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Postepidemiološki stres : istorijske i medicinske dileme : zbornik radova / urednici Nevena Divac, Haris Dajč, Nikola Samardžić, 2024
The work is focused on the process of treatment of soldiers of the Serbian army in North Africa during the Great War, from the spring of 1916 to the fall of 1918. Contrary to the author’s previous approach, predominantly in the context of military history, which focused primarily on the influence and status of individuals, doctors, and military and political officials on the process of caring for Serbian soldiers, this paper focuses on the multiple traumatic consequences of war and leaving the territory on Serbian soldiers. In addition to the extensive archival material in which concrete statistical data on the treatment of Serbian soldiers can be traced, in this paper, on the one hand, the focus is shifted to the memoirs and correspondence of individuals who narrated the psychological state of the patient. Finally, the traumas of Serbian soldiers are observed in this work on three levels. First, as a consequence of participation in the war and the complexity of participation in the conflict. Then, secondly, the trauma is analyzed as a consequence of leaving the territory and the uncertainty of the return or survival of the homeland, but also the concrete difficulty of crossing the Albanian mountains and the late arrival of the Allied evacuation ships, in which a significant number have already died of hunger and helplessness. Finally, as a third consequence of trauma, the fear caused by treatment in distant exotic Africa is considered, bearing in mind that most of the soldiers left their villages and towns for the first time by participating in the war.
El año 2023 participé en el concurso Fondecyt regular del grupo de estudio de Historia (Conicyt, Chile). La experiencia ha sido triste pero a la vez enriquecedora, al mostrarme cómo los colegas del gremio historiográfico hacen su trabajo ensuciando la labor de otros, sin procurar hacer ellos mismo un aporte al conocimiento. Seguiré demostrando que se puede contribuir al conocimiento histórico sin ser parte de la llamada "academia de historiadores chilenos". Por un concurso Fondecyt con evaluadores conocidos y con sanciones serias a quien viole los conflictos de intereses o no los declare. Si alguien se interesa en conocer el proyecto, que por razones obvias no puedo publicar, se lo haré llegar. Saludos cordiales
Stromata 70, 2014
For Pannenberg, the revelation of God in the history is essentially an eschatological revelation. Throughout these pages, I present first the development of this fundamental feature of Pannenberg’s thought in his programmatic texts, and then the treatment of eschatology in his systematic work. I intend to show both the harmo-nious continuity and gradual deepening of Pannenberg’s treatment of God, truth, revelation, and history over the course of his theological production. Key words: revelation, eschatology, future.
History and Anthropology, 2024
Focusing on humorous cartoons about the Conquest published between 1945 and 1970 in an Argentinian popular comic magazine and on a Colombian educational and politically militant comic-book narrative history of the same events, published in 1978, I analyse how the publications used mixed temporalities when relating historical events. I challenge the common idea that disrupting linear timelines by mixing temporalities necessarily has politically progressive effects. The humorous cartoons typically portray Indigenous Americans from the fifteenth century as ‘primitives’ who nevertheless behaved in ‘modern’ ways, but this temporal disruption in fact works to erase the responsibility of dominant classes for Indigenous disadvantage. In contrast, the educational comic-book brings Indigenous people from the conquest into the present, talking directly to the readers and interpellating them as comrades in the struggle. Yet this comic-book also portrays Indigenous people in generic stereotyped ways, illustrating the difficulty of shaking off these colonial ‘recursions’ (Ann Stoler)
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Nuove Direzioni n. 41, 2017
American Journal of Microbiological Research, 2015
Лейбова Н.А., Жамбалтарова Е.Д. Одонтологическое исследование материалов из Фофоновского могильника (Юго-Восточное Прибайкалье) // "В этой связи..." М.: Буки-веди, 2019. С. 86-99.
International Journal of Educational Research, 2007
Indonesia Private Law Review
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2013
Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi, 2017
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1988