Papers by Marta Pestarino
Sanctuaires et paysages La (re)découverte des lieux de culte en Méditerranée centrale et orientale Actes du colloque international Strasbourg, 21 - 23 novembre 2023, 2025
The so-called Piazzale dei Sacelli at Ayia Triada in Crete is an area that retains a connection t... more The so-called Piazzale dei Sacelli at Ayia Triada in Crete is an area that retains a connection to ritual activities throughout
the site’s history, from the foundation of the settlement in Ancient Minoan period to the Hellenistic era. The reading of the
surrounding landscape, characterised by the presence of the sea, the river Hieropotamos and Mount Ida, in the light of the
cosmological imagery of the Bronze Age, suggests its involvement in the choice of the place for cult practices.
Atti della LIII riunione scientifica dell'Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria (Genova, 17-20 ottobre 2018), in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche LXXIII, 2023
Il congresso e la pubblicazione di questo volume sono stati possibili grazie al sostegno della Re... more Il congresso e la pubblicazione di questo volume sono stati possibili grazie al sostegno della Regione Liguria, della
AKROTHINIA 2. Contributi di giovani ricercatori italiani agli studi egei e ciprioti, 202 -Periploi -Collana di Studi egei e ciprioti, 2018
Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, 31, Torino , 2016
M. Venturino Gambari, A. Bacchetta, M. Giaretti, M. Pestarino, L. Secchi, Acqui Terme. Civico Mus... more M. Venturino Gambari, A. Bacchetta, M. Giaretti, M. Pestarino, L. Secchi, Acqui Terme. Civico Museo Archeologico. Realizzazione dei nuovi depositi per i reperti archeologici, in Quaderni della Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte, 31, Torino 2016.
Book Reviews by Marta Pestarino
Les Carnets de l’ACoSt Online, 22, 2022
Les Carnets de l’ACoSt Online, 20, 2020
Pestarino M., Camici I.B., Bodies of Clay on Prehistoric Humanised Pottery, Les Carnets de l’ACoS... more Pestarino M., Camici I.B., Bodies of Clay on Prehistoric Humanised Pottery, Les Carnets de l’ACoSt Online, 20, 2020
Talks by Marta Pestarino
"La caccia nel mondo antico: case studies” (a.a. 2021/22)

“Sacrifici umani nel mondo greco: mito, storia, archeologia” (a.a. 2020/21)
Seminario dottorale di Archeologia e Storia greca (a.a. 2020/21) Sacrifici umani nel mondo greco:... more Seminario dottorale di Archeologia e Storia greca (a.a. 2020/21) Sacrifici umani nel mondo greco: mito, storia, archeologia LUNEDI 25.01.21 ore 15-17-MONDO EGEO E GRECIA ARCAICA Doralice FABIANO (Univ. di Milano) Sacrificio umano e religione greca antica: dibattito storiografico e alcune linee interpretative recenti Nicola CUCUZZA (Unige) Sacrifici umani nell'età del Bronzo a Creta: status quaestionis Marta PESTARINO (Unige) Cannibalismo rituale a Cnosso? Analisi ed interpretazioni del dato archeologico Irò CAMICI (Unige) Sacrifici umani ad Archanes e Kydonia? LUNEDI 15.02.21 ore 15-17-GRECIA CLASSICA ED ELLENISTICA Francesca GAZZANO (Unige) Erodoto antropologo: i sacrifici umani nelle Storie Omar COLORU (Unige) Alessandro Magno e il rituale del "sostituto del re": un sacrificio umano fra tradizione iranica e appropriazione greca Elisa IORI (Univ. di Erfurt) Mura ellenistiche e rituali di fondazione: un sacrificio umano a Barikot (SWAT)? LUNEDI 15.03.21 ore 15-17-ALTRE CULTURE Giuseppe MINUNNO (Unige) Sacrifici umani nella cultura fenicio-punica: realtà e ideologia Laura AMBROSINI (Unige) Il sacrificio umano in Etruria Giovanni ANDRISANI (Unige) Moloch: il sacrificio umano nel mito di Achille Agnese FONTANA (Unige) Sacrifici umani e riti di fondazione in Giovanni Malala Il seminario si svolgerà ONLINE su piattaforma Microsoft Teams, codice accesso: ff4ztx7 Gli interessati non in possesso di un account Unige possono contattare:
Thesis Chapters by Marta Pestarino
Il progetto di dottorato in corso di svolgimento presso l'Università di Genova e l'Université de ... more Il progetto di dottorato in corso di svolgimento presso l'Università di Genova e l'Université de Strasbourg prevede lo studio analitico dei resti architettonici del c.d. Complesso della mazza di breccia, edificio neopalaziale conservatosi nel Settore Nord-Est in prossimità della necropoli di Haghia Triada e scavato dalla Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene tra il 1989 e il 1999.
Relatori: Nicola Cucuzza, Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro
Tesi di Diploma di Scuola di Specializzazione discussa il 14 giugno 2021 presso l'Università degl... more Tesi di Diploma di Scuola di Specializzazione discussa il 14 giugno 2021 presso l'Università degli studi di Genova, relatore: prof. N. Cucuzza
Organised events by Marta Pestarino
Sanctuaires et paysages La découverte des lieux de culte en Italie méridionale, en Sicile et dans... more Sanctuaires et paysages La découverte des lieux de culte en Italie méridionale, en Sicile et dans le bassin égéen Sanctuaries and landscapes The discovery of cult places in Southern Italy, in Sicily, and in the Aegean Basin Programme 21-23 / 11 / 2023 Strasbourg, MISHA Campus Esplanade Salle des conférences Organisation
Phaistos and Ayia Triada by Marta Pestarino

ASAtene 101, 2023 (2024), pp. 455-510 (455-464, 494; bibliografia pp. 508-510). ISSN 0067-0081/2484-2418 (on line)., 2024
Abstract. In 2021 the archaeological mission of Phaistos started the new five-year program The fo... more Abstract. In 2021 the archaeological mission of Phaistos started the new five-year program The forms of the settlement in
Phaistos between the Neolithic and the Late Roman Period (2021-2025). The activities included both excavation campaigns (2022-
2023) and study campaigns (2021-2023), of which the preliminary results are presented here. The excavation campaigns investigated
the area to the W and NW of the archaeological area, clarifying various aspects left open by previous excavations. The
soundings brought to light the continuation of the Neolithic wall already identified in 2002 (Sounding 3), a sequence of floor
levels dating back to between the EM III and the MM IIB period (Sounding 7), an enchytrismos burial of the MM III (Sounding
1 West), and a series of stratigraphic sequences dating between LM IIIC and the archaic period (Soundings 1, 3, 8). Noteworthy
is the discovery of a bronze panoply in Room OO (Sounding 5). For the most recent phases, a complex of Hellenistic rooms was
re-excavated whose position was not certain (Sounding 2, Rooms n1-3), and Hellenistic levels were brought to light in Soundings
4 and 7. Among the finds a fragment of vase with possible dedication to Hermes, datable to 450-425 BC. The research activities
concerned in particular the application of quantitative methods to LM IIIC-PG architectures (W.A.L(L) project), the survey
with georeferencing of kernoi and mason’s marks and the epigraphic analysis of Linear A texts. The latter, conducted with RTI
and HDR techniques, allowed the identification of a new sign in the epigraphic corpus of Phaistos and suggested the existence of
possible papyrus, leather or parchment supports on which some of the documents had been placed.
Papers by Marta Pestarino
the site’s history, from the foundation of the settlement in Ancient Minoan period to the Hellenistic era. The reading of the
surrounding landscape, characterised by the presence of the sea, the river Hieropotamos and Mount Ida, in the light of the
cosmological imagery of the Bronze Age, suggests its involvement in the choice of the place for cult practices.
Book Reviews by Marta Pestarino
Talks by Marta Pestarino
Thesis Chapters by Marta Pestarino
Relatori: Nicola Cucuzza, Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro
Organised events by Marta Pestarino
Phaistos and Ayia Triada by Marta Pestarino
Phaistos between the Neolithic and the Late Roman Period (2021-2025). The activities included both excavation campaigns (2022-
2023) and study campaigns (2021-2023), of which the preliminary results are presented here. The excavation campaigns investigated
the area to the W and NW of the archaeological area, clarifying various aspects left open by previous excavations. The
soundings brought to light the continuation of the Neolithic wall already identified in 2002 (Sounding 3), a sequence of floor
levels dating back to between the EM III and the MM IIB period (Sounding 7), an enchytrismos burial of the MM III (Sounding
1 West), and a series of stratigraphic sequences dating between LM IIIC and the archaic period (Soundings 1, 3, 8). Noteworthy
is the discovery of a bronze panoply in Room OO (Sounding 5). For the most recent phases, a complex of Hellenistic rooms was
re-excavated whose position was not certain (Sounding 2, Rooms n1-3), and Hellenistic levels were brought to light in Soundings
4 and 7. Among the finds a fragment of vase with possible dedication to Hermes, datable to 450-425 BC. The research activities
concerned in particular the application of quantitative methods to LM IIIC-PG architectures (W.A.L(L) project), the survey
with georeferencing of kernoi and mason’s marks and the epigraphic analysis of Linear A texts. The latter, conducted with RTI
and HDR techniques, allowed the identification of a new sign in the epigraphic corpus of Phaistos and suggested the existence of
possible papyrus, leather or parchment supports on which some of the documents had been placed.
the site’s history, from the foundation of the settlement in Ancient Minoan period to the Hellenistic era. The reading of the
surrounding landscape, characterised by the presence of the sea, the river Hieropotamos and Mount Ida, in the light of the
cosmological imagery of the Bronze Age, suggests its involvement in the choice of the place for cult practices.
Relatori: Nicola Cucuzza, Daniela Lefèvre-Novaro
Phaistos between the Neolithic and the Late Roman Period (2021-2025). The activities included both excavation campaigns (2022-
2023) and study campaigns (2021-2023), of which the preliminary results are presented here. The excavation campaigns investigated
the area to the W and NW of the archaeological area, clarifying various aspects left open by previous excavations. The
soundings brought to light the continuation of the Neolithic wall already identified in 2002 (Sounding 3), a sequence of floor
levels dating back to between the EM III and the MM IIB period (Sounding 7), an enchytrismos burial of the MM III (Sounding
1 West), and a series of stratigraphic sequences dating between LM IIIC and the archaic period (Soundings 1, 3, 8). Noteworthy
is the discovery of a bronze panoply in Room OO (Sounding 5). For the most recent phases, a complex of Hellenistic rooms was
re-excavated whose position was not certain (Sounding 2, Rooms n1-3), and Hellenistic levels were brought to light in Soundings
4 and 7. Among the finds a fragment of vase with possible dedication to Hermes, datable to 450-425 BC. The research activities
concerned in particular the application of quantitative methods to LM IIIC-PG architectures (W.A.L(L) project), the survey
with georeferencing of kernoi and mason’s marks and the epigraphic analysis of Linear A texts. The latter, conducted with RTI
and HDR techniques, allowed the identification of a new sign in the epigraphic corpus of Phaistos and suggested the existence of
possible papyrus, leather or parchment supports on which some of the documents had been placed.