Avenços científics i revolució digital han transformat sensiblement el ritme... more Avenços científics i revolució digital han transformat sensiblement el ritme i abast del canvi tecnològic sense que, més enllà de les oscil·lacions característiques del cicle econòmic, no s’hagi detectat un augment considerable dels nivells agregats de desocupació. Tot i que les noves tecnologies de producció han substituït treball, el seu efecte ha estat més que compensat per mecanismes que directa o indirectament generen una nova o major demanda laboral. Tot i amb això, la preocupació social sobre les conseqüències del canvi tecnològic es reactiva per una nova onada d’automatizació, basada en la intel·ligència artificial, la robòtica, l’aprenentatge automàtic, la impressió 3D i els algoritmes que milloren la capacitat lògica, de càlcul i de gestió de grans quantitats d’inform...
International Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2022
This paper investigates how the long-lasting financial crisis is affecting the survival of nascen... more This paper investigates how the long-lasting financial crisis is affecting the survival of nascent firms. The target of this research is a sample of 64 firms that benefit from the interaction with a high-technology innovation cluster located in Barcelona (Spain). A logistic regression analysis is conducted to predict survival using a wide set of variables as predictors. The born-global and high productivity ICT firms show the best prediction of success. Financial leverage has played also a critical role in the evolution of businesses whereas milieu effects have been insufficient to overcome the difficulties of financial crisis.
The complexity of finances and access to financial markets is one of the main challenges facing a... more The complexity of finances and access to financial markets is one of the main challenges facing an entrepreneur. However, not many studies examine the effect of financial skills on entrepreneurial intentions. Our research describes venture intentions, considering motivations, contextual factors and personal traits in different clusters, based on the strong sense of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the levels of financial literacy and numeracy skills. Results demonstrate that financial and numeracy skills and self-efficacy shape different profiles of potential entrepreneurs. The study shows that social motivations exert a favourable impact on entrepreneurial intentions only for those who firmly believe in their abilities or have high financial and numeracy skills. For those without outstanding skills or high self-efficacy, contextual factors play a key role in the decision to launch a new venture.
In the last decade, global urban destinations have witnessed an unprecedented wave of tourism gro... more In the last decade, global urban destinations have witnessed an unprecedented wave of tourism growth based on the development of short-term rental platforms (STAP) and of a particular platform, Airbnb. Literature has demonstrated this growth’s influence in different contexts, highlighting its impact on housing markets, mostly at the city level and through correlation or regression analyses. This study goes a step further, focusing on the neighborhood level for the case of Barcelona (Spain) and using k-means clustering. Results show how the concentration of Airbnb listings in “highly touristified” and “trendy” neighborhoods has been associated with an increase in rental prices in these areas. Moreover, the subsequent increase in the demand for tourism-related services in these neighborhoods has led to a displacement of residents to peripheral neighborhoods, which has also put pressure on these areas’ housing prices. These processes have been accompanied by an increasing reaction from...
The emergence of Airbnb in many of the most populated destinations for tourism and leisure has di... more The emergence of Airbnb in many of the most populated destinations for tourism and leisure has disrupted the market for rental accommodation. Despite pricing is one of the most critical factors in the evolution and success of the accommodation industry, only a few researchers have focused on the main factors determining prices in these digital platform for non-hotel accommodation. We have analyzed the activity in two principal Spanish cities, which are also object of an intense tourist activity: Barcelona and Madrid. The research has been carried out differently for non-commercial and multi-hosting (or commercial) hosts. Different dimensions of pricing had been analyzed: location, host’s characteristics, property attributes and quality signaling factors. In addition, we also focus on the role of trust and reputation because traditional hotels have a clear competitive advantage in reducing risks through standardization, business reputation and safety regulations. The results show that site-specific characteristics, property qualities and online reviews explain most of pricing in Airbnb, with hosts also capitalizing their good reputation and professional status. Finally, the interaction of these accommodations with the evolution of rents in both cities has been also investigated. The results do not seem to confirm the complementary nature of the platform.
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2021
PurposeThis study aims to determine the contribution of financial skills to entrepreneurial inten... more PurposeThis study aims to determine the contribution of financial skills to entrepreneurial intentions among women involved in university education.Design/methodology/approachClustering and logistic regression analyses were used to infer the determinants and motivators of entrepreneurial intention in a sample of women students at a Spanish online university.FindingsFinancial and numerical skills could play a significant role in boosting entrepreneurial culture, overcoming reticence and increasing awareness of business opportunities, particularly when women are motivated to increase their autonomy and income. The study offers meaningful implications for policymakers.Research limitations/implicationsFurther research will be needed before these conclusions may be inferred to other settings and circumstances. Comparison with a similar sample of potential male entrepreneurs may also be necessary to deduce the influence of gender.Practical implicationsThe introduction of certain financial...
Les plataformes digitals que faciliten el contacte directe entre proveïdors i consumidors de serv... more Les plataformes digitals que faciliten el contacte directe entre proveïdors i consumidors de serveis d’allotjament han transformat profundament el mercat turístic. En aquests mercats bilaterals, les estratègies de fixació de preus esdevenen crucials per a la creació de valor malgrat que, a diferència dels mercats digitals convencionals, els preus es determinen per proveïdors de serveis que no són professionals i que, alhora, també actuen com a consumidors. Airbnb en representa el cas de més èxit, pel que fa al volum i diversitat d’ofertes residencials d’ús turístic. A les extenses llistes d’habitatges publicades a Airbnb, conviuen els allotjaments oferts per consumidors finals amb l’oferta comercial d’habitatges procedent d’intermediaris i operadors professionals, els quals aprofiten aquest mercat digital entre iguals (peer-to-peer digital marketplace) per ampliar les seves oportunitats de negoci. La major part d’estudis previs envers la formació de preus en aquesta plataforma no at...
This study concerned the active use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool in the classroom in higher ed... more This study concerned the active use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool in the classroom in higher education, trying to identify different usage profiles and their characterization. A questionnaire survey was administrated to all full-time and part-time teachers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, both in Barcelona, Spain. The questionnaire was designed using the Technology Acceptance Model as a reference, including items about teachers web 2.0 profile, Wikipedia usage, expertise, perceived usefulness, easiness of use, visibility and quality, as well as Wikipedia status among colleagues and incentives to use it more actively. Clustering and statistical analysis were carried out using the k-medoids algorithm and differences between clusters were assessed by means of contingency tables and generalized linear models (logit). The respondents were classified in four clusters, from less to more likely to adopt and use Wikipedia in the classroom, namely ave...
Apenas empezamos a percibir las primeras manifestaciones de un proceso de creciente automatizacio... more Apenas empezamos a percibir las primeras manifestaciones de un proceso de creciente automatizacion de la actividad economica, que tendria en los avances en la inteligencia artificial y la robotica sus principales elementos propulsores. Esta nueva ola de cambio tecnologico se presenta como potencialmente disruptiva y de naturaleza distinta a las anteriores, porque las tecnologias emergentes tienen la capacidad para sustituir habilidades tanto manuales como cognitivas y porque los avances en las aptitudes relacionadas con la logica, el calculo, el procesamiento de informacion y el aprendizaje automatico progresan muy rapidamente. Los cambios tecnologicos sustituyen tareas, demandan nuevas capacidades y exigen reorganizar los puestos de trabajo. Pero tambien estimulan complementariedades, generan nuevas ocupaciones e impulsan la productividad y la renta. La adopcion de nuevas tecnologias no se realiza en un espacio vacio sino en un entorno social, legal y regulatorio concreto. Se trata...
Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange pr... more Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange products and interact with brand value propositions, particularly in the travel and tourism industry. Within the dynamics of these marketplaces, pricing approaches are of the utmost importance; yet, in contrast to conventional digital marketplaces, prices are set by non-professional vendors who are also consumers. We contribute to research on the topic by examining pricing within a single peer-to-peer, two-sided marketing platform: Airbnb. We use a large dataset covering accommodation listed by non-professional hosts in Barcelona, Spain. We identify a range of intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of the value propositions of Airbnb peer-to-peer accommodation, which enables us to explain differences in price levels. The paper offers evidence that higher accommodation prices are best explained by guests’ preference for the intrinsic functional qualities of the value proposition; and that the s...
RESUMENLas cadenas globales de valor son uno de los elementos más paradigmáticos de la transforma... more RESUMENLas cadenas globales de valor son uno de los elementos más paradigmáticos de la transformación del comercio y la inversión internacional. La industria electrónica es un caso representativo de una actividad integrada globalmente que ha configurado un ecosistema de complejidad creciente. Utilizando una aproximación basada en el uso de las tablas input-output se infiere la naturaleza de los cambios experimentados en la organización internacional de la producción, atendiendo a la distribución geográfica y factorial del valor generado en cada una de las fases productivas por cada uno de los países participantes en la cadena de producción. Por un lado, se confirma que el grado de fragmentación productiva ha aumentado crecientemente, al tiempo que el nodo de Asia oriental se reestructura alrededor de China y se configura como el principal generador de valor en el sector, con una interacción creciente a escala global. Finalmente, se pone de manifiesto un proceso de intensa sustitució...
El proyecto de unificación económica y monetaria se sustentaba en la perspectiva de que una mayor... more El proyecto de unificación económica y monetaria se sustentaba en la perspectiva de que una mayor estabilidad macroeconómica favorecería el progreso de las condiciones de vida de la población europea, principalmente en el caso de los países con menor nivel de renta. La productividad laboral es uno de los principales indicadores de competitividad internacional de una economía y revela, al mismo tiempo, la capacidad de una sociedad para mejorar su bienestar. El análisis de su evolución nos muestra cómo las opciones de convergencia en productividad están condicionadas por el modelo de crecimiento económico impulsado y por la estrategia actual de respuesta a la crisis financiera.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore which personal and contextual factors affect the ... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore which personal and contextual factors affect the use of Wikipedia as a teaching resource in higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach This research question is approached by investigating faculty perceptions and attitudes in two large Spanish universities. For this purpose, a comprehensive empirical study has been employed, based on an online survey to faculty members and the inclusion of a decision-making model in the analysis. Findings Data provide evidence that a combination of cultural, social and subjective factors influences the decision to use Wikipedia. This decision is not only associated with lecturers’ individual characteristics, but mostly with surrounding influences. Teaching uses are more frequent when academics have close reference models and when they perceive that Wikipedia is being positively valued by their colleagues. Research limitations/implications The present study provides a creative framework ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate university faculty perceptions and practice... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate university faculty perceptions and practices of using Wikipedia as a teaching resource. Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a large survey to all faculty members in two large public universities. A total of 913 valid responses were collected through an online questionnaire with 9 control variables and 41 Likert-scaled questions. Findings – The results do not support an overwhelming sceptical attitude among faculty towards Wikipedia. The overall quality of Wikipedia articles is highly valued and most faculty are regular users, just as students are. Though most faculty show a positive view on the teaching usefulness of Wikipedia, few of them actually use it for teaching purposes. A certain conflict has been detected between standard academic procedures of knowledge building and the open collaborative model on which Wikipedia rests. In the end, two important factors play a role in shaping faculty views: their collea...
Avenços científics i revolució digital han transformat sensiblement el ritme... more Avenços científics i revolució digital han transformat sensiblement el ritme i abast del canvi tecnològic sense que, més enllà de les oscil·lacions característiques del cicle econòmic, no s’hagi detectat un augment considerable dels nivells agregats de desocupació. Tot i que les noves tecnologies de producció han substituït treball, el seu efecte ha estat més que compensat per mecanismes que directa o indirectament generen una nova o major demanda laboral. Tot i amb això, la preocupació social sobre les conseqüències del canvi tecnològic es reactiva per una nova onada d’automatizació, basada en la intel·ligència artificial, la robòtica, l’aprenentatge automàtic, la impressió 3D i els algoritmes que milloren la capacitat lògica, de càlcul i de gestió de grans quantitats d’inform...
International Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2022
This paper investigates how the long-lasting financial crisis is affecting the survival of nascen... more This paper investigates how the long-lasting financial crisis is affecting the survival of nascent firms. The target of this research is a sample of 64 firms that benefit from the interaction with a high-technology innovation cluster located in Barcelona (Spain). A logistic regression analysis is conducted to predict survival using a wide set of variables as predictors. The born-global and high productivity ICT firms show the best prediction of success. Financial leverage has played also a critical role in the evolution of businesses whereas milieu effects have been insufficient to overcome the difficulties of financial crisis.
The complexity of finances and access to financial markets is one of the main challenges facing a... more The complexity of finances and access to financial markets is one of the main challenges facing an entrepreneur. However, not many studies examine the effect of financial skills on entrepreneurial intentions. Our research describes venture intentions, considering motivations, contextual factors and personal traits in different clusters, based on the strong sense of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the levels of financial literacy and numeracy skills. Results demonstrate that financial and numeracy skills and self-efficacy shape different profiles of potential entrepreneurs. The study shows that social motivations exert a favourable impact on entrepreneurial intentions only for those who firmly believe in their abilities or have high financial and numeracy skills. For those without outstanding skills or high self-efficacy, contextual factors play a key role in the decision to launch a new venture.
In the last decade, global urban destinations have witnessed an unprecedented wave of tourism gro... more In the last decade, global urban destinations have witnessed an unprecedented wave of tourism growth based on the development of short-term rental platforms (STAP) and of a particular platform, Airbnb. Literature has demonstrated this growth’s influence in different contexts, highlighting its impact on housing markets, mostly at the city level and through correlation or regression analyses. This study goes a step further, focusing on the neighborhood level for the case of Barcelona (Spain) and using k-means clustering. Results show how the concentration of Airbnb listings in “highly touristified” and “trendy” neighborhoods has been associated with an increase in rental prices in these areas. Moreover, the subsequent increase in the demand for tourism-related services in these neighborhoods has led to a displacement of residents to peripheral neighborhoods, which has also put pressure on these areas’ housing prices. These processes have been accompanied by an increasing reaction from...
The emergence of Airbnb in many of the most populated destinations for tourism and leisure has di... more The emergence of Airbnb in many of the most populated destinations for tourism and leisure has disrupted the market for rental accommodation. Despite pricing is one of the most critical factors in the evolution and success of the accommodation industry, only a few researchers have focused on the main factors determining prices in these digital platform for non-hotel accommodation. We have analyzed the activity in two principal Spanish cities, which are also object of an intense tourist activity: Barcelona and Madrid. The research has been carried out differently for non-commercial and multi-hosting (or commercial) hosts. Different dimensions of pricing had been analyzed: location, host’s characteristics, property attributes and quality signaling factors. In addition, we also focus on the role of trust and reputation because traditional hotels have a clear competitive advantage in reducing risks through standardization, business reputation and safety regulations. The results show that site-specific characteristics, property qualities and online reviews explain most of pricing in Airbnb, with hosts also capitalizing their good reputation and professional status. Finally, the interaction of these accommodations with the evolution of rents in both cities has been also investigated. The results do not seem to confirm the complementary nature of the platform.
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 2021
PurposeThis study aims to determine the contribution of financial skills to entrepreneurial inten... more PurposeThis study aims to determine the contribution of financial skills to entrepreneurial intentions among women involved in university education.Design/methodology/approachClustering and logistic regression analyses were used to infer the determinants and motivators of entrepreneurial intention in a sample of women students at a Spanish online university.FindingsFinancial and numerical skills could play a significant role in boosting entrepreneurial culture, overcoming reticence and increasing awareness of business opportunities, particularly when women are motivated to increase their autonomy and income. The study offers meaningful implications for policymakers.Research limitations/implicationsFurther research will be needed before these conclusions may be inferred to other settings and circumstances. Comparison with a similar sample of potential male entrepreneurs may also be necessary to deduce the influence of gender.Practical implicationsThe introduction of certain financial...
Les plataformes digitals que faciliten el contacte directe entre proveïdors i consumidors de serv... more Les plataformes digitals que faciliten el contacte directe entre proveïdors i consumidors de serveis d’allotjament han transformat profundament el mercat turístic. En aquests mercats bilaterals, les estratègies de fixació de preus esdevenen crucials per a la creació de valor malgrat que, a diferència dels mercats digitals convencionals, els preus es determinen per proveïdors de serveis que no són professionals i que, alhora, també actuen com a consumidors. Airbnb en representa el cas de més èxit, pel que fa al volum i diversitat d’ofertes residencials d’ús turístic. A les extenses llistes d’habitatges publicades a Airbnb, conviuen els allotjaments oferts per consumidors finals amb l’oferta comercial d’habitatges procedent d’intermediaris i operadors professionals, els quals aprofiten aquest mercat digital entre iguals (peer-to-peer digital marketplace) per ampliar les seves oportunitats de negoci. La major part d’estudis previs envers la formació de preus en aquesta plataforma no at...
This study concerned the active use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool in the classroom in higher ed... more This study concerned the active use of Wikipedia as a teaching tool in the classroom in higher education, trying to identify different usage profiles and their characterization. A questionnaire survey was administrated to all full-time and part-time teachers at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, both in Barcelona, Spain. The questionnaire was designed using the Technology Acceptance Model as a reference, including items about teachers web 2.0 profile, Wikipedia usage, expertise, perceived usefulness, easiness of use, visibility and quality, as well as Wikipedia status among colleagues and incentives to use it more actively. Clustering and statistical analysis were carried out using the k-medoids algorithm and differences between clusters were assessed by means of contingency tables and generalized linear models (logit). The respondents were classified in four clusters, from less to more likely to adopt and use Wikipedia in the classroom, namely ave...
Apenas empezamos a percibir las primeras manifestaciones de un proceso de creciente automatizacio... more Apenas empezamos a percibir las primeras manifestaciones de un proceso de creciente automatizacion de la actividad economica, que tendria en los avances en la inteligencia artificial y la robotica sus principales elementos propulsores. Esta nueva ola de cambio tecnologico se presenta como potencialmente disruptiva y de naturaleza distinta a las anteriores, porque las tecnologias emergentes tienen la capacidad para sustituir habilidades tanto manuales como cognitivas y porque los avances en las aptitudes relacionadas con la logica, el calculo, el procesamiento de informacion y el aprendizaje automatico progresan muy rapidamente. Los cambios tecnologicos sustituyen tareas, demandan nuevas capacidades y exigen reorganizar los puestos de trabajo. Pero tambien estimulan complementariedades, generan nuevas ocupaciones e impulsan la productividad y la renta. La adopcion de nuevas tecnologias no se realiza en un espacio vacio sino en un entorno social, legal y regulatorio concreto. Se trata...
Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange pr... more Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange products and interact with brand value propositions, particularly in the travel and tourism industry. Within the dynamics of these marketplaces, pricing approaches are of the utmost importance; yet, in contrast to conventional digital marketplaces, prices are set by non-professional vendors who are also consumers. We contribute to research on the topic by examining pricing within a single peer-to-peer, two-sided marketing platform: Airbnb. We use a large dataset covering accommodation listed by non-professional hosts in Barcelona, Spain. We identify a range of intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of the value propositions of Airbnb peer-to-peer accommodation, which enables us to explain differences in price levels. The paper offers evidence that higher accommodation prices are best explained by guests’ preference for the intrinsic functional qualities of the value proposition; and that the s...
RESUMENLas cadenas globales de valor son uno de los elementos más paradigmáticos de la transforma... more RESUMENLas cadenas globales de valor son uno de los elementos más paradigmáticos de la transformación del comercio y la inversión internacional. La industria electrónica es un caso representativo de una actividad integrada globalmente que ha configurado un ecosistema de complejidad creciente. Utilizando una aproximación basada en el uso de las tablas input-output se infiere la naturaleza de los cambios experimentados en la organización internacional de la producción, atendiendo a la distribución geográfica y factorial del valor generado en cada una de las fases productivas por cada uno de los países participantes en la cadena de producción. Por un lado, se confirma que el grado de fragmentación productiva ha aumentado crecientemente, al tiempo que el nodo de Asia oriental se reestructura alrededor de China y se configura como el principal generador de valor en el sector, con una interacción creciente a escala global. Finalmente, se pone de manifiesto un proceso de intensa sustitució...
El proyecto de unificación económica y monetaria se sustentaba en la perspectiva de que una mayor... more El proyecto de unificación económica y monetaria se sustentaba en la perspectiva de que una mayor estabilidad macroeconómica favorecería el progreso de las condiciones de vida de la población europea, principalmente en el caso de los países con menor nivel de renta. La productividad laboral es uno de los principales indicadores de competitividad internacional de una economía y revela, al mismo tiempo, la capacidad de una sociedad para mejorar su bienestar. El análisis de su evolución nos muestra cómo las opciones de convergencia en productividad están condicionadas por el modelo de crecimiento económico impulsado y por la estrategia actual de respuesta a la crisis financiera.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore which personal and contextual factors affect the ... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore which personal and contextual factors affect the use of Wikipedia as a teaching resource in higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach This research question is approached by investigating faculty perceptions and attitudes in two large Spanish universities. For this purpose, a comprehensive empirical study has been employed, based on an online survey to faculty members and the inclusion of a decision-making model in the analysis. Findings Data provide evidence that a combination of cultural, social and subjective factors influences the decision to use Wikipedia. This decision is not only associated with lecturers’ individual characteristics, but mostly with surrounding influences. Teaching uses are more frequent when academics have close reference models and when they perceive that Wikipedia is being positively valued by their colleagues. Research limitations/implications The present study provides a creative framework ...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate university faculty perceptions and practice... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate university faculty perceptions and practices of using Wikipedia as a teaching resource. Design/methodology/approach – This study is based on a large survey to all faculty members in two large public universities. A total of 913 valid responses were collected through an online questionnaire with 9 control variables and 41 Likert-scaled questions. Findings – The results do not support an overwhelming sceptical attitude among faculty towards Wikipedia. The overall quality of Wikipedia articles is highly valued and most faculty are regular users, just as students are. Though most faculty show a positive view on the teaching usefulness of Wikipedia, few of them actually use it for teaching purposes. A certain conflict has been detected between standard academic procedures of knowledge building and the open collaborative model on which Wikipedia rests. In the end, two important factors play a role in shaping faculty views: their collea...
En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa u... more En els mercats actuals, sotmesos a un intens procés de globalització, el coneixement representa una font de competititvitat fonamental i, per això, les empreses de nova creació hi tenen un paper decisiu. En aquesta obra s’analitza de quina manera un entorn com el que potencia Barcelona Activa (l’agència de desenvolupament local de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona) pot estimular les iniciatives emprenedores i la innovació empresarial.
En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento... more En los mercados actuales, sometidos a un intenso proceso de globalización y donde el conocimiento constituye una fuente crucial de competitividad, las empresas de nueva creación desarrollan un papel esencial. En esta obra se analiza de qué modo un entorno como el creado por Barcelona Activa (la agencia de desarrollo local del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona) es capaz de estimular las iniciativas de emprendimiento y la innovación empresarial. Se pone de manifiesto que las nuevas empresas, mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y su interacción con otros agentes, se dotan de diseños estratégicos y organizativos flexibles y avanzados que les permiten adaptarse rápida y adecuadamente a los cambios de la demanda. También se analiza cómo los proyectos empresariales de reciente creación se convierten en mecanismos de difusión de conocimiento y generación de innovaciones. Con ello se pone de relieve que los emprendedores más cualificados se sirven del conocimiento para extraer valor y rendimiento económico a sus iniciativas de negocio más innovadoras.
Internet ha generado numerosas expectativas sobre la capacidad de las TIC para transformar la edu... more Internet ha generado numerosas expectativas sobre la capacidad de las TIC para transformar la educación. Más allá de cuestiones estrictamente tecnológicas, el contexto social emergente plantea nuevas demandas a los sistemas educativos que difícilmente se podrán satisfacer sin el concurso de las tecnologías digitales. En este libro, se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre el proceso de integración de internet en la educación primaria y secundaria a partir de una encuesta a 9.825 directivos, profesores y alumnos de una muestra representativa de centros educativos de Cataluña. El estudio proporciona una panorámica detallada de cómo se apropian de internet los diversos actores de la comunidad escolar, identifica las tendencias subyacentes a estos procesos y los retos a los que se deberá hacer frente si se quieren poner las TIC al servicio de la mejora educativa.
Innovation vision 2020: sustainable growth, entrepreneurship, and economic development, 2012
This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providi... more This paper offers an integrative view about the use of services specifically designed for providing support in creating new businesses and making them grow. In particular, it addresses entrepreneurs’ decisions by considering not only firms’ internal and external resources but also entrepreneurs’ behavior within decision-making processes.
Several studies have analysed entrepreneurs’ use of business support services. However, rather than studying how the decision-making process is developed and concludes with the use of business support services, they have been mainly interested in: a) understanding the different sources of assistance in new firm creation; b) the role of public and private sectors in providing business support services; c) the frequency of use of business support services, and their impact on business performance. By contrast, this paper proposes a behavioral perspective to explain the processes by means of which entrepreneurs decide to adopt and use business support services.
To the best of our knowledge, this is indeed the first entrepreneurship study that seeks to explain entrepreneurial behaviors by integrating resource-based and behavioral decisionmaking perspectives. According to this line of reasoning, we conceive entrepreneurs’ decisionmaking on business support services as a multi-stage decision process. This process is composed by four stages: entrepreneur’s internal triggering force, search for information, assessment of alternatives, and use decision. Entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience becomes the triggering force of the decision process, while entrepreneur’s previous knowledge and experience facilitate acting precisely and accurately towards those business support services that better allow achieving business goals. Once the triggering force is activated, the entrepreneur searches information, either internally and/or externally. The importance and characteristics of these search activities vary according to prior start-up experience and firms’ resources. In fact, entrepreneurs with knowledge and experience and firms with more resources have more appropriate internal information. Therefore, these entrepreneurs and firms will be more inclined to identify and employ relevant external information sources. In addition, incoming spillovers can facilitate the identification of external information search and thus favor both the creation of opportunities and the access to specific resources. Moreover, external information sources may influence the propensity to regard the integration of new knowledge.
Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange pr... more Peer-to-peer, two-sided digital marketplaces are reshaping the way in which consumers exchange products and interact with brand value propositions, particularly in the travel and tourism industry. Within the dynamics of these marketplaces, pricing approaches are of the utmost importance; yet, in contrast to conventional digital marketplaces, prices are set by non-professional vendors who are also consumers. We contribute to research on the topic by examining pricing within a single peer-to-peer, two-sided marketing platform: Airbnb. We use a large dataset covering accommodation listed by non-professional hosts in Barcelona, Spain. We identify a range of intrinsic and extrinsic attributes of the value propositions of Airbnb peer-to-peer accommodation, which enables us to explain differences in price levels. The paper offers evidence that higher accommodation prices are best explained by guests' preference for the intrinsic functional qualities of the value proposition; and that the systematic interaction of valence and volume of online reviews can produce a crucial impact on pricing.
Papers by Josep Lladós-Masllorens
Several studies have analysed entrepreneurs’ use of business support services. However, rather than studying how the decision-making process is developed and concludes with the use of business support services, they have been mainly interested in: a) understanding the different sources of assistance in new firm creation; b) the role of public and private sectors in providing business support services; c) the frequency of use of business support services, and their impact on business performance. By contrast, this paper proposes a behavioral perspective to explain the processes by means of which entrepreneurs decide to adopt and use business support services.
To the best of our knowledge, this is indeed the first entrepreneurship study that seeks to explain entrepreneurial behaviors by integrating resource-based and behavioral decisionmaking perspectives. According to this line of reasoning, we conceive entrepreneurs’ decisionmaking on business support services as a multi-stage decision process. This process is composed by four stages: entrepreneur’s internal triggering force, search for information, assessment of alternatives, and use decision. Entrepreneur’s prior start-up experience becomes the triggering force of the decision process, while entrepreneur’s previous knowledge and experience facilitate acting precisely and accurately towards those business support services that better allow achieving business goals. Once the triggering force is activated, the entrepreneur searches information, either internally and/or externally. The importance and characteristics of these search activities vary according to prior start-up experience and firms’ resources. In fact, entrepreneurs with knowledge and experience and firms with more resources have more appropriate internal information. Therefore, these entrepreneurs and firms will be more inclined to identify and employ relevant external information sources. In addition, incoming spillovers can facilitate the identification of external information search and thus favor both the creation of opportunities and the access to specific resources. Moreover, external information sources may influence the propensity to regard the integration of new knowledge.