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Contents Vol. 76, 2006 Urologia Internationalis Case Reports No. 1 87 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Penis in a Patient with Chronic Review Isolated Penile Lymphoedema 1 Progress in Female Sexual Dysfunction Verit, F.F.; Yeni, E.; Kafali, H. (Sanliurfa) Hadway, P.; Lynch, M.; Corbishley, C.M.; Mortimer, P.S.; Watkin, N.A. (London) 89 Hematuria as the Presenting Symptom of a Metastatic Thyroid Cancer Original Papers Pepe, P.; Fraggetta, F.; Galia, A.; Grasso, G.; Aragona, F. (Catania) 11 Risk Factors for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in South Korean Men Hong, J.; Kwon, S.; Yoon, H.; Lee, H.; Lee, B.; Kim, H.-H.; Jeong, E.K.; Park, H. (Seoul) 20 Can the Effect of Antibiotherapy and Anti-Inflammatory Therapy on Serum PSA Levels Discriminate between Benign and Malign Prostatic Pathologies? Erol, H.; Beder, N.; Çalişkan, T.; Dündar, M.; Ünsal, A.; Çulhaci, N. (Aydın) 27 Comparison of the Clinical Value of Complexed PSA and Total PSA in the Discrimination between Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer Froehner, M.; Hakenberg, O.W.; Koch, R.; Schmidt, U.; Meye, A.; Wirth, M.P. (Dresden) 31 Systemic Augmentation of Nitric Oxide: Is There an Immediate Effect on the Urinary Flow Rate in Healthy Men? Müntener, M.; Reitz, A.; Wefer, B.; Schurch, B. (Zürich) 91 Proteus Syndrome with Multiple Genitourinary Abnormalities Karabulut, A.; Karabulut, A.A.; Sunay, M.; Emir, L.; Erol, D. (Ankara) 94 Primary Renal Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor Larbcharoensub, N.; Chobpradit, N.; Kijvikai, K.; Chalermsanyakorn, P. (Bangkok) No. 2 Review 97 Biphosphonates in Advanced Prostate and Renal Cell Cancer – Current Status and Potential Applications Hoesl, C.E.; Altwein, J.E. (Munich) Original Papers 36 Effect of Doxazosin on Oxidative Stress-Related Proteins in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Calò, L.A.; Pagnin, E. (Padova); Davis, P.A. (Davis, Calif.); Lodde, M.; Mian, C. (Bolzano); Semplicini, A. (Padova); Pycha, A. (Bolzano) 42 Effects of Selective Alpha-1-Adrenergic Receptor Blockers on Bladder Weight Egilmez, T.; Pourbagher, M.A.; Guvel, S.; Kilinc, F.; Turunc, T.; Ozkardes, H. (Adana) 51 Relation between Cyclooxygenase-2 Expression and Clinicopathologic Parameters with Patient Prognosis in Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder Gurocak, S.; Sozen, S.; Erdem, O.; Özkan, S.; Kordan, Y.; Alkibay, T.; Akyol, G.; Bozkirli, I. (Ankara) 57 Evaluation of Gram Stain as an Alternative in the Assessment of Human Spermatozoa Quality Mantas, D.; Msaouel, P.; Angelopoulou, R. (Athens) 63 Stereological Evaluation of the Seminiferous Tubules of Rats 106 Intravesical Gemcitabine in BCG-Refractory T1G3 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Bladder: A Pilot Study Gacci, M.; Bartoletti, R.; Cai, T. (Florence); Nerozzi, S. (Pistoia); Pinzi, N.; Repetti, F. (Lucca); Viggiani, F. (Grosseto); Ghezzi, P. (Lucca); Nesi, G.; Carini, M. (Florence) and TUR (Toscana Urologia) Group 112 Evaluation of a Contralateral Biopsy Specimen in Prostate Cancer Patients with Unilateral Suspicious Lesions Sakamoto, N.; Ohtsubo, S.; Masaki, T.; Iguchi, A.; Takeshita, M. (Fukuoka) 118 Penile Metastasis from Other Malignancies. A Study of Ten Cases and Review of the Literature Hızlı, F.; Berkmen, F. (Ankara) 122 Clinical Diagnosis in Men Undergoing Infertility Investigation in a University Hospital Firmbach Pasqualotto, F.; Bedin Pasqualotto, E.; Passos Sobreiro, B.; Hallak, J.; Medeiros, F.; Marmo Lucon, A. (São Paulo/Caxias do Sul) 126 Videolaparoscopic Orchiectomy and Nephrectomy: Training after Maternal Undernutrition during the Lactation Period Model in Rats Ramos, C.d.F.; da Silva, A.M.; Costa, W.S.; Sampaio, F.J.B. (Rio de Janeiro) Matheus, W.E.; Leitão, V.A.; Thiel, M.; Palma, P.C.R.; Fernandes, R.C.; Netto, N.R., Jr. (São Paulo) 67 Serum Amino-Terminal Propeptide of Type 1 Procollagen (P1NP) in Prostate Cancer: A Potential Predictor of Bone Metastases and Prognosticator for Disease Progression and Survival Thurairaja, R. (Bristol); Iles, R.K. (London); Jefferson, K. (Bristol); McFarlane, J.P. (Bath); Persad, R.A. (Bristol) 72 Investigation of Dysfunctional Voiding in Children with Urgency Frequency Syndrome and Urinary Incontinence Kuo, H.-C.; Liu, H.-T. (Hualien) 77 Sarcomatous Dedifferentiated Renal Cell Carcinoma Mimicking a Severe Purulent Kidney Infection Nagy, V.; Schneider, H.; Valanský, L.; Sokol, L. (Košice) 82 Reconstruction of Urinary Tract Combined with Surgical 130 Effects of Prenatal Flutamide on Testicular Development, Androgen Production and Fertility in Rats Okur, H.; Muhtaroğlu, S.; Bozkurt, A.; Kontaş, O.; Küçükaydın, N.; Küçükaydın, M. (Kayseri) 134 Treatment of Urethral Syndrome: A Prospective Randomized Study with Nd:YAG Laser Costantini, E.; Zucchi, A.; Del Zingaro, M.; Mearini, L. (Perugia) 139 A Prospective Randomized Study for Comparing Bipolar Plasmakinetic Resection of the Prostate with Standard TURP Seckiner, I.; Yesilli, C.; Akduman, B.; Altan, K.; Mungan, N.A. (Zonguldak) 144 Transurethral Electrovapor Resection versus Standard Management of Locally Advanced Non-Urological Cancer Involving the Genitourinary Organs Transurethral Resection Treatment for a Large Prostate: A 2-Year Follow-Up Study Conducted in Taiwan Harada, K.; Sakai, I. (Akashi); Muramaki, M.; Kurahashi, T.; Yamanaka, K.; Hara, I. (Kobe); Inoue, T.; Miyake, H. (Akashi) Liu, C.-K.; Lee, W.-K.; Ko, M.-C.; Chiang, H.-S. (Taipei); Wan, K.-S. (Tao-yuan/Taipei) 150 Obstructive Primary Bladder Neck Disease: Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of ␣1-Blockers Cisternino, A.; Zeccolini, G.; Calpista, A.; De Marco, V.; Prayer Galetti, T.; Iafrate, M.; Artibani, W. (Padua) © 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax +41 61 306 12 34 E-Mail karger@karger.ch www.karger.com Access to full text and tables of contents, including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: www.karger.com/uin_issues 154 Valsalva Leak Point Pressure to Determine Internal Sphincter Deficiency in Stress Urinary Incontinence Rodrigues, P.; Afonso, Y.; Hering, F.O.; Campagnari, J.C.; Azoubel, A. (São Paulo) 217 Predictive Ability of Partin Tables 2001 in a Welsh Population Ayyathurai, R.; Ananthakrishnan, K.; Rajasundaram, R.; Knight, R.J.; Toussi, H.; Srinivasan, V. (Rhyl) Stones with Pneumatic Lithotripsy 223 Impact of Comorbidities on Post-Prostatectomy Incontinence Wille, S.; Heidenreich, A. (Cologne); von Knobloch, R.; Hofmann, R. (Marburg); Engelmann, U. (Cologne) Gonen, M.; Cenker, A.; İstanbulluoglu, O. (Konya); Ozkardes, H. (Ankara) 227 Usefulness of the Nadir Value of Serum Prostate-Specific 159 Efficacy of Dretler Stone Cone in the Treatment of Ureteral 163 Comparison of Urinary Proteins in Calcium Stone Formers and Healthy Individuals: A Case-Control Study Pourmand, G.; Nasseh, H.; Sarrafnejad, A.; Mojtahedi, A.; Mehrsai, A.; Hamidi Alamdari, D.; Nourijelyani, K. (Tehran) 169 Surgical Approach to Cases with Multiple Renal Arteries in Renal Transplantation Bakirtas, H.; Guvence, N.; Eroglu, M.; Ure, M.; Ozok, H.U.; Karabulut, I.; Gul, O.; Banli, O. (Ankara) 173 Aqueous Garlic Extract Inhibits Protamine Sulfate-Induced Bladder Damage Antigen Measured by an Ultrasensitive Assay as a Predictor of Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy for Clinically Localized Prostate Cancer Sakai, I.; Harada, K. (Akashi); Kurahashi, T.; Muramaki, M.; Yamanaka, K.; Hara, I. (Kobe); Inoue, T.; Miyake, H. (Akashi) 232 Is Free/Total PSA Predictive of Pathological Stage and Gleason Score in Patients with Prostate Cancer and Serum PSA ⱕ10 ng/ml? Pepe, P.; Panella, P.; Pietropaolo, F.; Pennisi, M. (Catania); Allegro, R. (Palermo); Aragona, F. (Catania) Zeybek, A. (Kocaeli); Çikler, E.; Sağlam, B.; Ercan, F.; Çetinel, S.; Şener, G. (Istanbul) 236 Hypoechoic Space Formation with Periprostatic Nerve Block: Case Reports 240 Can MRI Predict Which Patients Are Most Likely to Benefit from Myth or Reality? Öbek, C.; Özkan, B.; Tunc, B.; Can, G. (Istanbul) 180 Surgical Management of Renal Cell Carcinoma during the Second Trimester of Pregnancy Casella, R.; Ferrier, C.; Giudici, G.; Dickenmann, M.; Giannini, O.; Hösli, I.; Bachmann, A.; Sulser, T. (Basel/Lugano) 182 Cowper’s Syringocele – A Rare Malformation of the Male Urethra. Erlangen Experience in Two Example Cases Zugor, V.; Schrott, K.-M.; Schott, G.E. (Erlangen) 186 Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Fossa Navicularis in a Man with Preexisting Adenocarcinoma of the Prostate Resnick, M.J.; Wein, A.J. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 189 An Unusual Inguino-Scrotal Presentation of Disseminated Peritoneal Adenomucinosis Novara, G.; Ficarra, V.; Al Rabi, N.; Baldassarre, R.; Artibani, W. (Verona) Letter to the Editor 192 Preputial Bacterial Flora and Its Relation with Phimosis Tokgöz, H. (Ankara) Percutaneous Positioning of Volume-Adjustable Balloon Devices? Stecco, A.; Saponaro, A.; Crivellaro, S.; Cotroneo, A.R.; Frea, B.; Carriero, A.; Kocjancic, E. (Novara) 247 Distal Hypospadias Repair in Adults: The Results of 97 Cases Adayener, C. (Istanbul); Akyol, İ. (Konya) 252 Retroperitoneoscopic Radical Nephrectomy in Obese Patients: Outcomes and Considerations Inoue, S. (Onomichi); Mita, K.; Shigeta, M.; Mochizuki, H. (Hiroshima); Tanabe, T.; Moriyama, H. (Onomichi); Usui, T. (Hiroshima) 256 Metastatectomy prior to Immunochemotherapy for Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Lee, S.E. (Seongnam); Kwak, C. (Seoul); Byun, S.-S.; Gill, M.C.; Chang, I.H.; Kim, Y.J.; Hong, S.K. (Seongnam) 264 The Immediate Effect of Castration on Female Rabbit Bladder Blood Flow and Tissue Oxygenation Badger, W.J.; Whitbeck, C.; Kogan, B.; Chichester, P.; Levin, R.M. (Albany, N.Y.) 269 Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor and Proliferative Activity of Cyst Epithelium in Human Renal Cystic Diseases No. 3 Review Compérat, E. (Paris); Ferlicot, S. (Paris/Le Kremlin Bicêtre); Camparo, P. (Paris); Eschwege, P.; Ba, N.; Benoit, G. (Le Kremlin Bicêtre); Bédossa, P.; Paradis, V. (Paris) 274 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Deteriorates the Histology of 193 Rehabilitation Therapy and Urinary Incontinence after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy. A Critical Review of the Literature Rat Testes Viola, D.; Comerci, F.; Martorana, G. (Bologna) Kaya, C.; Karaman, M.I.; Pirincci, N.; Ozturk, M.; Yılmazgumrukcu, G. (Istanbul) Surgical Technique Case Reports 199 Introducing a Novel Technique to Remove Accidentally Stitched 278 Cannabis-Induced Koro-Like Syndrome. A Case Report and Mini or Entrapped Urethral Catheters after Radical Prostatectomy Review Nagele, U.; Schilling, D.A.; Praetorius, M.; Sievert, K.-D.; Stenzl, A.; Anastasiadis, A.G. (Tübingen) Kalaitzi, C.K.; Kalantzis, A. (Athens) Original Papers 202 Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Patients Presenting with Biochemical Progression after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy for Pathologically Organ-Confined Prostate Cancer Pinto, F.; Prayer-Galetti, T.; Gardiman, M.; Sacco, E.; Ciaccia, M.; Fracalanza, S.; Betto, G.; Pagano, F. (Padua) 209 A Study on Staging Bone Scans in Newly Diagnosed Prostate 281 Irinotecan as a New Agent for Urachal Cancer Kume, H.; Tomita, K.; Takahashi, S.; Fukutani, K. (Tokyo) 283 Dispelling Inhibition for Laparoscopic Surgery in Younger Children with Cushing’s Syndrome. Case Report and Literature Review Srivastava, A.; Sinha, T.; Karan, S.C.; Sandhu, A.S.; Sethi, G.S.; Talwar, R.; Narang, V. (New Delhi) 285 Primary Adrenal Tuberculosis: Role of Computed Tomography and CT-Guided Biopsy in Diagnosis Liatsikos, E.N.; Kalogeropoulou, C.P.; Papathanassiou, Z.; Tsota, I.; Athanasopoulos, A.; Perimenis, P.; Barbalias, G.A.; Petsas, T. (Patras) Cancer Ayyathurai, R.; Mahapatra, R.; Rajasundaram, R.; Srinivasan, V.; Archard, N.P.; Toussi, H. (Rhyl) 213 Erectile Function after Non-Nerve-Sparing Radical Prostatectomy: Fact or Fiction? Borchers, H.; Brehmer, B.; Kirschner-Hermanns, R.; Reineke, T.; Tietze, L.; Jakse, G. (Aachen) Letter to the Editor 288 Re: Systemic Augmentation of Nitric Oxide: Is There an Immediate Effect on the Urinary Flow Rate in Healthy Men? Blake-James, B. (London) 263 Announcement Contents Urol Int Vol. 76, 2006 III 335 Laparoscopic Peritoneal Drainage of Symptomatic Lymphoceles No. 4 after Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection Using Methylene Blue Instillation Review Varga, Z.; Hegele, A.; Olbert, P.; Hofmann, R.; Schrader, A.J. (Marburg) 289 The Physiological Function of the Urothelium – More than 339 Sacral Colpopexy with Concurrent Burch Colposuspension in a Simple Barrier Patients with Vaginal Vault Prolapse Lazzeri, M. (Florence) Wille, S.; Braun, M.; Heidenreich, A. (Cologne); Hofmann, R. (Marburg); Engelmann, U. (Cologne) Surgical Technique 345 Open Dismembered Tubularized Flap Pyeloplasty: An Effective 296 A New Approach for the Surgery of Large Renal Masses: Abdominal Wall Flap Incision Türkeri, L.N.; Temiz, Y.; Özgur, A.; Önol, F.F. (Istanbul) Original Papers 301 When Does It Hurt? Pain during Flexible Cystoscopy in Men Taghizadeh, A.K.; El Madani, A.; Gard, P.R. (Brighton); Li, C.-Y. (Woolwich); Thomas, P.J.; Denyer, S.P. (Brighton) 304 Discontinuation of Tamsulosin Treatment in Men with Lower and Simple Operation for Treatment of Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Salehipour, M.; Khezri, A.; Azizi, V.; Kroup, M. (Shiraz) 348 Antibiotics-Induced Acute Interstitial Nephritis in 6 Children Papachristou, F.; Printza, N.; Farmaki, E.; Leontsini, M.; Kavaki, D.; Kollios, K. (Thessaloniki) 353 Oxidative and Antioxidative Status in the Testes of Rats with Acute Epididymitis Kaya, M.; Boleken, M.E.; Zeyrek, F.; Ozardali, I.; Kanmaz, T.; Erel, O.; Yücesan, S. (Sanliurfa) 359 Lack of Local Anesthetic Properties of Lidocaine Gel in an Urinary Tract Symptoms: A Pilot Study Experimental Model Kobayashi, M.; Tokue, A.; Morita, T. (Tochigi) 309 Comparative Study of International Prostate Symptom Scores and Urodynamic Parameters in Men and Women with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Oh, S.-J.; Ku, J.H. (Seoul) 314 Questionnaire Survey of Urologists’ Initial Treatment Practices for Acute Urinary Retention Secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in Korea Ku, J.H.; Kim, S.W.; Paick, J.-S. (Seoul) 321 Larger Prostate Causes Higher Infectious Complications in Drewa, T.; Wolski, Z.; Gała˛zka, P.; Olszewska-Słonina, D.; Musiałkiewicz, D.; Czajkowski, R. (Bydgoszcz) Case Reports 364 A Case of Primary Extragonadal Seminoma Arising in the Perineum Hosono, T.Y.; Kuratsukuri, K.; Nitta, Y.; Sugimura, K.; Harada, T.; Nakatani, T. (Osaka) 368 Post-Operative Changes Mimicking the Radiographic Prostate Biopsy Appearance of Recurrent Renal Cell Carcinoma Shigemura, K.; Arakawa, S.; Nakano, Y.; Hara, I.; Tanaka, K.; Fujisawa, M. (Kobe) Tolhurst, S.R.; Rapp, D.E.; Lyon, M.B.; Orvieto, M.A.; Sokoloff, M.H.; Shalhav, A.L. (Chicago, Ill.) 327 Prostatic Phyto-Oestrogen Tissue Levels in Different Austrian 371 Ectopic Insertion of a Single Ureter into the Bladder Adjacent to the Contralateral Ureter Regions Brössner, C. (Vienna); Petritsch, K. (Graz); Fink, K. (Salzburg); Auprich, M. (Graz); Ponholzer, A.; Madersbacher, S. (Vienna); Adlercreutz, H. (Helsinki); Petritsch, P. (Graz) 332 How Do Patients with Familial Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Differ Clinically from Those with Sporadic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia? Öztekin, Ç.V.; Öztürk, B.; Taş, M.; Uğurlu, Ö.; Çetinkaya, M. (Ankara) S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers Basel • Freiburg • Paris • London New York • Bangalore • Bangkok Singapore • Tokyo • Sydney Kilciler, M.; Bedir, S.; Erdemir, F.; Avci, A.; Ozgok, Y. (Ankara) 374 Laparoscopic Repair of Vesicovaginal Fistula Modi, P.; Goel, R.; Dodia, S. (Ahmedabad) 377 Author Index Vol. 76,2006 379 Subject Index Vol. 76, 2006 Disclaimer The statements, options and data contained in this publication are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). The appearance of advertisements in the journal is not a warranty, endorsement, or approval of the products or services advertised or of their effectiveness, quality or safety. The publisher and the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to persons or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content or advertisements. Drug Dosage The authors and the publisher have exerted every effort to ensure that drug selection and dosage set forth in this text are in accord with current recommendations and practice at the time of publication. However, in view of ongoing research, changes in government regulations, and the constant flow of information relating to drug therapy and drug reactions, the reader is urged to check the package insert for each drug for any change in indications and dosage and for added warnings and precautions. This is particularly important when the recommended agent is a new and/or infrequently employed drug. IV Urol Int Vol. 76, 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, microcopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or, in the case of photocopying, direct payment of a specified fee to the Copyright Clearance Center (see ‘General Information’). © Copyright 2006 by S. Karger AG, P.O. Box, CH–4009 Basel (Switzerland) Printed in Switzerland on acid-free paper by Reinhardt Druck, Basel Contents