Call for panel & papers by irene falconieri
Papers by irene falconieri
Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analy... more Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analysis of political transformations in a small town in the North-Eastern coast of Sicily, hit by a massive flood on October 1, 2009. The interpretation comes from a voluntary work of counseling carried out with anthropological approach as a prosecution of a Phd research (2010-2013). Both the activities of ethnographic research and political counseling, were characterized by a personal involvement into the local dynamics, in order to apply a possible “public use” of anthropology. During the research and the political action, the ethnographer tried to apply the anthropological theoretical tools to the analysis of a post-disaster setting, with the porpouse of “intervening” actively in the observed sociopolitical processes. A constant effort is request to the anthropologist working in the field to maintain an independent voice.
Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies, 2021
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2022
Humanities research, 2012
Il lento scatenarsi di un evento : pratiche di resistenza in un comune alluvionato, Scaletta Zanclea, 2015
Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analy... more Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analysis of political transformations in a small town in the NorthEastern coast of Sicily, hit by a massive flood on October 1, 2009. The interpretation comes from a voluntary work of counseling carried out with anthropological approach as a prosecution of a Phd research (2010-2013). Both the activities of ethnographic research and political counseling, were characterized by a personal involvement into the local dynamics, in order to apply a possible "public use" of anthropology. During the research and the political action, the ethnographer tried to apply the anthropological theoretical tools to the analysis of a post-disaster setting, with the porpouse of "intervening" actively in the observed sociopolitical processes. A constant effort is request to the anthropologist working in the field to maintain an independent voice. Introduzione La vittoria di Moschella assume un ...
The paper aims to reflect on the connections between environmental activism and health risk in th... more The paper aims to reflect on the connections between environmental activism and health risk in the industrial area of Augusta, Priolo and Melilli (SR). In particular, through the analysis of some criminal proceedings initiated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Syracuse, we will investigate the ways in which, since the Nineties of the last century, the bodies "sick of pollution" have been subjected to a double process of socialization. Placed within the framework of judicial investigations, they have been objectified and evaluated to become useful evidence to demonstrate any illegal conduct attributed to the petrochemical industries present in the territory. At the same time, despite the fact that no activism of a purely legal nature has been created in the area under investigation, these issues have strongly encouraged the emergence of a public awareness of the environmental and health risks associated with the processes of industrial development. Sick individuals/b...
Comunicare ambiente e salute. Aree inquinate e cambiamenti climatici in tempi di pandemia, 2021
Negli ultimi decenni, nuovi problemi e interrogativi relativi alla percezione e alla comunicazion... more Negli ultimi decenni, nuovi problemi e interrogativi relativi alla percezione e alla comunicazione del rischio si sono imposti sulla scena pubblica attirando l’attenzione di studiosi e, con maggiori resistenze, dei decisori politici. In particolare, l’attuale pandemia dovuta al virus SARS-CoV-2 dimostra che l’adozione di strategie comunicative adeguate alla tipologia di rischio, ai contesti e alle persone destinatarie dei messaggi è di importanza fondamentale per garantire un’efficace comunicazione alla popolazione. La questione è destinata ad assumere un ruolo sempre più centrale nella gestione di controversie territoriali legate a problemi di tipo ambientale e sanitario in aree caratterizzate dalla presenza di insediamenti industriali fortemente inquinanti. Questo contributo presenta una selezione di casi studio utili per analizzare e confrontare le modalità di comunicazione del rischio e i loro effetti in Sicilia. Trattasi in parti- colare delle fasce costiere siracusana e gelese e della Valle del Mela. Ad accomunare queste aree abbiamo la rapida trasformazione nel passato dei territori a causa di una industrializzazione fortemente inquinante; l’incertezza del presente sullo stato di salute dell’ambiente e delle popolazioni umane e animali che vi abitano; e i dibattiti sulla futura ristrutturazione economica e territoriale nell’ottica di una riconversione in chiave green e di una valorizzazione dei patrimoni naturalistici e paesaggistici.
L’articolo indaga da una prospettiva storico-etnografica le declinazioni attuali dei movimenti pe... more L’articolo indaga da una prospettiva storico-etnografica le declinazioni attuali dei movimenti per la giustizia ambientale nel siracusano, un’area della Sicilia orientale caratterizzata dalla presenza di un imponente polo petrolchimico che produce effetti fortemente impattanti da punto di vista ambientale, paesaggistico e sanitario. Si mostrera come, attorno al tema dei rifiuti industriali e della loro governance, si siano costruite nel tempo pratiche e narrazioni che attraversano e interconnettono diverse sfere della vita pubblica, contribuendo in tal modo a riconfigurare la portata sociale dei problemi ambientali. Le analisi e i dati presentati sono il risultato di una ricerca etnografica di lungo periodo – avviata nel 2015 e ancora oggi in corso – che si e strutturata in tre diversi momenti, a cui corrispondo altrettanti focus tematici e strumenti metodologici.
Antropologia Pubblica, 2015
Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analy... more Considering the relation between trust, social change and disasters, this paper presents an analysis of political transformations in a small town in the NorthEastern coast of Sicily, hit by a massive flood on October 1, 2009. The interpretation comes from a voluntary work of counseling carried out with anthropological approach as a prosecution of a Phd research (2010-2013). Both the activities of ethnographic research and political counseling, were characterized by a personal involvement into the local dynamics, in order to apply a possible "public use" of anthropology. During the research and the political action, the ethnographer tried to apply the anthropological theoretical tools to the analysis of a post-disaster setting, with the porpouse of "intervening" actively in the observed sociopolitical processes. A constant effort is request to the anthropologist working in the field to maintain an independent voice. I
Call for papers by irene falconieri
Call-for-papers del panel n. 14 dell'VIII Convegno Nazionale SIAA (Società Italiana di Antropolog... more Call-for-papers del panel n. 14 dell'VIII Convegno Nazionale SIAA (Società Italiana di Antropologia Applicata), Parma, 3-6 dicembre 2020, sul tema generale "Fare (in) tempo. Cosa dicono gli antropologi sulle società dell’incertezza".
Economy (money/debt/finance/mutuality) by irene falconieri
Comunicare ambiente e salute Aree inquinate e cambiamenti climatici in tempi di pandemia a cura di, 2021
Call for panel & papers by irene falconieri
Papers by irene falconieri
Call for papers by irene falconieri
Economy (money/debt/finance/mutuality) by irene falconieri
from minute 28'30" to 54'20"
from minute 28'30" to 54'20"