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JUARA : Jurnal Olahraga E-ISSN 2655-1896 ISSN 2443-1117 https://doi.org/10.33222/juara.v7i3.2279 The Influence of Command Teaching Style on Learning Outcomes of Futsal Game Skills Yanyan Sofyan1, Yudha M. Saputra2, Herman Subarjah3 1,2,3 Faculty of Physical Education and Health, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, West Java Province, 40154, Indonesia *e-mail: yanyan@upi.edu, yudhamsaputra@upi.edu, hermansubarjah@upi.edu Info Artikel Abstract ____________________ ____________________________________________________________ Article History: This study aims to determine the effect of the Teaching style command on learning outcomes of shooting in the soccer game of class IV-C students of SDN 159 Sekejati Bandung. The method used is an experimental method with the type of one-group pretest-posttest design. The number of samples is 20 students from classes IV-C. The data collection uses the technique futsal skill game. The result of this study indicates that there is an effect of the command style on the learning outcomes of the command teaching style on the inner foot passage learning in futsal games at class IV-C students of SDN 159 Sekejati Bandung because the t-count is more significant than t-table (16,580 > 2,093). . Received 17 June 2022 Approved 29 September 2022 Published 02 October 2022 ____________________ Keywords: Command Style, Learning Outcomes, Futsal Games © 2022 Yanyan Sofyan, Yudha M. Saputra, Herman Subarjah Under the license CC BY-SA 4.0  Alamat korespondensi: Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.29, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154 E-mail: yanyan@upi.edu character, and skills needed by himself, INTRODUCTION According to Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System Chapter I Article 1 (paragraph 1), education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious and spiritual strength, selfcontrol, personality, intelligence, noble society, nation and state. Physical education, sports and health are among the various compulsory subjects in the elementary school curriculum, which have goals that are as complex and comprehensive as the goals of education in general. According to (Suherman et al., 2018; Ramadan & Ningrum, 2019), physical education is a learning process through physical activity Yanyan Sofyan1, Yudha M. Saputra2, Herman Subarjah3/ JUARA : Jurnal Olahraga 7 (3) (2022) designed to improve physical fitness, develop five leading players, each unit can have motor skills, knowledge and behaviour of backup players. Unlike other indoor soccer healthy games, the futsal field is limited by lines. The and active living, emotional is goal is to get the ball into the opponent's goal necessary and very important for physical by manipulating the ball with the feet. The education, health and sports teachers to teach word futsal comes from the Spanish, namely at the elementary school level, considering that Futbol (soccer) and Sala (room), which, when physical education plays a significant role in combined, means "indoor football." This futsal achieving overall educational goals. game has various basic techniques, including intelligence and According sportsmanship. to physical This passing, controlling, dribbling, and shooting. education learning, sports and health in elementary These basic techniques need to be school students involve a lot of physical conveyed and taught to elementary school activity in it, including extensive ball game students. In teaching futsal at SDN 159 activities, small ball games, rhythmic and Bandung, it is known that students have not agility gymnastics, athletics, water activities, mastered the basic futsal techniques. This can martial arts, physical fitness activities and be seen from the more than 50% of students various other physical activities, all of them who have yet to reach the KKM (minimum given to achieve the main objectives of mastery criterion) with a score of 75. Several physical education, sports and health, namely reasons for not achieving the KKM are due to to improve students' affective, cognitive and several factors, including 1) teachers have not psychomotor. These various physical activities maximized their potential to use learning are divided into several materials or sports strategies in the learning process, 2) the use of activities that function as learning media for teaching styles that are not to the needs of students at school. One of the different game students, 3) The teacher's lack of clarity in activities contained in elementary school giving learning assignments and determining physical, sports and health education lessons specific learning objectives. One of the ways or efforts to overcome that students must learn is the game of futsal. Futsal is one of the big ball games the low quality of learning outcomes is the taught in the subject matter of sports and teacher must apply a teaching style considered health physical education to fourth-grade appropriate to overcome problems in learning. elementary school students. A futsal game is a Using the commando teaching style is game that is so popular with students as a expected to overcome the still low acquisition substitute for conventional soccer games. of student learning outcomes in futsal games. Mosston (2011) mentions some of According to Relax (2008), futsal is a the ball game played by two teams, each advantages or benefits of using this commando consisting of five people. In addition to the teaching style, including a) Uniformity of 606 Yanyan Sofyan1, Yudha M. Saputra2, Herman Subarjah3/ JUARA : Jurnal Olahraga 7 (3) (2022) motion, b) If done by many people, it can effect of commando teaching style on the create a beautiful and pleasant atmosphere, c) learning outcomes of futsal games for class IV Develops disciplinary behaviour, d) Produces students at SDN 159 Sekejati Bandung. a high level of activity, e) If the time available METHODS is short, the command style results in physical fitness and motor development rather than This research was conducted at SDN other styles, f) For its success, it does not 159 Sekejati Bandung City, West Java require in-depth knowledge, g) The teacher Province. The time for conducting the research can control the learning process so that there is is February 2022. This research uses an no possibility of something unexpected arising experimental method with a one-group pre-test according to with student ideas. and post-test design (Ramadan & Juniarti, As for the characteristics, weaknesses, 2020). The variables in this study are the and advantages of this commando style, Lutan commando teaching style as the independent (2000) states, "The elements of the Commando variable and the learning outcomes of playing style teacher-dependent futsal as the dependent variable. The research approaches. The teacher prepares all aspects of population was all students in class IV-C, teaching. He takes full responsibility and totalling 39 students, while the research initiative for education and monitors learning sample was 20 male students in class IV-C. progress. The advantage of this teaching style The research instrument uses a futsal skill is that it is very effective if you want to foster evaluation test. are the most uniformity and simultaneity of movements The skills measured are a series of tests according to the form the teacher wants, which include; herding (dribbling), passing enhances discipline and obedience, controls (passing), holding (controlling), and shooting the rate of information wholly owned by the (shooting). The test was carried out 2 times; teacher and uses time quite efficiently. The the best score was taken. The test results are weakness of this style is that it inhibits the time taken during a series of examinations creativity and individuality and does not and the total score in putting the ball into the inspire enthusiasm to practice or study outside goal. Assessment can be done by converting class hours. each rough/raw score into a T Score. Two kinds of T Score are added: the basic futsal Using this commando teaching style, it skills. is hoped that students will be helped because they are guided and directed directly by the FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION teacher, influencing learning outcomes in futsal games. Based on the elaboration of the After knowing the results of the data problems above, the researcher is very normality interested in conducting a research entitled the 607 and homogeneity tests, the Yanyan Sofyan1, Yudha M. Saputra2, Herman Subarjah3/ JUARA : Jurnal Olahraga 7 (3) (2022) hypothesis test was carried out using the t-test effects of hypothesis testing. approach (t-test) for more details about the Table 1. Calculation of Significant Test of Increased Skill Results tcount ttable Conclusion 16,580 2,093 Significance There is a finding that there is a H0 = There is no significant effect of significant effect of the command teaching Command Teaching Style on Learning style process on the learning outcomes of Outcomes of futsal game skills at SDN students playing futsal at SDN 159 Bandung. 159 Bandung. This is evident from the data showing that the H1 = There is a significant influence of average result of the futsal skill test before Command Teaching Style on Learning being given treatment was 77.15. The score of Outcomes of futsal game skills at SDN the test results before being given the highest 159 Bandung. treatment was 95, and the lowest was 61. The CONCLUSION average score of the test results after being given treatment with the commando teaching Based on the findings of the research style method was 92.10, with the highest result that has been carried out, it can be concluded of 118 and the lowest being 71. These results that there is a significant influence of the show that there was an average increase before commando teaching style method on the and after using the command teaching style learning outcomes of students' futsal game 14.95. skills at SDN 159 Sekejati Bandung. Based on the normality test carried out REFERENCES in this test, the results obtained are the value of Xcount = 0.154. This value is smaller than the Andi Irawan. (2009). Teknik DasarModern Futsal. Jakarta: Penerbit Pena. rejection limit at the significant level α = 0.05, namely Stable = 0.190. Thus it can be Dian Ika P. R. W., B.M. Wara Kushartanti. 2014. Model Tes Keterampilan Dasar Futsal Bagi Pemain KU 10-12 Tahun. 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