Sanja Simel Pranjić is currently working as postDoc at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, Croatia, Department of Pedagogy. She is interested in positive pedagogy, positive education, teacher-student relationship and caring-concept in higher education.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings, 2018
The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over th... more The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over the last couple of years. Psychologists were the first ones to conduct research within this field, mostly focusing on primary and secondary schools, and to a lesser extent on higher education. However, studying this topic within the higher education system, especially teacher education, from a pedagogical perspective is of the utmost importance because teachers are the ones who will one day practice positive education. It is therefore important for university professors to also undertake such education, i.e. to focus on students' potentials and talents and encourage their development. Only then will the students truly realize the importance of the teacher's role in student self-realization-by experiencing it themselves. Therefore, the aim of this descriptive study was to identify and describe the ways in which university professors focus on the potentials and talents of students and the possibilities for their realization (e.g. through different forms of teaching, additional activities, co-participation in teaching etc.). The instrument used in this research was a survey, which consisted mainly of open questions. Data obtained from open questions was classified into categories. The results of the research have shown that university professors recognize the importance of their focus on the potentials and talents of a student. They affirm them in a variety of ways, depending on the student's interests, the type of study and the year of study. However, at the same time, they recognized certain obstacles and constraints in this process, pointing out that there is certainly room for improvement.
Hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav se, kao i sustavi u drugim zemljama, u današnjem vremenu suočav... more Hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav se, kao i sustavi u drugim zemljama, u današnjem vremenu suočava s različitim izazovima – od porasta rizika u mentalnom zdravlju i vršnjačkog nasilja do nezadovoljstva učenika školom. U odgovaranju na te izazove potrebno je krenuti od kontekstualnih faktora, poput odnosa učenika i nastavnika. Budući da je brižan odnos nastavnika i učenika ključan preduvjet za cjeloviti razvoj učenika te njihov školski uspjeh, nužno je utvrditi prepreke koje mogu ugroziti razvoj takvog odnosa. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima uočeno je kako učenici i nastavnici u određenim uvjetima različito percipiraju i doživljavaju brižnost nastavnika, što može onemogućiti razvoj njihove bliskosti i povezanosti. Stoga, cilj ovoga rada je prikazati, analizirati i interpretirati razlike u viđenjima brižnog ponašanja nastavnika iz perspektive učenika i nastavnika. Dok nastavnici svoju brižnost najčešće shvaćaju u (profesionalnom) kontekstu podrške koju pružaju učenicima u procesu učenja,...
Authors collaboratively conducted action research in a higher education context. First author (te... more Authors collaboratively conducted action research in a higher education context. First author (teacher) decided to include the positive orientation to education as the main topic in her seminars of pedagogy, attended by a group of students – the future teachers of the Croatian language – over a semester. Three students from this group accepted teacher’s invitation to be her critical friends. They discussed all the classes, which were videotaped and available over YouTube, and also used the web forums at Moodle. Teacher was particularly concerned to allow her critical friends freedom to express their opinions, to encourage them to take note of and develop strengths and creative potential in themselves and others, and to express positive emotions, empathy, humour and future orientation in their discussions. Although empathy, creativity, optimism and hope could be enhanced in students through teaching activities, it is necessary to foster those features in the case of their enrolment i...
Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne ucenike, ne trebamo im pomoci sam... more Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne ucenike, ne trebamo im pomoci samo u rjesavanju potencijalnih poteskoca, vec
S promjenama u suvremenom drustvu koje dolaze s procesima globalizacije, migracija, multikultural... more S promjenama u suvremenom drustvu koje dolaze s procesima globalizacije, migracija, multikulturalizma, interkulturalizma i tehnoloskog, zdravstvenog napretka, ali i znacajnim prijetnjama ljudskoj sigurnosti, mijenja se i kontekst odgoja i obrazovanja. To znaci da se od ucitelja zahtijevaju nove uloge i nove kompetencije pomocu kojih ce moci pratiti te promjene, te kojima ce svojim ucenicima u takvom okruženju osigurati uvjete za samoostvarenje. To može uciniti ostvarivanjem pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju, kojom se nastoji afirmirati potencijale i talente ucenika. Takav se odgoj temelji na slobodi, međusobnom postivanju te poticanju pozitivnog razvoja svih sudionika nastavnog procesa. Da bi se pozitivna orijentacija u odgoju mogla afirmirati u skolama, važno je osvijestiti stavove studenata uciteljskih studija o takvoj orijentaciji u odgoju jer su upravo stavovi njihova pokretacka snaga u radu s ucenicima. Kako bi se uvidjelo u kojoj mjeri danasnje visokoskolsko obrazovanje buduce u...
Aim. This article aims to summarize the current state of understanding on a development of a cari... more Aim. This article aims to summarize the current state of understanding on a development of a caring teacher-student relationship in higher education context, grounded in relational pedagogy. Also, it provides critical reflection on the data from available literature. Methods. The development of a caring teacher-student relationship was presented using the method of description, based on the review of relevant literature. Results. The development of a caring relationship between students and higher education teachers can be monitored in stages. At first, there is the introductory meeting with the students when a teacher with his personality, authenticity, and approach lays the foundations for the development of a caring relationship. During further meetings, the teacher encourages mutual trust, respect, and appreciation and deepens the relationship by adapting the teaching process to the needs, interests, and affinities of students, until the formal completion of their cooperation. C...
Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2021- 8th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 18-19 January, 2021, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic rapidly spread around the world and made people face numerous difficulti... more The coronavirus pandemic rapidly spread around the world and made people face numerous difficulties and challenges in various aspects of human activity, including education. To be able to protect their citizens from this health threat, governments across the world often had to act drastically. Preventive measures that were taken by the Croatian government, as well as others worldwide, involved closing educational institutions. In other words, classroom education was replaced by emergency remote teaching. This adjustment brought along numerous challenges and left many teachers unprepared. Based on available literature, this paper provides an overview of challenges which both teachers and students are met with. In addition, it offers guidelines for improving the educational process, under the given circumstances, directing it towards the student’s overall development, having their interests and needs in mind. Difficulties teachers face relate to their digital competence and using information and communication technology (ICT), lesson planning and creating teaching materials, giving assignments and evaluating student progress, encouraging student selfeducation, but also their personal challenges. Difficulties students deal with involve taking online classes, acquiring knowledge, and maintaining good mental health. The fact that the learning process largely depends on the student’s emotional state highlighted the teacher’s role in the student’s overall development. This means that teachers have to provide a positive and supportive atmosphere in the online environment. With its critical overview of the educational challenges both teachers and students face during the coronavirus crisis, this paper contributes to a wider understanding of said difficulties which provides support for further research.
The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over th... more The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over the last couple of years. Psychologists were the first ones to conduct research within this field, mostly focusing on primary and secondary schools, and to a lesser extent on higher education. However, studying this topic within the higher education system, especially teacher education, from a pedagogical perspective is of the utmost importance because teachers are the ones who will one day practice positive education. It is therefore important for university professors to also undertake such education, i.e. to focus on students' potentials and talents and encourage their development. Only then will the students truly realize the importance of the teacher's role in student self-realization-by experiencing it themselves. Therefore, the aim of this descriptive study was to identify and describe the ways in which university professors focus on the potentials and talents of students and the possibilities for their realization (e.g. through different forms of teaching, additional activities, co-participation in teaching etc.). The instrument used in this research was a survey, which consisted mainly of open questions. Data obtained from open questions was classified into categories. The results of the research have shown that university professors recognize the importance of their focus on the potentials and talents of a student. They affirm them in a variety of ways, depending on the student's interests, the type of study and the year of study. However, at the same time, they recognized certain obstacles and constraints in this process, pointing out that there is certainly room for improvement.
Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne učenike, ne trebamo im pomoći sam... more Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne učenike, ne trebamo im pomoći samo u rješavanju potencijalnih poteškoća, već se trebamo usmjeriti i na ono pozitivno što kod njih postoji, njihove potencijale i talente. Potrebno je i iz pedagogijske perspektive istražiti na što se najčešće usmjeravamo kod učenika. Stoga, svrha je ovog rada utvrditi zastupljenost pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju u hrvatskim znanstvenim pedagoškim časopisima, odnosno koliko se u pedagoškim istraživanjima posvećuje pozornosti učenikovim potencijalima i talentima te uvjetima za njihovo ostvarivanje, u odnosu na čestoću bavljenja odgojnim problemima i neutralno usmjerena istraživanja. Rezultati analize ukazuju na manjak istraživanja i teorijskih radova iz perspektive pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju te na potrebu za dubljim teorijskim i praktičnim promišljanjem samog pojma " pozitivna orijentacija u odgoju " , koji ne ostaje više samo na razini odgojno-obrazovnog načela. Takvo promišljanje pojma s obzirom na pedagogijske pojmove može pridonijeti teorijskim spoznajama, ali i unaprijediti pedagošku praksu, što bi u konačnici moglo rezultirati češćim istraživanjem ovog, u pedagogiji, još uvijek zanemarenog područja.
Ključne riječi: pedagogijska teorija, pedagoška praksa, potencijali i talenti učenika, samoaktualizacija, svrha odgoja.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings, 2018
The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over th... more The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over the last couple of years. Psychologists were the first ones to conduct research within this field, mostly focusing on primary and secondary schools, and to a lesser extent on higher education. However, studying this topic within the higher education system, especially teacher education, from a pedagogical perspective is of the utmost importance because teachers are the ones who will one day practice positive education. It is therefore important for university professors to also undertake such education, i.e. to focus on students' potentials and talents and encourage their development. Only then will the students truly realize the importance of the teacher's role in student self-realization-by experiencing it themselves. Therefore, the aim of this descriptive study was to identify and describe the ways in which university professors focus on the potentials and talents of students and the possibilities for their realization (e.g. through different forms of teaching, additional activities, co-participation in teaching etc.). The instrument used in this research was a survey, which consisted mainly of open questions. Data obtained from open questions was classified into categories. The results of the research have shown that university professors recognize the importance of their focus on the potentials and talents of a student. They affirm them in a variety of ways, depending on the student's interests, the type of study and the year of study. However, at the same time, they recognized certain obstacles and constraints in this process, pointing out that there is certainly room for improvement.
Hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav se, kao i sustavi u drugim zemljama, u današnjem vremenu suočav... more Hrvatski odgojno-obrazovni sustav se, kao i sustavi u drugim zemljama, u današnjem vremenu suočava s različitim izazovima – od porasta rizika u mentalnom zdravlju i vršnjačkog nasilja do nezadovoljstva učenika školom. U odgovaranju na te izazove potrebno je krenuti od kontekstualnih faktora, poput odnosa učenika i nastavnika. Budući da je brižan odnos nastavnika i učenika ključan preduvjet za cjeloviti razvoj učenika te njihov školski uspjeh, nužno je utvrditi prepreke koje mogu ugroziti razvoj takvog odnosa. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima uočeno je kako učenici i nastavnici u određenim uvjetima različito percipiraju i doživljavaju brižnost nastavnika, što može onemogućiti razvoj njihove bliskosti i povezanosti. Stoga, cilj ovoga rada je prikazati, analizirati i interpretirati razlike u viđenjima brižnog ponašanja nastavnika iz perspektive učenika i nastavnika. Dok nastavnici svoju brižnost najčešće shvaćaju u (profesionalnom) kontekstu podrške koju pružaju učenicima u procesu učenja,...
Authors collaboratively conducted action research in a higher education context. First author (te... more Authors collaboratively conducted action research in a higher education context. First author (teacher) decided to include the positive orientation to education as the main topic in her seminars of pedagogy, attended by a group of students – the future teachers of the Croatian language – over a semester. Three students from this group accepted teacher’s invitation to be her critical friends. They discussed all the classes, which were videotaped and available over YouTube, and also used the web forums at Moodle. Teacher was particularly concerned to allow her critical friends freedom to express their opinions, to encourage them to take note of and develop strengths and creative potential in themselves and others, and to express positive emotions, empathy, humour and future orientation in their discussions. Although empathy, creativity, optimism and hope could be enhanced in students through teaching activities, it is necessary to foster those features in the case of their enrolment i...
Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne ucenike, ne trebamo im pomoci sam... more Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne ucenike, ne trebamo im pomoci samo u rjesavanju potencijalnih poteskoca, vec
S promjenama u suvremenom drustvu koje dolaze s procesima globalizacije, migracija, multikultural... more S promjenama u suvremenom drustvu koje dolaze s procesima globalizacije, migracija, multikulturalizma, interkulturalizma i tehnoloskog, zdravstvenog napretka, ali i znacajnim prijetnjama ljudskoj sigurnosti, mijenja se i kontekst odgoja i obrazovanja. To znaci da se od ucitelja zahtijevaju nove uloge i nove kompetencije pomocu kojih ce moci pratiti te promjene, te kojima ce svojim ucenicima u takvom okruženju osigurati uvjete za samoostvarenje. To može uciniti ostvarivanjem pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju, kojom se nastoji afirmirati potencijale i talente ucenika. Takav se odgoj temelji na slobodi, međusobnom postivanju te poticanju pozitivnog razvoja svih sudionika nastavnog procesa. Da bi se pozitivna orijentacija u odgoju mogla afirmirati u skolama, važno je osvijestiti stavove studenata uciteljskih studija o takvoj orijentaciji u odgoju jer su upravo stavovi njihova pokretacka snaga u radu s ucenicima. Kako bi se uvidjelo u kojoj mjeri danasnje visokoskolsko obrazovanje buduce u...
Aim. This article aims to summarize the current state of understanding on a development of a cari... more Aim. This article aims to summarize the current state of understanding on a development of a caring teacher-student relationship in higher education context, grounded in relational pedagogy. Also, it provides critical reflection on the data from available literature. Methods. The development of a caring teacher-student relationship was presented using the method of description, based on the review of relevant literature. Results. The development of a caring relationship between students and higher education teachers can be monitored in stages. At first, there is the introductory meeting with the students when a teacher with his personality, authenticity, and approach lays the foundations for the development of a caring relationship. During further meetings, the teacher encourages mutual trust, respect, and appreciation and deepens the relationship by adapting the teaching process to the needs, interests, and affinities of students, until the formal completion of their cooperation. C...
Abstracts & Proceedings of INTCESS 2021- 8th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 18-19 January, 2021, 2021
The coronavirus pandemic rapidly spread around the world and made people face numerous difficulti... more The coronavirus pandemic rapidly spread around the world and made people face numerous difficulties and challenges in various aspects of human activity, including education. To be able to protect their citizens from this health threat, governments across the world often had to act drastically. Preventive measures that were taken by the Croatian government, as well as others worldwide, involved closing educational institutions. In other words, classroom education was replaced by emergency remote teaching. This adjustment brought along numerous challenges and left many teachers unprepared. Based on available literature, this paper provides an overview of challenges which both teachers and students are met with. In addition, it offers guidelines for improving the educational process, under the given circumstances, directing it towards the student’s overall development, having their interests and needs in mind. Difficulties teachers face relate to their digital competence and using information and communication technology (ICT), lesson planning and creating teaching materials, giving assignments and evaluating student progress, encouraging student selfeducation, but also their personal challenges. Difficulties students deal with involve taking online classes, acquiring knowledge, and maintaining good mental health. The fact that the learning process largely depends on the student’s emotional state highlighted the teacher’s role in the student’s overall development. This means that teachers have to provide a positive and supportive atmosphere in the online environment. With its critical overview of the educational challenges both teachers and students face during the coronavirus crisis, this paper contributes to a wider understanding of said difficulties which provides support for further research.
The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over th... more The topics and research related to positive education have become increasingly widespread over the last couple of years. Psychologists were the first ones to conduct research within this field, mostly focusing on primary and secondary schools, and to a lesser extent on higher education. However, studying this topic within the higher education system, especially teacher education, from a pedagogical perspective is of the utmost importance because teachers are the ones who will one day practice positive education. It is therefore important for university professors to also undertake such education, i.e. to focus on students' potentials and talents and encourage their development. Only then will the students truly realize the importance of the teacher's role in student self-realization-by experiencing it themselves. Therefore, the aim of this descriptive study was to identify and describe the ways in which university professors focus on the potentials and talents of students and the possibilities for their realization (e.g. through different forms of teaching, additional activities, co-participation in teaching etc.). The instrument used in this research was a survey, which consisted mainly of open questions. Data obtained from open questions was classified into categories. The results of the research have shown that university professors recognize the importance of their focus on the potentials and talents of a student. They affirm them in a variety of ways, depending on the student's interests, the type of study and the year of study. However, at the same time, they recognized certain obstacles and constraints in this process, pointing out that there is certainly room for improvement.
Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne učenike, ne trebamo im pomoći sam... more Psihologijskim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da, ako želimo sretne učenike, ne trebamo im pomoći samo u rješavanju potencijalnih poteškoća, već se trebamo usmjeriti i na ono pozitivno što kod njih postoji, njihove potencijale i talente. Potrebno je i iz pedagogijske perspektive istražiti na što se najčešće usmjeravamo kod učenika. Stoga, svrha je ovog rada utvrditi zastupljenost pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju u hrvatskim znanstvenim pedagoškim časopisima, odnosno koliko se u pedagoškim istraživanjima posvećuje pozornosti učenikovim potencijalima i talentima te uvjetima za njihovo ostvarivanje, u odnosu na čestoću bavljenja odgojnim problemima i neutralno usmjerena istraživanja. Rezultati analize ukazuju na manjak istraživanja i teorijskih radova iz perspektive pozitivne orijentacije u odgoju te na potrebu za dubljim teorijskim i praktičnim promišljanjem samog pojma " pozitivna orijentacija u odgoju " , koji ne ostaje više samo na razini odgojno-obrazovnog načela. Takvo promišljanje pojma s obzirom na pedagogijske pojmove može pridonijeti teorijskim spoznajama, ali i unaprijediti pedagošku praksu, što bi u konačnici moglo rezultirati češćim istraživanjem ovog, u pedagogiji, još uvijek zanemarenog područja.
Ključne riječi: pedagogijska teorija, pedagoška praksa, potencijali i talenti učenika, samoaktualizacija, svrha odgoja.
Papers by Sanja Simel Pranjić
Keywords: challenges, coronavirus crisis, education, emergency remote teaching, learning, teacher-student relationship.
Ključne riječi: pedagogijska teorija, pedagoška praksa, potencijali i talenti učenika, samoaktualizacija, svrha odgoja.
Keywords: challenges, coronavirus crisis, education, emergency remote teaching, learning, teacher-student relationship.
Ključne riječi: pedagogijska teorija, pedagoška praksa, potencijali i talenti učenika, samoaktualizacija, svrha odgoja.