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Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2005
Over the past few decades the stress had become a growing dilemma in organization and cause unfavorable effects on job performance. Stress is a universal element that affects employees worldwide. There are many barriers that affecting the employees in the workplace. Work stress often affects the employees in the workplace, where each employee will feel it at least once in their workplace. Work stress is a real life problem that not only affects the organization, but the employees mainly become victims of stress. stress become a familiar element in organization and nowadays the workplace become more complicated, which bring more negative impacts to the employees compared to positive impacts. Stress among workers is greater than before which also effect on the whole performance of the employees. Stress which occurred in workplace declared as harmful to physical and emotional responses that happen within a human being when the requirement of the job do not match the employees‟ capacity...
Research Companion to Organizational Health Psychology, 2005
— this paper attempts to focus on the relationship between stress and optimism in the media industry. Career is an important aspect of life and professional stress is becoming a part of this journey. Media professionals are no exception. The National Advertising Benevolent Society (NABS) released a study which highlights that 23% professionals in the creative and media sector are amongst the most stressed. Stress has been defined ―the rate of all wear and tear caused by life.‖ It can be positive and negative. There are various causes of stress at work. Stress is also caused due to different external factors. Coping with stress can be complicated and confusing, Optimism conveys the driving force to propel one towards handling stress. It has its ramifications in the industry at large and towards the improvement of well-being, hope and resilience at an individual level. Optimists also appear to fare better in handling stress.
Stress presents a personal response of external and internal state of mind of the employee to the certain situations which act as stimuli. This study showcases the concept of Stress. Job stress has been prominently focused here. As stress is considered beneficial as well as deterrent to the employee growth, this study presents two types of job stress: positive stress and negative stress. Both types of stress cause pressure on the employee, but they produce different reactions in the employee's behavior. This study describes the characteristics of both positive and negative stress. Various situations causing positive and negative stress have been mentioned in this study. Different types of job stress have also been illustrated here with the remedial strategies which should be adopted to tackle with these types of job stress.
Economic Insights – Trends and Challenges, 2013
Given the complex nature of the concept - occupational stress (also known as work or job stress), it appears a daunting task reaching a unified definition of work stress because of the acknowledged fact that a singular approach may not be able to encompass the breadth of the phenomenon. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to provide a general review of some of the challenges surrounding the conceptuality of occupational stress in literature. Subsequently, the established knowledge regarding the nature and causes of occupational stress were examined in light of the conceptual typology of Murphy (1995) and Michie (2002) that portrays various sources of workplace stress which has been categorized as emanating from the context and content of work. These stress sources are consequentially known to produce dire organisational and extra-organisational outcomes such as low morale, poor performance, career uncertainty, absenteeism, health problems, work-life conflict, turnover and other reverses that undermine competitive objectives of business. As solutions, stress curative measures are discussed to assist managers to understand the significance of providing effective stress management interventions that can enhance employee well-being and organisational productivity.
Journal of Applied …, 1986
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Art Exhibition Catalog The Tower of Women 2023, 2023
IRJET, 2022
Papeles del Psicologo
Journal of Popular Music Studies, 2008
Les Cahiers ALHIM, 2024
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006
Scientific reports, 2018
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 2015
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP, 2016
Jurnal Riset dan Aplikasi Mahasiswa Informatika (JRAMI), 2021