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2015, RePEc: Research Papers in Economics
The discussion on creative cities is gaining importance resulting in an increasing number of relevant publications. As a rule these studies have been dealing with economically oriented innovations usually treating the innovation processes in a kind of retrospective. The present study of the Metropolitan Distrikt Quito focusses on the aspect of social innovations with the perspective to introduce and implement novel planning concepts. Thus the central actor is the local government. The local knowledge of the local government is analysed in the light of theoretically deduced criteria of creative territories as determining factors of the process of social innovation. The main issue is to relate the factors found in concrete territories and their implementation during the innovation processes. The methodology of applied geography is employed using existing concepts are the basis. These concepts, which were elaborated in Europe / North America, are “tested” for their applicability under the conditions of a South American metropolis, with a view of a dialogue between science and the actual communal situation. The study indicates that applied geography can follow complex and dynamical territorial development processes in the Third World by accompanying research and observation. The indicators of intellectual capital investigated in most of the studies can be related with concrete, communal areas. Numerous interactions have been demonstrated between the indicators of social innovation and creative territories. In this context it is interesting to note that the mayor of Quito has presented a local programme exhibiting all elements of the paradigm “novel communal political culture”. Regarding the continuation of the dialogue taking place in “applied science” it can be stated that the development begun in the Metropolitan Distrikt Quito offers first empirical proofs towards the strategic main subjects of the “Future City Concept”.
Summary This study has the aim to elaborate a new approach concerning the social, political and cultural development in Latin America using the concept of creative territories and their respective cultural environments. Elements of communal policy are to be elaborated which facilitate the development of creative areas. Based on this analysis, communal policy would obtain information exceeding the common development plans. At the same time corresponding indicators could be used to assess the capacity for the implementation of development plans. There are theoretical approaches addressing the economic, technological, scientific and cultural expression of creative territories. The hypothesis that the actual intelligence determining processes of social innovation is located in the societies and their organisational structures rather than in technical devices and projects, demonstrates that the discussion can be pinpointed to institutional – social – territorial aspects. The metropolitan District Quito has served as case study object. The concepts elaborated there between 2009 and 2014 regarding the development of a metropolitan conglomeration area, the degree of implementation and the complex institutional changes can be presented from the perspective of spatial development and municipal innovation. The following indicators were employed: General indicators for creative territories 1. Infrastructure of universities and research centres 2. Socio-institutional platforms for cultural projects 3. Disposition for reception of new cultural offers Specific indicators for cultural creativity of territories 4. Propensity to learn and implement new contents 5. Acceptance of responsibility 6. Emergence of new elites accumulating values 7. Magnetic effect of new ideas and concepts 8. Cultural exchange between different social strata 9. Areas of certain social tensions between old and new values 10. Changes in social networks and exchanges of existing social groups 11. Clear requests for political concepts favouring public goods and values 12. Development of actual areas enabling exchange and interaction 13. Improved national and international accessibility Proposed amplification of the model “creative territories” 14. Communication and interaction between local government and civil society 15. Instruments for communication and for the assessment of communal policies 16. Communal political culture The following results were obtained: The definition of creative cities can be extended to a more comprehensive perspective including also the administrative-political framework. Thus a basis is provided allowing the presented indicators for the analysis of territorial creativity to be used as a starting point for the political management of this process. The activities carried out by the communal government between 2009 and 2014 are the basis for discussion of a new communal political culture. With the communal development plan an instrument has been created protecting the new aspects of political culture by law at the level of general planning thus furthering their sustainability. The creative and innovative forms of communal politics can be elaborated empirically. Moreover, progress is made in the theoretical discussion concerning spatial determining factors for creativity at different levels. With respect to the conceptual development of indicators to explain territorial creativity, the empirical experiences in the DMQ provide a basis for the intensification of the positive interactions between European and Latin American knowledge and analytical concepts. This discussion would also facilitate the development of a multidisciplinary approach for the explanation of creative territories.
The publication examines the innovation process in the Metropolitan district Quito with respect to “utilization of local knowledge” applying the concept of intellectual capital adapted according to informational and spatial criteria from the perspective of applied science (geography / economy). With this methodology the combination of the concept local knowledge with geographical innovation research should produce an added value. The different facets of local knowledge can modify the possibilities of regions to generate innovation. This has been proved in a qualitative manner. Thus the concept of intellectual capital used in economical science obtains explanatory value, since it integrates a much more precise territorial perspective. Altogether seventeen indicators are presented in the concrete context of the Metropolitan zone of Quito. The essential regional results can be summarized as follows: - Local knowledge could be qualitatively described for the Metropolitan zone Quito and its municipal administration. - The innovation process in communal development depended to a considerable degree on local knowledge within the human, structural and relational capital of the municipal administration and on the way how the single factors were communicated and integrated in the years 2009 - 2014. - In the context of the relational capital new factors have been noted: scope of the cultural municipal offers and the comprehensive perception of “public space” leading to a spatial perspective of the relational capital. - Political factors impeding the positive effects of local knowledge have been identified.
Die Rolle der großen Metropolen als Orte von vielfältigem Wandel im Globalisierungsprozess wird immer wichtiger. Sie bieten ein vielfältiges Potential für Innovationen, wobei der Stellenwert sozialer Innovationen immer größer wird. Die Diskussion um die New Urban Agenda oder die Zukunftsstadt zeigen dies. Die Untersuchung zielt auf einen Ansatz zur sozialen, politischen und kulturellen Entwicklung in Lateinamerika. Es werden Elemente kommunaler Politik herausgearbeitet, die die Entstehung kreativer Räume erleichtern. Einmal angestoßene Prozesse sozialer Innovation brauchen lokales Wissen, und dies befindet sich in der Gesellschaft und ihren Institutionen, hängt weniger von Projekten und technischen Apparaten ab. Als Fallbeispiel dient dabei der Metropolitandistrikt Quito (Ecuador)
mit Stefanie Baasch, Simone Hafner und Sandra Weidlich in: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 70(3), S. 191-201.
Der Artikel vertieft den bisher punktuell diskutierten Raumbezug von regional governance, nutzt als Fallbeispiel die Metropolitanregion Quito (Ecuador) und komplementiert damit die Forschungen, die sich stark auf den europäischen und nordamerikanischen Raum konzentrierten. Dies geschieht aus dem Blickwinkel angewandter Geographie, wobei auf vier theoretische Konzepte zurückgegriffen wird: regional governance, Geographische Innovationsprozesse, Charakteristika innovativer Städte und geographische Netzwerkforschung. Konzeptionell steht dabei im Vordergrund, in welcher Art angewandte Geographie sich zur Entwicklung eines Instrumentariums der Analyse und Steuerung dynamischer Prozesse von Raumveränderung in der Dritten Welt eignet. Inhaltlich wird die Rolle kommunaler Kooperationsformen in einem Prozess der Diffusion innovativer Ansätze öffentlicher Politik diskutiert, dabei vor allen Dingen auf die Rolle von Metropolzonen abgehoben. Diese Verstädterungszonen wurden bisher vor allen...
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