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El cálculo y su enseñanza
Esta es una propuesta para promover una mejor comprensión de los conceptos del cálculo diferencial en un primer curso universitario, mediante la introducción de las tecnologías digitales bajo un marco didáctico y con una aproximación epistemológica. Presentaremos algunos resultados.
Competendo Facilitator Handbook, 2022
Our notions of digital competence must respond to the deep roots of digital transformation in our current society. We need a pedagogy of ‘the digital’ that does not focus solely on teaching technical skills, in order for citizens to be prepared for the societal debates about digitalisation, to be able to actively participate in them, and to develop their own informed attitudes toward the possibilities opened up by the digital transformation. In particular, opportunities for learning democracy and strengthening social participation are needed to empower active citizens, to raise awareness among broader groups in the population, and to ensure that the digital transformation in Europe is people-centred and shaped along democratic rights and values and upholds human rights prinicples. With this handbook for educators, we present training methodologies and examples of relevant practice and encourage digitalisation as a central topic in lifelong learning: Learning for digitalisation, learning about digitalisation and learning through digitalisation.
Digital literacy means that the ability of using information and communication technologies to find, evaluates, create and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skill. Digital literacy is required for a common man to do their versatile duties easily. Using laptop, computer and smart phone, surfing in the internet, being in social media communicating with messaging apps and email handling are the few examples of Digital literacy. It is an important skill required for all the human beings in the current era of communication world. In Tamil Nadu, the government has provided laptops for the Government school students loaded with lot of source materials related to their subjects. The project work has been undertaken to give awareness on digital and online safety among welfare school children in Cuddalore district in the state of Tamilnadu.
The education sector is undergoing significant challenges in the process of transforming learning models in order to face the new requirements of our hyper-connected society. Teaching students how to adequately interact as active and committed citizens in our knowmadic global society is the most challenging task facing educators nowadays. Moreover, the university must consider a student’s knowledge of digital technologies to be able to design new educational models that respond to their current needs. The aim of our research is to assess that knowledge and the use of digital technologies among college students and the relationship this has with their prior academic experience. Data collection included a validated ad-hoc questionnaire divided into 16 categories applied to 757 students of both sexes between 20 and 57 years of age. The results show that, irrespective of gender and age, those students who have used Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their secondary educ...
The South Asian Academic Research Chronicle Vol VI; Issue 9: September, 2018
Today, laptops, tablets, cell phones, email, e-Readers, and social media reign supreme. While these devices have brought a tremendous amount of value to learners of every age, the digital world is one with its own set of rules and risks. Furthermore, for students to get the most out of technology and the benefits it offers, they need to know how to use it to process, deliver and receive digital information most effectively. Digital literacy for today’s students is crucial. It is necessary to develop digital literacy skills with which students can communicate and express their ideas effectively using digital media. The educational sectors around the world are beginning to incorporate digital literacy into the curriculum. The paper deals with the introduction of digital literacy, Components of DL and some basic tools useful in digital literacy programme.
Digital Subjects: Introduction, 2019
READ ONLINE at An introduction to the special issue 'Digital Subjects,' edited by Olga Goriunova, Subjectivity journal.
Supplemental Instruction is a program designed to support students in their learning process. The program consists of advanced students supervising new students, where the purpose is to improve students' performance and reduce the risk of interruption of studies. Supplemental Instruction was established almost 50 years ago and is used today in universities around the world. This book is about the role, use and place of digital technologies in supplemental Instruction, which includes why we need Supplemental Instruction, teacher's integration of technology experience with lecture capture and more. The book is aimed at anyone who is concerned about study quality in higher education. The contributors are researchers and lecturers at various universities from several countries. This book is the first of a trilogy on Supplemental Instruction, where the themes for the other books are "Student Learning Processes" and "Organization and Leadership". (DIPF/Orig.)
Digital competence is not yet a stable concept (see also the answer “What is digital competence” about defining the concept) but emerging from various backgrounds. We had to consider what issues to include in the definition of digital competence. Studies about the curriculum do not necessarily explicitly use the term “digital competence” but discuss, for example, about “digital literacy”, “media literacy” or “ICT skills”. For this reason, the original author’s concept is mentioned when reviewing the results, if relevant, to make it clear which term and which elements of digital competence have been investigated in the referred article.
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The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 2017
PLoS ONE, 2022
World journal of gastroenterology : WJG, 2014
African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2018
JNMA; journal of the Nepal Medical Association, 2021
Cellular Polymers, 2002
Engineering Research Express, 2019
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016