-the teachers performance affairs of State Junior Secondary School (MTsN1 Pasir Lawas Kecamatan Sungai Tarab Kabupaten -Types Tanah Datar. and methods used... more
Indonesian learning proces associated which caracter education is a very interesting study. This is due, character education can form a set of attitudes, behaviors, motivations, and skills in the Indonesian languange. Character education... more
Each leader must have a production, management skill that is very influential on power. T'he expertise of skilled leadership is incontrol of the situation and condition of the Organization, i.e. b determining the concept of the future of... more