MUSTAFA DUMAN 1986, Yerköy-Yozgat doğumlu. Lisans ve yüksek lisans öğrenimini Gaziantep Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü’nde; doktorasını Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Türk Halk Bilimi Anabilim Dalı’nda tamamladı. University of Madison-Wisconsin, Turkic and Central Eurasian Studies bölümünde bir yıl misafir araştırmacı olarak görev yaptı. "Türk Halk Anlatmalarında Olumsuz Tipler" ve "Eril Kültür: Destan ve Hegemonik Erkeklik" kitaplarının yanı sıra sözlü kültür/ geleneksel halk anlatıları hakkında tematik ve teorik çalışmaları bulunan Duman, halen Uşak Üniversitesi Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Bölümü’nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaktadır.
Eril Kültür: Destan ve Hegemonik Erkeklik, Kabalcı Yayınları, 2022
Türk destanları bağlamında hegemonik erkekliğin inşasını ve ataerkilliğin sözlü kültürle ilişkisi... more Türk destanları bağlamında hegemonik erkekliğin inşasını ve ataerkilliğin sözlü kültürle ilişkisini ele alan bu kitap, folklorun eleştirel erkeklik çalışmaları içerisindeki yerini belirlemeye çalışıyor. Anlatma geleneği ve bu geleneğin ürünü olan sözlü edebiyat mahsulleri; mitlerden masallara, destanlardan halk hikâyelerine hangi formda olursa olsun, ait oldukları toplumun dünya görüşünü yansıtır. Bu nedenle hegemonik erkekliği destanlar üzerinden okumaya çalışmak, aslında toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine yüklenen anlamların üretildiği sözlü kültür gibi canlılığını hiç yitirmeyen bir kanalın işleyişini ortaya koyar ve hegemonik erkekliğin oluştuğu kültürel yapıyı daha iyi kavramamızı sağlar. Dolayısıyla elinizdeki kitap, "erkeklik"in kültür sahasında dünden bugüne nasıl inşa edildiğine ve ne türden dönüşümler geçirdiğine odaklanarak okurunu Türk destanlarına farklı bir pencereden bakmaya davet ediyor.
Geleneksel anlatıların toplumsal davranış kalıpları üzerinde etkisi olduğu ve toplumun belirli ol... more Geleneksel anlatıların toplumsal davranış kalıpları üzerinde etkisi olduğu ve toplumun belirli olgulara karşı tavrının geleneksel anlatılarda önemli izlerinin olduğu iddiasına sahip olan bu makale, söz konusu iddiayı terörizm olgusu üzerinden ve destanlar örnekleminde çözümlemeyi vadetmektedir. Böylesi bir iddiayı tutarlı bir şekilde ispat edebilmek için anakronik bir okuma yapılması zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Çünkü günümüz dünyasında var olan terörizm gibi bir olguyu geçmişte yaratıldığı bilinen destanlar üzerinden tahlil etme girişimi özü itibariyle anakroniktir. Bu nedenle makalede, toplum hayatında sürekli olarak var olan terörizm gibi zamandan muaf bir olguyu tahlil etmede geleneksel anlatılardan nasıl yararlanılması gerektiği noktasında özgün bir inceleme yöntemi araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Türk dünyası destanları örnekleminde gerçekleştirilen tahliller Oğuz Kağan Destanı ve Dede Korkut Kitabı üzerinden derinleştirilmiştir. Yapısalcı yöntemin genel ilkeleri takip edilerek Türk destanlarındaki terörizmin izleri karakterlerin eylemleri ve anlatı epizotları üzerinden ayrıntılı olarak tahlil edilmiştir. Bu yapısal inceleme neticesinde terörizme ilişkin karakter eylemlerinin ve epizotların destanlardaki yapısal şeması ortaya konulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler gerçeğin kurgusallaşması ve kurgunun gerçekleşmesi bağlamında tartışmaya açılmış; böylece makalenin çok yönlü ve kapsamlı bir inceleme hâline gelmesi hedeflenmiştir.
The present study claims that traditional narratives shape social behaviour patterns and that there are significant traces in the narratives about a society's attitudes to certain phenomena. It promises to analyse this claim through terrorism and the example of the epic world. An anachronistic reading attempt has emerged to coherently prove this claim, as the attempt to analyse a phenomenon such as terrorism (a contemporary problem) through past epics is inherently anachronistic. Therefore, this article presents an original method of analysis to researchers on how one can use traditional narratives to analyse terrorism. In this study, we carried out this assessment through samples from two Turkic epics: epic of Oguz Kagan and the Book of Dede Korkut. The presentation of terrorism in the Turkic epics has been studied in detail through the actions of each epics' characters and narrative episodes through the general principles of structuralism-thus revealing the structural scheme of the character actions and episodes as they relate to terrorism. We have discussed our findings in the context of the fictionalization of reality and the realization of fiction to give our study versatility and comprehensiveness.
Fake news has attracted the attention of scholars from around the world as a new research area in... more Fake news has attracted the attention of scholars from around the world as a new research area in recent years. Especially right after being raised by the US President Donald Trump at a press conference in 2016, fake news has been addressed mainly by the scholars in the field of communication so far. Recently, it has occupied other researchers’ agendas in different parts of the world, and in response, a new awareness has been created about fake news. There are a small number of studies conducted by Western scholars in the field of folklore which are attracting the attention of folklorists in other parts of the world regarding a new field of study which is attempting to determine the terminology and research method for studying fake news. The factors responsible for the efficiency in the emerging and spreading of fake news and the relationship with oral and written culture have been determined as the focal point in this study. Moreover, the effects of oral and written culture on the quality of the knowledge presented in texts claiming to authenticity are analyzed in the context of fake news. Within this scope, the nature of fake news and its relationship with folklore are examined in this study. In addition, the attitude that folklorists should have in examining particular issues related to fake news such as the changes in the knowledge-sharing environment and reproduction of the knowledge are evaluated. Additionally, this study is aiming to introduce the fake news to Turkish scholars, to create a mutual terminology that can be used by them in analyzing fake news and to determine new sub-issues related to fake news.
Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan ve ülkemizde yaygın olarak “koronavirüs” adıyla bilinen virüs salgın... more Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan ve ülkemizde yaygın olarak “koronavirüs” adıyla bilinen virüs salgını hakkında gerek sosyal medyada gerekse diğer iletişim kanallarında pek çok bilgi paylaşılmaktadır. Bu bilgilerin çoğu, “yalan haber” bağlamında değerlendirilebilecek metinlerde yer almaktadır. Bu metinlerin mit, şehir efsanesi, dedikodu ve söylentilerle de yakından ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu ilişki yaratım-aktarım süreci açısından daha iyi gözlemlenebilir. “Modern” insan, gündelik hayatta karşılaştığı sorunlara mevcut teknolojiyle çözüm bulurken teknolojinin ve şu ana kadar sahip olunan bilgi birikiminin koronavirüsün kaynağı ve tedavisi hakkında net bir cevap bulamaması, söz konusu anlatıların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, koronavirüsün kaynağının ve tedavisinin ne olduğu, tedavi edilemezse insanlığın sonunun ne olacağı hususunda sürekli bir metin üretimi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu metinler ise sosyal medya kanalları aracılığıyla küresel anlamda oldukça hızlı bir şekilde yayılmaktadır. Ayrıca bu metinler, elektronik ortamdan koparak insanların gündelik hayatta birbirlerine anlattıkları “hikayeler”e dönüşmektedir. Anlatıcı ve dinleyicilerin temel gayesi ise bilinmez olanı anlamlandırmaya çalışmaktır. Bu bağlamda koronavirüs sadece fen bilimlerinin incelediği bir konu olmaktan çıkıp, başta psikoloji ve antropoloji olmak üzere insan davranışını anlamaya çalışan tüm disiplinlerin çalışma alanına girmektedir. Söz konusu koronavirüs hakkındaki efsaneler, yalan haberler ve diğer anlatılar olduğunda, halk bilimi merkezli bir incelemenin yapılması da zorunlu hale gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu makalede salgın hakkında üretilen mitler, şehir efsaneleri, dedikodular, söylentiler ve yalan haberler; ortaya çıkış nedenleri, metinlerin yayılma sürecindeki etkin faktörler, metinlerin türsel özellikleri ve işlevleri bakımından ele alınmıştır. Bu doğrultuda makalenin amacı, koronavirüsün kaynağına dair ortaya çıkan şehir efsanelerinin kökenini belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Ayrıca, bu efsanelerin oldukça kısa sürede yayılması ve bilinirlik kazanmasının nedenlerini tartışmaya açmak makalenin bir diğer amacıdır. Makalede yer verilen metinler alan araştırması neticesinde derlenmiştir. Ancak bu alan araştırmasında klasik derleme yöntemlerinden olan mülakat, gözlem ya da anket kullanılmamış; bunun yerine söz konusu efsanelerin yayıldıkları ana mecra olan internet ortamında bir derleme çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun için; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics ve hashtags (konu etiketleri) ve benzer şekilde Facebook’ta da konu etiketlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bu derleme alanlarında, 2020 Mart, Nisan ve Mayıs aylarını kapsayan taramalar (derlemeler) yapılmıştır. Bu haliyle, internet ortamındaki folklorik bilginin derlenmesinde takip edilebilecek bir “çevrim içi alan araştırması” denemesi yapıldığını ifade etmek mümkündür. Makalede, koronavirüsle ilgili en fazla paylaşılan ve “inanılan” şehir efsaneleri örneklem olarak belirlenmiş ve bu örneklemi desteklemek adına, bu süreçte ortaya çıkan çeşitli dedikodu ve söylentilerden de faydalanılmıştır. Bu anlatıların paylaşım kanalları, paylaşıcıları ve alıcılarının iletişim süreci; içerik ve yapı özellikleri de makalenin kapsamı dahilinde ele alınan hususlardır.
Abstract Much information has been shared on both social media and other communication channels about the virus epidemic called Covid-19, which is commonly known in Turkey as "koronavirüs". A lot of this information is based on sources and reports that should be considered “fake news” because they are simply not based on reality or facts. Information sources and reports such as these share many similarities with myths, urban legends, gossip, and rumors in terms of their structural units and fictiveness. While it may seem to most people that so far “modern man” has found technological solutions to most of the problems faced in everyday life, they still appear to turn to the familiar “primitive” attitudes when faced with unresolved “novel” problems, which have led to the rise of such false or unsubstantiated narratives we now see regarding the Coronavirus. Therefore, one can say there is a continuous production of texts about the source/origin of an unknown problem similar to creation myths or other narratives based on beliefs. Unlike the mythical era, these texts are spread globally very rapidly through social media channels. Additionally, once passed from the various media sources to the public ear, these reports become “stories” the people tell each other in daily life. And the main purpose of the narrators and listeners is to try to understand the unknown. In this context, Coronavirus is not only a subject studied by sciences, but also becomes a subject which must be analyzed by such disciplines that aim to understand human behavior, especially psychology and anthropology. When it comes to fake news and other narratives about the Coronavirus, a folklore-centered study is also imperative due to their kinship with traditional narratives. Therefore, in this study, myths, urban legends, rumors, and fake news about the virus are evaluated in terms of the motivating factor and other reasons behind the creation and emergence of the reports, the effective factors in the process of the spread of reports, and the general characteristics and functions of the reports. Accordingly, it is possible to state that the main purpose of this essay is to try to determine the origin of the urban legends about Coronavirus. In addition, another purpose of the present study is to discuss the reasons why these legends spread and gained awareness in a very short time. The legends analyzed in this study were compiled through a field research. However, the classical methods were not used in this field-work; instead, a new compilation method was carried out on the internet, the main medium where these legends are spread, in 2020 March, April and May. For this; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics and hashtags and Facebook hashtags have been used. Based on this survey, the most shared and "believed" urban legends about Coronavirus were determined as samples of this study, and various rumors and gossips emerged during this process were also used to support this sample.
This study investigates the origins of making an enemy through examples taken from Turkic epics, ... more This study investigates the origins of making an enemy through examples taken from Turkic epics, and offered personal evaluations on the relationship between epics and real world politics. In order to make a comprehensive evaluation, 30 epic texts selected from different regions of the Turkic world constitute the scope of this study. The similar features of the enemy in these epics were determined through a structuralist analysis. However, the epics included in the present study are merely some containing typical examples of enemy-making: the epic of Oguz Kagan, the epic of Koroghlu (Anatolian version), Manas and Kocacas epics of Kyrgyz, the epic of Koblan Batir of Bashkirs and the Book of Dede Korkut. By analyzing the epics from different perspectives, the aim was to put forward a classification of the enemies in the epic stories. It was also aimed to contribute to the knowledge of better understanding of the causes of the conflict and the relationship between politics and epics as well as their influences upon one another.
Gender roles and the qualities attributed to masculinity change, transform and are reconstructed ... more Gender roles and the qualities attributed to masculinity change, transform and are reconstructed depending on time, place and culture. For this reason, different gender roles and masculinities exist in different societies and ages. In this context, this study is based on the claim that "the main features and change of masculinities can be determined through oral literature products", depending on the premise that different masculinity compositions are formed in parallel with change in social life. In order to ground this claim on theoretical basis, value of folklore in terms of gender should be determined first. Accordingly, the value of folklore products and the discipline of Folklore concerning gender and masculinity studies are first discussed in the present study. The main premise of the article requires an analysis model that can test the assumption. Compliantly, the study suggests an original analysis method, the dilemmas of the method are opened to discussion and a short application of the method is performed over two of the Turkic epic stories: the Epic of Oguz Kagan (the Uyghur lettered copy) and the Epic of Koroghlu (Behcet Mahir version). The four basic parameters of the analysis method applied on these epics are 1. Episode-based classification, 2. Identifying character actions, 3. Limitation and comparison, 4. Interpretation. This method is inherently structuralist; yet, what makes it original is that it adapts the structuralist analysis approach combining oral literature products with gender. In this context, determining the value of folklore in terms of gender and masculinities, and building an analysis method to reveal the change of hegemonic masculinity in the sample of epics, highlight the originality of the study. The attempt to read oral literature products from the perspective of masculinity in the study should be accepted as a result of the necessity that the 21st century Folklore studies requires new theoretical and methodological understanding.
Ara sözlerin sözlü ve yazılı olarak oluşturulan anlatılardaki yapısal ve işlevsel rolünün odak no... more Ara sözlerin sözlü ve yazılı olarak oluşturulan anlatılardaki yapısal ve işlevsel rolünün odak noktası olarak belirlendiği bu çalışmada, örneklem olarak Yusuf Has Hacib tarafından kaleme alınan Kutadgu Bilig’den faydalanılmıştır. Makalede ara sözlerin kökeni, anlatıların yapılarındaki rolü ve işlevleri üzerinde ayrıntılı olarak durulmuştur. Ara sözler hakkındaki tartışmaların somut bir zemine taşınmasında örneklem olarak Kutadgu Bilig’in seçilmesi ise tesadüfi değildir. Eserin hem ara sözler bakımından zengin olması hem de yazılı olarak oluşturulmuş olması böylesi bir tercihte etkili olmuştur. Böylece, genellikle sözlü anlatmalardaki ara sözler hakkında yapılan çalışmalardan farklı bir hususa temas etme şansı yakalanmıştır. Makale ara söz metinlerinin içerik olarak tahlilini esas almadığı için, Kutadgu Bilig’de yer alan ara söz metinlerinin tamamına makale içerisinde verilmemiştir. Bunun yerine, birkaç ara söz örneği ve ara sözlerin geçtiği beyit numaraları gerek makale metni içerisinde gerekse sonnotla araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, makalede ara sözlerin tasnifi meselesi üzerinde durulmuş ve Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözler içerik özellikleri bakımından sınıflandırılmıştır. Tasnif oluşturulurken günümüz Türkçesine aktarılan metnin tahkiye esasına bağlı olan 398 ve 6520. beyitler arasındaki kısmı esas alınmıştır. Çünkü eserin girişindeki on bir bab (bölüm) ve sonundaki ek üç bab, hikayenin felsefi arka planıyla ilişkili; fakat tahkiye esasına bağlı kısımdaki kurgu ile doğrudan bağlantısı olmayan bölümlerdir. Böylece, söz konusu kısımda yer alan 6123 beyit içerisinden 377’si (eserin %6,2’si) ara söz olarak belirlenmiş ve tasnif edilmiştir. Kutadgu Bilig, kendisine atfedilen tüm değerlerin ötesinde, tahkiye esasına dayalı bir eserdir. Tahkiye esaslı hemen her metin yaratıldığı dönemde, ait olduğu toplumun dil ve kültürel özelliklerini yansıtır. Bu nedenle, aynı dönemde yaşayan okur-dinleyici için bu metin anlaşılır olur. Bu metinleri gelecek kuşak için anlaşılır kılan ve kurgudaki olayların oluşum bağlamını ortaya koyan unsur ara sözlerdir. Dolayısıyla, ara sözler bir metnin sürekli olarak “günceli” yakalamasını sağlar. Bu bakış açısı ışığıyla Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözlerin tespit ve tasnifini ortaya koymayı amaç edinen bu çalışma, Kutadgu Bilig’in yazıldığı günden günümüze kadar güncelliğini nasıl koruduğu hakkında edebiyat araştırmacılarına bir bakış açısı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca, makalede takip edilen yöntem ve ara sözler hakkındaki kuramsal tartışmalar, farklı disiplinlerdeki araştırmacılara gerek metodik gerekse içerik açısından veri sağlayacak mahiyettedir.
Abstract In this study, focusing on the structural and functional role of the digressions in oral and written literary works, Kutadgu Bilig (Wisdom of Royal Glory) written by Yusuf Khass Hajib in eleventh century is used as a sample in order to show how digressions work in a narrative. Since previous studies on the digressions are limited both in terms of quality and quantity, the origin of the digressions, their role in the structure of a narrative and their particular functions are elaborated on in this study. Kutadgu Bilig (KB) was chosen as the sample preference for two reasons in bringing the discussions about the digressions; because it was created as a written work, and it’s rich content of digressions. In this way, it can be possible to touch on a different matter than the studies about the digressions mostly focusing on the oral narratives. Since the article is not based on the analysis of the digression texts in terms of their content, the digression texts in KB are not included in the article. Instead, the couplet numbers in which the digressions are performed are presented to the attention of the researchers both in the text of this article and at the end of the article with the endnotes. Moreover, in the present article focusing on the issue of classification of the digressions, the digressions in KB have been classified. The present classification is based on the part of the text between couplets 398 and 6520, which is considered as a whole narrative. Eleven parts at the beginning of the work and three additional parts at the end are related to the philosophical background of the story but they are not directly linked to the events in the narrative. Thus, out of 6123 couplets in this section, 375 (6.2% of the work) have been identified as the digressions and classified in terms of their content. KB, beyond all the values attributed to it, is a work based on narrating. Almost every text based on narrating reflects the language and cultural characteristics of the society to which it belongs. Therefore, the text becomes comprehensible for the audience who lives in the same period when it has been written. Digressions that reveal the context of the events in the fiction are the narrating elements that make the text comprehensible for the next generation. Thus, digressions keep a text constantly “current”. This study, which is written in the light of this point of view about digressions, aims to reveal the determination and classification of digressions in KB and so to provide a perspective to the researchers about how KB has been kept “current”. In addition, the theoretical debates about the digressions and the method being applied in the article will provide data to researchers from different disciplines in terms of both methodical and content.
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / The Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
The 21st century is often associated with keywords such as post-truth, digital culture, post-huma... more The 21st century is often associated with keywords such as post-truth, digital culture, post-humanism and virtual reality. In this century, the understanding of human production and consumption, which has developed and rapidly changed and transformed depending on technology, has brought about dramatic changes in the lifestyle. Correspondingly in such a period, the folklore discipline has also tended to change and transform the methods in analyzing folklore products. However, this tendency is insufficient at some points and methodological problems arise in the analysis of folkloric elements in new cultural transmission environments. This article, which aims to evaluate the situation of folklore studies in the 21st century, focuses to identify the current status of folklore studies and offer suggestions of new research areas in folklore by addressing new trends and research methods. In the article, the scope of folklore in the 21st century, the current meaning of the concept of "tradition", the universal understanding of folklore and current issues are opened to discussion.
The Journal of Turkic Language and Literature Surveys (TULLIS), 2020
Bu çalışmada, Sarıkeçili Yörükleri arasında icra edilen geçiş dönemine bağlı uygulamalarda kadını... more Bu çalışmada, Sarıkeçili Yörükleri arasında icra edilen geçiş dönemine bağlı uygulamalarda kadının rolü konu olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada yer verilen bilgiler 2010 ile 2012 yılları arasında farklı zaman dilimlerinde, 150 çadırla farklı güzergahlarda göçen Sarıkeçili Yörüklerinden derlenmiştir. Göç esnasında onların belirlediği görev dağılımında aktif olarak görev alarak Yörüklerin yaşam tarzları ve kadının gelenek içerisindeki rolü yakından gözlemlenmiştir. Katılımcı gözlem ve mülakat yöntemlerinden faydalanarak elde edilen bilgiler ışığında başlıca üç geçiş dönemi olan "doğum", "evlenme" ve "ölüm"e bağlı ritüellerde kadının rolü belirlenmiştir. Bunun için özgün bir yöntem oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada yer alan veriler ve değerlendirmeler kadın folkloru ve Yörük kültürü hakkındaki çalışmalar bütününe katkı sağlayacak mahiyettedir. Abstract In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks who live in southern Turkey and still migrate between certain locations. For this, we participated in their migration and took part in certain duties in the migration process in order to closely observe their life style and women's roles in everyday life. By utilizing participant observation and interview methods, we analyze women's roles in "marriage", "birth", and "death." Since the paper involves both nomadic culture in Turkey and the current situation of women in this culture, this research is beneficial to researchers who study women's folklore and nomadic culture.
Eril Kültür: Destan ve Hegemonik Erkeklik, Kabalcı Yayınları, 2022
Türk destanları bağlamında hegemonik erkekliğin inşasını ve ataerkilliğin sözlü kültürle ilişkisi... more Türk destanları bağlamında hegemonik erkekliğin inşasını ve ataerkilliğin sözlü kültürle ilişkisini ele alan bu kitap, folklorun eleştirel erkeklik çalışmaları içerisindeki yerini belirlemeye çalışıyor. Anlatma geleneği ve bu geleneğin ürünü olan sözlü edebiyat mahsulleri; mitlerden masallara, destanlardan halk hikâyelerine hangi formda olursa olsun, ait oldukları toplumun dünya görüşünü yansıtır. Bu nedenle hegemonik erkekliği destanlar üzerinden okumaya çalışmak, aslında toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine yüklenen anlamların üretildiği sözlü kültür gibi canlılığını hiç yitirmeyen bir kanalın işleyişini ortaya koyar ve hegemonik erkekliğin oluştuğu kültürel yapıyı daha iyi kavramamızı sağlar. Dolayısıyla elinizdeki kitap, "erkeklik"in kültür sahasında dünden bugüne nasıl inşa edildiğine ve ne türden dönüşümler geçirdiğine odaklanarak okurunu Türk destanlarına farklı bir pencereden bakmaya davet ediyor.
Geleneksel anlatıların toplumsal davranış kalıpları üzerinde etkisi olduğu ve toplumun belirli ol... more Geleneksel anlatıların toplumsal davranış kalıpları üzerinde etkisi olduğu ve toplumun belirli olgulara karşı tavrının geleneksel anlatılarda önemli izlerinin olduğu iddiasına sahip olan bu makale, söz konusu iddiayı terörizm olgusu üzerinden ve destanlar örnekleminde çözümlemeyi vadetmektedir. Böylesi bir iddiayı tutarlı bir şekilde ispat edebilmek için anakronik bir okuma yapılması zorunluluğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Çünkü günümüz dünyasında var olan terörizm gibi bir olguyu geçmişte yaratıldığı bilinen destanlar üzerinden tahlil etme girişimi özü itibariyle anakroniktir. Bu nedenle makalede, toplum hayatında sürekli olarak var olan terörizm gibi zamandan muaf bir olguyu tahlil etmede geleneksel anlatılardan nasıl yararlanılması gerektiği noktasında özgün bir inceleme yöntemi araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Türk dünyası destanları örnekleminde gerçekleştirilen tahliller Oğuz Kağan Destanı ve Dede Korkut Kitabı üzerinden derinleştirilmiştir. Yapısalcı yöntemin genel ilkeleri takip edilerek Türk destanlarındaki terörizmin izleri karakterlerin eylemleri ve anlatı epizotları üzerinden ayrıntılı olarak tahlil edilmiştir. Bu yapısal inceleme neticesinde terörizme ilişkin karakter eylemlerinin ve epizotların destanlardaki yapısal şeması ortaya konulmuştur. Elde edilen veriler gerçeğin kurgusallaşması ve kurgunun gerçekleşmesi bağlamında tartışmaya açılmış; böylece makalenin çok yönlü ve kapsamlı bir inceleme hâline gelmesi hedeflenmiştir.
The present study claims that traditional narratives shape social behaviour patterns and that there are significant traces in the narratives about a society's attitudes to certain phenomena. It promises to analyse this claim through terrorism and the example of the epic world. An anachronistic reading attempt has emerged to coherently prove this claim, as the attempt to analyse a phenomenon such as terrorism (a contemporary problem) through past epics is inherently anachronistic. Therefore, this article presents an original method of analysis to researchers on how one can use traditional narratives to analyse terrorism. In this study, we carried out this assessment through samples from two Turkic epics: epic of Oguz Kagan and the Book of Dede Korkut. The presentation of terrorism in the Turkic epics has been studied in detail through the actions of each epics' characters and narrative episodes through the general principles of structuralism-thus revealing the structural scheme of the character actions and episodes as they relate to terrorism. We have discussed our findings in the context of the fictionalization of reality and the realization of fiction to give our study versatility and comprehensiveness.
Fake news has attracted the attention of scholars from around the world as a new research area in... more Fake news has attracted the attention of scholars from around the world as a new research area in recent years. Especially right after being raised by the US President Donald Trump at a press conference in 2016, fake news has been addressed mainly by the scholars in the field of communication so far. Recently, it has occupied other researchers’ agendas in different parts of the world, and in response, a new awareness has been created about fake news. There are a small number of studies conducted by Western scholars in the field of folklore which are attracting the attention of folklorists in other parts of the world regarding a new field of study which is attempting to determine the terminology and research method for studying fake news. The factors responsible for the efficiency in the emerging and spreading of fake news and the relationship with oral and written culture have been determined as the focal point in this study. Moreover, the effects of oral and written culture on the quality of the knowledge presented in texts claiming to authenticity are analyzed in the context of fake news. Within this scope, the nature of fake news and its relationship with folklore are examined in this study. In addition, the attitude that folklorists should have in examining particular issues related to fake news such as the changes in the knowledge-sharing environment and reproduction of the knowledge are evaluated. Additionally, this study is aiming to introduce the fake news to Turkish scholars, to create a mutual terminology that can be used by them in analyzing fake news and to determine new sub-issues related to fake news.
Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan ve ülkemizde yaygın olarak “koronavirüs” adıyla bilinen virüs salgın... more Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan ve ülkemizde yaygın olarak “koronavirüs” adıyla bilinen virüs salgını hakkında gerek sosyal medyada gerekse diğer iletişim kanallarında pek çok bilgi paylaşılmaktadır. Bu bilgilerin çoğu, “yalan haber” bağlamında değerlendirilebilecek metinlerde yer almaktadır. Bu metinlerin mit, şehir efsanesi, dedikodu ve söylentilerle de yakından ilişkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu ilişki yaratım-aktarım süreci açısından daha iyi gözlemlenebilir. “Modern” insan, gündelik hayatta karşılaştığı sorunlara mevcut teknolojiyle çözüm bulurken teknolojinin ve şu ana kadar sahip olunan bilgi birikiminin koronavirüsün kaynağı ve tedavisi hakkında net bir cevap bulamaması, söz konusu anlatıların ortaya çıkmasına neden olmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, koronavirüsün kaynağının ve tedavisinin ne olduğu, tedavi edilemezse insanlığın sonunun ne olacağı hususunda sürekli bir metin üretimi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu metinler ise sosyal medya kanalları aracılığıyla küresel anlamda oldukça hızlı bir şekilde yayılmaktadır. Ayrıca bu metinler, elektronik ortamdan koparak insanların gündelik hayatta birbirlerine anlattıkları “hikayeler”e dönüşmektedir. Anlatıcı ve dinleyicilerin temel gayesi ise bilinmez olanı anlamlandırmaya çalışmaktır. Bu bağlamda koronavirüs sadece fen bilimlerinin incelediği bir konu olmaktan çıkıp, başta psikoloji ve antropoloji olmak üzere insan davranışını anlamaya çalışan tüm disiplinlerin çalışma alanına girmektedir. Söz konusu koronavirüs hakkındaki efsaneler, yalan haberler ve diğer anlatılar olduğunda, halk bilimi merkezli bir incelemenin yapılması da zorunlu hale gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu makalede salgın hakkında üretilen mitler, şehir efsaneleri, dedikodular, söylentiler ve yalan haberler; ortaya çıkış nedenleri, metinlerin yayılma sürecindeki etkin faktörler, metinlerin türsel özellikleri ve işlevleri bakımından ele alınmıştır. Bu doğrultuda makalenin amacı, koronavirüsün kaynağına dair ortaya çıkan şehir efsanelerinin kökenini belirlemeye çalışmaktır. Ayrıca, bu efsanelerin oldukça kısa sürede yayılması ve bilinirlik kazanmasının nedenlerini tartışmaya açmak makalenin bir diğer amacıdır. Makalede yer verilen metinler alan araştırması neticesinde derlenmiştir. Ancak bu alan araştırmasında klasik derleme yöntemlerinden olan mülakat, gözlem ya da anket kullanılmamış; bunun yerine söz konusu efsanelerin yayıldıkları ana mecra olan internet ortamında bir derleme çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bunun için; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics ve hashtags (konu etiketleri) ve benzer şekilde Facebook’ta da konu etiketlerinden faydalanılmıştır. Bu derleme alanlarında, 2020 Mart, Nisan ve Mayıs aylarını kapsayan taramalar (derlemeler) yapılmıştır. Bu haliyle, internet ortamındaki folklorik bilginin derlenmesinde takip edilebilecek bir “çevrim içi alan araştırması” denemesi yapıldığını ifade etmek mümkündür. Makalede, koronavirüsle ilgili en fazla paylaşılan ve “inanılan” şehir efsaneleri örneklem olarak belirlenmiş ve bu örneklemi desteklemek adına, bu süreçte ortaya çıkan çeşitli dedikodu ve söylentilerden de faydalanılmıştır. Bu anlatıların paylaşım kanalları, paylaşıcıları ve alıcılarının iletişim süreci; içerik ve yapı özellikleri de makalenin kapsamı dahilinde ele alınan hususlardır.
Abstract Much information has been shared on both social media and other communication channels about the virus epidemic called Covid-19, which is commonly known in Turkey as "koronavirüs". A lot of this information is based on sources and reports that should be considered “fake news” because they are simply not based on reality or facts. Information sources and reports such as these share many similarities with myths, urban legends, gossip, and rumors in terms of their structural units and fictiveness. While it may seem to most people that so far “modern man” has found technological solutions to most of the problems faced in everyday life, they still appear to turn to the familiar “primitive” attitudes when faced with unresolved “novel” problems, which have led to the rise of such false or unsubstantiated narratives we now see regarding the Coronavirus. Therefore, one can say there is a continuous production of texts about the source/origin of an unknown problem similar to creation myths or other narratives based on beliefs. Unlike the mythical era, these texts are spread globally very rapidly through social media channels. Additionally, once passed from the various media sources to the public ear, these reports become “stories” the people tell each other in daily life. And the main purpose of the narrators and listeners is to try to understand the unknown. In this context, Coronavirus is not only a subject studied by sciences, but also becomes a subject which must be analyzed by such disciplines that aim to understand human behavior, especially psychology and anthropology. When it comes to fake news and other narratives about the Coronavirus, a folklore-centered study is also imperative due to their kinship with traditional narratives. Therefore, in this study, myths, urban legends, rumors, and fake news about the virus are evaluated in terms of the motivating factor and other reasons behind the creation and emergence of the reports, the effective factors in the process of the spread of reports, and the general characteristics and functions of the reports. Accordingly, it is possible to state that the main purpose of this essay is to try to determine the origin of the urban legends about Coronavirus. In addition, another purpose of the present study is to discuss the reasons why these legends spread and gained awareness in a very short time. The legends analyzed in this study were compiled through a field research. However, the classical methods were not used in this field-work; instead, a new compilation method was carried out on the internet, the main medium where these legends are spread, in 2020 March, April and May. For this; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics and hashtags and Facebook hashtags have been used. Based on this survey, the most shared and "believed" urban legends about Coronavirus were determined as samples of this study, and various rumors and gossips emerged during this process were also used to support this sample.
This study investigates the origins of making an enemy through examples taken from Turkic epics, ... more This study investigates the origins of making an enemy through examples taken from Turkic epics, and offered personal evaluations on the relationship between epics and real world politics. In order to make a comprehensive evaluation, 30 epic texts selected from different regions of the Turkic world constitute the scope of this study. The similar features of the enemy in these epics were determined through a structuralist analysis. However, the epics included in the present study are merely some containing typical examples of enemy-making: the epic of Oguz Kagan, the epic of Koroghlu (Anatolian version), Manas and Kocacas epics of Kyrgyz, the epic of Koblan Batir of Bashkirs and the Book of Dede Korkut. By analyzing the epics from different perspectives, the aim was to put forward a classification of the enemies in the epic stories. It was also aimed to contribute to the knowledge of better understanding of the causes of the conflict and the relationship between politics and epics as well as their influences upon one another.
Gender roles and the qualities attributed to masculinity change, transform and are reconstructed ... more Gender roles and the qualities attributed to masculinity change, transform and are reconstructed depending on time, place and culture. For this reason, different gender roles and masculinities exist in different societies and ages. In this context, this study is based on the claim that "the main features and change of masculinities can be determined through oral literature products", depending on the premise that different masculinity compositions are formed in parallel with change in social life. In order to ground this claim on theoretical basis, value of folklore in terms of gender should be determined first. Accordingly, the value of folklore products and the discipline of Folklore concerning gender and masculinity studies are first discussed in the present study. The main premise of the article requires an analysis model that can test the assumption. Compliantly, the study suggests an original analysis method, the dilemmas of the method are opened to discussion and a short application of the method is performed over two of the Turkic epic stories: the Epic of Oguz Kagan (the Uyghur lettered copy) and the Epic of Koroghlu (Behcet Mahir version). The four basic parameters of the analysis method applied on these epics are 1. Episode-based classification, 2. Identifying character actions, 3. Limitation and comparison, 4. Interpretation. This method is inherently structuralist; yet, what makes it original is that it adapts the structuralist analysis approach combining oral literature products with gender. In this context, determining the value of folklore in terms of gender and masculinities, and building an analysis method to reveal the change of hegemonic masculinity in the sample of epics, highlight the originality of the study. The attempt to read oral literature products from the perspective of masculinity in the study should be accepted as a result of the necessity that the 21st century Folklore studies requires new theoretical and methodological understanding.
Ara sözlerin sözlü ve yazılı olarak oluşturulan anlatılardaki yapısal ve işlevsel rolünün odak no... more Ara sözlerin sözlü ve yazılı olarak oluşturulan anlatılardaki yapısal ve işlevsel rolünün odak noktası olarak belirlendiği bu çalışmada, örneklem olarak Yusuf Has Hacib tarafından kaleme alınan Kutadgu Bilig’den faydalanılmıştır. Makalede ara sözlerin kökeni, anlatıların yapılarındaki rolü ve işlevleri üzerinde ayrıntılı olarak durulmuştur. Ara sözler hakkındaki tartışmaların somut bir zemine taşınmasında örneklem olarak Kutadgu Bilig’in seçilmesi ise tesadüfi değildir. Eserin hem ara sözler bakımından zengin olması hem de yazılı olarak oluşturulmuş olması böylesi bir tercihte etkili olmuştur. Böylece, genellikle sözlü anlatmalardaki ara sözler hakkında yapılan çalışmalardan farklı bir hususa temas etme şansı yakalanmıştır. Makale ara söz metinlerinin içerik olarak tahlilini esas almadığı için, Kutadgu Bilig’de yer alan ara söz metinlerinin tamamına makale içerisinde verilmemiştir. Bunun yerine, birkaç ara söz örneği ve ara sözlerin geçtiği beyit numaraları gerek makale metni içerisinde gerekse sonnotla araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, makalede ara sözlerin tasnifi meselesi üzerinde durulmuş ve Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözler içerik özellikleri bakımından sınıflandırılmıştır. Tasnif oluşturulurken günümüz Türkçesine aktarılan metnin tahkiye esasına bağlı olan 398 ve 6520. beyitler arasındaki kısmı esas alınmıştır. Çünkü eserin girişindeki on bir bab (bölüm) ve sonundaki ek üç bab, hikayenin felsefi arka planıyla ilişkili; fakat tahkiye esasına bağlı kısımdaki kurgu ile doğrudan bağlantısı olmayan bölümlerdir. Böylece, söz konusu kısımda yer alan 6123 beyit içerisinden 377’si (eserin %6,2’si) ara söz olarak belirlenmiş ve tasnif edilmiştir. Kutadgu Bilig, kendisine atfedilen tüm değerlerin ötesinde, tahkiye esasına dayalı bir eserdir. Tahkiye esaslı hemen her metin yaratıldığı dönemde, ait olduğu toplumun dil ve kültürel özelliklerini yansıtır. Bu nedenle, aynı dönemde yaşayan okur-dinleyici için bu metin anlaşılır olur. Bu metinleri gelecek kuşak için anlaşılır kılan ve kurgudaki olayların oluşum bağlamını ortaya koyan unsur ara sözlerdir. Dolayısıyla, ara sözler bir metnin sürekli olarak “günceli” yakalamasını sağlar. Bu bakış açısı ışığıyla Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözlerin tespit ve tasnifini ortaya koymayı amaç edinen bu çalışma, Kutadgu Bilig’in yazıldığı günden günümüze kadar güncelliğini nasıl koruduğu hakkında edebiyat araştırmacılarına bir bakış açısı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca, makalede takip edilen yöntem ve ara sözler hakkındaki kuramsal tartışmalar, farklı disiplinlerdeki araştırmacılara gerek metodik gerekse içerik açısından veri sağlayacak mahiyettedir.
Abstract In this study, focusing on the structural and functional role of the digressions in oral and written literary works, Kutadgu Bilig (Wisdom of Royal Glory) written by Yusuf Khass Hajib in eleventh century is used as a sample in order to show how digressions work in a narrative. Since previous studies on the digressions are limited both in terms of quality and quantity, the origin of the digressions, their role in the structure of a narrative and their particular functions are elaborated on in this study. Kutadgu Bilig (KB) was chosen as the sample preference for two reasons in bringing the discussions about the digressions; because it was created as a written work, and it’s rich content of digressions. In this way, it can be possible to touch on a different matter than the studies about the digressions mostly focusing on the oral narratives. Since the article is not based on the analysis of the digression texts in terms of their content, the digression texts in KB are not included in the article. Instead, the couplet numbers in which the digressions are performed are presented to the attention of the researchers both in the text of this article and at the end of the article with the endnotes. Moreover, in the present article focusing on the issue of classification of the digressions, the digressions in KB have been classified. The present classification is based on the part of the text between couplets 398 and 6520, which is considered as a whole narrative. Eleven parts at the beginning of the work and three additional parts at the end are related to the philosophical background of the story but they are not directly linked to the events in the narrative. Thus, out of 6123 couplets in this section, 375 (6.2% of the work) have been identified as the digressions and classified in terms of their content. KB, beyond all the values attributed to it, is a work based on narrating. Almost every text based on narrating reflects the language and cultural characteristics of the society to which it belongs. Therefore, the text becomes comprehensible for the audience who lives in the same period when it has been written. Digressions that reveal the context of the events in the fiction are the narrating elements that make the text comprehensible for the next generation. Thus, digressions keep a text constantly “current”. This study, which is written in the light of this point of view about digressions, aims to reveal the determination and classification of digressions in KB and so to provide a perspective to the researchers about how KB has been kept “current”. In addition, the theoretical debates about the digressions and the method being applied in the article will provide data to researchers from different disciplines in terms of both methodical and content.
Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / The Journal of Social Sciences, 2022
The 21st century is often associated with keywords such as post-truth, digital culture, post-huma... more The 21st century is often associated with keywords such as post-truth, digital culture, post-humanism and virtual reality. In this century, the understanding of human production and consumption, which has developed and rapidly changed and transformed depending on technology, has brought about dramatic changes in the lifestyle. Correspondingly in such a period, the folklore discipline has also tended to change and transform the methods in analyzing folklore products. However, this tendency is insufficient at some points and methodological problems arise in the analysis of folkloric elements in new cultural transmission environments. This article, which aims to evaluate the situation of folklore studies in the 21st century, focuses to identify the current status of folklore studies and offer suggestions of new research areas in folklore by addressing new trends and research methods. In the article, the scope of folklore in the 21st century, the current meaning of the concept of "tradition", the universal understanding of folklore and current issues are opened to discussion.
The Journal of Turkic Language and Literature Surveys (TULLIS), 2020
Bu çalışmada, Sarıkeçili Yörükleri arasında icra edilen geçiş dönemine bağlı uygulamalarda kadını... more Bu çalışmada, Sarıkeçili Yörükleri arasında icra edilen geçiş dönemine bağlı uygulamalarda kadının rolü konu olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada yer verilen bilgiler 2010 ile 2012 yılları arasında farklı zaman dilimlerinde, 150 çadırla farklı güzergahlarda göçen Sarıkeçili Yörüklerinden derlenmiştir. Göç esnasında onların belirlediği görev dağılımında aktif olarak görev alarak Yörüklerin yaşam tarzları ve kadının gelenek içerisindeki rolü yakından gözlemlenmiştir. Katılımcı gözlem ve mülakat yöntemlerinden faydalanarak elde edilen bilgiler ışığında başlıca üç geçiş dönemi olan "doğum", "evlenme" ve "ölüm"e bağlı ritüellerde kadının rolü belirlenmiştir. Bunun için özgün bir yöntem oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada yer alan veriler ve değerlendirmeler kadın folkloru ve Yörük kültürü hakkındaki çalışmalar bütününe katkı sağlayacak mahiyettedir. Abstract In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks who live in southern Turkey and still migrate between certain locations. For this, we participated in their migration and took part in certain duties in the migration process in order to closely observe their life style and women's roles in everyday life. By utilizing participant observation and interview methods, we analyze women's roles in "marriage", "birth", and "death." Since the paper involves both nomadic culture in Turkey and the current situation of women in this culture, this research is beneficial to researchers who study women's folklore and nomadic culture.
II. International Scientific-Practical Conference The Role of Bakhshi Art in the World Civilization, 2021
In this paper, we have examined the master's and doctoral theses on the Uzbek epics and epic trad... more In this paper, we have examined the master's and doctoral theses on the Uzbek epics and epic tradition. We have classified these postgraduate theses in terms of their subjects, the years they were conducted and fields. We have made certain evaluations based on these classifications in order to show the most popular tendency of these theses and to propose subjects that can be important for the future of studies on Uzbek epic tradition and Turkology studies. We have expected that this paper will be useful to researchers who plan to study on Uzbek epics. Furthermore, we have intended to bring to the attention of the Uzbek scholars to the postgraduate theses on Uzbek epics in Turkey as a whole.
In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks ... more In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks who live in southern Turkey and still migrate between certain locations. For this, we participated in their migration and took part in certain duties in the migration process in order to closely observe their life style and women’s roles in everyday life. By utilizing participant observation and interview methods, we analyze women’s roles in “marriage,” “birth,” and “death.” Since the paper involves both nomadic culture in Turkey and the current situation of women in this culture, this research is beneficial to researchers who study women’s folklore and nomadic culture.
Books by Mustafa Duman
Papers by Mustafa Duman
The present study claims that traditional narratives shape social behaviour patterns and that there are significant traces in the narratives about a society's attitudes to certain phenomena. It promises to analyse this claim through terrorism and the example of the epic world. An anachronistic reading attempt has emerged to coherently prove this claim, as the attempt to analyse a phenomenon such as terrorism (a contemporary problem) through past epics is inherently anachronistic. Therefore, this article presents an original method of analysis to researchers on how one can use traditional narratives to analyse terrorism. In this study, we carried out this assessment through samples from two Turkic epics: epic of Oguz Kagan and the Book of Dede Korkut. The presentation of terrorism in the Turkic epics has been studied in detail through the actions of each epics' characters and narrative episodes through the general principles of structuralism-thus revealing the structural scheme of the character actions and episodes as they relate to terrorism. We have discussed our findings in the context of the fictionalization of reality and the realization of fiction to give our study versatility and comprehensiveness.
are attracting the attention of folklorists in other parts of the world regarding a new field of study which is attempting to determine the terminology and research method for studying fake news.
The factors responsible for the efficiency in the emerging and spreading of fake news and the relationship with oral and written culture have been determined as the focal point in this study. Moreover, the effects of oral and written culture on the quality of the knowledge presented in texts claiming to authenticity are analyzed in the context of fake news. Within this scope, the nature of fake news and its relationship with folklore are examined in this study. In addition, the attitude that folklorists should have in examining particular issues related to fake news such as the changes in the knowledge-sharing environment and reproduction of the
knowledge are evaluated. Additionally, this study is aiming to introduce the fake news to Turkish scholars, to create a mutual terminology that can be used by them in analyzing fake news and to determine new sub-issues related to fake news.
Much information has been shared on both social media and other communication channels about the virus epidemic called Covid-19, which is commonly known in Turkey as "koronavirüs". A lot of this information is based on sources and reports that should be considered “fake news” because they are simply not based on reality or facts. Information sources and reports such as these share many similarities with myths, urban legends, gossip, and rumors in terms of their structural units and fictiveness. While it may seem to most people that so far “modern man” has found technological solutions to most of the problems faced in everyday life, they still appear to turn to the familiar “primitive” attitudes when faced with unresolved “novel” problems, which have led to the rise of such false or unsubstantiated narratives we now see regarding the Coronavirus. Therefore, one can say there is a continuous production of texts about the source/origin of an unknown problem similar to creation myths or other narratives based on beliefs. Unlike the mythical era, these texts are spread globally very rapidly through social media channels. Additionally, once passed from the various media sources to the public ear, these reports become “stories” the people tell each other in daily life. And the main purpose of the narrators and listeners is to try to understand the unknown. In this context, Coronavirus is not only a subject studied by sciences, but also becomes a subject which must be analyzed by such disciplines that aim to understand human behavior, especially psychology and anthropology. When it comes to fake news and other narratives about the Coronavirus, a folklore-centered study is also imperative due to their kinship with traditional narratives. Therefore, in this study, myths, urban legends, rumors, and fake news about the virus are evaluated in terms of the motivating factor and other reasons behind the creation and emergence of the reports, the effective factors in the process of the spread of reports, and the general characteristics and functions of the reports. Accordingly, it is possible to state that the main purpose of this essay is to try to determine the origin of the urban legends about Coronavirus. In addition, another purpose of the present study is to discuss the reasons why these legends spread and gained awareness in a very short time. The legends analyzed in this study were compiled through a field research. However, the classical methods were not used in this field-work; instead, a new compilation method was carried out on the internet, the main medium where these legends are spread, in 2020 March, April and May. For this; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics and hashtags and Facebook hashtags have been used. Based on this survey, the most shared and "believed" urban legends about Coronavirus were determined as samples of this study, and various rumors and gossips emerged during this process were also used to support this sample.
Makale ara söz metinlerinin içerik olarak tahlilini esas almadığı için, Kutadgu Bilig’de yer alan ara söz metinlerinin tamamına makale içerisinde verilmemiştir. Bunun yerine, birkaç ara söz örneği ve ara sözlerin geçtiği beyit numaraları gerek makale metni içerisinde gerekse sonnotla araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, makalede ara sözlerin tasnifi meselesi üzerinde durulmuş ve Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözler içerik özellikleri bakımından sınıflandırılmıştır. Tasnif oluşturulurken günümüz Türkçesine aktarılan metnin tahkiye esasına bağlı olan 398 ve 6520. beyitler arasındaki kısmı esas alınmıştır. Çünkü eserin girişindeki on bir bab (bölüm) ve sonundaki ek üç bab, hikayenin felsefi arka planıyla ilişkili; fakat tahkiye esasına bağlı kısımdaki kurgu ile doğrudan bağlantısı olmayan bölümlerdir. Böylece, söz konusu kısımda yer alan 6123 beyit içerisinden 377’si (eserin %6,2’si) ara söz olarak belirlenmiş ve tasnif edilmiştir.
Kutadgu Bilig, kendisine atfedilen tüm değerlerin ötesinde, tahkiye esasına dayalı bir eserdir. Tahkiye esaslı hemen her metin yaratıldığı dönemde, ait olduğu toplumun dil ve kültürel özelliklerini yansıtır. Bu nedenle, aynı dönemde yaşayan okur-dinleyici için bu metin anlaşılır olur. Bu metinleri gelecek kuşak için anlaşılır kılan ve kurgudaki olayların oluşum bağlamını ortaya koyan unsur ara sözlerdir. Dolayısıyla, ara sözler bir metnin sürekli olarak “günceli” yakalamasını sağlar. Bu bakış açısı ışığıyla Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözlerin tespit ve tasnifini ortaya koymayı amaç edinen bu çalışma, Kutadgu Bilig’in yazıldığı günden günümüze kadar güncelliğini nasıl koruduğu hakkında edebiyat araştırmacılarına bir bakış açısı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca, makalede takip edilen yöntem ve ara sözler hakkındaki kuramsal tartışmalar, farklı disiplinlerdeki araştırmacılara gerek metodik gerekse içerik açısından veri sağlayacak mahiyettedir.
In this study, focusing on the structural and functional role of the digressions in oral and written literary works, Kutadgu Bilig (Wisdom of Royal Glory) written by Yusuf Khass Hajib in eleventh century is used as a sample in order to show how digressions work in a narrative. Since previous studies on the digressions are limited both in terms of quality and quantity, the origin of the digressions, their role in the structure of a narrative and their particular functions are elaborated on in this study. Kutadgu Bilig (KB) was chosen as the sample preference for two reasons in bringing the discussions about the digressions; because it was created as a written work, and it’s rich content of digressions. In this way, it can be possible to touch on a different matter than the studies about the digressions mostly focusing on the oral narratives.
Since the article is not based on the analysis of the digression texts in terms of their content, the digression texts in KB are not included in the article. Instead, the couplet numbers in which the digressions are performed are presented to the attention of the researchers both in the text of this article and at the end of the article with the endnotes. Moreover, in the present article focusing on the issue of classification of the digressions, the digressions in KB have been classified. The present classification is based on the part of the text between couplets 398 and 6520, which is considered as a whole narrative. Eleven parts at the beginning of the work and three additional parts at the end are related to the philosophical background of the story but they are not directly linked to the events in the narrative. Thus, out of 6123 couplets in this section, 375 (6.2% of the work) have been identified as the digressions and classified in terms of their content.
KB, beyond all the values attributed to it, is a work based on narrating. Almost every text based on narrating reflects the language and cultural characteristics of the society to which it belongs. Therefore, the text becomes comprehensible for the audience who lives in the same period when it has been written. Digressions that reveal the context of the events in the fiction are the narrating elements that make the text comprehensible for the next generation. Thus, digressions keep a text constantly “current”. This study, which is written in the light of this point of view about digressions, aims to reveal the determination and classification of digressions in KB and so to provide a perspective to the researchers about how KB has been kept “current”. In addition, the theoretical debates about the digressions and the method being applied in the article will provide data to researchers from different disciplines in terms of both methodical and content.
In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks who live in southern Turkey and still migrate between certain locations. For this, we participated in their migration and took part in certain duties in the migration process in order to closely observe their life style and women's roles in everyday life. By utilizing participant observation and interview methods, we analyze women's roles in "marriage", "birth", and "death." Since the paper involves both nomadic culture in Turkey and the current situation of women in this culture, this research is beneficial to researchers who study women's folklore and nomadic culture.
The present study claims that traditional narratives shape social behaviour patterns and that there are significant traces in the narratives about a society's attitudes to certain phenomena. It promises to analyse this claim through terrorism and the example of the epic world. An anachronistic reading attempt has emerged to coherently prove this claim, as the attempt to analyse a phenomenon such as terrorism (a contemporary problem) through past epics is inherently anachronistic. Therefore, this article presents an original method of analysis to researchers on how one can use traditional narratives to analyse terrorism. In this study, we carried out this assessment through samples from two Turkic epics: epic of Oguz Kagan and the Book of Dede Korkut. The presentation of terrorism in the Turkic epics has been studied in detail through the actions of each epics' characters and narrative episodes through the general principles of structuralism-thus revealing the structural scheme of the character actions and episodes as they relate to terrorism. We have discussed our findings in the context of the fictionalization of reality and the realization of fiction to give our study versatility and comprehensiveness.
are attracting the attention of folklorists in other parts of the world regarding a new field of study which is attempting to determine the terminology and research method for studying fake news.
The factors responsible for the efficiency in the emerging and spreading of fake news and the relationship with oral and written culture have been determined as the focal point in this study. Moreover, the effects of oral and written culture on the quality of the knowledge presented in texts claiming to authenticity are analyzed in the context of fake news. Within this scope, the nature of fake news and its relationship with folklore are examined in this study. In addition, the attitude that folklorists should have in examining particular issues related to fake news such as the changes in the knowledge-sharing environment and reproduction of the
knowledge are evaluated. Additionally, this study is aiming to introduce the fake news to Turkish scholars, to create a mutual terminology that can be used by them in analyzing fake news and to determine new sub-issues related to fake news.
Much information has been shared on both social media and other communication channels about the virus epidemic called Covid-19, which is commonly known in Turkey as "koronavirüs". A lot of this information is based on sources and reports that should be considered “fake news” because they are simply not based on reality or facts. Information sources and reports such as these share many similarities with myths, urban legends, gossip, and rumors in terms of their structural units and fictiveness. While it may seem to most people that so far “modern man” has found technological solutions to most of the problems faced in everyday life, they still appear to turn to the familiar “primitive” attitudes when faced with unresolved “novel” problems, which have led to the rise of such false or unsubstantiated narratives we now see regarding the Coronavirus. Therefore, one can say there is a continuous production of texts about the source/origin of an unknown problem similar to creation myths or other narratives based on beliefs. Unlike the mythical era, these texts are spread globally very rapidly through social media channels. Additionally, once passed from the various media sources to the public ear, these reports become “stories” the people tell each other in daily life. And the main purpose of the narrators and listeners is to try to understand the unknown. In this context, Coronavirus is not only a subject studied by sciences, but also becomes a subject which must be analyzed by such disciplines that aim to understand human behavior, especially psychology and anthropology. When it comes to fake news and other narratives about the Coronavirus, a folklore-centered study is also imperative due to their kinship with traditional narratives. Therefore, in this study, myths, urban legends, rumors, and fake news about the virus are evaluated in terms of the motivating factor and other reasons behind the creation and emergence of the reports, the effective factors in the process of the spread of reports, and the general characteristics and functions of the reports. Accordingly, it is possible to state that the main purpose of this essay is to try to determine the origin of the urban legends about Coronavirus. In addition, another purpose of the present study is to discuss the reasons why these legends spread and gained awareness in a very short time. The legends analyzed in this study were compiled through a field research. However, the classical methods were not used in this field-work; instead, a new compilation method was carried out on the internet, the main medium where these legends are spread, in 2020 March, April and May. For this; Google Trends, Twitter Trend Topics and hashtags and Facebook hashtags have been used. Based on this survey, the most shared and "believed" urban legends about Coronavirus were determined as samples of this study, and various rumors and gossips emerged during this process were also used to support this sample.
Makale ara söz metinlerinin içerik olarak tahlilini esas almadığı için, Kutadgu Bilig’de yer alan ara söz metinlerinin tamamına makale içerisinde verilmemiştir. Bunun yerine, birkaç ara söz örneği ve ara sözlerin geçtiği beyit numaraları gerek makale metni içerisinde gerekse sonnotla araştırmacıların dikkatine sunulmuştur. Ayrıca, makalede ara sözlerin tasnifi meselesi üzerinde durulmuş ve Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözler içerik özellikleri bakımından sınıflandırılmıştır. Tasnif oluşturulurken günümüz Türkçesine aktarılan metnin tahkiye esasına bağlı olan 398 ve 6520. beyitler arasındaki kısmı esas alınmıştır. Çünkü eserin girişindeki on bir bab (bölüm) ve sonundaki ek üç bab, hikayenin felsefi arka planıyla ilişkili; fakat tahkiye esasına bağlı kısımdaki kurgu ile doğrudan bağlantısı olmayan bölümlerdir. Böylece, söz konusu kısımda yer alan 6123 beyit içerisinden 377’si (eserin %6,2’si) ara söz olarak belirlenmiş ve tasnif edilmiştir.
Kutadgu Bilig, kendisine atfedilen tüm değerlerin ötesinde, tahkiye esasına dayalı bir eserdir. Tahkiye esaslı hemen her metin yaratıldığı dönemde, ait olduğu toplumun dil ve kültürel özelliklerini yansıtır. Bu nedenle, aynı dönemde yaşayan okur-dinleyici için bu metin anlaşılır olur. Bu metinleri gelecek kuşak için anlaşılır kılan ve kurgudaki olayların oluşum bağlamını ortaya koyan unsur ara sözlerdir. Dolayısıyla, ara sözler bir metnin sürekli olarak “günceli” yakalamasını sağlar. Bu bakış açısı ışığıyla Kutadgu Bilig’deki ara sözlerin tespit ve tasnifini ortaya koymayı amaç edinen bu çalışma, Kutadgu Bilig’in yazıldığı günden günümüze kadar güncelliğini nasıl koruduğu hakkında edebiyat araştırmacılarına bir bakış açısı sunmayı hedeflemektedir. Ayrıca, makalede takip edilen yöntem ve ara sözler hakkındaki kuramsal tartışmalar, farklı disiplinlerdeki araştırmacılara gerek metodik gerekse içerik açısından veri sağlayacak mahiyettedir.
In this study, focusing on the structural and functional role of the digressions in oral and written literary works, Kutadgu Bilig (Wisdom of Royal Glory) written by Yusuf Khass Hajib in eleventh century is used as a sample in order to show how digressions work in a narrative. Since previous studies on the digressions are limited both in terms of quality and quantity, the origin of the digressions, their role in the structure of a narrative and their particular functions are elaborated on in this study. Kutadgu Bilig (KB) was chosen as the sample preference for two reasons in bringing the discussions about the digressions; because it was created as a written work, and it’s rich content of digressions. In this way, it can be possible to touch on a different matter than the studies about the digressions mostly focusing on the oral narratives.
Since the article is not based on the analysis of the digression texts in terms of their content, the digression texts in KB are not included in the article. Instead, the couplet numbers in which the digressions are performed are presented to the attention of the researchers both in the text of this article and at the end of the article with the endnotes. Moreover, in the present article focusing on the issue of classification of the digressions, the digressions in KB have been classified. The present classification is based on the part of the text between couplets 398 and 6520, which is considered as a whole narrative. Eleven parts at the beginning of the work and three additional parts at the end are related to the philosophical background of the story but they are not directly linked to the events in the narrative. Thus, out of 6123 couplets in this section, 375 (6.2% of the work) have been identified as the digressions and classified in terms of their content.
KB, beyond all the values attributed to it, is a work based on narrating. Almost every text based on narrating reflects the language and cultural characteristics of the society to which it belongs. Therefore, the text becomes comprehensible for the audience who lives in the same period when it has been written. Digressions that reveal the context of the events in the fiction are the narrating elements that make the text comprehensible for the next generation. Thus, digressions keep a text constantly “current”. This study, which is written in the light of this point of view about digressions, aims to reveal the determination and classification of digressions in KB and so to provide a perspective to the researchers about how KB has been kept “current”. In addition, the theoretical debates about the digressions and the method being applied in the article will provide data to researchers from different disciplines in terms of both methodical and content.
In this paper, we will examine rites of passage among the nomadic women of the Sarikecili Yoruks who live in southern Turkey and still migrate between certain locations. For this, we participated in their migration and took part in certain duties in the migration process in order to closely observe their life style and women's roles in everyday life. By utilizing participant observation and interview methods, we analyze women's roles in "marriage", "birth", and "death." Since the paper involves both nomadic culture in Turkey and the current situation of women in this culture, this research is beneficial to researchers who study women's folklore and nomadic culture.