n the last few years, the use of 3D reality-based techniques in Cultural Heritage has grown signi... more n the last few years, the use of 3D reality-based techniques in Cultural Heritage has grown significantly. Laser scanner and aerial or close-range photogrammetry have become the new tools for many experts and professionals in the field of documentation and restoration. As it is fundamental to integrate old and new datasets, a common topographical framework is frequently required to guarantee the perfect fusion of data originating from different sensors or acquired in different periods. Integrating the scans with high-resolution images allows to document and evaluate the state of art and conservation of archaeological structures quickly. New methods and approaches are tested to check the reliability and accuracy of the 3D objects, particularly if these digital replicas are the final product of the alignment of separate data-acquisition campaigns (4D). The paper deals with the implementation of a network for the Insula III of Herculaneum, an area greater than 4.000 sqm, since 2005 main case-study of the second research projet of the University of Bologna in Vesuvian region, the Domus Herculanensis Rationes (DHER). The topographical grid, obtained through the alignment and roto-translation of over than 300 scans, has been used to geo-reference and scale the high-resolution images taken during a parallel photogrammetric campaign of the painted and decorated walls of the Insula, in the framework of the Atlante degli Apparati Decorativi di Ercolano, a complete photogrammetric and graphic catalogue of the wall paintings and decorated floors of Herculaneum. The contribution deals with the workflow making the documentary basis of a research on decorations in context (as part of a research in household archaeology, insula based) and mainly on the tests carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the network
Notarchirico (Southern Italy) has yielded the earliest evidence of Acheulean settlement in Italy ... more Notarchirico (Southern Italy) has yielded the earliest evidence of Acheulean settlement in Italy and four older occupation levels have recently been unearthed, including one with bifaces, extending the roots of the Acheulean in Italy even further back in time. New40Ar/39Ar on tephras and ESR dates on bleached quartz securely and accurately place these occupations between 695 and 670 ka (MIS 17), penecontemporaneous with the Moulin-Quignon and la Noira sites (France). These new data demonstrate a very rapid expansion of shared traditions over Western Europe during a period of highly variable climatic conditions, including interglacial and glacial episodes, between 670 and 650 (i.e., MIS17/MIS16 transition). The diversity of tools and activities observed in these three sites shows that Western Europe was populated by adaptable hominins during this time. These conclusions question the existence of refuge areas during intense glacial stages and raise questions concerning understudied mi...
2018 Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArchaeo), 2018
In the last years 3D data-acquisition techniques have been used to create virtual 3D objects for ... more In the last years 3D data-acquisition techniques have been used to create virtual 3D objects for different purposes. Laser scanner and aerial or close-range photogrammetry have become the new basic tools of many experts and professionals in the field of the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage. The paper deals with the implementation of a 3D network for the Insula III of Herculaneum, an area of more than 4.000 m2, carried out in the framework of the VESUVIANA project coordinated by the University of Bologna. This topographical grid, realized in only 3 weeks of work on field, has been used to geo-reference and scale the images taken during an accurate photographical campaign of the painted and decorated walls of the Insula. A traditional survey approach, done using a total station to rectify the images, would have required a long time-consuming process to capture points data for the whole area of the Insula. The integration of the scans with the high-resolution images ...
Nel 2016 e stato pianificato e realizzato un rilievo tridimensionale del sito di Valle Giumentina... more Nel 2016 e stato pianificato e realizzato un rilievo tridimensionale del sito di Valle Giumentina non solo per visualizzare il sito in 3D, ma anche per analizzare lo stato di conservazione di un sito preistorico e il livello di degrado nel corso del tempo. Integrated 3D Survey Methods to Document the Middle Pleistocene Site of Valle Giumentina (Abruzzo, Italy) In 2016 a three-dimensional survey of the site of Valle Giumentina has been carried out by means of laser scanner and close-range photogrammetry not only to visualize the site in 3D, but also to analyse the state of preservation and the level of degradation in the course of time due to the natural changes.
The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). ... more The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
The aim of the archaeological survey of the Ardahan-Horasan section, part of the BAKU-TBILISI-CEY... more The aim of the archaeological survey of the Ardahan-Horasan section, part of the BAKU-TBILISI-CEYHAN Pipeline Project, is to give a general overview of the distribution of archaeological sites in a wide geographical area that was never investigated. During the surveys the authors were able to collect a considerable amount of pottery, metal slags of both iron and copper alloys and volcanic obsidian raw materials.
Introduzione (A. D'Andrea) Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra ... more Introduzione (A. D'Andrea) Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e l'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, sono state avviate nuove indagini nell'isolato 4-6. L'area, se si eccettuano alcune brevi note di inquadramento generale (Lemaire 1988, Bragantini et alii 2000, Bragantini et alii 2008, De Bonis 2010), è del tutto inedita 1 (Fig. 1); le poche informazioni oggi disponibili riguardano le dimensioni dell'isolato ed una preliminare identificazione degli spazi e delle tecniche murarie. Le prime tracce di esplorazioni nell'isolato 4-6 si ricavano da una foto aerea del 1954 pubblicata da Schmiedt e Castagnoli (1955) che mostra la parziale messa in luce della porzione Ovest dell'area centrale delle terme (Fig. 2); in corrispondenza di questi scavi, ad Est venivano messe in luce le strutture che obliterano la strada. Gli interventi più consistenti saranno realizzati negli anni seguenti, certamente prima del 1958, quando venne pubblicata per la prima volta la mappa completa dell'intero isolato, che mostra una serie di strutture al di sopra dell'attuale strada As4 (EUA 1958) (Fig. 3). L'analisi dei rilievi riprodotti nel 1955 e nel 1958 e di quelli più recenti pubblicati da Mario Napoli (1970) (Fig. 4) suggerisce che soltanto successivamente, in un momento che non siamo però in grado di precisare, sono state rimosse le strutture di epoca tarda che obliteravano la strada As4. Il lotto è definito a Nord dal decumano Bo ed a Sud dall'asse stradale Bo2 e presenta una lunghezza di 272-273m e una larghezza che varia da circa 35 m nella parte Nord a 38-40m nella fascia centrale. L'isolato non sembra mostrare alcuna suddivisione mediana interna. Ad Ovest il lotto è delimitato, nella parte settentrionale, da un'opera in blocchi squadrati e, ad Est, da una muratura prevalentemente in opera incerta. Nella parte Nord dell'isolato è presente una grande domus con doppio atrio e peristilio con ingresso a Nord dal decumano Bo e probabilmente anche ad Ovest dall'asse stradale As6. Più a Sud, dopo un leggero salto di quota, si riconoscono gli ambienti di un edificio termale costruito al margine di un grande spazio aperto, identificabile con la palestra. Da uno degli ambienti absidati, situati lungo il margine Est 1 Sono scarse le informazioni disponibili sugli scavi eseguiti in questa zona abitativa. Le tracce dei vari scavi possono essere rintracciate analizzando la documentazione grafica e fotografica prodotta tra gli anni '50 e '70. dell'isolato, proviene il mosaico figurato di Nettuno tessellato in bianco-nero 2. Ancora più a Sud, il lotto presenta certamente un'altra abitazione, di cui si rinvengono l'atrio ed il peristilio, mentre meno precisi appaiono i limiti di altre eventuali residenze localizzate in questa fascia dell'isolato. L'analisi delle murature del lotto rivela la presenza di strutture in opera incerta, conservate per un'altezza media di 50cm, o in blocchi squadrati di grandi dimensioni, concentrati soprattutto nella parte Nord dell'isolato; sono presenti residui di pavimenti in varie tipologie (marmo 3 , cocciopesto, mosaici) sebbene la loro estensione e cronologia non sia sempre precisabile anche a causa delle distruzioni operate lungo l'asse stradale As4 4. Sulla base dei resti murari e dei rivestimenti pavimentali e parietali, l'isolato si data al periodo tardo-repubblicano con una serie di rifacimenti di pregio tra la fine dell'età repubblicana e gli inizi dell'età imperiale. Data l'assenza di documentazione grafica, delle relazioni di scavo e dei materiali ceramici, lo studio del lotto è stato, finora, inserito in un più ampio esame degli isolati abitativi. Uno dei primi tentativi di lettura si deve ad A. Lemaire (1988) che fornisce una descrizione sintetica dell'Is. 4-6 confrontando la planimetria degli isolati meridionali con quelli più a Nord. Due appaiono i tratti significativi del lotto: l'estensione ridotta in rapporto all'insieme delle altre parti dell'abitato e la posizione centrale, privilegiata, in prossimità delle aree sacre e del foro. Questi aspetti topografici e planimetrici sembrano conferire agli isolati meridionali un'impronta particolare suggerita anche dalla presenza di edifici pubblici nella trama dei contesti abitativi privati, con una combinazione di funzioni non sempre facilmente identificabili. In particolare, nel lotto 4-6 la Lemaire (1988) indica l'esistenza di complessi pubblici, come le terme, alternati ad abitazioni, mentre a Nord, sul decumano 2 De Bonis 2010, 274-275; l'ambiente è stato identificato come frigidarium. 3 Una foto del rivestimento marmoreo dell'ambiente 44 si trova in De Bonis 2010, 274, fig. 3. 4 Su questo punto Lemaire 1988 e De Bonis 2010. Confrontando il rilievo del 1955 (Schmiedt e Castagnoli 1955, figg. 19 e 21) con una pianta in scala 1:200…
D-SITE Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage. For a spatial and social investigation, 2019
The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the
insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). ... more The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
The idea of creating an atlas of the masonries for the
site of al-Balid was born out of the need ... more The idea of creating an atlas of the masonries for the site of al-Balid was born out of the need to record and manage the large amount of data coming from the archaeological investigations which, since the end of the 1950s, have been carried out by different missions (Albright 1982; Costa 1982; Jansen 2015; Newton, Zarins 2017; Pavan et alii 2018). Besides being fundamental for the general understanding of the architectural and urban development of the town, the atlas will be an important tool for documenting, studying and, to date, performing effective consolidation and a proper visualization of the ruins, an issue which is strictly connected with the nature of the archaeological excavation itself. Furthermore, and importantly, it would fulfil the Unesco demands regarding the documentation of the World Heritage Sites, among which is al-Balid included since 2000. The first step of the project was developed between the 6th and the 18th December 2019 by a team of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in collaboration with the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Muscat-Salalah, Sultanate of Oman. Works on the field were conducted by S. Laurenza, C. Passaro and R. Valentini, under the direction of R. Giunta and A. D’Andrea. A. Pavan was at that the representative for the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman
Advanced and low-cost 3D technologies (Laser Scanner and Digital Photogrammetry) are nowadays wid... more Advanced and low-cost 3D technologies (Laser Scanner and Digital Photogrammetry) are nowadays widely used in several fields such as Cultural Heritage and Archaeology. In this paper a collaborative project between the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum, the CISA (Interdepartmental Services Centre for Archaeology) and the DAAM (Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean Studies) of the University “L’Orientale” of Naples is presented. Aim of the project was to find a solution to study the Roman boat discovered in the ancient city of Herculaneum and destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D., without altering its state of preservation. Different digital survey techniques were employed to compare different types of sensors. The goal was to obtain an accurate definition of the construction characteristics of the boat thanks to the data fusion.
Newsletter Archeologia CISA Ricerche e Studi, Oct 22, 2019
Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e ... more Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e l'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, sono state avviate nuove indagini nell'isolato 4-6. Data l'assenza di documentazione grafica, delle relazioni di scavo e dei materiali ceramici, lo studio del lotto è stato, finora, inserito in un più ampio esame degli isolati abitativi.
n the last few years, the use of 3D reality-based techniques in Cultural Heritage has grown signi... more n the last few years, the use of 3D reality-based techniques in Cultural Heritage has grown significantly. Laser scanner and aerial or close-range photogrammetry have become the new tools for many experts and professionals in the field of documentation and restoration. As it is fundamental to integrate old and new datasets, a common topographical framework is frequently required to guarantee the perfect fusion of data originating from different sensors or acquired in different periods. Integrating the scans with high-resolution images allows to document and evaluate the state of art and conservation of archaeological structures quickly. New methods and approaches are tested to check the reliability and accuracy of the 3D objects, particularly if these digital replicas are the final product of the alignment of separate data-acquisition campaigns (4D). The paper deals with the implementation of a network for the Insula III of Herculaneum, an area greater than 4.000 sqm, since 2005 main case-study of the second research projet of the University of Bologna in Vesuvian region, the Domus Herculanensis Rationes (DHER). The topographical grid, obtained through the alignment and roto-translation of over than 300 scans, has been used to geo-reference and scale the high-resolution images taken during a parallel photogrammetric campaign of the painted and decorated walls of the Insula, in the framework of the Atlante degli Apparati Decorativi di Ercolano, a complete photogrammetric and graphic catalogue of the wall paintings and decorated floors of Herculaneum. The contribution deals with the workflow making the documentary basis of a research on decorations in context (as part of a research in household archaeology, insula based) and mainly on the tests carried out to evaluate the accuracy of the network
Notarchirico (Southern Italy) has yielded the earliest evidence of Acheulean settlement in Italy ... more Notarchirico (Southern Italy) has yielded the earliest evidence of Acheulean settlement in Italy and four older occupation levels have recently been unearthed, including one with bifaces, extending the roots of the Acheulean in Italy even further back in time. New40Ar/39Ar on tephras and ESR dates on bleached quartz securely and accurately place these occupations between 695 and 670 ka (MIS 17), penecontemporaneous with the Moulin-Quignon and la Noira sites (France). These new data demonstrate a very rapid expansion of shared traditions over Western Europe during a period of highly variable climatic conditions, including interglacial and glacial episodes, between 670 and 650 (i.e., MIS17/MIS16 transition). The diversity of tools and activities observed in these three sites shows that Western Europe was populated by adaptable hominins during this time. These conclusions question the existence of refuge areas during intense glacial stages and raise questions concerning understudied mi...
2018 Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (MetroArchaeo), 2018
In the last years 3D data-acquisition techniques have been used to create virtual 3D objects for ... more In the last years 3D data-acquisition techniques have been used to create virtual 3D objects for different purposes. Laser scanner and aerial or close-range photogrammetry have become the new basic tools of many experts and professionals in the field of the documentation and preservation of cultural heritage. The paper deals with the implementation of a 3D network for the Insula III of Herculaneum, an area of more than 4.000 m2, carried out in the framework of the VESUVIANA project coordinated by the University of Bologna. This topographical grid, realized in only 3 weeks of work on field, has been used to geo-reference and scale the images taken during an accurate photographical campaign of the painted and decorated walls of the Insula. A traditional survey approach, done using a total station to rectify the images, would have required a long time-consuming process to capture points data for the whole area of the Insula. The integration of the scans with the high-resolution images ...
Nel 2016 e stato pianificato e realizzato un rilievo tridimensionale del sito di Valle Giumentina... more Nel 2016 e stato pianificato e realizzato un rilievo tridimensionale del sito di Valle Giumentina non solo per visualizzare il sito in 3D, ma anche per analizzare lo stato di conservazione di un sito preistorico e il livello di degrado nel corso del tempo. Integrated 3D Survey Methods to Document the Middle Pleistocene Site of Valle Giumentina (Abruzzo, Italy) In 2016 a three-dimensional survey of the site of Valle Giumentina has been carried out by means of laser scanner and close-range photogrammetry not only to visualize the site in 3D, but also to analyse the state of preservation and the level of degradation in the course of time due to the natural changes.
The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). ... more The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
The aim of the archaeological survey of the Ardahan-Horasan section, part of the BAKU-TBILISI-CEY... more The aim of the archaeological survey of the Ardahan-Horasan section, part of the BAKU-TBILISI-CEYHAN Pipeline Project, is to give a general overview of the distribution of archaeological sites in a wide geographical area that was never investigated. During the surveys the authors were able to collect a considerable amount of pottery, metal slags of both iron and copper alloys and volcanic obsidian raw materials.
Introduzione (A. D'Andrea) Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra ... more Introduzione (A. D'Andrea) Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e l'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, sono state avviate nuove indagini nell'isolato 4-6. L'area, se si eccettuano alcune brevi note di inquadramento generale (Lemaire 1988, Bragantini et alii 2000, Bragantini et alii 2008, De Bonis 2010), è del tutto inedita 1 (Fig. 1); le poche informazioni oggi disponibili riguardano le dimensioni dell'isolato ed una preliminare identificazione degli spazi e delle tecniche murarie. Le prime tracce di esplorazioni nell'isolato 4-6 si ricavano da una foto aerea del 1954 pubblicata da Schmiedt e Castagnoli (1955) che mostra la parziale messa in luce della porzione Ovest dell'area centrale delle terme (Fig. 2); in corrispondenza di questi scavi, ad Est venivano messe in luce le strutture che obliterano la strada. Gli interventi più consistenti saranno realizzati negli anni seguenti, certamente prima del 1958, quando venne pubblicata per la prima volta la mappa completa dell'intero isolato, che mostra una serie di strutture al di sopra dell'attuale strada As4 (EUA 1958) (Fig. 3). L'analisi dei rilievi riprodotti nel 1955 e nel 1958 e di quelli più recenti pubblicati da Mario Napoli (1970) (Fig. 4) suggerisce che soltanto successivamente, in un momento che non siamo però in grado di precisare, sono state rimosse le strutture di epoca tarda che obliteravano la strada As4. Il lotto è definito a Nord dal decumano Bo ed a Sud dall'asse stradale Bo2 e presenta una lunghezza di 272-273m e una larghezza che varia da circa 35 m nella parte Nord a 38-40m nella fascia centrale. L'isolato non sembra mostrare alcuna suddivisione mediana interna. Ad Ovest il lotto è delimitato, nella parte settentrionale, da un'opera in blocchi squadrati e, ad Est, da una muratura prevalentemente in opera incerta. Nella parte Nord dell'isolato è presente una grande domus con doppio atrio e peristilio con ingresso a Nord dal decumano Bo e probabilmente anche ad Ovest dall'asse stradale As6. Più a Sud, dopo un leggero salto di quota, si riconoscono gli ambienti di un edificio termale costruito al margine di un grande spazio aperto, identificabile con la palestra. Da uno degli ambienti absidati, situati lungo il margine Est 1 Sono scarse le informazioni disponibili sugli scavi eseguiti in questa zona abitativa. Le tracce dei vari scavi possono essere rintracciate analizzando la documentazione grafica e fotografica prodotta tra gli anni '50 e '70. dell'isolato, proviene il mosaico figurato di Nettuno tessellato in bianco-nero 2. Ancora più a Sud, il lotto presenta certamente un'altra abitazione, di cui si rinvengono l'atrio ed il peristilio, mentre meno precisi appaiono i limiti di altre eventuali residenze localizzate in questa fascia dell'isolato. L'analisi delle murature del lotto rivela la presenza di strutture in opera incerta, conservate per un'altezza media di 50cm, o in blocchi squadrati di grandi dimensioni, concentrati soprattutto nella parte Nord dell'isolato; sono presenti residui di pavimenti in varie tipologie (marmo 3 , cocciopesto, mosaici) sebbene la loro estensione e cronologia non sia sempre precisabile anche a causa delle distruzioni operate lungo l'asse stradale As4 4. Sulla base dei resti murari e dei rivestimenti pavimentali e parietali, l'isolato si data al periodo tardo-repubblicano con una serie di rifacimenti di pregio tra la fine dell'età repubblicana e gli inizi dell'età imperiale. Data l'assenza di documentazione grafica, delle relazioni di scavo e dei materiali ceramici, lo studio del lotto è stato, finora, inserito in un più ampio esame degli isolati abitativi. Uno dei primi tentativi di lettura si deve ad A. Lemaire (1988) che fornisce una descrizione sintetica dell'Is. 4-6 confrontando la planimetria degli isolati meridionali con quelli più a Nord. Due appaiono i tratti significativi del lotto: l'estensione ridotta in rapporto all'insieme delle altre parti dell'abitato e la posizione centrale, privilegiata, in prossimità delle aree sacre e del foro. Questi aspetti topografici e planimetrici sembrano conferire agli isolati meridionali un'impronta particolare suggerita anche dalla presenza di edifici pubblici nella trama dei contesti abitativi privati, con una combinazione di funzioni non sempre facilmente identificabili. In particolare, nel lotto 4-6 la Lemaire (1988) indica l'esistenza di complessi pubblici, come le terme, alternati ad abitazioni, mentre a Nord, sul decumano 2 De Bonis 2010, 274-275; l'ambiente è stato identificato come frigidarium. 3 Una foto del rivestimento marmoreo dell'ambiente 44 si trova in De Bonis 2010, 274, fig. 3. 4 Su questo punto Lemaire 1988 e De Bonis 2010. Confrontando il rilievo del 1955 (Schmiedt e Castagnoli 1955, figg. 19 e 21) con una pianta in scala 1:200…
D-SITE Drones - Systems of Information on culTural hEritage. For a spatial and social investigation, 2019
The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the
insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). ... more The paper deals with the drone-based photogrammetry survey of the insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
The idea of creating an atlas of the masonries for the
site of al-Balid was born out of the need ... more The idea of creating an atlas of the masonries for the site of al-Balid was born out of the need to record and manage the large amount of data coming from the archaeological investigations which, since the end of the 1950s, have been carried out by different missions (Albright 1982; Costa 1982; Jansen 2015; Newton, Zarins 2017; Pavan et alii 2018). Besides being fundamental for the general understanding of the architectural and urban development of the town, the atlas will be an important tool for documenting, studying and, to date, performing effective consolidation and a proper visualization of the ruins, an issue which is strictly connected with the nature of the archaeological excavation itself. Furthermore, and importantly, it would fulfil the Unesco demands regarding the documentation of the World Heritage Sites, among which is al-Balid included since 2000. The first step of the project was developed between the 6th and the 18th December 2019 by a team of the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in collaboration with the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Muscat-Salalah, Sultanate of Oman. Works on the field were conducted by S. Laurenza, C. Passaro and R. Valentini, under the direction of R. Giunta and A. D’Andrea. A. Pavan was at that the representative for the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman
Advanced and low-cost 3D technologies (Laser Scanner and Digital Photogrammetry) are nowadays wid... more Advanced and low-cost 3D technologies (Laser Scanner and Digital Photogrammetry) are nowadays widely used in several fields such as Cultural Heritage and Archaeology. In this paper a collaborative project between the Archaeological Park of Herculaneum, the CISA (Interdepartmental Services Centre for Archaeology) and the DAAM (Department of Asia, Africa and Mediterranean Studies) of the University “L’Orientale” of Naples is presented. Aim of the project was to find a solution to study the Roman boat discovered in the ancient city of Herculaneum and destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D., without altering its state of preservation. Different digital survey techniques were employed to compare different types of sensors. The goal was to obtain an accurate definition of the construction characteristics of the boat thanks to the data fusion.
Newsletter Archeologia CISA Ricerche e Studi, Oct 22, 2019
Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e ... more Nel corso del 2018, in base ad un accordo di cooperazione tra il Parco Archeologico di Paestum e l'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale, sono state avviate nuove indagini nell'isolato 4-6. Data l'assenza di documentazione grafica, delle relazioni di scavo e dei materiali ceramici, lo studio del lotto è stato, finora, inserito in un più ampio esame degli isolati abitativi.
Papers by Rosario Valentini
insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a
high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of
the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an
ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model
supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been
possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural
features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of
the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
site of al-Balid was born out of the need to record
and manage the large amount of data coming from
the archaeological investigations which, since the
end of the 1950s, have been carried out by different
missions (Albright 1982; Costa 1982; Jansen 2015;
Newton, Zarins 2017; Pavan et alii 2018). Besides
being fundamental for the general understanding of
the architectural and urban development of the town,
the atlas will be an important tool for documenting,
studying and, to date, performing effective
consolidation and a proper visualization of the ruins,
an issue which is strictly connected with the nature
of the archaeological excavation itself. Furthermore,
and importantly, it would fulfil the Unesco demands
regarding the documentation of the World Heritage
Sites, among which is al-Balid included since 2000.
The first step of the project was developed between
the 6th and the 18th December 2019 by a team of the
Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in
collaboration with the Office of the Adviser to His
Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now
Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Muscat-Salalah,
Sultanate of Oman. Works on the field were
conducted by S. Laurenza, C. Passaro and R.
Valentini, under the direction of R. Giunta and A.
D’Andrea. A. Pavan was at that the representative
for the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the
Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of
Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman
insula 4-6 of Paestum (Italy). From the final geo-referenced model, a
high-resolution orthophoto has been extracted to update the map of
the visible structures, while the point cloud has been used to create an
ABIM (Archaeological Building Information Modelling). The 3D model
supported the reconstruction of this insula, scarcely studied. It has been
possible to re-built in a parametric way the masonry, the architectural
features and the decorative elements. Furthermore, the global vision of
the insula allowed to precise the inner divisions.
site of al-Balid was born out of the need to record
and manage the large amount of data coming from
the archaeological investigations which, since the
end of the 1950s, have been carried out by different
missions (Albright 1982; Costa 1982; Jansen 2015;
Newton, Zarins 2017; Pavan et alii 2018). Besides
being fundamental for the general understanding of
the architectural and urban development of the town,
the atlas will be an important tool for documenting,
studying and, to date, performing effective
consolidation and a proper visualization of the ruins,
an issue which is strictly connected with the nature
of the archaeological excavation itself. Furthermore,
and importantly, it would fulfil the Unesco demands
regarding the documentation of the World Heritage
Sites, among which is al-Balid included since 2000.
The first step of the project was developed between
the 6th and the 18th December 2019 by a team of the
Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in
collaboration with the Office of the Adviser to His
Majesty the Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now
Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Muscat-Salalah,
Sultanate of Oman. Works on the field were
conducted by S. Laurenza, C. Passaro and R.
Valentini, under the direction of R. Giunta and A.
D’Andrea. A. Pavan was at that the representative
for the Office of the Adviser to His Majesty the
Sultan for Cultural Affairs, now Ministry of
Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman