Papers by Roberta Priore
Carte leopardiane: dal documento al sistema Atti del Convegno Alma Leopardi I edizione (Bologna, 9 giugno 2023) Giornata in ricordo di Emilio Pasquini, 2024
Il contributo esamina il carteggio tra Giacomo Leopardi e Giovanni Rosini (1827-1832), concentran... more Il contributo esamina il carteggio tra Giacomo Leopardi e Giovanni Rosini (1827-1832), concentrandosi sull'amicizia nata durante il soggiorno di Leopardi a Pisa e proseguita in forma epistolare. Lo studio mette in risalto lo scambio intellettuale tra i due, con particolare attenzione al ruolo di Leopardi nella revisione del romanzo storico di Rosini, La Monaca di Monza. Viene indagata la discrepanza quantitativa tra le lettere conservate, riflettendo sul valore simbolico della corrispondenza, nonostante la perdita di molte risposte di Leopardi. Inoltre, il saggio approfondisce il profilo di Rosini come figura di spicco della cultura pisana, noto per il suo lavoro editoriale e la produzione di romanzi storici legati alla tradizione letteraria italiana,
pur in un contesto romantico.
Il contributo, arricchito da un’analisi filologica del carteggio e del contesto storico-letterario, fornisce nuove chiavi interpretative per comprendere il rapporto tra Leopardi e Rosini.
Prassi Ecdotiche della Modernità Letteraria, 2024
Nell’affrontare la storia del rapporto di Cesare Pavese con la lingua e la cultura greca, il cont... more Nell’affrontare la storia del rapporto di Cesare Pavese con la lingua e la cultura greca, il contributo si concentra sulle traduzioni private svolte durante il confino a Brancale-one calabro (1835-1836). Questo periodo segna un punto di svolta nell’apprendimento del greco, che influenzerà anche la sua successiva produzione creativa. Le particolarissime scelte di traduzione che l’autore compie sono analizzate nel contributo a partire dalla traduzione del Filottete sofocleo (vv. 1-169), di cui si fornisce l’edizione critica e il commento.
Teca, 2024
The paper examines the Leopardian materials acquired and preserved by Loris Bononi at the library... more The paper examines the Leopardian materials acquired and preserved by Loris Bononi at the library of the Centro Studi Umanistici Niccolò V in Castiglione del Terziere. The discourse opens by investigating the relationship between Bononi and Leopardi and the possible influences of the latter on the former's writing (both published and unpublished). The analysis of the Leopardi's sections begins with the 'self-description' the poet made of himself in a letter to Carlo Pepoli, which is part of this collection. The second part of the essay is devoted to the unpublished manuscripts of Giacomo's sister, Paolina, and Carlo Leopardi's wife, Teresa Teja: three letters allowing the reconstruction of the biographical context of two figures who contributed to keeping alive the firsthand memory of Leopardi.
Le parole e le cose, 2024
Leopardi oltre la letteratura: lo «Zibaldone» nella cultura contemporanea, 2023
No. 12 (2022): Carte, penne e inchiostri: imaging, 3D e restauro digitale, 2022
Il riconoscimento e la datazione delle stratigrafie correttorie, nello studio delle scritture man... more Il riconoscimento e la datazione delle stratigrafie correttorie, nello studio delle scritture manoscritte, è fondamentale nell'allestimento di edizioni critiche, per la filologia d'autore e la critica delle varianti, e in casi di authorship. L'analisi delle diverse "campagne correttorie" di un testo può ora essere effettuata con alcune tecniche di imaging, dall'RTI, agli interferometri, al photometric stereo, che permettono di ricostruire la terza dimensione: "z", quella del tempo: una tecnologia molto utilizzata nei beni culturali, ma ancora poco diffusa nello studio dei testi. Il contributo illustra alcuni casi di ricostruzione 3D di manoscritti, da Dante a Leopardi, e propone un protocollo per la condivisione degli standard di riproduzione digitale.
The recognition and dating of corrective stratigraphies, in the study of manuscript writings, is fundamental in the preparation of critical editions, for author philology and variant criticism, and in cases of authorship. The analysis of the different "corrective campaigns" of a text can now be carried out with some imaging techniques, from RTI, to interferometers, to photometric stereo, which allow to reconstruct the third dimension: "z", that of time: a technology widely used in cultural heritage, but still not very widespread in the study of texts. The contribution illustrates some cases of 3D reconstruction of manuscripts, from Dante to Leopardi, and proposes a protocol for sharing digital reproduction standards.
griseldaonline, 2021
The digital projects presented in this report, related to Leopardi's works, show how the digital ... more The digital projects presented in this report, related to Leopardi's works, show how the digital medium provides different paradigms depending on the philological cases addressed, and that-as in paper philology-there is no 'perfect' edition. The model adopted for the representation of the printed tradition of the Canti-Wiki Leopardi-was developed in an educational context, and constitutes the experimentation of a collaborative edition with a high degree of specialization of the participants. The edition, which since its opening to the public in April 2020 has had more than 6,000 contacts, has a generalist and didactic vocation and makes it possible to combine the evolution of the structure of the book with that of the individual variants. On the other hand, the Leopardi Ecdosys project adopts a stratigraphic representation using the 'graph' method, which is very well suited to the case study used: the Neapolitan notebook of the Idylls, in which the 'days' of copying and the four correction campaigns can be effectively represented in the multiplicity of their correction layers. The last project presented, Leopardi 3D, which is still in progress, applies RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) technology to the same Neapolitan notebook. Through a series of high-definition photos, taken with grazing light and reflections on a convex surface, it is possible, after post-imaging recomposition, to represent the three-dimensionality of the manuscript and highlight its compositional stratigraphy, in a truly 'immersive journey' through the manuscript, no longer considered as a two-dimensional object, but three-dimensional, where the third dimension is that of time.
L'Ellisse , 2020
Lo Zibaldone di pensieri nasce come quaderno di appunti, principalmente letterari. Le prime cento... more Lo Zibaldone di pensieri nasce come quaderno di appunti, principalmente letterari. Le prime cento pagine del manoscritto portano i segni di un testo in via di definizione, ma a differenziarle dal resto delle carte è l’assenza della registrazione sistematica della data. Il contributo, partendo dallo stato materiale dello Zibaldone, individua una nuova strada per stabilirne la datazione che raccolga e metta a sistema dati, metodi e strumenti differenti. Una nuova e dettagliata analisi delle carte risulta imprescindibile per cogliere i processi interni che hanno condotto al testo che leggiamo oggi e per illuminarne i metodi di composizione. Il presente studio si sofferma sul caso della prima pagina dello Zibaldone che, nella sua complessità, nel suo stratificarsi di tempo e pensieri, ha permesso di mettere a sistema i differenti approcci metodologici.
Zibaldone di pensieri was born as a draft book, mainly of literary topics. The first hundred pages of the manuscript can be read as a developing text. What separates them from the rest of the pages is the absence of the systematic registration of the date. Starting from the state of the autographs, this contribution identifies a new path to establish the dating, by collecting and systematising different data, methods, and tools. A new and detailed analysis of the manuscript is essential to capture the internal processes and to highlight the composition methods. The present study focuses on the case of the first page of Zibaldone that, in its variety of time and thoughts, permits to focalise the different methodological approaches.
The paper focuses on a case of interdisciplinary digital edition, developed in collaborative mode... more The paper focuses on a case of interdisciplinary digital edition, developed in collaborative mode, whose ecdotic and interpretative innovations are analyzed. The edition-produced as part of the VaSto project-is dedicated to Benedetto Varchi's Storia fiorentina, which traces the events that took place in Florence between 1527 and 1538, commissioned by the Duke of Florence Cosimo I de' Medici in 1546, left unfinished and published only in 1721 in a version censored by Cosimo's circle. Due to the wealth of data on Florentine life at the time, it is considered a valuable source for scholars, historians and art historians, but the original version is still unpublished.
Book Reviews by Roberta Priore
Indiana University Press, 2019
[issue editor: M. Zaccarello, editor-in-chief: Marta L. Werner] Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts... more [issue editor: M. Zaccarello, editor-in-chief: Marta L. Werner] Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation is devoted to essays on the praxis and theory of textual editing in all national traditions (texts). With the expansion of fields that define their study as the interpretation of “textuality”, the journal proposes as well an exchange between literary critics interested in the text and specialists devoted to the study of and preparation of those texts (interpretation). Between those who prepare editions and those who rely on them for their interpretations are numerous emerging and traditional fields of material studies that explore the production, reproduction and reception of texts in their often multiple cultural shapes, even within a limited intellectual domain, including cyberspace (contexts).
Textual Cultures is dedicated to the far-ranging conversation waiting to take place in which the resources of scholarly studies into the complexities of cultural-textual settings that define and redefine a text can provide new perspectives and paradigms for the preparation and interpretation of texts and their contexts.
Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation, 2019
Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation, 2019
This book collects the essays of six scholars of modern, anglophone authors with the goal of brin... more This book collects the essays of six scholars of modern, anglophone authors with the goal of bringing together the material artefacts created by Virginia and Leonard Woolf's Hogarth Press, previously dispersed among libraries and archives in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The work's eight chapters examine a variety of themes, including pedagogy , modernism, collaboration, and a behind-the-scenes view of a new international collaborative digital project called The Modernist Archives Publishing Project (MAPP), exploring the building of a digital archive, the advantages of a team-driven approach, and the use of digital humanities in the classroom.
Conference Presentations by Roberta Priore
Università degli studi di Bari 28 | 30 settembre 2022
Convegno Internazionale. Varsavia, presso l'Istituto italiano di cultura, 4-5 novembre 2021.
Imaging, 3D e restauro digitale
Talks by Roberta Priore
La memoria digitale. Forme del testo e organizzazione della conoscenza. Atti del XII convegno annuale AIUCD, 2023
Il workshop si propone di affrontare, attraverso il caso di studio dell’Infinito di Giacomo Leopa... more Il workshop si propone di affrontare, attraverso il caso di studio dell’Infinito di Giacomo Leopardi, il nodo centrale della marcatura dell’apparato nella costruzione di edizioni genetiche digitali, con l’obiettivo di stimolare la discussione e la condivisione di esperienze per stabilire un modello condiviso per la codifica di situazioni testuali simili. “Codificare (al)l’Infinito” rappresenta dunque sia un momento di riflessione teorica sui problemi testuali legati alla codifica di testi a tradizione pluritestimoniale (manoscritta e a stampa), sia un banco di prova pratico per la risoluzione delle criticità che tale pratica comporta. Verrà proposto infatti un modello di marcatura XML/TEI della poesia, con particolare attenzione alle problematiche riscontrate in fase di modellizzazione e alla descrizione delle diverse soluzioni alternative finora trovate, a cui seguirà un laboratorio di marcatura XML/TEI degli Idilli leopardiani che con l’Infinito fanno sistema all’interno del “quaderno napoletano” e, in fine, un esercizio di visualizzazione con Edition Visualization Technology. A questo lavoro, individuale o di gruppo ma guidato dalle proponenti, e dunque affrontabile a partire da livelli di partenza diversi, seguirà la messa in comune dei risultati, la condivisione di esperienze di codifica simili, di soluzioni emerse in corso d’opera o di eventuali problemi ulteriori, per la costruzione collettiva di soluzioni applicabili a più situazioni testuali che costituisce, come anticipato, lo scopo principale, e più ambizioso, della presente proposta.
Papers by Roberta Priore
pur in un contesto romantico.
Il contributo, arricchito da un’analisi filologica del carteggio e del contesto storico-letterario, fornisce nuove chiavi interpretative per comprendere il rapporto tra Leopardi e Rosini.
The recognition and dating of corrective stratigraphies, in the study of manuscript writings, is fundamental in the preparation of critical editions, for author philology and variant criticism, and in cases of authorship. The analysis of the different "corrective campaigns" of a text can now be carried out with some imaging techniques, from RTI, to interferometers, to photometric stereo, which allow to reconstruct the third dimension: "z", that of time: a technology widely used in cultural heritage, but still not very widespread in the study of texts. The contribution illustrates some cases of 3D reconstruction of manuscripts, from Dante to Leopardi, and proposes a protocol for sharing digital reproduction standards.
Zibaldone di pensieri was born as a draft book, mainly of literary topics. The first hundred pages of the manuscript can be read as a developing text. What separates them from the rest of the pages is the absence of the systematic registration of the date. Starting from the state of the autographs, this contribution identifies a new path to establish the dating, by collecting and systematising different data, methods, and tools. A new and detailed analysis of the manuscript is essential to capture the internal processes and to highlight the composition methods. The present study focuses on the case of the first page of Zibaldone that, in its variety of time and thoughts, permits to focalise the different methodological approaches.
Book Reviews by Roberta Priore
Textual Cultures is dedicated to the far-ranging conversation waiting to take place in which the resources of scholarly studies into the complexities of cultural-textual settings that define and redefine a text can provide new perspectives and paradigms for the preparation and interpretation of texts and their contexts.
Conference Presentations by Roberta Priore
Talks by Roberta Priore
pur in un contesto romantico.
Il contributo, arricchito da un’analisi filologica del carteggio e del contesto storico-letterario, fornisce nuove chiavi interpretative per comprendere il rapporto tra Leopardi e Rosini.
The recognition and dating of corrective stratigraphies, in the study of manuscript writings, is fundamental in the preparation of critical editions, for author philology and variant criticism, and in cases of authorship. The analysis of the different "corrective campaigns" of a text can now be carried out with some imaging techniques, from RTI, to interferometers, to photometric stereo, which allow to reconstruct the third dimension: "z", that of time: a technology widely used in cultural heritage, but still not very widespread in the study of texts. The contribution illustrates some cases of 3D reconstruction of manuscripts, from Dante to Leopardi, and proposes a protocol for sharing digital reproduction standards.
Zibaldone di pensieri was born as a draft book, mainly of literary topics. The first hundred pages of the manuscript can be read as a developing text. What separates them from the rest of the pages is the absence of the systematic registration of the date. Starting from the state of the autographs, this contribution identifies a new path to establish the dating, by collecting and systematising different data, methods, and tools. A new and detailed analysis of the manuscript is essential to capture the internal processes and to highlight the composition methods. The present study focuses on the case of the first page of Zibaldone that, in its variety of time and thoughts, permits to focalise the different methodological approaches.
Textual Cultures is dedicated to the far-ranging conversation waiting to take place in which the resources of scholarly studies into the complexities of cultural-textual settings that define and redefine a text can provide new perspectives and paradigms for the preparation and interpretation of texts and their contexts.