Peyman Vahabzadeh
Peyman Vahabzadeh is Professor of Sociology at University of Victoria, Adjunct Professor of Theatre, and a faculty participant in the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought (CSPT) Program and Social Justice Studies (SJS). He received his PhD in Sociology from Simon Fraser University (2000). His doctoral dissertation won the Simon Fraser University Dean of Graduate Studies Medal for Academic Excellence. He then completed a two-year Postdoctoral Studies at the Department of Political Science at University of Victoria, funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship. He has taught sociology, political science, CSPT, Social Justice Studies, and humanities at Simon Fraser University, Brock University, and University of Victoria. He likes writing scholarly books using a phenomenological gaze that unravels the fundamental assumptions of various theoretical tendencies. His scholarly and researched books include: "Articulated Experiences: Toward A Radical Phenomenology of Contemporary Social Movements" (SUNY Press, 2003); "A Guerrilla Odyssey: Modernization, Secularism, Democracy, and the Fadai Period of National Liberation in Iran, 1970-1979" (Syracuse University Press, 2010); "Exilic Meditations: Essays on A Displaced Life" (H&S Media, 2013), "Parviz Sadri: A Political Biography" (Shahrgon Books, 2015; in Persian); "Iran’s Struggles for Social Justice: Economics, Agency, Justice, Activism" (Palgrave, 2017; editor); "Violence and Nonviolence: Conceptual Excursions into Phantom Opposites" (University of Toronto Press, 2019); "A Rebel's Journey: Mostafa Sho'aiyan and Revolutionary Theory in Iran" (OneWorld, 2019); "Crossing Borders: Essays in Honour of Ian Angus" (Arbeiter Ring Press, 2020, co-editor with Samir Gandesha); "The Art of Defiance: Dissident Culture and Militant Resistance in 1970s Iran" (Edinburgh University Press, 2022); and "For Land and Culture: The Grassroots Council Movement of Turkmens in Iran, 1979-1980" (Fernwood Publishing, 2024). He has also published nine books of poetry, fiction, memoirs, and literary criticism in Persian. His creative works of fiction and poetry, as well as his scholarly writings, have been published or anthologized in English, Persian, Kurdish, Spanish, French, and German. When he is not writing or reading, spending time with his loved ones and wonderful friends, carving wood, or trying otherwise to stay alive, Peyman is likely to be hiking and wandering in the heavenly mountains and valleys of British Columbia mainland and the Vancouver Island, connecting with his dear siblings--trees, rivers, and boulders.
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Papers by Peyman Vahabzadeh
این مقاله به زندگی و فلسفهی پروفسور جانی واتیمو، فیلسوف ایتالیایی میپردازد و فلسفهی وی را در سه بخش توضیح میدهد: پسامدرنیته و اندیشهی ضعیف؛ باور ضعیف و مسیحیت؛ و کمونیسم هرمنوتیک
«رخداد و جنبش: نگاهی پدیدارشناسانه در نخستین سالگرد جنبش ژینا»
چهار نگاه پدیدارشناسنانه بر جنبش زن زندگی آزادی را به بهانهی نخستین سالگرد آن ارائه میدهد.
«انسانم آرزوست: پیرامون آثار پیمان وهاب زاده»
کتابی است اثر دکتر سعید شریفی و فاطمه خوشنویسان که به رویکرد نظری من به ویژه در کتاب تجربههای بیان شده میپردازد. فایل پیوستی شامل پیشگفتار پروفسور ایان انگس و پیشواژهی من است که در این کتاب منتشر شده اند.
Sho‘aiyan’s writings are voluminous—over 2,300 pages. He researched and wrote on an impressive range of diverse subjects from poetry and fiction to history, policy analysis, and theory. He introduced a maverick tradition of open letters at the time when secrecy was the most valued characteristic of politics in general and underground activism in particular. After experiment-ing with legal and nonviolent methods in the early 1960s as a way of bring-ing about change in the post-1953 Iran, he chose militant and underground activism, all the while he conducted extensive research and functioned as a freelance and self-didact scholar who would engage with international and national equally. He was indeed an overlooked internationalist but also a global thinker.
closure”—inspired by Martin Heidegger—as speaking to
the very history that we are living right now in the West, instead of
some esoteric, conceptual plaything for the armchair academic, then
we can revisit the cultural, social, and political processes of our time
in light of the possibility of the changing principles of intelligibility
governing our age—the (changing) principles that spectrally appear to
us primarily through action. It is thus transgressive action that can open new futures.
بازتابهایی بر زندگی و شعر وریا مظهر (و. م. آیرو)
mais pouvez-vous nous expliquer ce qu'est la non-violence ? Peyman Vahabzadeh : Ma confession, mon travail et mes recherches démontrent que nous ne savons pas vraiment ce qu'est la violence.
Violence non violence et souffrance necessaire: une autre vision | La Source | Vol 21, No 2 - 21 janvier au 4 février 2020
(1966) -obra pionera de Berger y Luckmann, publicada hace
50 aftos y que continua siendo uno de los textos mas populares
en sociologia-, se reconoce en gran parte la veta fenomenol6-
gica de su enfoque. Su trabajo esta vinculado adecuadamente
con el camino abierto por Alfred Schutz, quien merece recibir
creditos por su sociologia fenomenol6gica. Sin embargo,
a menudo se pasa por alto que lo que califica el enfoque de
Berger y Luckmann como un trabajo "fenomenol6gico'' es una
conexi6n oblicua con las raices fenomenol6gicas -de hecho, un
desliz conceptual [conceptual slippage]-. En la medida en que
este capitulo se concentra en los contornos principales de La
construcci6n social de la realidad, abordara una gran preocupaci6n
con respecto al concepto mismo de 'construcci6n social:
al ofrecer una breve genealogia conceptual de la interpretaci6n
sociol6gica de conceptos fenomenol6gicos de Berger y Luckmann,
que muestra las continuidades y rupturas con esta tradici6n.
El documento presenta el trazo de los conceptos clave de
Berger y Luckmann hasta Alfred Schutz y luego hasta Edmund
Husserl. Esta genealogia conceptual no solo aclarara algunos
malentendidos que rodean este importante trabajo y su concepto
central, sino que tambien mostrara que La construcci6n
social de la realidad contiene un desliz conceptual que explica
de manera interesante su popularidad.
برگردان فارسی فصل سوم کتاب «اودیسه چریکی» درباره تئوریهای مارکسیست ایرانی، بیژن جزنی (۱۳۱۶-۱۳۵۴)
رویکرد چریکهای فدایی به مصطفی شعاعیان موضوع این پیشواژه است
این پیشگفتار فشرده و کوتاه درآمدی است بر نظریهی سیاسی ارنستو لاکلاو و شانتل موف
این مقاله به زندگی و فلسفهی پروفسور جانی واتیمو، فیلسوف ایتالیایی میپردازد و فلسفهی وی را در سه بخش توضیح میدهد: پسامدرنیته و اندیشهی ضعیف؛ باور ضعیف و مسیحیت؛ و کمونیسم هرمنوتیک
«رخداد و جنبش: نگاهی پدیدارشناسانه در نخستین سالگرد جنبش ژینا»
چهار نگاه پدیدارشناسنانه بر جنبش زن زندگی آزادی را به بهانهی نخستین سالگرد آن ارائه میدهد.
«انسانم آرزوست: پیرامون آثار پیمان وهاب زاده»
کتابی است اثر دکتر سعید شریفی و فاطمه خوشنویسان که به رویکرد نظری من به ویژه در کتاب تجربههای بیان شده میپردازد. فایل پیوستی شامل پیشگفتار پروفسور ایان انگس و پیشواژهی من است که در این کتاب منتشر شده اند.
Sho‘aiyan’s writings are voluminous—over 2,300 pages. He researched and wrote on an impressive range of diverse subjects from poetry and fiction to history, policy analysis, and theory. He introduced a maverick tradition of open letters at the time when secrecy was the most valued characteristic of politics in general and underground activism in particular. After experiment-ing with legal and nonviolent methods in the early 1960s as a way of bring-ing about change in the post-1953 Iran, he chose militant and underground activism, all the while he conducted extensive research and functioned as a freelance and self-didact scholar who would engage with international and national equally. He was indeed an overlooked internationalist but also a global thinker.
closure”—inspired by Martin Heidegger—as speaking to
the very history that we are living right now in the West, instead of
some esoteric, conceptual plaything for the armchair academic, then
we can revisit the cultural, social, and political processes of our time
in light of the possibility of the changing principles of intelligibility
governing our age—the (changing) principles that spectrally appear to
us primarily through action. It is thus transgressive action that can open new futures.
بازتابهایی بر زندگی و شعر وریا مظهر (و. م. آیرو)
mais pouvez-vous nous expliquer ce qu'est la non-violence ? Peyman Vahabzadeh : Ma confession, mon travail et mes recherches démontrent que nous ne savons pas vraiment ce qu'est la violence.
Violence non violence et souffrance necessaire: une autre vision | La Source | Vol 21, No 2 - 21 janvier au 4 février 2020
(1966) -obra pionera de Berger y Luckmann, publicada hace
50 aftos y que continua siendo uno de los textos mas populares
en sociologia-, se reconoce en gran parte la veta fenomenol6-
gica de su enfoque. Su trabajo esta vinculado adecuadamente
con el camino abierto por Alfred Schutz, quien merece recibir
creditos por su sociologia fenomenol6gica. Sin embargo,
a menudo se pasa por alto que lo que califica el enfoque de
Berger y Luckmann como un trabajo "fenomenol6gico'' es una
conexi6n oblicua con las raices fenomenol6gicas -de hecho, un
desliz conceptual [conceptual slippage]-. En la medida en que
este capitulo se concentra en los contornos principales de La
construcci6n social de la realidad, abordara una gran preocupaci6n
con respecto al concepto mismo de 'construcci6n social:
al ofrecer una breve genealogia conceptual de la interpretaci6n
sociol6gica de conceptos fenomenol6gicos de Berger y Luckmann,
que muestra las continuidades y rupturas con esta tradici6n.
El documento presenta el trazo de los conceptos clave de
Berger y Luckmann hasta Alfred Schutz y luego hasta Edmund
Husserl. Esta genealogia conceptual no solo aclarara algunos
malentendidos que rodean este importante trabajo y su concepto
central, sino que tambien mostrara que La construcci6n
social de la realidad contiene un desliz conceptual que explica
de manera interesante su popularidad.
برگردان فارسی فصل سوم کتاب «اودیسه چریکی» درباره تئوریهای مارکسیست ایرانی، بیژن جزنی (۱۳۱۶-۱۳۵۴)
رویکرد چریکهای فدایی به مصطفی شعاعیان موضوع این پیشواژه است
این پیشگفتار فشرده و کوتاه درآمدی است بر نظریهی سیاسی ارنستو لاکلاو و شانتل موف
سخنان دوزبانه در مراسم گشایش بخش فارسی شعبه پواریه کتابخانه کوکیتلام، ژوئن ۲۰۱۱
Ali Nili's interview with Peyman Vahabzadeh for Nasim Bidari (Tehran) -- No. 74, December 2016 -- on Mostafa Sho'aiyan, Iranian leftist thinker
An interview with Peyman Vahabzadeh by Saman Safarzai from Shahrvand Emrooz (Tehran) -- September 2011-- about the relations between citizenship and the state from the point of view of Hannah Arendt
Peyman Vahabzadeh interviewed by Mohammad Ghafoori from Farhang Emrooz (Tehran) -- No. 15, December 2016 -- regarding his phenomenological approach to sociology.
بازتابهایی بر زندگی و شعر وریا مظهر (و. م. آیر.و)
The author's book launch and public talk on A Guerrilla Odyssey (Syracuse University Press), invited by Toronto Book Club, 2010.
Call to Arms presents the latest addition to a trail of literature surrounding the People’s Fadai Guerrillas (PFG, in Persian: Cherikha-ye Fadai-ye Khalq, later the Organisation of Iranian People’s Fadai Guerrillas, OIPFG; ‘fadai’ in Persian means ‘self-sacrificing’) – a self-declared Marxist-Leninist urban-guerrilla group founded in 1971 that, despite its small size and limited operations against the dictatorship of the US-backed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, captured the political imagination of Iranian dissidents in the 1970s and had an impact on the events that led to the 1979 Revolution. Previous studies on the PFG included a lengthy, two-volume work of ‘research’,1 and selected security documents, both of which commissioned and published by the Islamic Republic Ministry of Intelligence2 (in Persian); a scholarly, analytical work on the PFG’s theories and history3 (in English); and a growing number of edited or authored memoirs and reflections on the part of PFG activists (in Persian). The subject remains fresh despite the attempts of the Islamic Republic’s appropriation of the existing literature to depict the guerrillas as violent gangsters.
Link available below.
The Book studies the connection between the rise of militant resistance to the repressive regime of the Shah, focusing in particular on the People's Fadai Guerrillas, and the works of poetry, short fiction, songs and soundtracks, and films, that supported the guerrillas' fight for democracy and justice. The book develops a new theory of reading political arts as defiant action, and offers extensive case studies.
Mostafa Sho'aiyan (1936-1975) was a leading Marxist intellectual in twentieth-century Iran and a prolific author of theory, history, fiction and poetry. In an era of repressive politics following the 1953 coup that toppled the democratically elected government of Mossadeq and restored the rule of the Shah, he became a key figure on the militant left. From a life underground Sho'aiyan contributed significantly to the study of Iranian history and politics, and developed a unique theory of revolution - one specific to Iran and yet also international in reach.
With A Rebel's Journey, Peyman Vahabzadeh provides the first intellectual biography of this singular theoretician, offering fascinating insights into his life and work. Vahabzadeh not only sets Sho'aiyan's thought in the context of their time and place, but offers an ambitious reconstruction of his revolutionary theory for the twenty-first century, setting out how it might contribute to today's expanding movements for social justice and liberation.
From Reviewers' Comments:
‘Deeply informed and passionately engaged, this is an exceptional work of scholarship, reconstructing the life and thought of pre-revolutionary Iran's most exceptional figure on the left… Vahabzadeh has done a wonderful job of intellectual restoration and remembering, while showing an intriguing path forward to the revolutionaries of our time.'
- Afshin Matin-Asgari, Professor of Middle East History, California State University, Los Angeles
‘This is an elegant and original account of the life, times, and intellectual and theoretical contributions of the Iranian revolutionary Mustafa Sho‘aiyan. It is, in particular, a timely work, emphasising Sho‘aiyan's continuing relevance in an era of "savage, globalised capitalism”.'
- Stephanie Cronin, Elahé Omidyar Mir-Djalali Research Fellow, University of Oxford
'An outstanding interpretive and critical overview of the vast body of Mostafa Sho‘aiyan’s writings. Peyman Vahabzadeh masterfully reveals Sho‘aiyan’s cosmopolitan and frontal theory of rebellion, and his singular and uncanonical leftism.'
- Mojtaba Mahdavi, Professor of Political Science, University of Alberta
‘Vahabzadeh offers an elegiac meditation to one of the most sophisticated revolutionary political theorists of modern Iran. Meticulously researched, A Rebel’s Journey re-situates Sho‘aiyan’s long-neglected oeuvre at the center of the Iranian intellectual history and the history of anticolonial liberation struggles of the Global South.’
- Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi, Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University
This PDF version provides the introductory remarks about Mostafa Sho'aiyan in my new book, "A Rebel's Journey: Mostafa Sho'aiyan and Revolutionary Theory in Iran" (OneWorld, 2019). ISBN: 9781786076205
Through an original and close reading of the key literature regarding both revolutionary violence and nonviolence, this book collapses the widely-assumed concepts of violence and nonviolence as mutually exclusive. By revealing that violence and nonviolence are braided concepts arising from human action, Peyman Vahabzadeh submits that in many cases the actions deemed to be either violent or nonviolent might actually produce outcomes that are not essentially different.
Vahabzadeh offers a conceptual phenomenology of the key thinkers and theorists of both revolutionary violence and various approaches to nonviolence. Arguing that violence is inseparable from civilizations, Violence and Nonviolence concludes by making a number of original conceptualizations regarding the relationship between violence and nonviolence, exploring the possibility of a nonviolent future and proposing to understand the relationship between the two concepts as concentric, not opposites.