Videos by Matteo Tomasoni
Propuesta de análisis de la conspiración más extendida y popular del siglo XX: "Los Protocolos de... more Propuesta de análisis de la conspiración más extendida y popular del siglo XX: "Los Protocolos de los Sabios de Sion". Un falso histórico que tuvo un papel fundamental en el ascenso de los fascismos y las teorías conspirativas antisemitas. 13 views
Papers by Matteo Tomasoni
Con-Ciencia Social, 2024
Entrevista a Francesco Filippi (Associazione di Promozione Sociale Deina), autor de obras referen... more Entrevista a Francesco Filippi (Associazione di Promozione Sociale Deina), autor de obras referenciales para comprender las pervivencias y mutaciones del fascismo ahora que cumple cien años de existencia: Ma perché siamo ancora fascisti? (Bollati Boringhieri, 2020) y Mussolini ha fatto anche cose buone. Le idiozie che continuano a circolare sul fascismo (Bollati Boringhieri, 2019), editada en castellano por la Editorial Prometeo en 2023.
Annali. Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra, 2023
La Vallagarina è da sempre un luogo di passaggio verso ambite mete turistiche delle Alpi: dalle r... more La Vallagarina è da sempre un luogo di passaggio verso ambite mete turistiche delle Alpi: dalle rive del Lago di Garda alle cime delle Dolomiti. Ma questo luogo fu anche uno degli epicentri del fronte italo-austriaco della Grande Guerra di cui conserva ferite e memorie. Oggi, a più di cent'anni di distanza da quell'evento, il turismo può rappresentare un nuovo approccio per (ri)scoprire l'eredità storica che ci hanno lasciato manufatti, luoghi e areali sparsi lungo tutta la valle.
Historia Actual Online, Apr 14, 2011
Diacronie Studi Di Storia Contemporanea, 2011
Annali | Museo Storico Italiano della Guerra , 2020
Agli inizi degli anni Trenta la Spagna sperimentò un processo di modernizzazione politica che pos... more Agli inizi degli anni Trenta la Spagna sperimentò un processo di modernizzazione politica che pose fine agli oltre cinquant’anni di restaurazione borbonica. L’avvento di un nuovo regime democratico – la Seconda Repubblica – risvegliò non poche attenzioni sul paese iberico, specialmente da parte dei totalitarismi fascisti che segnalarono la Spagna come l’epicentro di una nuova rivoluzione dalle evanescenze bolsceviche. Queste critiche penetrarono all’interno del paese consolidando l’opposizione dei partiti conservatori, ma favorirono anche lo sviluppo di un estremismo che ben presto assorbì il fascismo come arma politica. Nel 1931, non appena proclamata la repubblica, giovani esponenti delle fazioni più radicalizzanti della destra spagnola si unirono per dar vita ad un movimento d’esaltazione nazionale, la cui ideologia s’ispirò alla rivoluzione sociale espressa dal fascismo. Le “Giunte rivoluzionarie” di Ramiro Ledesma Ramos e Onésimo Redondo Ortega trovarono nella Falange di José Antonio Primo de Rivera un valido alleato, dando vita – nell’ottobre del 1933 – all’ambizioso progetto di fascistizzazione della società spagnola. La guerra civile e il lento ma graduale processo di assimilazione della Falange all’interno del Franchismo portarono al declino del fascismo primigenio, ma non eliminò del tutto la sua funzione sociale e ideologica almeno fino alla caduta dei fascismi europei nel 1945.
Parole chiave: Spagna, Falange, Seconda Repubblica, Fascismo, Franchismo
In the early thirties, Spain experienced a political modernization that ends more than fifty years of the Bourbon Restoration. The beginning of a new democratic regime – the Second Spanish Republic – attracted the attention of this Iberian country, especially from fascist totalitarianism that marks Spain as the epicentre of a new Bolshevik revolution. These judgments fill inside the society, consolidating the opposition of the conservative parties, but also assist the development of extremists that soon absorbed fascism as a political weapon. In 1931, when the Republic was proclaimed, some young political representative of radicalized factions, quickly joined together to create a national movement with an ideology inspired by the social fascist revolution. The revolutionary “Juntas” of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos and Onésimo Redondo Ortega joined José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, starting the ambitious project of fascistization of Spanish society. Years after, the Spanish Civil war and the process of assimilation of the Falange into the Francoist regime led to the decline of this ‘primitive’ fascism but did not eliminate its social and ideological function until the fall of the European fascisms in 1945.
Key words: Spain, Falange (Phalanx), Second Spanish Republic, Fascism, Francoist regime
El fascismo italiano fue uno de los primeros promotores del cine como agente de difusión de infor... more El fascismo italiano fue uno de los primeros promotores del cine como agente de difusión de información y propaganda. Su capacidad de captar las gestas de los soldados o las oraciones de los políticos, le valió el título de “arma più forte” como dijo el mismo Duce de Italia, Benito Mussolini. Entre las numerosas cintas producidas por el régimen fascista italiano, especial mención tienen los conflictos de la época como fueron el caso de España y su guerra civil o Abisinia y su forzada anexión al Imperio italiano. Menos conocida es sin embargo la producción cinematográfica de la posguerra y más concretamente el caso de las buenas relaciones que se mantuvieron entre la España franquista y la Italia fascista. El ojo de la cámara del cinegiornale Luce retuvo su atención al caso ibérico, con la intención de celebrar no sólo la autoridad representada por el Caudillo Francisco Franco, sino también exaltando la construcción de un nuevo Estado fascista en Europa.
Palabras clave: Fascismo, Istituto Luce, cinema, Italia, España, franquismo.
Abstract. Italian fascism was one of the first promoters of cinema as information and propaganda agent. Its ability to catch the soldier deeds or the political speeches, enforce in it the qualification of “arma più forte” (strongest weapon) as the same Duce, Benito Mussolini, has said. Among the films produced by Italian fascist regime, a special mention could be dedicated to conflicts as Spanish civil war, Abyssinian conquest and the creation of Italian Empire. However, less known is the post-war film productions related with the political and ideological relations between Franco’s Spain and fascist Italy. The eye of the cinegiornale Luce camera kept the attention on the Iberian case, with the idea to celebrate not only the authority represented by the Caudillo, but also emphasize the consolidation of a new fascist State in Europe.
Keywords: Fascism, Luce Institute, cinema, Italy, Spain, Francoist regime.
Postguerres/ Aftermaths of War, 2020
El frente ítalo-austríaco ha sido uno de los más estables del primer conflicto mundial, gracias a... more El frente ítalo-austríaco ha sido uno de los más estables del primer conflicto mundial, gracias a la morfología de un territorio que se caracteriza por sus estrechos valles y altas cumbres alpinas. El sector más meridional de esta línea del fuego se modeló según las necesidades militares, con la construcción de una imponente obra de ingeniería que la K.u.K. Geniedirektion (genio militar austríaco) utilizó para contrastar el avance italiano de 1915. Trincheras, fortalezas, teleféricos y todo tipo de líneas de comunicación, plasmaron un territorio que los habitantes de aquellos lugares apenas reconocieron a su vuelta en 1918. La Gran Guerra dejó una herida indeleble en todo el arco alpino, siendo especialmente desastrosa para quienes tuvieron que convivir a posteriori con aquella herencia bélica. A cien años de distancia, la trinchera de la “Forra del Lupo/Wolfsschlucht” sigue siendo un testigo directo del primer conflicto, rescatando – gracias a un proyecto de recuperación empezado en 2013 – la memoria de una comunidad que aún hoy se identifica con su pasado bélico.
The Alpine front (austro-italian front) has been one of the most stable during the First World War due to the particular morphology characterized by tight valleys and high alpine peaks. The southern sector of this firing line was adapted according to the military needs and the construction of an impressive engineering work made by K.u.K. Geniedirektion (Austrian Military Corps of Engineers) used to stop the Italian first offensive of 1915. Trenches, fortress, cable cars and all kind of communications, dramatically shaped the alpine environment and created a problematic legacy for the population after the conflict in 1918. A hundred years later the trench “Forra del Lupo / Wolfsschlucht” continues to be a direct witness of this conflict, rescuing – thanks to a recovery project begun in 2013 – the past and memory of a Community that still identify itself with this war-time.
Diacronie - Studi di Storia Contemporanea, 2020
RESUMEN: En el marco de los fascismos europeos del siglo XX, el caso español tiende a diferenciar... more RESUMEN: En el marco de los fascismos europeos del siglo XX, el caso español tiende a diferenciarse por la constante búsqueda de unidad ideológica y afirmación social. Desde sus inicios y a través del movimiento jonsista fundado en 1931, se observan no pocas dificultades para unificar método y propaganda, sin olvidar la falta de cohesión y los frecuentes debates internos. El jonsismo marcó profundamente la consolidación de un espacio fascistizado en España, siendo la religión católica un instrumento central de su discurso político. Según los dirigentes del partido, la apropiación del discurso religioso - entendido a través de su retórica y transformado en liturgia política - fue una de las claves para la creación de un proyecto político eficaz para contrastar el anticlericalismo del régimen republicano. Tradición, espiritualidad y nación se convirtieron en el eje de la propaganda fascista, cuyos principales órganos de prensa, «Libertad» e «Igualdad», no tardaron en defender durante su breve pero intensa trayectoria política.
ABSTRACT: In the framework of the European fascism of XXth Century, the Spanish case has been characterized by the constant research of ideological unit and social identity. From the beginnings of the jonsista movement founded in 1931, this politics where considered inadequate to unify method with propaganda and attempt ideological cohesion with internal debates. The jonsismo deeply marked the consolidation of a fascistized space in Spain, making Catholic religion an important instrument of his political speech. According to the other leaders, the appropriation of a religious discourse – analysed by its rhetoric and converted into political liturgy – became a key for the creation of a determined political project against republican anticlericalism. Notions as tradition, spirituality and nation became the heart of the fascist propaganda, defended by the weeklies «Libertad» and «Igualdad».
Del siglo XIX al XXI. Tendencias y debates. XIV Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea, 2019
In 2019 the Italian journal “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” will celebrate t... more Abstract
In 2019 the Italian journal “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” will celebrate ten years of activity. Since its inception, the main objective of this publication has turned to the idea to become a benchmark for Italian digital history, giving priority to open access and the interaction between readers and the scientific journal. In the course of time Diacronie has gained a foothold in the national historiographical panorama, while being integrated in the networks opportunities and becoming one of the first Italian journals that have claimed to a reflection upon the limits imposed by the old editorial outlines. Due to a new idea of editorial strategies, a scientific communication based on the ‘social friendly’ and a sustained reflection on historical news, Diacronie is nowadays a “meeting point” where increase and explain the new approaches of the digital era, with a special view in the development of a modern scientific debate.
Keywords: Diacronie, digital history, journals, research, Digital Humanities, open access.
En 2019 la revista italiana “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” cumplirá diez años de actividad. Desde sus inicios el principal objetivo de esta publicación ha sido convertirse en un nuevo referente de la digital history en Italia, dando prioridad al formato open access y la continua interacción entre el lector y la revista. Con el pasar del tiempo Diacronie ha logrado hacerse con un hueco en el panorama historiográfico nacional, sin todavía dejar de cultivar su interés por las potencialidades ofrecidas por la red, siendo entre las primeras revistas a plantear una reflexión capaz de cruzar fronteras y límites impuestos por las viejas líneas editoriales. Gracias a innovadoras estrategias editoriales, una comunicación científica basada en lo social friendly y la constante reflexión sobre la actualidad histórica, Diacronie es hoy un representante de la nueva era digital que cada vez y con más fuerza se aproxima al porvenir de un más crítico debate científico.
Palabras clave: Diacronie, historia digital, revistas, investigación, Digital Humanities, open access
El franquismo viene siendo un asunto recurrente en la historiografía española y posiblemente uno ... more El franquismo viene siendo un asunto recurrente en la historiografía española y posiblemente uno de los principales temas de debate en la historia de España. No obstante, consideramos que aún quedan cuestiones pendientes de estudio como su naturaleza, los motivos de su larga duración o las huellas que ha dejado en la sociedad actual. Con un enfoque multidisciplinar, reconocidos expertos en la materia abordan en este libro estas preguntas desde diferentes perspectivas, que van desde el análisis histórico, sociológico, o educativo al de género. El resultado es una ponderada y extendida reflexión que afronta cuestiones esenciales como las raíces ideológicas, la construcción y consolidación del sistema, los instrumentos de dominación y legitimación del régimen; el control y el papel desempeñado por los medios de comunicación en la configuración de la mentalidad, y la herencia político-institucional y sociológica del franquismo. Es hora ya de cerrar tan negro capítulo de nuestra historia reciente para lo que resulta imprescindible, como defienden los especialistas en los archivos, conservar las pruebas escritas de las violaciones de los derechos humanos. Hoy más que nunca, consideramos que el planteamiento aquí propuesto contribuye a aportar nuevos enfoques con el fin de ampliar y enriquecer el debate sobre el franquismo. Por ello, nuestro objetivo es demostrar que solo a través del estudio crítico del pasado puede entenderse el presente y, a la vez, recuperar una memoria que nos pertenece a todos.
Ayer, 2019
The impact caused by the reforms of the Second Spanish Republic provoked significant changes in S... more The impact caused by the reforms of the Second Spanish Republic provoked significant changes in Spanish society. Among the most important was the establishment of a secular state. This process of modernization quickly generated social unrest among traditionalist sectors of the population, which included the members of the socalled national-syndicalist movement. Among the leaders, Onésimo Redondo Ortega, a native of Valladolid, became the chief representative of Catholic followers of Spanish fascism. He led a strong campaign opposing the authority of the republican regime. As time went by, he became the spokesman for the most intransigent wing of conservative traditionalism.
Los efectos provocados por el reformismo de la Segunda República originaron numerosos cambios en la sociedad española, siendo uno de los más importantes la implantación de un Estado laico. Este proceso de modernización no tardó en canalizar el descontento de los sectores tradicionalistas, entre los cuales se distinguió el llamado movimiento nacionalsindicalista. Entre sus dirigentes, fue el vallisoletano Onésimo Redondo Ortega quien asumió el cargo de adalid católico del fascismo español, liderando una campaña de firme oposición ante la autoridad republicana, y quien acabaría convirtiéndose —con el paso del tiempo— en el promotor de la línea más intransigente del tradicionalismo conservador.
Zibaldone. Estudios italianos , 2018
Nacido en el seno de una familia acomodada del Trentino austríaco, Damiano Chiesa se inició desde... more Nacido en el seno de una familia acomodada del Trentino austríaco, Damiano Chiesa se inició desde muy joven a la defensa de la italianità de este territorio. Sus años formativos se caracterizaron por su intensa actividad anti-austriaca, obligándole en más de una ocasión a hacer frente a las amenazas que provenían de la autoridad civil, particularmente atenta a sofocar cualquier ensayo patriótico-irredentista local. Elevado al grado de ‘mártir por la causa italiana’ al finalizar la Gran Guerra, compartió este reconocimiento con el socialista Cesare Battisti y el patriota Fabio Filzi, completando así la célebre tríada del irredentismo trentino.
Born in a middle-class family of the Austrian region of Trentino, Damiano Chiesa became, in his early life, a firm supporter of the Italian identity. During this training period he started a passionate anti-Austrian propaganda, being often a victim of threats and attacks made by the local civil authority. At the end of the First World War he was raised as a new ‘martyr of the Italian sacrifice’, sharing this award with the socialist Cesare Battisti and the patriot Fabio Filzi and including his name in the middle of the famous triad of the Trentino irredentism.
La proposta dottrinale di Onésimo Redondo, padre fondatore insieme a Ramiro Ledesma Ramos e José ... more La proposta dottrinale di Onésimo Redondo, padre fondatore insieme a Ramiro Ledesma Ramos e José Antonio Primo de Rivera del fascismo spagnolo, è ancora oggi offuscata da una storiografia che da tempo ha omesso — se non quasi del tutto emarginato — la sua eredità politica. Eppure la partecipazione di questo sindacalista castigliano nella costruzione dell'ideologia nazionalsindacalista non fu poi così secondaria come invece sembrano dimostrare alcuni — in realtà pochi — testi dedicati alla sua figura. Onésimo Redondo fu un dirigente politico indubbiamente versatile, ma anche estremamente legato alla sua terra, la Castiglia, intorno alla quale plasmò buona parte del suo pensiero e luogo da cui non riuscì mai del tutto a distaccarsi. Sebbene le particolarità della sua riflessione non siano del tutto note, conviene inquadrarlo all'interno di un gruppo di teorici che provarono a formulare — incuranti della eterogeneità presente all'interno del loro movimento — un discorso che cercò di creare la base sulla quale edificare il progetto politico del fascismo spagnolo. Lo fecero, forse, con la certezza di aver trovato la chiave di lettura di un'epoca, gli anni Trenta, che stava stravolgendo l'essenza storico-tradizionale di una nazione immersa in una serie di grandi cambiamenti culminati proprio con l'arrivo della Seconda Repubblica
Spagna Contemporanea, 2012
Diacronie, 2011
... Page 11. JOSÉ-VIDAL PELAZ LÓPEZ, MATTEO TOMASONI Diacronie. ... carta que una de las condenad... more ... Page 11. JOSÉ-VIDAL PELAZ LÓPEZ, MATTEO TOMASONI Diacronie. ... carta que una de las condenadas a muerte escribe a su hijo, que incluye la frase: «Que mi nombre no se borre de la historia». De alguna forma se espera que el público de hoy ...
Videos by Matteo Tomasoni
Papers by Matteo Tomasoni
Parole chiave: Spagna, Falange, Seconda Repubblica, Fascismo, Franchismo
In the early thirties, Spain experienced a political modernization that ends more than fifty years of the Bourbon Restoration. The beginning of a new democratic regime – the Second Spanish Republic – attracted the attention of this Iberian country, especially from fascist totalitarianism that marks Spain as the epicentre of a new Bolshevik revolution. These judgments fill inside the society, consolidating the opposition of the conservative parties, but also assist the development of extremists that soon absorbed fascism as a political weapon. In 1931, when the Republic was proclaimed, some young political representative of radicalized factions, quickly joined together to create a national movement with an ideology inspired by the social fascist revolution. The revolutionary “Juntas” of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos and Onésimo Redondo Ortega joined José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, starting the ambitious project of fascistization of Spanish society. Years after, the Spanish Civil war and the process of assimilation of the Falange into the Francoist regime led to the decline of this ‘primitive’ fascism but did not eliminate its social and ideological function until the fall of the European fascisms in 1945.
Key words: Spain, Falange (Phalanx), Second Spanish Republic, Fascism, Francoist regime
Palabras clave: Fascismo, Istituto Luce, cinema, Italia, España, franquismo.
Abstract. Italian fascism was one of the first promoters of cinema as information and propaganda agent. Its ability to catch the soldier deeds or the political speeches, enforce in it the qualification of “arma più forte” (strongest weapon) as the same Duce, Benito Mussolini, has said. Among the films produced by Italian fascist regime, a special mention could be dedicated to conflicts as Spanish civil war, Abyssinian conquest and the creation of Italian Empire. However, less known is the post-war film productions related with the political and ideological relations between Franco’s Spain and fascist Italy. The eye of the cinegiornale Luce camera kept the attention on the Iberian case, with the idea to celebrate not only the authority represented by the Caudillo, but also emphasize the consolidation of a new fascist State in Europe.
Keywords: Fascism, Luce Institute, cinema, Italy, Spain, Francoist regime.
The Alpine front (austro-italian front) has been one of the most stable during the First World War due to the particular morphology characterized by tight valleys and high alpine peaks. The southern sector of this firing line was adapted according to the military needs and the construction of an impressive engineering work made by K.u.K. Geniedirektion (Austrian Military Corps of Engineers) used to stop the Italian first offensive of 1915. Trenches, fortress, cable cars and all kind of communications, dramatically shaped the alpine environment and created a problematic legacy for the population after the conflict in 1918. A hundred years later the trench “Forra del Lupo / Wolfsschlucht” continues to be a direct witness of this conflict, rescuing – thanks to a recovery project begun in 2013 – the past and memory of a Community that still identify itself with this war-time.
ABSTRACT: In the framework of the European fascism of XXth Century, the Spanish case has been characterized by the constant research of ideological unit and social identity. From the beginnings of the jonsista movement founded in 1931, this politics where considered inadequate to unify method with propaganda and attempt ideological cohesion with internal debates. The jonsismo deeply marked the consolidation of a fascistized space in Spain, making Catholic religion an important instrument of his political speech. According to the other leaders, the appropriation of a religious discourse – analysed by its rhetoric and converted into political liturgy – became a key for the creation of a determined political project against republican anticlericalism. Notions as tradition, spirituality and nation became the heart of the fascist propaganda, defended by the weeklies «Libertad» and «Igualdad».
In 2019 the Italian journal “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” will celebrate ten years of activity. Since its inception, the main objective of this publication has turned to the idea to become a benchmark for Italian digital history, giving priority to open access and the interaction between readers and the scientific journal. In the course of time Diacronie has gained a foothold in the national historiographical panorama, while being integrated in the networks opportunities and becoming one of the first Italian journals that have claimed to a reflection upon the limits imposed by the old editorial outlines. Due to a new idea of editorial strategies, a scientific communication based on the ‘social friendly’ and a sustained reflection on historical news, Diacronie is nowadays a “meeting point” where increase and explain the new approaches of the digital era, with a special view in the development of a modern scientific debate.
Keywords: Diacronie, digital history, journals, research, Digital Humanities, open access.
En 2019 la revista italiana “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” cumplirá diez años de actividad. Desde sus inicios el principal objetivo de esta publicación ha sido convertirse en un nuevo referente de la digital history en Italia, dando prioridad al formato open access y la continua interacción entre el lector y la revista. Con el pasar del tiempo Diacronie ha logrado hacerse con un hueco en el panorama historiográfico nacional, sin todavía dejar de cultivar su interés por las potencialidades ofrecidas por la red, siendo entre las primeras revistas a plantear una reflexión capaz de cruzar fronteras y límites impuestos por las viejas líneas editoriales. Gracias a innovadoras estrategias editoriales, una comunicación científica basada en lo social friendly y la constante reflexión sobre la actualidad histórica, Diacronie es hoy un representante de la nueva era digital que cada vez y con más fuerza se aproxima al porvenir de un más crítico debate científico.
Palabras clave: Diacronie, historia digital, revistas, investigación, Digital Humanities, open access
Los efectos provocados por el reformismo de la Segunda República originaron numerosos cambios en la sociedad española, siendo uno de los más importantes la implantación de un Estado laico. Este proceso de modernización no tardó en canalizar el descontento de los sectores tradicionalistas, entre los cuales se distinguió el llamado movimiento nacionalsindicalista. Entre sus dirigentes, fue el vallisoletano Onésimo Redondo Ortega quien asumió el cargo de adalid católico del fascismo español, liderando una campaña de firme oposición ante la autoridad republicana, y quien acabaría convirtiéndose —con el paso del tiempo— en el promotor de la línea más intransigente del tradicionalismo conservador.
Born in a middle-class family of the Austrian region of Trentino, Damiano Chiesa became, in his early life, a firm supporter of the Italian identity. During this training period he started a passionate anti-Austrian propaganda, being often a victim of threats and attacks made by the local civil authority. At the end of the First World War he was raised as a new ‘martyr of the Italian sacrifice’, sharing this award with the socialist Cesare Battisti and the patriot Fabio Filzi and including his name in the middle of the famous triad of the Trentino irredentism.
Parole chiave: Spagna, Falange, Seconda Repubblica, Fascismo, Franchismo
In the early thirties, Spain experienced a political modernization that ends more than fifty years of the Bourbon Restoration. The beginning of a new democratic regime – the Second Spanish Republic – attracted the attention of this Iberian country, especially from fascist totalitarianism that marks Spain as the epicentre of a new Bolshevik revolution. These judgments fill inside the society, consolidating the opposition of the conservative parties, but also assist the development of extremists that soon absorbed fascism as a political weapon. In 1931, when the Republic was proclaimed, some young political representative of radicalized factions, quickly joined together to create a national movement with an ideology inspired by the social fascist revolution. The revolutionary “Juntas” of Ramiro Ledesma Ramos and Onésimo Redondo Ortega joined José Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933, starting the ambitious project of fascistization of Spanish society. Years after, the Spanish Civil war and the process of assimilation of the Falange into the Francoist regime led to the decline of this ‘primitive’ fascism but did not eliminate its social and ideological function until the fall of the European fascisms in 1945.
Key words: Spain, Falange (Phalanx), Second Spanish Republic, Fascism, Francoist regime
Palabras clave: Fascismo, Istituto Luce, cinema, Italia, España, franquismo.
Abstract. Italian fascism was one of the first promoters of cinema as information and propaganda agent. Its ability to catch the soldier deeds or the political speeches, enforce in it the qualification of “arma più forte” (strongest weapon) as the same Duce, Benito Mussolini, has said. Among the films produced by Italian fascist regime, a special mention could be dedicated to conflicts as Spanish civil war, Abyssinian conquest and the creation of Italian Empire. However, less known is the post-war film productions related with the political and ideological relations between Franco’s Spain and fascist Italy. The eye of the cinegiornale Luce camera kept the attention on the Iberian case, with the idea to celebrate not only the authority represented by the Caudillo, but also emphasize the consolidation of a new fascist State in Europe.
Keywords: Fascism, Luce Institute, cinema, Italy, Spain, Francoist regime.
The Alpine front (austro-italian front) has been one of the most stable during the First World War due to the particular morphology characterized by tight valleys and high alpine peaks. The southern sector of this firing line was adapted according to the military needs and the construction of an impressive engineering work made by K.u.K. Geniedirektion (Austrian Military Corps of Engineers) used to stop the Italian first offensive of 1915. Trenches, fortress, cable cars and all kind of communications, dramatically shaped the alpine environment and created a problematic legacy for the population after the conflict in 1918. A hundred years later the trench “Forra del Lupo / Wolfsschlucht” continues to be a direct witness of this conflict, rescuing – thanks to a recovery project begun in 2013 – the past and memory of a Community that still identify itself with this war-time.
ABSTRACT: In the framework of the European fascism of XXth Century, the Spanish case has been characterized by the constant research of ideological unit and social identity. From the beginnings of the jonsista movement founded in 1931, this politics where considered inadequate to unify method with propaganda and attempt ideological cohesion with internal debates. The jonsismo deeply marked the consolidation of a fascistized space in Spain, making Catholic religion an important instrument of his political speech. According to the other leaders, the appropriation of a religious discourse – analysed by its rhetoric and converted into political liturgy – became a key for the creation of a determined political project against republican anticlericalism. Notions as tradition, spirituality and nation became the heart of the fascist propaganda, defended by the weeklies «Libertad» and «Igualdad».
In 2019 the Italian journal “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” will celebrate ten years of activity. Since its inception, the main objective of this publication has turned to the idea to become a benchmark for Italian digital history, giving priority to open access and the interaction between readers and the scientific journal. In the course of time Diacronie has gained a foothold in the national historiographical panorama, while being integrated in the networks opportunities and becoming one of the first Italian journals that have claimed to a reflection upon the limits imposed by the old editorial outlines. Due to a new idea of editorial strategies, a scientific communication based on the ‘social friendly’ and a sustained reflection on historical news, Diacronie is nowadays a “meeting point” where increase and explain the new approaches of the digital era, with a special view in the development of a modern scientific debate.
Keywords: Diacronie, digital history, journals, research, Digital Humanities, open access.
En 2019 la revista italiana “Diacronie – Studi di Storia Contemporanea” cumplirá diez años de actividad. Desde sus inicios el principal objetivo de esta publicación ha sido convertirse en un nuevo referente de la digital history en Italia, dando prioridad al formato open access y la continua interacción entre el lector y la revista. Con el pasar del tiempo Diacronie ha logrado hacerse con un hueco en el panorama historiográfico nacional, sin todavía dejar de cultivar su interés por las potencialidades ofrecidas por la red, siendo entre las primeras revistas a plantear una reflexión capaz de cruzar fronteras y límites impuestos por las viejas líneas editoriales. Gracias a innovadoras estrategias editoriales, una comunicación científica basada en lo social friendly y la constante reflexión sobre la actualidad histórica, Diacronie es hoy un representante de la nueva era digital que cada vez y con más fuerza se aproxima al porvenir de un más crítico debate científico.
Palabras clave: Diacronie, historia digital, revistas, investigación, Digital Humanities, open access
Los efectos provocados por el reformismo de la Segunda República originaron numerosos cambios en la sociedad española, siendo uno de los más importantes la implantación de un Estado laico. Este proceso de modernización no tardó en canalizar el descontento de los sectores tradicionalistas, entre los cuales se distinguió el llamado movimiento nacionalsindicalista. Entre sus dirigentes, fue el vallisoletano Onésimo Redondo Ortega quien asumió el cargo de adalid católico del fascismo español, liderando una campaña de firme oposición ante la autoridad republicana, y quien acabaría convirtiéndose —con el paso del tiempo— en el promotor de la línea más intransigente del tradicionalismo conservador.
Born in a middle-class family of the Austrian region of Trentino, Damiano Chiesa became, in his early life, a firm supporter of the Italian identity. During this training period he started a passionate anti-Austrian propaganda, being often a victim of threats and attacks made by the local civil authority. At the end of the First World War he was raised as a new ‘martyr of the Italian sacrifice’, sharing this award with the socialist Cesare Battisti and the patriot Fabio Filzi and including his name in the middle of the famous triad of the Trentino irredentism.
This paper aims to analyze some of the most important final events of the First World War and the effects they produced on a neutral country as Spain was during the second half of 1918. This study has been done through the journalistic approach of a pro Allies voice journal, Los Aliados. This journal was created to develop not only a sort of response to Renovación Española (pro Germans Spanish review), but also the principal intellectual-core committed to a democratic proposal based on Wilson's plan for peace.
This fact will explain the attention Spanish Kingdom deserved to the development of the war and to the discussion for the creation of the future League of Nations, despite its official neutrality. Meanwhile we will analyze how much influence propaganda had over this political breakthrough thanks to the publication of a big amount of propaganda material from abroad published on Los Aliados. Finally, this also produced the pretext to carry out the Entente project during the final term of war.
Qué cosas vimos con Franco… ayuda a recordar y a entender cómo la prensa, la televisión, la imagen, el cine de ficción y documental, así como la cultura popular y la vanguardia artística acompañaron e influyeron en los acontecimientos históricos y políticos.
Coordinación: Matteo Tomasoni y César Rina Simón
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
21-22 ottobre 2019
Los autores que participan en este estudio coral plantean sus investigaciones desde tres grandes temáticas: la lucha y resistencia de las mujeres frente a los totalitarismos, la defensa de las libertades de género frente a sociedades excluyentes y amnésicas y, por último, pero no menos importante, la importancia de la memoria como herra-mienta de concienciación ante el futuro de la lucha feminista. En definitiva, tres áreas de investigación que aportan importantes pautas de reflexión, pero sobre todo nuevas y estimulantes perspectivas de estudio.
Los motivos de su larga pervivencia, con textos de Raimundo Cuesta, Salvador Gómez, Carlos Barrera,sobre medios de comunicación Rosario Ruiz Franco, Raquel Osborne y Mercedes Yusta sobre género y franquismo. franquismo.
El tercer bloque corresponde a las huellas del franquismo donde encontramos textos de Philippe Raxhon, Marie-Claude Chaput, Emilio Silva y Guillem Martinez.
Y un último bloque dedicado a los archivos del franquismo en el que encontramos textos de Antonio González Quintana, Evelia Vega, Manuel Melgar, Mª del Carmen Rial y Luis Miguel Rodríguez Alfageme.
del franquismo. El conocido como el ‘Caudillo de Castilla’ fue un representante de la doctrina nacionalsindicalista y uno de sus principales defensores; junto con Ramiro Ledesma Ramos y José Antonio Primo de Rivera, es considerado el tercer ‘padre fundador’ del fascismo español y el promotor de esta ideología en su región natal, Castilla.
Esta obra pretende profundizar en las razones de su largo y sorprendente olvido. Se acerca a su pensamiento, a su compromiso con el mundo tradicional y católico de la España rural, o a su obsesión por el mito del contubernio judeo-masónico-bolchevique. El libro pretende sacar a la luz no sólo las facetas más polémicas de su radicalismo político y social, sino también investigar a un autor —gracias a la ingente cantidad de material inédito hallado en tiempos recientes— que contribuyó a generar un pensamiento en el que creyó firmemente. Onésimo Redondo ha sido, de los máximos representantes del fascismo español, el «Caudillo Olvidado». Por fin este libro le presta la atención que merece.
Con prólogo de Ferran Gallego: "Onésimo Redondo y los cánones del fascismo español"
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The Conference start in less than a month! We are finalizing the preparations for the next Iº International Congress - "Francoism to debate", Valladolid (Spain), 20-23 november 2017
Un cordial saludo,
El Comité Organizador
GENTILE, Emilio, Chi è fascista, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2019, 136 pp.