Comparing virtual versus real crosswell surveys
Kurang Mehta*, Andrey Bakulin, Denis Kiyashchenko, Jorge Lopez
Shell International Exploration & Production Inc.
The virtual source method (VSM) is a useful tool for
imaging below complex overburden and monitoring in
the presence of time-varying overburden. This
concept, when extended to crosswell geometry
produces data comparable to real crosswell data.
Using a field data example we demonstrate that virtual
crosswell data is kinematically comparable to real
crosswell data, but the virtual crosswell method
possesses flexibilities, which are difficult to achieve in
a real crosswell survey. Some of these flexibilities
include the ability of the virtual source to radiate
either horizontally or vertically and the possibility for
the virtual source to radiate only P- or only S-waves. It
is also possible to create virtual crosswell data that
contain only the direct arrivals or only the reflections.
These features of the virtual crosswell method should
make it useful for crosswell tomography, imaging and
reservoir monitoring for moderate interwell distances.
The VSM (Bakulin and Calvert, 2004; 2006) or
seismic interferometry (Wapenaar, 2004; Schuster, et
al., 2004; Snieder, et al., 2006) is useful for
redatuming a surface seismic survey below the nearsurface overburden by creating virtual sources at
downhole receiver locations. The VSM, when applied
to VSP and OBC acquisition geometries (Bakulin and
Calvert, 2004; Mehta, et al., 2007), gives data that is
independent of the near-surface overburden and the
time-lapse changes therein. Some initial examples of
crosswell data with virtual source have been presented
by Shiraishi and Matsuoka (2005) and Minato, et al.
(2007). In this study we compare virtual and real
sources in a crosswell configuration and apply best
practices that include gating and wavefield separation
before correlation (Mehta, et al., 2007), to illustrate
the benefits of virtual crosswell survey.
What is a virtual crosswell survey?
Real crosswell acquisition geometry (Figure 1a)
consists of two wells: well 1 with borehole receivers
(red circles) and well 2 with borehole sources (yellow
star). Waves excited by the borehole sources
propagate between the two wells and are then recorded
by the borehole receivers. The recorded wavefield
include the direct arrivals and the reflections from the
subsurface (ray tracing in Figure 1a). The direct
arrivals and the reflections can then be used separately
for tomography and imaging respectively (Tura, et al.,
1994). Unlike the real crosswell survey, the virtual
crosswell (Figure 1b) requires receivers (red circles) in
both wells and surface shooting (yellow stars) to allow
wave propagation between the downhole receivers in
wells 1 and 2. After cross-correlating the wavefields
recorded by the receivers in wells 1 and 2 and
summing the correlation gather (Mehta, et al., 2008)
over the surface shots, the resulting virtual source data
resembles the recording by the receivers (red circles)
in well 1 due to virtual source in well 2 (white star).
As described later in the article, depending on the
wavefield selected for correlation, the virtual
crosswell data can contain only reflections, only direct
arrivals or both. This flexibility of the virtual
crosswell survey provides crosswell data containing
the desired wavefield only. Such a clean approach to
wavefield separation is difficult for real crosswell
data, hence providing a reason to pursue the virtual
crosswell method.
Figure 1: (a) shows the acquisition geometry for a real
crosswell. Red circles are the receivers and the yellow star is
a real borehole source (located at 629.75 ft; same depth level
as receiver 25). (b) shows the same for a virtual crosswell.
The virtual source (white star) is also placed at 629.75 ft;
same depth level as receiver 25. (a) and (b) also show the
possible wave propagation between the two wells, in the
form of ray-tracing.
Direct arrivals in virtual and real crosswell data
As a part of a seismic acquisition program onshore
US, downhole seismic data was recorded for both the
real and the virtual crosswell geometries, as described
in Figures 1 and 2. The downhole source (Z-Trac) was
operated by Z-Seis whereas dual-well recording was
done by Reservoir Imaging Inc. Wells 1 and 2 are 600
ft apart. For the virtual crosswell, waves are excited by
vertical vibrators (stars in Figure 2) on the surface.
These waves are recorded in wells 1 and 2 that contain
respectively 75 and 77 3-C receivers at a depth
interval of 25.25 ft (Figure 1b). For the real crosswell
survey, the sensors in well 2 are replaced by real
downhole source (yellow star in Figure 1a).
SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting
The first step towards comparing the real and the
virtual crosswell data is to look at the direct arrivals.
Figure 3a shows the crosswell data with the Z-Trac
source (Figure 1a) recorded by the vertical component
of the downhole receivers. The Z-Trac source has
radiation pattern similar to that of in-line horizontal
force. The display shows only the bottom 30 receivers
(45 to 75) in order to make the display comparable to
the virtual crosswell data (discussed later). The dashed
yellow line in Figure 3a highlights the timing and the
moveout of the direct P-wave arrival.
Well 2
rec:1 - 77
Well 1
rec:1 - 75
Figure 2: Map view of the crosswell acquisition geometry.
Wells 1 and 2 are 600 ft apart and there are about 20 surface
shots as indicated by the stars. The real source was deployed
in well 2.
75 45
Time (ms)
Rec VS
Time (ms)
Rec Src
Rec VS
Figure 3: (a) and (c) show the real crosswell data recorded
due to a downhole source (depth 629.75 ft; same depth level
as receiver 25) into the bottom 30 receivers. (b) shows, for
the same source-receiver combination, the virtual crosswell
data generated by correlating direct P-wave arrivals at the
receivers in both wells. (d) shows the virtual crosswell data
generated by correlating direct S-wave arrivals at receivers in
both wells. In the panels, the dashed yellow line depicts the
direct P-wave arrival and the dashed black line depicts the
direct S-wave arrival. The arrows show the orientation of the
(real and virtual) source and the receivers.
An important advantage of the virtual crosswell
survey over the real crosswell survey is the ability to
correlate separate wavefields to obtain only the
desired virtual crosswell data. For example, gated
direct P-wave arrivals recorded by the vertical
components at both the virtual source and the
receivers, when correlated and summed over the
physical sources, give only the direct P-wave
propagating between the virtual source and the
receivers (Figure 3b). For the virtual crosswell data
the display is limited only to the bottom 30 receivers
(45 to 75) because for the given surface shot
distribution that feed the virtual source to produce
direct arrivals, only the bottom 30 receivers record the
stationary phase response (Snieder, et al., 2006;
Mehta, et al., 2008). This explanation is visual in the
form of rays (Figure 1b) that propagate as direct
arrivals from the virtual source to the receivers. The
timing and the moveout of the direct P-wave arrival in
Figure 3b (dashed yellow line) agree with those for the
real crosswell data (Figure 3a). The virtual crosswell
data (Figure 3b) is generated by correlating and
summing the downhole recording due to surface shots.
The frequency band of the virtual crosswell data (10 to
80 Hz) is, hence, comparable to the data generated by
a VSP type survey in a similar setting. The real
crosswell data, on the other hand, has much higher
frequency content (80 to 700 Hz) because of the
specifications of the downhole sources and shorter
propagation distances. Figure 3a shows the band-pass
filtered real crosswell data (80 to 200 Hz) in order to
make the real and the virtual crosswell data as
comparable, in frequency content, as possible. The
difference in the frequency content of the real and the
virtual crosswell data is evident in Figures 3a and 3b.
Figure 3c shows the same real crosswell data recorded
by the horizontal component. Apart from the direct Pwave, the horizontal component also records the direct
S-wave (dashed black line). Similar to the P-wave
virtual source (Figure 3b), correlating the direct
arriving S-wave as recorded by the horizontal
components at both the virtual source and the
receivers creates a direct S-wave arrival between the
virtual source and the receivers (Figure 3d). The
timing and moveout (dashed black line) agree with
those for the real crosswell data, suggesting that unlike
the real downhole source, we can create a downhole
virtual source that radiates only S-waves. Apart from
the direct S-wave arrival, Figure 3d also shows
numerous low-amplitude events at earlier times. These
could be spurious events caused by incomplete
destructive interference, while summing the
correlation gather. Limited surface shot aperture
(Figure 2) is a possible reason for the incomplete
destructive interference.
Reflections in virtual and real crosswell data
Let us now compare the reflection response for the
virtual and the real crosswell survey. Figure 4a shows
the real crosswell data that correspond to a real
downhole horizontal force recorded by the vertical
SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting
component of the downhole receivers. For comparison
with the virtual crosswell data, the display shows all
the downhole receivers, because for reflections all the
receivers record the stationary phase response from
the virtual source (rays in Figure 1b). A red bar
indicates the bottom 30 receivers, where the direct
arrival for the virtual crosswell data is comparable to
that for the real crosswell data.
If we cross-correlate the total wavefield recorded by
the vertical component at both the virtual source and
the receivers, the resulting virtual crosswell data
(Figure 4b) contain direct arrivals and reflections
between the two wells. The moveout and the timing of
the direct arrival (yellow line) agree with those for the
real crosswell data (Figure 4a). Since we correlate the
total wavefields, Figure 4b also contains the direct Swave arrival (solid black line) between the virtual
source and the receivers. The reflection response can
be further highlighted by correlating the gated direct
P-wave arrival at the virtual source with the total
wavefield at the receivers (Figure 4c). The direct Pwave arrival is preserved (yellow line). Apart from
that the reflections (dashed black lines) are stronger
than those in Figure 4b. Since we use only the direct
P-wave arrival at the virtual source, Figure 4c does not
contain the direct S-wave arrival. The reflections in
Figure 4c are still contaminated by the later arriving
downgoing waves, which can be suppressed by
creating virtual crosswell data that contain only
reflections. Such virtual crosswell data (Figure 4d) can
be created by correlating the direct arrival at the
virtual source with only the upgoing waves at the
receivers. For a vertical well, the up-down wavefield
separation is possible using f-k filtering.
Comparison of Figures 4a and 4d suggests that the real
crosswell data is devoid of strong reflections for a
source at 629.75 ft depth. However, moving the real
source deeper (Figure 4e) reveals the direct arrivals
and also strong reflections (black dashed line). Since
the real downhole source radiates mostly horizontally,
it is difficult to get a response from the strong
reflectors that are at a considerable depth from the real
downhole source. To illustrate this point using the
virtual crosswell method, Figure 4f shows the virtual
crosswell data obtained by correlating the direct Pwave arrival in the horizontal component of the virtual
source with the total wavefield in the vertical
component recording of the receivers. This is
equivalent to a virtual source radiating mostly
horizontally and hence, comparable to the real
downhole source. Similar to the real crosswell data
(Figure 4a), Figure 4f is dominated by downgoing
waves. Reflections are present in Figure 4f but they
are weak compared to those in Figure 4c. This
limitation of the real crosswell survey is overcome by
the virtual crosswell method. The virtual crosswell
method allows us to create data due to virtual source
radiating either vertically (Figure 4c) or horizontally
(Figure 4f), provided that the receivers that act as the
virtual sources have 3-C recordings.
Features of virtual crosswell surveys
A real crosswell recording includes the direct arrivals
and the reflections from the subsurface between the
wells. These two wavefields can be used separately for
tomography and reflection imaging respectively. A
virtual crosswell survey can provide the crosswell data
in two sets: one with only the direct arrivals (Figure 3b
or 3d) and one with only the reflections (Figure 4d).
This is an important advantage of the virtual crosswell
over the real crosswell. In a real crosswell survey we
get the total wavefield recordings, which need to be
further separated into direct arrivals and reflections.
For a vertical borehole, most real downhole sources
(Z-Trac, piezoelectric) radiate horizontally and hence,
not enough energy propagate down to the desired
depths. The real crosswell data is, hence, dominated
by the direct arrivals for a shallow downhole source
(Figure 4a). The reflections are visible only when we
lower the downhole source to bring it closer to the
strong reflectors (Figure 4e). This limitation can be
overcome by the virtual crosswell method, provided
that the downhole receivers (acting as the virtual
source) contain 3-C recordings.
Since the real downhole source has radiation pattern
similar to a horizontal force, it radiates both P- and Swaves simultaneously. Using virtual crosswell, we
can create a source that radiates only P- or only Swaves (Figures 3b and 3d), enabling us to separate the
response of the subsurface to a P-wave source and to
an S-wave source. Such a separation is much more
difficult in real crosswell data.
Potential Applications
Crosswell surveys can be used for reservoir
monitoring. Time-lapse real crosswell requires at least
one dedicated well (for downhole sources). These
sources cannot be permanently placed in wells, and
hence the time-lapse survey may not be well
repeatable. Virtual crosswell survey may overcome
both of these limitations because it only requires
instrumenting wells with receivers. This can be done
by placing permanent fiber-optic hydrophones behind
the casing or tubing in producing wells, making the
survey very repeatable and non-intrusive. Other
possible non-repeatabilities in time-lapse real
crosswell surveys include changes in orientation and
signature of the downhole source between surveys.
Time-lapse virtual crosswell data becomes
independent of these issues once we deconvolve the
correlation gather by the (surface) source power
spectrum. These features of the virtual crosswell
survey make it useful for time-lapse crosswell
Apart from time-lapse monitoring, virtual crosswell
survey is useful for large interwell distances (greater
than 500 m), for which the real crosswell does not
produce reliable data. Due to the possibility to creating
a P- or an S-wave virtual source, we can perform a P-
SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting
or S-wave tomography and reflection imaging using
the virtual crosswell data. This technique is also
useful for applications that require undershooting
obstacles, such as near-surface distortions, salt or gas
clouds. In terms of frequency content, the virtual
crosswell data is comparable to a conventional VSP
data. Main advantages of virtual crosswell over VSP
include wider coverage and removal of time-varying
overburden effects and hence better repeatability. The
price to pay is dual-well recording.
This study is just a proof of concept for the virtual
crosswell method, and hence we do not go into the
details of comparing the reflection imaging and
tomography results. Apart from that, Figures 3 and 4
show that comparison of the real and virtual crosswell
data was reliable only in certain depth range,
suggesting that the field acquisition geometry was not
ideal (especially in terms of surface shot distribution)
to perform virtual crosswell method. In order to
maximize the benefits of the virtual crosswell method,
first step is to conduct a proper pre-survey modeling.
In case of complex overburden best insurance is to
have wide shooting geometry with areal shots or
several shot lines.
The concept of the virtual source can be extended to
crosswell geometry. For similar acquisition geometry,
virtual crosswell data is comparable to the real
crosswell data. Because of the way it is created, the
virtual crosswell data has lower frequency content as
compared to the real crosswell data at short interwell
distances. Apart from this limitation, the virtual
crosswell approach has a number of advantages over
the real crosswell method, such as the radiation pattern
of the virtual downhole source, ability of the virtual
downhole source to radiate only P- or only S-waves
and well repeatable surveys for time-lapse monitoring.
We are thankful to Shell for permission to publish this
paper. We thank Z-Seis and Reservoir Imaging Inc.
for acquiring the cross-well surveys and assistance
with data processing. We also appreciate the useful
discussions with Patsy Jorgensen and Michael
Time (ms)
total total
Rec V S
Rec V S
total direct
Time (ms)
Figure 4: (a) shows the real crosswell data with a downhole source 629.75 ft deep (same depth level as receiver 25) recorded by
downhole receivers. Yellow line highlights the direct P-wave (for bottom 30 receivers indicated by red bar). The arrows in all the
panels show the orientation of the (real and virtual) source (Src, VS) and the receivers (Rec). Figures (b), (c), (d) and (f) show the
virtual crosswell data, for which the text below the arrows indicate the wavefield used for correlation. Yellow and the solid black lines
highlight the direct P- and S-wave arrivals, and the dashed black line highlights the reflections. (e) shows the real crosswell data for a
deeper downhole source (1513.5 ft; same depth level as receiver 60). Apart from the direct arrival, it shows reflections (dashed black
line). Compared to (c), Figure (f) is dominated by downgoing waves more than reflections.
SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting
Note: This reference list is a copy-edited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2008
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have been copy edited so that references provided with the online metadata for
each paper will achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.
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SEG Las Vegas 2008 Annual Meeting