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This technical note describes a knowledge-based expert system (KBES) computer program, 'Geotechnical Factors in DREDGeABiLity' (DREDGABAL), which was developed as part of the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station's (WES) Dredging Research Program (DRP). The program is intended to serve the dredging community as a geotechnical engineering consultant. DREDGABL provides guidance in the suitability of various types of dredging equipment for specific sediment types whose properties are described in the contract documents. Sediments descriptions are assumed to be available in the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) and America Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) format.
Geotechnical engineers investigate and describe dredging sites using their own methods and terminology. Government estimators and dredging contractors use that information in preparing plans and estimates. The two groups often do not understand each other's needs, methodology, and vocabulary. Inevitable turnover in personnel means the loss of the knowledge of experienced and talented persons. These factors often lead to misinterpretation of the nature and extent of the sediments to be dredged, resulting in higher bid prices because of unknown or unclear risk and in unnecessary claims for changed conditions. Therefore, there is a need for retaining expert knowledge for the guidance and training of inexperienced personnel and for peer consultation among the experienced persons. The work described in this report is part of the Dredging Research Program (DRP) at the U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Vicksburg, MS. The specific work unit involves the development ...
The documents of US Army Corps of Engineers.
Il Vangelo di Giovanni è il più colto dei Vangeli ma anche il meno affidabile dal punto di vista storico. È questa un’opinione antica, diffusa, tenace. Ed è anche un’opinione profondamente falsa. Al di là degli stereotipi che durano da circa due millenni, Giulio Busi porta alla luce un altro Giovanni: un evangelista calato nella vita di Gerusalemme, che conosce come le proprie tasche i meandri della città santa, è esperto delle usanze e delle consuetudini ebraiche, e possiede i dettagli minuti della giurisprudenza d’Israele. Giovanni non è solo fonte storica di prim’ordine. È fuoco mistico, e polemica intransigente. Il suo Vangelo ruota attorno al «discepolo che Gesù amava», presentato come testimone oculare dei momenti salienti della vita, morte e resurrezione di Gesù. È lui, Giovanni, questo discepolo senza nome? Per scoprirlo, occorre spostarsi dalla Terra d’Israele in Asia Minore, a Efeso, una metropoli opulenta di traffici, che pullula di idee e di fermenti. Qui risiede «l’Anziano», come lo chiamano i fedeli, che si raccolgono per sentirlo parlare e ne rimangono ammaliati. Solo lui, infatti, sa raccontare in quel modo, con quel tono. Perché, tra i vecchi della comunità, solo lui ha conosciuto e toccato con mano Gesù. Ora Gerusalemme è lontana, scomparsa oltre il mare, le colline. Affondata tra i lutti. Il Tempio distrutto, i sacerdoti dispersi, il culto interrotto. Anche Giovanni se n’è andato, ha lasciato la città santa. Ma i ricordi, quelli non se ne vanno facilmente. È come se Gesù gli fosse ancora accanto e i suoi occhi inimitabili continuassero a fissarlo con severità e, insieme, con dolcezza. Austero e mansueto nello stesso sguardo, implacabile e amoroso in un’unica parola, così era il Maestro. E così Giovanni cerca di descriverlo, con la voce che un po’ gli trema, per la vecchiaia e per l’emozione. Dai suoi ricordi, dalle sue esperienze e dalla sua straordinaria creatività teologica nasce il Vangelo che, più di ogni altro, apre la strada verso il mistero di Gesù. The Gospel of John is the most learned of the Gospels but also the least historically reliable. This is an old, widespread, tenacious opinion. And it is also a deeply false opinion. Beyond the stereotypes that have endured for some two millennia, Giulio Busi brings to light another John: an evangelist immersed in Jerusalem life, who knows like the back of his hand the meanderings of the holy city, is well versed in Jewish customs and mores, and possesses the minute details of Israel's jurisprudence. John is not only a first-rate historical source. He is mystical fire, and uncompromising polemic. His Gospel revolves around the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” presented as an eyewitness to the highlights of Jesus' life, death and resurrection. Is he, John, this unnamed disciple? To find out, we must travel from the Land of Israel to Asia Minor, to Ephesus, an opulent metropolis of trade, teeming with ideas and ferment. Here resides “the Elder,” as the faithful call him, who gather to hear him speak and are captivated. Only he, in fact, knows how to narrate in that way, in that tone. For, among the elders of the community, only he has known and touched Jesus firsthand. Now Jerusalem is far away, disappeared beyond the sea, the hills. Sunken among the mourners. The Temple destroyed, the priests dispersed, worship disrupted. John is gone too, left the holy city. But the memories, those don't go away easily. It is as if Jesus is still beside him and his inimitable eyes continue to stare at him with severity and, at the same time, with gentleness. Austere and meek in the same gaze, relentless and loving in a single word, so was the Master. And so John tries to describe him, with his voice trembling a little from old age and emotion. From his memories, his experiences and his extraordinary theological creativity comes the Gospel that, more than any other, opens the way to the mystery of Jesus.
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