Studies that investigate the differences between high and low psychopathic persons in brain activ... more Studies that investigate the differences between high and low psychopathic persons in brain activity during emotional facial expression processing are rare and commonly focus on males. The current study assessed whether previously reported behavioral differences would be reflected in differential brain activity in a sample of female offenders.
Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotion... more Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotional stimuli. Data about their ability to judge emotional facial expressions are inconsistent and limited to males. To measure categorical and dimensional evaluations of emotional facial expressions in psychopathic and non-psychopathic women, 13 female psychopathic forensic inpatients, 15 female non-psychopathic forensic inmates and 16 female healthy participants were tested in an emotion-categorizing task. Emotional facial expressions were presented briefly (33 ms) or until buttonpress. Participants were to classify emotional expressions, and to rate their valence and arousal. Group differences in categorization were observed at both presentation times. Psychopathic patients performed worst with briefly presented sad expressions. Moreover, their dimensional evaluation resulted in less positive ratings for happy expressions and less arousal for angry expressions compared with the responses of non-psychopathic and normal subjects. Results shed light on the mechanism possibly underlying the emotional deficits in psychopathic women.
Frontal hypoactivation has been consistently found in schizophrenia. We hypothesized that patient... more Frontal hypoactivation has been consistently found in schizophrenia. We hypothesized that patients' deficit is asymmetrical, i.e., centred over the left frontal locations, associated with loss of language-related asymmetry, and correlated with positive symptoms. The amplitude of EEG gamma band (36-48Hz) was measured during the processing of three linguistic (Phonological vs. Semantic vs. Visuo-perceptual) tasks and used as index of activation/connectivity in 18 schizophrenia patients and 18 healthy participants. Healthy controls showed higher gamma in frontal sites, revealing a significantly greater left vs. right asymmetry in all linguistic tasks, whereas patients exhibited decreased and bilateral gamma amplitude (i.e., reduced activation/connectivity) in frontal regions. The patients' left hypofrontality during phonological processing was positively correlated with higher levels of Delusions (P1) and Hallucination (P3) PANSS subscales. A significantly greater left posterio...
. Ž . Nineteen chronic low back pain patients aged 19᎐63 and 17 controls aged 20᎐41 received elec... more . Ž . Nineteen chronic low back pain patients aged 19᎐63 and 17 controls aged 20᎐41 received electrical pain stimuli during manipulation of their carotid baroreceptors. The non-invasive mechanical manipulation of baroreceptors, Ž . using the PRES technique Phase Related External Suction , simulates the end-effects of phasic blood pressure changes. This technique was developed to assess pain responses induced by changes in blood pressure without the typical shortcomings of pharmacological manipulation or lack of a control condition. During maximum baroreceptor Ž . activity, there was an unexpected increase in the amplitude of the somatosensory evoked potentials SEPs elicited by Ž . the electrical pain stimuli condition N150᎐P260 peak-to-peak . In most other studies the opposite effect was found, with decreased pain responses during maximum baroreceptor activity. The chronic pain group reported greater pain during highest baroreceptor activation than did the controls. In addition, the chronic pain group showed lower diastolic blood pressure. To determine whether pain and baroreceptor responses observed in the chronic pain group depended on lower blood pressure levels, a second experiment with a non-clinical sample was performed. Results showed that lower tonic blood pressures are associated with greater baroreceptor activity amplifying pain, while higher blood pressure is associated with pain dampening during high baroreceptor activity. Data suggested that the differences in pain responses found in low back pain patients were associated with their lower tonic blood pressure levels. It is proposed that in general, lower blood pressures may be associated with greater pain during baroreceptor activation. ᮊ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. 0167-8760r97r$17.00 ᮊ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998
Several theories of drug-craving postulate that a signal for drug elicits conditioned responses. ... more Several theories of drug-craving postulate that a signal for drug elicits conditioned responses. However, depending on the theory, a drug cue is said to elicit drug similar, drug compensatory, positive motivational, and negative motivational effects. Since animal data alone cannot tease apart the relative importance of different cue-related processes in the addict, we developed and examined a model of drug cues in the human based on a two-sound, differential conditioning procedure using smoking as the reinforcer. After multiple pairings of a sound with smoking, there was a preference for the smoking cue on a conditioned preference test. The acute effects of smoking (increased heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance level, skin conductance fluctuations, EEG beta power and trapezius EMG, decreased alpha power) were not affected by the smoking cue, although subjects drew more on their cigarette in the presence of the smoking cue than in the presence of a control cue. Moreover, the cue did not change baseline behaviour except for a possible increase in EEG beta power and an increase in trapezius EMG at about the time when smoking should have occurred. The findings confirm the value of experimental models of drug cues in the human for comparing different cue phenomena in the dependent individual. They indicate that an acquired signal for drug in the human may elicit incentive motivational effects and associated preparatory motor responses in addition to possible conditioned tolerance.
The influence of baroreceptor modulation on pain perception has been extensively studied in norma... more The influence of baroreceptor modulation on pain perception has been extensively studied in normal and hypertensive subjects, but not in hypotensive subjects. The present experiment was performed to verify the following hypotheses: 1. Hypotensive subjects exhibit an increased pain response following baroreceptor activation compared to normals; 2. unlike the hypotensives, normal subjects, with normal baroreceptor reflexes, would learn to choose more often the baroreceptor activation condition compared to the opposite condition, during painful stimulation; 3. sensory and pain thresholds are correlated with blood pressure. The subjects (39 men), divided according to low and normal blood-pressure groups, participated in an experiment in which electrically-induced pain ratings and pain-evoked potentials were measured. Baroreceptor manipulation was performed by means of the PRES procedure. Whereas hypotensive subjects did not perceive any pain difference between the two baroreceptor condi...
Startle eyeblink reflex is a valid non-invasive tool for studying attention, emotion and psychiat... more Startle eyeblink reflex is a valid non-invasive tool for studying attention, emotion and psychiatric disorders. In the absence of any experimental manipulation, the general (or baseline) startle reflex shows a high inter-individual variability, which is often considered task-irrelevant and therefore normalized across participants. Unlike the above view, we hypothesized that greater general startle magnitude is related to participants' higher anxiety level. 111 healthy young women, after completing the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), were randomly administered 10 acoustic white noise probes (50 ms, 100 dBA acoustic level) while integrated EMG from left and right orbicularis oculi was recorded. Results showed that participants with greater state anxiety levels exhibited larger startle reflex magnitude from the left eye (r 109 = 0.23, p < 0.05). Furthermore, individuals who perceived the acoustic probe as more aversive reported the largest anxiety scores (r 109 = 0.28, p < 0.05) and had the largest eyeblinks, especially in the left eye (r 109 = 0.34, p < 0.001). Results suggest that general startle may represent a valid tool for studying the neural excitability underlying anxiety and emotional dysfunction in neurological and mental disorders.
The phonological deficit hypothesis of dyslexia has been investigated in the present research by ... more The phonological deficit hypothesis of dyslexia has been investigated in the present research by analysing language-related lateralization of the EEG theta band in a sample of dyslexic children. To this aim, a paradigm based on word-pair visual presentation was used in which the same words were processed in Semantic and Phonological tasks. Theta band amplitude, a cortical index that has been related to working memory processing, was analysed during four different phases of word elaboration, thus allowing to measure also the temporal dynamics of word reading/encoding in the verbal working memory. Control subjects showed a specific (and therefore efficient) task-related and time-dependent cortical activation: a peak of theta activity during word reading was found that decayed during the next inter stimulus interval. Furthermore, during word presentation in the Phonological task, theta amplitude was greater on the left hemisphere. Dyslexics evidenced an altered pattern of theta activation both in the temporal dimension and in the cortical space: their peak of activity was delayed to the first inter stimulus interval after word offset and was shifted to the right hemisphere throughout the whole epoch of Phonological task and in two phases of the Semantic task. Analysis of alpha band failed to replicate the complex pattern of lateralization found for theta band in the two groups, a result that suggests a specific functional role of theta band, which cannot be interpreted as a simple marker of cortical inhibition. Results point to a deficit, in dyslexic children, to recruit left hemisphere structures for the elaboration of the phonological component of the verbal working memory. This deficit was marked by a different, unspecific and dysfunctional hemispherical asymmetry of theta activation to language, a deficit that involved also the time course of phonological linguistic elaboration.
Several studies have suggested that both affective valence and arousal affect the perception of t... more Several studies have suggested that both affective valence and arousal affect the perception of time. However, in previous experiments, the two affective dimensions have not been systematically controlled. In this study, standardized photographic slides rated for emotional valence and arousal were projected to two groups of subjects for 2, 4, and 6 sec. One group of subjects estimated the projection duration on an analog scale, whereas the second group of subjects reproduced the intervals by pushing a button. Heart rate and skin conductance responses were also recorded during stimulus presentation as indices of attention and arousal. Time estimation results showed neither a main effect of valence nor a main effect of arousal. A highly significant valence × arousal interaction affected duration judgments. For low-arousal stimuli, the duration of negative slides was judged relatively shorter than the duration of positive slides. For high-arousal stimuli, the duration of negative slide...
Frontal hypoactivation has consistently been demonstrated in schizophrenia patients. We hypothesi... more Frontal hypoactivation has consistently been demonstrated in schizophrenia patients. We hypothesized that this wellknown deficit is asymmetrical, ie, centered over left frontal locations and, in-line with Crow's theory, associated with both loss of linguistic asymmetry and correlated with positive symptoms. Electroencephalography delta band was used as a quantitative index of cortical inhibition in 17 paranoid schizophrenia patients with prevailing positive symptoms and 17 matched control subjects. Delta amplitude was measured by 38 electrodes, while participants performed 3 linguistic tasks, visuoperceptual, rhyming, and semantic judgment. Compared with control subjects, patients did not show overall delta band differences, revealing no detrimental effects of pharmacological treatment. In healthy participants, analysis of 4 quadrants/regions of interest revealed higher delta amplitude in right vs left anterior sites, indicating significant left anterior disinhibition during linguistic processing. Instead, patients showed bilateral delta band distribution and, compared with control subjects, significant greater delta amplitude (ie, brain inhibition) in linguistic left anterior centers. Patients' left hypofrontality was functionally related to their lack of hemispheric specialization for language and was positively correlated with higher levels of delusions (P1) and conceptual disorganization (P2) Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale subscales. Results suggest, in schizophrenia patients, a functional deficit of Broca's area, a region playing a fundamental hierarchical role between and within hemispheres by integrating many basic processes in linguistic and conceptual organization. The significant correlation between lack of anterior asymmetry and increased positive symptoms is in-line with Crow's hypothesis postulating the etiological role of disrupted linguistic frontal asymmetry on the onset of the key symptoms of schizophrenia.
The present study used delta EEG band to test the hypothesis of a cerebral maturational delay and... more The present study used delta EEG band to test the hypothesis of a cerebral maturational delay and a functional altered cerebral asymmetry for phonological processing in dyslexic children. A group of 14 children with dyslexia and 28 matched controls participated in a linguistic paradigm in which the same words were processed in three tasks: phonological, semantic, and orthographic. Delta amplitude was computed as an index of cortical inhibition in four different phases of word processing. In anterior sites, controls showed left activation (reduced delta) during the phonological task and bilateral activation in the other two tasks. Conversely, children with dyslexia showed greater overall delta amplitude, indexing a cerebral maturation delay and an altered language laterality pattern. In the phonological task they had larger left anterior delta (inhibition of left frontal linguistic locations) and smaller left posterior delta amplitude (activation of left posterior sites silent in controls). Results support the phonological deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia and the validity of EEG delta band as functional and clinical measure of language laterality.
Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotion... more Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotional stimuli. Data about their ability to judge emotional facial expressions are inconsistent and limited to males. To measure categorical and dimensional evaluations of emotional facial expressions in psychopathic and non-psychopathic women, 13 female psychopathic forensic inpatients, 15 female non-psychopathic forensic inmates and 16 female healthy participants were tested in an emotion-categorizing task. Emotional facial expressions were presented briefly (33 ms) or until buttonpress. Participants were to classify emotional expressions, and to rate their valence and arousal. Group differences in categorization were observed at both presentation times. Psychopathic patients performed worst with briefly presented sad expressions. Moreover, their dimensional evaluation resulted in less positive ratings for happy expressions and less arousal for angry expressions compared with the responses of non-psychopathic and normal subjects. Results shed light on the mechanism possibly underlying the emotional deficits in psychopathic women.
Background: T. J. Crow suggested that the genetic variance associated with the evolution in Homo ... more Background: T. J. Crow suggested that the genetic variance associated with the evolution in Homo sapiens of hemispheric dominance for language carries with it the hazard of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Individuals lacking the typical left hemisphere advantage for language, in particular for phonological components, would be at increased risk of the typical symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and delusions.
Background: Despite the consistent information available on the physiological changes induced by ... more Background: Despite the consistent information available on the physiological changes induced by head down bed rest, a condition which simulates space microgravity, our knowledge on the possible perceptual-cortical alterations is still poor. The present study investigated the effects of 2-h head-down bed rest on subjective and cortical responses elicited by electrical, pain-related somatosensory stimulation.
There is limited but increasing evidence that space environment, namely weightless condition, may... more There is limited but increasing evidence that space environment, namely weightless condition, may affect astronauts&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; cerebral neurotransmitters and cognitive performance. The present experiment hypothesized that learning and brain plasticity are affected by simulated microgravity condition. To this aim, 22 male subjects matching astronauts&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; characteristics were divided in two groups, Head-Down Bed Rest (HDBR) and Sitting Control. After 3-h bed rest (or sitting condition) subjects started a picture viewing task during which 30 acoustic startle probes (100 dBA loudness), divided into three consecutive blocks, were delivered through headphones while startle reflex amplitude was measured from the EMG of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Habituation analysis of the startle reflex showed a normal reflex inhibition across blocks in sitting controls and no habituation in HDBR subjects. Results point to a microgravity-induced lack of startle reflex plasticity in subjects matching astronauts, a learning deficit which may affect the success of long-term space missions.
The Simon effect has been previously shown to be asymmetric at both the behavioral and electrophy... more The Simon effect has been previously shown to be asymmetric at both the behavioral and electrophysiological levels. The present investigation was aimed to clarify whether, during a Simon task, hemispheric asymmetry is also observed in the early phases of stimulus processing. In a group of healthy subjects performing the Simon task, we analyzed scalp potentials evoked by the first lateralized cue (left or right), instead of the classical readiness potential preceding the motor response. ERP results showed a significant left cortical activation to stimuli presented in the right visual field at the 140-160 ms time window. Instead, left stimuli elicited a significant activation of the right versus left hemisphere starting at the next 160-180 ms time interval. We linked this asymmetry to that observed in behavioral data: the Simon effect recorded with left stimuli is smaller than the Simon effect recorded with right stimuli. Results confirm the hypothesis that in right handed subjects, left hemisphere is specialized for motor response selection and is able to process right stimuli faster than the right hemisphere does for left stimuli.
Studies that investigate the differences between high and low psychopathic persons in brain activ... more Studies that investigate the differences between high and low psychopathic persons in brain activity during emotional facial expression processing are rare and commonly focus on males. The current study assessed whether previously reported behavioral differences would be reflected in differential brain activity in a sample of female offenders.
Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotion... more Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotional stimuli. Data about their ability to judge emotional facial expressions are inconsistent and limited to males. To measure categorical and dimensional evaluations of emotional facial expressions in psychopathic and non-psychopathic women, 13 female psychopathic forensic inpatients, 15 female non-psychopathic forensic inmates and 16 female healthy participants were tested in an emotion-categorizing task. Emotional facial expressions were presented briefly (33 ms) or until buttonpress. Participants were to classify emotional expressions, and to rate their valence and arousal. Group differences in categorization were observed at both presentation times. Psychopathic patients performed worst with briefly presented sad expressions. Moreover, their dimensional evaluation resulted in less positive ratings for happy expressions and less arousal for angry expressions compared with the responses of non-psychopathic and normal subjects. Results shed light on the mechanism possibly underlying the emotional deficits in psychopathic women.
Frontal hypoactivation has been consistently found in schizophrenia. We hypothesized that patient... more Frontal hypoactivation has been consistently found in schizophrenia. We hypothesized that patients' deficit is asymmetrical, i.e., centred over the left frontal locations, associated with loss of language-related asymmetry, and correlated with positive symptoms. The amplitude of EEG gamma band (36-48Hz) was measured during the processing of three linguistic (Phonological vs. Semantic vs. Visuo-perceptual) tasks and used as index of activation/connectivity in 18 schizophrenia patients and 18 healthy participants. Healthy controls showed higher gamma in frontal sites, revealing a significantly greater left vs. right asymmetry in all linguistic tasks, whereas patients exhibited decreased and bilateral gamma amplitude (i.e., reduced activation/connectivity) in frontal regions. The patients' left hypofrontality during phonological processing was positively correlated with higher levels of Delusions (P1) and Hallucination (P3) PANSS subscales. A significantly greater left posterio...
. Ž . Nineteen chronic low back pain patients aged 19᎐63 and 17 controls aged 20᎐41 received elec... more . Ž . Nineteen chronic low back pain patients aged 19᎐63 and 17 controls aged 20᎐41 received electrical pain stimuli during manipulation of their carotid baroreceptors. The non-invasive mechanical manipulation of baroreceptors, Ž . using the PRES technique Phase Related External Suction , simulates the end-effects of phasic blood pressure changes. This technique was developed to assess pain responses induced by changes in blood pressure without the typical shortcomings of pharmacological manipulation or lack of a control condition. During maximum baroreceptor Ž . activity, there was an unexpected increase in the amplitude of the somatosensory evoked potentials SEPs elicited by Ž . the electrical pain stimuli condition N150᎐P260 peak-to-peak . In most other studies the opposite effect was found, with decreased pain responses during maximum baroreceptor activity. The chronic pain group reported greater pain during highest baroreceptor activation than did the controls. In addition, the chronic pain group showed lower diastolic blood pressure. To determine whether pain and baroreceptor responses observed in the chronic pain group depended on lower blood pressure levels, a second experiment with a non-clinical sample was performed. Results showed that lower tonic blood pressures are associated with greater baroreceptor activity amplifying pain, while higher blood pressure is associated with pain dampening during high baroreceptor activity. Data suggested that the differences in pain responses found in low back pain patients were associated with their lower tonic blood pressure levels. It is proposed that in general, lower blood pressures may be associated with greater pain during baroreceptor activation. ᮊ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. 0167-8760r97r$17.00 ᮊ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1998
Several theories of drug-craving postulate that a signal for drug elicits conditioned responses. ... more Several theories of drug-craving postulate that a signal for drug elicits conditioned responses. However, depending on the theory, a drug cue is said to elicit drug similar, drug compensatory, positive motivational, and negative motivational effects. Since animal data alone cannot tease apart the relative importance of different cue-related processes in the addict, we developed and examined a model of drug cues in the human based on a two-sound, differential conditioning procedure using smoking as the reinforcer. After multiple pairings of a sound with smoking, there was a preference for the smoking cue on a conditioned preference test. The acute effects of smoking (increased heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance level, skin conductance fluctuations, EEG beta power and trapezius EMG, decreased alpha power) were not affected by the smoking cue, although subjects drew more on their cigarette in the presence of the smoking cue than in the presence of a control cue. Moreover, the cue did not change baseline behaviour except for a possible increase in EEG beta power and an increase in trapezius EMG at about the time when smoking should have occurred. The findings confirm the value of experimental models of drug cues in the human for comparing different cue phenomena in the dependent individual. They indicate that an acquired signal for drug in the human may elicit incentive motivational effects and associated preparatory motor responses in addition to possible conditioned tolerance.
The influence of baroreceptor modulation on pain perception has been extensively studied in norma... more The influence of baroreceptor modulation on pain perception has been extensively studied in normal and hypertensive subjects, but not in hypotensive subjects. The present experiment was performed to verify the following hypotheses: 1. Hypotensive subjects exhibit an increased pain response following baroreceptor activation compared to normals; 2. unlike the hypotensives, normal subjects, with normal baroreceptor reflexes, would learn to choose more often the baroreceptor activation condition compared to the opposite condition, during painful stimulation; 3. sensory and pain thresholds are correlated with blood pressure. The subjects (39 men), divided according to low and normal blood-pressure groups, participated in an experiment in which electrically-induced pain ratings and pain-evoked potentials were measured. Baroreceptor manipulation was performed by means of the PRES procedure. Whereas hypotensive subjects did not perceive any pain difference between the two baroreceptor condi...
Startle eyeblink reflex is a valid non-invasive tool for studying attention, emotion and psychiat... more Startle eyeblink reflex is a valid non-invasive tool for studying attention, emotion and psychiatric disorders. In the absence of any experimental manipulation, the general (or baseline) startle reflex shows a high inter-individual variability, which is often considered task-irrelevant and therefore normalized across participants. Unlike the above view, we hypothesized that greater general startle magnitude is related to participants' higher anxiety level. 111 healthy young women, after completing the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), were randomly administered 10 acoustic white noise probes (50 ms, 100 dBA acoustic level) while integrated EMG from left and right orbicularis oculi was recorded. Results showed that participants with greater state anxiety levels exhibited larger startle reflex magnitude from the left eye (r 109 = 0.23, p < 0.05). Furthermore, individuals who perceived the acoustic probe as more aversive reported the largest anxiety scores (r 109 = 0.28, p < 0.05) and had the largest eyeblinks, especially in the left eye (r 109 = 0.34, p < 0.001). Results suggest that general startle may represent a valid tool for studying the neural excitability underlying anxiety and emotional dysfunction in neurological and mental disorders.
The phonological deficit hypothesis of dyslexia has been investigated in the present research by ... more The phonological deficit hypothesis of dyslexia has been investigated in the present research by analysing language-related lateralization of the EEG theta band in a sample of dyslexic children. To this aim, a paradigm based on word-pair visual presentation was used in which the same words were processed in Semantic and Phonological tasks. Theta band amplitude, a cortical index that has been related to working memory processing, was analysed during four different phases of word elaboration, thus allowing to measure also the temporal dynamics of word reading/encoding in the verbal working memory. Control subjects showed a specific (and therefore efficient) task-related and time-dependent cortical activation: a peak of theta activity during word reading was found that decayed during the next inter stimulus interval. Furthermore, during word presentation in the Phonological task, theta amplitude was greater on the left hemisphere. Dyslexics evidenced an altered pattern of theta activation both in the temporal dimension and in the cortical space: their peak of activity was delayed to the first inter stimulus interval after word offset and was shifted to the right hemisphere throughout the whole epoch of Phonological task and in two phases of the Semantic task. Analysis of alpha band failed to replicate the complex pattern of lateralization found for theta band in the two groups, a result that suggests a specific functional role of theta band, which cannot be interpreted as a simple marker of cortical inhibition. Results point to a deficit, in dyslexic children, to recruit left hemisphere structures for the elaboration of the phonological component of the verbal working memory. This deficit was marked by a different, unspecific and dysfunctional hemispherical asymmetry of theta activation to language, a deficit that involved also the time course of phonological linguistic elaboration.
Several studies have suggested that both affective valence and arousal affect the perception of t... more Several studies have suggested that both affective valence and arousal affect the perception of time. However, in previous experiments, the two affective dimensions have not been systematically controlled. In this study, standardized photographic slides rated for emotional valence and arousal were projected to two groups of subjects for 2, 4, and 6 sec. One group of subjects estimated the projection duration on an analog scale, whereas the second group of subjects reproduced the intervals by pushing a button. Heart rate and skin conductance responses were also recorded during stimulus presentation as indices of attention and arousal. Time estimation results showed neither a main effect of valence nor a main effect of arousal. A highly significant valence × arousal interaction affected duration judgments. For low-arousal stimuli, the duration of negative slides was judged relatively shorter than the duration of positive slides. For high-arousal stimuli, the duration of negative slide...
Frontal hypoactivation has consistently been demonstrated in schizophrenia patients. We hypothesi... more Frontal hypoactivation has consistently been demonstrated in schizophrenia patients. We hypothesized that this wellknown deficit is asymmetrical, ie, centered over left frontal locations and, in-line with Crow's theory, associated with both loss of linguistic asymmetry and correlated with positive symptoms. Electroencephalography delta band was used as a quantitative index of cortical inhibition in 17 paranoid schizophrenia patients with prevailing positive symptoms and 17 matched control subjects. Delta amplitude was measured by 38 electrodes, while participants performed 3 linguistic tasks, visuoperceptual, rhyming, and semantic judgment. Compared with control subjects, patients did not show overall delta band differences, revealing no detrimental effects of pharmacological treatment. In healthy participants, analysis of 4 quadrants/regions of interest revealed higher delta amplitude in right vs left anterior sites, indicating significant left anterior disinhibition during linguistic processing. Instead, patients showed bilateral delta band distribution and, compared with control subjects, significant greater delta amplitude (ie, brain inhibition) in linguistic left anterior centers. Patients' left hypofrontality was functionally related to their lack of hemispheric specialization for language and was positively correlated with higher levels of delusions (P1) and conceptual disorganization (P2) Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale subscales. Results suggest, in schizophrenia patients, a functional deficit of Broca's area, a region playing a fundamental hierarchical role between and within hemispheres by integrating many basic processes in linguistic and conceptual organization. The significant correlation between lack of anterior asymmetry and increased positive symptoms is in-line with Crow's hypothesis postulating the etiological role of disrupted linguistic frontal asymmetry on the onset of the key symptoms of schizophrenia.
The present study used delta EEG band to test the hypothesis of a cerebral maturational delay and... more The present study used delta EEG band to test the hypothesis of a cerebral maturational delay and a functional altered cerebral asymmetry for phonological processing in dyslexic children. A group of 14 children with dyslexia and 28 matched controls participated in a linguistic paradigm in which the same words were processed in three tasks: phonological, semantic, and orthographic. Delta amplitude was computed as an index of cortical inhibition in four different phases of word processing. In anterior sites, controls showed left activation (reduced delta) during the phonological task and bilateral activation in the other two tasks. Conversely, children with dyslexia showed greater overall delta amplitude, indexing a cerebral maturation delay and an altered language laterality pattern. In the phonological task they had larger left anterior delta (inhibition of left frontal linguistic locations) and smaller left posterior delta amplitude (activation of left posterior sites silent in controls). Results support the phonological deficit hypothesis of developmental dyslexia and the validity of EEG delta band as functional and clinical measure of language laterality.
Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotion... more Psychopathic individuals have been shown to respond less strongly than normal controls to emotional stimuli. Data about their ability to judge emotional facial expressions are inconsistent and limited to males. To measure categorical and dimensional evaluations of emotional facial expressions in psychopathic and non-psychopathic women, 13 female psychopathic forensic inpatients, 15 female non-psychopathic forensic inmates and 16 female healthy participants were tested in an emotion-categorizing task. Emotional facial expressions were presented briefly (33 ms) or until buttonpress. Participants were to classify emotional expressions, and to rate their valence and arousal. Group differences in categorization were observed at both presentation times. Psychopathic patients performed worst with briefly presented sad expressions. Moreover, their dimensional evaluation resulted in less positive ratings for happy expressions and less arousal for angry expressions compared with the responses of non-psychopathic and normal subjects. Results shed light on the mechanism possibly underlying the emotional deficits in psychopathic women.
Background: T. J. Crow suggested that the genetic variance associated with the evolution in Homo ... more Background: T. J. Crow suggested that the genetic variance associated with the evolution in Homo sapiens of hemispheric dominance for language carries with it the hazard of the symptoms of schizophrenia. Individuals lacking the typical left hemisphere advantage for language, in particular for phonological components, would be at increased risk of the typical symptoms such as auditory hallucinations and delusions.
Background: Despite the consistent information available on the physiological changes induced by ... more Background: Despite the consistent information available on the physiological changes induced by head down bed rest, a condition which simulates space microgravity, our knowledge on the possible perceptual-cortical alterations is still poor. The present study investigated the effects of 2-h head-down bed rest on subjective and cortical responses elicited by electrical, pain-related somatosensory stimulation.
There is limited but increasing evidence that space environment, namely weightless condition, may... more There is limited but increasing evidence that space environment, namely weightless condition, may affect astronauts&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; cerebral neurotransmitters and cognitive performance. The present experiment hypothesized that learning and brain plasticity are affected by simulated microgravity condition. To this aim, 22 male subjects matching astronauts&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39; characteristics were divided in two groups, Head-Down Bed Rest (HDBR) and Sitting Control. After 3-h bed rest (or sitting condition) subjects started a picture viewing task during which 30 acoustic startle probes (100 dBA loudness), divided into three consecutive blocks, were delivered through headphones while startle reflex amplitude was measured from the EMG of the orbicularis oculi muscle. Habituation analysis of the startle reflex showed a normal reflex inhibition across blocks in sitting controls and no habituation in HDBR subjects. Results point to a microgravity-induced lack of startle reflex plasticity in subjects matching astronauts, a learning deficit which may affect the success of long-term space missions.
The Simon effect has been previously shown to be asymmetric at both the behavioral and electrophy... more The Simon effect has been previously shown to be asymmetric at both the behavioral and electrophysiological levels. The present investigation was aimed to clarify whether, during a Simon task, hemispheric asymmetry is also observed in the early phases of stimulus processing. In a group of healthy subjects performing the Simon task, we analyzed scalp potentials evoked by the first lateralized cue (left or right), instead of the classical readiness potential preceding the motor response. ERP results showed a significant left cortical activation to stimuli presented in the right visual field at the 140-160 ms time window. Instead, left stimuli elicited a significant activation of the right versus left hemisphere starting at the next 160-180 ms time interval. We linked this asymmetry to that observed in behavioral data: the Simon effect recorded with left stimuli is smaller than the Simon effect recorded with right stimuli. Results confirm the hypothesis that in right handed subjects, left hemisphere is specialized for motor response selection and is able to process right stimuli faster than the right hemisphere does for left stimuli.
Papers by Alessandro Angrilli