Wir leben in der Zeit. Wann? Wie lange? Ab wann? All dies sind zentrale Fragen unserer Kommunikat... more Wir leben in der Zeit. Wann? Wie lange? Ab wann? All dies sind zentrale Fragen unserer Kommunikation sowie unseres Selbst-Dialogs. Solche Fragen sind nicht selten durch einen eindringlichen emotionalen Ton geprägt und vermitteln zumeist mehr als nur ein Bedürfnis nach schlichten Informationen. Doch wir leben nicht nur in dieser objektivierten, gemessenen, konventionellen Zeit. Die philosophische und existentielle Reflexion stellt eine erlebte, subjektive Zeit heraus, die für uns lebenswichtig ist. Diese innere Zeitlichkeit und die interpersonelle Resonanz, die damit einhergeht, sind durch das heutige prekäre Leben bedroht. Damit ist jedoch das Fundament unseres Subjekt-Seins in Gefahr.
Il contributo confronta le strategie d Husserl e Dilthey di fronte alla fatticit\ue0 della storia... more Il contributo confronta le strategie d Husserl e Dilthey di fronte alla fatticit\ue0 della storia. L'uno mediante il ricorso al Typus, l'altro all'eidos, cercano entrambi di dar conto della complessa storicit\ue0 della natura umana
Si esamina il nesso tra elementi metodologici e teoretici della fenomenologia, quali l'epoch\... more Si esamina il nesso tra elementi metodologici e teoretici della fenomenologia, quali l'epoch\ue9 o la nozione di persona, e i problemi posti dalla riflessoine bioetic
This article tends to connect phenomenological research with the psychoanalytical approach by foc... more This article tends to connect phenomenological research with the psychoanalytical approach by focusing on the issue of conflict as the crucial dimension of human nature and its dynamics. On this basis, it becomes clear that human nature cannot be explained through a strict causal schema; rather, it can be grasped by exploring the dynamic motivational structures of experience which are expressed in the ambivalent tensions and striving tendencies of persons as subjects of the lifeworld. I stress that conflict is not a mere additional and accidental characteristic of experience that can somehow be eliminated, but it rather affects the fundamental structure of personal experience and should therefore be understood as a constitutive moment of human nature. Thereby, my claim is that both self-experience and the development of community can only be understood in the light of motivational conflicts.
Summary A phenomenological approach to anthropology should not propose a static definition of man... more Summary A phenomenological approach to anthropology should not propose a static definition of man, but inquire into specific human motivations, which never occur isolated. Therefore, the autonomy-dependency connection is presented as a possible human motivational ground. The notion of autonomy, presented with reference to the Kantian idea of the self-determining reason and to the Husserlian account of self-constitution, reveals in itself elements of dependency. On the other side, the notion of vulnerability and reliance is displayed through different approaches of Gehlen, MacIntyre and Toombs in order to illustrate dependency not as a mere capitulation of the subject, but as one of its intrinsic possibilities, which does not exclude autonomous will.
The paper discusses motivation as the inner lawfulness of consciousness and a central methodologi... more The paper discusses motivation as the inner lawfulness of consciousness and a central methodological principle of genetic phenomenology, highlighting the problem of its ambiguous status oscillating between a historical-empirical and a transcendental account of consciousness. The focus on motivation allows for the practical character of intentionality to emerge, thus presenting genetic phenomenology as a more comprehensive approach to subjective life which takes into account its constitutive indeterminacy.
The problem of intersubjectivity has an ambiguous fate within phenomenology, since it is the obje... more The problem of intersubjectivity has an ambiguous fate within phenomenology, since it is the object of a contradictory attitude: on the one hand, the question of intersubjectivity seems just to be an application of phenomenological theories and methods to a particular matter of facts. On the other hand, the issues related to intersubjectivity are loaded with high expectations due to their manifest practical, existential and personal meaning. This is what inspired the French tradition (J. P. Sartre, M. Merleau-Ponty, E. Levinas and today J. L. Marion and J. L. Nancy) to draw substantial existential consequences from the Husserlian epistemological analysis. In this paper I try to reconstruct Husserl’s path towards a theory of intersubjectivity that can be appropriately defined as “genetic.” To this end, I will consider two crucial textual moments within Husserl’s large body of work: a very early manuscript on intersubjectivity from 1905 and Husserl’s lectures in Paris, the Cartesian M...
Wir leben in der Zeit. Wann? Wie lange? Ab wann? All dies sind zentrale Fragen unserer Kommunikat... more Wir leben in der Zeit. Wann? Wie lange? Ab wann? All dies sind zentrale Fragen unserer Kommunikation sowie unseres Selbst-Dialogs. Solche Fragen sind nicht selten durch einen eindringlichen emotionalen Ton geprägt und vermitteln zumeist mehr als nur ein Bedürfnis nach schlichten Informationen. Doch wir leben nicht nur in dieser objektivierten, gemessenen, konventionellen Zeit. Die philosophische und existentielle Reflexion stellt eine erlebte, subjektive Zeit heraus, die für uns lebenswichtig ist. Diese innere Zeitlichkeit und die interpersonelle Resonanz, die damit einhergeht, sind durch das heutige prekäre Leben bedroht. Damit ist jedoch das Fundament unseres Subjekt-Seins in Gefahr.
Il contributo confronta le strategie d Husserl e Dilthey di fronte alla fatticit\ue0 della storia... more Il contributo confronta le strategie d Husserl e Dilthey di fronte alla fatticit\ue0 della storia. L'uno mediante il ricorso al Typus, l'altro all'eidos, cercano entrambi di dar conto della complessa storicit\ue0 della natura umana
Si esamina il nesso tra elementi metodologici e teoretici della fenomenologia, quali l'epoch\... more Si esamina il nesso tra elementi metodologici e teoretici della fenomenologia, quali l'epoch\ue9 o la nozione di persona, e i problemi posti dalla riflessoine bioetic
This article tends to connect phenomenological research with the psychoanalytical approach by foc... more This article tends to connect phenomenological research with the psychoanalytical approach by focusing on the issue of conflict as the crucial dimension of human nature and its dynamics. On this basis, it becomes clear that human nature cannot be explained through a strict causal schema; rather, it can be grasped by exploring the dynamic motivational structures of experience which are expressed in the ambivalent tensions and striving tendencies of persons as subjects of the lifeworld. I stress that conflict is not a mere additional and accidental characteristic of experience that can somehow be eliminated, but it rather affects the fundamental structure of personal experience and should therefore be understood as a constitutive moment of human nature. Thereby, my claim is that both self-experience and the development of community can only be understood in the light of motivational conflicts.
Summary A phenomenological approach to anthropology should not propose a static definition of man... more Summary A phenomenological approach to anthropology should not propose a static definition of man, but inquire into specific human motivations, which never occur isolated. Therefore, the autonomy-dependency connection is presented as a possible human motivational ground. The notion of autonomy, presented with reference to the Kantian idea of the self-determining reason and to the Husserlian account of self-constitution, reveals in itself elements of dependency. On the other side, the notion of vulnerability and reliance is displayed through different approaches of Gehlen, MacIntyre and Toombs in order to illustrate dependency not as a mere capitulation of the subject, but as one of its intrinsic possibilities, which does not exclude autonomous will.
The paper discusses motivation as the inner lawfulness of consciousness and a central methodologi... more The paper discusses motivation as the inner lawfulness of consciousness and a central methodological principle of genetic phenomenology, highlighting the problem of its ambiguous status oscillating between a historical-empirical and a transcendental account of consciousness. The focus on motivation allows for the practical character of intentionality to emerge, thus presenting genetic phenomenology as a more comprehensive approach to subjective life which takes into account its constitutive indeterminacy.
The problem of intersubjectivity has an ambiguous fate within phenomenology, since it is the obje... more The problem of intersubjectivity has an ambiguous fate within phenomenology, since it is the object of a contradictory attitude: on the one hand, the question of intersubjectivity seems just to be an application of phenomenological theories and methods to a particular matter of facts. On the other hand, the issues related to intersubjectivity are loaded with high expectations due to their manifest practical, existential and personal meaning. This is what inspired the French tradition (J. P. Sartre, M. Merleau-Ponty, E. Levinas and today J. L. Marion and J. L. Nancy) to draw substantial existential consequences from the Husserlian epistemological analysis. In this paper I try to reconstruct Husserl’s path towards a theory of intersubjectivity that can be appropriately defined as “genetic.” To this end, I will consider two crucial textual moments within Husserl’s large body of work: a very early manuscript on intersubjectivity from 1905 and Husserl’s lectures in Paris, the Cartesian M...
2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology 2019
Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unc... more 2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology 2019 Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics, and Ethics - Warsaw, September 2nd to 6th 2019. We invite all interested students and scholars to register as participants in the Research Summer School by sending an email to gPHEN.network@gmail.com. The deadline for participation as listeners or speakers is June 15th 2019.
2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology 2019
Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unc... more 2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology 2019 Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics, and Ethics. Warsaw, September 2nd to 6th 2019. We invite all interested students and scholars to register as participants in the Research Summer School by sending an email to gPHEN.network@gmail.com. The deadline for participation as listeners or speakers is June 15th 2019.
Papers by alice pugliese
Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics, and Ethics - Warsaw, September 2nd to 6th 2019. We invite all interested students and scholars to register as participants in the Research Summer School by sending an email to gPHEN.network@gmail.com. The deadline for participation as listeners or speakers is June 15th 2019.
Limit Problems of Phenomenology: The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics, and Ethics. Warsaw, September 2nd to 6th 2019. We invite all interested students and scholars to register as participants in the Research Summer School by sending an email to gPHEN.network@gmail.com. The deadline for participation as listeners or speakers is June 15th 2019.