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2018, NUTA Journal
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an important source of capital for economic growth in developing countries. It provides a package which constitutes new technologies, management techniques, finance and market access for the production and movement of goods and services. However, attracting FDI is a major challenge for host countries as it faces the challenge of identifying the major factors that motivate and affect the FDI location decision. The main FDI location factors are cost, market infrastructure, and technological, political, legal and socio-cultural factors. Despite several conflicting circumstances, Nepal is attempting to sort out overarching issues of FDI concerning with economic development. That’s why Nepal is at a point where from it can excel for economic goals via FDI. The set trends illustrate that various indicators pertaining to FDI in the country has been improving since peace process was begun in 2006. This analysis comes to conclusions that the country owns un...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an important role boosting industrial development and promotion of manufactured exports for the developing countries. FDI helps mobilization of capital, human and natural resources of the country, which in turn supports to make the economy dynamic and competitive. FDI is an important source of inflow of capital for economic growth and employment generation in developing countries. It also provides a package which constitutes new technologies and management techniques, financial and market access for the production and movement of goods and services. Though, attracting foreign direct investment has become the major challenges for host countries as it faces the challenges of identifying the major factors that motivate and affect the FDI location decision. That's why Nepal is at a point wherefrom it can excel for economic goals via FDI. Foreign investment is critical to enhance the transfer of capital, modern technology, management and technica...
Molung Educational Frontier, 2019
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the foreign direct investment status and environment in Nepal. There is significant contribution of foreign investment in economic development of developing countries like Nepal. Foreign investment attraction in a country like Nepal increases the foreign capital and technology transfer. Since 1990s inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) has been increasing in Nepal due to the adoption of liberal economic policy by the government of Nepal. The Foreign Investment Technology Transfer Act (FITTA) has made better foreign investment environment in Nepal. This paper examines and analyses the contribution of FDI in Nepal. For the analysis, simple linear regression model has been applied to measure the impact of FDI on GDP and employment. Because FDI inflow has been recorded after 1990s, the impact of FDI has been analyzed in this paper over the period of 1990/91-2018/19. This study finds a positive impact of FDI on GDP and other macro variables.
Reactions: Medieval/Modern, ed. Dot Porter, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Libraries, 2016, pp 31-42., 2016
ويأتيَ أوانُ هذه السطور لإظهارِ ضَعفِ (قيلَ) واستبدالِها بعربيّةِ (سِّيبِ البصرةِ ومحلتِها البيضاءِ) بجوارِ نهرِها الكبير، وعربيّةِ (وَيْه) والمبالغةِ الّتي فيها! أو للترخيم نوّه إليه الخليل أو لطريقة في التصغير اشتهرت عند أهل البصرة على ما قاله الجاحظ. ووجدْنَا أنّ العربَ قد عَرفُوا قبلَ سِيْبَوَيْهِ أسماءَ كثيرة: (سعدويه وفيلويه وشِيْرَوَيْه وحمدَوَيْهِ وعَبْدُوَيْه وعَمْرَوَيْهِ)! ليتضح وجه تلك الفقرة في الكتاب التي تقول: العجمُ لا تُلحِق (وَيْه) مع أعلامها! ويتَصَاحَبُ في ذلك (سِيْبَوَيْهِ وعَمْرَوَيهِ والمعنيّ بهما واحدٌ) الذي يُعلِن اسمُه العربيُّ واسمَا أبيه وجدِّه (أبَو بِشْر عَمْرُو بنُ عُثْمَانَ بنِ قَنْبَرٍ) أنها أسماءٌ عربيةٌ قحٌّ.. لتَظْهرْ البيضاءُ في البصرةِ، وكورةً بين المِصْرَيْن.. ويعلنُ ابن قانِعٍ أنّه غير مقْنعٍ فيقول: بل توفَّى في البصرة! وإن وُلِد فِي الأهوازِ فهي ومَا جاورَها، بيئةٌ عربيّةٌ وأبناؤها يتكلَّمُون بلغةِ آبائِهم ولمَ لا يكونُ سِيْبَوَيْهِ مثلَهم! وقد انتشرَتْ فيها القبائلُ العربية قبل ظهورِ الإسلامِ. لقدْ أصبحَ هذا الابنُ بعدَ حينٍ موضعًا لفخرٍ قبليّ قديمٍ (فِي القَرنِ الثّالثِ الهجريِّ) إلى جانِب عظماءَ آخَرينَ مع مواقف ولاء للإمام عليٍّ (عليه السّلامُ) وفخرٍ وعزّةٍ لليمانيين على النزاريّين وليعلنْهَا الشَّاعِرُ المفتخِرُ صريحةً بأنّ سِيْبَوَيْهِ كأستاذه الخليلِ العربيِّ الأَرُومةِ الأزديِّ العشيرةِ فيفخرُ به قائلًا: وتَفْخَرُ بِالخَلِيْلِ الأَزْدُ مِنَّا .... وحُقَّ لَهُمْ حَكِيْمُ المُسْلِمِيْنَا ومِنَّا سِيْبَوَيْهِ، وذُو القَضَايَا... أَخُو جَرْمٍ رَئِيْسُ الحَاسِبِيْنَا في ملحمةٍ من ملاحِمِ الفَخْر القَبَليِّ سطّرَها في ستمئة بيتٍ شعريٍّ وبيتين الحسنُ بن أحمدَ الهَمْدانيُّ (280-بعد345هـ) في قصيدتِه (الدَّامِغةِ) ليسقط قيل تلك وتوابعها.
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