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Oxalate complexation with aluminum(III) and iron(III) at moderately elevated temperatures

1992, OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information)

. h+- . Wis.rxbl J --Q LA-UR-92-H95 T it /e : I&uI+-92-895 IY1392G11361 Author(s): Submlttai t o. c. 1). 1111 ‘ I I’; lrii .llll ‘1’:lil !;)’111]1. l:i I :,’, ~.’ , 1’1-1}1, l), l:. ,TiInLIt.li I’ll l!;ll l’1”-1:1’l’li Y, ;Iml Il. 1111 im~:ll’l 1.. (:liII-lt 11’11, 1“1” 11)1).’ LosAlamos NAT IONAI lAFIOll AI Ofl Y l.!m AIIHIIOn Nnlmml I abmkmy, Hnalttmtivn wlmvqml LMXWII Ily -m, I. qnfmlml hy IIHI WIIVWUIVd Cnlihwmm h)r W I I !i I)qtmlntml d I IIJWW Ulllk IXOIIti W /40h I ~1 ,30 tl~ w9@mm d fhtI nflidn, lfla IJUbhhUl IMqlnlmn Ihl lh U % . 14ww1111M 191itIIlnd mmmmchmwn, lU@~ h- MIXIIW Ill t’milhh w MINIXIIIU W IMWIA I(WMu! tttinCBIWMIIIM, IN m (WW d=n hl (h MI, b II S OUVWVWII UWMn 1k I IM AIIInMInWIIWIIII 1141MIIdLWV . Oxalute complexa[ion C. Drew Tail, Isotope id with duminum(lll) Duvid Nucltilr R. JiLnuctiy, David Ctwmisiry Los Alumos Nuliond Los A]alllos, Nhl ABSTRACT: and irrsn(lll) at mmkriitcly L. Clark Division l~dxml[w-y 87545 ‘1’o MM lo our lllld~’rs[allding ol”[hcww[llcring wakrs, we II;IVC ~xiimi[ld tqwrtilurc ofrt)L”ks fkkl shdics show thnt even t’nc tissociulion consliml for [he Ilighly incrcascs[o 80” C, (.’1llperuture dcpcndcnl k Tocvirluir[e thcpohm[id t:(~lllpu~iliollc xpcrimenlsl ferric oxuhsles show incrcilsus in wx~irrtion fnrFe(ox)+ c(ms[im[ ~l]ilrgd CIwmic;ll lc[ivtitin Fc([ll)uml for Al(ox)+ Ixlwuc’u dissolvtxl Iwun Ihc locus d invwdigulions procusscs in sdimcnltiry brinus, Tlwsti inlcrac[ions crwrlion, dcslrrrc[ion lhruugh complex (S[JR[)AM (JI” mduls lr)~~; l.’A~hf[~~, illll Llcvlcc lhc in l~)w- 1[) ltlt]dcr:llL: -lcillllurlll[lrc KIIARAKA tlrc conccnlruticms of OXUIWC in oil SIIRDAM, ufliilive CI rrl. 191hl, 1987; MACGOWAN 1911#1),i[s di-lunc[i(mul chdnhw imporliuwc Accordingly, vs. und mrtulc nsukcs it a m[wc ul rwml Im:qwrulurc 10 Wdmrillg urd hcncc ils ovmrll i~ polcnlisrlly lwuli(ms 1989), dclcdimr (If I) Xilllltl! uksrihrbilily in Ihu pICSLInLW (If cnluilllll, H k~mnn~ul ~~llilm In sdir As pninhd hrinrs. ~ml hy I:I!IN .n[brry hnsins ( 1902), l!)(mgh, l’Hlciuln is m~l utwuys pfv,svnl , Ilnd Ilw kinrti~w l~f Iww[icm uw mll wrdl slmliwl A~’I\nLl nmrw)lwl (KIIARAKA undrr gvtwhrnlit’ul IWM, I[M7; hlA(*(;()\VAN 19111!), Hml IIWW (Ihi(wllillm gcorhtmcnl comlilions, IIW t,(m~liturntx CXfWrlIllCnlS h) &!k!rlllinC (’I AV A’I -I ’A, I Q(I I I ; SJt)lll!l{(; “1’llohlAS c1 d., IQ91), (xmlplcxru mo Hlrim~ cmmgh hm pw nm u urtt OIIMAN, “Illcw h! rclcvnnl 10 swfimcnlury n@r purticulurly twins {)11 rLWIVL’ry ( 1[01{) prlwidc AI-(M (lK)’l”l”Al{l of inlrlrwli(ms, pl~mvwwr, Iugiiul IIf Ihr vihl Ili[mrl ApI * dI n lWL’r; (oa-oasrhllr flm hhlnlimlm ) itl hr Irndwd lItmI in fl)rm. ili{m (m Of rcwlll~ wilh cxr.mlilw IIIC cvun in lwtnplvx l{umnn Iin[!crl}rinl nurlricm sculkring uml unrJ hl~rurixl (I K) Iwnks ill Ilw ri(l.crdlcd Visildl’ spvt’llllm rsml ulituvidd urr Irw spo(’ir~ rwhylivr AWI’[11111 nwlhod unrJ :md pl I rwrgcs, A 10 diwully ruvvnl ncw qwuirs srh”llivr. ncw llklllifiL’Ulh’l srwlr(~sq~ic d~stnp[i[m nml nllllwin~ pllhw l, 2 I{ I! SIJI,’I-S ANI) UIIII [h! nl{n.lcrulc lcmprrulurr rdudiw is Ihc uhility mdunisnl~ und in primnry invuslignlionr4 of or~~,) .ic/ gLsOL’hLIIlllSlry [hrl)@l wi[h lwmprlinx wn~itivv xnd suhscqumrt illll)[lllillll udvnnlugc t)l inicgruting diugrncsis of Al- Iwnpimlurc pltlWSKN. Icvrl ~pcdrtwcljpiu inlcruc[ions I’hcreforc, &pLllkllLW 10 lhc mtdcrulc in rm.k lllt(ir:lti~~~/wc:ltllcrillg (wrr arc rcriul[s, spcci Iicall y h’lllpCrU[llrC rq!imc CIlhllllL’W! In fuct, ruuulion clmdilionsm spwics, impnrhrncc rcdily. wilh Si(lV) Iwru ml A1-oxuluIc muy inhwr(’[ wi[h is known h) liwnl nmllili~und u(m)plvmw wiIh \MrdHIv HI looni” rrsul[s show Ihut this Chulilliofl IIw mujor culionil’ t}f r{sck srml wnl mui,icwi, ~JxnluIu, In lHc I, ulunlinmll in conlrust Mnd of u silicon estw (M AtU.EY NMR l~C oxd:llc 10 In’ rclvvunco id’ Ihc inlcrnt”li(nl, Silic{,ll(l V) rind n[tllllitlilll)(lll), 5 nrd 8), CI HI., I 990) unr.1m:ly require scnsi[ivc wc will cmrcun[ru!wl nlw~~lplilm uml d{} m) I dinlimrtv um l (d’ o[gwric (UVANS wiry spruim tJxduM ctltl~,ulllrlltlt)l~s Iwnr [hi~ [m{ c1 al,, SIJRIIAM, rvkwsnl our IR urdcr spcciirlimd SL~illlL’l)hlry llt]r{]slty/w.il[ll~”rillg uml [Iii iidJ (hclwcen LIMN not Ihrm orgunic Lwmplcxw inluruclions pcrluins Ill qursli(m ttissncialirm covulunl h[md fbrmuliorr. Molcculur Lw llp[)lm rl. I(] IIxHIiIIu-lli~HIIIcud thelirs spcclru, :rdiculing dmpitc u rcporl d’ lhc Ihrnur[ion inorgnnic grwrlcr, wc have choslm it ns our Mwlrd orgunic A mujur [d~juttitm Simihrrksnluminum, xpcrilnenls, pcuks urc Iound in lwlh IR and Rarnnn uliconlnum and Inrnspurl brines urc irhtml 30 Iinws Iowcr Ihrur Ihsrl rrtdulc (5,5 167 MM, hum ini[ialwl. l) XILlillC ul nr.wr ncutrul pl{’s silwwr V;illuy ‘rypc (M V”I’) dcpt)sils, SySICIIW SIICh iis IIIU hliw+lssippi modcrale nalurul sysIcHLs, Al~llnill~lnl-oxululc proven uxumplw hydrolhcmm[ wilil in compltx pur-por[u{J silicon ester is WVu:dly just I’we oxulutc wrrl thrr[ iln~ ~nl] squcslcring inrluiws Incolllpelitionc cl ill.. 0[ pcrmdiiily 19~6), rCI L,ilSC , AI Ihough nwx i mum mcusurud Iitld husins nrd in oil field It, ‘umtion wilt, Al in ulurrlinosiliculw ~1 ill., siuni~l~.iullly 01 cnn hu n crilicul comprmunl 01’ and rw)rguniixlliun uncxrwdwlly brines Rtin-ran vihration;ll 1090” C. nml Illillcrill orgunics :is.sullmmrlury w’ilh ox;da[c. foroxuln[chirve sodium inturdulitms Lliqyrrulic Al(Ill) ilCll ofuluminurn A1-oxalirt~spccics conshmls ut higher [qwrdurrs. incrcilsus fus[crthunlhnl huvc incrcusingly rich CllVirolllllL’lllSS AI(ox)33- illll~orlu[lccoflllcsc I lNTRODUCTl(lN surfwus inorgdnk (JrqmnrJun[complcxir[ion imrJ oil lcmpcrulure CICVMICLI tcmpm!urcs I) IS(’IISSION d ulc Iwn{’c ([IV) hut tdlcr H nnnu h~wrr {’ljll(’{~liliulii~lls -——— .-—. -——-. .._— 1429 I :3 0 0 —. la 1409 W,~venurr,ber — ——-. l:ig.2 ‘1’umpcrwluru dqwndrnl 1500 (cm-l ) Rnmim spcclru Ii]r u wduli(m 1)1 20 mM Al / 50 mhl oxulti[c d pi I ==’2.9. Unclcr Ihcsu conditions, IIIC riili(] (SJOIIEKG id 01’ Al(ox)z UIIMAN, pwl,k I’r[ml Al(ox)s~- - 10 AI((M)33- lW15). Ahhou@ is 1 UI 25”(’ ltm 142° Ulll” 1 wils L’xpr!ulcd to kwc irrtmlsily thr 140H cm I pc:ik 01”Al(ox)P - its IIW Icmpcrnlurc incrwmd, . ..—. -.— . .—. ...- ‘I I I PL”H I I U W, I llW’(”r /1 \ I H4’+. I,, IRJ, -I 1, In1, ,., IIW spL.rIIu .SIN)W u luck of clnmgc with WqwrulurL., (Al(ox)z- Idnlivc ~:ls I indic.illing Itlill 1111” Ihild ussociullon cxmslllnl lrrCrL!~SLm $ i Wlh oXZ” --> Al(oxj31. -) llClllillly (.@ilk ’ I lk ’ilihlhilll} Ihc high 0 1 l)x lilllh! Chilrgc d h~hl’r Ilf AI(ox)33h’llip4 ’rLrhrrL’s, ulld lhu h) _. —..- .-. .- .— .—— 075 1 I.O 1.0 Ferric Oxalates mM mM Fdlll) oxalala FIH = 1.3 fj 055C (Fc : OX) : ; m : 035 - (1:3) \ 1.1 .rOonlm ;, 1 350nm \ o15~ (1:2) 0 40 20 100 00 GO T(C) \ (M) \ \ 1 .0 2 - 1.0 mM Fqlll) 2.0 mM oIalslo U)%-_ -—..—=—___ — ,OO. pH = 1.3 — ogu- 550 450 W~vclencth (IIIT1) —— I:ig, J Alworp[iun spudrii 12 O.!)G. 0’44 ———— 0 20 of 1 mM 1%(111) nitrulc solutions UI -— 40 60 1!)0 80 T(C) Fig.4 ml I;c(.ll) t’tlmpulilion C,~)IIlplLmXL,.S ;IIU color-ml (I) ENlilJX [l V/vis illls[)rplioll c~m~pclili(m, ucid, Sp.lllt)stxlpy cspcci; wavclcnglhs > I:u(lll)-ox 196H) itnd Ihcrcforu Used 111nltmil(ll h’ I“rcc uxilltitu, hioxtilfilu, (MC)ORI{EAD qwwiulion III wm ,-’ uI., 19(I!I; pcrlnrmd in H (Hl pl I,. I ,3) in ordur Iu insure no tiwrous imr prmlucliml ul rrculrul pl I ‘N. lo (xxwr upm MIX)RI I li}\l) 14nIl(mr wrd were ltl uvt)id lhr slow pll(jl(l-(l~’c( llllll(lsili~)ll cxpllsurc 500 IIIU (PAI{KIIR, h) I < UNL1SU”l’IN, 1966), “I-lm slImI limw light lEvL*ls [II Ilw spuclrl~~ndcr wcru mll rmmgh m]liccublc inhwl dcclmlposiliut). spcclru~c~q)iL’ mdhods d I() dclcrminc uxst)citi[ion cmvdunts (e.g. Ahs~@itm kn(IwII 3. d No dislind hroud chur~c lrunsliw ulwlhuwwi (KII’N) (II 7.hti, 6.23, in~,ludv I:d O, I 5 / 0.70 IUId 4,-/9 (l)lil.1.lliN, I , Ii:(m) ~ , ad I:r(m)l 1~~()(,), spvL4r# hmml, hut frnm Ilw hluc l’tllliillll)lls usht~t’lditm 1(~”)’1),~prcws itl II IulIO III / (), I 5, wluII(: lhI~ rclcvun[ rquuli~m IN WC(OX) ~ <-----:- I“r(llk)j I I“d ~ ; K unc with tcmpcruturu. + Fc3 I fnstcr than ‘1’his incrtxrsc in KI rckrtivc Im quunlimtcd I mn Ibis rcsull UI guw uguinsl ducumpusilim purk frqucncy shift uccompimirx Will] twicr w much Idd K)ll(l Imldurls, pwsihl y u MC I c nqw ra t urc ! inc rw w . oXHIIW w ir(.m (Pe(ox) :11’c(ox)~~- I= (;. 14: 0.7 I :0.14 i’oll%uum prrwwt the sword IV K~ mu not, Imwcvwl cOnstuM incrwwal Uccuusc to cuuw 4(H) 11111 Ilru (), 7 1(1, “2.5[), illlll “235. Wilh rquimlhrl nury indicate thut nmru is Iwing fOrnwd d the expense Of I%(ux)T lhe tirsl ritepwi,sc. ussociulimr the than thw fm lcvurMil]ility inl[] IIW ncur [IV wl*rc Iimtd imhwd. AI 35[] Mm, wc cs[imi~h: 1,, .!, I ,X, lIIH[ (.I:C 3(1, r :(.,,X ‘- S’1O, ~linlx. t low), 1111(1 ,.,,, - I hi” \ , WIIIIC IIw c{lllcsptmdill~ Vulllvs ul Vi:,.,,xllolil~ (d iltm WI(I IIxr41Nlu utd Ihu lt~g t)l Ilw Mrpwiw in a rcvcrsihlc BaaIusc iII IIIC low rqwcwnlulivc cxlwulitl~ i. r. 4. at 400 nm d IWO FC(OX) +‘s is grder l~c((ix)~- and I:c3 +, this incrasn Pc(oa) + rcdtcd uhsm hinlj urd SIJ”I’IN, pwrks wrm 10 85°C rihown in Figure l:u(Ox) I cmuh.1nut ubwmnl Ibr dIc full incrruw. ut 350 und 400 nm were u,wd to numilor Ilm ruw[wiutl~m ~)1(PXUIUIC with I:c(lll), uw rdmwn ill I:iguru [hr tcrnpcrulurc l“S.~; Otlwr sludI12s Iwvo w d lliAD und b) ?50 IIM I’m 1,() IWCUUSCCWH liIll t.i~n~’crsion I(I IhII m[)rr highly ruom Icmpcrulurc Mor)l(l nxnidu nm nrd 3S0 nm / 3.0 nlM OXUIUM pl [ = 1,3 solutions, absqrtiun twill tndiurn IIIV sunlplcs were u.swl wilhin n] ut 4W mM Fw. increasing cxpcrinwmls 1966; DENfiUX these cxpcrimcn[s 11(111-coordinulillg”pcrc[l][)ric Iiupt ill III,. dIIIk / 1,0 mM irwrcmc in dmmplion, urd SUTIN, I:urlhrrmtltc, vs. Iemperulurc , F&+ oxillic du nd ulwmrh upprrciubly [re(lll)-ox 19-/7), Ahsorhmwc for 1.0 .“ Ihc 300 nm, As in prrevious DIII.LIEN, c1 Iii,, Cilll llly sin(c cwnplrxcs IUILI Al-ox [:uti%nmru, Ii)r oxulillc. 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