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Revisiting Learned Index with Byte-addressable Persistent Storage

Published: 12 August 2024 Publication History


Byte-addressable Persistent Storage (BPS), such as persistent memory and CXL-enabled SSDs, has become an extension of main memory. This opens up new possibilities for indexes that operate and persist data directly on the memory bus. Recent learned indexes exploit data distribution and have shown great potential for some workloads. Despite some work proposed for integrating learned indexes into BPS, they are mainly based on Intel’s first-generation persistent memory. The current design suffers from the following problems: 1) Excessive storage line accesses due to large node in learned indexes; 2) Inefficient concurrency control due to volatile cache; 3) Write amplification due to mismatch access granularity.
To resolve these challenges, we introduce a new learned index named PFLX, featuring three key design improvements: 1) a Storage Line-Friendly Node Layout that enhances search and insertion operations and minimizes storage line accesses through strategic use of pointers; 2) a Persistent Cache-based Lock-free Concurrency Mechanism that utilizes atomic primitives to serialize operations in leaf nodes effectively; 3) a Selective Data Flush Mechanism designed to reduce write amplification. Evaluations show that PFLX outperforms the state-of-the-art persistent indexes by 1.2 ∼ 3 ×.


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ICPP '24: Proceedings of the 53rd International Conference on Parallel Processing
August 2024
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 August 2024

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  1. Byte-addressable Persistent Storage
  2. CXL
  3. Learned Index
  4. Persistent Memory


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  • Refereed limited

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  • National Key Research and Development Program of China


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