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Integrated Geophysical and Chemical Study of Saline Water Intrusion by Kalpan Choudhury1 and D.K. Saha2 Abstract Surface geophysical surveys provide an effective way to image the subsurface and the ground water zone without a large number of observation wells. DC resistivity sounding generally identifies the subsurface formations—the aquifer zone as well as the formations saturated with saline/brackish water. However, the method has serious ambiguities in distinguishing the geological formations of similar resistivities such as saline sand and saline clay, or water quality such as fresh or saline, in a low resistivity formation. In order to minimize the ambiguity and ascertain the efficacy of data integration techniques in ground water and saline contamination studies, a combined geophysical survey and periodic chemical analysis of ground water were carried out employing DC resistivity profiling, resistivity sounding, and shallow seismic refraction methods. By constraining resistivity interpretation with inputs from seismic refraction and chemical analysis, the data integration study proved to be a powerful method for identification of the subsurface formations, ground water zones, the subsurface saline/brackish water zones, and the probable mode and cause of saline water intrusion in an inland aquifer. A case study presented here illustrates these principles. Resistivity sounding alone had earlier failed to identify the different formations in the saline environment. Data integration and resistivity interpretation constrained by water quality analysis led to a new concept of minimum resistivity for ground water-bearing zones, which is the optimum value of resistivity of a subsurface formation in an area below which ground water contained in it is saline/brackish and unsuitable for drinking. Introduction Geophysical resistivity surveys are regularly used for studies related to ground water investigations. Resistivity profiling delineates the lateral changes in resistivity that can be correlated with steeply dipping interfaces between two geological formations in the subsurface. DC resistivity sounding determines the thickness and resistivity of different horizontal or low dipping subsurface layers including the aquifer zone. However, there are some serious limitations in such investigations as they fail to distinguish between formations of similar resistivities such as saline clay and saline sand, and the causes of low resistivity due to 1Geophysics Division, Northern Region, Geophysical Survey of India, Lucknow, 226024, India; fax 91–0522–2370467; kalpan_gsi @yahoo.com 2Central Geophysics Division, Geological Survey of India, 27, J.L. Nehru Road, 4th Floor, Calcutta–700016, India; fax 91–2249–6956; gsicgd@cal2.vsnl.net.in Received May 2002, accepted September 2003. Published in 2004 by the National Ground Water Association. water quality (fresh or saline). Ambiguity regarding low resistivity also arises from the enhanced mobility of ions in areas of high geothermal activity. Scale limitations involving electrode spacings, depth of investigation, and required resolution is also a drawback for resistivity soundings. Again, some combination of resistivity and thickness of subsurface formations can produce an identical anomaly and hence give rise to ambiguity. An integration of geophysical methods (seismic and resistivity) combined with data interpretation largely resolves the uncertainty. Chemical analyses of ground water samples are helpful in studying the hydrogeological conditions and saline contamination of aquifer zones. This also discriminates between the lithology and water quality effects when the two cannot be differentiated by a resistivity survey alone. The objective of the present research was to examine the utility of integration of data obtained from different geophysical methods and chemical analyses of water samples for ground water and saline contamination studies. The geophysical methods selected for the study were DC resistivity sounding, resistivity profiling, and seismic refraction. An example is discussed to illustrate the utility of such an approach. Vol. 42, No. 5—GROUND WATER—September–October 2004 (pages 671–677) 671 Saline water intrusion in many coastal areas has resulted in the contamination of ground water and consequently environmental problems (Ginsberg and Levanton 1976; Frohlich et al. 1994). Ground water abstraction intensifies migration of contaminants to the subsurface, activates salt water encroachment into pumped aquifers from neighboring ones, and sea water intrusion into coastal wells (Kalimas and Gregorauskas 2002). Todd (1959) indicated that the ratio of chloride and bicarbonate ions in ground water is directly related to the extent of sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Yechieli (2000) studied the interface between fresh and saline water in the Dead Sea area using in situ profiles of electrical conductivity (EC) of water. Nowrooji et al. (1999) opined that the resistivity sounding method is a powerful tool for delineating the fresh water/salt water interface in the eastern shore of Virginia and mapped the subsurface zones intruded by saline water. Albouy et al. (2001) described the utility of both electrical resistivity and electromagnetic methods for coastal ground water studies because of the large contrast in resistivity between fresh water-bearing and saline water-bearing formations. In this paper, geophysical resistivity studies and chemical analyses of ground water for Na+, Mg+2, Cl–, EC, total dissolved solids (TDS), and Cl–/HCO–3 from different tube wells were carried out in the Digha-Shankarpur coastal tract of India (Figure1) where two tube wells had abnormally high TDS of 1400 ppm and chloride content of 360 to 380 mg/L. The aim of the research was to assess the utility of data integration for delineating the regions contaminated by saline water, as well as to demarcate areas or possible channels through which mixing of saline water and fresh water was taking place. Another important objective was to delineate the areas suitable for ground water development. Seventy-five electrical resistivity soundings were carried out in the Digha-Shankarpur coastal belt of West Bengal (Figure 1) to determine the resistivity variation in the vertical downward direction up to a depth of ~300 to 350 m. Resistivity profiling for 4 km was also carried out to study the variation of resistivity along horizontal profiles at different depths that could be correlated with saline water intrusion. In addition, periodic chemical analyses of ground water samples were carried out to constrain the resistivity interpretation and distinguish the effects of lithology from water quality. Hydrogeology and Physical Setting Except for a few sand dunes, the area is more or less flat with a gentle slope toward the sea and forms part of the vast alluvial tract of the Bengal Basin. The shoreline was formed from reworked Upper Tertiary Age unconsolidated clay, silt, and sand deposited in the Recent Age. Singhal (1963) reported the presence of scattered saline water pockets in the area. In the recent past, the sea started advancing toward the land, endangering the township of Digha (Niyogi and Chakraborty 1966). Goswami and Bose (1981) classified the coastal tract into several geomorphologic groups such as active/abandoned/inactive marine coastal plain and alluvial upland of fluvial origin. The annual rainfall in the area generally ranges from 1400 to 1600 mm, the major portion of which occurs between June and October. On a regional scale, shallow 81° 37⬘ Centre of Seismic Profile Location of VES Points Location of Resistivity Profiling Points Geoelectrical Section Location of Abandoned Dug Well Figure 1. Layout map of Digha-Shankarpur area, West Bengal, India. 672 K. Choudhury, D.K. Saha GROUND WATER 42, no. 5: 671–677 Canal Road Coast Line Location of Tube Well ground water generally occurs under water table conditions in the depth range of 6 to 12 m below ground level (bgl). However, in the study area, the depth to the water surface of the shallow ground water zone varies from < 1 m to > 4 m. The water is potable, but often dries out in summer. A number of shallow tube wells operate on the beach during the postmonsoon period. The deeper aquifer between 130 to 200 m bgl is being tapped for drinking and irrigation purposes. Ground water in the area occurs within the sand layers grading from fine to coarse. There are eight tube wells operating for ~10 hrs/day in the study area, five of which are close to the Digha Beach. The total amount of ground water withdrawal in the area is ~7.2 million L/day. The producing tube well B/5 and the other, ~70 m to its northeast, yielded saline water during the summer months. Excessive withdrawal of ground water had given rise to saline water contamination. Data Acquisition and Integrated Interpretation Vertical electrical soundings (VES) employing a Schlumberger configuration were conducted in the area using a powerful transmitter (3 kW) with a normal operating range of 2 to 3 amperes and a precision receiver unit capable of measuring signals in microvolts. (Both instruments are manufactured by Scintrex, Canada.) In the present VES technique, direct current is injected into the ground through a pair of current electrodes and the resulting potential difference between two other intermediate points is measured using nonpolarized electrodes after neutralizing the self-potential. With increasing separation between the source and the nonpolarized electrodes, apparent resistivity values contain more information about the deeper layers. In the present survey, a Schlumberger electrode configuration with maximum current electrode separation of 2 km was employed. An analysis of apparent resistivity variation with change in electrode spacing helps to deduce the depth and resistivity distribution of various subsurface units, which, in turn, are interpreted in terms of various geological formations. Based on parametric sounding and velocity refraction surveys conducted near some tube wells where the lithology is known, litho-resistivity and litho-velocity relationships were obtained (Table 1). The findings are largely similar to the one obtained earlier by the present authors in the urban delta west of the Calcutta megacity (Choudhury et al. 2000). The Schlumberger VES curves were interpreted first by master curves (Orellana and Mooney 1966) and subsequently by inversion and the very fast simulated annealing technique (Shalivahan 2000). The EC of the ground water samples collected from locations near the sounding points was measured with the help of a portable conductivity meter for estimation of salinity of ground water, as well as for the interpretation of resistivity data. The EC of ground water from the shallow abandoned dug wells (where saline water is present) varies from 3.40 to 3.60 mmhos/cm which indicates the saline nature of at least some of the shallow subsurface waterbearing zones. The EC of the deep aquifer ranges between 1.200 and 1.260 mmhos/cm. As the variation in EC of ground water in different areas is insignificant, it can be assumed that variation in resistivity is mainly due to variation in lithology. This is a significant inference derived from the analyses of water samples and shows the utility of data integration. Resistivity profiling was carried out along three traverses with a Wenner array having three spacings of 50, 100, and 200 m. In the array, four electrodes with equal distance between two adjacent electrodes are used. The whole array is moved along the profile to measure the apparent resistivity at various locations along the profile, which essentially indicates lateral variation in resistivity caused by the different geological formations. The higher the spacing between two consecutive electrodes, the greater the probing depth. The seismic refraction survey is based on the measurement of the travel time of seismic waves refracted at the interfaces between subsurface formations of different velocity. Seismic energy is generated at the shot point, travels downward, and then moves along the higher velocity layers before returning to the surface. This energy is detected at the surface using geophones. The depth profile of the refractor can be found from the observed travel times and shot geophone distances of the refracted signals. Resistivity Sounding and Seismic Data Integration A limited seismic survey carried out in the area could distinguish between saline clay and saline sand, which otherwise was not possible by resistivity techniques alone. Seismic refraction profiling in the area mostly indicated three subsurface layers with velocities of the order of 880, 1480, and 2550 m/sec representing unconsolidated sand, saturated sand, and clay, respectively. A classic example of data integration and combined geophysical interpretation of subsurface formations using seismic refraction and resistivity soundings is illustrated in Figure 2. The resistivity Table 1 Relationship Between Lithology and TDS of Ground Water, Resistivity, Conductivity, and Velocity Lithology Mean TDS of Ground Water (ppm) Saline/brackish water zone Saturated clay/silt Saturated silty/clayey sand/fine sand Saturated predominantly medium/coarse sand 1800 310 Resistivity (⍀ m) Conductivity (mmhos/cm) Velocity (m/sec) 1.1–4 4–7 7–17 above 17 9.09–2.50 2.50–1.43 1.43–0.56 < 0.56 — 2400–2500 1600–1850 1450–1600 K. Choudhury, D.K. Saha GROUND WATER 42, no. 5: 671–677 673 the area and constitutes the aquifer zone, which has a resistivity between 10 and 15 Ω m (Figure 3). Integration of Resistivity Profiling and Chemical Data h2 = 22.1 m. Figure 2. Integrated geophysical interpretation using resistivity sounding and seismic refraction survey. ρ1, ρ2, and ρ3 are the interpreted resistivities of the first, second, and third layer, respectively. V1, V2, and V3 represent the corresponding velocities. sounding VES–5 indicated a thick low resistivity zone of 1.6 Ω m below the unsaturated sand layer, which could be due to saline clay or saline sand (Figures 2a and 2c). A seismic refraction survey in the area resolved this zone into two distinct velocity layers of 1488 and 2545 m/sec, which represent saturated sand and saturated clay, respectively (Figures 2b and 2d). The combined interpretation is shown in Figure 2e, where the resistivity interpretation is constrained by seismic survey results. Interpreted depths from most of such seismic surveys were used as a priori information for precisely interpreting resistivity sounding data using the inversion method. Depths of the various geological formations inferred from such data integration tallied well with the lithologs obtained from tube wells. Thus, such an integrated approach of resistivity and seismic surveys can be effectively adopted for delineating the subsurface formations and the saline water zones. High TDS (1400 ppm) and chloride content (360 mg/L) of ground water in tube well B/5 were found by our chemical analysis of ground water samples from the tube well. Resistivity profiling (PR1) with adjacent electrode separations of 50, 100, and 200 m were carried out near tube well B/5 (Figures 1 and 4) to ascertain the nature and mode of saline water intrusion. All the arrays brought out a conductive zone (1.0 to 3.5 Ω m) in the central part of the profile. The lowering of resistivity was due to the intrusion of saline water from the adjacent formations as was confirmed by the high TDS and chloride content in the water samples of tube well B/5. In all probability, high pumping of the tube wells in the summer months caused such a steep rise. The ambiguity associated with the cause of low resistivity has been nicely resolved by the chemical analyses of ground water, which indicated high chloride content to be the contributing factor. Another resistivity profiling (PR2) with a Wenner configuration was carried out near the Champa sea water canal in the northern part of the study area with electrode spacing of 50, 100, and 200 m (Figures 1 and 4). All the spacing indicated a conductive zone (1.3 to 3 Ω m), which is interpreted to be due to saline water percolation from the adjacent sea water canal. This has been confirmed by the high concentration of Cl–(450 mg/L) in ground water samples. Thus, there is a good correlation between sea water intrusion and the resistivity profiles in both areas. We recommend such surveys for any study related to saline water intrusion. Resistivity Contour Maps and Integrated Interpretation One of the objectives of the study was to apply the data integration technique to determine the lower limit of resistivity of the ground water zone below which water cannot Integration of Resistivity Sounding and Chemical Data Three geoelectrical cross sections (AA⬘, BB⬘, and CC⬘) were prepared for the area from the interpretation of resistivity sounding results duly constrained by analyses of water samples. Only one section along the beach is presented here to illustrate the nature of such integrated data interpretation for identifying sea water intrusion. The E-W interpreted section AA⬘ (Figures 1 and 3) along the beach of the Shankarpur area showed a thick saline zone in the shallow subsurface. The saline zone having a resistivity value of 3.8 Ω m or less starts right at the surface and continues to a depth of 100 m, which indicates the intrusion of saline water even at greater depth toward the east. Fine sand saturated with fresh water is interpreted at varying depths in 674 Figure 3. Interpreted geoelectrical section along AA⬘ (Figure 1). K. Choudhury, D.K. Saha GROUND WATER 42, no. 5: 671–677 1 to 2 Ω m. These contaminated zones are, however, very much restricted at the depth level of 40 to 50 m where only five saline zones could be identified from resistivity data. Mean resistivity contour maps in the depth range 80 to 100 m and 130 to 150 m do not indicate the presence of any saline water zone as the resistivity values are on the high side. A high resistivity value (30 Ω m or more) interpreted in some areas indicates the presence of a good water-bearing zone comprising a coarse grain sand formation with low TDS water. Hence, it is inferred that the saline water found at the shallower levels are not able to percolate below in most places due to the presence of intervening clay formations. Thus, the integrated interpretation using resistivity, seismic, and chemical analysis data could clearly delineate the various subsurface geological formations and the saline water zones. Figure 4. Resistivity profiles PR1 and PR2 showing the low resistivity zones caused by saline contamination. be used for drinking. Ground water having a maximum TDS value of 1000 ppm is considered to be of optimum acceptable quality (Klimentov 1983; Todd 1959). Further, it is known that the higher the value of TDS of ground water in an aquifer zone, the lower its resistivity. In any alluvial terrain of subsurface sand and clay, fine grain sand shows the minimum resistivity among all the aquifer materials. Thus, the fine grain sand formation containing high TDS (1000 ppm) water gives rise to the minimum resistivity value of an acceptable ground water zone. High TDS (990 ppm) of ground water was found from the fine sand formation encountered in the producing well B/4 near VES–8.The sounding data indicated a resistivity of 10 Ω m for the ground water zone. Therefore, this is the minimum resistivity value among all the acceptable and potable ground water-bearing formations in the area. Any subsurface formation showing resistivity < 10.0 Ω m should be avoided for ground water development. Thus, it is again seen that the combined data analysis (resistivity and chemical analysis of ground water) proved to be helpful. A mean resistivity contour map in the depth range 0 to 5 m was prepared for the entire area from the interpreted sounding data (Figure 5). Barring some patches in the southwestern part and a few pockets elsewhere, the area contains brackish/saline water in the depth range as borne out by the presence of low resistivity zones of < 4.0 Ω m associated with high TDS (1450 ppm) and chloride content (410 mg/L). It is interesting to note that the shallow subsurface near the sea water Champa canal in the east central part exhibits very low resistivities of the order of 1 to 2 Ω m corroborated by high chloride content of ground water, typical of saline water contamination. The resistivity distribution pattern at the 5 to 10 m level is similar to the shallower level of 0 to 5 m, indicating the presence of widespread saline and brackish zones. In fact, saline zones are more pervasive at the 5 to 10 m depth level encompassing vast areas. Percolation of saline water from the Champa sea level canal is also prominent at this depth as is characterized by resistivity of Chemical Analysis of Ground Water Samples Ground water samples were collected from eight deep tube wells in the study area during the premonsoon (April–May) and postmonsoon (October–November) periods for three years for providing input to the integrated data interpretation and for studying the spatial-temporal variations of the quality of ground water in the area. The samples were analyzed for major chemical parameters/elements, i.e., Na+, Mg+2, Cl–, TDS, Cl–/HCO–3, and EC, which is the inverse of resistivity. Besides, chemical analyses of ground water samples were also carried out from a few dug wells in the study area for providing input to constrain the interpretation of resistivity data. The mean value of the parameters in the premonsoon and postmonsoon periods in three tube wells is presented in Figure 6. This shows that the premonsoon values of the parameters increased as compared to postmonsoon values. Resistivity of the water samples also increased in the postmonsoon period. Analysis of water samples from tube well B/5 indicated that the Na+ value in the premonsoon period was 90 ppm, which went down to 30 ppm in the postmonsoon period, chloride decreased from 180 to 65 ppm, and Cl–/HCO–3 reduced from 0.76 to 0.36 ppm. TDS decreased from 980 to 790 ppm in the postmonsoon period. It is interesting to note that one premonsoon observation of TDS just before the commencement of the resistivity surveys showed a value of 1400 ppm. Resistivity of the water samples increased from 18 Ω m (conductivity 0.555 mmhos/cm) in the premonsoon period to 30 Ω m (conductivity 0.333 mmhos/cm) in the postmonsoon period. Further, it is observed that tube well B/5 recorded the maximum increase in the values of the chemical parameters among all the measuring wells. This could be attributed to saline water intrusion into the aquifer, which, in turn, was due to the high rate of pumping. This is also supported by the results of resistivity profiling that indicated the presence of a subsurface saline water zone close to the tube well. Conclusions Data integration of surface geophysical surveys provided a powerful method to image the subsurface. A large number of observation wells or tube wells were not required to access the aquifer. Resistivity techniques fail to K. Choudhury, D.K. Saha GROUND WATER 42, no. 5: 671–677 675 Figure 5. Mean resistivity contour map in the depth ranges of 0 to 5 m, 5 to 10 m, 40 to 50 m, 80 to 100 m, and 130 to 150 m showing the extent of saline zones. distinguish between two formations having similar resistivity, but the ambiguity is minimized when resistivity sounding interpretations are constrained by seismic refraction results. Such a combined geophysical survey and data integration can be used as a subsurface mapping tool for delineating the various geological formations, aquifer zones, and zones of saline water. Resistivity profiling coupled with resistivity sounding, periodic chemical analysis of ground water samples, and data integration was found to be a highly effective method for determining the fresh water areas and the saline watercontaminated zones, as well as the mode and cause of saline water intrusion. Such integrated research also evolved a new concept of minimum resistivity of a subsurface formation in an area below which ground water contained in it is brackish/saline and unsuitable for drinking. 676 Such data integration was successfully applied in a coastal region in India to identify one narrow saline water zone/channel, which caused high TDS and high chloride in the ground water. Further, the integrated study delineated subsurface saline-contaminated zones close to a sea water canal and potable ground water zones at different depth levels. Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the help rendered by the Chemical Division of Central Headquarters of Geological Survey of India in the analysis of ground water samples. Thanks are due to N.R. Biswas for drafting the figures. The authors express their deep gratitude to Mary P. Anderson, E Zia Hosseinipour, and the associate editor for reviewing this paper and offering valuable suggestions. K. Choudhury, D.K. Saha GROUND WATER 42, no. 5: 671–677 References Figure 6. Chemical analysis of ground water samples during premonsoon and postmonsoon periods; ρ is the resistivity of water samples. Editor’s Note: The use of brand names in peer-reviewed papers is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the authors, their employers, or the National Ground Water Association. Albouy, Y., P. 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