Lecturer in Translation Studies, University of Alcalá (2012-2015) Lecturer in Translation Studies, University of Granada (2011) Teaching Assistant, University of Ulster (2010-2011) PhD Translation and Interpreting, University of Granada (2010)
Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa, 2020, ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8, págs. 2499-2508, 2020
La interpretació judicial és un element clau per evitar qualsevol estat d’indefensió de la person... more La interpretació judicial és un element clau per evitar qualsevol estat d’indefensió de la persona jutjada. Tanmateix, ha estat un àmbit relativament poc explorat al context espanyol fins fa poc, sobretot en comparació amb països com els Estats Units d’Amèrica (Berk-Seligson, 1985; 1990/2002; Dueñas González et al., 1991). A l’Estat espanyol, la recerca prèvia en aquest àmbit s’ha basat principalment en entrevistes i qüestionaris com a mètodes de recollida de dades per obtenir informació empírica de la situació de la interpretació judicial als jutjats i tribunals (vegeu, per exemple, Ortega Herráez, 2006; o el projecte SOS-VICs), en canvi, pràcticament no trobem informació més directa de com es produeix la comunicació mediada en un jutjat. La tesi de Liudmila Onos (2014) va incloure l’observació de 56 sessions judicials, però no va obtenir els permisos per gravar-les i això va esdevenir una limitació important a l’hora d’analitzar els aspectes lingüístics de les interaccions interpr...
Translating legal texts is usually perceived as being daunting by Translation students, who norma... more Translating legal texts is usually perceived as being daunting by Translation students, who normally lack legal training, and it becomes even more intimidating when legal texts must be rendered in the second language. However, translator trainees must be equipped with the skills required to successfully translate legal texts into their second language and subsequently meet this real market demand. Most legal translator training programmes seem to particularly focus on the development of thematic competence, with Law-related elements playing an outsized role and other abilities, such as technological competence, being downplayed. In this article, it is our purpose to highlight how ad hoc monolingual corpora can be useful for those who engage in the translation of specialised, legal texts into their second language, especially as corpora help retrieve phraseological and discursive information on which to base translation decisions in a more informed manner.
Desd e 1996 , lo s licenciado s e n T raduccio n e Interpretacio n ha n disfrutad o de l a ex enc... more Desd e 1996 , lo s licenciado s e n T raduccio n e Interpretacio n ha n disfrutad o de l a ex encio n de l e xame n d e T raducto r -Interpret e Jurad o siempr e qu e acredite n haber cursad o un a formacio n especific a e n traduccio n juridic a y/ o economic a y e n interpre - tacion . N o obstante , a di a d e h oy s e continu a si n dispone r d e dato s riguroso s acerca d e l a realida d profesiona l d e u n T raducto r -Interpret e Jurado , po r l o qu e est a profesion sigu e siend o bastant e desconocid a tant o par a e l public o genera l com o par a part e del mund o academic o d e nuestr a disciplina . E n est e articul o presentamo s lo s resultados obtenido s mediant e l a realizacio n d e u n grup o d e discusio n co n licenciado s d e la Un iv ersida d d e Granad a qu e ha n obtenid o e l nombramient o d e T raducto r -Interprete Jurad o d e ingle s po r est a vi a d e l a acreditacio n academica , co n e l fi n d e ofrece r una panoramic a d e l a traduccio n y l a i...
IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2017
La motivacion es uno de los elementos primordiales a la hora de conseguir que el estudiantado se ... more La motivacion es uno de los elementos primordiales a la hora de conseguir que el estudiantado se involucre en su proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje y adquiera, por tanto, un aprendizaje profundo de la disciplina objeto de estudio. No obstante, en los programas universitarios de formacion de traductores, los estudiantes suelen enfrentarse a las asignaturas de traduccion juridica con una generalizada falta de confianza (que, a su vez, suele desembocar en una falta de motivacion) que se debe, fundamentalmente, a sus limitados conocimientos en cuanto a derecho, ordenamientos juridicos y discurso juridico. Segun defiende Stobart (2010), la evaluacion para el aprendizaje fomenta que el estudiantado desempene un papel activo en su proceso de aprendizaje autorregulandose con autonomia por medio de la autoevaluacion, lo que, en consecuencia, aumenta la confianza en si mismos y su motivacion. Con el fin de aplicar la autoevaluacion como oportunidad de aprendizaje en la formacion universitaria d...
According to current Spanish legislation, Translation and Interpreting graduates may qualify as s... more According to current Spanish legislation, Translation and Interpreting graduates may qualify as sworn interpreters without taking the exams set by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This makes Translation and Interpreting schools directly or indirectly responsible for the quality of their students� training as far as the professional activity of sworn translation is concerned. In an attempt to describe and analyse the legal translator training they receive at Spanish universities, this paper presents the major results of the analysis of the syllabuses of the subjects implied, with a special focus on the subject areas covered by this training.
This paper purports to describe the evolution, current situation and foreseeable future of Transl... more This paper purports to describe the evolution, current situation and foreseeable future of Translation undergraduate university programmes in Spain. After describing the beginnings, incomparable growth and current success of Translation as an academic discipline, we pinpoint some of the challenges that it is still facing and some of the problems which still remain unsolved, after which we envisage what the future may hold for Translation Studies in Spain and question whether it could go from being the Cinderella of Humanities (that is, an ever increasing discipline in terms of students, researchers and trainers) to become a victim of its own success
Entreculturas. Revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural, 2010
La técnica de investigación cualitativa denominada grupo de discusión resulta especialmente conve... more La técnica de investigación cualitativa denominada grupo de discusión resulta especialmente conveniente para recabar datos relativos a las opiniones, creencias, percepciones, intereses y actitudes de un grupo de personas implicadas en un determinado objeto de estudio. En este artículo, nos centramos, en primer lugar, en las principales prescripciones metodológicas que deben regir toda aplicación del grupo de discusión, detallando tanto sus características como las fases del diseño de una investigación basada en esta técnica. A continuación, describimos dos casos prácticos en los que se ha aplicado con éxito el grupo de discusión para obtener información valiosa sobre dos problemáticas que se circunscriben en el ámbito de la evaluación de la formación de traductores. Así ponemos de manifiesto la utilidad y validez de esta técnica en este tipo de investigaciones.
Claves para la innovación pedagógica ante los nuevos retos: respuestas en la vanguardia de la práctica educativa, 2020, ISBN 978-84-18348-22-8, págs. 2499-2508, 2020
La interpretació judicial és un element clau per evitar qualsevol estat d’indefensió de la person... more La interpretació judicial és un element clau per evitar qualsevol estat d’indefensió de la persona jutjada. Tanmateix, ha estat un àmbit relativament poc explorat al context espanyol fins fa poc, sobretot en comparació amb països com els Estats Units d’Amèrica (Berk-Seligson, 1985; 1990/2002; Dueñas González et al., 1991). A l’Estat espanyol, la recerca prèvia en aquest àmbit s’ha basat principalment en entrevistes i qüestionaris com a mètodes de recollida de dades per obtenir informació empírica de la situació de la interpretació judicial als jutjats i tribunals (vegeu, per exemple, Ortega Herráez, 2006; o el projecte SOS-VICs), en canvi, pràcticament no trobem informació més directa de com es produeix la comunicació mediada en un jutjat. La tesi de Liudmila Onos (2014) va incloure l’observació de 56 sessions judicials, però no va obtenir els permisos per gravar-les i això va esdevenir una limitació important a l’hora d’analitzar els aspectes lingüístics de les interaccions interpr...
Translating legal texts is usually perceived as being daunting by Translation students, who norma... more Translating legal texts is usually perceived as being daunting by Translation students, who normally lack legal training, and it becomes even more intimidating when legal texts must be rendered in the second language. However, translator trainees must be equipped with the skills required to successfully translate legal texts into their second language and subsequently meet this real market demand. Most legal translator training programmes seem to particularly focus on the development of thematic competence, with Law-related elements playing an outsized role and other abilities, such as technological competence, being downplayed. In this article, it is our purpose to highlight how ad hoc monolingual corpora can be useful for those who engage in the translation of specialised, legal texts into their second language, especially as corpora help retrieve phraseological and discursive information on which to base translation decisions in a more informed manner.
Desd e 1996 , lo s licenciado s e n T raduccio n e Interpretacio n ha n disfrutad o de l a ex enc... more Desd e 1996 , lo s licenciado s e n T raduccio n e Interpretacio n ha n disfrutad o de l a ex encio n de l e xame n d e T raducto r -Interpret e Jurad o siempr e qu e acredite n haber cursad o un a formacio n especific a e n traduccio n juridic a y/ o economic a y e n interpre - tacion . N o obstante , a di a d e h oy s e continu a si n dispone r d e dato s riguroso s acerca d e l a realida d profesiona l d e u n T raducto r -Interpret e Jurado , po r l o qu e est a profesion sigu e siend o bastant e desconocid a tant o par a e l public o genera l com o par a part e del mund o academic o d e nuestr a disciplina . E n est e articul o presentamo s lo s resultados obtenido s mediant e l a realizacio n d e u n grup o d e discusio n co n licenciado s d e la Un iv ersida d d e Granad a qu e ha n obtenid o e l nombramient o d e T raducto r -Interprete Jurad o d e ingle s po r est a vi a d e l a acreditacio n academica , co n e l fi n d e ofrece r una panoramic a d e l a traduccio n y l a i...
IJERI: International journal of Educational Research and Innovation, 2017
La motivacion es uno de los elementos primordiales a la hora de conseguir que el estudiantado se ... more La motivacion es uno de los elementos primordiales a la hora de conseguir que el estudiantado se involucre en su proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje y adquiera, por tanto, un aprendizaje profundo de la disciplina objeto de estudio. No obstante, en los programas universitarios de formacion de traductores, los estudiantes suelen enfrentarse a las asignaturas de traduccion juridica con una generalizada falta de confianza (que, a su vez, suele desembocar en una falta de motivacion) que se debe, fundamentalmente, a sus limitados conocimientos en cuanto a derecho, ordenamientos juridicos y discurso juridico. Segun defiende Stobart (2010), la evaluacion para el aprendizaje fomenta que el estudiantado desempene un papel activo en su proceso de aprendizaje autorregulandose con autonomia por medio de la autoevaluacion, lo que, en consecuencia, aumenta la confianza en si mismos y su motivacion. Con el fin de aplicar la autoevaluacion como oportunidad de aprendizaje en la formacion universitaria d...
According to current Spanish legislation, Translation and Interpreting graduates may qualify as s... more According to current Spanish legislation, Translation and Interpreting graduates may qualify as sworn interpreters without taking the exams set by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This makes Translation and Interpreting schools directly or indirectly responsible for the quality of their students� training as far as the professional activity of sworn translation is concerned. In an attempt to describe and analyse the legal translator training they receive at Spanish universities, this paper presents the major results of the analysis of the syllabuses of the subjects implied, with a special focus on the subject areas covered by this training.
This paper purports to describe the evolution, current situation and foreseeable future of Transl... more This paper purports to describe the evolution, current situation and foreseeable future of Translation undergraduate university programmes in Spain. After describing the beginnings, incomparable growth and current success of Translation as an academic discipline, we pinpoint some of the challenges that it is still facing and some of the problems which still remain unsolved, after which we envisage what the future may hold for Translation Studies in Spain and question whether it could go from being the Cinderella of Humanities (that is, an ever increasing discipline in terms of students, researchers and trainers) to become a victim of its own success
Entreculturas. Revista de traducción y comunicación intercultural, 2010
La técnica de investigación cualitativa denominada grupo de discusión resulta especialmente conve... more La técnica de investigación cualitativa denominada grupo de discusión resulta especialmente conveniente para recabar datos relativos a las opiniones, creencias, percepciones, intereses y actitudes de un grupo de personas implicadas en un determinado objeto de estudio. En este artículo, nos centramos, en primer lugar, en las principales prescripciones metodológicas que deben regir toda aplicación del grupo de discusión, detallando tanto sus características como las fases del diseño de una investigación basada en esta técnica. A continuación, describimos dos casos prácticos en los que se ha aplicado con éxito el grupo de discusión para obtener información valiosa sobre dos problemáticas que se circunscriben en el ámbito de la evaluación de la formación de traductores. Así ponemos de manifiesto la utilidad y validez de esta técnica en este tipo de investigaciones.
Профессиональная Картина Мира. Методология. Варианты. ПрактикаPublisher: Агентство социально-гуманитарных технологий, 2020
As noted by most prominent Translation Studies scholars (S. Šarčević; E. Alcaraz Varó and B. Hugh... more As noted by most prominent Translation Studies scholars (S. Šarčević; E. Alcaraz Varó and B. Hughes; D. Cao; to name but a few), intersystemic legal translation is characterised by the asymmetry of the legal systems concerned and its subsequent conceptual and terminological incongruity. These difficulties become even bigger when working with languages, cultures and legal systems with different historical background and development, such as Spanish, English and Russian. In this paper we will focus on the challenges identified in the translation of a set of legal texts used at the Refugee Reception Centre of Seville (Spain) in a project dedicated to translating and revising documentation used at this governmental institution. More specifically, we will focus on the problematic terminological and phraseological units encountered in those texts and the solutions offered, taking into account the specific recipients of these texts (i.e., refugees and asylum-seekers), the specific purpose of such translated texts and the implications of frequently using English and Russian as lingua francas in these settings.
Corpus-based Translation Studies has opened new avenues to
research since Mona Baker published he... more Corpus-based Translation Studies has opened new avenues to research since Mona Baker published her seminal study back in the 1990s. In comparison to other domains within Translation Studies, in legal translation corpus-based research has not been so widely used despite its incontestable potential and usefulness. In this field, parallel corpora are chiefly used to study the translation process and to identify translation options for problematic terminological and phraseological units. Hence, parallel corpora allow researchers to systematically and objectively study the solutions given to pre-identified translation problems, like legal system-bound terms, which are the quintessential feature of legal translation as clear exponents of legal asymmetry and conceptual-terminological incongruity. In this contribution, we describe the design, compilation and alignment of a specialised bilingual parallel corpus (English-Spanish) comprising judgments delivered by the European Union Court of Justice. With the main aim of studying the options found for the translation of court names, one corpus is made up of 127 aligned judgments in English and Spanish that refer to English courts, whereas the other corpus consists of 145 aligned files that refer to Spanish courts. The corpus was aligned at sentence level, accounting for 16,012 aligned sentence pairs for the English corpus, and 13,971 for the Spanish corpus. In the following we present the most relevant outcomes of this study (both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective), describe technical aspects related to the compilation process and point to further uses of these corpora, specifically for training purposes.
The ever-increasing mobility of people across boundaries, be it for economic, political or educat... more The ever-increasing mobility of people across boundaries, be it for economic, political or educational reasons, has led to the creation of multilingual and multicultural societies where the need for language and cultural mediation is also ever growing. Even if this is a worldwide phenomenon, it is most conspicuous in countries which have been traditionally considered as countries of emigration and have become countries of immigration in the last 20 years, thus evolving into complex multilingual and multicultural societies. This is also the case of Spain, a country where the high influx of immigrants and tourists poses challenges which require adequate responses to ensure a balanced coexistence (Valero-Garcés, 2006, p. 36). This need for translators and interpreters is even greater in public services like schools, hospitals, police stations, courts... where users who do not command the official language of the institution must be catered for.
Toda comunidad profesional suele obligar a sus miembros a que cumplan un determinado código deont... more Toda comunidad profesional suele obligar a sus miembros a que cumplan un determinado código deontológico o de conducta profesional. La profesión de Traductor-Intérprete Jurado, a pesar de la responsabilidad que conlleva su actividad al tratarse de un fedatario público que certifica la autenticidad de sus actuaciones, no cuenta aún siquiera con unas pautas que guíen su ejercicio profesional. No obstante, las principales asociaciones de estos profesionales sí que establecen determinados códigos deontológicos de cumplimiento obligatorio para sus afiliados, presentándolos como garantía de calidad para la profesión. En esta comunicación pretendemos reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de la instauración de un código deontológico propio para los Traductores-Intérpretes Jurados habida cuenta de las particularidades de su labor y de la situación actual que atraviesa la profesión.
Since its creation, the European Union has always been committed to the promotion of the free mov... more Since its creation, the European Union has always been committed to the promotion of the free movement of citizens and qualified workers across member states. In order to guarantee workers’ freedom of movement, European legislators have set up a legal framework for the mutual recognition of academic diplomas and qualifications, upon which the pursuit of a given profession or professional activity which is regulated in a member state depends. Obviously, the field of Translation and Interpreting has not escaped this regulation as to the recognition of diplomas issued in other member states, especially those concerning the realm of official translating and interpreting. In the case of Spain, it has been confirmed that a number of holders of the Diploma in Translation and the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting, both of them awarded by Britain’s Chartered Institute of Linguists, have been authorised to practise as Intérprete Jurado (Sworn Interpreter), pursuant to Spanish rules as regards the recognition of foreign qualifications. This paper presents a comparison of the aforementioned qualifications and the professional activities involved in Spain and Britain, highlighting both their similarities and differences. Emphasis is particularly placed on the different ways in which candidates may gain access to the profession of Sworn Interpreter in Spain, including examinations, academic accreditation and recognition of a foreign qualification deemed as equivalent, which will be contrasted with the examinations of both British qualifications. At the same time, attention is also paid to how these professions are regulated in Spain and Britain respectively.
PAPERS by Francisco J. Vigier-Moreno
research since Mona Baker published her seminal study back in the 1990s. In comparison to other domains within Translation Studies, in legal translation corpus-based research has not been so widely used despite its incontestable potential and usefulness. In this field, parallel corpora are chiefly used to study the translation process and to identify translation options for problematic terminological and phraseological units. Hence, parallel corpora allow researchers to systematically and objectively study the solutions given to pre-identified translation problems, like legal system-bound terms, which are the quintessential
feature of legal translation as clear exponents of legal asymmetry and conceptual-terminological incongruity.
In this contribution, we describe the design, compilation and alignment of a specialised bilingual parallel corpus (English-Spanish) comprising judgments delivered by the European Union Court of Justice. With the main aim of studying the options found for the translation of court names, one corpus is made up of 127 aligned judgments in English and Spanish that refer to English courts, whereas the other corpus consists of 145 aligned files that refer to Spanish courts. The corpus was aligned at sentence level, accounting for 16,012 aligned sentence pairs for the English corpus, and 13,971 for the Spanish corpus. In the following we
present the most relevant outcomes of this study (both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective), describe technical aspects related to the compilation process and point to further uses of these corpora, specifically for training purposes.
responsabilidad que conlleva su actividad al tratarse de un fedatario público que certifica la autenticidad de sus actuaciones, no cuenta aún siquiera con unas pautas que guíen su ejercicio profesional. No obstante, las principales asociaciones de estos profesionales sí que establecen determinados códigos deontológicos de cumplimiento obligatorio para sus afiliados, presentándolos como garantía de calidad para la profesión. En esta comunicación pretendemos reflexionar acerca de la necesidad de la instauración de un código deontológico propio para los Traductores-Intérpretes Jurados habida cuenta de las particularidades de su labor y de la situación actual que atraviesa la
has been confirmed that a number of holders of the Diploma in Translation and the Diploma in Public Service Interpreting, both of them awarded by Britain’s Chartered Institute of Linguists, have been authorised to practise as Intérprete Jurado (Sworn Interpreter), pursuant to Spanish rules as regards the recognition of foreign qualifications. This paper presents a comparison of the aforementioned
qualifications and the professional activities involved in Spain and Britain, highlighting both their similarities and differences. Emphasis is particularly placed on the different ways in which candidates may gain access to the profession of Sworn Interpreter in Spain, including examinations, academic accreditation and recognition of a foreign qualification deemed as equivalent, which will be contrasted with the examinations of both British qualifications. At the same time, attention is also paid to how these professions are regulated in Spain and Britain