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10th Biennial International Conference & Exposition P 382 Static Reservoir Characterization and Volumetric Estimation of K-Sand in Cambay Basin: An Integrated Approach Ajendra Singh*, Amit Kumar Singh, and Dr. Satish K. Sinha Summary We present results from reservoir characterization study of a thin bedded sandstone reservoir located in the Cambay basin using 3D seismic data interpretation. The purpose of the study is to estimate formation properties (porosity and water saturation) of the reservoir zones. Our analysis includes horizon interpretation, synthetic seismogram, seismic attributes, petrophysical analyses and incorporating these information into a Static Geocellular Model for determining the initial hydrocarbon in-place which would help in developing production strategies for improved reservoir management. Keywords: Seismic interpretation, Reservoir characterization, Geocellular modeling Introduction Geological Framework Reservoir characterization requires a complete integration of all the available data from different domain including seismic data, well log data, outcrop studies etc. Our field of study has a complex subsurface structure. Within the field, the zone of interest ‘K Sand’ formation consists of multiple vertically-stacked thin sand bodies present between low impedance coal. The objective of this work is to illustrate the processes of iterative seismic interpretation, structural modeling and to develop an understanding of the spatial reservoir heterogeneity. This leads to development of a comprehensive reservoir with internal reservoir architecture and distribution of reservoir properties needed for evaluation of this field. Cambay Basin has been characterized as a narrow elongated intra-cratonic rift-graben surrounded by Saurashtra Uplift in the west, Aravalli-Delhi fold-belt in the northeast, and Deccan craton in the southeast. The major tectonic trend is roughly N-S, extending from Sanchor in the north to Gulf of Cambay in the south and further opening up into Arabian Sea. The basin is about 425 km long and having width varying between 40 and 80 km. About 5 to 7 km of sedimentary thickness is envisaged in the basin (Pandey et al., 1993). The major trend of the lineament in North Cambay Basin is NNW-SSE and NESW. In the southern part, however, the main trend is ENEWSW (Chandra et al., 1969) A multi-disciplinary approach, which included petrophysics, seismic, and volumetric methods, is undertaken to achieve the above mentioned objectives. A combination of seismic based geometrical model and well log data is used to constrain the interpretation for better reservoir description. Cambay basin has been geographically divided into North and South Cambay basin separated by Mahi river. Based on the cross trend, the basin has been divided into five tectonic blocks from north to south as shown in Figure 1. Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Rae Bareli -229316, UP, India. Email: ajendrasingh@rgipt.ac.in Seismic Interpretation Dataset In this study, seismic interpretation and structural analysis of seismic survey was confined to an area of about 50 sq. km. Poststack time migrated seismic data of the field was used along with log data from 19 wells for interpretation purposes. These log data include Gamma Ray, NeutronDensity, Resistivity, Sonic, Caliper Log etc. VSP (Vertical Seismic Profile) data from three wells were also available for time to depth conversion. The base map of the survey area along with all the wells is shown below in Figure 2. Figure 1: Tectonic framework of Cambay Basin The field of study is located in the southern part of Mehsana–Ahmedabad block. The basin has linear grabens with NNW-SSE orientation, but adjoining TarapurCambay and Jambusar-Baroch grabens trend in NS direction. The Deccan trap forms the technical basement and the overlying sedimentary section from deeper to shallower consist of Olpad, Older Cambay Shale, Kadi, Kalol, Tarapur shale and other younger sequences. Kadi formation is further subdivided into Mehsana and Mandhali member. Thick Cambay Shale in the basin has been the main hydrocarbon source rock. The peak of oil generation and migration is understood to have taken place during Early to Middle Miocene. Tarapur Shale acts as the regional cap rock. Combination traps are observed in the Olpad formation. The lithological heterogeneity gave rise to permeability barriers which facilitated entrapment of hydrocarbon. The K-Sand was deposited in paralic environment under unstable shelf conditions with alternating regressive and transgressive conditions. The oscillating conditions gave rise to incomplete coal cyclothems, thin marine shale and lensoidal sand bodies. There are a total of 108 wells drilled in the field of study. Among other producing reservoir zone, K-Sand is producing both oil & gas. Figure 2 : Base Map of the study area Horizon interpretation Synthetic seismograms were generated using sonic and density logs from four wells with check shot from the same wells. Figure 3 shows synthetic seismogram from one well. Seismic-to-well tie is reasonably good and has been achieved with a –4 ms time shift. Based on seismic-to-well tie horizons were marked on seismic data. Mapping of the seismic reflections, picking of faults, loop tying were carried out. A total of three horizons among were mapped (Figure 4). The time structure map of three horizons Sand Top is shown in Figure 5. Time to depth conversion of the mapped time structures was carried out using a velocity model based on migration velocities calibrated with checkshot and VSP data. 2 Fault interpretation The seismic section was also interpreted for different faults present in the reservoir section. Usually faults act as a flow barrier and therefore, it is important to map them and understand its sealing potential for better development of a reservoir. There are many faults seen in the 3D seismic data. However, only one non sealing fault is present in the area of interest. The fault interpretation is further verified using seismic attribute study along the interpreted horizons by generating RMS amplitude & coherence attributes. Figure 3 : Synthetic Seismogram generated along well A-8 N N S S Figure 4 : Seismic section along Inline 290 is shown with interpreted horizons Figure 6: Seismic Inline 328 showing interpreted faults Petrophysical Evaluation For volume computation of the interpreted model, intragranular porosity (PIGN), water saturation (SUWI) and clay volume (Vclay) of the formation are computed. Figure 5: Time structure map of Sand Top 3 • Cementation exponent (m), Saturation exponent (n), and Tortuosity factor (a) are obtained from Pickett Plot (Fig 7) and are given in Table 1. The data in each cell is a representation of the properties of the rock and fluids at that point in space. It can be a product in itself, useful for well planning for example it can be a basis for simulation efforts. A three dimensional reservoir model using different reservoir parameters (e.g. porosity, facies, water saturation) was created using Petrel® Geological Modelling software. This was done to characterize and model the spatial distribution of K-Sand formations. Figure 8: Structural frame work of reservoir. Figure 7: Pickett plot with the highlighted K-Sand section. Parameter Rw a m n value 0.299 0.62 2.15 2.06 Table 1: Parameters obtained from Pickett plot (Figure 7) to compute water saturation. Geocellular modeling A geologic model (Figure 8) incorporates all known and interpreted geologic and geophysical data available to the modeling team. Developing a static reservoir model includes: • A detailed structural model that adequately represents the stratigraphic framework and reservoir architecture. • Facies and petrophysical property distribution within the detailed structural framework that honors available core and well-log data. Facies Modeling The facies are interpreted based on the log signature in individual wells, then these facies logs are upscaled into the model and data analysis was applied to the upscaled facies logs. Data analysis is the process of analyzing, quality checking the input data, and to gain a better understanding of the horizontal and vertical flow anisotropy along with its associated trends. Based upon the petrophysical study and well log interpretation, facies present in the K-Sand section are Sand, Silt (also in the non reservoir zone Coal) & Shale. (Figure 9) 4 Volumetric Estimation The objective of the GCM model is to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the K-Sand interval. After performing the volumetric study of the reservoir, following dataset is obtained: Figure 9: Facies distribution for K Sand Property Modeling The initial step to property modeling is to upscale the well logs used in the reservoir modeling process. Multiple types of well logs or log data are upscaled for the modeling procedure in Petrel®. The purpose of upscaling well logs is to assign well log values to the cells in the 3D grid that are penetrated by the well bore. Each cell in the model can hold only one value; therefore, the log data is averaged, or upscaled, to distribute the property data between the wells where data is not present. The SUWI and PIGN log that were generated from the petrophysical analysis of the wells were used for property modeling in the K-Sand section of the reservoir (Figure 10). Geostatistical techniques, such as Kriging (for water saturation) and Kriging Interpolation (for porosity) were used for propagating the upscaled log property throughout the reservoir. Reservoir K Sand Bulk volume 68.45 MMT Net Pore volume 10.42 MMT Net to Gross Water saturation Porosity Formation volume factor Stock tank oil 0.9 65 % 0.3 1.4 Recovery factor Recoverable oil 0.25 0.339 MMT 1.35 MMT Conclusions In this study, seismic and well logs have been analyzed for determining reservoir architecture along with reservoir parameters using 3D seismic interpretation, and static geocellular modeling methods. The challenge has been to map these thin-bed reservoirs using seismic. The problem is magnified in this case because of the presence of coal beds. Lithological variations indicate that the K-Sand has a better reservoir characteristic in the east and northeast. References Chandra, P.K, and L.R. Chowdhary, 1969, Stratigraphy of the Cambay Basin: Bulletin of the Oil and Natural Gas Commision, Dehradun, India, v.6/2, p. 37-50 Pandey, J., Singh, N.P., Krishna, B.R., Sharma, D.D., Parekh, A.K. and Nath, S.S., 1993, Lithostratigraphy of Indian Petroliferous Basins–Cambay Basin, KDMIPE, ONGC, Dehradun publication. Figure 10: Porosity and Water saturation distribution respectively in K Sand zone 5