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Linear and nonlinear ARMA model parameter estimation using an artificial neural network

1997, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering

168 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 44, NO. 3, MARCH 1997 Linear and Nonlinear ARMA Model Parameter Estimation Using an Artificial Neural Network Ki H. Chon,* Member, IEEE, and Richard J. Cohen, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper addresses parametric system identification of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems by analysis of the input and output signals. Specifically, we investigate the relationship between estimation of the system using a feedforward neural network model and estimation of the system by use of linear and nonlinear autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models. By utilizing a neural network model incorporating a polynomial activation function, we show the equivalence of the artificial neural network to the linear and nonlinear ARMA models. We compare the parameterization of the estimated system using the neural network and ARMA approaches by utilizing data generated by means of computer simulations. Specifically, we show that the parameters of a simulated ARMA system can be obtained from the neural network analysis of the simulated data or by conventional least squares ARMA analysis. The feasibility of applying neural networks with polynomial activation functions to the analysis of experimental data is explored by application to measurements of heart rate (HR) and instantaneous lung volume (ILV) fluctuations. Index Terms—ARMA model, heart rate, neural network, nonlinear, polynominal. I. INTRODUCTION T HIS paper addresses the use of a feedforward artificial neural network (ANN) for identifying linear or nonlinear autoregressive moving average (NARMA) parameters. Many promising aspects of neural network modeling have led to its application to diverse fields ranging from communication [1], to seismic signal processing [2], to biomedical engineering [3], [4]. Only recently, the use of neural networks has been applied to the field of system identification. Some authors have suggested the use of recursive neural network models of the form (1) is the output, is the input, and and are (where indexes) for the identification of nonlinear dynamic systems [5]. A recent study by Levin and Narendra has shown that a generically observable linear system can be realized by a Manuscript received November 1, 1995; revised October 17, 1996. This work was supported by NASA under Grant NAGW-3927. K. H. Chon received support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) postdoctoral fellowship 09029. Asterisk indicates corresponding author. *K. H. Chon is with Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: kchon@mit.edu). R. J. Cohen is with Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9294(97)01469-9. neural network input–output model. In addition, a nonlinear system can be identified by use of multilayer feedforward neural networks [6]. In this vein, recent works have shown the equivalence of ANN to the Volterra series. The efficacy of ANN in estimating Volterra kernels was illustrated by computer simulation [7], [8] as well as by application to experimental data [9]. In particular, polynomial basis functions have been used to represent the activation function of hidden units for modeling a mutilayer perceptron [10], [11] and for showing the equivalence of ANN to the Volterra series [12]–[14]. However, this is the first study where a polynomial function neural network is used to estimate the parameters of autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) and NARMA models. Nonlinear system modeling has tended to focus on Volterra–Wiener (VW) analysis. Although advances have been made in algorithms for estimating more accurate VW kernels [15], because the VW method is nonparametric it tends to provide a noncompact model structure which is difficult to interpret mechanistically. To overcome this limitation, Haber and Keviczky [16], and later Billings and Leontaritis [17], introduced parametric models of nonlinear systems termed NARMA, that take the form of nonlinear difference equations. Unlike VW analysis, NARMA offers compact model representation. As a result, it has gained popularity in recent years, most notably in the area of physiological system modeling [18], [19]. This paper demonstrates the equivalence of ARMA and NARMA with ANN models by demonstrating that the parameters of ARMA and NARMA models can be obtained from analysis of ANN models trained on input-output data. We utilized feedforward ANN (FANN) models in which polynomials were used to represent the activation function of the hidden units. We compare the parameters obtained by analysis of the FANN models with the actual values of these parameters used in simulations, and with the values of these parameters obtained from conventional least squares analysis using experimental instantaneous lung volume (ILV) and heart rate (HR) physiological data. II. METHODS A. Neural Network In this section we demonstrate how NARMA parameters may be obtained from three-layer neural networks (Fig. 1) utilizing a polynomial representation of the activation function in the hidden units. Consider a nonlinear, time-invariant, 0018–9294/97$10.00  1997 IEEE CHON AND COHEN: LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION 169 , written as (4) If the basis function in (3) is written as a polynomial function (5) then combining (3) and (5) yields (6) in (4) into (6) and gathering like terms, Substituting the the following expression is derived: Fig. 1. A three-layer ANN topology. Note that weights of are W leads and weights of y input neurons are V leads. u input neurons discrete-time dynamic system represented by the following NARMA model: (2) (7) and represent the model order of the movingwhere average (linear and nonlinear) and autoregressive (linear and nonlinear) terms, respectively; and are the linear and nonlinear moving-average (MA) terms; and are the linear and nonlinear autoregressive (ARMA) terms; are the nonlinear cross terms; is the system output signal; is the input signal; is the error; , and are indexes. The output signal, , from (2) may be expressed as follows: Note that (2) and (7) are equivalent, where the linear and nonlinear coefficients in (2) are now represented by neural network weight values and polynomial coefficients in (7). The general form of th-order NARMA coefficients can be given by (8) (9) (3) where is a set of basis functions that include past values of and present and past values of . Referring as the weight of the coupling of to (3), we may identify hidden unit to the output unit, as the number of hidden units, and as the weighted sum of inputs to the hidden unit (10) (11) 170 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 44, NO. 3, MARCH 1997 TABLE I COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR ARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISELESS CASE 3, MA 2) WITH THE EXACT ARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR = (a) (b) Fig. 2. Segments of (a) input and (b) output signals of (13). (12) Given a three-layer neural network having the topology of Fig. 1, NARMA coefficients can be obtained from the network provided that the network is properly trained. Although more efficient algorithms exist for training neural networks than backpropagation, we have utilized this algorithm since it is the most recognized. Note that the accuracy of the linear and nonlinear parameters in the above equations depends on the selection of the model order and the number of hidden units in the neural network. Parameters a0 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.700 0.700 0.700 a1 a2 00.400 00.100 00.400 00.100 00.401 00.100 = b1 b2 b3 0.250 0.250 0.251 00.100 00.100 00.993 0.400 0.400 0.401 the PFNN method, the prediction obtained using the ordinary least-squares ARMA analysis [20] was computed with the same model order as that of the PFNN (AR 3, MA 2). As shown in Table I, both methods computed all of the coefficients in (13) correctly. To examine how strongly neural network topology depends on the assumed model order, the ARMA model order was increased from ARMA(3, 2) to ARMA(5, 4). Table II shows the result of the PFNN for ARMA(5, 4). As expected, due to the incorrect model order assumption, both least-squares and the PFNN methods provide estimations of the true ARMA model coefficients of (13) which are not exact. Although the coefficient estimates are not exactly the same as the true ARMA coefficients, the normalized mean-square error (NMSE) for both methods is equally negligibly small. The next simulation illustrates the case of NARMA parameter estimation using the PFNN method. Using the same excitation as in (13), the following NARMA model was utilized: (14) III. SIMULATIONS In this section, a polynomial function neural network (PFNN) model was trained on simulated data to identify coefficients of ARMA/NARMA models. To compare the effectiveness of this approach, parameter estimation via the ordinary least-squares method [20] was also performed on the simulated data. The first test case, 1024 data points, was generated by a linear ARMA model with AR order R 3 and MA order P 2, with the MA excitation being uncorrelated Gaussian white noise (GWN) with a variance of one. The following linear ARMA model was utilized: (13) Fig. 2 shows segments of the input signal [Fig. 2(a)] and the corresponding ARMA model output signal [Fig. 2(b)] of (13). For the PFNN analysis, the input and output data pair was segmented into two 512-point data segments. The first half of the input–output data segment was used to train the network, and the second half was used to test the predictive quality of the network. All of the simulations were carried out in this manner. Two hidden units, defined by first-order polynomial activation functions, were used for the PFNN analysis. To facilitate comparison with the results obtained by To completely test the features of the general NARMA model shown in (2), (14) includes self-nonlinear input and output terms as well as the cross-nonlinear term. The data generated by (14) were analyzed using a PFNN model involving six hidden units incorporating second-order polynomials. Table III shows the results of the PFNN and the least-squares NARMA analyses. The model order for the least-squares was set to AR order R 3, MA order P 2, NAR (nonlinear autoregressive) order RR 3, NMA (nonlinear moving average) order PP 2, and the cross-nonlinear model order was set to three. As with the linear case, both methods correctly estimated the linear and nonlinear coefficients. To examine the effects of assumed model order on neural network topology, NARMA model orders of (14) were increased to AR order R 5, MA order P 4, NAR order RR 5, NMA order PP 4 and the cross-nonlinear model order was set to five. Surprisingly, both the least-squares and the PFNN approaches provided results equally accurate to those shown in Table III. Increasing NARMA model orders further (e.g., R 10, P 9, NAR 10, NMA 9, and the crossnonlinear model order 10) did not change the accuracy of the coefficient estimates for both approaches. To test further the effects of assumed model order on neural network topology, a different NARMA model than that CHON AND COHEN: LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION 171 TABLE II COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR NARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISELESS CASE WITH INCORRECT ARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR 5, MA 4) = Parameters a0 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.700 0.700 0.700 a1 a2 00.40 00.236 00.230 a3 00.100 00.286 00.243 0.000 00.029 a4 b1 0.000 0.250 0.015 0.006 00.013 0.001 0.006 = b2 00.100 0.090 0.025 b3 b4 b5 0.400 0.343 0.359 0.000 0.107 0.104 0.000 00.053 00.026 TABLE III COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR NARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISELESS CASE 3, MA 2, NAR 2, NMA 1 AND CROSS-NONLINEAR MODEL ORDER 1) WITH THE EXACT NARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR = = = = = Parameters a0 a2 b1 b3 a(i; j )1 b(i; j )2 c(i; j )1 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.800 0.800 0.800 00.130 00.130 00.130 0.200 0.200 0.200 00.110 00.110 00.110 00.110 00.110 00.110 0.130 0.130 0.130 00.180 00.180 00.180 TABLE IV COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR NARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISELESS CASE WITH THE EXACT NARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR = 2, MA = 1, NAR = 2, NMA = 1, AND CROSS-NONLINEAR MODEL ORDER = 1). NOTE THAT THE SAME PARAMETER ESTIMATES ARE OBTAINED WITH THE OVERDETERMINED NARMA MODEL ORDERS TABLE V COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR ARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISE-ADDED CASE WITH THE EXACT ARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR = 3, MA = 2) Parameters a1 b1 a(i; j )1 b(i; j )2 c(i; j )1 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.500 0.500 0.500 00.200 00.200 00.200 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.250 0.250 0.250 described by (14) was realized (15) The input excitation was the same GWN signal used in (13) and (14). Despite increasing model order from the true model orders of AR 2, MA 1, NAR 2, NMA 1, and cross-nonlinear model order 2 to AR 5, MA 4, NAR 5, NMA 4, and cross-nonlinear model order 5, both model assumptions provided accurate parameter estimates and 2, MA 1, the result for the model assumption of AR NAR 2, NMA 1, and cross-nonlinear model order 2 is shown in Table IV. To test the effectiveness of the PFNN in the case of additive noise, the processes described by (13) and (14) were again simulated with additive GWN as follows: (16) where is the additive GWN and is the process generated by (13) or (14). The variance of was chosen so that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was three to one. The model order selection for the least-squares as well as the selection of the number of hidden units for the PFNN method were the same as for the noiseless cases of (13) and (14). The results of noise added to (13) for the PFNN and the leastsquares methods are shown in Table V. As shown in Table V, both methods provide similar parameter estimates. Although the estimated parameters and obtained from both the Parameters a0 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.700 0.718 0.720 a1 a2 00.400 00.100 00.178 00.171 00.185 00.179 b1 b2 b3 0.250 0.039 0.037 00.100 00.088 00.087 0.400 0.206 0.206 PFNN and the least-squares deviate from the actual model coefficients, the normalized mean-square errors (NMSE) for both methods are reasonably small, in light of the SNR of three to one (25.86% for the PFNN and 25.73% for the leastsquares). The process of (14) with additive noise also provides similar parameter estimates and NMSE for both methods, as shown in Table VI. The NMSE for the PFNN and the leastsquares methods are 28.10 and 28.02%, respectively. The NMSE value of 28.10%, for example, indicates that 28.10% of the output response was not accounted for with the PFNN method. Although parameter estimation via the least-squares and the PFNN methods generated coefficients in addition to those represented in (14) [since the model order selected for this process includes other parameters not represented in (14)], we show only the estimated parameters that were originally represented in (14). The estimates of those coefficients not represented in the model of (14) were in all cases negligibly small. As shown in Tables I–VI, both methods provide similar ARMA/NARMA parameter estimates. Since the PFNN method utilizes a backpropagation learning algorithm, the time required to compute parameter estimates is less with the leastsquares method. With a backpropagation learning algorithm the learning is affected by factors such as momentum, the learning rate, and the initial value of the weight vectors. The learning rate of the backpropagation can be made more efficient, however, by utilizing different algorithms, such as the conjugate backpropagation algorithm. Specifically, this method does not require the selection of learning rate or 172 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 44, NO. 3, MARCH 1997 TABLE VI COMPARISON OF THE PFNN AND THE LEAST-SQUARES METHOD FOR NARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATES FOR THE NOISE-ADDED CASE 3, MA 2, NAR 2, NMA 1 AND CROSS-NONLINEAR MODEL ORDER 1) WITH THE EXACT NARMA MODEL ORDERS (AR = = = = = Parameters a0 a2 b1 b3 a(i; j )1 b(i; j )2 c(i; j )1 True Values PFNN Least-Squares 0.800 0.793 0.828 00.130 00.128 00.150 0.200 0.029 0.025 00.110 00.066 00.073 00.110 00.190 00.186 0.130 0.069 0.068 00.180 00.083 00.088 momentum factors and exhibits no oscillatory behavior during neural network training. Radial basis neural networks can also be used to achieve faster learning rates than with the backpropagation algorithm [21]. It should also be noted that the learning rate of the neural network is affected by the selection of the ARMA/NARMA model order (or the selection of the memory length), that is, longer training of the network is required with larger ARMA/NARMA model orders, and vice versa. IV. APPLICATION OF THE PFNN TO (a) EXPERIMENTAL DATA In this section we demonstrate the use of the PFNN in analyzing experimentally obtained ILV and HR data. One of the reasons for our interest in understanding the dynamic relationship between ILV and HR is that HR fluctuates with respiration. This is known as respiratory sinus arrhythmia which has been suggested as an indicator of autonomic function [22], [23]. Over the last 20 years, various linear system analysis methods such as the power spectrum [24], transfer function [23], and impulse response function [25] have been performed on ILV and HR data. In this paper the aim is not to elucidate the physiological mechanisms involved in HR fluctuation with respiration, but to examine if the PFNN can provide similar impulse response functions to those published [25]. A. Data Acquisition and Experimental Procedure The data analyzed in this investigation were obtained from a previously published study [23]. Experimental methods are described in detail in [23] and will be briefly summarized. Data collection consisted of the surface electrocardiogram (S-ECG) and changes in ILV from five subjects. Data were collected for 13 min for the supine position. Measurements of S-ECG and ILV signals recorded on FM tape were sampled at 360 Hz. Instantaneous HR at a sampling rate of 3 Hz was then obtained using the technique described in [26]. A study has shown that the choice of sampling rate may affect accurate detection of the QRS complexes, especially if a low sampling rate is chosen [27]. However, the sampling rate of 360 Hz used in this study is high enough to allow for accurate detection of the QRS complexes. The ILV and HR signals were decimated at the sampling rate of 3 Hz because previous studies have shown that dynamics of HR fluctuations are located at frequencies below 0.5 Hz [22]–[25]. Both HR and ILV signals were then subjected to second-degree polynomial trend removal. For the PFNN analysis, the input and output data pair were segmented into two 500-data-point segments. The first half of the input–output data segment was used to train the network, (b) Fig. 3. Averaged impulse response functions obtained from (a) the PFNN and (b) the least-squares ARMA method. and the last half was used to test the predictive quality of the network. Most physiological systems have a purely causal relationship between input and output: the system response cannot precede the stimulus that causes the response. However, respiratory influences on HR have been shown to have a noncausal relationship [22], [23], [25]. This interconnection is caused by the brainstem exerting neural control over both respiration and HR; HR changes often lead changes in lung volume. To compensate for the noncausal relationship, an arbitrary delay of 3.33 s was inserted into the HR signal prior to ARMA parameter estimation using both the PFNN and the leastsquares methods. Once the impulse response function was obtained, the artificially-introduced delay was accounted for by shifting the obtained impulse response function by 3.33 s. Fig. 3 shows averaged impulse response functions (based on five subjects) computed from the ARMA coefficients obtained from analysis of the PFNN [Fig. 3(a)] and from the leastsquares ARMA method [Fig. 3(b)]. For both PFNN and the least-squares ARMA methods, the model order was selected by use of the Akaike information criterion (AIC) [28]. An ARMA model order of (13, 12) was used for both PFNN and the leastsquares method for all five subjects. Furthermore, four hidden units were used for the PFNN analysis. The two estimates of the impulse response function are nearly identical, with the dominant features being the fast positive peak followed by the underdamped wave. Note in addition the noncausal segment of the impulse response functions extending to approximately 2 s before time, 0. All three of these features as well as CHON AND COHEN: LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ARMA MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION the amplitude of the impulse response function obtained by the both methods are similar to those published [22], [23], [25]. To compare the performance of the two methods quantitatively, model predictions based on the linear ARMA model were computed for both methods using the last segment of the input signal (ILV). Note that the first segment of input/output data was used to estimate the coefficients of the ARMA model for both methods. The average NMSE for the PFNN and the least-squares methods are 38.86 and 41.04%, respectively. Slightly better model prediction is obtained with the PFNN than the least-squares method. Similarly, better model prediction is also achieved with PFNN using renal blood pressure and blood flow data [9]. V. CONCLUSIONS We have shown that from ANN models which utilize polynomial activation functions, equivalent ARMA/NARMA models can be obtained. Computer simulations have shown that neural networks employing polynomial activation functions can provide accurate ARMA and NARMA model parameter estimation. In dealing with lung volume and HR data, it appears that a PFNN-based neural network provides slightly better NMSE values than does the least-squares method. Here we have dealt with single input–single output models, but the results can be generalized to multiple input–multiple output systems. In physiological system modeling, one is often interested in determining separate linear and nonlinear contributions to the overall system response. By using polynomial activation functions, linear and higher-order nonlinear contributions to the system response can be separately identified. For example, linear contributions to the system response can be obtained by the use of the first-order polynomial function, and the quadratic contribution to the system response can be obtained by the use of the second-order polynomial function. Higher than second-order nonlinear contribution to the system response can be easily obtained by expanding to a higher polynomial order. The well-known nonlinear techniques to estimate nonlinear system response such as the crosscorrelation method [29] and Laguerre expansion technique [15] are currently limited to no more than a third-order nonlinear system model. Future research in this area may involve the selection of the appropriate number of hidden units to provide accurate parameter estimation. Another interesting direction of inquiry would be to find a recursive algorithm to reduce the computational burden associated with the neural network so that an on-line implementation of the neural network can be performed, for example in a clinical setting. Future research will be needed to examine the advantages/disadvantages of identifying systems with ARMA/NARMA least squares methods versus neural network methods. REFERENCES [1] B. Widrow and S. D. Stearns, Adaptive Signal Processing. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1985. [2] L. X. Wang and J. M. 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He received the B.S. degree in chemistry and physics from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, in 1971, the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1976, and the M.D. degree from Harvard Medical School in 1976. He completed clinical training in internal medicine at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in 1979. He is currently a Professor in the Harvard Division of Health Sciences and Technology and Director of the NASA Center for Quantitative Cardiovascular Physiology, Modeling, and Data analysis. His research interests include cardiovascular physiology and macromolecular interactions.