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Therapy for Therapists: Design Opportunities to Support the Psychological Well-being of Mental Health Workers

Published: 08 November 2024 Publication History


On-demand mental health services-including counseling, crisis hotlines, and peer support programs-are vital to the healthcare system, providing acute and ongoing support through telephone, online chats, and text messaging. Although such services have proven effective at reducing hopelessness, psychological pain, and suicidality, they put the providers of these services at high risk of burnout, secondary traumatic stress, and compassion fatigue. Our interviews with professionals from four mental health organizations revealed that while these workers have a strong motivation to help clients with mental health care needs, they face various challenges themselves, particularly regarding heavy caseloads, difficult crisis clients, and coping with repeated exposure to abuse and harassment. To overcome challenges, participants identify the need to be self-reliant and engage in self-care practices ranging from socializing with coworkers to yoga and meditation. Although organizations spend significant time training workers prior to their involvement with clients, the training typically lacks components on self-compassion and self-care. Designers might see technology as an opportunity to promote such practices; however, while technology is an integral part of their work routine, participants, irrespective of age, had misapprehensions regarding technology use in the mental health care space, including for managing their psychological well-being. We recommend design guidelines for HCI researchers, including developing contextualized just-in-time adaptive interventions to promote self-compassion and educating workers regarding the use of various technologies to manage their well-being.

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Published: 08 November 2024
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  1. burnout
  2. counseling
  3. crisis hotlines
  4. mental health
  5. peer support
  6. self-care


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