3d Reconstructions in Archaeology
Recent papers in 3d Reconstructions in Archaeology
Upon visiting the megalithic site of Ħaġar Qim in Malta, one is immediately struck by the fine workmanship of the remaining façade. However, studies on remains of a model discovered in another local megalithic site which represents a... more
The will to recreate a graphic reconstruction of a lost architecture (as well as a transformed, or damaged, or never built one) asks to make logic investigations, putt ing together all the possible evidences. This process needs an... more
Lighthouses are considered part of our industrial heritage in that they are an infrastructure at the service of navigation, an indispensable nocturnal signalling system for navigators and a useful landmark for both maritime and air... more
For diagnosing eye diseases the structure analysis of structure Optic Nerve Head (ONH) and registration of retinal images are very important. So this paper proposed the 3D construction and registration of retinal images. The previous... more
In this contribution, a multidisciplinary investigation regarding the Roman Amphitheatre in Lecce, southern Italy, is be proposed. In particular, GPR prospecting combined to passive seismic measurements and with a virtual reconstruction... more
Као једна од најважнијих установа културе на југу Србије, Народни музеј у Лесковцу је од првих пројеката израде 3Д архитектонских реституција појединих целина Царичиног града пружао поуздану логистику и подршку свим подухватима из те... more
This is a report of the interdisciplinary project between Humanities and Science departments within Tokai University to replicate the ancient Egyptian sulfur necklace. First, the author made typological observation of four types of... more
The application of 3D digital technologies in the archaeological research expands more and more during the last decades. 3D recording, visualisation, representation and reconstruction of archaeological sites, monu-ments and artefacts... more
3D measurement using SfM/MVS (Structure from Motion/Multiview Stereo) and laser scanners has become increasingly popular in archaeology. Especially, the quality (i.e., precision and/or accuracy) of 3D models by SfM sometimes varies... more
In questo volume vengono esposte in maniera organica e quanto più completa possibile le tecniche che, anche se non nate propriamente per la SAR, sono state utilizzate nel settore con ottimi risultati. I temi trattati hanno come filo... more
This project explored the potential of the Unreal Engine for recreating Conisbrough Castle and the impact of Specific Learning Differences in digital archaeology. Digital archaeology and 3D modelling software was critically appraised... more
U današnje vrijeme, moderna tehnologija se često mijenja i brzo napreduje. Korištenje 3D modela u arheologiji, mnogi smatraju kao nešto što nam je tehnologija omogućila tek unazad nekoliko godina, no njihova primjena u arheologiji... more
Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия гуманитарного образования с инженерно-техническим. Раскрываются особенности взаимовлияния и взаимозависимости предметов гуманитарного цикла (истории) в основной общей школе с математическими... more
Lecture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, november 14, 2010). Updated english version of: SUÁREZ OTERO, J. (1999), La Tumba de Santiago, entre la Fe y la Arqueología, in VV.AA., Compostela na Historia. Redescubrimento-... more
Ce petit fascicule fait suite à une formation menée en autodidacte, combinant la photogrammétrie et des objets archéologiques – en particulier des statues de l'Antiquité. Il est destiné à toutes personnes, novices à experts, désirant... more
The concept of a visualscape was introduced less than a decade ago as a generic term with the aim of unifying and extending within a GIS the ideas and scope of current analyses of ‘human’ visual space, independently of their scale or... more
"Towards a Scientific Model for Visual Reconstruction of Extinct Architectural Heritage" PhD. Thesis (in Arabic language with English Summary) Despite the value of monuments and historic buildings, they are subject to be destroyed or... more
J. Reinhard, Online-Präsentation von 3D-Modellen mit Sketchfab. Rundbrief Grabungstechnik 9, 2016, 12-14.
Στις 25 Ιουνίου 2014 εγκαινιάστηκε το «Μουσείο των Μαριανών Αδελφών και του Λεοντείου Λυκείου» (Musée des Frères Maristes & du Lycée Léonin) στο κτήριο του Λεοντείου Λυκείου Πατησίων . Βασική πτυχή των στόχων του μουσείου, όπως αυτοί... more
Tutti i sistemi di visualizzazione computer-based devono essere essenzialmente trasparenti, ad esempio verificabili da altri ricercatori o professionisti, dato che la validità - e quindi la finalità - delle conclusioni prodotte da tali... more
Le passage de l'analogique au numérique est la grande révolution technique de la deuxième moitié du xx e siècle dans l'histoire de l'humanité. Ce passage a été rendu possible par l'invention de l'ordinateur qui a imposé la notation... more
Nul ne doute plus aujourd'hui du rôle majeur qu'ont joué les couleurs et l'or dans la structuration des sociétés grecques antiques, au long des siècles. Tout suggère une passion grecque pour la couleur étendue à tout type de production... more
Paper published in MARG - VOL.67 - N°2, pp. 74-85
Visual presentation of a lecture given in April 2019 at Jnanapravaha Mumbai (https://www.jp-india.org/)
RESURRECTING THE SPIRIT OF ANCIENT SERDICA Yulii Farkov and Dobrina Zheleva-Martins In early 2018, following the completion of the restoration of the ancient cultural and communication complex "Serdika", The Council of Ministers... more
This article presents the origins and evolution of midrange terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), spanning primarily from the 1950s to the time of publication. Particular attention is given to developments in hardware and software that... more
Closely following the invention of photography in the mid-1800s, stereophotogrammetry emerged as the science of extracting metric data from pairs of still photographs. Although commonly employed and developed by governments for civil and... more