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PRONOUNCE Vol.1, No.1, May 2021 Available online at: https://jurnal.ubd.ac.id/index.php/pr The Analysis of Danny Maccabee’s Character as Pathological Liar Seen in Just Go With It Movie Olyvia Natasha 1)*, Iwan 2) 1)2) Universitas Buddhi Dharma Jl. Imam Bonjol No.41. Karawaci Ilir, Tangerang, Indonesia 2) iwan@ubd.ac.id Article history: Abstract Received 10 May 2021; Revised 12 May 2021; Accepted 13 May 2021; Available online 15 May 2021 The research is aimed at showing the character of Danny Maccabee, the main character of the film Just Go with It, as a pathological liar, the factors which have made him become a pathological liar and how his character influenced his life. The material for the analysis is the movie Just Go with It, directed by Denis Dugan. The writers applied qualitative approach,and employed relevant theories of psychology. They used the scripts of the movie as the data to be analyzed. Based on the research findings, Danny is a pathological liar since he has the characteristics of being a pathological liar. In addition, Danny Maccabee has such a character due to the factors which have made him become a pathological liar and that the effect of his character as being pathological liar has influenced his social relationship with other people and disturbed his inner peace in his life. Keywords: Character Characterization Lying Pathological Liar I. INTRODUCTION Literature is an expression of individual thought and feeling achived through the creative process. Literature can be spoken and written. The word literature originated from the Latin litteratura, meaning "writing formed with letters". (Klarer, 2004) states that in most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. Literature is an imagination that pour in creativity terms; it can be used to described anything from creative writing. Literature represents the culture and tradition of a language or a people, and it is also a part of abiding sources of beauty and entertaiments for all civilized men, and part in a record of the ideas and customs, the special vision and feeling, of the people who have created it. Literary work is one of the work cultures that constitute of a writer’s response in their environment. Literary works reflect the imagination of human expressions. Literary works have a various form such as poetry, novel, film, etc. Film, for instance, can be made based on a drama or play text. Film is included into literary work since it uses language. Therefore, film can be analyzed based on the intrinsic value because it is part of literary work. As such, theories of intrinsic value or the elements of the literary work are used to analyze the literary work. (Quinn, 2006) states that film is a general term for a particular motion picture or for motion pictures in general. Film is a type of art that uses more pictures than words. A film, is also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. Like other literary works, film or movie has the elements that construct the film to be a unity. The elements are divided into intrinsic and extrinsic elements. Intrinsic value covers the elements of the literary works. They are theme, character, setting of time and place, and plot while extrinsic elements are the background that forms the film. One of the most important elements is character. (Abrams, 2009) states that characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it the dialogue. Character can drive the plot and the story. Most often the author uses the character to generate the theme of the story. Character is a person who takes part in the action of narrative work of art such as novel, drama, or film. (Gill, 2009) states that a character is someone in literary work that has some sorts of identity it need not be a strong one, but an identity which is made up by appearance, conversation, action name and (possibly) thoughts going on in the head. * Corresponding author ISSN xxxxxx (online) xxxxxx (print) © The Authors. Published by Faculty of Social and Humanities, Universitas Buddhi Dharma. Doi: Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 21 (Peck & Coyle, 1989) states that the people in a play, drama, film are referred to as characters. The characters or the figures of a film, for instance, are assessed on the basis of what they say and do, and what the other character say about them. Character will be helpful in the analysis of a film. Characters are very important because they are the medium through which a reader interacts with a piece of literature. Every character has his or her personality. Diffrent attitudes, emotions, and even appearances of characters can greatly influence the other elements in literary work such as theme, setting and tone. Main character cannot be seperated from his or her behavior. For example, someone always tells other people lies although in fact, almost everyone lies once in a while, sometimes exaggerating facts, omitting little details, or telling a completely different story. The person who always tells lies to other people may be called a pathological liar by a few people. A pathological liar is also known as a sociopath. The pathological liar will lie for absolutely no reason, and do so very convincingly. As clinical psychologist Martha Stout stated “They often lie just to see if they can trick people. These people are great at lying in all circumstances because they completely lack empathy for others.” Pathological liar was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck. Although it is a controversial topic, pathological lying has been defined as falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime (C. C. Dike, 2008). Pathological liar is defined to someone who habitually lies even to his disadvantages. It means that pathological liar is someone who has a behavior of habitual lying. In addition, it is difficult for other people to understand,why someone always keeps lying. Pathological lying, which is also known as compulsive, chronic, or habitual lying, is not a psychological disorder; it has no documented list of symptoms. However, pathological liars may share the following common traits. a. Chronicity Chronic lying behavior is one of the characteristics of pathological liar. The Oxford Dictionary defines chronic as “continuing a long time” or “having long had a disease habit, or an illness persisting for a long time or constantly recurring. Someone who habitually lies or uses lying to get out of situations of their own. (Healy & Healy, 1915) accommodate the element of chronicity within the limits of their definition when they say “it manifests itself most frequently by far over a period of years, or even a lifetime”, and so too does (C. Dike et al., 2005) with their assertion that pathological lying, “may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime” and that “the lies are often repeated over a period of years”. This behavior eventually becomes addictive. Compulsive lying can easily ruin any relationship. b. Lying as a Psychological Defense In 1915 (Healy & Healy, 1915) stated that pathological lying facilitates the repression of emotional distress and fluctuates in accordance with the person’s exposure to stress. This postulation was again supported by (Ford et al., 1988) who believed pathological lying functioned to disguise intrapsychic conflict. some pathological liars may tell lies to protect themselves from their bad experience, such as emotional pain, traumatic memories. They use lies to deny the reality, to avoid the emotional experience or to hide their anxiety. Psycological Defense Mechanisms are unconscious processes that try to reduce the anxiety associated with painful experiences, memories and instinctive desires. They minimize anxiety to protect the ago from external and even internal attacks and maintain the repression. c. Pathological lies are detectable Pathological liars will often tell unbelievable stories, the lies are detectable and sometimes the lies are odd and illogical. (C. C. Dike, 2008) had stated about pathological lying The lies are easily disprovable tales that are often fantastic in nature and may be extensive, elaborate, and complicated. There often appears to be a blurring of the boundaries between fiction and reality. While almost everyone exaggerates stories sometimes, a pathological liar does it too much of the time, and sometimes compulsive liars have to tell lies to cover up their earlier lies. d. Having a low self esteem Self-esteem is an aspect of the way we view ourselves. Self-esteem is confidence in one’s capacity to achieve values (Branden, 1969). It is subjective and enduring sense of realistic self-approval. It reflects how the individual views and values the self at the most fundamental levels of psychological experiencing (Bednar & Peterson, 1995). Low sel esteem means that you have negative ideas about your worth and value as a person. People who see about negative values on themselves and try to look better in the other’s people eyes around them will often exaggerating their stories about themselves. They tell the exaggratting stories to gain sympathy or empathy. Perhaps they worry people will refuse them if they think they have any bad qualities, so they make up the story to improve their value. Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 22 e. Many pthological liars begin telling lies to avoid reality or certain perceptions they have about themselves. Their poor self-esteem may convince them that other people will reject them for who they truly are, so they make up what they story to be more interesting. They might also make up lies to cover up behavior they don't want anyone to know about that. Lies Show the Individual as a Constant Victim (Healy & Healy, 1915) noted that there was an ego-centric quality to pathological liars and that built into this ego-centrism is a proclivity for telling heroic tales. Within this theme many lies can be divided into one of two categories; either the pathological liar is potrayed themselves as the heroic protagonist, or alternatively, the pathological liar is labeled themselves as the unfortunate victim. People with a victim mentality display passiveaggressive characteristics when interacting with others. The behavior has a self-defeating, almost masochistic quality. Some pathological liars will lie about the good things that happened in their life,or some pathological liar will tell the story about bad things that happen to them to gain people’s interest and attention. People who lies pathologically like to seek attention from people around them, they like to be the center. Lying is sometimes necessary, but too much of it can open a window into deeper psychological disorder. (Ford et al., 1988) state that a pathological liar is made, not born when telling the truth is nearly impossible. The following are some causes of a pathological liar: a. Impoverished Self-Esteem Psychologists say that there is a sort of natural drive that makes people want to lie uncontrollably when they find themselves in certain situations, where telling the truth could make them look bad in the eyes of close friends, relatives, co-workers or peers. Some people exaggerating their qualities and achievements as denying or minimising their faults and failures. (Ford et al., 1988) are one of several author groups to suggest that selfesteem enhancement one of the biggest reason to make people to become a pathological liar. Having a low selfesteem has been linked to pathological lying in the literature. People with low self-esteem are closely to drive someone to tells lies, and that in the majority of these cases it was further concluded that telling lies encourage people to enhance their self-esteem. They are trying to make themselves feel better about the way how they look, their achivement, and what they have in life. b. Traumatic Events Trauma, is defined as mental or emotional stress or physical injury producing a disordered psychic or behavioral state. Emotionally or physically abusive home situations can cause lying. Some people, notes Ford, may use lying as a defense mechanism for dealing with traumatic events. This could be a way of assimilating information that would otherwise be painful, to alter the awareness of what really happened. Many of these lies once believed by others may even become “true” to the liar. c. Relationship difficulties In some cases people that have bad relationship with others are often trigged people to tell lies. They are telling lies to gain accaptance from other people as seen in the case study of (Mitchell & Francis, 2003). Their client was an individual with low intellectual functioning...interpersonal problems, and few friendships or romantic relationships...(he) admitted that his fabrications were fantasies that he had repeated to peers in order to earn their respect and thereby become more compatible with others. Some authors believed that peer isolation may drive people become pathological liar. The above statements mean that a pathological liar fabricates an untrue story and tell other people the untrue story, in order to be accepted in his or her social life. d. Power (Ford et al., 1988) theorized that the act of lying may be in pursuit of power and control, the rational being that knowledge equals power and the act of deception and secrecy denies others of information. (Ford et al., 1988) further speculated that individuals who feel depleted of power may resort to lying in an attempt to secure control over their environment. The prospect of power can make individuals resort to extremes. These people may resort to lying to maintain power or control over others. When they lose power, they may resort to more lying. When they gain power and success from lying, it is thus reinforced. The lie becomes a useful tool for this person in denigrating others to boost their own reputation. Some people may lie compulsively as an attempt to support their self-esteem. They may create realities to feel better about themselves or create a successful image for others. Power can also be used by a pathological liar to feel more confident in telling other people his or her untrue stories. Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 23 The film Just go with it can reflect what happens in reality. Despite a fiction, the said film can represent something that people do not yet know about pathological liars. The film was directed by Dennis Dugan and produced by Adam Sandler, who also starred in the film. Dr. Dany Maccabee that is the center of the story. He was a successful plastic surgeon who lived in Los Angeles. He feigned an unhappy marriage to get women. He wore a fake wedding ring to attract women’s attention. He always lied to other people, especially women about his relationship status to make a good first impression. He was just desirous of impressing women by wearing a wedding ring. He wore the wedding ring to show that he was a married man, in order to trick the women who liked or loved him. The only woman who was aware of his schemes is his office manager, Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston), a divorced mother of two. But when he met a gorgeous young girl named Palmer (Brooklyn Decker), a sixth-grade math teacher, without his wedding ring on, and they had a connection together. He thinks she could be the one. The next morning, she ended up finding the ring. She found out that Dr. Danny was "married”, and she assumed that he was hiding the fact that he was married. She refused to date him because her parents got divorced due to adultery. Dr. Danny Maccabee’s character is interesting to be discussed. Therefore, the study focuses on the analysis of the main character’s pathological liar in Just Go with It by applying psychological theories relevant to pathological lying. There are three research questions which are formulated. The three research questions deal with the ones which question whether Dr. Danny Maccabee has the characteristics of a pathological liar, what makes him become a pathological liar and the effects of him being a pathologcal liar towards his life. To answer so, the objectives of this research are to show the characteristics of Dr. Danny Maccabee as a pathological liar, to obtain information on the factors which makes him become a pathological liar and the effects of his characteristics being a pathological liar towards his life. The functions of tis study are to improve readers’ insights on character as one of the important elements in literature and to serve as a conduct further reference for those who would like to conduct further research on the same topic. The scope of this object study covers the discussion on character, as one of the important literary elements. However, due to time and any other constraints, the study is limited only to the discussions on Dr. Danny Maccabee’s character being a pathological liar as seen in the movie entitled Just Go with It. The analysis of the character of Dr. Maccabee as a pathological liar employs relevant theories psychology on pathological lying. Before conducting their research, the writers have reviewed research papers on the analysis of character in movies. The first paper was written by (AM et al., 2017). They employed Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The paper focuses on analyzing the Hierarchy of Needs manifested in the main character. Two questions were designed to discuss this topic. The first question is about the Needs manifested by the main character in the movie. The second question is about the desire of the main character in fulfilling his Needs. This research used descriptive qualitative method to explain and describe the data carefully in answering the questions. The data in this research were in written form taken from the dialogue and narration of the movie. The other paper on character analysis was written by (Thamrin & Wargika, 2015). In their paper “The Character Analysis of Glen Hansard In Once Film”, they examined the elements of the hierarchy of needs through the main character. This paper analyzed the characterization of talented actor named Glen Hansard in Once film. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research design based on theories of Rahardjo (1985), Robert (1965), and Card (1988). The study showed that Hansard’s characters were constructed by five factors: from what the character did and said, what the other characters said about him, how the appearance and its milieu were, influencing one and another. The study also found that he had struggle, visionary, ambitious, introvert, sensitive, straightforward and curious characters, but more characters that showed strong characters of his were struggle, visionary and ambitious, because the scenes reflected them more. Form the two papers on the character analysis in movies, it has been noted that the said papers have the similarity in employing the same theory – Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs. The writers of this paper conducted research on character in movies and applied qualitative research. However, they did not employ Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. They employ theories of pathological lying from psychology, in order to analyze the data obtained form the scripts of the movie “Just Go with It”. The results of the data analysis are used to answer the above research questions. Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 24 II. METHODS In this research, the writers applied qualitative approach. According to (Upshur, 2001), qualitative approaches to research are based on a ‘world view’ which is holistic and has the following beliefs: first, that there is not a single reality; second, that reality is based upon perceptions that are different for each person and change over time; and third, that what we know only has meaning within a given situation or context. The material of this research is “Just Go with It” movie directed by Dennis Dugan that realised in 2011. The writer used the data from the script of the Just go wit It movie as the sources in this paper. In addition, researcher uses others data such as books, eBooks, journals and articles to complete this research. Further more, she also takes dialogues, pictures or important scenes and/ scripts from the movie "Just Go with It" as evidence or proof to support her analysis. III. RESULTS The writer analyzed the character of Just Go with It movie, dirrected by Dennis Dugan. The film is based on the 1969 film entitled Cactus Flower, which was adapted from an earlier Broadway stage play written by Abe Burrows. The study focused on the analysis of the main character, named Dr. Danny Maccabee, as a pathological liar. • The Characteristics Of Pathological Liars a. Chronicity Chronicity means someone who has the habit of doing the same thing for over period of time. For example, someone who lie habitually more than a year and they lie continuously. When people repeatedly do the same thing over and over again, it becomes their habit. The first Danny’s character is chronicity. The the beginning of the movie tells about Danny’s past when it was 20 years ago. It showed about his wedding day and he finally left his fiancee because he knew his fiacee, veruca had an affair with her ex-boyfried. After that day Danny’s heart was torn apart and finnaly he started used a fake wedding ring to ploy young women for 20 years. He decided to avoid legal marriage commitments by telling every girl he met that he had got married. He did not want to make a serious relationship with a woman, until Danny Maccabee met a gorgeous young girl named Palmer at one of his friend’s party. He thought Palmer was the one, he was going to marry her. Eddie well, a fun version of piano man. Danny look, I’ve been talking about my fake wife for like 20 years now. I always figured I’d get a real one someday. I think Palmer could be that real one. Did you hear any of that?ed (Script Page: 65) After they arrived in Hawaii, Danny was looking for the engagement ring, Danny was going to propose to Palmer in Hawaii because he thought Palmer was the greatest girl he had ever met and he wanted to settle down and spent the rest of his life with her. From the conversation above between Danny and his cousin, Eddie reveals that Danny had lied for twenty years and it was not a short time. Someone who is qualified for a pathological liar is if he or she has continued lying for a prolonged period. In this case Danny Maccabe had been habitually lying for twenty years since he knew his fiancee cheated him on their wedding day. b. Lying as a Psychological Defense In psychology, psychological defense means defense mechanisms. Defence mechanisms is manners how people behave or think in certain ways to better protect or “defend” theirselves. Defense mechanisms are one way of looking at how people distance themselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Telling lie is a defense against shame. In the Just Go with It movie, Danny showed his psychological defense. When Danny at a bar to drink alone after he left his wedding right before the ceremony. Suddenly a young beautiful woman sat next to him, accidently she droped her purse and Danny helped her to take her purse. She noticed Danny’s finger. Danny did not realize that he was still wearing his wedding ring. she asked about Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 25 Danny’s ring, instead of telling the the truth he made up a story about his marrige life. He afraid to be judged as a loser because he just got dumped by his fiancee on his wedding day. That’s why Danny did not tell her the truth. By telling lies Danny defends himself from being shameful. Joanna How long you been married? DANNY (V.O) I was gonna tell her, I really was. But I didn't want her to know what a loser I was so I stretched the truth a little. (Script Page 5) From the quotation above, it shows the reason why Danny keep wearing wedding ring and feign about his marrige life. He tried to protect himself from broken heart. He is scared to love again and get hurt. He is afraid to make a serious commitment with a woman. Lying itself is a defense mechanism. Danny lied to protect himself from getting his heart broken. c. Pathological lies detectable Everybody tells lies, we are all lied too and much more often than you may think. According to a University of Massachusetts study, 60% of adults cannot have a ten minute conversation without lying at least once. Researchers have determined that in a given day we may be lied to anywhere from 10-200 times a day. In other words diffrent from normal people, people who has characteristic as a pathological liar are more often to tell lies than normal people, they often tell unbelievable stories, the lies are detectable and sometimes the lies are odd and illogical. Palmer her name is Devlin? Danny (regretting this) yeah, i know. It is a family name. Unfortunate. It’s probably at the root of why she’s so angry. Anywy, we’re splitting up. Devlin’s been cheating on mw for a long time. And finally she’s leaving me. For him. So they can be together Palmer another man? Danny yes dolph. Palmer dolph? Danny lundgren. Yes. Palmer the guy from Rocky IV? (Script Page 31) From the conversation above between Palmer and Danny, she asked about his wife and his marrige life. Insted of telling the truth, Danny told Palmer that he was getting divorced from a woman named Devlin, named after Devlin Adams who Katherine had mentioned before. Danny said, that they were getting divorced because she cheated on him with a man named "Dolph Lundgren". Danny was very nervous at that time so he just picked such random names, a very unusual name. d. Having a low self esteem Self-Esteem is a Confidence in one’s capacity to achieve values (Branden, 1969). It reflects how the individual views and values the self at the most fundamental levels of psychological experiencing (Bednar & Peterson,1995). Self esteem is how the way we see the value of our selves. People who had low self esteem tend to see the negative values of themselves. Stress and difficult life events, can have a negative effect on selfesteem. Personality can also play a part. Some of us are simply more prone to negative thinking, while others set impossibly high standards for themselves Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 26 Danny No, it’s my fault really for having such frizzy hair,and such an ugly nose Joanna I think you have a cute nose (Script Page 6) From the conversation above, it shows that Danny was unsatisfied with his apperance. He felt ugly with his big nose and hair. The picture above shows Danny’s apperance before he got plastic surgery to make his nose look smaller. Someone with lack confidence is likely having a low self esteem. People with low self-esteem are unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves. They use negative words to describe themselves such as stupid, fat, ugly or not worthed beside that one of characteristic low self esteem is self blaming, it means they always blame themselves, on quotation above Danny said “ No, it’s my fault, really for having such frizzy hair, and such an ugly nose.” e. Lies Show the Individual as a Constant Victim People who lie as a constant victim are always complaining about the bad things that happens in their lives. They have a habit of pitying themselves. Since other people do not usually show them sympathy or empathy, they try to gain other’s sympathy by doing their role as a victim. 05:07 In the movie, Danny wrote a note to a young woman who slept with him last night. At a bar Danny met Cindy, a young collage girl. He told about his cruel wife to Cindy. He said his wife liked punching him. Cindy felt sorry to Danny and she asked to accompany him tonight. In next morning, as Danny left the room, he wrote a note and placed a note on the pillow next to Cindy. From the quotation above, Danny show that he tell a lie about his marrige life. After Danny tells about his loveless marrige after Palmer hears about his loveless marrige palmer fells sympaty on him,and they look at each other, stared into each other’s eyes. Palmer smiled to Danny, she accept his appologize. • The Factors Which Make Danny Maccabee Become A Pathological Liar In this part the writer reveals which factors that make the main character, Dr. Danny Maccabee become a pathological liar. The following are the factors which gave rise to his character as a pathological liar. a. Impoverished Self-Esteem Low self-esteem invites and promotes dishonesty. When self-esteem is low, it feels necessary to lie. Psychologist Robert Feldman stated self-esteem as one of the biggest culprits in our lying ways: "We find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels." Feldman believes many lies are simply for the purpose of maintaining social contacts by avoiding insults or discord. Joanna How long you been married? Danny (V.O) I was gonna tell her, I really was. But I didn't want her to know what a loser I was, so I stretched the truth a little. Danny Six years. (Script Page 7) The above quotation shows that Danny tells lies because he is afraid that women will judge him as a loser. Like what Robert feldman stated we find that as soon as people feel that their self-esteem is threatened, they immediately begin to lie at higher levels. Danny feel not good enough with himself, in order to be accepted he told a lie. Danny lies in order to trick people into liking him, because he believe that, without being tricked, other’s will not l ike him. Having a low self-esteem make people lie, in order to appear smarter, kinder, and otherwise better than the horrible human beings they think they are. Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 27 b. Traumatic Events Trauma is commonly defined as an exposure to a situation in which a person is confronted with an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to self or others’ physical well-being (Association, 2013). The word trauma is used to describe experiences or situations that are emotionally painful and distressing for some people. Trauma can be caused by an overwhelmingly negative event that causes a lasting impact on the victim’s mental and emotional stability. There are variety of negative events, but there are a few common aspects such as, Domestic violence, putting the person in a state of extreme confusion and insecurity. This is also seen when institutions that are depended upon for survival, violate, betray or disillusion the person in some unexpected way. CONTINUED: The bridesmaids all squal. INT. SUBURBAN TEMPLE – BASEMENT (CONTINUOUS) Danny is still eavesdropping, wide-eyed. INT. BRIDAL ROOM – CONTINUOUS Veruca shushes the squealing Bridesmaids. VERUCA Shhh! It’s the last time, I swear! Danny is so sweet, and considerate. And he’s going to be a cardiologist. So I’m marrying him. . . Long pause as she checks out her makeup in the mirror,then. . . VERUCA (CONT’D) . . .and that zucchini in the middle of his face. The bridemaids squeal again. This time Veruca joins them. CUT TO: INT. SUBURBAN TEMPLE – BASEMENT ( CONTINUOUS) Danny, tears running down his cheeks. Danny is standing with his younger cousin EDDIE ( also frizzy hair, but with a part and loads of acne). Guests continue to file in behind them. EDDIE I'm so sorry. Danny nods. DANNY (looking toward main hall of the temple) Yikes, that hurt. That was me, Danny Maccabee, 20 years ago. Pathetic, huh? (Script Page 5) From the quotation above, it shows Danny’s wedding day. On his wedding day he accidently overheard the conversation his bride, Veruca had with the bridesmaid near the bride’s room. He heard about what his fiacee did last night. He heard that Veruca just had affair with another man. Danny was shocked and upset when he heard what his bride said. Moreover, Veruca did not love Danny at all. She married him just because the material reason. After that, tears ran on Danny’s cheek; his heart was broken. c. Relationship Difficulties Although pathological liars often lie for irrational or unspesific reason indeed, this is one of the most often cited definitions of pathological liars, research suggests that, when they tell lies they do have reasons, one of the reasons is to disguse their failure or difficulties in their social life. Some people tell lies to gain respect from other, they often tell lies to look “normal’’ in other’s prespective Danny is sitting on Kathryn’s desk, deep in coversation. KATHRYN I told you that fake married thing was going to bite you in the ass some day. Why don’t you just tell her the truth? DANNY Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 28 That I use the ring as a ploy to pick up chicks? She’ll think I’m a pig. (Script Page: 23) The conversation between Kathryn and Danny shows Danny was wearing fake wedding ring to trick young women. Danny knew wearing a wedding ring to trick a girl was wrong, to cover up his failure as a man, he wass going to tell palmer another lies. To gain respect from Palmer and to made him look good in palmer’s eyes. Danny did not want to tell her the truth if Palmer knew about Danny’s ring trick she might even more angry than before or even worst. d. Power Power comes in many forms. Some people have power due to their resources, personality, social skills, connections, and so on. When some people feel lack of power, they often feel like they lack of control over what happens in their life. People do not like feeling powerless, sometimes some people tell lies when they feel lacks of power. Through the lies people feel like they gain their power. Dr. Danny Maccabee was a successful plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. Although he was a successful plastic surgeon, Danny still picked up girls by pretended to be in a bad marriage, and wore his fake wedding ring. DANNY (V.O) And so I discovered the power of the wedding ring.The symbol of my humiliation had become a tool to get back on the horse. (Script Page 6) From the quotation above, it shows that Danny finnaly found out the power of his wedding ring, he got attention and respect by wearing wedding ring, Women assumed that with wedding rings on men are seductive. Danny could easily trick women by making up the stories about his unfortunate marrige. Power could be anything when people felt like they can control their life by telling lies they would continue to lie for good. • The Effect of Being a Pathological Liar Some people may live a life full of lies, there are some people who justify their lies, it is even possible telling lies to protect their lies, however, it comes at the cost of their inner peace. They may not lose relationships or respect, they will, sooner or later, be robbed of their inner peace. Danny realized that he had feelings for Kathryn. She was the only woman who knew about Danny’s wedding ring trick. He always told the truth to Kathryn. After Danny and Kathryn had a good time together, they realized they had feelings for each other. However, Kathryn needed for Danny to admit his feeling first. Then Danny left his room to met and talked to Kathryn about his feeling, on Danny’s way to Kathryn’s room, he met Palmer and Eddie in the elevator, who just returned from their dinner date. Suddenly Palmer suggested Danny that he get married tomorrow in Hawaii. When Eddie was drunk, he told Palmer that Danny had bought an engagement ring for her. Eddie told her about Danny's plans to propose to her. Danny and Katherine were both surprised by Palmer’s proposal. Eddie was happy thinking that it was what Danny wanted, but he had no idea that Danny was thinking about Kathryn. With feeling guilty Danny said oke. The next morning on Danny’s wedding day. There was a beautiful place for wedding. But there was no band, no bridesmaids or groomsmen and there was no guest. Danny and Palmer were dressed casually. Palmer stood ready in front of Adon. Danny was consult with Maggie and Michael, Kathryn’s childeren. They were the only witnesses of Danny’s wedding. Danny Palmer, I have to tell you something. I lied to you. I’m not married. I have never been married. And I don’t have any children CONTUNUED.. Danny Well, I didn’t want to tell you I used a wedding ring to pick up chicks, so I told a lie, and then a bunch more, but if I figured after this vocation we could put lies behind us. And then you’d never have to know Olyvia Natasha 1, Iwan2 PRONOUNCE, 2021, 1 (1), 29 (Script Page 125) The quotation above shows that Danny finnaly said the truth to Palmer. He confessed about his lies that he ever told to Palmer on his wedding day. Finally he realized, he could start a marriage with a lie. Sometimes people tell a lie something completely unrelated or sometimes irrational to the truth to cover up a lie. These lies are meant to make other people trust the liar or to make the liar seem like such a great person that they are unlikely to be suspected of lying. Kathryn was drinking at the bar while Palmer and Danny were getting ready for the wedding. Devlin showed up and joined Kathryn. Kathryn confessed was not married with Danny, she was a single mom, and she told her Danny was about to be married to Palmer. Kathryn also confessed to Devlin at a bar and admited that she pretended to be married to Danny to avoid embarrassment. Devlin confessed that she was divorcing Ian because he was gay and also that he did not invent the iPod, but he made his money by suing the Los Angeles Dodgers after getting hit by a foul ball. They realized they have much more in common than they thought, and should have been honest with each other the whole time. Kathryn told Devlin that it was hard to see Danny getting married because she thought she was falling in love with him. The picture above shows Danny’s wedding. He looked so happy with his decision. Unbeknownst to Kathryn, Danny had been sitting behind her at the bar and heard everything. Devlin saw this and left, then Danny showed up behind her, said that he was not marrying Palmer and he was in love with Kathryn, he wanted to start a new life with someone who really knew who is he, without telling any lies, later Kathryn and Danny got married, and he finally wore his real wedding ring. DANNY (V.O) And now if somebody asks me about my wedding ring, I’m going to tell them I’m married to a woman who doesn’t beat me, doesn’t cheat on me, doesn’t drink – well, doesn’t drink that muchand who I’m going to spend the rest of my life with. A woman named Kathryn. (Script Page 106) The quotation above shows that Danny loved Kathryn and he would not make a fake unhappy marriage story to others. He would tell the truth about his marriage status. He firmly decided that he would marry his beloved fiancée, Kathryn and grow old together with her so good. IV. CONCLUSIONS The writer analyzed the main character, Danny Maccabee as a pathological liar, the factors that made him become a pathological liar and the effect of being a pathological liar on his life, in Dennis Dugan’s movie “Just go with it”. In doing so, the writer employs psychology theories to obtain the relevant information, in order to answer the research questions. Based on the research findings, the writer would like to draw her conclusions as follows: Danny Maccabe is a pathological liar. He has the characteristics of being a pathological liar. The research findings reveal that Danny Maccabee’s character meets the characteristics of a pathological liar – chronicity, lying as psycological defese, detectable lies, having a low self esteem, and always show individual as a constant victim. Danny has the characteristic of chronicity. In the movie, he kept lying for twenty years to hide his real marriage status. He made up a story about his unfortunate marrige life to protect his feeling as a psycological defense. His gesture and his facial expressions were detectable that he lied and always felt ugly due to his low self-esteem. The factors that made Danny Maccabee become a pathological liar are to being impoverished his Self-Esteem, his traumatic event, relation difficulties, and power. Such factors have influenced Danny to become a pathological liar. For example, the factor of power, he thought by telling unfortunate marrige life and wearing wedding ring, he had the power to attract women and make them feel more symphaty with his life. His traumatic event made him afraid of making a serious marriage commitment. Hence, he told lies to be accepted by other people in his social life. 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