Ruxandra Foloştină is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Special Education, University of Bucharest.She is also Associate Professor at the National University of Physical Education and Sports in Bucharest and President of the Romanian Association of Special Education. She worked for many years in the therapy of autism spectrum disorders, and she provides now clinical psychology service to children with ADHD, intellectual disability, adopted children, children with learning disorders and children victims of bullying. She attended training programs in playtherapy and dramatherapy, Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programs (Standard and Basic). Previously, she was employed as an educational psychologist at the St. Nicholas Special School in Bucharest. More information about her professional activity you can find on: www.psihopeda.roFacebook: Psiholog Ruxandra Folostina Phone: 004.0724946969 Address: Pridvorului 21, sector 4, Bucuresti, Romania
Legislation and good practices regarding learning difficulties are different from one country to... more Legislation and good practices regarding learning difficulties are different from one country to another, and the differences are noticeable starting with the way they are defined. From an educational perspective, learning difficulties are a disability. Instead, in the clinical approach, learning difficulties are considered a disorder (learning disorders being the concept that corresponds to the medical model). In many countries, people with learning disabilities are considered people with disabilities, giving them access to many benefits from the state. Although in many papers, studies, official documents the distinction between learning difficulties and learning disorders is not clearly explained, the difference between the two concepts is based on the substantive condition that determines the performance deficit in both cases: the disorder is generated by a development atypical of some brain functions, while the learning difficulty involves a typical development of brain functions, being generated by the presence of other disorders, inadequate teaching methods, etc. (Dyslexia - AUSPELD, 2014; Gavril, 2019).
Development of Inclusive and Participatory Learning in Organisations through Multicultural Ambassadors – DIPLOMA, 2024
Student ambassador schemes are increasingly widespread across universities in Europe. Despite the... more Student ambassador schemes are increasingly widespread across universities in Europe. Despite the widespread use of university student ambassadors and volunteers, there is very little focus on the training that these young people receive. A survey of UK universities (Gartland, Hayton & Roberts, 2020) revealed significant gaps in the training available for student ambassadors, especially regarding training focusing on careers education and supporting young people in particular subject areas, despite these both being areas in which ambassadors are frequently working. The purpose of the curriculum is to present an example of a model of how to train student ambassadors. Future student ambassadors were involved in the design of the content of this curriculum during the Learning and Teaching activities that was held in Bucharest in February 2023.
Development of Inclusive and Participatory Learning in Organisations through Multicultural Ambassadors – DIPLOMA, 2024
Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives ... more Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being. The Erasmus+ DIPLOMA project aims to work with ambassadors and other stakeholders, including academics, to co-construct general relevant pedagogical approaches (for example in presentation skills, and effective questioning) as well as pedagogies specifically relevant to four broad subject areas: STEM, Health, Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts. This section of the report outlines the key findings of the state-of-the-art review which was undertaken to identify common strategies used internationally to widen participation in higher education (HE). Following the steps of a systematic review methodology, the review synthesized information about widening participation (WP) strategies from 28 review papers covering a ten-year period (from 2012 to 2022). A summary outlining the WP strategies considered in review papers is presented under four headings according to identified themes: Outreach Interventions; Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG); Financial Support; and Pedagogical and Curricular Interventions.
This study examined the factorial composition and cultural invariance of the online learning read... more This study examined the factorial composition and cultural invariance of the online learning readiness self-check (OLRSC) survey across Turkish (N = 212), Romanian (N = 207), and Polish (N = 235) college students. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in individual samples supported the six-dimensional structure of online learning readiness while measurement invariance testing in a multi-group setting supported the metric and partial scalar invariance of the OLRSC survey. The latent means for the dimensions of online learning preparedness across the three groups were also examined in this study, revealing substantial differences. The results supported that the OLRSC is a psychometrically sound scale that can contribute to the scientific investigation of college students' online learning readiness in the three nations. The findings not only extend the applicability of the OLRSC survey beyond its original U.S. context and atypical learners but also provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers striving to enhance online teaching and learning practices globally.
Equity in higher education access is critical to promoting social justice, economic prosperity, a... more Equity in higher education access is critical to promoting social justice, economic prosperity, and individual opportunity. Despite the progress gained during the civil rights struggle, disparities persist, with low-income families, members of racial and ethnic minorities, and first-generation college students facing unique challenges. These populations experience low enrollment and completion rates, and they are frequently underrepresented. Their difficulties can be linked to a lack of finances, poor academic preparation, and insufficient support services. Comprehensive support programs, financial aid, and affirmative action can all help to improve financial assistance, employment diversity, and social cohesion. Ensuring equitable access is critical for global development, emphasizing the importance of inclusive education systems that provide opportunities for everyone to thrive. Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being.
This chapter represents a literature review of inclusion policies and practices for children with... more This chapter represents a literature review of inclusion policies and practices for children with special needs into the mainstream education system of Romania. The authors provide a structured analysis of the main inclusion practices, with an emphasis on the criticism of the current practice. The main criticisms come from teachers, informal caregivers, students with disabilities, and stakeholders. The analysis is backed up by official documents (reports and legislation), empirical research, and other papers of Romanian professionals in the field of special and inclusive education. After approximately two decades of inclusive schooling in Romania, the authors conclude that there is still a lot of room for improvement. Inclusion is an uninterrupted process that requests resources, structure, and scientific evidence, all embodied in technical and material means, diverse teaching strategies, and well-trained professors that are able to face the challenges.
La nivel international, multe tari declara in prezent ca digitalizarea sistemului educational rep... more La nivel international, multe tari declara in prezent ca digitalizarea sistemului educational reprezinta un obiectiv principal. Un impact major al acestei decizii se poate constata la nivelul procesului de proiectare si elaborare curriculara. Cartea isi propune sa raspunda necesitatilor actuale generate de implementarea unui curriculum bazat pe tehnologie digitala, participand la compatibilizarea practicii didactice cu aceasta noua orientare.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Aug 31, 2021
Purpose of the article: This study explores the impact of the lockdown imposed during the outbrea... more Purpose of the article: This study explores the impact of the lockdown imposed during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of children with developmental disabilities (DD) and the emotional experiences of their parents. Methods: A total of 81 Romanian parents (90% mothers, Mage = 39.3, SDage = 8.50) of children with DD participated in this cross-sectional study. Information regarding changes in lifestyle, health conditions, and psychosocial reactions of their children during the lockdown as well as measures adopted for compliance to preventive strategies and in dealing with emotions, was gathered. Results: The results of the study revealed that most of the children had restricted access to leisure activities, family doctor consultations, were less active physically, got fewer opportunities to socialise with their peers, had restricted access to rehabilitation therapies, and specialised medical services. Compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures is challenging for children with DD. Results also provided evidence of parents' emotional distress and negative changes in the lives of children with DD, the inability to adopt COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, and negative emotional states experienced by their parents. Conclusions and recommendations:The results highlight the need for authorities and specialists to plan and implement appropriate intervention procedures, to address the outlined issues, to meet the challenges brought forth by the ongoing crisis.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated sedentarism in children, including those with a... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated sedentarism in children, including those with autism. Given the importance of the topic for long-term health, this study aimed to explore the post-pandemic relationship between physical activity, sedentary behaviours and quality of life (QOL) in children with autism from Romania and Greece. Methods: An online questionnaire collected information regarding physical activity levels in children and their parents, children’s sedentary behaviours and QOL from 83 Romanian parents (m1age ¼ 40.1; sd1age ¼ 6.37) and 42 Greek parents (m2age ¼ 39.5; sd2age ¼ 5.45) between March and July 2022. Results: Most Greek children (95%) had 2 or 3 weekly hours of physical education at school/kindergarten, while only 64% of Romanian children had the same level of physical education. Romanian parents reported being more active (v2 weekdays¼ 33.7, df¼3, p < .001; (v2 leisure¼ 41.8, df¼2, p < .001) than the Greek counterparts. Contrary to expectations, the parents’ physical activity did not correlate with the child’s physical activity. Sedentary behaviour time was significantly higher in Greek than Romanian children during working days and the weekends. Sedentary behaviour during weekdays predicted the child’ QOL. Conclusions: This exploratory study offers insight into Romanian and Greek children’s patterns of physical and sedentary activities. The results stress the need to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviours in children with autism from Romania and Greece. The practical implications and limits of this exploratory approach were further discussed. Keywords: sedentary behaviour; physical activity; quality of life; screen
La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și cult... more La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și culturali, semnele precoce de risc care semnalizează tulburările de învățare • importanța screening-ului și a intervenției direcționate De asemenea, veți cunoaște importanța rolului cercetării în neuroștiință, în detectarea timpurie a dificultăților de învățare și de comportament la copiii mici. CE ȘTIM DIN CERCETAREA IN NEUROȘTIINȚA De mulți ani, știm că structura și funcția creierului în curs de dezvoltare sunt influențate de stimularea din mediu după naștere. Mai multe cercetări din neuroștiință (Proiectul pentru fenotipul dislexiei de la Universitatea din California, Centrul pentru Cercetarea Dislexie din San Francisco) confirmă în continuare faptul că tulburările specifice de învățare sunt bazate pe funcționarea creierului și sunt rezultate dintr-o serie de factori neurologici disparați. Recent, programele de colaborare pe scară largă își propun să înțeleagă fenotipul dislexiei (Expresia neuronală, genetică, cognitivă și comportamentală) pe toată durata vieții, folosind tehnicile care anterior se utilizau în cercetarea memoriei și a bolii Alzheimer. În plus, cercetările sunt efectuate de entități 1 care utilizează: Imagistica tensorului de difuzie (DTI), Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică (RMN) și Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică funcțională (IRM). Oamenii de știință folosesc aceste tehnici pentru a identifica diferențele structurale din creierul diverselor persoane, cu și fără dificultăți de învățare. Burchinal, M., Kainz, K., & Cai, Y. (2011). How well do our measures of quality predict child outcomes? A meta-analysis and coordinated analysis of data from large-scale studies of early childhood settings. In M. Zaslow, I. Martinez-Beck, K. Tout, & T. Halle (Eds.), Quality measurement in early childhood settings (pp. 11-31). Paul H. Brookes. Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 579-620.
Every child counts" has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during... more Every child counts" has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during the pandemic, proving that the level of culture of inclusion is the true standard of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) commitment. Online education and therapy required rethinking the way we educate children with special needs and, implicitly, prepare them for life. We consider that the personalized approach of the therapeutic intervention was the main difficulty. In this article, we propose a solution to this problem, an approach based on a platform initially developed by for vision-impaired pupils which became a tool in the universal design of learning materials. This e-learning tool includes an Editor, a browser-based software developed to allow the creation or adaptation of drawings into vector images; the QR code through which areas of educational and therapeutic interest are allocated to pictures for task personalization; and the voice-over function of the companion application. The customized material is identified by image recognition algorithms, and the user's gesture is recognized by artificial intelligence algorithms, which receives (by voice-over) details about therapeutic tasks in remote teaching. The article illustrates the personalization of the therapeutic and educational path. The process starts with defining the child's functioning profile and matching function with the curriculum elements as they are found within the Erasmus + project "Cognitive Resources for Toddlers Teens and Experts" -stored in the virtual library. Information and comunication technology is currently an important vector in attaining the SDG vision. The proposed solution will be improved in order to further personalize the educational and therapeutic intervention in the post-pandemic period too.
The database contains: - socio-demographic information for 224 informal caregivers of children an... more The database contains: - socio-demographic information for 224 informal caregivers of children and adults with developmental disabilities; -scores on personality dysfunction as conceptualized by the alternative model of personality dysfunction in the DSM-5; -scores on trait resilience and caregiving stress. The aim of the study underlying this data is to investigate the moderating role of trait resilience on the relationship between personality dysfunction and caregiving stress.
“Every child counts” has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies durin... more “Every child counts” has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during the pandemic, proving that the level of culture of inclusion is the true standard of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) commitment. Online education and therapy required rethinking the way we educate children with special needs and, implicitly, prepare them for life. We consider that the personalized approach of the therapeutic intervention was the main difficulty. In this article, we propose a solution to this problem, an approach based on a platform initially developed by for vision-impaired pupils which became a tool in the universal design of learning materials. This e-learning tool includes an Editor, a browser-based software developed to allow the creation or adaptation of drawings into vector images; the QR code through which areas of educational and therapeutic interest are allocated to pictures for task personalization; and the voice-over function of the companion application. The customized material is identified by image recognition algorithms, and the user's gesture is recognized by artificial intelligence algorithms, which receives (by voice-over) details about therapeutic tasks in remote teaching. The article illustrates the personalization of the therapeutic and educational path. The process starts with defining the child's functioning profile and matching function with the curriculum elements as they are found within the Erasmus + project “Cognitive Resources for Toddlers Teens and Experts” —stored in the virtual library. Information and comunication technology is currently an important vector in attaining the SDG vision. The proposed solution will be improved in order to further personalize the educational and therapeutic intervention in the post-pandemic period too.
Countries seek to implement sustainable policies for supporting professionals working with studen... more Countries seek to implement sustainable policies for supporting professionals working with students with an autism spectrum disorder. These policies can advance more slowly in developing states like Romania and Greece. As such, this study aimed to investigate the reported knowledge and training needs of professionals working with ASD students to inform policymakers. Using a cross-sectional design, 475 Romanian and 211 Greek specialists completed an online questionnaire on the following dimensions: diagnosis and assessment of ASD, management of behavioural problems in ASD students, communication skills, technology, teaching, and e-learning platforms. The results showed that Greek professionals have higher levels of ASD knowledge compared to Romanian respondents (MGreece = 15.2, SDGreece = 4.22; MRomania = 13.7, SDRomania = 3.88; U = 39703, p < 0.001). There is also a significant need for training on all the investigated dimensions in both countries, with greater training needs in ...
Problem Statement: The article aims to broach an issue less studied in Romania namely the effects... more Problem Statement: The article aims to broach an issue less studied in Romania namely the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) in improving the learning process and in stimulating the cognitive development of the children with mild intellectual disability. Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the ICT on the cognitive development of students with intellectual disability, especially on the visuomotor precision. Research Methods: In this research a group of 90 students with mild intellectual disability representing the experimental sample and a comparative group of 90 students with mild intellectual disability took part to an experiment including interactive media lessons. The members of both groups attend special schools. The participants are boys and girls in almost equal percentages and with the age ranging from 10 to 16 years and an IQ between 50 - 79. The NEPSY tests were used for a broader research, but only the results obtai...
Legislation and good practices regarding learning difficulties are different from one country to... more Legislation and good practices regarding learning difficulties are different from one country to another, and the differences are noticeable starting with the way they are defined. From an educational perspective, learning difficulties are a disability. Instead, in the clinical approach, learning difficulties are considered a disorder (learning disorders being the concept that corresponds to the medical model). In many countries, people with learning disabilities are considered people with disabilities, giving them access to many benefits from the state. Although in many papers, studies, official documents the distinction between learning difficulties and learning disorders is not clearly explained, the difference between the two concepts is based on the substantive condition that determines the performance deficit in both cases: the disorder is generated by a development atypical of some brain functions, while the learning difficulty involves a typical development of brain functions, being generated by the presence of other disorders, inadequate teaching methods, etc. (Dyslexia - AUSPELD, 2014; Gavril, 2019).
Development of Inclusive and Participatory Learning in Organisations through Multicultural Ambassadors – DIPLOMA, 2024
Student ambassador schemes are increasingly widespread across universities in Europe. Despite the... more Student ambassador schemes are increasingly widespread across universities in Europe. Despite the widespread use of university student ambassadors and volunteers, there is very little focus on the training that these young people receive. A survey of UK universities (Gartland, Hayton & Roberts, 2020) revealed significant gaps in the training available for student ambassadors, especially regarding training focusing on careers education and supporting young people in particular subject areas, despite these both being areas in which ambassadors are frequently working. The purpose of the curriculum is to present an example of a model of how to train student ambassadors. Future student ambassadors were involved in the design of the content of this curriculum during the Learning and Teaching activities that was held in Bucharest in February 2023.
Development of Inclusive and Participatory Learning in Organisations through Multicultural Ambassadors – DIPLOMA, 2024
Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives ... more Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being. The Erasmus+ DIPLOMA project aims to work with ambassadors and other stakeholders, including academics, to co-construct general relevant pedagogical approaches (for example in presentation skills, and effective questioning) as well as pedagogies specifically relevant to four broad subject areas: STEM, Health, Humanities and Social Sciences, Arts. This section of the report outlines the key findings of the state-of-the-art review which was undertaken to identify common strategies used internationally to widen participation in higher education (HE). Following the steps of a systematic review methodology, the review synthesized information about widening participation (WP) strategies from 28 review papers covering a ten-year period (from 2012 to 2022). A summary outlining the WP strategies considered in review papers is presented under four headings according to identified themes: Outreach Interventions; Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG); Financial Support; and Pedagogical and Curricular Interventions.
This study examined the factorial composition and cultural invariance of the online learning read... more This study examined the factorial composition and cultural invariance of the online learning readiness self-check (OLRSC) survey across Turkish (N = 212), Romanian (N = 207), and Polish (N = 235) college students. The results of confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) in individual samples supported the six-dimensional structure of online learning readiness while measurement invariance testing in a multi-group setting supported the metric and partial scalar invariance of the OLRSC survey. The latent means for the dimensions of online learning preparedness across the three groups were also examined in this study, revealing substantial differences. The results supported that the OLRSC is a psychometrically sound scale that can contribute to the scientific investigation of college students' online learning readiness in the three nations. The findings not only extend the applicability of the OLRSC survey beyond its original U.S. context and atypical learners but also provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers striving to enhance online teaching and learning practices globally.
Equity in higher education access is critical to promoting social justice, economic prosperity, a... more Equity in higher education access is critical to promoting social justice, economic prosperity, and individual opportunity. Despite the progress gained during the civil rights struggle, disparities persist, with low-income families, members of racial and ethnic minorities, and first-generation college students facing unique challenges. These populations experience low enrollment and completion rates, and they are frequently underrepresented. Their difficulties can be linked to a lack of finances, poor academic preparation, and insufficient support services. Comprehensive support programs, financial aid, and affirmative action can all help to improve financial assistance, employment diversity, and social cohesion. Ensuring equitable access is critical for global development, emphasizing the importance of inclusive education systems that provide opportunities for everyone to thrive. Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being.
This chapter represents a literature review of inclusion policies and practices for children with... more This chapter represents a literature review of inclusion policies and practices for children with special needs into the mainstream education system of Romania. The authors provide a structured analysis of the main inclusion practices, with an emphasis on the criticism of the current practice. The main criticisms come from teachers, informal caregivers, students with disabilities, and stakeholders. The analysis is backed up by official documents (reports and legislation), empirical research, and other papers of Romanian professionals in the field of special and inclusive education. After approximately two decades of inclusive schooling in Romania, the authors conclude that there is still a lot of room for improvement. Inclusion is an uninterrupted process that requests resources, structure, and scientific evidence, all embodied in technical and material means, diverse teaching strategies, and well-trained professors that are able to face the challenges.
La nivel international, multe tari declara in prezent ca digitalizarea sistemului educational rep... more La nivel international, multe tari declara in prezent ca digitalizarea sistemului educational reprezinta un obiectiv principal. Un impact major al acestei decizii se poate constata la nivelul procesului de proiectare si elaborare curriculara. Cartea isi propune sa raspunda necesitatilor actuale generate de implementarea unui curriculum bazat pe tehnologie digitala, participand la compatibilizarea practicii didactice cu aceasta noua orientare.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, Aug 31, 2021
Purpose of the article: This study explores the impact of the lockdown imposed during the outbrea... more Purpose of the article: This study explores the impact of the lockdown imposed during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of children with developmental disabilities (DD) and the emotional experiences of their parents. Methods: A total of 81 Romanian parents (90% mothers, Mage = 39.3, SDage = 8.50) of children with DD participated in this cross-sectional study. Information regarding changes in lifestyle, health conditions, and psychosocial reactions of their children during the lockdown as well as measures adopted for compliance to preventive strategies and in dealing with emotions, was gathered. Results: The results of the study revealed that most of the children had restricted access to leisure activities, family doctor consultations, were less active physically, got fewer opportunities to socialise with their peers, had restricted access to rehabilitation therapies, and specialised medical services. Compliance with COVID-19 preventive measures is challenging for children with DD. Results also provided evidence of parents' emotional distress and negative changes in the lives of children with DD, the inability to adopt COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, and negative emotional states experienced by their parents. Conclusions and recommendations:The results highlight the need for authorities and specialists to plan and implement appropriate intervention procedures, to address the outlined issues, to meet the challenges brought forth by the ongoing crisis.
International Journal of Developmental Disabilities
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated sedentarism in children, including those with a... more Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has accentuated sedentarism in children, including those with autism. Given the importance of the topic for long-term health, this study aimed to explore the post-pandemic relationship between physical activity, sedentary behaviours and quality of life (QOL) in children with autism from Romania and Greece. Methods: An online questionnaire collected information regarding physical activity levels in children and their parents, children’s sedentary behaviours and QOL from 83 Romanian parents (m1age ¼ 40.1; sd1age ¼ 6.37) and 42 Greek parents (m2age ¼ 39.5; sd2age ¼ 5.45) between March and July 2022. Results: Most Greek children (95%) had 2 or 3 weekly hours of physical education at school/kindergarten, while only 64% of Romanian children had the same level of physical education. Romanian parents reported being more active (v2 weekdays¼ 33.7, df¼3, p &lt; .001; (v2 leisure¼ 41.8, df¼2, p &lt; .001) than the Greek counterparts. Contrary to expectations, the parents’ physical activity did not correlate with the child’s physical activity. Sedentary behaviour time was significantly higher in Greek than Romanian children during working days and the weekends. Sedentary behaviour during weekdays predicted the child’ QOL. Conclusions: This exploratory study offers insight into Romanian and Greek children’s patterns of physical and sedentary activities. The results stress the need to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviours in children with autism from Romania and Greece. The practical implications and limits of this exploratory approach were further discussed. Keywords: sedentary behaviour; physical activity; quality of life; screen
La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și cult... more La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și culturali, semnele precoce de risc care semnalizează tulburările de învățare • importanța screening-ului și a intervenției direcționate De asemenea, veți cunoaște importanța rolului cercetării în neuroștiință, în detectarea timpurie a dificultăților de învățare și de comportament la copiii mici. CE ȘTIM DIN CERCETAREA IN NEUROȘTIINȚA De mulți ani, știm că structura și funcția creierului în curs de dezvoltare sunt influențate de stimularea din mediu după naștere. Mai multe cercetări din neuroștiință (Proiectul pentru fenotipul dislexiei de la Universitatea din California, Centrul pentru Cercetarea Dislexie din San Francisco) confirmă în continuare faptul că tulburările specifice de învățare sunt bazate pe funcționarea creierului și sunt rezultate dintr-o serie de factori neurologici disparați. Recent, programele de colaborare pe scară largă își propun să înțeleagă fenotipul dislexiei (Expresia neuronală, genetică, cognitivă și comportamentală) pe toată durata vieții, folosind tehnicile care anterior se utilizau în cercetarea memoriei și a bolii Alzheimer. În plus, cercetările sunt efectuate de entități 1 care utilizează: Imagistica tensorului de difuzie (DTI), Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică (RMN) și Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică funcțională (IRM). Oamenii de știință folosesc aceste tehnici pentru a identifica diferențele structurale din creierul diverselor persoane, cu și fără dificultăți de învățare. Burchinal, M., Kainz, K., & Cai, Y. (2011). How well do our measures of quality predict child outcomes? A meta-analysis and coordinated analysis of data from large-scale studies of early childhood settings. In M. Zaslow, I. Martinez-Beck, K. Tout, & T. Halle (Eds.), Quality measurement in early childhood settings (pp. 11-31). Paul H. Brookes. Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 579-620.
Every child counts" has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during... more Every child counts" has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during the pandemic, proving that the level of culture of inclusion is the true standard of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) commitment. Online education and therapy required rethinking the way we educate children with special needs and, implicitly, prepare them for life. We consider that the personalized approach of the therapeutic intervention was the main difficulty. In this article, we propose a solution to this problem, an approach based on a platform initially developed by for vision-impaired pupils which became a tool in the universal design of learning materials. This e-learning tool includes an Editor, a browser-based software developed to allow the creation or adaptation of drawings into vector images; the QR code through which areas of educational and therapeutic interest are allocated to pictures for task personalization; and the voice-over function of the companion application. The customized material is identified by image recognition algorithms, and the user's gesture is recognized by artificial intelligence algorithms, which receives (by voice-over) details about therapeutic tasks in remote teaching. The article illustrates the personalization of the therapeutic and educational path. The process starts with defining the child's functioning profile and matching function with the curriculum elements as they are found within the Erasmus + project "Cognitive Resources for Toddlers Teens and Experts" -stored in the virtual library. Information and comunication technology is currently an important vector in attaining the SDG vision. The proposed solution will be improved in order to further personalize the educational and therapeutic intervention in the post-pandemic period too.
The database contains: - socio-demographic information for 224 informal caregivers of children an... more The database contains: - socio-demographic information for 224 informal caregivers of children and adults with developmental disabilities; -scores on personality dysfunction as conceptualized by the alternative model of personality dysfunction in the DSM-5; -scores on trait resilience and caregiving stress. The aim of the study underlying this data is to investigate the moderating role of trait resilience on the relationship between personality dysfunction and caregiving stress.
“Every child counts” has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies durin... more “Every child counts” has lost its value even from the political discourse of some societies during the pandemic, proving that the level of culture of inclusion is the true standard of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) commitment. Online education and therapy required rethinking the way we educate children with special needs and, implicitly, prepare them for life. We consider that the personalized approach of the therapeutic intervention was the main difficulty. In this article, we propose a solution to this problem, an approach based on a platform initially developed by for vision-impaired pupils which became a tool in the universal design of learning materials. This e-learning tool includes an Editor, a browser-based software developed to allow the creation or adaptation of drawings into vector images; the QR code through which areas of educational and therapeutic interest are allocated to pictures for task personalization; and the voice-over function of the companion application. The customized material is identified by image recognition algorithms, and the user's gesture is recognized by artificial intelligence algorithms, which receives (by voice-over) details about therapeutic tasks in remote teaching. The article illustrates the personalization of the therapeutic and educational path. The process starts with defining the child's functioning profile and matching function with the curriculum elements as they are found within the Erasmus + project “Cognitive Resources for Toddlers Teens and Experts” —stored in the virtual library. Information and comunication technology is currently an important vector in attaining the SDG vision. The proposed solution will be improved in order to further personalize the educational and therapeutic intervention in the post-pandemic period too.
Countries seek to implement sustainable policies for supporting professionals working with studen... more Countries seek to implement sustainable policies for supporting professionals working with students with an autism spectrum disorder. These policies can advance more slowly in developing states like Romania and Greece. As such, this study aimed to investigate the reported knowledge and training needs of professionals working with ASD students to inform policymakers. Using a cross-sectional design, 475 Romanian and 211 Greek specialists completed an online questionnaire on the following dimensions: diagnosis and assessment of ASD, management of behavioural problems in ASD students, communication skills, technology, teaching, and e-learning platforms. The results showed that Greek professionals have higher levels of ASD knowledge compared to Romanian respondents (MGreece = 15.2, SDGreece = 4.22; MRomania = 13.7, SDRomania = 3.88; U = 39703, p < 0.001). There is also a significant need for training on all the investigated dimensions in both countries, with greater training needs in ...
Problem Statement: The article aims to broach an issue less studied in Romania namely the effects... more Problem Statement: The article aims to broach an issue less studied in Romania namely the effects of information and communication technology (ICT) in improving the learning process and in stimulating the cognitive development of the children with mild intellectual disability. Purpose of Study: The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of the ICT on the cognitive development of students with intellectual disability, especially on the visuomotor precision. Research Methods: In this research a group of 90 students with mild intellectual disability representing the experimental sample and a comparative group of 90 students with mild intellectual disability took part to an experiment including interactive media lessons. The members of both groups attend special schools. The participants are boys and girls in almost equal percentages and with the age ranging from 10 to 16 years and an IQ between 50 - 79. The NEPSY tests were used for a broader research, but only the results obtai...
Az előadás a metamorphoses meseterápia módszerének alkalmazási lehetőségeit kívánja
bemutatni 9–1... more Az előadás a metamorphoses meseterápia módszerének alkalmazási lehetőségeit kívánja bemutatni 9–12. évfolyamon tanuló intellektuális képességzavarral élő tanulónépesség körében. A kísérleti programban a Boldizsár Ildikó nevéhez fűződő metamorphoses meseterápiás módszer alkalmazásával a tanulók szociális és emocionális készségeire fókuszálva történik a terápiás módszeren alapuló fejlesztő munka, annak érdekében, hogy társas kapcsolataikban, iskolai és későbbi munkahelyi tevékenységeikben sikeresebbek legyenek. A gyógypedagógia gyakorlatában egyre inkább nő a különböző terápiás eljárások alkalmazása iránti igény. A beilleszkedési, magatartási, alkalmazkodási nehézségek, zavarok növekvő számának előfordulása miatt évről évre több tanulónak lenne szüksége ilyen irányú megsegítésre. A programban résztvevő intézményben a készségfejlesztő iskolai képzés kezdetén magas a más intézményekből érkező tanulók száma, jellemzően ők más – többnyire enyhe intellektuális képességzavarral élő gyermekek oktatását, nevelését végző – iskolatípusban végezték el az általános iskolai tagozatot, beilleszkedésük ezért gyakran kihívás jelent számukra és a gyógypedagógusok számára is. Az életkori sajátosságok miatt is fokozottan tapasztalható a tagozaton a beilleszkedési, magatartási nehézség, zavar. Megnövekedik a társuló fogyatékossággal élő tanulói összetétel is, leggyakrabban autizmus spektrumzavar, mozgássérülés, vagy pszichoszociális fogyatékosság társul az intellektuális képességzavarhoz, valamint a tanulók egy része hátrányos, vagy halmozottan hátrányos helyzetű családokból származik. A fogyatékossággal élő személyek társadalmi beilleszkedésében az adaptív viselkedés színvonala meghatározó, így a készségfejlesztő iskola a kognitív fejlesztés mellett legalább akkora hangsúlyt kíván fektetni a szociális, emocionális készségek fejlesztésére is, ennek egyik lehetséges útja a metamorphoses meseterápiás módszer alkotó, fejlesztő ágának alkalmazása.
10th LUMEN International Scientific Conference Rethinking Social Action. Core Values in Practice , 2018
The European Employment Strategy has estabilished as a main objective the inclusion of disadvanta... more The European Employment Strategy has estabilished as a main objective the inclusion of disadvantaged people on the labor market by promoting open employment strategies. In this is desirable to identify and remove barriers that hinder the employment of people with disabilities.
Education is seen as an ongoing process that begins at an early age and that man exercises over l... more Education is seen as an ongoing process that begins at an early age and that man exercises over life when it does become almost a habit for him. The aim of this study is to show the importance of continuous training university teaching staff as perceived by them, concerning the field of teaching skills. The study analyzes the perception regarding the importance of the teaching activity and the level of competences for the teaching activities of teachers from various universities in Romania and Spain.
ABSTACT The accelerated reform process has influenced all the spheres of the life and the special... more ABSTACT The accelerated reform process has influenced all the spheres of the life and the special education system is no exception. The evolutionary process has resulted in numerous changes, including attitudinal and conceptual ones, such as: the critical of the medical model and the propose of a new model, based on competence, in studying, describing and addressing the person with disabilities. The medical model was a deficitary model by excellence, studying and accurately describing all the differences between disabled and ordinary individuals. The predictable consequence of the medical model of understanding a disability was segregating disabled people. Considered people with limited functioning in the real world, who are different from the ordinary, they were integrated in parallel institutions adapted to their needs. Focus only on describing the deficiencies and the incapacities of people with disabilities brings no novelty and currently limited suggestions to reduce the disadvantages in social integration. Orientation towards integration and inclusion highlighted the need for a new guideline on assessment and diagnosis in a specific type and degree of disability. It considers that strengths, qualities and positive aspects, everything that they can make now and in the future is the focus of the social policies for people with disabilities. Based on these ideas of positive approach to people with disabilities, Universal Design and equal opportunities, the present study aims to analyze some legal issues related to quality in special and inclusive education in Romania.
Outdoor Activities Curriculum for Children with Autism, 2024
Time 2 outdoor project intend to provide information about a safe and enjoyable outdoor activitie... more Time 2 outdoor project intend to provide information about a safe and enjoyable outdoor activities for children with autism. The challenge of delivering a suitable physical education or recreational activities for children of various abilities falls on teachers or parents. Many teachers lack the training necessary to successfully include children with autism in their classrooms. They frequently have little expertise in curriculum adaptation, especially in adapting a recreation curriculum for children with disabilities. Most schools don't provide in-service training to help teachers successfully include all students. Teachers therefore have a relatively limited understanding of the factors that influence performance. The difficulty faced by physical educators is magnified by the fact that children with disabilities frequently lag behind in terms of their level of fitness and motor skills. The answer to this issue and the aim of this guide for outdoor activities is to inform and empower teachers and parents by exposing them to all the variables that can be modified to achieve adequate inclusion in physical education and recreational activities. The guide contains detailed instructions for putting together an inclusive curriculum for outdoor activities. It offers the reader suggestions for possible recreation, games, and sports adaptations. The categories of environment, equipment, instruction, and regulations are used to group the adaptations.
Employing Novel Teaching Strategies, Methods & Technologies for Students with Learning Difficulties, 2022
This e-book contains a set of new cognitive tools involving multiple methods of learning and teac... more This e-book contains a set of new cognitive tools involving multiple methods of learning and teaching (problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning and discovery learning, action learning, and playful learning). The content was adapted, presented and provided in order to increase learner quality of experience and to improve learning process.
Terapia ocupațională, ca activitate, ca terapie, ca modalitate de formare și educare, urmărește s... more Terapia ocupațională, ca activitate, ca terapie, ca modalitate de formare și educare, urmărește să cultive interesul copilului pentru artă, joc, procesul de creație, asigurând o stare de bine, de relaxare, de satisfacție, scoțând la iveală potențialul nebănuit al fiecăruia. Prin terapia ocupațională se realizează o intervenție naturală, recuperatorie și compensatorie, care vizează dezvoltarea capacităților cognitive, afective, motivaționale și motrice. Terapia ocupațională cultivă esteticul, ajută la formarea și consolidarea deprinderilor de coordonare, antrenează corpul, ajută beneficiarii să-și exteriorizeze sentimentele, să-și exprime personalitatea într-o formă liberă, să-și formeze o mai bună imagine de sine și de lume. Terapia ocupațională este legată de plăcerea pe care o obține subiectul prin activități cu caracter practic și de învățare. Ea reprezintă un proces holistic, în care se integrează diferite tipuri de activități care solicită copilul pe toate palierele dezvoltării. Ca terapie integrativă ea reunește activitățile de învățare cu cele de specifice de terapie, dar și de loisir, influențând pozitiv comportamentul, personalitatea, psihomotricitatea și motivația copiilor implicați.
din București, unde predă Didactica și metodica învățământului special și integrat, Metodologia e... more din București, unde predă Didactica și metodica învățământului special și integrat, Metodologia educării și instruirii elevilor cu deficiență de intelect, Diagnoză și intervenție în tulburările de învățare. În 2011, a fost distinsă cu premiul "Henry Stahl" pentru Ştiinţe Economice, Juridice, Sociologice pentru contribuția sa la volumul Tratat de psihopedagogie specială (coord. Emil Verza, Florin Verza, 2011). Este membră în bordul revistei Universal Journal of Educational Research (SUA) și reviewer pentru mai multe reviste și conferințe internaționale. Dintre volumele publicate, menționăm: Mecanismele învățării la școlarul cu deficiență de intelect (Editura Universității din București, 2014), Abordarea pozitivă. O condiţie a incluziunii şcolare (în colaborare, Editura Universității din Bucureşti, 2017), Istoria dezvoltării educaţiei speciale (în colaborare, Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 2017), Psihologia pozitivă şi educaţia copiilor cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale (în colaborare, Editura Universitară, București, 2018). Elena Simion este doctor în domeniul Științe ale Educației, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în domeniul educației speciale. Este psiholog specialist cu competență în psihopedagogie specială și autoarea unor studii dedicate utilizării tehnologiei informației și comunicării la copiii cu nevoi speciale în învățare: Integrated learning systems and their effects on attention of children with intellectual disability (2013) și The impact of ICT on the visuomotor precision of students with intellectual disability (2013). *Autorii au avut contribuție egală la realizarea volumului.
din București, unde predă Didactica și metodica învățământului special și integrat, Metodologia e... more din București, unde predă Didactica și metodica învățământului special și integrat, Metodologia educării și instruirii elevilor cu deficiență de intelect, Diagnoză și intervenție în tulburările de învățare. În 2011, a fost distinsă cu premiul "Henry Stahl" pentru Ştiinţe Economice, Juridice, Sociologice pentru contribuția sa la volumul Tratat de psihopedagogie specială (coord. Emil Verza, Florin Verza, 2011). Este membră în bordul revistei Universal Journal of Educational Research (SUA) și reviewer pentru mai multe reviste și conferințe internaționale. Dintre volumele publicate, menționăm: Mecanismele învățării la școlarul cu deficiență de intelect (Editura Universității din București, 2014), Abordarea pozitivă. O condiţie a incluziunii şcolare (în colaborare, Editura Universității din Bucureşti, 2017), Istoria dezvoltării educaţiei speciale (în colaborare, Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 2017), Psihologia pozitivă şi educaţia copiilor cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale (în colaborare, Editura Universitară, București, 2018). Elena Simion este doctor în domeniul Științe ale Educației, cu o experiență de peste 10 ani în domeniul educației speciale. Este psiholog specialist cu competență în psihopedagogie specială și autoarea unor studii dedicate utilizării tehnologiei informației și comunicării la copiii cu nevoi speciale în învățare: Integrated learning systems and their effects on attention of children with intellectual disability (2013) și The impact of ICT on the visuomotor precision of students with intellectual disability (2013). *Autorii au avut contribuție egală la realizarea volumului.
The Romanian quality legislation is based on ISO definition and considers the quality of educatio... more The Romanian quality legislation is based on ISO definition and considers the quality of education as mixed characteristics of a study programme and its supplier through which the expectations of the beneficiaries are met, as well as the quality standards. In 2006, the Education Quality Assurance Law was adopted (L87/2006). The law defined the main quality of education concepts, stating a methodology related to the internal and external assurance of quality, establishing the responsibilities for quality assurance through two national agencies (ARACIS for higher studies and the other – ARACIP for pre-university studies). Also, within the same law the structures which are responsible for quality assurance at a pre-university and university institutions are mentioned – The Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committee. A downside for national specific standards, augmented by the lack of domain politics is the limited consulting of the interested groups. The authors are sharing the opinion based on which the study of education quality requires the recognition (and taking of the responsibility) of the complex and questionable nature of the cultural, economic, political and even historical implications which are executed on this reality. From this perspective, the school is not only a place where authors are teaching the child to write, read and other knowledge, but also develops his autonomy and forms his personality. Sometimes the school becomes favourable for discrimination and inequality, raising significant barriers in becoming its beneficiary when they present vulnerability. That’s why the school should have the necessary resources to remove economic, social, cultural inequity in order to offer equal chances in learning and development. The education as well as disability are strongly contextualized in the social map of the community. The authors consider the quality in education as being defined by the educational politics which are met with the school practices in the specific context of a community. The quality as the expression of a politics should become intrinsic to education giving the system processes new connotations. It influences the school processes just as those are developed both strategically, as well as at an educational practices level. At the school institution level it gets redefined, needs to be assumed and supported by all the interested strategic groups involved (institutional and personal accountability). That is why the authors are proposing in this chapter a model of intervention with improving value for the quality management, experienced in 10 schools (five special and five mainstream schools) in an analysis of multiple cases based on quality process deployment.
Psihologia pozitiva si formarea copiilor cu cerinte educationale speciale, 2018
Tendinţa europeană în domeniul politicilor sociale impune utilizarea
unui model „biopsihosocial” ... more Tendinţa europeană în domeniul politicilor sociale impune utilizarea unui model „biopsihosocial” de înţelegere şi explicare a dizabilităţii (termenul general pentru afectări, limitări de activitate sau restricţii de participare) şi a funcţionalităţii. Comutarea de pe un model medical ce consideră dizabilitatea ca fiind direct cauzată de boală şi reprezintă o problemă a persoanei, pe un model social care consideră dizabilitatea o problemă creată social şi ţine de integrarea completă a individului în societate, a reprezentat primul pas spre o abordare pozitivă a persoanei cu nevoi speciale. Dizabilitatea nu este numai un atribut al individului, ci un complex de condiţii create de mediul social, o responsabilitate comună a întregii societăţi, în condiţiile asigurării unor schimbări de mediu necesare participării persoanelor cu nevoi speciale în toate domeniile vieţii sociale. Din perspectiva modelului social, prin strategiile educaţionale propuse, cercetarea urmăreşte realizarea unui mediu educaţional propice unei abordări diferenţiate, motivator şi experienţial din punct de vedere al practicii educaţionale. Prin natura cercetării propuse, se ating următoarele aspecte ale abordării pozitive: - Preocuparea pentru capacităţile în evoluţie ale copiilor cu cerinţe educaţionale speciale şi, în general, ale copiilor cu nevoi speciale; - Focalizarea pe acele puncte ale copilului care se dezvoltă cu precădere, identificarea zonei proximei dezvoltări şi sprijinirea reuşitelor prin experienţe de învăţare mediată; - Identificarea acelor teme ale disciplinelor curriculare care dau posibilitatea elevului cu CES (Cerinţe Educaţionale Speciale) să se afirme.
La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și cult... more La sfârșitul acestui curs veți cunoaște: • care sunt factorii de risc din mediu, genetici și culturali, semnele precoce de risc care semnalizează tulburările de învățare • importanța screening-ului și a intervenției direcționate De asemenea, veți cunoaște importanța rolului cercetării în neuroștiință, în detectarea timpurie a dificultăților de învățare și de comportament la copiii mici. CE ȘTIM DIN CERCETAREA IN NEUROȘTIINȚA De mulți ani, știm că structura și funcția creierului în curs de dezvoltare sunt influențate de stimularea din mediu după naștere. Mai multe cercetări din neuroștiință (Proiectul pentru fenotipul dislexiei de la Universitatea din California, Centrul pentru Cercetarea Dislexie din San Francisco) confirmă în continuare faptul că tulburările specifice de învățare sunt bazate pe funcționarea creierului și sunt rezultate dintr-o serie de factori neurologici disparați. Recent, programele de colaborare pe scară largă își propun să înțeleagă fenotipul dislexiei (Expresia neuronală, genetică, cognitivă și comportamentală) pe toată durata vieții, folosind tehnicile care anterior se utilizau în cercetarea memoriei și a bolii Alzheimer. În plus, cercetările sunt efectuate de entități 1 care utilizează: Imagistica tensorului de difuzie (DTI), Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică (RMN) și Imagistica prin Rezonanța Magnetică funcțională (IRM). Oamenii de știință folosesc aceste tehnici pentru a identifica diferențele structurale din creierul diverselor persoane, cu și fără dificultăți de învățare. Burchinal, M., Kainz, K., & Cai, Y. (2011). How well do our measures of quality predict child outcomes? A meta-analysis and coordinated analysis of data from large-scale studies of early childhood settings. In M. Zaslow, I. Martinez-Beck, K. Tout, & T. Halle (Eds.), Quality measurement in early childhood settings (pp. 11-31). Paul H. Brookes. Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers College Record, 112(3), 579-620.
Acest curriculum își propune să sprijine cadrele didactice și alți adulți implicați în activități... more Acest curriculum își propune să sprijine cadrele didactice și alți adulți implicați în activități educaționale (consilieri, părinți, îngrijitori etc.) în implementarea unei educații centrate pe dezvoltarea cognitivă. Materialul își propune să demonstreze importanța educației centrate pe dezvoltarea cognitivă, adică un tip de învățare care vine în întâmpinarea copiilor la nivelul la care se află și le centrează bunăstarea, ghidându-i în același timp prin procesul educațional, cu scopul final de a asigura șanse egale pentru toți și de a găsi forța în diversitate. Pentru a face acest lucru, oferă instrumente transdisciplinare și sugestii metodologice, care pot favoriza un proces holistic de schimbare a modului în care abordăm învățarea. Astfel, educația centrată pe dezvoltarea cognitivă nu este un subiect separat, ci o viziune pentru un mod diferit de a preda.
This curriculum is meant to support teachers and other adults involved in education activities (c... more This curriculum is meant to support teachers and other adults involved in education activities (counselors, parents, caregivers etc.) in implementing a cognitive development-centered education. The material aims to demonstrate the importance of cognitive development education, i.e. a type of learning that meets children where they're at and centers their wellbeing while guiding them through the education process, with the ultimate aim of ensuring equal opportunity for all, and finding strength in diversity. To do so, it provides cross-disciplinary tools and methodological suggestions, that can foster a holistic process of change in the way we teach. Cognitive development-centered education is thus not a separate topic, but a vision for a different way of teaching.
Papers by Ruxandra Folostina
This section of the report outlines the key findings of the state-of-the-art review which was undertaken to identify common strategies used internationally to widen participation in higher education (HE). Following the steps of a systematic review methodology, the review synthesized information about widening participation (WP) strategies from 28 review papers covering a ten-year period (from 2012 to 2022). A summary outlining the WP strategies considered in review papers is presented under four headings according to identified themes: Outreach Interventions; Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG); Financial Support; and Pedagogical and Curricular Interventions.
Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being.
This section of the report outlines the key findings of the state-of-the-art review which was undertaken to identify common strategies used internationally to widen participation in higher education (HE). Following the steps of a systematic review methodology, the review synthesized information about widening participation (WP) strategies from 28 review papers covering a ten-year period (from 2012 to 2022). A summary outlining the WP strategies considered in review papers is presented under four headings according to identified themes: Outreach Interventions; Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG); Financial Support; and Pedagogical and Curricular Interventions.
Student ambassadors can help promote diversity in academic contexts. They act as representatives and role models for the student body's different origins and experiences. Student ambassadors can inspire and motivate their peers, particularly those from marginalized or underrepresented groups, by sharing personal stories and experiences. Their involvement in campus tours, outreach projects, and orientation programs helps to foster a welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all students. In addition, student ambassadors can assist institutional leaders in developing policies and activities that foster a more inclusive campus culture by providing insightful ideas and feedback. All students are encouraged to fully participate in academic and social activities by their presence and advocacy, which develops a sense of belonging and is essential to their overall success and well-being.
bemutatni 9–12. évfolyamon tanuló intellektuális képességzavarral élő tanulónépesség
körében. A kísérleti programban a Boldizsár Ildikó nevéhez fűződő metamorphoses
meseterápiás módszer alkalmazásával a tanulók szociális és emocionális készségeire
fókuszálva történik a terápiás módszeren alapuló fejlesztő munka, annak érdekében, hogy társas
kapcsolataikban, iskolai és későbbi munkahelyi tevékenységeikben sikeresebbek legyenek. A
gyógypedagógia gyakorlatában egyre inkább nő a különböző terápiás eljárások alkalmazása
iránti igény. A beilleszkedési, magatartási, alkalmazkodási nehézségek, zavarok növekvő
számának előfordulása miatt évről évre több tanulónak lenne szüksége ilyen irányú
megsegítésre. A programban résztvevő intézményben a készségfejlesztő iskolai képzés
kezdetén magas a más intézményekből érkező tanulók száma, jellemzően ők más – többnyire
enyhe intellektuális képességzavarral élő gyermekek oktatását, nevelését végző –
iskolatípusban végezték el az általános iskolai tagozatot, beilleszkedésük ezért gyakran kihívás
jelent számukra és a gyógypedagógusok számára is. Az életkori sajátosságok miatt is fokozottan
tapasztalható a tagozaton a beilleszkedési, magatartási nehézség, zavar. Megnövekedik a társuló
fogyatékossággal élő tanulói összetétel is, leggyakrabban autizmus spektrumzavar,
mozgássérülés, vagy pszichoszociális fogyatékosság társul az intellektuális képességzavarhoz,
valamint a tanulók egy része hátrányos, vagy halmozottan hátrányos helyzetű családokból
származik. A fogyatékossággal élő személyek társadalmi beilleszkedésében az adaptív
viselkedés színvonala meghatározó, így a készségfejlesztő iskola a kognitív fejlesztés mellett
legalább akkora hangsúlyt kíván fektetni a szociális, emocionális készségek fejlesztésére is,
ennek egyik lehetséges útja a metamorphoses meseterápiás módszer alkotó, fejlesztő ágának
The challenge of delivering a suitable physical education or recreational activities for children of various abilities falls on teachers or parents. Many teachers lack the training necessary to successfully include children with autism in their classrooms. They frequently have little expertise in curriculum adaptation, especially in adapting a recreation curriculum for children with disabilities. Most schools don't provide in-service training to help teachers successfully include all students. Teachers therefore have a relatively limited understanding of the factors that influence performance. The difficulty faced by physical educators is magnified by the fact that children with disabilities frequently lag behind in terms of their level of fitness and motor skills. The answer to this issue and the aim of this guide for outdoor activities is to inform and empower teachers and parents by exposing them to all the variables that can be modified to achieve adequate inclusion in physical education and recreational activities.
The guide contains detailed instructions for putting together an inclusive curriculum for outdoor activities. It offers the reader suggestions for possible recreation, games, and sports adaptations. The categories of environment, equipment, instruction, and regulations are used to group the adaptations.
Terapia ocupațională este legată de plăcerea pe care o obține subiectul prin activități cu caracter practic și de învățare. Ea reprezintă un proces holistic, în care se integrează diferite tipuri de activități care solicită copilul pe toate palierele dezvoltării. Ca terapie integrativă ea reunește activitățile de învățare cu cele de specifice de terapie, dar și de loisir, influențând pozitiv comportamentul, personalitatea, psihomotricitatea și motivația copiilor implicați.
pre-university studies). Also, within the same law the structures which are responsible for quality assurance at a pre-university and university institutions are mentioned – The Evaluation and Quality Assurance Committee.
A downside for national specific standards, augmented by the lack of domain politics is the limited consulting of the interested groups. The authors are sharing the opinion based on which the study of education quality requires the recognition (and taking of the responsibility) of the complex and questionable nature of the cultural, economic, political and even historical implications which are executed on this reality. From this perspective, the school is not only a place where authors are teaching the child to write, read and other knowledge, but also develops his autonomy and forms his personality.
Sometimes the school becomes favourable for discrimination and inequality, raising significant barriers in becoming its beneficiary when they present vulnerability. That’s why the school should have the necessary resources to remove economic, social, cultural inequity in order to offer equal chances in learning and development. The education as well as disability are strongly contextualized in the social map of the community. The authors consider the quality in education as being defined by the educational politics which are met with the school practices in the specific context of a community.
The quality as the expression of a politics should become intrinsic to education giving the system processes new connotations. It influences the school processes just as those are developed both strategically, as well as at an educational practices level. At the school institution level it gets redefined, needs to be assumed and supported by all the interested strategic groups involved (institutional and personal accountability). That is why the authors are proposing in this chapter a model of intervention with improving value for the quality management, experienced in 10 schools (five special and five mainstream schools) in an analysis of multiple cases based on quality process deployment.
unui model „biopsihosocial” de înţelegere şi explicare a dizabilităţii
(termenul general pentru afectări, limitări de activitate sau restricţii de
participare) şi a funcţionalităţii. Comutarea de pe un model medical ce
consideră dizabilitatea ca fiind direct cauzată de boală şi reprezintă o
problemă a persoanei, pe un model social care consideră dizabilitatea o
problemă creată social şi ţine de integrarea completă a individului în
societate, a reprezentat primul pas spre o abordare pozitivă a persoanei cu
nevoi speciale. Dizabilitatea nu este numai un atribut al individului, ci un
complex de condiţii create de mediul social, o responsabilitate comună a
întregii societăţi, în condiţiile asigurării unor schimbări de mediu necesare
participării persoanelor cu nevoi speciale în toate domeniile vieţii sociale.
Din perspectiva modelului social, prin strategiile educaţionale
propuse, cercetarea urmăreşte realizarea unui mediu educaţional propice
unei abordări diferenţiate, motivator şi experienţial din punct de vedere al
practicii educaţionale.
Prin natura cercetării propuse, se ating următoarele aspecte ale
abordării pozitive:
- Preocuparea pentru capacităţile în evoluţie ale copiilor cu cerinţe
educaţionale speciale şi, în general, ale copiilor cu nevoi speciale;
- Focalizarea pe acele puncte ale copilului care se dezvoltă cu
precădere, identificarea zonei proximei dezvoltări şi sprijinirea reuşitelor
prin experienţe de învăţare mediată;
- Identificarea acelor teme ale disciplinelor curriculare care dau
posibilitatea elevului cu CES (Cerinţe Educaţionale Speciale) să se afirme.