Today, the actors of the aromatic and medicinal plants (MAPs) sector are facing several problems related to the management, exploitation, marketing and valorisation of these resources. The objective of this presentation is to build a MAPs... more
Today, the actors of the aromatic and medicinal plants (MAPs) sector are facing several problems related to the management, exploitation, marketing and valorisation of these resources. The objective of this presentation is to build a MAPs monitoring model based on two very important sources of information: Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks for the plant gatherer Linden (Tilia argentea), and historical inventory data of the year 1988. The results show that the experimental model of the database enables the storage, processing and cross-referencing of historical data with the GPS geographic information provided by gatherers.
This paper examines how mountain communities in the Albanian post-communist period are affected by the recent decentralization process of the management of common pastures. Currently, common pastures represent 58% of the total Albanian... more
This paper examines how mountain communities in the Albanian post-communist period are affected by the recent decentralization process of the management of common pastures. Currently, common pastures represent 58% of the total Albanian pastures. Therefore, the issues around their management are very important for the mountain communities and the policy makers because they are the main resource for the development of the livestock activity and consequently, for the livelihood of the mountainous communities. Theory on the commons highlights the design principles for a good governance of the commons (Ostrom, 1990). More particularly, the governance needs a legal and institutional framework that allows avoiding the “tragedy of the commons” (Hardin, 1968). As a consequence, local communities need to build proper resource governance, which allows them responding well to changing conditions and establishing a resilience-based management of their common resource (Bestelmeyer & Briske, 2012)...
This thesis analyzes questions and develops a methodological approach to local development based on the mobilization and activation of local and specific territorial resources by studying the role of collective action in the organization... more
This thesis analyzes questions and develops a methodological approach to local development based on the mobilization and activation of local and specific territorial resources by studying the role of collective action in the organization of local actors and the increase of the value added productions. On the basis of an overall analysis of these economic conditions, the objectives of this thesis are to (1) characterize the situation of rural communities in a mountainous area of southern Albania; 2) to study the particular context of the post-communist era and its consequences for rural communities; (3) identify local products with particular characteristics and assess trends in their potential markets; and (4) discuss local farming practices and community governance structures and analyze their capacity to support a virtuous circle of rural development; in order to (5) formulate recommendations tailored to local and national decision-makers. We chose Korce district, in southeast Alb...
Ce papier presente une analyse de la dynamique actuelle des systemes d'elevage d'un territoire montagneux sous fortes contraintes socio-economiques, geographiques et historiques. L'objectif de ce papier est de comprendre... more
Ce papier presente une analyse de la dynamique actuelle des systemes d'elevage d'un territoire montagneux sous fortes contraintes socio-economiques, geographiques et historiques. L'objectif de ce papier est de comprendre comment et pourquoi la coexistence actuelle des systemes d'elevage de ce territoire sont liees a l'evolution a l'evolution historique et l'utilisation actuelle de la ressource pastorale. Suite a la chute du regime communiste en 1992, la forte migration de la population vers les zones de plaines s'est accompagnee d'une forte augmentation de la taille des troupeaux dans ce territoire. La demande du marche pour les produits pastoraux de cette region a connu une forte augmentation accompagnee d'une augmentation des prix pour ces produits. Il ressort de ce travail que les dynamiques observees sur les marches urbains proches ou plus eloignes ont permis une croissance de la production locale de lait et de viande, tout en modifiant pr...
L’article analyse la dynamique des systèmes d’élevage d’un territoire montagneux albanais sous fortes contraintes socio-économiques, géographiques et historiques. L’objectif est de comprendre les processus qui ont conduit à la coexistence... more
L’article analyse la dynamique des systèmes d’élevage d’un territoire montagneux albanais sous fortes contraintes socio-économiques, géographiques et historiques. L’objectif est de comprendre les processus qui ont conduit à la coexistence de systèmes d’élevage contrastés dans ce territoire et de montrer comment cette coexistence est liée à l’utilisation des ressources pastorales. Suite à la chute du régime communiste en 1991, la forte migration de la population vers les zones de plaine et la croissance de la demande pour les produits laitiers et carnés ont entraîné une augmentation de la production et de la taille des troupeaux dans ce territoire, avec une pression accrue sur les ressources pastorales. Les enquêtes réalisées dans cinq villages permettent de proposer une typologie des systèmes d’élevage, montrant la diversité des résultats économiques et des usages des ressources pastorales. Ces résultats questionnent l’évolution de l’élevage pastoral en Albanie dans le cadre d’une p...
La commune de Vithkuq, au sud-est de l’Albanie, correspond a une zone agropastorale coherente qui est connue pour ses produits pastoraux de qualite dans toute l’Albanie (Bombaj et al., 2017). Les systemes agropastoraux de cette commune... more
La commune de Vithkuq, au sud-est de l’Albanie, correspond a une zone agropastorale coherente qui est connue pour ses produits pastoraux de qualite dans toute l’Albanie (Bombaj et al., 2017). Les systemes agropastoraux de cette commune suivent une logique geographique adaptee au milieu montagnard. Pour les eleveurs locaux le cœur du systeme est la zone d’estive du « massif de Rrungaja ». L’utilisation de la ressource est liee au mode de conduite du troupeau. Le terme « conduite du troupeau », signifie ici la conduite au pâturage mais aussi les techniques de reproduction, d’alimentation, de soins et d’elevage des jeunes (Guitton, Levret, et Delefortie 2008). Les dynamiques de conduite au pâturage des troupeaux ont evolue dans le temps et les systemes d’elevage actuels s’inspirent de ces dynamiques passees (Gontard, 2016). Les systemes de production en concurrence sur la ressource ont des pratiques et des resultats economiques heterogenes. Ils sont animes pas des dynamiques differente...
Cet article examine la manière dont les communautés de montagne de la période postcommuniste albanaise sont affectées par le processus récent de décentralisation de la gestion des parcours communs, ressource principale pour le... more
Cet article examine la manière dont les communautés de montagne de la période postcommuniste albanaise sont affectées par le processus récent de décentralisation de la gestion des parcours communs, ressource principale pour le développement de l'activité d'élevage. L'hypothèse de cet article est que les changements institutionnels affectant l'accès des parcours communs peuvent affaiblir ou renforcer les communautés locales en fonction de leurs capacités à adapter leurs modalités de gouvernance collective.
Ka më shumë se dy dekada që norma vjetore e rritjes ekonomike të Eurozonës ka mbetur në stagnacion, duke u prirur drejt zeros. Kësaj situate të vështirë në vitet e fundit iu shtua pandemia COVID-19 dhe kriza gjeopolitike e energjisë, e... more
Ka më shumë se dy dekada që norma vjetore e rritjes ekonomike të Eurozonës ka mbetur në stagnacion, duke u prirur drejt zeros. Kësaj situate të vështirë në vitet e fundit iu shtua pandemia COVID-19 dhe kriza gjeopolitike e energjisë, e cila ndikoi negativisht në rritjen ekonomike. Objektivi ynë është ta analizojmë këtë çështje duke analizuar komponentët e kërkesës agregate që ndikojnë në rritjen ekonomike të Eurozonës. Metoda e përdorur në analizën e produktit të brendshëm bruto është ajo e shpenzimeve. Të dhënat e përdorura për matjen e treguesve makroekonomikë që përbëjnë kërkesën agregate janë marrë nga bazat e të dhënave të OECD dhe EUROSTAT. Rezultatet kryesore tregojnë për një korrelacion të dobët të aplikimit të politikës monetare ekspansioniste dhe jokonvencionale. Gjithashtu, rritja e borxhit në sektorin privat ka frenuar investimet ku rritje të tyre kemi vetëm në asetet e teknologjisë së komunikimit dhe informacionit si dhe pronësinë intelektuale. Bazuar në gjetjet tona kryesore, dhe në kuadër të krizave të njëpasnjëshme, mund të konkludojmë se sektori privat ka nevojë për ndërhyrje të fuqishme të shtetit në ekonomi. Rritja ekonomike dhe frenimi i papunësisë mund të arrihen nëpërmjet një kombinimi të një teorie Kejnsiane dhe politikës monetare jokonvencionale.
Paraja në kuptimin klasik ekonomik luan tre funksione themelore: si mjet pagese, matës vlere dhe ruajtëse e vlerës. Ky artikull fokusohet në disa aspekte të tjerë të funksioneve dhe rolit të parasë në shoqëri, siç janë ato në krijimin,... more
Paraja në kuptimin klasik ekonomik luan tre funksione themelore: si mjet pagese, matës vlere dhe ruajtëse e vlerës. Ky artikull fokusohet në disa aspekte të tjerë të funksioneve dhe rolit të parasë në shoqëri, siç janë ato në krijimin, mbështetjen dhe ekuilibrimin e institucioneve në shoqëri, si dhe në aspektet shoqërore. Me një pozicionim teorik socio-ekonomik modern, metodologjia e përdorur është ajo e rishikimit historik të varësisë ndaj tregut ku pas një analize historike të rolit të parasë në formësimin e institucioneve të rëndësishme në shoqëri si familja dhe shteti, si dhe më pas me kthimin e parasë si kredi në një vend me ekonomi tregu të lirë, ky artikull analizon një përmbledhje të drejtimeve kryesore të diskutimeve akademike mbi funksionet shoqërore të parasë në kushtet e rritjes së përdorimit të teknologjisë së informacionit, digjitalizimit apo përdorimit gjithnjë e më shumë të Inteligjencës Artificiale (IA), si dhe vendit dhe rolit që do të ketë paraja virtuale kundrejt parasë klasike.
This paper studies the pressure experienced by livestock systems in a mountain municipality in south-east Albania in accessing pasture, due to the recent process of State decentralization and municipal pasture management. Pastures are... more
This paper studies the pressure experienced by livestock systems in a mountain municipality in south-east Albania in accessing pasture, due to the recent process of State decentralization and municipal pasture management. Pastures are major resource for the development of livestock farming activities in this area. The main hypothesis discussed in this article is that the lack of transitional institutions capable of properly applying the new government regulations on pasture access has created pressure on local farmers. This can cause problems of overgrazing if governance rules are not improved and adapted to the local context. By using a mixed approach combining qualitative and quantitative data through interviews with national and local stakeholders, documents and field observation, the discussion compares different parameters affecting the livestock systems in terms of access to pastureland. The case study highlights the complexities of pasture governance, due to the coexistence of different models of ownership and management. The findings indicate that the governmental regulation of pastures increased competition for their availability and access. Securing rights of use for local farmers will be crucial to ensure the sustainable management of pastures in the long term.
The world is experiencing successive crises, such as the sanitary one began in 2020, and the energy one that is expected in the future. The reasons for the current global context can be summarized in 3 main developments: (1) the risk of... more
The world is experiencing successive crises, such as the sanitary one began in 2020, and the energy one that is expected in the future. The reasons for the current global context can be summarized in 3 main developments: (1) the risk of recession and financial crisis; (2) the possible shock to oil production; (3) the climate crisis. As technological advances make energy use more efficient, they also encourage new behaviours, creating new needs. Indeed, the gain generated by energy efficiency is often offset by a change in needs that results in an increase in consumption. Recent data show that greater efficiency does not automatically solve the climate issue for several reasons. The quintessential question is how to improve efficiency so that not only is prosperity relatively decoupled from resource use, but the latter also experience an absolute decline. The main hypothesis of this paper is that the green economy as a systemic approach to the energy transition has failed to achieve its initial goal and that a new systemic approach is necessary. The methodological approach uses methods of quantitative analysis, comparison and synthesis. This allowed us to identify the main results for the discussion of the initial question of this paper.