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International Journal of Rural Development, Environment and Health Research [Vol-7, Issue-4, Jul-Aug, 2023] Issue DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijreh.7.4 Article DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijreh.7.4.7 ISSN: 2456-8678 ©2023 IJREH Journal GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Jiapei Tan, Ruei-Yuan Wang*, Zhe Zhu, Zishen Wang, Sixian Hou, Ying Zhang, Yuyu Jie, Xinxin Yuan, Xiaoqi Hou, Yinghua Liao School of Sciences, Guangdong University of Petrochem Technology (GDUPT), Maoming 525000, China *Corresponding author Received: 25 Jun 2023; Received in revised form: 01 Aug 2023; Accepted: 09 Aug 2023; Available online: 15 Aug 2023 ©2023 The Author(s). Published by AI Publications. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Abstract— Futian District is the central urban area of Shenzhen and one of the busiest and most dynamic urban areas. This article is based on the spatial analysis method (slop, density, road area); Simultaneously, using research methods such as average station distance, nonlinear coefficient, service area, and public transportation network repetitive coefficient, combined with national standards, this study analyzes and evaluates the urban road network and public transportation network in Futian District, Shenzhen. The results show that: firstly, the overall difference in road network density in Futian District is significant, with a characteristic of high density in the southeast and low density in the northwest. The transportation network is mainly distributed in the east, south, and west regions. Secondly, the shortcomings of the planning in this area were manifested in the non-compliance of the urban road area with national standards, the high nonlinear coefficient of bus routes, increased time and travel costs for residents' bus travel, and a bus service area within 500 m far below national standards. Reflecting on the sustainable development of urbanization in the area, we should address the shortcomings in road design and public transportation layout, explore our own advantages, and adjust planning strategies to seek new directions and strategies. Keywords— GIS-based, Road Network Analysis, Bus Route Evaluation, Density Calculation, Service Area INTRODUCTION service industry of the national economy and the urban Futian District of Shenzhen is a national economic foundation of public construction. It is an element that center and one of the core engine areas of the is related to the national economy and people's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). livelihoods In the process of urbanization, the diversity of transportation is an important component of urban production conditions in cities has promoted economic transportation. development. "Urban image" is its soul, and the rationality, and accessibility can quantitatively express transportation road network is its blood delivery artery, urban sustainability indicators. Through the public closely related to social pulsation, life dynamics, and transportation economic development. Therefore, transportation is obstacles such as distance and time, participate in the fundamental, leading, strategic, and important socio-economic activities, and obtain urban services, I. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ (Wang, In 2017). Among sustainable system, them, urbanism, residents can public density, overcome 70 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen which is an indicator of urban expansion and vitality. It layout in accordance with national standards. Secondly, is also an effective indicator for judging the operational based on relevant data on bus routes and national status and service capacity of the public transportation standards explain the relevant situation of bus system, which can be used to measure the rationality of accessibility in Futian District and conduct a quantitative the spatial layout of urban public service facilities as evaluation. well as the effectiveness and future of urban development. In the II. 14th Five-Year Plan of China for STUDY AREA AND DATA SOURCES 2.1 Study Area Comprehensive Transportation (Cui, 2022), Futian Futian District is located in the southern part of the District proposed to enhance the rationality of urban central axis of Shenzhen City, between 113° 59 ′ -114° 06′ road construction, form a public transportation service E and 22° 30′ -22° 36′ N. Futian District is the central system that meets demand, establish a sound public urban area, with 10 streets, including Yuanling, Huafu, transportation and and Xiangmihu, under its jurisdiction (Figure 1). The public green coverage rate in this area reaches 42.5%, with a transportation". One of the high-quality performances total of 135 parks. The park green space has basically of the urban service system lies in the comprehensive achieved full coverage within a 500-meter radius. implementation of bus punctuality services on major Awarded as the "Most Beautiful County in China", it is routes and stations, the construction of a continuous the only central urban area in China that has won the network of bus lanes, and the standardized guidance of title of "National Ecological Civilization Construction intelligent supervision and management of bus lanes. It Demonstration Zone". comprehensively service index promote system, "on-time is shown that in-depth research on public transportation Focusing on the functions of the central urban area, accessibility is of great significance for improving the Futian District will create an urban development pattern development level of urban public transportation, and of "one core, three poles integration circle". One core is the improvement of public transportation accessibility is the Futian Central District; three poles refer to the based on the infrastructure and density of urban roads, development poles of the three new engines, which are closely related. Therefore, facing the future specifically the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and urban development of Futian District, the construction Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, the Xiangmi of urban roads and the setting of bus stops and routes Lake New Financial Center, and the Central Park vitality have become important analysis and evaluation circle; Rong Circle refers to four composite vitality directions. circles of "business creation, residence, and tourism", Based on the above viewpoints, it is important and namely the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and necessary to analyze the road network and evaluate bus Technology routes in Futian District (Yin & Yu, 2020). Thus, this Chegongmiao Vitality Circle, Huan Central Park Fashion article selects factors such as roads density, area, and Innovation Circle, and Meilin Livable and Industrial Life slope for analysis of urban road networks. On the bus Circle (Xu & Liao, 2021). As the earliest developed area in route network, there are many indicators for evaluating Shenzhen, Futian District has the leading infrastructure the bus route network. Based on the principles of in the city, with many roads presenting a grid-like scientific comparability and operability (Duan, 2014), network. The Huanggang Hub, a road hub, is composed factors such as the nonlinear coefficient, repetitive of multiple intercity and urban tracks, forming a coefficient, average station distance, and service area composite hub. Chegongmiao and Xiangmi Lake range are selected for evaluation. There are two main integrate multiple urban rail lines to form a subway hub objectives: firstly, through road network data, focus on radiating throughout the city. Combined with the analyzing the density, area, and slope of four types of renovation of Huangmugang Interchange, seamless roads and evaluating the rationality of road network transfer of tracks, buses, and cars will be achieved. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ Innovation Circle, Xiangmi Lake 71 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.1 Study Area Map 2.2 Data Sources This article mainly uses three types of data: one is the vector boundary range data of Futian District, the other is DEM elevation data, and the third is road network data. The road network data includes bus stop and route data (Table 1). Table 1 Data Sources Data type Vector boundary range data Data sources Resource and Environmental Science and Data Center(https://www.resdc.cn/) Geospatial Data Cloud (GDC) DEM elevation data Road network data (https://www.gscloud.cn/) Open Street Map (OSM) (https://www.openstreetmap.org/) METHODOLOGY station distance, nonlinear coefficient, service area, and This study uses vector, DEM, and road network bus network repetitive coefficient, combined with data as the analysis materials and is based on spatial national standards, the urban road network and bus analysis methods (slope, density, and road area). network of Futian District, Shenzhen, were analyzed Meanwhile, using research methods such as average and evaluated (Figure 2). III. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 72 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.2 The Schema of The Study 3.1 Density Calculation method is the most commonly used method for Road network density, reflecting the activity level measuring slope, which is the percentage of the of regional economic activities and other factors, is an elevation difference between two points to their important horizontal distance. The calculation formula is as follows indicator for measuring regional development (Kong & Zheng, 2021). The density calculation in this article is divided into urban road network density and bus route density, but the essence (Yan, 2021): Slope = (elevation difference/horizontal distance) x 100% (2) of both road network densities is calculated based on The idea of calculating slope in GIS (Figure 3) is to the length of the road network/land area. The obtain the elevation difference of the road, divide it by difference is that the density of the urban road network the length of the road, and calculate the slope of each requires the overall length of the city's roads, while the section of the entire road to obtain the slope value of a density of the bus route network only requires the road. Main approach: length of the road network that the bus travels on. The formula is as follows: Road network network/area (1) Using the "Mask Extraction" tool, DEM grid data is extracted from road vector lines, and corresponding density=length of road (1) 3.2 Slope Calculation Slope refers to the ratio of the height difference between two points on the same slope section of a route to their horizontal distance. The meaning of its measurement is that the road slope represents the quality index of the city’s construction level, the government’s behavior, and its vision. The percentage grid pixels within the defined area of the mask are extracted to obtain DEM values along the road. (2) Extract the highest and lowest elevations along the road and calculate the elevation difference of the road by interpolating the two. (3) Using ArcGIS's attribute table tool to calculate geometry to obtain the length of the road. (4) Calculate the percentage slope of a certain road using a table and formula. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 73 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.3 Schematic Diagram of Calculating Slope Using Grid Pixels in GIS (data source: network) 3.3 Road Area Calculation reflects the ownership of urban roads within the urban The urban road area ratio, also known as the built-up area. Through data comparison, the roads in "urban road area density," is expressed as the Futian District are compared with the width limit for percentage of the road area within the urban built-up analysis and evaluation and used to distinguish road area to the built-up area. The urban road area ratio "is grades (Table 2). an important economic and technical indicator that Table 2 Road Class and Width Range Road class Total width of road Expressway 35 - 80 Main road 30 - 50 Secondary trunk road 26 - 35 Branch road 16 - 25 3.4 Calculation of Average Station Distance straight-line distance between the starting and ending The average distance between bus stops is the stations is called the nonlinear coefficient of the route. average value of the distance between bus stops and The nonlinear coefficient of a circular route is measured the nearest bus stop. Using QGIS software, the main between the main hub points (or the farthest two method is: nodes) on the route. The nonlinear coefficient can more (1) Select the vector data of the bus stop in the reasonably reflect the degree to which the bus route "Input Point Layer" and "Input Target Point Layer", and deviates from the shortest path of the road network select the name of the bus stop in both "Fields". and the detour situation of the bus route. The (2) The default output matrix type selection is a calculation formula is as follows: Nonlinear coefficient=length of the line/linear linear distance matrix. (3) Since only the closest site is considered, fill in '1'. The concept is that it is possible to choose to calculate the distance (0) to all points in the target layer or limit it to the feature that is closest to a number (k). distance between the starting and ending points of the line (3) This study directly obtains the length of bus routes through the length field of the bus route layer, and the (4) The final output data points contain vector key to calculation is to calculate the spatial straight layers for the distance calculation of each input feature. distance between the initial and final stations of the Its characteristics and attribute table depend on the route. selected output matrix type. 3.6 Repetitive Coefficient Calculation 3.5 Nonlinear Coefficient Calculation The ratio of the length of a bus route to the By using the length field of the bus route layer and road route layer, the length of the bus route and road Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 74 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen route can be directly obtained, and the repetition segments. coefficient of the public transportation route network 3.8 Evaluation Criterion can be obtained by substituting it into the formula. The calculation formula is as follows: This article mainly uses the "Code for Urban Road Traffic Planning and Design GB 50220-95" as the Repetitive coefficient of public transportation evaluation standard and adopts the relevant provisions lines=total length of public transportation lines/length on urban public transportation and urban road systems. of line network 3.8.1 Regulations on Urban Public Transportation (4) 3.7 Service Area Calculation The density of the public transportation network With the continuous improvement of living standards, the gradual change in driver and passenger demand, and the continuous construction planned in the city center should reach 3–4 km/km2, and in the urban fringe areas, it should reach 2–2.5 km/km2. of As a transportation method with high capacity, infrastructure, in order to better serve the public, energy conservation, environmental protection, safety, leverage the advantages of infrastructure, and improve and the level of service area construction, it is necessary to transportation has gradually been recognized by people. conduct an accessibility analysis of the service area Due to the fact that nearly 20% of the running time of range (Liu Yang et al., 2023). The basic elements of buses is spent entering and exiting bus stops (Chen & Ji, service area research can be divided into two categories: 2018), it is important to evaluate the average station service points and transportation routes distance. The service area of public transportation convenience, the importance of public Service area analysis considers only the resource stations, calculated with a radius of 300 m, shall not be allocation of network arc resistance between the supply less than 50% of the urban land area; calculated with a and demand sides without considering the supply and radius of 500 m, it should not be less than 90%. demand of central resources. When conducting The nonlinear coefficient of public transportation network service area analysis, there are three parts: the lines should not exceed 1.4. The average nonlinear selection of service area analysis direction, service area coefficient of the entire national railway network should overlap processing, and surface generation. First, be between 1.15 and 1.2, which is too high, resulting in service area analysis and direction setting: starting from long detour distances and increasing travel time costs the service point and not starting from the service point, for passengers, which is not conducive to attracting bus it is necessary to determine the extension direction of passenger flow (Zhang & Chen, 2016). the service point. Second, handling overlapping service 3.8.2 Regulations for Urban road Systems areas: by setting the analysis direction, there is a certain The urban road land area should account for 8% to degree of overlap between the generated service areas, 15% of the urban construction land area, and for large and adjacent parts can be analyzed. Overlap removal cities with a planned population of over 2 million, it processing can be selected. Third, generation of faces: should be 15% to 20%. The planning indicators for various in the process of generating service areas, the analysis types of roads in large and medium-sized cities should results will simply outline the surface contour based on comply with the provisions of Table 3. the nodes, which contain un-generated routing Table 3 Road Network Planning Indicators for Large and Medium Cities Item Design speed of motor vehicles City size and population (10000 people) Secondary Expressway Main road trunk Branch road road >200 80 60 40 30 ≤200 60~80 40~60 40 30 Metropolis Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 75 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen (km/h) Medium-sized city Density of road Metropolis network (km/km2) Number of motor vehicle lanes in the road - 40 40 30 >200 0.4~0.5 0.8~1.2 1.2~1.4 3~4 ≤200 0.3~0.4 0.8~1.2 1.2~1.4 3~4 - 1.0~1.2 1.2~1.4 3~4 >200 6~8 6~8 4~6 3~4 ≤200 4~6 4~6 4~6 2 - 4 2~4 2 >200 40~45 45~55 40~50 15~30 ≤200 35~40 40~50 30~45 15~20 - 35~45 30~40 15~20 Medium-sized city Metropolis Medium-sized city Road width(m) Metropolis Medium-sized city IV. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS distribution and a relatively large proportion of the 4.1 Analysis of Urban Road Network overall area, distributed in the area of road traffic 4.1.1 Traffic Network Density construction land along the transportation route. According to the density map of the transportation 3. The road network density ranges from network in Futian District, the overall difference in road 2.350894031 to 4.231609255, distributed in the central network density is significant, with a high density in the and surrounding areas of the construction land of the southeast and a low density in the northwest. The Ring Road (Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway), distribution of the transportation network is mainly along the main roads and expressways. distributed in the east, south, and west regions (Figure 4. In areas with a road network density ranging 4). Based solely on the analysis results of road network from 4.231609256 to 6.974318957, the distribution is data: scattered and the concentration is low, distributed 1. The area with a road network density of along transportation roads such as Binhe Avenue, 0-1.018720747 has a larger overall distribution area, Huanggang Road, Qiaoxiang Road, Beihuan Xiangmi distributed in the northern and southern regions, as Interchange, and Futian Interchange. well as in some urban centers such as forest parks. 2. The area with a road network density ranging from 1.018720748 to 2.35089403 has a relatively uniform 5. The area with a road network density between 6.974318958 and 9.991299629 is a red grid point area, with a more dispersed distribution and a smaller area. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 76 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.4 Road Network Density Map In addition, combining elevation and road network 3. The areas with a road network density ranging data, the spatial distribution of density was analyzed, from 2.350894031 to 4.231609255 are the North Ring and the results showed that (Figure 5): Road auxiliary road, the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao 1. The road network density is distributed in the Expressway, and the areas near the Shenzhen Municipal area of 0-1.018720747, mainly in the northern Tanglang Government in the city center. These areas surround the Mountain Park and Yinhu Mountain Park, and the city center but are also at a certain distance from the terrain is relatively high compared to the city center city center, resulting in high and concentrated travel area, with fewer roads and low road network density. demand. Therefore, there are relatively few blue grid To the west of the south is Shenzhen Bay, and to the points (city main roads), mainly expressways with east is the boundary area between Hong Kong and relatively small traffic volumes. Shenzhen, which belongs to the port area with low traffic demand and a sparse road network. 4. The road network density ranges from 4.231609256 to 9.991299629, distributed along relatively 2. The area with a road network density between high-traffic main roads such as Binhe Avenue and 1.018720748 and 2.35089403 is the distribution area of Huanggang Road. These traffic lines pass through the main roads within the urban area. The main roads urban area, have high traffic volume, and connect account for about half of the total road area, so there important industrial and commercial areas, so the traffic are more blue grid points. network density is relatively high. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 77 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.5 Elevation and Road Network Distribution Map of Futian District In addition, the analysis of the data of four kinds of 79.928048 km2, the total length of the road is about traffic lines of the Class I to fourth-class highway in 978.140659 km, and the total density of the road is Futian District shows that the total area of the area is about 12.23776488 km/ km2 (Table 4). Table 4 Four Traffic Routes in Futian District Road network type First-class highway (expressway) Second-class highway (main road) Third-class highway (secondary trunk road) Fourth-class highway (branch road) Total Route(km) Area(km2) Density 143.951643 79.928048 1.801015 381.849904 79.928048 4.777420 142.880595 79.928048 1.787615 309.458517 79.928048 3.871713 978.140659 79.928048 12.237764 According to the requirements of the national in Futian District is about 4.78 km/ km2, which is greater standard GB50220-95, the density of expressways in than 1.2. It also meets the requirements of the national large cities with a population of more than 2 million is standard and is over fulfilled, with a density of about 4– 2 0.4–0.5 km/ km , while the density of expressways in 5 times that of the national standard. Futian District, Shenzhen, is about 1.8, greater than 0.5, The national standard requires a density of 1.2–1.4 which meets the requirements of the national standard km/km2 for secondary roads, while the density of and is overfilled, with a density of 3–4 times that of the secondary roads in Futian District is about 1.79 km/km2, national standard. which is greater than 1.2. This also meets the The national standard requires a density of 0.8–1.2 2 km/km for main roads, while the density of main roads requirements of the national standard. Although it has been exceeded, it is not much, about 1.25–1.55 times the Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 78 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen national standard, which is relatively small compared to it can be seen that the area of urban road land should the first two types of roads. account for 8%–15% of the urban construction land area, The national standard requires a density of 3–4 2 km/km for branch roads, and the density of branch 2 and for large cities with a planned population of over 2 million, it should be 15%–20%. In addition, according to roads in Futian District is about 3.87 km/km , which is the data of various land use areas in Futian District, the greater than 3 but less than 4. It also meets the national total area of various land uses is 75.534294 km², of standard requirements, but there is no excess. which the total area of water bodies is 4.4 km² not Overall, the density of roads at all levels in Futian included in the land area. In addition, the area of road District meets the requirements of national standards. land accounts for 32.71% of the urban facility area, while This indicates that there are sufficient roads in Futian Shenzhen is a megacity with a population of tens of District to meet transportation needs. A road network millions, and the selection criteria should be 15%–20%. with appropriate density can better disperse traffic and 32.71% provide multiple selectable paths. This helps to reduce requirements of national standards and is about 1.5–2 traffic congestion, alleviate traffic pressure, and ensure times the standard. is greater than 20%, which meets the smooth traffic. By increasing road density, vehicles can According to the area data of the first to fourth more conveniently choose shorter driving routes, level roads (Table 5), the width of the expressway is thereby reducing travel time. This is beneficial for both 0.035 km and the area is approximately 5.0 km², residents and businesses, as it can improve efficiency accounting for approximately 20.39% of the total area; and save costs. Appropriate road density can also the width of the main road is 0.03 km, with an area of reduce the mutual influence and conflict between approximately 11.4 km², accounting for approximately vehicles and the risk of traffic accidents. By providing 46.38% of the total area; the width of the secondary spacious roads, good visibility, and reasonable traffic main road is 0.025 km, with an area of approximately signs, drivers' alertness and road safety can be 3.57 km², accounting for approximately 14.45% of the improved. Meanwhile, reasonable planning of road total area; and the width of the branch road is 0.015 km, density can better meet the travel needs of residents with an area of approximately 4.64 km², accounting for and commercial activities. Citizens can easily reach their approximately 18.78% of the total area. According to the destinations, and commercial activities are more requirements of GB50220-95, the width of expressways conducive to development. in large cities with a population of over 2 million should 4.1.2 Road Area be 40–45 m, the width of main roads should be 45–55 m, According to the analysis of road area data from level 1 to level 4 (Table 5), the total road area is the width of secondary roads should be 40–50 m, and the width of branch roads should be 15-30 m. 2 24.707697 km . According to Part 7, 7.1.4 of GB50220-95, Table 5 Data Table for Area of Fourth Class Roads Road network type First-class highway (expressway) Second-class highway (main road) Route(km) Width(km) Area(km2) Rate (%) 143.951643 0.035 5.04 20.39 381.849904 0.03 11.46 46.38 142.880595 0.025 3.57 14.45 309.458517 0.015 4.64 18.78 Third-class highway (secondary trunk road) Fourth-class highway (branch road) Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 79 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Total 978.140659 0.105 24.707697 24.707697 According to the comparison of the analyzed data, In addition, when the road area is insufficient, the it can be seen that the width of the expressway is distance between vehicles and other vehicles or 35m<40m, which is 5m less than the minimum value of obstacles will decrease, bringing unnecessary pressure the national standard and does not meet the and tension to the driver. Therefore, in order to ensure requirements of the national standard; the width of the traffic safety and smoothness, the road area in Futian urban main road is 30m<45m, which is 15m less than the District, Shenzhen, should be reasonably planned and minimum value of the national standard and seriously designed according to national standards and actual does not meet the requirements of the national traffic needs. standard. The width of urban secondary roads is 4.1.3 Road Slope 25m<40m, which is 15m less than the minimum value of In terms of road slope analysis, seven long and the national standard, and it also seriously does not representative roads were selected as the main ones, meet the requirements of the national standard. The namely Shennan Avenue, Binhai Avenue Auxiliary Road, width of the urban branch road is 15m, which meets the Hongli Road, Xinzhou Road, Beihuan Avenue Auxiliary minimum requirement of 15m in the national standard Road, Caitian Road, and Xiangmihu Road in Futian and just meets the requirements of the national District. Due to the fact that the length of these seven standard. main roads exceeds 4000 m, an average of 1000 m To sum up, except for the branch road (fourth-class segments was used for analysis. Taking Shennan highway), which meets the minimum requirements of Avenue as an example, this road has a total length of the national standard, the other three types of Class I, II, 12,300 m and is divided into 13 sections within a range of and III roads in the area do not meet the requirements 1000 m (with the last section of the road being 300 m). of the national standard; even some of them are In addition, the average elevation of Shennan Avenue seriously inconsistent. Road areas that do not meet has a maximum value of 19.6m and a minimum value of national standards may have an impact on traffic 10.5, due to the relatively small slope fluctuations of smoothness, safety, and driving comfort. Especially roads in Futian District. According to the slope formula, during peak hours or busy areas, the width of the road the main road slope of Shennan Avenue is 0.07%. is insufficient to accommodate a large number of According to the requirements of urban land vehicles, resulting in traffic flow exceeding the carrying suitability evaluation, the maximum longitudinal slope capacity of the road and causing congestion and delay. gradient of general highway design is inversely Narrow roads can also easily lead to collisions and proportional to the speed per hour. According to the friction between vehicles, especially in situations of high relevant records of China Railway Corporation, the traffic volume or fast speeds. In addition, the narrow maximum speed required for general expressways is 80 space near the road may limit the field of view and km/h, so the maximum longitudinal slope is 5%. The increase the risk of blind spots and pedestrians. maximum speed required for the main road is 60 km/h, Moreover, insufficient road space may make the driving so the maximum longitudinal slope is 6%. The analysis of experience uncomfortable. Vehicles driving on narrow data related to the seven main roads (Table 6, Figure 6) roads may be restricted and unable to maintain a stable shows that the slopes of all seven main roads meet the speed and direction. requirements. Table 6 Data Table for Seven Main Roads Binhai Title Beihuan Shennan Avenue Hongli Xinzhou Avenue Caitian Xiangmihu avenue Auxiliary Road Road Auxiliary Road Road Road Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ Road 80 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Length (m) 12300 12500 9800 6100 7600 5500 4000 Highest elevation (m) 39 37 42 36 105 46 60 Lowest elevation (m) -10 -5 -5 -6 14 -4 -10 Height difference (m) 49 42 47 42 91 50 70 12300 12500 9800 6100 7600 5500 4000 0.00398 0.00336 0.00479 0.00688 0.01197 0.00909 0.0175 0.398% 0.336% 0.480% 0.689% 1.197% 0.909% 1.750% Path length (m) Slope Slope(%) Fig.6 Slope of Seven Main Road Divide the highest and lowest elevations of the has the largest difference in slope, which is 1.75%. seven main road-related data points by 100 meters and However, no matter which road it is, its longitudinal calculate the average data. Compared with the slope ratio is far lower than the national standard. If the 1000-meter division method, the data is more accurate, slope is too small, it will increase the burden of road and calculating the longitudinal ratio of the road will be maintenance because it is not conducive to drainage more in line with the expected value. Taking Shennan and is prone to water retention. Over time, it will lead to Avenue as an example, the slope value calculated road deformation and sand formation, affecting the through the main road slope formula is 0.398%, which is service life of the road. in line with the expected value, while Xiangmihu Road Therefore, the slope construction of roads in Futian Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 81 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen District should comply with the road slope network reflects the degree to which residents travel specifications. During road construction, the slope close to the line and is an important indicator for should be appropriately controlled to ensure vehicle evaluating the level of public transportation service. The safety, stability, and comfort, and to provide better density specification for urban public transportation services for driving customers. networks requires 3–4 km/km2, while the density 4.2 Evaluation of Bus Route Network specification for public transportation networks in 4.2.1 Public Transportation Network Density urban fringe areas requires 2–2.5 km/km2. According to This study conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the analysis, the density of public transportation the public transportation network in Futian District, networks in Futian District is 3.056 km2 (Table 7), which based on the route indicators of network structure, meets the national requirements for the density of including repetition coefficient, nonlinear coefficient, public transportation networks in the main urban area. station road network density, and nearest station According to the analysis of spatial distribution, it is also indicators. The density of the public transportation shown that the bus stops are relatively dense (Figure 7). Table 7 Public Transport Network Density in Futian District Traffic network Total length of public density transportation(km) 244.2 Area(km2) Public transportation network density(km2) 79.93 3.056 Fig.7 Spatial Distribution of Bus Routes and Bus Stops 4.2.2 Repetitive Coefficient of Public Transportation of the routes laid out in the area to the area of urban Lines land with bus services. Analysis shows that the The coefficient of route repetition is the ratio of repetitive coefficient of public transportation lines in route density to network density, where route density Futian District, Shenzhen, is 7.74 (Table 8), which is refers to the ratio of the total length of bus operation greater routes to the area of urban land with bus services, and "Transportation Engineering Manual" for the network network density refers to the ratio of the road mileage repetitive coefficient. Thus, the number of public Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ than the standard of 1.25–2.5 in the 82 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen transportation lines in Futian District, Shenzhen, far extent, it has saved residents' travel time and costs. exceeds the national standard, which can easily lead to Thus, there is still a need for renovation in the resource waste of public transportation resources and construction of public transportation in Futian District, urban traffic congestion, increase the occurrence of gradually reducing the repetitive coefficient and traffic accidents, but provide more options. To some avoiding unnecessary resource waste. Table 8 Repetitive Coefficient of Public Transportation Network in Futian District Repetitive Total length of bus Total length of public Repetitive coefficient of public coefficient routes(km) transportation(km) transportation lines 1890.96 244.2 7.74 4.2.3 NonLinear Coefficient of Public Transportation increase time and travel costs, as well as government Lines and public funding and infrastructure construction costs. Data shows that the nonlinear coefficient of public It is recommended to further adjust the public transportation routes in Futian District is 1.45, slightly transportation routes in Futian District, reduce the greater than 1.4 (Table 9). Overall, the impact is not nonlinear coefficient, and align with national standards. significant, but for residents in some areas, it will Table 9 Nonlinear Coefficient of Public Transportation Network in Futian District Nonlinear Nonlinear coefficient of public transportation lines coefficient 1.45 4.2.4 Public Transportation Service Area reach 86.9%, the coverage rate of bus stops at 500 According to the national standard GB 50220-1995, meters is only about 33.7%, and the coverage rate of bus the service area of public transportation stations, stops at 800 meters in the area is about 53.2% (Table 10). calculated with a radius of 500m, shall not be less than The bus service area within 500m is far below the 90% of the urban land area. Analysis shows that national standard, and it is necessary to vigorously although the number of bus stops in Futian District can strengthen the service scope of bus stops. Table 10 Density of Public Transport Network Service Areas in Futian District Service area density 500m Service area 800m Service area density density 33.7% 53.2% Overall site density 86.9% Analysis shows that the 500m service area is only and area of 500m station service areas in the central densely distributed on the southeast side of Futian and western regions and promote the coordinated District (Figure 8), and there are almost no 500m station development of transportation in the east and west. service areas in the west and central west. This will be This is a direction that the Futian District government detrimental to the comprehensive development of needs to consider and improve in the construction of Futian District. It is necessary to strengthen the number bus station service areas. Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 83 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen Fig.8 Scope of Bus Stop Service Area 4.2.5 Nearest Stop for Public Transportation Dongfang Yayuan is more than 500m, which is basically Calculate the average distance between the bus in line with the national standard GB50220-1995. stop and its nearest bus stop (Table 11). The data shows However, it is still recommended to adjust the that the average distance of the distribution of stations distribution of some stations, improve the distribution in Futian District is less than 500m, mostly within a network of public transportation stations, and make it reasonable range. Among the surveyed stations, only more reasonable. the distance from the exhibition center south to Table 11 Recent Sites Table (Screenshot) Input ID Target ID Distance(m) Xiasha 2 Xiasha 1 212.19 Xiasha 2 Tairan 9th Road 209.04 Xiasha 2 Xiasha 221.90 Exhibition Center South Dongfang Yayuan 516.60 Exhibition Center South Yitian Middle Road 343.88 Average distance (m) 214.38 443.50 Mintian Road Bus Exhibition Center South Terminal 470.02 Union Square 2 Union Square 72.08 Union Square 2 Union Square1 68.95 Union Square 2 Gaoxun Building 351.66 164.23 CONCLUSION repetitive coefficient to obtain a series of evaluations This article uses factor analysis such as slope, on the road network and public transportation routes in V. average station distance, nonlinear coefficient, road area, service area, and public transportation network Futian District, Shenzhen. According to the analysis of traffic network density, Int. Ru. Dev. Env. He. Re. 2023 Vol-7, Issue-4; Online Available at: https://www.aipublications.com/ijreh/ 84 Tan et al./ GIS-based Road Network Analysis and Bus Route Evaluation in Futian District, Shenzhen the overall difference in road network density in Futian example, the road network construction in the future of District, Shenzhen, is significant, with a high density in the city may need to develop in a three-dimensional the southeast and a low density in the northwest. The direction, but this is not conducive to the landscape traffic network is mainly distributed in the east, south, shaping of the city. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the and west regions. Except for the branch roads (fourth corresponding measures as soon as possible. level roads) that meet the national standard, the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS remaining first, second and third level roads in the urban road area do not meet the requirements of the The author is grateful for the research grants given national standard, and some even seriously do not meet to Ruei-Yuan Wang from GDUPT Talents Recruitment the requirements and should be taken seriously and (No.2019rc098), and ZY Chen from Talents Recruitment improved. In terms of the slope of the main roads, the of GDUPT (No. 2021rc002), in Guangdong Province, seven representative roads selected all meet the Peoples R China, and Academic Affairs in GDUPT for requirements. 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