Papers by alberto basciani
in Tullia Catalan - Stefano Santoro (eds.), Marco Dogo e i Balcani, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste - Quaderni di QualeStoria, 2024, pp. 188-206, 2024
Balcanica. Annual of Institute for Balkan Studies, 2024
In Southeastern Europe, the end of the First World War marked a profound geo-political transforma... more In Southeastern Europe, the end of the First World War marked a profound geo-political transformation and the start of an important and conflicting process of moderni-sation of the economic, social and political structures of the countries in the region. Agrar-ian reforms, changes in political structures, increasing urbanisation, population growth, and ad hoc legislation for minority rights protection were some of the most important issues addressed in those years. This essay aims to elucidate the main knots and contradic-tions in the internal and international life of the countries of Balkan Europe, showing how efforts to change political and social structures encountered enormous obstacles in the intrinsic weakness of those socio-economic structures, but also in the will of important segments of the Balkan ruling classes, especially those who had realised the nationalistic dreams of the decades before the Great War, to reassert the supremacy of their respective power and ethnic groups. Yet there were changes, and important ones at that. In foreign policy, for example, the Balkans was the only region in Europe where an attempt was made to turn the so-called ‘spirit of Locarno’ into a concrete achievement, albeit unsuccessfully.
Paolo Fonzi - Sabine Rutar - Xavier Bougarel (Eds.) Food Scarcity and power in Southeastern Europe during the Second World War, 2024
Sectarianism and Renewal in 1920s Romania, 2021
Cover image: Curtea de Arges Monastery the interior view. Inside attention is drawn especially by... more Cover image: Curtea de Arges Monastery the interior view. Inside attention is drawn especially by the group of 12 columns representing the 12 Apostles. The monastery was founded in the reign of Neagoe Basarab between 1512-1517.
Spagna Contemporanea , 1998
Il Mazzinianesimo nel mondo Vol I, 1996
Stefan Delureanu un mazzinian roman. Articole, Evocari, Restituiri, a cura di Raluca Tomi, Pavesiana, Bucuresti, , 2018
Ero soltanto un laureando alle prese con una realtà sconosciuta e, almeno per me, non poco compli... more Ero soltanto un laureando alle prese con una realtà sconosciuta e, almeno per me, non poco complicata quando, nel settembre del 1992, conobbi Ștefan Delureanu. Ricordo perfettamente quella limpida giornata di sole mentre percorrevo il boschetto antistante la biblioteca dell'Accademia romena di Bucarest dove avevo appuntamento con Delureanu. Ero arrivato in Romania da pochi giorni e una volta sistemate le incombenze pratiche (a cominciare dall'alloggio) iniziai le ricerche per le quale ero giunto fin là: la rivoluzione del 1848 nei Paesi romeni. Fu un lungo incontro quel primo con Ștefan. Innanzi agli schedari della Biblioteca parlammo a lungo del tema della mia tesi e di come potessi svilupparlo al meglio. In realtà parlò molto di più lui. Io ero solo un principiante e ascoltavo, il suo bellissimo e raffinato italiano, con tutta l'attenzione di cui ero capace. Quell'uomo mi appariva forte come una quercia e le sue indicazioni, le sue dotte incursioni nella storia romena ed europea di quegli anni rivoluzionari mi convinsero ancora una volta della bontà della scelta che avevo fatto dissipando ogni ulteriore timore. Alla fine di quel lungo incontro, mentre tornavamo insieme verso la stazione del metro di Piazza Romană, prima di salutarci, arrivò improvviso l'invito a cena. Fu l'inizio di una lunga e feconda frequentazione. Da quel sabato sera, ogni settimana durante tutto quel mio primo soggiorno a Bucarest, fui ospite a cena di Ștefan e Victoria nel loro piccolo e accogliente appartamento al 7º piano di Boulevard Dimitire Cantemir. C'erano sempre diversi ospiti: vecchi amici della diaspora tornati a casa, qualche artista,
Alberto Basciani - Antonio D'Alessandri (a cura di), Attraverso l'altra Europa. Studi e testimonianze in omaggio a Francesco Guida, Perugia, Morlacchi , 2002
Copyright © Viella N.B: Copia ad uso personale e istituzionale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale... more Copyright © Viella N.B: Copia ad uso personale e istituzionale. È vietata la riproduzione (totale o parziale) dell'opera con qualsiasi mezzo effettuata e la sua messa a disposizione di terzi, sia in forma gratuita sia a pagamento.
QualeStoria rivista di Storia Contemporanea N.1, 2022
The Albania of Zog in the photographs of Larissa Quaroni Cegodaeff (1928-1931)
Larissa Quaroni Ce... more The Albania of Zog in the photographs of Larissa Quaroni Cegodaeff (1928-1931)
Larissa Quaroni Cegodaeff – wife of the young diplomat Pietro Quaroni – spent almost four years between 1928 and 1931 in Albania during the diplomatic mission of her husband. In this time, Miss Quaroni Cegodaeff made a big number of photographic re- ports. Although they were pictures destined to private use, they represent an exceptional historical proof of the Albania of those years; such photos portray the life of the country whit its backwardness and with the first strides towards modernity.
Vojislav Pavolović (ed.), Finir la Grande guerre dans le Balkans 1918-1923, Belgrade, Institut des Études Balkaniques, 2022
Balcanica , 2021
After the signing of the so-called Ciano-Stojadinović Pact (March 1937), Italian-Yugoslav relatio... more After the signing of the so-called Ciano-Stojadinović Pact (March 1937), Italian-Yugoslav relations suddenly improved. The turnaround in bilateral relations between the two countries (destined, however, to remain ephemeral) was clearly visible in the field of cultural relations. This essay aims to show how, after 1937, the Italian authorities tried to promote Italian culture and language in a big style in the capital of the Kingdom, Belgrade, in an attempt to counteract the supremacy enjoyed up to then by the cultural action of other countries such as France, Germany, etc., in order to promote the Italian language and culture. The fascination with the Italian civilization was also meant to contribute to bringing Yugoslavia politically and ideologically closer to the Fascist regime. Despite the invested resources and the success of some major events (for example, the great exhibition of Italian portraits through the centuries) the results were disappointing, showing once again the structural limits of Fascist political and cultural action abroad.
... | Ayuda. Le relazioni tra Bulgaria e Romania e il problema della Dobrugia dopo la prima guerr... more ... | Ayuda. Le relazioni tra Bulgaria e Romania e il problema della Dobrugia dopo la prima guerra mondiale (1918-1921). Autores: Alberto Basciani; Localización: Clio: rivista trimestrale di studi storici, ISSN 0391-6731, Vol. 38, Nº. 4, 2002 , pags. 703-726. ...
Qualestoria. Rivista di Storia Contemporanea, 2021
«Qualestoria» è la rivista dell'Irsrec FVG, fondata nel 1973 come «Bollettino dell'Istituto regio... more «Qualestoria» è la rivista dell'Irsrec FVG, fondata nel 1973 come «Bollettino dell'Istituto regionale per la storia del movimento di liberazione nel Friuli Venezia Giulia». Ospita contributi di autori italiani e stranieri, promuovendo la pubblicazione di numeri monografici e miscellanei. La rivista propone tradizionalmente tematiche legate alla storia contemporanea dell'area alto-adriatica e delle zone di frontiera, rivolgendo particolare attenzione allo studio e alla storiografia dei paesi dell'Europa centro-orientale e balcanica. Le proposte di pubblicazione vanno inviate all'indirizzo e-mail della redazione. Saranno preventivamente valutate da esperti interni ed esterni al Comitato di redazione. I saggi pubblicati nella sezione «Studi e ricerche» sono sottoposti in forma anonima a double-blind peer review. «Qualestoria» è attualmente presente nei seguenti indici: Bibliografia storica nazionale, Catalogo italiano dei periodici (Acnp), Essper, Gbv (Gemainsame Bibliotheksverbund), Google Scholar, Res. È inoltre inserita dall'Anvur nella lista delle riviste scientifiche ai fini dell'abilitazione scientifica nazionale. La rivista non si intende impegnata dalle interpretazioni e vedute espresse da articoli e note firmati.
Quaderni della Casa Romena di Venezia, XII,, 2017
Sono sufficientemente conosciute le complesse e difficili vicende politicomilitari che contrasseg... more Sono sufficientemente conosciute le complesse e difficili vicende politicomilitari che contrassegnarono le diverse fasi della guerra romena 1. Ciò che ci interessa in questo articolo è mettere in rilievo come, nonostante la buona prova difensiva offerta dall'esercito romeno, in seguito alla radicale ristrutturazione coordinata dal generale francese Henry Berthelot 2 , nel corso dell'estate del 1917, la situazione per il governo di Iaşi, la Corte e le stesse Forze armate, continuasse a essere estremamente complicata e la precarietà-complici probabilmente anche la difficile situazione dei rifornimenti, il dilagare della fame e delle epidemiecontinuò a dominare-e a condizionare negativamente-la vita di ciò che restava della Romania in guerra. Agli occhi della diplomazia italiana e del resto degli Alleati, il Regno romeno, ormai limitato alla piccola ridotta moldava, era diventato un alleato quasi scomodo ma, soprattutto, pareva chiaro che il suo destino non dipendeva più dalla tenuta o meno delle divisioni e dei suoi reggimenti ma da ciò che sarebbe successo in Russia. È noto come il governo provvisorio russo, installatosi al potere dopo la caduta dello zar Nicola II, fosse incorso in enormi
Society for Romanian Studies Newsletter -Special Supplement dedicated to Prof. Keith Hitchins (1931-2020), 2021
Until 2002 Keith Hitchins was for me "only" the author of some of the most beautiful and interest... more Until 2002 Keith Hitchins was for me "only" the author of some of the most beautiful and interesting history books I had ever read during my university education and then during my PhD years. In particular The Romanians, 1774-1866 and Rumania 1866-1947, had been both obligatory and fascinating and enlightening readings that contributed to making me passionate about Romanian history and to better understand its fundamental junctions, the great internal and international dynamics, the complexity of the interweaving among of political, economic, social and cultural events. Even today I am still convinced that few books like those by Hitchins help the scholars to understand in its entirety the complex and controversial formation of modern and contemporary Romania. Towards the end of 2002, in a very delicate moment of my scientific and academic career, in a completely unexpected way, I received an email from Keith Hitchins, with whom I had never had any direct or indirect contact before. In simple and kind words Keith explained to me that he had received my book on the issue of Southern Dobruja and Bulgarian-Romanian relations in the interwar years, from the editorial staff of Slavic Review, he had read it with interest and had greatly appreciated it deciding to write a review which would be published in issue 63 (2004) of the SR. Those simple words, coming from overseas from a sort of living monument of world historiography on Balkans, represented a small/big turning point in my professional life. His esteem for my research and the beautiful review helped to give me confidence in my work and to infuse me with new energy to pursue my studies and academic career despite all the difficulties I was facing at the time. That communication, however, was also the beginning of a friendship and a close intellectual bond that lasted until the end. In the summer of 2004 I had the opportunity to participate in the Summer Researcher Laboratory On Russia, Eastern Europe and Eurasia at the University of Illinois and on that occasion for about 20 days my meetings with Keith Hitchins at his favorite café, in his fascinating university office (incredibly full of books and publications of all kinds) were constant and thanks to his advice I was able to better focus the research I was conducting on the interwar Bessarabia and its integration into Greater Romania. For those like me who came from an academic environment, such as the Italian one, plastered and full of formalisms, being able to meet almost every day one of the most brilliant, cultured and witty Anglo-Saxon historians in an atmosphere of great familiarity was an important experience that contributed not only to clarify many aspects of my investigation but also the true and more intimate meaning of the mission of historian and researcher. After those magnificent, intense summer days our human and scientific relationship has only intensified. In the following years Keith followed the evolution of my study and read the manuscript of The Difficult Union. Bessarabia and Greater Romania 1918-1940 without ever missing precious advice and encouragement. It was a great honor for me to be able to count on his preface and it was also a great satisfaction to be able to give him a copy of the Romanian translation of the volume published by Editura Cartier in Chisinau in 2018. I can say that until 2019 there was no important scientific project in which I was involved and which I did not inform and discuss with Keith and I have never lacked advice, solicitation and encouragement. I am happy to have contributed to the publication in Italian, in 2015, of his Concise History of Romania thanks to the cooperation of the Beit publishing house in Trieste. Again in the summer of 2007, during my new participation in the Summer Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois, together with two other Italian colleagues, I had a wonderful new opportunity to spend more precious time with Keith. (Venice April 2015-Romanian Institute of Research and Humanist Culture) Keith Hitchins with Rudolf Dinu during the presentation of the Italian version of his book A Concise History of Romania.
Papers by alberto basciani
Larissa Quaroni Cegodaeff – wife of the young diplomat Pietro Quaroni – spent almost four years between 1928 and 1931 in Albania during the diplomatic mission of her husband. In this time, Miss Quaroni Cegodaeff made a big number of photographic re- ports. Although they were pictures destined to private use, they represent an exceptional historical proof of the Albania of those years; such photos portray the life of the country whit its backwardness and with the first strides towards modernity.
Larissa Quaroni Cegodaeff – wife of the young diplomat Pietro Quaroni – spent almost four years between 1928 and 1931 in Albania during the diplomatic mission of her husband. In this time, Miss Quaroni Cegodaeff made a big number of photographic re- ports. Although they were pictures destined to private use, they represent an exceptional historical proof of the Albania of those years; such photos portray the life of the country whit its backwardness and with the first strides towards modernity.