Área de Prehistoria, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, E-mail:
Abstract: Quartz is one of the main raw materials used by prehistoric communities from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Holocene.
There have been difficulties in developing a proper technological analysis on this material proved difficult due to low morphological
standardisation of the products, predominantly caused by the application of analytical criteria commonly used for flint (i.e.
ringcracks, ripple marks and bulbs). Furthermore in classical typological studies, quartz is usually considered as a secondary lithic
source and linked to opportunistic and simplistic knapping strategies. An experimental approach and archaeological comparison
facilitates the identification of several types of knapping scars on quartz blanks. These can identify the impact points of the
hammerstones and removal direction, allowing a correct technical analysis. In addition, the scars (radial fissures and fractures) are
closely related to the petrological characteristics of quartz, its formation processes, morphostructural varieties and flaking
mechanics. The technological analysis of quartz along these criteria has permitted the identification of different reduction strategies,
showing a greater variability and complexity in the management of this type of lithic raw material.
Keywords: Quartz, technical analysis, scars, raw materials
Résumé: Le quartz est l’une des principales matières premières utilisées par les communautés préhistoriques depuis le Paléolithique
Inférieur jusqu’à l’Holocène. Toutefois, les difficultés inhérentes à la perception des stigmates de taille sur les produits détachés de
cette roche ont empêché l’étude approfondie de ces industries. L’application des critères de lecture du silex (identification de cônes,
d’ondes de percussion, de bulbes, etc.) et les études typologiques ont fait que les industries du quartz sont traditionnellement
considérées comme un recours lithique secondaire, preuve de stratégies opportunistes et peu élaborées. Par le biais d’une approche
expérimentale et par la comparaison de matériaux archéologiques, nous avons pu identifier plusieurs stigmates de taille sur des
supports en quartz. Ces stigmates permettent de discerner les points d’impact du percuteur et le sens du débitage des éclats et
assurent une lecture technique correcte. Ces stigmates (fissures radiales, écrasement, etc.) sont directement liés aux caractéristiques
pétrologiques, aux processus de formation, aux variétés morpho-structurelles ainsi qu’à la mécanique de fracturation du quartz. La
lecture technique des quartz par l’identification de ces stigmates a permis de mettre en évidence différentes stratégies d’exploitation
de ce matériau, démontrant ainsi une plus grande variabilité et une complexité dans leur gestion.
Mots clés: Quartz, analysis technique, traces de percussion, matières premières
and economic behaviour of the prehistoric communities
who used them.
Quartz is traditionally considered to be a secondary raw
material resource, because of its inferior knapping quality.
Due to its high resistance to weathering, it is one of the
most ubiquitous raw materials. This explains its high
frequency on many Palaeolithic sites, but it is usually
linked to expedient knapping strategies. In spite of its
abundance, few technological and experimental studies on
quartz have been carried out to-date. The petrological
characteristics of quartz and the low standardisation of its
products do not permit an easy technological reading.
This situation is caused by the extrapolation of the
technological criteria associated with other raw materials
(e.g. quartz, basalt and quartzite) and the use of
exclusively typological and morphological approaches to
the classification of lithic industries. The low
standardisation of quartz products prevents archaeologists
from classifying and even recognising them as man-made
tools in the typological sense.
Quartz is a mineral of the techtosilicate group (SIO2). It is
one of Earth’s most frequent minerals and a component of
sedimentary, metamorphic and intrusive rocks (e.g.
sandstone, quartzite, granite). Its crystallisation can occur
during all stages of magmatic cooling and metamorphic
processes (Luedtke 1992).
Quartz is traditionally considered to be a homogeneous
raw material, classified following its external aspect,
colour and opacity. Two main types can be observed:
hyaline and milky quartz (or vein quartz). This
classification does not take the petrological characteristics
into account; neither does it distinguish the different
knapping qualities of the raw material. Thus, some white
sacaroid or grainy quartz can be placed in the same
category as the macrocrystalline type, whose mechanical
behaviour is quite different. Due to this homogeneity,
technological selection criteria and economic implications
cannot be applied (de Lombera 2005; Llana 1991). For
that reason, other authors prefer to adapt the geological
and petrological classifications based on the formation
processes of quartz (Mourre 1996). Two types of quartz
are defined:
Hence, few extensive and systematic studies have been
carried out on quartz industries. Experimental and
technological approaches are critical for an understanding
of its behaviour and knapping characteristics.
Subsequently, these data can then be compared to the
archaeological record (Mourre 1996; Villar 1991a). The
first step is to develop a correct technological reading of
objects made on quartz to understand the technological
Fig. 1.1. A) Vein quartz formation and morphostructural groups (Collina-Girard 1997); B).
The Hertzian model as observed in quartz. A: Radial fissures; B: Concentric fissures;
C: Subsurface and parallel fissures
Automorphic quartz – when quartz displays its crystal
structure, crystal faces can be identified. This is
traditionally called hyaline or translucent quartz. It
occurs in specific geological contexts such as
hydrothermal and magmatic contexts. The different
types of hyaline quartz (e.g. smoky) are produced by
internal gas and liquid inclusions. The presence of
crystallization cores, constant environmental conditions, a great span of time and space are required for
its formation (Luedtke 1992).
(macrocrystalline texture or hyaline crystals). Therefore, a
number of textures can be observed in the same quartz
vein, or even in cobbles, and their mechanical properties
differ considerably (Collina-Girard 1997). At the same
time during formation, the tectonic forces can produce
many internal flaws along with accidental breakages.
Some authors (Martínez and Llana 1996) distinguish four
morphostructural groups of quartz based on the
presence/absence of these morphostructural variables
(texture and internal flaws) (Fig. 1.1a):
Xenomorphic quartz – formed through the aggregation of
several microcrystals, but macroscopically, has a solid
structure. It presents an important polymorphy due to
the crystal dimensions. This difference in crystal size
is due to divergences in temperature, space, growing
rates and core density during its formation (Luedtke
Grain (G) – distinguishes grainy quartz (xenomorphic)
from macrocrystalline quartz (automorphic). The first
group can be subdivided into fine-grain or coarsegrain quartz.
Differences in cooling rates, temperature and core density
can occur in the same primary vein formation, therefore,
different kinds of quartz textures can be observed.
Usually in the outer part of a quartz vein, many small and
microcrystals are produced at low temperatures (350º400º C), with higher cooling rates and a higher presence
of cores (rock impurities), thereby, creating a grainy
texture. Conversely in the inner part of the vein, where the
cooling rates are slower, larger crystals are produced
Following from this, quartz artefacts are placed into four
morphostructural groups: NN (no grain, no plane), NS
(No grain, plane), SN (grainy, no plane) and SS (grainy,
plane). This morphostructural classification related to its
formation and mechanical properties permits the
recognition of the applied technological or economic
criteria on the selection of quartz artefacts in accordance
with the prevalent social needs of prehistoric communities
(de Lombera 2005; Llana 1991; Seong 2004).
Plane (P) – is applied to quartz with internal flaws or
crystalline surfaces.
Formation processes and the petrological nature of quartz
determine its mechanical properties. Firstly, quartz is not
a homogeneous raw material due to the presence of
internal flaws and crystalline surfaces which cause
unintentional breakage. Only the upper part of large
quartz crystals (apices) can be regarded as homogenous.
Quartz possesses conchoidal as well as uneven fracture
characteristics and its strength is identical to flint (7 in
Mohs scale). Hence, the resistance of quartz cutting edges
is similar to flint, but its low elasticity leads to premature
edge breakage and rounding, although this implies an
unintentional small degree of resharpening of the cutting
edges which actually prolong its efficiency (Bracco and
Morel 1998). Quartz anisotropy depends on the crystalline
structure and its orientation, as was suggested by Novikov
and Radililovsky (1990):
The absence of a correct technological reading of quartz
blanks prevents good technological studies of
archaeological assemblages, since reduction and
configuration strategies cannot be identified in a reliable
way. An experimental study was carried out to determine
and identify percussion marks on quartz blanks. For this
experimentation program, fifteen vein quartz cores were
reduced by hard hammer percussion and 308 flakes were
analysed. The observed criteria were applied in an
analysis of the quartz lithic assemblage of two Iberian
Middle Pleistocene sites, Locus I from As Gándaras de
Budiño, Galicia (n=380) (Vidal 1982) and La Juería,
Catalunya (n=339) (Gómez et al. 2006), to confirm them
and to measure their reliability against the archaeological
record. Impact points were identified on 80 and 85
percent of archaeological quartz implements, respectively
(de Lombera 2005). The statistical data from Locus I
appear to be more representative in this study due to its
greater variability of quartz morphostructural groups.
Cleavage: Due to the crystalline structure debilities,
oblique directions are the preferential breaking planes
on quartz crystals. They are observable in some
laminar hyaline cores on Upper Palaeolithic and
Mesolithic sites (Villar 1997) and as a result of breakage during natural fires (Ramil and Ramil, 1996).
The technological criteria, such as bulbs, ripple marks,
bulb scars and Hertzian cones, used in archaeological
research are based on the conchoidal fracture of flint,
allowing for the identification of impact points, ventral
faces, retouch, the direction of removals and diachrony,
so that diacritic schemata can be described (Cotterell and
Kamminga 1987). The first distinction is made between
detached pieces (positive bases) and flaked pieces
(negative bases). Due to the petrology of quartz, the
application of these flint criteria for scar identification can
be misleading (Mourre 1996; Villar 1991a). Commonly,
straight and smooth faces are considered to be the ventral
sides on quartz implements. In the case of two smooth
faces, the presence of cortex is used to identify the dorsal
face. Finally, the thickest part of the implement is
considered to be the striking platform and the thinnest the
distal end (Villar 1991b). However, these criteria are not
reliable, because they can change the technological
orientation and interpretation and some knapping
techniques cannot be identified (such as bipolar
reduction). The technological reading of cores is based on
the presence of cortex or cleaner surfaces and negative
scars. The removal direction is more problematic, as no
ripple marks and ridges are marked, therefore, diacritic
schemes are difficult to describe. Only when removals are
deep and step or hinge terminations occur, the removal
direction can be easily identified. During the
experimentation on quartz, impact points were observed
on negative and positive knapping surfaces. Some of
these were already identified in previously, but were
generally disregarded (e.g. Mourre 1996; Villar 1991a).
Diaclases: Internal flaws are caused, for example, by
internal impurities, gas-liquid inclusions and tectonic
forces. This factor is related to the material
homogeneity rather than anisotropy sensu stricto.
The cleavage planes in quartz are not as developed as in
schist and do not affect the knapping methods to a great
extent, although they induce a preferential breaking
direction (as seen in laminar reduction) and interfere with
the Hertzian fracture mode (Novikov and Radililovsky
1990). Therefore, internal flaws and homogeneity are the
dominant limiting factors in quartz knapping. Even the
reduction of hyaline crystals is restricted to the apex part,
thereby, avoiding the flawed and impure roots. On
macrocrystalline quartz (NN and NS), cleavage may be
due to the absence of typical Hertzian scars (bulbs, ripple
marks), but on grainy quartz (SN and SS), the anisotropy
cannot be explained in such a way. Firstly in grainy
quartz (as in sandstone), the breakage plane does not pass
through the crystals, but follows its surfaces,
consequently, crystal anisotropic characteristics do no
affect the breakage plane (Andrefsky 1998). Following
from this, grainy quartz may develop some typical
characteristics of Hertzian fracture such as bulbs
(isotropie de compensation) (Mourre 1996). Secondly, the
grainy texture can absorb the strength of the percussion
force more efficiently, increasing its elasticity. In that
sense, internal flaws or diaclases can be avoided,
producing less broken flakes and fragments and providing
a better reduction control during knapping sequences.
Hence besides homogeneity and the presence of internal
flaws (Plane), morphostructural characteristics (Grain)
must be taken into account. Thus, the morphostructural
groups are seen as a reliable method to classify different
quartz varieties.
Quartz mechanical breakage follows the Hertzian model,
although it is not as pronounced as in flint. Similar to
siliceous rocks, the percussion force spreads three–
dimensionally through the object. Contrary to flint
however, a distinct Hertzian cone is not created, but the
Fig. 1.2. Percussion marks. A: Radial fissures; B: Step; C and D: Transverse fissures; E and F: Striking platform
fissures; G: Splintering; H: Scales; J: Edge battering. Figures D and G show material from the archaeological site
of La Juería; H and J from Locus I de As Gándaras de Budiño (de Lombera 2005). Figures H and J scale = 5 mm
point. They are the result of the fracture mechanics
and low elasticity of quartz and cause proximal step
force manifests itself in three-dimensional internal flaws
in the tangential and perpendicular planes (Fig. 1.1b).
This is the cause of frequent siret fractures. The internal
flaws can determine posterior removals, which can cause
new breakage paths and knapping mistakes (notion de
précontrainte) (Mourre 1996). However, the observed
three-dimensional flaw planes are also present on
percussion marks. As a consequence of this propagation
force model, several isolated or related scars or
percussion marks can be recognised on the negative and
ventral faces (Fig. 1.2):
3. Striking Platform Fissures (Fct): These are concentric
and radial fissures which are located beside the
percussion point and are caused by partial Hertzian
cone cracks created during hard hammer percussion.
They appear on the striking platforms of the flakes
and core cornices. On core cornices, they can relate to
small concavities on the edge (negative Hertzian
cones), also called the overhang.
1. Radial Fissures (FIS): These are the result of the radial
propagation of the impact force. Their length can be
measured in millimetres or even centimetres
depending on the percussion angle, strength and
quartz morphostructure. They can also be recorded on
the lateral surfaces of siret fractures which create
lateral hinges.
4. Steps (ESC): These are caused by the low elasticity
and breakage propagation model of quartz. The impact
point leading to a small removal will leave a small
scar behind.
5. Splintering (AST): This is the result of several radial
and proximal fissures and which are usually shorter
than 2 mm. Splintering is observed in macrocrystalline
quartz (NN, NS) and is the result of hammerstone
2. Proximal Fissures (Fpr): These are transverse and
subsurface fractures which occur close to the impact
6. Edge battering (MCH): On grainy quartz (SN and SS
morphostructural groups), percussion points result in a
whitish area which is caused by microstriae, quartz
dust and partial Hertzian cones formed during the
percussion and hammerstone impact. These partial
Hertzian cones can be distinct or more diffuse based
on the quartz morphostructure, therefore, edge
battering is only shown as a whitish area in some
varieties of grainy quartz. However, postdepositional
effects and weathering can lead to the creation and
possible misidentification of edge battering.
A clear relationship exists between the aforementioned
percussion marks and the morphostructure of quartz.
Although these scars are present in all quartz types, the
inherent morphostructure determines the appearance and
association of some of them. As was shown previously,
vein formation processes affect the characteristics of
quartz, for example, the degree of grain compactness,
internal flaws and thermal impact. As a result of this, a
certain degree of variability in the scar formation in
different varieties of vein quartz can be observed, but
these varieties also share the same traits.
7. Scales (ESC): These are micro-flakes which form on
ventral and scar surfaces. Breakage surfaces on quartz
are not homogeneous, especially on grainy pieces, and
internal flaws, gas or liquid inclusions and even
crystal shapes create small secondary flaking paths
parallel to the main fracture. When these are
developed, they can create bulb scars or secondary
micro-flaking, if incipient, they form scales which
point to the percussion point. Ventral and negative
scar surfaces can display many natural microfractures
which can also be created by previous removals and
are mixed with genuine scales. Hence, scales cannot
be used as reliable diagnostic criteria, although they
may be regarded as indicative of knapped surfaces.
The main association occurs between edge battering and
SS, as well as SN morphostructural groups, while
splintering is related to NN and NS groups (Figure 1.3).
Contrary to NN and SN ones, the presence of internal
flaws acts as a cumulative factor that increases edge
battering on NS and SS groups. The inverse relationship
between splintering and edge battering suggests that they
are different examples of the same phenomenon which is
closely related to morphostructural characteristics. As
shown previously, edge battering is produced by
percussion impacts of the hammer on the surface of the
Fig. 1.3. Morphostructural groups and percussion marks on quartz
from the archaeological site of Locus I de As Gándaras de Budiño, N= 380
(de Lombera 2005)
Fig. 1.4. The relationship of fracture mechanics and quartz morphostructure with percussion marks
formation of subsurface damage and a high degree of
edge fracturing rather than abrasive processes
(Derndarsky and Ocklind 2001; Knutsson 1988).
striking platform, creating partial Hertzian cones (Fig.
1.2j and 1.4). On macrocrystalline quartz (NN and NS),
successive radial and transversal fissures occur
(splintering) due to its low elasticity, forming a blocky
structure around the impact point (Fig. 1.2g and 1.4).
Both are partial Hertzian cones manifested in different
ways. Regarding the other percussion marks, radial
fissures are represented in high percentages in all groups
(about 35 to 40 percent). Proximal fissures are related to
NN and NS groups, while steps and striking platform
fissures, although less constant, are closer to
macrocrystalline quartz varieties, especially to those with
internal flaws (NS).
The other scar group is related to hammerstone impact
during percussion. Proximal fractures and partial Hertzian
cones are produced on the striking platform. One of these
parallel cracks will dominate and form the flake breakage
plane, while the others create secondary breakage planes
leading to micro-flaking which can manifest itself as a
small cascade of proximal step scars (Cotterel and
Kamminga 1987: 687). On positive fractures, i.e. flakes, a
small concavity on the impact point is formed instead of a
bulb. This can be observed when the flake is refitted to its
scar. Here, the morphostructure plays an important role.
On grainy quartz, these scars are related to edge battering,
while they are related to splintering and blocky structures
on macrocrystalline quartz (Fig. 1.4). Scales are formed
when incipient micro-flakes and secondary breakage
planes are produced on ventral surfaces.
Scar formation is closely linked to percussion mechanics
and the petrological characteristics of quartz. Proximal
and radial fissures, as well as steps are caused by an
insufficient elastic response to the percussion and
breakage propagation model. This group, although present
in all quartz types, is related to macrocrystalline quartz,
showing lower percentages in SN and SS groups. This
appears to be the result of the grainy texture which
absorbs the percussion force more sufficiently, increasing
its elasticity and provoking fewer fissures or cracks and
roughly following the conchoidal fracture model
(isotropie de compensation) (Mourre 1996). Similar to
these percussion marks, microwear traces on quartz
reflect these petrological characteristics: the poor
response of quartz to high pressure provokes the
The low elasticity and resistance of quartz blanks to
percussion (tenacity) create a particular group of
percussion marks, i.e. proximal and radial fissures as well
as steps. Morphostructure plays an important role, but
some differences are also related to the texture of the
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petrological characteristics cause the appearance of scars
related to specific fracture mechanics that can be also
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and micro-flaking. However, they are closely related to
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