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Systematic list 1996-1999


11-Merill 31 2005 Systematic List 1996-1999 Compiled by Edward Bonavia, John J. Borg, Caldon Mercieca & Joe Sultana This list of birds occurring in the Maltese Islands during the years 1996-1999 has been compiled from the observation records, which were submitted by several observers, as well as from the daily log of birds of the nature reserves at Ghadira and Simar. The regular contributors for the 4 years under review were John Attard Montalto, Edward Bonavia, John J. Borg, Denis Cachia, Alex Casha, Charles Coleiro, Raymond Galea, Charles Gauci, Mario V. Gauci, Mark Gauci, John Grech, Manuel Mallia, Joseph M Mangion, Michael Sammut, Joe Sultana, and Louis Vella. Other contributors were David Attard, ian Balzan, Norman Bonavia, Richard Cachia Zammit, T. Cantwell, Norman Chetcuti, Victor Cilia, Mark Anthony Falzon, Caldon Mercieca, John Middleton, Julian Moulton, ian Mifsud, Marvic Sammut, Simon Suda, Mark Sultana, Justin Vassallo and Ray Vella. Various members contributed their records through the Birders Diary Programme, which is co-ordinated by Manwel Mallia. Records of species, which have appeared less than twenty times in the Maltese islands, and which are appearing in this list have been controlled by John Attard Montalto Co-ordinator of the Rarities Committee. The sequence and the scientific nomenclature of the last systematic list, which covered the years 1993-1995 and which was published in 1999 (/1-Meri//29: 30-57) followed those adopted by the Concise Edition of Birds of the Western Palearctic (Snow & Perrins 1998). Since then there were several taxonomic developments due to the publication of various phylogenetic studies. The British Ornithologists Union (Ibis (2002), 144:707-710) recommended, amongst others, a new taxonomic order, in which Anseriformes and Galliformes are placed at the start of the list, as well as correcting the spelling of various scientific names (e.g Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida and not C. hybridus; Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla and not R. ignicapillus). Since then other modifications and corrections in scientific names (Ibis (2004), 146: 153-157; and Ibis (2005), 147: 821-826) were also recommended (e.g. a reappraisal of the taxa of Aquila and Hieraaetus recommended that Booted Eagle should be treated as Aquila pennata; that Skuas should be treated as a single genus (Great Skua is now Stercorarius skua); and that Yellow-Legged Gull L. michahellis, Armenian Gull L. armenicus and Herring Gull L. argentatus are best treated as three separate species). Changes in the generic limits of terns and swallows have also been made. These have put Little Tern with the genus Sternula, Caspian Tern with Hydroprogne, Gull-billed Tern goes back to Gelochelidon; and Red-rumped Swallow with genus Cecropis. Other changes include the correction of scientific names: House Martin is De/ichon urbicum not D. urbica while Stonechat is Saxicola torquatus not S. torquata. The sequence of the genus Sylvia was changed starting from Blackcap Sylvia atricapilia and ending with Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala; while Corn Bunting is back with the genus Emberiza. In compiling this list we have taken up these recommendations, which are becoming widely adopted. The English names used in the last systematic list were those adopted by British Birds in 1993 (Brit. Birds 86: 1-2). Unfortunately some of these 'new' English names did not become widely used even in Britain. Some names such as 'Hedge Accentor', 'Rufous Nightingale' and 'Rufous-tailed Scrub-robin' were completely ignored so much so that after 1 i years British Birds felt it was appropriate, particularly in view of all the taxonomic development, to review and update the list of English names (Brit. Birds (2004) 97: 2-5). We are here following this reviewed and updated list, which can be found and down-loaded from www.britishbirds.co.uk (the British Birds Website). Thus, amongst others, Levantine Shean.vater is novv Yelkouan Shearwater Hedge Accentor goes back to Dunnock, Rufous Nightingale changes its adjective to Common, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin becomes Rufous Bush Robin, etc. 5 For those species, which did not appear in all the 4 years under review, the year during which a species has not been recorded has been omitted. (M) or (G) following a place name refers to Malta and Gozo respectively. White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons 1999: 1 wounded juv at Ghadira from 17-19 Nov (found dead on 20 Nov). Greylag Goose Anser anser 1997: 2 at St. Elmo Pt. on 18 Oct, 4 on 23 Nov and 1 on 10 Dec at Qawra. 1999: 2 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra, Gozo) on 9 Dec accompanied by a smaller grey goose sp. Another 6 unidentified grey geese were seen at Qawra on 25 Nov. Common Shelduck Tadoma tadorna 1996: 9 at Qammieh on 11 Mar. Singles at Qawra on 10 Aug and Ghadira on 29 Sep; then 2 at Qawra on 5 Oct, 1 at Ghadira on 15 Nov and 10 on 25 Nov and 6 on 29 Nov, both at Qawra. 1997: 1 at St. Elmo Pt. on 5 Jan. Then 26 on 3'd and 1 i on 17 Nov, and 1 on ih and 13 on 10 Dec all at Qawra, followed by 1 at Ghadira on 15th and 25th, and 2 at Ghallis, 11+ at Qawra and 7 at Simar on 26th all in Dec. 1 11-Merill 31 2005 1998: 6 on 14th and 1 on 21 Mar, both at Oammieh. In autumn, 4 at Tigne' on 14th, 24 at Qawra on 24th, 45 at Qawra and 20 at Sliema on 28th all in Oct, and 106 at Oawra on 10 Nov. Then 1-2 at Qawra on i 2-1 3th and 1 at Salina on 26 Nov. In Dec 59 on ih and 12 on sth both at Qawra and 1 at Ghadira also on gth 1999: 1 1 at Qammieh on 31 Mar. 1 at Qawra on 28 Oct, then up to 13 at Qawra and Ghadira on 10 dates from 13 Nov to 13 Dec but 27 at Qawra on 5 Dec. 1-3 almost daily at Ghadira from 22 Dec to end of year but 7 on 2ih. Eurasian Wigeon Anas Penelope 1996: 3-4 at Ghadira from 1 Jan till 11 Mar; then 15 off Oammieh on 14 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 18 Sep, then 1-4 there on most dates from 5 Oct till end of year. At Simar, 1 on 10 dates from 13 Oct to 22 Dec. Outside reserves in autumn seen only once: 2 off Qawra on 30 Nov. 1997: Singles present at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 17 Mar and at Simar on 4-5 Jan. Then 6 on 15th and 5 on 22 Mar at Qammieh. In autumn on passage on 5 dates from Qawra: 15 on 1ih and 70 on 19 Oct, 42 on 1ih and 13 on 19 Nov and 4 on 12 Dec. At Ghadira singles were present on 19 Oct, 16-17 Nov and from i 4 Dec till end of year, but 2 on 8 Dec. Other records were singles at Wied ir-Rihan on 22 Oct, and at Simar on 28 Dec, 1998: 1 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 7 Mar and 2 at Qammieh on 21 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 15th, 12 at Qawra on 2ih, 29 at Oawra and Sliema on 28th and 1 at Oawra on 31 Oct. Then on 10 dates in Nov (highest 80 on 4th, 109 on 9th and 112 on 1oth, otherwise up to 11) and on 5 dates from 6 to 12 Dec (highest 26 on 6th, 42 on ih and 20 on gth) all at Oawra. 1999: Singles at Ghadira from 2 to 28 Jan and from 8 to 21 Oct. Then 25 on 28th and 50 on 29th, both at Qawra and 1 at Ghadira on 30 Oct, followed by 6 dates at Ghadira and Qawra from 24 Nov to 1 Dec, mainly up to 5 but 19 on 24th and 16 on 29 Nov and 20 on 1 Dec, all at Qawra. 1 at Ghadira on 2-5 Dec. Gadwall Anas strepera 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 18 dates from 14 Nov to 21 Dec. 1997: 2 at Ghadira on 10th and 7 at Qawra on 21 Nov, then 1 at Ghadira on most days from 14 Dec till end of year. 1998: Singles at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 3 Mar and at Simar from 24 Oct to 6 Nov. Then 10 on 7 Nov and 13 on 7 Dec, both at Oawra. 1 at Simar on 10 Dec. Eurasian Teal Anas crecca 1996: 1-9 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 6 Apr, and up to 8 at Simar from 2 Jan to 24 Mar. 2 at Ghadira on 25th and 1 at Simar on 30 Aug; then 1-2 regularly at Ghadira from 28 Sep to 27 Nov and 1 at Simar on 20-21 Sep and from 13 Oct to 9 Nov. Latest sightings: 2 at Ghadira on 22nd and 1 also at Ghadira and 2 at Simar on 28 Dec. Outside reserves seen only once: 1 at Dwejra (G) on 17 Nov. 1997: Up to 4 at Simar on most days in Jan to 25 Mar and up to 3 at Ghadira almost daily from 5 Jan to 19 Mar. Then 3 at St. Elmo Pt. on 23 Aug. At Ghadira 3 on 23 Sep, then singles on 6 Oct, on 25-26 Nov and on 7 dates from 6 to 26 Dec, but ca. 6 on 13th. Up to 3 on 5 dates at Simar from 16 to 30 Dec. Other records were 10 at 1-Ahrax on 15 Nov, and i at Qawra on 9 Dec. 1998: 1-2 at Simar from 1 to 26 Jan. Singles at Ghadira on 2 Jan and 18 Jan, then 2 from 31 Jan to 3 Mar. 5 at Simar on 25 Sep with 1 remaining till 30 Sep. On 11 dates in Oct, highest i 2 at Qawra on 24th and 11 at Sliema on 28 Oct, otherwise up to 7. 17 sightings on 13 dates in Nov, max 15 at Qawra on 10 Nov, otherwise up to 6. In Dec, 4 at Ghadira and 1 at Oawra on 7 Dec, 10 at Simar on 10 Dec and 1-2 on most days at Ghadira and Sirnar till 24 Dec. 1999: 1-2 on 33 dates at Ghadira and Simar from 2 Jan to 7 Mar. Singles at Simar from 16 to 23 Oct, 7 at Qawra on 28 Oct and 1 at same place on 19 Nov, then up to 6 at Ghadira almost daily from 19 Nov to end of year. 3 at Simar on 2-3 Dec. Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 1996: 2 at Ghadira from 2 Jan to i 1 Mar. 1997: 2 at Qawra on 13 Nov. 1998: Singles at Simar on 22 Aug and at Qawra on 21 Nov. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 13 Jul, 2 at Lunzjata Valley on 13 Nov, 3 at Simar on most days from 29 Nov to 7 Dec, 2-3 at Ghadira on 2-4 Dec and 1 at Simar on 3 days from 16 to 24 Dec. Pintail Anas acuta 1996: 1 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 24 Feb. Up to 60 on 6 dates from 2 Mar to 5 Apr off Qammieh. i at Tas-Safra on 18 Sep; then 1-2 at Ghadira from 11 Oct to 23 Nov and from 11 to 31 Dec. Autumn sightings outside Ghadira: singles at Simar on 5 dates from 31 Oct to 2 Dec, 3 off Ghallis on 6 Oct and 17 off Qawra on 3 f'~ov. 1997: 2 at Ghadira in Jan to 20 February; then 1 till 13 Mar. On passage at Oammieh with 28 on i Mar, and in doubie or treble figures daily from 19 to 24 Mar with max 600 on 22nd and 160+ on 23'd. 15 at Migra 1-Ferha on 22 Mar. Up to 3 at Ghadira on 6 dates from 23 Sep to 27 Oct and 1 at Simar on 16 Nov and from 6 to 30 Dec. In single or low double figures on passage on 12 dates from 16 Oct to 17 Nov, most records from Qawra, max 44 on 17 Oct and 25 on 10 Nov. 1998: 1 at Simar from 1 Jan to 11 Mar. 8-50 on 7 dates from 13 Feb to 31 Mar, all from the west coast. 1 almost daily at Ghadira from 6 Mar to 4 Apr. In autumn, up to 11 on 3 dates from 20 to 25 Sep, then 24 sightings of up to 29 birds on 20 dates from 7 Oct to i 5 Nov, but 75 at Qawra on 7 Oct, 315 at Qawra and 90 at Tigne' on 7 Nov and 54 at Qawra on 8 Nov. 16 on 7 Dec and 8 on 8 Dec, both from Oawra. 1999: Up to 20 on 9 dates from 27 Feb to 7 Apr, all at Oammieh except for 1 at Migra L-Ferha on 26 Mar, but 40+ at Qarnmieh on 7 Mar. Singles at Simar from 6 to i 9 Apr and at Ghadira on 6 May. 4 sightings of 1-2 from 20 to 30 Sep but 28 at Qawra on 25 Sep. 9 on 2nd, 2 on 9th and up to 18 on 5 dates from 16 to 29 Oct, all at Qawra, but 101 on 25th and 94 on 28 Oct. 1 at Simar on most days from 9 to 23 Oct and 1-3 at Ghadira from 21 Oct to 13 Nov. 2 11-Merill 31 2005 Garganey Anas querquedula 1996: Almost daily sightings from 4 Mar and 26 Apr, with peaks of 225 on 28 Mar and 290 on 3 Apr off Qammieh. 5 at Ghadira on 28 Jui, then 1-4 on most dates from 4 Aug to 27 Sep, all at Simar except 1 at Ghadira on 11 Sep. Latest sighting: 1 at Ghadira on 23 Oct. 1997: One at Qammieh on 15 Mar. Then passage daily also off Qammieh from 19 to 24 Mar, max 2000+ on 22nd, 460+ on 21 51 , 285 on 23'd and 232 on 20th 150+ on 22nd were also counted from Migra 1-Ferha. 3 other dates in spring: 3 over Blata 1-Bajda on 26th and 3 at Simar on 28 Mar, and 1 at Simar on 8 Apr. In autumn 17 at Qawra on 23'd and 7 at Ghadira on 28 Aug, and singles at Simar on 3'd and at Ghadira on 15 Sep. 1998: 1-5 at Ghadira from 10 to 28 Mar. In single or double figures on 10 dates at Qammieh from 11 to 29 Mar, but 100 on 181h and 113 on 21st. Singles at Simar on 2ih and 29 Mar, at Cumnija on 10th and again at Simar on 20 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 25 Jul and 18 Aug. 1-2 at Simar on 13 dates from 26 Aug to 7 Oct and 1 at Tigne' on 11 Oct. 1999: 79+ on 10 Mar and 11-139 on 15 dates from 19 Mar to 7 Apr but 300+ on 31 Mar, all at Qammieh. In autumn, 35 at Qawra on 28 Aug and singles on 4 dates at Ghadira from 3 to 14 Sep. Shoveler Anas clypeata 1996: 1 at Ghadira from 11 Jan to 4 Feb and 2 at Simar on 10 Jan. Then up to 7 at Ghadira from 5 Feb to 8 Apr, and singles at Simar on six dates from 13 to 22 Feb. Singles at Ghadira on 24 Aug and 19 Nov, and off Qawra on 30 Nov. 1997: 15+ on 22nd and singles on 23'd and 26 Feb, and on 5 dates from 2nd to 12th, and from 14th to 28 Mar, all at Ghadira. Passage on 4 dates off Oammieh in March: 43 on 15th, 30 on 21st, 60 on 22nd and 55+ on 23'd. Then in single or low double figures on 8 dates from 19 Oct to 10 Dec, max 47+ on 1 Nov, and 44 on gth and 27 on 10 Dec all off Qawra. 1 at Ghadira on most days from 14 Dec till end of year. 1998: 1 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 3 Mar. Then 4 sightings on 3 dates at Qammieh from 21 to 28 Mar, highest 20 on 22nd and 25 on 28 Mar. In autumn, 9 sightings on 8 dates from 5 Oct to 10 Nov, all from the east coast, highest 55 at Qawra on 9 Nov, otherwise up to 28. Singles almost daily at Simar from 27 Oct to 24 Nov and at Ghadira from 25-28 Nov. i -5 at Ghadira from 6-9 Dec and 1-2 on 3 dates from 10 to 26 Dec. 25 at Qawra on 7 Dec. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 2 Jan and 8 Mar and up to 25 at Qammieh on 5 dates from 10 Mar to 1 Apr. In autumn, 8 at Qawra on 20 Sep, 1 at Ghadira on 22nd and on 4 dates at Qawra from 22 to 29 Oct, max 30 on 29th, otherwise up to 12. Up to 6 on 12 dates at Qawra and Ghadira from 13 Nov to 1 Dec but 10 at Qawra on 23'd and 25 Nov. Common Pochard Aythya ferina 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 11 Oct and at Simar from 2 to 15 Dec. 1997: Single females at Ghadira on 17 Jul and at Simar on 25 Nov and on 1st and 6 Dec. Then 4 off Qawra on 10 Dec. 1998: Singles at Simar on 11 dates from 1 Jan to 26 Feb, at Ghadira on 29 Sep and 15 Oct, at Simar from 15 to 23 Oct and at Ghadira and Simar on 8 Dec. 1999: 1 at Simar on 4 dates from 27 Jan to 24 Feb. 2 on 22 Nov, then 6 on 1st and 1 on 2 Dec, all at Qawra. Singles at Ghadira on 2nd and at Simar on 19 Dec. Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyoroca 1996: 1-2 daily at Ghadira from 24 Mar till14 Apr. 1997: 15 on 21 5 \ 48 on 22"d and 5 on 24th, all in March off Qammieh 1998: 1 at Ghadira from 21 Feb to 7 Mar, 22 at Qammieh on 21 Mar, and 1 at Ghadira on 26 Mar. In autumn, 2-10 on 4 dates at Qawra from 10 Oct to 9 Nov. "1999: 14 on 24th and 15 on 25 Mar, and 5 on 2nd and 2 on 7 Apr, all at Qammieh. 25 on 26th, 44 on 28th and 16 on 29 Oct, a!! at Qawra; then 1-2 at Ghadira on 27-29 Nov and i at Simar on 3 days from 1 to 7 Dec. Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator 1996: 1 at Simar on 1 Dec. 1997: 4 at Qammieh on 4 Apr. Singles on gth and 21 Nov, and on 3'd and 7 Dec at Qawra , and at Ghallis on 7 Dec. Then 5 at Qawra on 9 Dec. 1998: 1-2 at Qawra on 4 dates from 27 Oct to 12 Dec. 1999: 2 at Qammieh on 6 Apr. 1 on 6-7 Nov, and 3 on 23rd and 27 Nov, all at Oawra. Common Quail Coturnix cotumix 1996: 4 sightings of singles from 25 Feb to 31 Mar; then up to 10 on 9 dates from 12th to 28 Apr, but a small influx on 18th: max 20 at Dwejra (M). Singles at Qala on 1Oth and 14 Jun; then 6 single sightings from 7 Sep to 15 Oct. 1997: Single at Simar on 11th, 14th and 17 Jan. Then singles on 3 dates in Mar: at Dwejra (M) on 18th and at Simar on 28-29th, and on 5 dates in Apr: at Camino on 151 , 2nd and 4th' at Ta' Gajdoru on 3'd and at Dwejra (M) on 15th. in autumn singles on 9 scattered dates from 20 Sep to 5 Nov, but 2 on 22 Sep at Bahar ic-Caghak and 4 at Qawra on 12 Nov. 1998: 1-3 on 12 dates from 16 Mar to 17 May; then 8 sightings of 1-2 on 6 dates from 2 Sep to 7 Oct, but 13 at Qawra on 25 Sep. 1999: Singles on 5 dates from 26 Feb to 15 Mar, then 1-2 on 7 dates from gth to 27 Apr but 6+ at Ta' Gajdoru on 9 Apr. 3 at Dingli on 12 May. In autumn, singles at Buskett on 13- i 4th and at Qawra on 20 Sep and at Ghadira on 1 Nov. Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 1996: Singles at Simar from 5 Jan till 2 Mar, and from 9 Oct till end of year. 1 at Ghadira on 29 Oct. 1997: 1 at Simar on 1st to 26 Jan. Then single at Simar and up to 3 at Ghadira on most days from 23 Sep till end of year. 1998: 3 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 1 Mar decreasing to 1 by 7 Mar. Singles at Simar on 3'd and 28 Jan; then again singles at Simar on 16 dates from 6 Oct to 30 Dec. 3 11-Merill 31 2005 1999: Singles at Simar on 3 dates from 9 Jan to 9 Feb and again on 3 dates from 4th to 27 Sep. Singles at Ghadira from 5-7 Dec and at Simar on 24th and 26 Dec. Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 1996: 1 at Ghadira and Simar from 2 Jan to 6 Apr. Only seen twice outside reserves: 1at Zonqor Pt., Marsascala on 10 Mar and 4 off Qawra on 20 Oct. 1997: Single at Xlendi Bay on 25 Mar. Then on 6 dates from 20 Oct to 10 Dec mainly off Qawra, max 14 on 10 Dec. 1998: 1-2 on 5 dates in spring, most at Qammieh, from 13 Mar to 28 Mar, but 4 at same place on 22 Mar. 1 at Tigne' on 28 Sep, then up to 15 on 13 dates, mostly from Oawra, from 12 Oct to 19 Nov, but 27 on 10 Nov and 48 on 11 Nov at Qawra. 1 on 7 Dec and 2 on 19 Dec, both at Qawra. 1999: 8 on 27 Mar and 2 on 31 Mar, both at Qammieh. 6 on 13 Oct, then 1-5 on 4 dates from 28 Oct to 6 Nov, all at Qawra. 1 at Ghadira from 13-15 Nov and 4 at Qawra on 2 Dec. 1 at Pt. St. Elmo on 22 Dec. Black Necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis 1996: Up to 17 at Ghadira in Jan and Feb, all leaving by 20 Mar; 1-3 at Salina on 5 dates from 2 Jan to 8 Feb, and up to 6 at Simar from 2 Jan till 27 Mar. 1 from 4th to 27 Sep, then 1-7 from 19 Nov onwards, all at Ghadira. 1-3 at Simar from 2 Dec till end of year. Outside reserves: singles at Salina on 6 Sep and on 7 dates from 6 Oct to 2 Dec; 4 at Grand Harbour on 3 Dec and 1 at Manoellsland on 7-8 Dec. 1997: Up to 6 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 6 Mar, 1 at Simar on several dates from 1 Jan to 22 Feb, and 1 at Salina on 3 Jan. Singles at Salina on 29 Aug and 6 Sep. Then up to 3 on 12 dates from 27 Oct till end of year, mainly at Salina (7 dates) and Qawra (3 dates), and 1 on 15 Nov, followed by 1-2 daily from 13 Dec till end of year at Ghadira. 1998: 2 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 15 Feb, decrasin~ to 1 by 16 Feb. Singles at same place on 28 Sep and from 1st to 5 Oct. Then 3 other sightings in Oct at Qawra: 1 on 18 h, 15 on 30th and 10 on 31st. 1 almost daily at Ghadira from 14 Nov to 10 Dec, increasing to 3 on 12 Dec till end of year. 1 at Simar from 1oth to 16 Dec. 1999: 2-3 at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 23 Feb, decreasing to 1 by 7 Mar. 1 at Manoel Island on 2 dates from 1-3 Feb, 1 again at Ghadira on 21-22 Mar and 3 at Qammieh on 27 Mar. 1 at Salina on 19 Nov, then 1-2 daily at Ghadira from 20 Nov to end of year. 3 sightings at Salina: 1 on 28 Nov, and 2 on 5th and 1 on 6 Dec. Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea 1996: Seen regularly offshore from 2 Mar to 24 Oct, with one last sighting off Marsascala on 8 Nov. Mostly seen in single to double figures, but max i 000+ off Hal-Far on 22 July, 300 off Oammieh on 23 Mar and 300 off Qbajjar on 19 Aug. 35 breeding adults found dead (killed by fishing enthusiasts) in a colony in Gozo on 8 June. Much disturbance in most areas with a very low breeding success. Breeding in usual colonies but some accessible nests were disturbed. First birds ashore on 25 February. Colonies deserted by 18 October. 1997: Frequently seen offshore from 1 Mar to 8 November in single or double figures, and on several dates in treble figures, max 500+ on 28 Mar and 600+ on 5 Jul at Ta' Cenc in late evening. Higher numbers were recorded on 28 Mar (1000+ off Obajjar), on 19 Aug (ca. 2,700 in rafts off Qbajjar), and on 20 Aug (2,000+ off Ta' Cenc and 5,500+ off Gharb). Breeding at usual colonies; nests disturbed in 1996 re-occupied. First birds ashore on 24 February, first eggs on 19 May and last chicks ashore on 18 October. 1998: First seen on 21 Feb. Regularly present till last sighting off Qawra on 13 Nov. Best counts: 500 off Oammieh on 21 Mar, 500 off Hal Far on 13 Apr, 1000 off Gharb on 28 Jun and 1000 off M'Scala on 5 Aug. First bird ashore on 25 February when male present in nest from previous night. First eggs on 20 May peak 27-29 May. Colonies deserted on 20 October. 1999: First seen on 2 Mar. Regularly present till last sighting off Qawra on 7 Nov. Max 500+ off Ghar Hasan on 31 Jul, otherwise up to 300. Egg laying started on 20 iviay peak 28-29 May. Colonies deserted by 16 October. Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan 1996: Regular sightings of up to 10 from 16 Feb to 28 Mar, mostly off S and SW coastal areas. Breeding in usual colonies. One sighting in autumn: 1 on 21 Nov off Qawra. 1997: One found injured at Ghadira Bay on 25 Jan; then up to 4 offshore on 11 dates from 20 Mar to 7 May, mainly off Oammieh, but i 0+ at Ta' Cenc on 28 Mar in late evening. Then in single figures offshore on 6 dates from 13 Nov to 10 Dec, but 17 off Qawra on 15 Nov and 30+ off Ghallis on 7 Dec. Breeding at usual colonies. 1998: Flocks of up to 28 were sighted offshore in Jan-Apr but max 100 (raft) off Ahrax on 19th and 55 off Qammieh on 21 Mar. In autumn, up to 5 regularly seen from 24 Oct till end of year. 1999: Up to 23 were sighted offshore in Jan to 10 Apr, but 40 at Qammieh on 25 Mar. 1-6 were seen on 5 dates from 5 May to 31 Jul. In autumn, 1 on 29 Oct, 5 on 7 Nov, then up to 13 regularly from 21 Nov to 12 Dec, all from Qawra. European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus 1996: 10 chicks and one adult at Ta' Gene on 19 Aug. 4 adults seen after dusk till 2300hrs on the night of the 26 Aug on Filfla, 1997: 8-10 adults brooding i -3 days old pulli at Filfla on 17 Jun. 8 pulli in a cave at Ta' Gene on 5 Aug. 1998: 2 and 7 birds were seen at theTa' Gene colony on 28 and 29 Jun respectively. 369 adults were handled during one night ringing session on 2-3 July on Filfla. 1999: During 3 night ringing sessions on Filfla 445 were handled on 5-6 May, 1 i 7 on 5-6 Aug and 41 on 26-27 Aug. The colony at Ta' Cenc produced 20 on 6 Jun and 25 on 26 Jun. Northern Gannet Morus bassanus 1996: 1 off Valletta on 6 Feb; then on 4 dates from 2 Mar to 3 Apr, all off Qammieh. 8 sightings from 12 Oct to 28 Dec, all of singles and off N coast except for 2 on 2 Dec off Ghar Lapsi. 1997: Singles off Ghallis on 26 Jan and at Qammieh on 1st and 25 Mar. Then singles on i 2 dates from 12 Oct to 28 Dec, but 2 on 3 Dec (most records off Qawra). 4 11-Merm 31 2005 1998: 1 at Qammieh on 28 Mar. 1 off Qawra on 4 Oct then 9 sightings of 1-3 on 9 dates from 24 Oct to 7 Dec, all from the east coast. 1999: Singles off St. Elmo Pt. on i 7 Jan, off Qammieh on 20 Mar and 6 Apr and 3 off Qawra on i 1 Apr. Then singles on 16 Oct and on 7 dates from 6 Nov to 26 Dec but 2 on 13 Nov most records from Qawra. Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 1996: 10 sightings of 1-2 from 10 Jan to 29 Mar, mostly from N coastal areas; then 11 sightings of 1-2 from 5 Oct to 2 Dec. 1997: 1-2 on 18 dates from 15 Jan to 9 Feb, all at Ghadira except 2 dates at Simar. One off Qammieh on 29 Mar. Then 1 at Ghadira on 29 Sep, and up to 5 on 17 dates from 18 Oct to 8 Dec, but 11 off Qawra on 17 Nov and ca. 30 off Qawra/Mellieha on 18 Nov. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 4 Jan and at Sliema on 1 Feb, and 2 at Cirkewwa on 27 Apr. 4 at Tigne' on 24 Sep. Singles at Blata l-Bajda on 17 Oct and at Sliema on 29 Oct. Then 19 sightings of 1-6 on 16 dates from 2 Nov to 22 Dec, but 13 at Qawra on 9 Nov. 1999: 4 at St. Elmo Pt. on 17 Jan and 1 at Qawra on 30 Jan. 5 at B'Kara on 9th, 12 at Ghadira and Qawra on 23rd and 1 at Ghadira on 31 Oct. Then 1-8 on 19 dates from 5 Nov to 20 Dec but 23 on 24th, 17 on 25th and 12 on 26th all Nov at Qawra. Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris 1996: Singles at Simar on 6 Mar and on 3 dates from 5th to 13 Apr; and at Tas-Safra on 7 Sep. 1997: 1 (shot) at Salina on 8 Aug. 1998: 1 at Simar on 27 Mar. Little Bittern lxobrychus minutus 1996: All sightings of singles: At Simar on 24 Mar, at Ghadira on 13 Apr, again at Simar on 21 Apr, and at Kappuccini Valley, Gozo on 12 May. Then on 3 dates from 18th to 21 May, on 12 Jun, and on 8 dates from 28 Jul to 25 Sep, all at Simar. At Ghadira on 17 Oct and at Simar on 17 dates from 14 Oct to 29 Dec. 1997: i at Ghadira on 2 Mar. 2 pairs bred at Simar, one pair raising two broods of 3 and 5 young respectively. Present at Simar in low single figures from 1 Jan to 6 Oct. 1998: 1 at Simar on 19 Apr, then 10 sightings of 1-2 on 8 dates from 21 Apr to 25 May. In autumn, 1-2 almost daily at Simar from 1 Aug to 27 Sep and 1 at St. Julian's on 19 Sep. 1999: 1 at Wied Qannotta on 31 Mar, 3-5 at Camino on 8-10 May, and singles at Simar on 10th and at Chadwick lakes on 13 May. 1-2 present at Simar on most days from 30 May to 14 Sep. Singles at Dwejra (M) on 10 Sep and at lunzjata Valley on 31 Oct. Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 1996: 25 sightings from 5 Mar to 18 May, mostly up to 24 but 36 on Camino on 18 Apr. Return migration from 18 Aug with 32 sightings till 17 Oct, mostly in single to low double figures. Largest sighting of 27 at Ta' Gene on 17 Sep. 1997: In single figures on 11 scattered dates from 18 Mar to 22 May, max 7 at Blata 1-Bajda on 18 Mar and at Ghadira on 26 Mar, and on Comino on 8th and 9 May. One at Simar on 20 Jun. Then 27 records of single or low double figures on 18 dates from 26 Aug to 5 Oct; max 21 over B'Kara on 31 Aug, and 43 (in 2 flocks) on 1st also over Birkirkara, 17 at Ta' Gajdon.I (Xaghra) on 13th, 48 over Sliema on 22nd, and 30+ at Ghadira on 23rd, all in Sep, and 23 at Ghadira on 5 Oct. 1998: 24 sightings of up to 20 on 19 dates from 12 Mar to 1 May. 1 at Gzira on 17 Jun. In autumn, 3 i sightings of up to 26 on 23 dates from 22 Aug to 31 Oct, but 57 at Blata L-Bajda on 19 Sep. 1999: Up to 14 on 13 dates from 28 Mar to 23 May, but 19 at Lunzjata Valley on 2nd and 20+ of! Zonqor Pt. on 11 il.pr. Singles at Ghadira on gth and 29 Jun. In autumn, 2 on 13 Aug then up to i 5 on 27 dates from 17 Aug to 14 Oct but 23 at B'Kara on 25 Aug and 28 at Buskett on 11th and 19 Sep. Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides 1996: 1-5 on 15 dates from 13 Apr to 18 May at Simar; 1 at Camino on 24ih, and 6 off Cirkewwa on 25 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 26-27 Apr and 1 Jun; then 6 off Qbajjar on 19 Aug and 1 at Simar on 10 Oct. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 30-31st and at Qammieh on 31 Mar, and on most days at Simar from 12 to 27 Apr and from i 1 May to 14 Jun (but 2 on 13 Apr). 3 at Salina on 16 Apr. Then singles at Ghadira on 13 Aug and 23 Sep. 1998: 1 almost daily at Simar from 22na to 27 Apr. Singles at Manoellsland on 23 Apr and at Ramla Valley on 3 Jun. In autumn, sinoles at Qawra on 30 Auq, 1ih and 26 Sep and at lunziata on 21 Sep. 1999: 15 on ih and 5 on 8 Apr, both at Qammieh. Singles at Qa~r on 2 May and at Simar on 4 dates from 8th to 15 May. 1 at Ghadira on 12 Sep. Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1996: Almost daily sightings from 23 Mar to 31 May, mostly up to 35 but 101 at Ghadira on 15 Apr. 1 at Ghadira on 29 Jun till 5 Jul; then up to 4 on 10 dates in August, mostly at Ghadira. Up to 25 on most dates from 11 Sep to i 7 Oct, then 3 on 3ro and 1 on 20 Nov at Ghadira. 1997: Single to low double figures on most days from 19 Mar to 28 May (most records at Ghadira), max of 19 at Qammieh on 26 Mar and 22 at Ghadira on 9-11 Apr. 1 at Ghadira on 9 Jun. Then again in single or very low double figures on 4 dates from 15th to 28 Jul, max 12 at Ghadira on 2ih; on 7 dates from 1ih to 31 August, max 15 at Ghallis on 18th; on 10 dates from 2nd to 27 Sep, max 20 over B'Kara on 2nd, 13 at Ghadira on 23rd and 18 at Simar on 24th; and on 3 dates from 13th to 16 Oct, max 9 (4 at Ghadira and 5 at St. Elmo) on i 4th. 1998: 1 at Ghajn Tuffieha on 22 Feb, then almost daily from 15 Mar to 19 May, highest 30 at Ghadira on 1 Apr and 40 at Camino on 12 Apr, otherwise up to 15. Singles at Ghadira on 22nd and 30 Jul. In autumn 1-7 on 3 dates from 22nd to 31 Aug, then 22 sightings of up to 6 on 16 dates from 4 Sep to 12 Oct, but 10 on 9th and 12 on 15 Sep, both at Ghadira. 5 11-Merill 31 2005 1999: Singles at Qammieh and Salina and 4 at Ghadira on 20 Mar, then up to 19 on 29 dates from 25 Mar to 1 May but 36 on ih and 27 on 10 Apr, both at Qammieh, 23 at Ghadira and 38 at Camino on 17 Apr. 11 on 10th and 1 on 30 May, both at Ghadira. 1-2 on 6 dates from 6th to i 2 Jun at Ghadira and Simar. In autumn, 2 at Filfla on 5th, 6 at Ghadira on 20th, 15 at Floriana on 23'd, 1 at B'Kara on 25th and 3 at Filfla on 26th all in August. Then up to 14 on 15 dates from 2 Sep to 2 Oct but 36 at Cirkewwa on 30 Sep. 3 at Dwejra (M) on 17 Oct and singles at Ghadira from 19-21 Oct and 2 Nov. Great 1996: 1997: 1998: 1999: White Egret Ardea alba Singles at St. Elmo Pt. On 21 Aug and on 8 Sep, and at Ghadira on 27 Sep and 2-3 Oct. 4 on 25 Mar and 1 on 23 Apr over B'Kara and 1 on 26 Oct at Qawra. Singles at Blata L-Bajda on 28 Sep and at Simar on 13 Oct. Singles at Ghadira on 25 Aug, at B'Kara on 3 Sep, and again at Ghadira on 9 Sep and 16 Oct. Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1996: Regular sightings from i7 Feb to 1 Jun, mostly in single to low double figures but 55 at Ghadira on 14 Mar and 62 on Comino on 10 Apr. Singles at Simar and Ghadira on 20th and 25 Jul. 17 sightings on 13 dates in Aug, mostly 1-4 but 17 at Ghadira on 29th. Almost daily sightings of up to 47 from 1 Sep to 310ct; then 5 at Simar on 5 Nov and 1 at Ghadira on 18-19 Dec. 1997: Single to low double figures on most days from 9 Mar to 4 May (most records from Ghadira and Qammieh), max 43 at Qammieh on 19th and 23 at Comino on 4 May. Singles at Ghadira on 23 May, 14 Jul and 2 Aug. Then single or double figures almost daily from 12 Aug to 2 Nov, max 59 over Buskett and 89 over Blata 1-Bajda on 22 Sep, 53 over B'Kara and 80+ at Ghadira on 23 Sep, and 51 at Qawra on 16 Oct. Then 2 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 11th and singles at Ghadira on 51h and 15 Nov, and at Qawra on 13th and 26 Dec. 1998: 3 at Ghadira on 28 Feb, then 63 sightings in single or low double figures of up to 43 on 34 dates from 4 Mar to 3 Jun (daily from 21 Mar to 2 Apr), but 104 at Qammieh on 14th, and 84 on 261h and 60 on 2ih at Ghadira all in March. 1 at Salina on 16 Jul. In autumn, 9 sightings of up to 5 on 8 dates from 6th to 30 Aug, then almost daily from 1 Sep to 25 Oct (daily from 20 Sep to 1 Oct), totaling 70 sightings in single or low double figures of up to 50, but 61 from 4 localities on 20 Sep, 55 from ?localities on 24 Sep and 89 from 61ocalities on 26 Sep. 6 sightings of 1-2 from 4th to 22 Nov, but 9 at Oawra on 8th. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 7-8 Mar, then up to 16 on 14 dates from 15 Mar to 24 Apr but 22 at Qammieh on 28 Mar. Singles on 4 dates from 41h to 19 May and at Ghadira on 1 Jul. In autumn, 1 on 91h and 6 on 19 Aug, then on 40 dates from 25 Aug to 1 Nov, ~eak being on 10-13 Sep with 343 on 101h (5 localities), 77 on 11th (6 localities), 92 on 12th (4 localities) and 130 on 13t (3 localities), otherwise up to 58 on any one day. Singles at Qawra on 16th and at Ghadira on 25 Nov. Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 1996: 24 sightings of 1-4 from 15 Mar to 9 Jun, mostly at Ghadira and Simar, but 10 over B'Kara on 26 Apr. Then 16 sightings from 21 Aug to 16 Oct, mainly up to 7 but 28 at Simar on 2 Sep and 9 over B'Kara on 16 Oct. 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 25 Mar. Then 12 at Ghadira, 3 at Simar and 9 at Mellieha on sth, and singles at Simar from 10th to 1ih, at Ghadira on 11th and at Comino on 18th, all in April. One at Simar on 6 Jun. Then 8 records of of up to 8 on 7 scattered dates from 31 Aug to 23 Sep. One at Qawra on 26 Oct. 1998: 24 sightings on 19 dates from 14 Mar to 26 Apr, highest 9 at Qammieh on 14 Mar, otherwise up to 5. In autumn, 11 sightings on 8 dates from 1 Sep to 15 Oct, highest 8 from 2 localities on 1 Sep, otherwise up to 6 on any one day. 1999: Singles at Qammieh on 28 Mar, and on 7 dates from 7 Apr to 14 May but 3 at Comino on 17 Apr. In autumn, to 23 Sep but 11 on 1oth and 26 on 11t , both at Dwejra (M). singles on 7 dates from th Black Stork Ciconia nigra 1996: 2 at Benghisa on 2 Oct. 1997: Singles over Buskett on 20 Sep, over Ghadira on 17 Oct and over Dwejra (M) on 18 Oct. 1998: Singles at Dwejra (M) and Mdina on 24th and at Zebbug (M) on 25 Mar. Singles at San Gwann on 24 Aug and at Mosta on 19 Sep. 3 at Buskett/Rabat on 20th and 1 at B' Kara on 29 Sep and 1 at Gozo on 3 Oct. 1999: Singles at Blata L-Bajda and B'Kara on 22 Mar and at Wied L-lsperanza on 16 May. In autumn, singles at Hagar Qim on 22nd and at Buskett on 24 Sep, and at Simar on gth and over Piet8./Siiema on 15 Oct. White Stork Ciconia ciconia 1996: 3 at Mellieha on 8 Sep and singles at Buskett and Blata 1-Bajda on 9 Sep, and over B'Kara on 15 Oct. 1997: 7 over Gozo on 31 Aug; then singles over Buskett on 3'd, 4th and 13 Sep. 1 over Dwejra (M) on 3 Sep, probably the same bird recorded at Buskett. 1998: 4 at Rabat on 25 Aug and 4 at Buskett and Dwejra (M) on 1 Sep. 1999: 1 at Victoria on 1 Sep. Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 1996: 7 sightings of up to 8 from 1 fh to 17 Mar, then 50 at Comino on 1 and singles at Camino and Ghadira on 25 Apr. 8 over Ghadira Bay on 14 Aug; and singles at Ghadira and Simar on 12 Sep and at Salina on 6 Oct. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 13 Mar and 1 Sep, 16 on i ih and 12 on 23 Sep at Pt. St. Elmo, 2 again at Ghadira on 5 Sep, and singles at Buskett on 13 Sep and at Marsalforn on 19 Oct. 1998: 30 at Qammieh on 21 Mar, singles at Ghadira on 25 Mar and at Qawra on 8 Apr and 3 at Ghadira on 23 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 20 1h and 28 Sep. 1999: Singles at Oammieh on 9 Apr, at Dwejra (M) on 4 Sep and at Qawra on 9 Oct. 6 11-Merill 31 2005 Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia 1996: 40 at Salina on 19 Mar, 12 at Xaghra on 8 Sep, and 1 at Salina on 6 Oct. 1997: Singles at Ghadira from 15 to 20 Jan, at Qammieh on 18 Jan, and at Qawra on 3'd and 26 Oct. 1998: 1-2 at Ghadira on 4 dates from 6 Mar to 4 Apr. 1 at San Gwann on 21 May. 1999: 10 at Ghadira on 13 Feb, singles at Luqa Airport on 20th and at Ghadira on 23-24 Mar. In autumn, 1 at Ghadira on 15 Aug and 9 at Qawra on 29 Oct. Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 1997: 33 at Pt. St. Elmo on 25 Sep. 1998: 10 over Ghadira on 29 Mar; then 18 off Qawra on ih and 2 over Simar on 24 Nov. Honey-buzzard Pernis apivorus 1996: 22 sightings on 18 dates from 18 Apr to 13 Jun, mostly 1-5 but 17 over Camino on 28 Apr and 25 at Santa Lucia and 42 over B'Kara on 1 May. 1 at Mellieha on 13 Jul. 5 on 12 Aug, then almost daily from 24 Aug till 20 Oct, in single to double figures of up to 43 on most dates, with peaks of i 38 at Blata 1-Bajda on 8th and 66 at Buskett on 15 Sep. 1997: First singles Over B'Kara on 5th and over Ghadira on 9 Apr; then 17 records of mostly low single figures on 13 dates at various sites from 17 Apr to 7 June, but max 10 at Buskett on 17th, 7 at Dwejra (M) on 22"d and 7 at Mellieha on 31st all in May. Late singles on 21st and 26 Jun. In autumn first singles at Rabat & Chadwick Lakes on 23'd and at Buskett on 25th and 27 Aug; then 6 at Buskett and 1 at Dwejra (M) on 2"d and 1 over Blata 1-Bajda on 5 Sep. Then recorded daily (except on 24 Sep) in single or mainly low double figures from 11 Sep to 3 Oct, but 180 at Buskett and 85 at Dwejra (M) on 20 Sep. Other highest counts (all in Sep) were 92 on 21st, 53 on 28th, 26 on 2ih, and 25 on 11th all at Buskett, and 46 on 23'd and 25 on 21st at Dwejra (M). Then up to 6 at 4 localities on 8th and 10 October, and 1 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 22 Oct. 1998: 24 sightings of 1-7 on 18 dates from 11 Apr to 29 May. In autumn, i at Buskett on 30 Aug, then almost daily from 1 Sep to 20 Oct (daily from 13th to 25 Sep), highest being 147 on 13 Sep, 118 on 19 Sep, and 113 on 1 Oct, all at Buskett, otherwise up to 100. 1999: 2 at Qala on 4th, and singles at Blata L-Bajda on 18th and at Camino on 24 Apr. Then 1 1 sightings of 1-4 on 6 dates from 1st to 16 May. In autumn, 2 on 25th, and singles on 26th, 28th and 31 Aug. Then on 37 dates from 2 Sep to 12 Oct (daily from 8 Sep to 4 Oct and from 6th to 12 Oct), highest at Buskett: 110 on 14th, 108 on 15th, and 175 on 19th, all in Sep, and 112 on 3 Oct, and at Dwejra (M) 128 on 15 Sep. Black Kite Milvus migrans 1996: 13 sightings of 1-2 on 10 dates from 29 Mar to 11 May, mostly at Comino, but a flock of 25 over Dwejra (M) on 29 Mar. 1 at Mellieha on 15 Aug; then 7 singles on 5 dates from 8th to 25 Sep, and on 1ih and 16 Oct. 1997: In single figures on 14 dates from 25 Mar to 12 May, highest 7 at Oammieh on 26th and 4 at Dwejra on 25 Mar, and 3 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 5 Apr. Then up to 10 on 14 dates from 23 Aug to 28 Sep, highest 10 on 28th, ca.9 on 20th and 8 on 1st all at Buskett in Sep; but 6 at Dwejra (M) and 4 at Ghar Dalam on 20 Sep. 1998: 1 at Ghajn Tuffieha on 1 Mar, then 13 sightings on 8 dates from 21 Mar to 26 Apr, highest 5 at Dwejra (M) on 24th and 7 at B'Kara on 25 Mar, otherwise up to 4. In autumn, 16 sightings of 1-3 on 12 dates from 1 Sep to 1 Oct 1999: 1-4 on 8 dates from 20 Mar to 1 May. In autumn, 1-5 on 7 dates from 8 Sep to 1 Oct. Red Kite Mi!vus milvus 1996: 1 at Buskett on 2 Oct. 1998: Singles at San Lavvrenz (G) on 15 rl\pr, and at ~v1'Scal on 13th and at Qav.tra on 26 Sep. Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus 1999: 1 adult at Buskett and Dwejra (M) on 30 Sep. Short-Toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus i996: Singles at Dwejra (ivi) on 29 Sep, and at Chadwick Lakes on 6th and at Mellieha on 29 Oct. 1997: 2 on 20th and singles on 26th and 2ih all in Sep at Dwejra (M). Singles at Buskett on 20th and 27 Sep, probably same birds seen at Dwejra (M). 1998: Singles at Buskett on i 4th and 16th, and at Mdina on 1ih all in Oct i 999: Singles at Buskett on 30 Sep and i 0 Oct, and at Dwejra (M) on i 1- i 2 Oct. Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus 1996: In single to low double figures of up to 23 from 8 Mar to 25 May (mostly from 22 Mar to 4 May), but 32 at Camino on 30 March. Regular sightings again from 22 Aug till 19 Oct, in single to low double figures of up to 30, but with peaks of 200 on 8 Sep at Dwejra (M) (41 - 63 birds recorded from 3 other areas on same date), and 47 on 19 Sep and 53 on 6 Oct at Buskett. 1997: Winter record: one at Luqa on 1 Jan, followed by 2 early records in Feb: 3 over Birkirkara on 16th and 2 over Kennedy Grove on 23'd. Then on most days in single to very low double figures from 9 Mar to 17 May (daily from 22 Mar to 1 May) at various localities, highest 15 at Ghajn Tuffieha on 26 Mar, 15+ at Comino on 19th and 11 at Simar on 2 Apr, and 8 at Comino on 29 Mar. Two single records at Simar in June, on 8th and 1oth. In autumn first one at Marsascala on 22 Aug, then almost daily from 27 Aug to 22 October in single or double figures at various localities highest 92 on 12th, 69 on 14th, and 51 on 2ih at Buskett and 62 on 23'd at Dwejra (M), all in Sep. 1998: On most days from 14 Mar to 12 May (daily from 18 Mar to 4 Apr, 11 Apr to 20 Apr and 22 Apr to 5 May) in single or low double figures of up to 35, but 60 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 24 Mar and 41 at Comino on 14 Apr. 1 at Buskett 7 11-Merill 31 2005 on 27 Aug, then on most days from 1 Sep to 28 Oct (daily from 7 Sep to 5 Oct) in single or double figures, but 203 at Buskett and 123 at Dwejra (M) on 19th, and 260 at Dwejra (M) and 252 at Buske!! on 20th both dates in Sep. Singles at Dwejra (M) and Rabat on 19 Dec. 1999: 5 on 10 Mar, then on 53 dates from 13 Mar to 18 May (daily from 19 Mar to 2 Apr and from 23 Apr to 1 May) in single or low double figures of up to 25 but 31 at Luqa Airport on 20 Mar. In autumn, up to double figures on most days from 26 Aug to 17 Oct, daily from 5th to 23 Sep and from 25 Sep to 4 Oct, but 117 on gth and 1 02 on 9th at Buskett; 100 at Buskett and 152 at Dwejra (M) on 10th; 159 on 19th, 139 on 25th and 104 on 26th at Buskett (all dates in Sep). Singles at Valletta on 1st and at Qawra on i 8 Nov and at Ghadira on 4 Dec. Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus 1996: 1 at Camino on 25 Apr and 2 at Wied Qannotta on 4 May. In autumn, 5 singles on 4 dates from i st to i 7 Sep, and on 20 Oct 1998: Singles at Mdina on 24 Mar, at Dwejra (M) on 13th and at Camino on 15 Apr, at Qawra on 12 Sep, and at Buskett on 18 Oct 1999: 1 male at Luqa Airport on 29 Mar. Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus 1996: Singles at Bahar ic-Caghaq and Blata 1-Bajda on 8 Sep. 1997: In spring singles at Luqa Airport on 28th and at Blata 1-Bajda and Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 29 1" all in Mar. In autumn singles at Blata 1-Bajda on gth and 23'd and at Buskett on 25th all in Sep. 1998: Singles at Delimara on 1ih and at Camino on 17-18 Apr, at Simar on 3 May, and at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 3 Sep. 1999: Singles at Luqa Airport on 19-201h and 27 Mar, and at Dwejra (M) on 1st and at B'Kara on 11 Apr. In autumn, singles at Bingemma and Tal-Virtu' on 8th and at Qawra on 11 Sep. Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus 1996: Singles on 9 dates from 30 Mar to 7 May, except for 4 on 1 ih, 14th and 24 Apr all at Dwejra (M). Autumn passage: 1-2 on 9 dates from 28 Aug to 26 Sep, and 1 over B'Kara on 15 Oct.. 1997: On 10 scattered dates, 5 of which at Camino, from 29 Mar to 11 May, all singles except 4 on 30 Apr at Dwejra (M). Then singles at Buskett on 26 Aug and on 4th and 10 Sep and at Dwejra (M) also on 4 Sep. 1998: 17 sightings of 1-2 on 11 dates from 2 Apr to 6 May. In autumn, 12 sightings of 1-2 on 10 dates from 31 Aug to 19 Sep, but 3 at Buskett on i Sep. 1999: 2 at Dwejra (M) on 7-8th and 1 at Manoel Island on 23 Apr. In autumn, singles at Ghajn Tuffieha on gth and at Buskett on 26-27 Aug, then 1-2 on 8 dates from 4-14 Sep but 3 at Buskett on 8th and 1oth and 3 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11 Sep. Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus 1996: 8 sightings at Buskett from 15 Sep to 16 Oct, all singles but 3 on 30 Sep. Outside Buskett: singles at Dwejra (M) on 29 Sep, and at Wied Dalam on 16 Oct 1997: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar and at Buskett on 2nd and 5 Oct 1998: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar, at Rabat on 9 May and at Buskett on 17 Sep. 1999: 1 at Comino on 28 A.pr. In autumn, singles on 5 dates from 14 Sep to 11 Oct but 2 at Buskett on 3 Oct Common Buzzard Buteo buteo 1996: Singles at ~Jldina on 19th and at Qavvra on 28 Sep~ and at Buskett on 5th and 101h, at Dvvejra (~J!) on 2nd and at Mellieha on 28 Oct 3 at Dwejra (M) on 20 Oct 1997: In low single figures mostly at Buskett on 6 dates from 15th to 28 Sep, highest 4 at Buskett on 15th. 1998: Singles at Camino on 25th and 29 Apr, and on 5 dates from 20 Sep to 23 Oct. 1999: Singles at Buskett on 14th, 23'd and 26 Sep, and on 3 Oct, and at Dwejra (M) on 2nd and i 2 Oct. 2 other singles belonging to vulpinus ssp (Steppe Buzzard) were logged at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11 Sep and at Buskett on 3 Oct. 1 Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina i 997: Singles at Mdina on 141h and at Buskeit on 28 Sep. 1998: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 28 Sep. Booted Eagle Aquila pennata 1996: Singles at Buskett on i 6th and 19 Sep. 1998: i at Bahar ic-Caghaq on 13 Sep. 1999: Singles at Buskett on i gth and 23 Sep. Osprey Pandion haliaetus 1996: Singles on 5 dates from 5th to 20 Apr. In autumn: singles on 11 dates from 1 Sep to 12 Oct, but 2 at Buskett on 6 Oct. 1997: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 27 Mar, at Fomm ir-Rih on 1st and at Camino on 26 Apr. Then in low single figures on 21 dates, most at Buskett and Dwejra, from 27 Aug to 1 Oct, with a late bird at Dwejra (M) on 28 Oct Highest 7 at Dwejra (M) on 23'd Sep and 4 at Buskett on 1 Oct 1998: On 9 dates in spring from 31 Mar to 18 May, all in singles except for 2 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11 Apr. In autumn, 1 at Dwejra (M) on 24 Aug, then 15 sightings on 12 dates from 11 Sep to 1 Oct, in singles except for 2 on 11 Sep, 3 on 20 Sep, and 3 on 23 Sep, all at Buskett. 1999: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 29th and at Luqa on 30 Mar, and at Ghadira on 2 May. In autumn, singles on i 4 dates from 25 Aug to 4 Oct but 2 at Buskett on 30 Sep. 1 at B'Kara on 20 Oct. 8 11-Merill 31 2005 Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni 1996: 1-4 on 9 dates from 1 Mar to 28 Apr; then i -3 from 10 Sep to i 6 Oct mostly at Buskett, but 10 at Rabat on 18 Sep. 1997: In low single figures on 7 scattered dates from 27 Mar to 23 Apr mainly at Camino and Qammieh, highest 5 at Dwejra (M) on 27 Mar. Single over B'Kara on 4 May. In autumn in single figures on 20 dates, mainly at Buskett, from i Sep to 8 Oct, max 10 on 23'd 9 on 21st, 8 on 12th and 5 on 28th all in Sep at Buskett. 1998: iO sightings on 9 dates from 14 Mar to i May in single figures except for 2 at Camino on 25 Apr. In autumn, on 11 dates from 15 Sep to 13 Oct, highest 11 at Buskett on 23 Sep, otherwise up to 3. 1 at Rabat on 28 Oct. 1999: 1 at Wied Qannotta on 1yth and 2 at Lunzjata Valley on 23 Mar. In autumn, 1 on 29 Aug, then up to 5, mostly at Buskett on 16 dates from 14 Sep to 14 Oct but 9 at same place on 26 Sep. Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 1996: Singles on 7th and 16 Jan and on i 5 Feb; then almost daily sightings of up to 5 from 1 Mar to 13 May, but i 0 at Ghadira on 30 Mar and 13 at B'Kara on 14 Apr. Singles on 30 Jul and 30 Aug; then on most dates from 9 Sep to 26 Oct, up to 15 but 21 at Buskett on 6 Oct. Singles on 9-10 Nov and on 13th and 19 Dec. 1997: 3 singles in Feb (at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 9th, at Blata 1-Bajda on iih and again at Ta' Gajdoru on 22nd). Then almost daily in single figures of up to 4 (but 13 over B'Kara on i 9 Apr) in various localities from 12 Mar to 6 June, with several records from Comino, Qammieh and Dwejra (Malta). One at Ta' Dbiegi on 5 Jul. Then in autumn/winter in single figures in various localities almost daily from 4 Sep to end of year, highest 9 on 17 Sep at Buskett, 6 on 23 Sep and 8 on 6th and 7 on 2 Oct at Dwejra (Malta). 1998: Singles on 8 dates from 5 Jan to 28 Feb. Then 1-6 almost daily from 12 Mar to 16 May, but 12 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 24 Mar. 7 sightings of singles from 30 May to 31 Aug. Then 1-7 almost daily from 3 Sep to 30 Oct, but 11 at Dwejra (M) on 1 Oct. Singles on 18 dates from 1 Nov to 30 Dec. 1999: Singles on 9 dates from 1 Jan to 7 Mar but 3 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 17 Jan. Up to 3 almost daily from 13 Mar to 7 May but 5 at Ta' Gajdoru on 14 and 25 Mar and at Wied Qannotta on 17 Mar. Singles at Comino on 15 May, at Ghadira on 20 Jun, at Bingemma on 23 Jul, at Luqa and Ghadira on 1 Aug, at Buskett on 6 Aug and at Dwejra (M) on 4 Sep. 1-8 almost daily from 10 Sep to 28 Oct but 15 at Dwejra (M) on 25 Sep and 13 at Buskett on 30 Sep. Singles on 7 dates from 1-25 Nov and 2 at Lunzjata Valley on 4 Dec. Red4ooted Falcon Falco vespertinus 1996.: 10 sightings on 9 dates from 18 Apr to 23 May, all singles except for 7 at Cirkewwa and at B'Kara on 25 Apr and 13 May respectively. 1997: ln low single figures on 5 dates from 1ih to 29 Apr, but 20+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 28th Then singles at Dwejra (M) on 10th, at Simar on 1yth and at B'Kara on 28 May, and at is-Simar on 8th and at Mgiebah on 19 Jun. In autumn, one at Buskett on 11th and 2 at Dwejra (M) on 27 Sep. 1998: 16 sightings of 1-3 on 11 dates from 3 Apr to 27 May, but 7 at Xaghra on 22nd and 12 at B'Kara on 28 Apr. 1999: 4 on 15th and 3 on 23'd both at Blata L-Bajda and 1 at Gnejna on 28 Apr. 1 at Buskett on 11 Oct. Merlin Falco columbarius 1996: Singles at Buskett on 28 Sep and 12 Oct. 1997: Singles at Pt. St. Elmo on 25 September and at Simar on 21 Oct. 1998: Singles at Buskett on 24 Sep and at Sliema on 29 Oct 1999: Singles at Buskett on 27 Aug, at Blata L-Bajda, Lunzjata Valley, and B'Kara on 8 Oct and at Buskett on 9 Oct. Hobby Falco subbuteo 1996:18 sightings of 1-2 on 14 dates from 6 Apr to 7 May, then singles on 31 May and 1 Jun. Regular sightings of up to 10 from 2 Sep till 18 Oct, but 18 at Buskett on 15 Sep. 1997: Early bird at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 29 Mar; then 1-3 on 6 dates from 11th to 28 Apr, and 2 at Ta' Gajdoru on 16 May. In autumn in single figures on most days, mainly at Buskett and Dwejra, from 31 Aug to 8 Oct, highest ?at Buskett and 6 at Dwejra (M) on 21st, and 5 at Buskett on 2nd and 28th, all in Sep. 2 at Buskett on 18 Oct. 1998: 22 sightings of 1-3 on 13 dates from 8 Apr to 13 May, but 8 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 12 Apr. In autumn, up to 9 almost daily from 1 Sep to 9 Oct, but 14 at Dwejra (M) on 23 Sep. 1999: Singles at Bahar ic-Caghaq on 3'd and at Biata L-Bajda on 5 Apr. Then 1-2 on 6 dates from 16 Apr to 2 IVlay but 4 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on last date. 1 at Ta' Qali on 1 Jun. In autumn, up to 10 almost daily from 3 Sep to 12 Oct but 15 at Buskett on 3 Oct. Singles at Mgarr on 17 Oct and at Buskett on 24 Oct. Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae 1996: 1 at Buskett on 24 Aug, then 1-2 almost daily from 30 Aug till 3 Oct, but 3 on i 31h and 4 on 14 Sep, both at Buskett Singles again at Buskett on 1ih and 15t11 , and at Blata 1-Bajda on 29th all in Oct. 1997: 1 at Buskett on 30 Apr. Then in autumn 1-3 mainly at Buskett and Dwejra (M) on most days fmm 25 Aug to 22 Sep. Latest records at Dwejra (M): one on 27 Sep and 2 on 4 Oct. 1998: Singles at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 19 Jun, and at M'Scala on 6th and at Buskett on 30 Aug. Then 3 at Dwejra (M) on 11m, singles at Filfla and Rabat on 15th, at Ghar Dalam on 161h and at Ghadira on 201h ,all in Sep. 1999: Singles at Camino on 1 May and 13-14 May, at Mistra Bay on 16 May, at Ta' Gajdoru on 6 Jun, at Gharb on 10 Jul, at Dingli Cliffs on 19 Jul and at Qawra on 25 Jul. In autumn, 1-2 on 10 dates from 26 Aug to 30 Sep but 3 at Buskett on 28 Sep. 2 at Buskett on 1i Oct. Saker Falco cherrug 1996: 1 at Dwejra, Malta on 21 Sep, and 1 shot at Delimara on 12 Oct 9 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: Singles at Qammieh on 9 Mar, at Camino on 19 Apr and at Buskett on 10 Sep. 1998: 1 at B'Kara on 4 Jan. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 1996: Singles at south of Gozo on 18 Feb and at Targa Gap on 30 Mar, at Buskett on 1oth and 15th and at Blata 1-Bajda on 21 stsep, at Buskett and Qawra on 12 Oct, and at Ghadira on 20 Dec. 1997: Singles at San Anton on 2 Mar, at Camino on 16 Apr and at B'Kara on 1 Nov. 1998: Singles at Mriehel on 2 Jan, at Blata L-Bajda on 22 Mar, at San Gwann on 24 Mar, at B'Kara on 28 Apr, and at 1-Ahrax on 20th and at Ta'Cenc on 28 Jun. 1999: Singles at Ghasri on 1 Jun and at Buskett on 30 Sep. Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 1996: Up to 20 daily at Ghadira from 1 Jan to 30 Mar. At Simar 1-3 reported regularly from 5 Jan to 25 Mar. 2 at Ghadira on 26 Aug, then 1-3 regularly there from 10 Sep increasing up to 15 by end of year. At Simar up to 5 from 22 Oct till end of year. 1997: Up to 15+ daily at Ghadira in January until 19 Mar but 30+ on 22 Feb, and singles on 22 Mar and 1 Apr. At Simar up to 5 on 16 scattered dates from 1 Jan to 16 Mar. Then singles on 11th and 22 Sep and in single or low double figures on most days from 6 Oct till end of year at Ghadira, highest 25+ on 26th and 20+ on 29-30 Dec. At Simar up to 5+ almost daily from 11 Oct till end of year. 1998: Up to 15 almost daily at Ghadira and 1-5 at Simar in Jan - 14 Mar, but 20 at Ghadira on 6-8 Jan. Singles on 3 dates at Ghadira from 4th to 27 Aug, then 1-10 almost daily at Ghadira and 1-5 at Simar from 30 Aug till end of year, but 15 at Ghadira on 14-15 Dec. Only one sighting outside the reserves: 1 at Lunzjata on 28 Dec. 1999: Almost daily at Ghadira and Simar in Jan-Mar, highest 15+ at Ghadira on 19-20 Feb, otherwise up to 10 at Ghadira and up to 4 at Simar. 1-2 at Simar from 2nd to 8 Apr. Singles at Simar on 5 Jul, and at Ghadira on 21 Aug. Then up to 15 almost daily at Ghadira and Simar from 4 Oct to end of year, but 20+ at Ghadira on 17-18 Dec and 24 Dec. Records outside the two reserves were singles at Wied Ghollieqa on 6 Feb, at Buskett on 21 Jul, at Rabat on 13 Oct and at Salina on 6 Dec. Spotted Crake Porzana porzana 1996: Regular sightings at Ghadira from 13 Feb to 27 Apr, all in singles but 2 on 10-11 Apr. Singles at Simar on 5 dates from 18 Aug to 5 Sep, and again there on 29 Sep. At Ghadira, 9 sightings from 20 Sep to 7 Nov, all singles but 3 on 24 Sep. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 16th and 27 Mar, on 4 Apr, and on 24 Aug, and at Simar on 19 Apr. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 11th and 23 Mar, and at Simar on 4th and 10 Jun. 1999: Singles at Lunzjata on 28 Feb, on 3 dates at Ghadira from ih to 14 Mar, at Lunzjata on 1oth, at Ghadira on 13th, and on 3 dates at Simar from 23'd to 27 Apr and at Lunzjata on 11 May. Then singles at Ghadira on 26 Aug and 13-14 Sep, and at Simar on 14th and 20 Sep, and 15 Dec. Little Crake Porzana parva 1996: In spring singles at Ghadira on 4th and at Simar from th to 14 Apr. In autumn singles at Simar on 3 dates from 1ih to 22 Oct. and at Ghadira on 3 dates from 9th to 16 Nov. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on gth and at Simar on 20 Sep. 1998: At Simar 2 on 28 Feb and singles on 6 Mar, 3 Apr, 30 Sep, and 4 Oct. At Ghadira single from 5-7 Oct. 1999: 1 male at Simar on 14 Mar. ~v1corhen Ga!linula chloropus 1996: Up to 30 throughout the year at Simar (lower numbers in summer when breeding) and at Ghadira in Jan·May and Sep-Dec. Singles at Ghadira on 3 dates in Jun and Jul. Outside reserves, 1-2 on 4 occasions: 3 of them in Gozo (including usual breeding site at Ghajnsielem) and the other at Zurrieq. 1997: Present in single or low to medium double figures throughout the year at Ghadira and Simar: Monthly max at Ghadira: 50+ in Dec, 40+ in Nov and 35+ in March, with lowest monthly max. of 5+ in May-Aug; monthly max at Simar: 30+ in Sep-Dec and 20 to 25+ in May-Aug, with 15+ in other months. Only 6 records at other sites: 6 at Lunzjata on 11 Apr and singles at Ghanjsielern on 17 Jul, at Rabat on 26 Oct, and at Ghajn Zejtuna on 25 Oct, 8 Nov and 13 Dec. 1998: Daily throughout the year at Ghadira and Simar, highest 40 at Ghadira from Jan-Mar and at Simar and Ghadira from Nov-Dec. Seven pairs bred at Ghadira and 3 nests were located between 13 May and 20 June. Several pairs, up to 10, bred at Simar where young were heard at 8 different places. Young of different ages were seen there from May to August. Outside the reserves, singles at Lunzjata on 19 Mar, at Ghajnsielem on 13 May, at Ghajnsielem and Ramla Valley on 3 Jun, at Ghajnsielem on 9 Jun, and 2 at Mqabba on 22 Jun. 1999: Daily throughout the year at Ghadira and Sirnar, highest 60+ at Ghadira on 7 Mar, otherwise up to 50. Highest numbers from Jan-Mar and from Oct-Dec. Outside the reserves, singles at Lunzjata Valley on 9 Jan, 28 Feb, 6-7 Mar, 31 Oct; at Rabat on 28 Feb and 11 Oct; and at Salina on 8 Dec. A pair bred at Ghajnsielem where an adult with 4 chicks were seen on 4 Jun. i on 30 Jun and 3 on 3 Aug at Kirkop. Common Coot Fulica atra 1996: 32 at Ghadira in Jan-Feb, decreasing throughout Mar, and all but 1 leaving by 1 Apr, with a single bird remaining until 19 May. Up to 15 at Simar in Jan-Feb, all birds leaving by 26 Mar. 1 at Simar from 16 Sep onwards, increasing to 8 by end of year. At Ghadira, 1-4 from 12 Oct and end of Dec. 1 at Qawra on 30 Nov was the only record outside the reserves. 1997: In single figures daily from Jan up to 18 Mar at Ghadira and from Jan up to 22 Mar at Simar, with a max of 4 daily at Ghadira in Jan until 4 Mar and a max of 8 at Simar on 1st and 27 Jan. Then 1-2 at Simar from 13 Sep, increasing to 3 on 19 Oct and up to 10 in Nov and Dec. Single at Ghadira from 28 Sep to 31 Nov, increasing to 11 up to end of Nov and to 12 in Dec. 10 11-Merill 31 2005 1998; 5-13 daily at Ghadira from Jan-18 Mar, then 1 present throughout the year. Up to 6 daily at Simar from Jan-31 Mar. Then up to 8 daily at Simar from 24 Sep tili end of year and up to 5 daily at Ghadira from 12 Nov till end of year. 1999: Up to 4 at Ghadira and up to 8 at Simar daily from Jan-8 Apr, but i 0 at Simar on i 0-11 Mar. 1 at Simar on 27 Apr. 1 remained at Ghadira till 15 Sep. 1 at Simar on 11 Sep, then up to 8 daily at Simar and Ghadira from 18 Sep and 14 Oct to end of year, respectively. Common Crane Grus grus 1996: 40 at Grand Harbour on 3rd, 2 over Mosta on 29 1h, and 4 over B'Kara on 30 Dec. 1997: 6 at Qammieh and 55 (one flock) over Nadur on 9 Mar. Then one over Ghadira on 2nd, 3 at Targa Gap and 13 over Valletta and Ghadira on 4th, and 24 at Luqa Airport on 20th all in Nov. 1998: Influx on 16 Nov, with 56 over Luqa Airport, 26 at Ghadira and 43 at Pt. St. Elmo. 11 at Nadur (G) on 18th and 4 at Mosta on 19 Nov. 1 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 16 Dec. 1999: 7 over Gozo on 25 Mar. 8 on 24 Nov and 1 on 1 Dec, both at Qawra. Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 14 Sep. 1997: 6 on 3rd and 3 on 6 Aug at Pt. St. Elmo, and singles at Deli mara on 10 Aug and at Bahar ic-Caghak on 4 Sep. 1998: 1 at Qammieh on 26 Mar, 15 at Qawra on 26 Jul, and 1 at Tas-Safra on 2nd and 7 at Ghadira Bay on 16 Aug. 1999: 2 at Ghadira on 12 Aug. Black Winged Stilt Himatopus himantopus 1996: 1-9 on most dates at Ghadira from 27 Feb to 17 May, but 13 on 14 Mar, when 14 were also sighted at Marsaxlokk and 18 at Salina. 3 at Comino on 18 Apr; then 2 at Ghadira on 29 Jul, 5 again there on 12 Aug, and 1 at Salina on 13 Aug. 1997: Present in single figures from 23 Mar to 4 May, but 21 on 25 Mar (otherwise highest 6 on 30 Mar and 9 Apr), 1 on 11th and 17 May, 2-3 on 5 scattered dates in June, and 1 on 13-14 August, all records from Ghadira. At Simar recorded on 5 dates: 2 on 16 Mar, 3 on 1st and 2 on 19 Apr, and singles on 4 Jun and 3 Jul. Other single records were at Comino on 29 Apr and at Salina on 18 Jul and 20 Aug. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 14-15 Mar, then 1-3 on 14 dates from 31 Mar to 9 May, but 13 at Migra L-Ferha on 31 Mar, 8 at Ghadira on 1st and 7 at Mosta on 2 Apr, and 7 at Ghadira on 9 May. 1-2 at Simar on 3 dates from iOth to 28 Jun and 4 at Ghadira on 25 Jun. 4 again at Ghadira on i 3th and 1 at Sliema on 23 Jul. 8 at M'Scala on ih and 4 at Ghadira on 10 Aug, then 1-4 daily at Ghadira from 20 Aug to 9 Sep and 1 daily at same place on 26-29 Sep. 1999: At Ghadira, 6 on 11th and 1-3 on 7 dates from 19th to 31 Mar and up to 4 daily from ih to 23 Apr and from 30 Apr to 22 May; but 7 on 12 May. 3 records outside Ghadira: 16 at Qammieh on 7 Apr, 4 at Manoel Island on 19 Apr and 4 at Salina on 6 May. 1-2 at Ghadira on 6 dates from 6th to 22 Jun. Singles at Ghadira on 4 dates from 4th to 18 Jul, but 3 on 13 Jul. 1-2 almost daily at same place from 3 Aug to 3 Sep, but 4 on 15 Aug. 2 records outside Ghadira: 1 at Burmarrad on 24 Aug and 25 at Qawra on 20 Sep. Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta 1997: 5 at Ghadira on 17 Nov and 4 at Qawra on 12 Dec. 1998: 9 at Ghajn Tuffieha on 1st and 12 at Qammieh on 28 Mar, and singles at Ghadira on ih and 18 Apr. In autumn, 9 at Ghadira on 1ih and 6 at Qawra on 30 Sep, 26 at Qawra on 10 Nov, and 14 at Qawra and 12 at Ghadira on i 9 Nov. 1999: 13 at Qawra on 29 Oct. Stone Curlew Burhinus oecidnemus 1996: 1 at Comino on 31 Mar and 4 at Dwejra (M) on 20 Sep. 1997: Singles at Comino on 12 Apr, and at Simar on 5th and at Ghadira on 16 Oct. 1999: Singles at Oammieh on 27 Mar, at Ghadira on 17 Apr, at Camino on 14 May, and at Blata L-Bajda on 18 Oct. Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 20 Jul. 1997: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 10 May. 1999: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 30 Sep and at B'Kara on 5 Nov. Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubius 1996: Almost daily, mostly at Ghadira and other coastal areas, from 28 Feb till 20 Oct. Generally in single figures, but 10 at Ghadira on 11 Mar, 14 again there on 10 Aug. Pair bred at Ghadira and raised 2 young. Latest sighting: 1 at Ghallis on 2 Nov. 1997: in single figures almost daily at Ghadira from 8 Mar to 18 Oct, with a late bird on 4 Nov, but 20+ on 2ih and 10+ on 29 Mar. Pair bred for the third consecutive year at Ghadira. Up to 5 on 16 scattered dates from 19 Mar to 31 Aug mainly at Salina (?dates) and Simar (4 dates), but 30 at Ghallis on 18 Aug. 1998: Almost daily in single or low double figures from 10 Mar to 10 May, highest 15 at Salina on 8 Apr. Breeding pair present at Ghadira from Apr-Jul, however only 1 chick survived out of two broods. Then in single figures almost daily from 16 Jul to 3 Oct, but 20 at Ghadira on 3 Aug. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 24-25 Feb then almost daily in single to low double figures from 2 Mar to 2 May (highest 15 at Ghadira on 14 Mar and at Salina on 18 Mar). Breeding pair present at Ghadira in summer. Then up to 8 almost daily from 15 Jul to 25 Oct, mainly at Ghadira. Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula 1996: Up to 4 at Ghadira on most dates from 21 Apr to 24 May, 1 on 15th to 25 Jul, and up to 5 from 17 Aug to 30 Sep. Outside Ghadira: 1 at Comino on 2 May, up to 5 at Salina on 9 dates from 17 Jul to 19 Sep, and 7 at Pt. St. Elmo on i 6 Sep. 11 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: i-2 at Ghadira on 11 scattered dates in May (but 3 on 41h and 4 on 17th) and singles on 16 scattered dates from 19 Aug to 21 Sep, but 2 on last date, with a late bird on 14 Oct. 4 at Salina on 28 Jul, then singles there on 6th, 1 sth and 20th and at M'Scala on 29 Aug. 1998: 8 at Salina on 29 Mar, then 1-5 on most days at Ghadira and Salina from 2 Apr to 18 May. i at Ghadira on 16-17 Jul, then up to 6 almost daily at Ghadira from 19 Aug to 23 Dec. 2 at Salina on 13 Oct. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 8 dates from 2 Jan to 13 Feb. 1 at Manoel Island on 29 Mar then 1-3 almost daily at Ghadira from 2"d to 23 May. In autumn, 1-2 on most days from 23 Jul to 3 Aug and up to 5 almost daily from 20 Aug to 14 Oct, all at Ghadira except for 1 at Salina on 25 Jul. Kentish Plover Charadrius a/exandrinus 1996: 1 at Ghadira almost daily from 27 Feb till 13 Oct, but 2 on 8 dates in Sep and up to 3 in Oct. Only 3 sightings, all singles, outside Ghadira: at Gharb on 30 Sep, and at Salina on 6 Oct and on 31 Dec. 1997: First 1 at Salina on 3 Jan. Then 1 at Ghadira on 1ih, 21st and 23 Jan, on 5 dates from 11th to 25 Feb, and almost daily from from 4 Mar to 21 Jun and from 21 Jul to 11th October, but 3 on 27 Feb, 2 from 30 Mar to 1 Apr and 5+ on 23 Apr. Recorded elsewhere only at Salina: single on 23'd and 28 Jul and on 15th and 22 Oct, but 1 on 21 Jul and 5 on 2 Sep at Pt. St. Elmo. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 20 Mar, 2-3 Apr, and 18-19 Apr, and 1-2 at Salina on 2-4 Apr. Singles at Ghadira from 2rd to 27 Jul and from 28 Aug to 9 Sep. 1-2 at same place on 4-5 Oct and from 17 Oct to 28 Nov. 1999: 2 on 14 Apr, and singles on 9-10th and 17-18 Jul, 6 Aug and 4-5 Sep, all at Ghadira. Dotterel Charadrius morinellus 1996: Singles at Ramla (G) on 25th, at Dwejra (M) on 31 Aug, at Simar on 20 Sep, and again at Dwejra (M) on 4th and at Ghadira on 11 Oct, but 2 over Mdina on 21 Sep. 1997: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 4th and at Cumnija on 25 Sep, and at Mellieha on 9 Oct. 1998: i at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar, then 1-2 on 7 dates from 1 Sep to 24 Oct. 1999: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 13 Sep and at Ghadira on ih and 9 Oct and 24 Nov. European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria 1996: 35 at Pt. St. Elmo on 6th, 1 at Comino on 11th and 40 at Salina on 12 Oct, then 2 at Qawra on 1 Dec. 1997: 3 records in March: 1 on 1st at Dwejra (M), and 15 on 15th and 5 on 23'd at Luqa Airport. Then up to 4 on 6 dates: 18th and 25 Oct, 2"d, 12th and 13 Nov, and 20 Dec, all from Pt. St. Elmo or Qawra. 1998: 1 at Oawra on 7 Dec. 1999: ion 30 Oct and 17 on 6 Nov at Qawra; 10 at Lunzjata on 13 Nov; and singles at Marsascala on 19 Nov, and at Naxxar on 25t11 and at Simar on 26 Dec. Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 9 Apr, at Qawra on 23 Aug and 2 Nov, and at Pt. St. Elmo also on 2 Nov. 1998: Singles at Ghadira from 3' to 8 May, at Buskett on 8 Sep and at Qawra on 12 Sep. 1999: Singles at Oawra on 18 Sep, 19 Nov and 23 Nov. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 1996: 2 reported from Gozo on 13 Jan and 1 at Dwejra (M) on 6 Mar. 5 at Ghadira on 29 Oct and 1 at Simar on 3 Nov. 1997: 7 at Luqa on 1st, and one at Ghadira on 6-7 Jan. Then 2 on 25 Oct, 5 on 15 Nov, and 1 on 7 Dec, all at Ta' Qali. i998: i at Beiiiegha (G) on 3i Jan and an unusual bird at Simar on 23 Jun. Then singles at Ghadira from 1ih to 27 Oct, at Ta'Qali on 1s1 and at Rabat on 14 Nov, 17 at Luqa on 23 Nov and singles at Simar on 3'd and at Targa Gap on 10 Dec. 1999: 5 at Luqa on 2 Feb. 1 at Ghadira on 30 Oct, 3 at Qawra on 24 Nov, and 2 at Ghadira on 8 Dec. Sanderling Calidris alba 1996: i at Ghadira on 20 Sep. Little Stint Calidris minuta 1996: On most dates, mostly at Gt1adira and Salina, from 15 Mar to 9 Jun, and from 15 Jui to 27 Oct. In single to low double figures of up to 35 in spring, and up to 25 on any single date on the return passage. 1-2 on 19 dates at Ghadira from 6 Nov to 22 Dec, and 1 at Salina on 31 Dec. 1997: First 2 at Salina on 3 Jan followed by 3 at Ghadira on 7 Feb. Then in single or low double figures on most days at Ghadira from 25 Mar to 2 Jun, max 10+ on 16tn and 18 Apr and on 12 May. Other records were 5 on 16th and 10 on 22 Apr, and 30 (max for spring) on 8 May all at Salina and 1 on 22 May at Simar. Then again at Salina with up to 7 on 12 scattered dates from 23 Jul to 20 Aug, 1 on 1st Sep and up to 6 on 3 dates from 12th to 22 Oct, and almost daily at Ghadira in single or low double figures from 25 Jul to 140ct, highest 30+ on 2 Aug and 20+ on 6 other dates in the first half of Aug. Up to 4 at Simar on 8 scattered dates from 28 Jul to 18 Sep. Other records were 3 at Pt. St. Elmo on 26 Jul, 1 at Delimara on 10th and 2 at M'Scala on 29 Aug, and singles on 4th at Blata 1-Bajda and on 20 Sep at Munxar (G). 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 1it11 and 13 Mar, then almost daily at Salina and Ghadira in single or low double figures from 15 Mar to 29 May, highest 20 at Ghadira on 23 Apr. 1 at Ghadira on 7 Jun. In autumn, almost daily in single or low double figures of up to 30 from 21 Jul to 16 Dec, but 40 at Ghadira on 23-26 Aug. 2 at Ghadira on 28 Dec. 1999: 4 at Salina on 2 Jan and another 4 at Ghadira on 7 dates from 12 Jan to 12 Feb. Almost daily in single to low double figures from 24 Mar to 28 May, mainly at Ghadira, highest 30+ at same place on 2 May, otherwise up to 25. Singles at Ghadira on 5 dates from 5 Jun to 16 Jul. Up to 25 almost daily (mainly at Ghadira) from 25 Julto 13 Nov, but 30 on 31 Aug-1 Sep. 1-2 at Ghadira on 28-30 Nov. 12 11-Merill 31 2005 Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii 1996: 9 sightings from 26 Jul to i 3 Oct, at Ghadira and Salina. All in singles but 2 at Ghadira on 6 Sep. 1997: 1 on 26 Apr, 6 on 4 May, and singles on 5-6 May, 28 Jul, 31 Aug, and on is\ 8-9th and 24 Sep, all at Ghadira. 1998: 1-3 at Ghadira on 3 dates from 25th to 28 Apr, 2 at Salina on 10 May, and singles at Ghadira on 1 1 May, 1 ih and 14 Jun, from 29 Jun to 2 Jul, and on 9 dates from 25 Jul to 5 Oct. 1999: Only recorded at Ghadira . 1-3 almost daily from 25 Apr to 21 May, but 5+ on 4 dates from 8th to 12 May. In autumn, 1-2 on 16 dates from 24 Jul to 24 Sep. Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos 1998: 1 shot at 1/o Zejtun on 30 Sep. Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 1996: On most dates from 20 Apr to 26 May, when up to 25 at Ghadira and, on 4 occasions, up to 6 at Salina. Regular again at Ghadira (and another 4 sightings at Salina) from 20 Jul to 6 Oct, when up to 6 birds present. 1997: Up to 3 at Ghadira on 10 dates from 28 Apr to 30 May and 3 at Salina on 8 May. Then again at Ghadira with up to 6 from 26 Jul to 2 Aug, and singles from 3'd to ih, 20th to 23'd and 31 Aug, and on 1st and 4 Sep. At Salina 1 on 23'd, 8 on 25th and 3 on 28 Jul, then singles on 4 scattered dates from 1st to 20 Aug and a late bird on 12 Oct. 1998: 3 at Salina on 31 Mar, then in single figures on most dates from 22 Apr to 18 May, but 12 on 6th and 11 on 13 May, both at Ghadira. 2 at Ghadira on 18-20 Jun. In autumn, 1-3 on most dates at Ghadira from 21 Jul to 23 Sep. 1 at Salina on 30 Jul. 1999: Up to 8 almost daily from 29 Apr to 29 May, all at Ghadira except for 5 at Salina on 6 May. 1-4 at Ghadira and Salina (except for i at Bahar lc-Caghaq on 24 Jul) on most days from 15 Jul to 1 Aug; then 1-2 at Ghadira on most days from 22 Aug to 6 Oct. 1 at Ghadira from 6th to 13 Nov. Dunlin Calidris alpina 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 14 Mar. Regular on return passage, mostly at Ghadira and Salina, with up to 7 from 25 Jul to 27 Oct. At Ghadira on 10-14 Nov, at Qawra on 22 Nov and again at Ghadira on 28 Dec, all singles. 1997: One spring record: 1 at Salina on 22 Apr. Then at Ghadira first 1 on 15 Jul, then daily in low single figures from 27 Jul till14 Oct (max 5 on 2 Aug), and singles on 9 scattered dates till 26 Nov. Elsewhere recorded mainly at Salina in iow single figures on 12 scattered dates from 30 Jul to i Sep and from 1ih ro 22 Oct, max 6 on 15 Oct. Other records were singles at Bahar ic-Caghak on 31 Jul, at Simar on 1st and at Ghallis and Pt. St. Elmo on 13 Aug and at Blata 1-Bajda on 13 Sep, but 3 at Ghallis on 28 Aug and 20 (highest for any one day) at Qawra on 19 Nov. 1998: Singles at Salina on 3 dates from 2nd to 5 Apr and at Ghadira on 3 May. In autumn, in single figures almost daily from 22 Jul to 19 Nov, but 10 at Ghadira on 23-24 Aug, and 11 at Buskett on 24 Sep. 2 at Ghadira on 25th and 28 Nov and 1 at same place on 12 Dec. 1999: Singles at Salina on 28th and at Ghadira on 31 Mar. Up to 10 almost daily from 16 Jul to 24 Nov, but 11 at Qawra on 18 Sep, 15 at Ghadira on 6 Oct, and 18 at Oawra on 13 Nov. 1 at Ghadira almost daily from 25 Nov to 19 Dec. Ruff Philomachus pugnax 1996: Regular, mostly at Ghadira, from 17 Feb to 2 Jun, mostly in single figures but 14 at Ghadira on 14 Mar and 15 at Luqa Airport on 25 Apr. 35 sightings from 7 Jul to 21 Oct, up to 5 at Ghadira but 9 at Comino on 14 Jul. 1997: At Ghadira in single figures almost daily from 2"d to 13 Mar (max 7 on 11th) and daily from 28 Mar to 3 May (max 6 on 6th and 5 on 5 Apr), followed by singles on 4 dates from 1 sth to 24 May. Then again at Ghadira: 2 on 4th and singles on 5-6 1h and 30 Jul, on 2-4 Aug and on 13th and 23 Sep. Elsewhere, 20+ (highest for any one day) at Gudja on 16 Mar, up to 4 at Salina on 22 Mar, 16 Apr, 8 May and 14th, 18th and 30 Jul. 1 over Buskett on i Oct. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 26 Feb, then daily from 28 Feb to 1 May, highest 30 at Ghadira on 26 Mar and on 25 Apr, otherwise up to 22. 1-3 on 4 dates from 4th to 27 May and 14 at B'Bugia on 22 Jun. Then i -6 on i 1 dates from 16 Jul to 2 Oct. 1999: Up to 5 daily from 13th to 27 Mar and up to 6 almost daily from 19 Apr to 15 May, all at Ghadira and Salina. In autumn, up to 3 on most days from 11 Jul to 18 Sep. 1 at Ghadira on 3 Oct. Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus 1996: 10 sightings of singles on 9 dates from 11 Jan to 1 May, all at Ghadira and Simar. Singles at Lunzjata on 8 Oct and on 28 Dec. 1997: 1 at Lunzjata on 22 Feb. 1998: Singles at Lunzjata on 16 Mar, 21 Mar, and 5 Dec, and at Rabat on 15 Dec. 1999: 1-2 at Simar on 4 dates from 20 Feb to 6 iviar and 1 at Lunzjata on 7 Mar. Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 1996: Up to 7 at Simar from Jan till 18 May and up to 4 at Ghadira from Jan to 28 Apr. 4 at Marsaxlokk on 14 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 24 Aug and singles at Dwejra (M) on 16th and 18 Sep. Up to 8 at Simar from i Sep till end of year; i -2 at Ghadira from 2 Oct to 16 Dec and i at Lunzjata on 8 Dec. 1997: At Simar in single figures on most days from 1 Jan to 10 Apr (max 8 on 19 Jan, 18 Feb, and 9 Mar). At Ghadira up to 3 on most days from 2nd to 17 Mar and singles on 7-8th and 12 April. Other records were singles at Lunzjata on 22 Feb, at Qammieh on 26 Mar and at Marsa on 6 Apr, and 2 at Salina on 14 Mar. Then in autumn again at Simar with 1-2 on most days from 24 Aug to 1 0 Sep; 1 on 3 Oct; daily in low single figures (max 4) from 11th to 29 Oct; and up to very low double figures on 8 dates in Nov (max 12 on 25th and 7+ on 16th) and on 15 dates in Dec (max 12 on 23'd and i 1+ on 21st). Other records were 2 at Ghadira on 31 Aug and singles at Buskett on 22 Sep, at Ghadira on 24 Sep and 3 Mar, at Salina on 12th and at ta' Qali and Dwejra (M) on 26 Oct. 13 11-Merill 31 2005 1998: Almost daily at Simar from Jan to 5 Apr, highest 12 on 3 dates from 3 Jan to 1 Feb, otherwise up to 10. Singles at Ghadira on 2 Jan and 8 Feb, then 1-4 on most dates from 15 Feb to 4 Apr. Outside the reserves, 2 on sth and 1 on 15 Mar at Lunzjata, and 1 at Marsalforn on 11 Apr. 1 at Simar from 1oth to 14 Jun. In autumn, almost daily at Simar from 21 Sep till end of year, highest 11 on 2-4 Dec. Outside Simar, singles on 20 dates from 23 Sep to 14 Nov, mostly at Ghadira. 1999: Up to 7 almost daily at Simar from Jan to 13 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 23 Jan and on 26 Feb; at Luqa on 19 Mar; and at Dwejra (M) on 1 Apr. Singles at Blata L-Bajda and Simar on 30 Apr. In autumn, 1-2 on 8 dates from 26 Aug to 1 Oct, then up to 10 almost daily from 11 Oct to end of year mostly at Simar and Ghadira. Great Snipe Gaflinago media 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 4 dates from 27 Mar to 6 Apr. 1999: 2 at Simar on 24 Apr. Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 10th and 16 Mar. 1997: Singles at Bugibba on 4th, at Mellieha on 18th, at Dwejra (G) on 25th, and at Mtahleb on 26 Oct, and at Targa Gap on 3'd and at Ghadira on 15 Nov. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 3 dates from 19th to 23 Mar. Then at Simar on 6th and 9th, and at Rabat on 15 Dec. 3 reported shot at Lunzjata in Dec. 1999: Singles at Simar and at Wied Ghollieqa on 9 Feb. Singles at B'Kara on 29 Oct, and at Lunzjata on 14th and up to 5 daily on 25-28 Nov. Black-tailed Godwit Umosa fimosa 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 24-25 Feb and 3 Mar. 1997: 2 from 4th to 13 Mar then 1 till 9 Apr at Ghadira. Then 45+ off Qawra on 12 Aug. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 31 Jan. 1-5 daily at Ghadira from 26 Mar to 3 Apr and 1 at Qammieh on 26 Mar. 1 at Ghadira from 14 Jun to 5 Jul. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 12 Feb. Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 1998 : 1 at Cirkewwa on 15 Apr 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 14 May. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 1997: One at Salina on 30 Aug. Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 1996: 1 on 23 Mar, then 4 sightings of 15-21 birds on 3 dates from 28 Mar to 3 Apr, all from the Channel area. 12 at Pt. St. Elmo on 12 Oct. 1997: On 4 dates in Mar: at Qammieh 10 on 16th, 2 on 22nd and 72 on 23'd, and i at Camino on 28th. Then 5 at Pt. St. Elmo on 20 Jul, and singles at Marsascala and at Pt. St. Elmo on 12 Aug, and over Buskett on 4th and at Pt. St. Elmo on 11 Sep. 2 at Qawra on 16 Oct. 1998: On 5 dates at Qammieh from 19t11 to 29 Mar, highest 54 and 43 on 19th and 21 Mar respectively, otherwise up to i 9. 1 at Ghadira from 4t 11 to 1ih and 2 at Bingemma on 18 Jul. Singles at Qawra on i ih and at Tigne' on 29 Sep, 2 at Qawra on 6111 and 29 Oct, and 3 at Qawra and Rabat on 14 Nov. 1999: 30 on 23rd i on 27 Mar, and 85+ on 3 Apr, all at Qammieh. In autumn, singles at Salina on 31 Jul, at Qawra on 29 Aug, at Blata L-Bajda on 11 Sep, and on 4 dates at Qawra from 17 Oct to 18 Nov. 6 at Qawra on 18-19 Dec. Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus 1996: Up to 5 from 9 Mar to 30 Apr, then singles on 5 May, 27 Jun, 21 Jul and 22 Aug; all records at Ghadira. 1997: i-2 on i2 111 and 31 March, on 6-8 Apr, on 22-23' 0 and 27 June, on 16 Sep and on 1st and 26 Nov. Ail records from Ghadira and Simar, but 1 at Pt. St. Elmo 21 Aug. 1998: Only recorded at Ghadira. i on 11 Feb, i -2 on 5 dates from 2"d to 23 Apr, singles on 17 Jul and on 4 dates from 1ih to 26 Sep. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 5-9 Apr, i 9-21 Jun and on 8th and 11 Oct. Common Redshank Tringa totanus 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 16 dates from 28 Feb till 8 Apr. Up to 8 at Ghadira from 15 Junto 23 Jul, and singles at Simar and Salina on i 1th and 17 Jul respectively. i on 12 Aug, then i -2 on 7 dates from 5 Oct to i Dec. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 23 Feb, on 10 dates from gtl1 to 28 Mar (but 2 on 1 i 1h), and on 26-29 Apr. Then again at Ghadira with up to 3 on 9 dates from 23 Junto 5 Jul, singles from gth to 13 Aug and on 13th and 24 Sep, 3 on 11-12 Oct and singles on 1oth and 23 Nov. Four records outside Ghadira: 2 at Qammieh on i 2 Mar and singles at Simar on 26 Apr, at Salina on 14th and at Pt. St. Elmo on 2"d and 19 JuL 1998: 1-2 on most dates from 22 Mar to 30 Apr, 1 on 31 May and up to 3 on most days from 15 Jun to 12 Jul, but 4 on 25 Jun. 3 on 1st and 1 on 28-29 Aug; then i-2 on most dates from 7 Sep to 4 Nov, but 3 on 31 Oct. Highest numbers and most records from Ghadira. 1999: Up to 4 daily from 17th to 22 Mar. 1 at Simar on 12 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 15 Jun, then up to 3 (mostly at Ghadira) almost daily from 22 Jun to 21 Jul, but 5 at Ghadira on 26 Jun. 1-2 on 6 dates from 12 Aug to 17 Sep and 1-2 almost daily from 23 Oct to 8 Dec, mostly at Ghadira. 4-5 at Ghadira on 21-22 Dec. 14 11-Merill 31 2005 Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatifis 1996: Singles on 7 dates from 24 Feb to 4 Apr; on 14th_iih and 29-30 Jun; on 24 Jul, and on 12 Aug. All at Ghadira. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 2ih and 29 Mar, on 4th and 10-11 Apr, and on 30 Jul. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 4 dates from 25th to 31 Mar, and on 16th and 18 Apr. Singles at Oammieh on 26 Mar and at Salina on 31 Mar and 4 Apr. 1999: i -2 from gth to 13 Jul and 2 on 21 Aug. All at Ghadira. Greenshank Tringa nebularia 1996: 1-2 almost daily from 16 Apr to 14 May, but 4 at Ghadira on 21 Apr. 1-2 on most dates from 16 Jul to 2 Aug, then up to 3 from 13 Aug to 8 Oct, mostly at Ghadira, and 1 on 31 Dec at Salina. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on i st, on 6-8th, 12th and 1ih, at Comino on 20th and again at Ghadira on 29th all in April. Then singles at Pt. St. Elmo on 11 Jul, at ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 1st, at Salina on 61h and 8th and at Qawra on 31st, all in Aug, at Ghadira on 1st, at Buskett on 13th and again at Ghadira on 22nd, all in Sep, at Salina on i ih and at Qawra on 18 Oct and at Ghadira on i Nov. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 28 Mar, then i -5 on most dates at Ghadira and Salina from 2 Apr to 6 May. 1 at Manoel Island on 3 Apr. In autumn, 1-3 on 46 dates from 1 Jul to 30 Sep, but 8 over Buskett on 26 Sep. 1999: Singles at Migra L-Ferha on 3 Mar and at Ghadira on 4 dates from 26 Mar to 9 Apr. Up to 3 daily at Ghadira from 1ih to 30 Apr, and 1 at Salina on 2 May. In autumn, 1-2 at Ghadira from 23rd to 28 Jul and 1-2 on 9 dates from 7 Aug to 9 Oct. 1 at Ghadira on 14-15 Nov. Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus 1996: Regularly from 19 Feb till 15 Apr, mostly up to 4 but 11 at Ghadira on 3 Apr. Singles at Wied Ghollieqa on 27 Apr and at Ghadira and Simar on 10 May; then almost daily from 28 Jun till 4 Oct, mostly up to 4 but 6 at Simar on 25 Jun, 8 at Salina on 16 Jul, and 6 at Salina on 1st and 7 at Ghadira on 7 Aug. 1997: 1 winter record at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 25 Jan. Then in spring at Ghadira 1-2 on 16 dates from 11 Mar to 15 A~r (but 3 on 11th and 4 on 26 Mar), and singles on 25 Apr and on 8th and 18 May. At Simar singles on 1st and 8th, 2 on gt , and singles on 15-16 Mar, and 5+ on 11 Apr. Then again at Ghadira in low single figures on 37 dates from 17 Jun to 4 Oct (mostly singles, but 2-3 on 7 scattered dates and 6 on 22 Sep). At Simar up to 3 on 5 dates from 27 Junto 14 Au~ then singles on 8 scattered days till 5 Oct. Elsewhere recorded singly on 8 dates, at Salina on 6th, at Ghallis on 10t , at Ta Oali on 14th and at M'Scala on 29 Aug, at Targa Gap on 10th and at Buskett on 12th and 18 Sep, and a late bird at Qawra on 19 Oct. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 4th and at Simar on 28 Feb, then 1-4 on 28 dates from 6 Mar to 25 Apr. Singles at Camino on 4th and at Ghadira on 5 May. i -2 at Ghadira on 7 dates from gth to 29 Jun, then 1-3 on 37 dates from 1 Jul to 1 Oct, but 6 at Ghadira on 1 Jul and 5 at Simar on 3 Sep. 1999: 1-2 almost daily from 4 Mar to 22 Apr, but 4 at Ghadira on 28 Mar. Singles at Simar on 1oth and at Ghadira on 15 May. Up to 5 almost daily from 19 Jun to 11 Sep, but 7 at Ghadira on 13 Jul. 1 at Ghadira on 6 Nov. Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 1996: 1 on 4 Mar, then up to 10 almost daily from 15 Mar till 18 May. Singles at Ghadira on 28 May and 25 Jun; then regularly from 2 Jul till 11 Oct, generally up to 15 but 83 at Salina on 27 Jul. 1997: Almost daily in single figures from 15 Mar to 29 Apr, and on 9 scattered dates from 2nd to 25 May, highest 5 at Ghadira on 31 Mar. Singles at Ghadira on 4th and at Ghajn Rihana on 18 Jun. Then 1 at Ghadira on 4-5 Jul, and again in single figures almost daily from 11 Jul to 7 Sep, highest 5 at Salina on 14 Jul. Four latest records: 8 on 22nd and 3 on 23 Sep at Ghadira and 2 on 9th and 1 on 12 Oct at Salina. 1998: Up to 10 almost daily from 31 Mar to 28 May, but 12 at Ghadira on 13 May. 1-2 at Ghadira on 3 dates from gth to 22 Jun, then 1-5 on most dates from 2 Jul to 30 Sep, but ca. 100 at Ghadira on 7 Aug. 1 at Ghadira on 4 Oct. 1999: Singles on 4 dates from 1 0 1h to 28 Mar, then up to 5 almost daily from 8 Apr to 26 May, but 20 at Salina on 6 May. Up to 4 on most days from 15 Jun to 20 Sep, but 18 at Ghadira on 26 Jul. Common Sandpiper Actltis hypoleucos i 996: Present throughout the year with a break from end of May tiii end of Jun. Up to 3 near coastai areas in Jan-Mar and Oct-Dec; higher numbers in Apr, with a max. of 10 at Salina on 18 Apr, and from Jui-Sep, with 37 on 17 Jul at Salina. 1997: Almost daily in low single figures from i Jan to 6 May, but 10+ Ghadira on 141h and at Salina on i 6th and 22 April. Then 1-2 on 3 scattered dates from 1ih to 26 May, daily from 30 May to 3 Jun, on 121h and 24 Jun, and on 5 July. Then again in single figures on most days from i 3 Jul tiii end of year, but i 2 at Siiema on 31 Aug and 10 at Saiina on 22 Oct. Most records from Ghadira, with several others, mainly along the coast. 1998: 1 at Ghadira and 2 at Simar in Jan-Feb, and 4 at Ghallis on 2 Jan. Then up to 5 almost daily from 1 Mar to i 8 May, but 8 at Salina on 31 Mar, and on 4th and 8 Apr. Then again on most dates from 22 Junto 12 Nov, mostly up to 8 but 10 at Qawra on 27 Sep. 1 at Ghadira remaining till end of the year. 1999: 1 at Ghadira in Jan-Feb but 4 on 13 Feb and 2 on 28 Feb. 2 at Salina on 2 Jan and 1 at Qammieh on 28 Feb. Up to 5 almost daily from 2 Mar to i 5 May, but i 0 at Salina on 18 Mar. 1 at Simar on 26 Jun, then in single figures almost daily from 6 Jul to 30 Sep, but 10 at Salina on 21st and at Bahar lc-Caghaq on 24 Jul. i at Ghadira from 3 Oct to end of year but 3 on 21 Nov and 2 on 4 dates from 23 Nov to 19 Dec. 3 at Salina on 29 Nov. Turnstone Arenaria interpres 1996: At Ghadira on gth and at Salina on i 1 May; then daily at Ghadira from 26 May till 4 Jul, and at Qawra on 14 Sep. All in singles except for 2 at Ghadira on 25 Jun. 1997: Singles at Ghadira from i 4th to 20 May, at Pt. St. Elmo on 11th and at Marsascala on 29 Aug. 1999: i at Sliema and 11 at Lapsi on 11 May. 2-3 at Ghadira from i 1th to i 6 May. 15 11-Merill 31 2005 Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius 1997: female found dead at Pt. St. Elmo on 4 Jan. Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus 1996: Singles off Camino on 31 Mar and at Cirkewwa on 25 Apr. 1997: Singles off Marsascala on 22 Aug and off Oawra on on 8 Dec. 1999: Singles at Qammieh on 19 Mar and 2 Apr, and at Oawra on 11 Apr and 14 Nov. Great Skua Stercorarius skua 1999: Singles at Qammieh on 31 Mar and at Qawra on 7 Dec. Skua sp. 1996: 1 off Ricasoli on 26 Dec. 1997: 1 off Qawra on 14 Nov. 1998: 1 at Qammieh on 14 Mar. 1999: Singles at Qawra on 6th and 14 Nov and 7 Dec. Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus 1996: Up to 150, mostly in the Grand Harbour area in Jan-Mar. 1 on 12 Oct, then up to 28 in Nov-Dec along the northeastern coast. 1997: Up to 3 on 7 scattered dates from 5 Jan to 31 Mar, but ca. 10 on 4 Jan; 30+ on 13th and 40+ on 31 Mar at Pt. St. Elmo, 11 on 29 Mar at Qammieh, and 100+ at again at Pt. St Elmo on 9 Apr. 3 summer records: 2 on 29Jul at Pt. St. Elmo, and 20 on gth and 10 on 10 Aug at Qawra; then 4 records in October: 1 at Pt. St. Elmo on 1ih, 7 at Qawra on 19th, and singles at Pt. St. Elmo on 25th and at Oawra on 26th. Then in single or up to medium double figures almost daily from 1 Nov to 23 Dec, with max. 70+ at Qawra on 2 Nov and 63+ at Marsascala on 23 Dec, but 180+ at Pt. St Elmo on 5 Dec. 1998: 12 at Pt. St. Elmo on 4 Jan, then 1-2 on 10 dates from 31 Jan to 13 Mar, mostly at Ghadira. Then up to 8 on 9 dates from 16 Mar to 10 Apr, but 30 at Manoel Island on 17 Mar. 2 at Manoel Island on 25 Jul. In autumn, 3 at Tigne' on 12 Oct, then up to 50 almost daily from 21 Oct to 10 Dec, but 100 on 27 Oct and 176 on 14 Nov, both at Qawra. 40 at Va!letta on 22 Dec. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 30 Jan, 13 Feb and 1 Mar, then up to 4 on most days from 13 Mar to 5 Apr. 2 at Qawra on 9 Oct, then in single figures on most days from 16 Oct to 24 Nov, but 12 at Oawra on 29 Oct. 1-3 on 4 dates from 18th to 31 Dec, but 20 at Pt. St. Elmo on 22 Dec. A nursed injured bird released at Ghadira on 30 May remained there till 30 Nov. little Gull Larus minutus 1996: 1 on 10 Jan at Birzebbuga; 1 on 10-13 Jan and up to 4 from 1st to 26 Feb at Ghadira; and 4 on 4 Feb at Salina. Then 1 at Simar on gth and 2 at Marsaxlokk on 14 Mar. 1997: 7 at Pt. St. Elmo on 5 Jan, and singles at Birzebbuga on gth and at Xemxija/Simar on 12 Mar, and at Gzira on 9 Dec. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 31 Mar and 18 Dec. 1999: Singles at Ghadira from 2nd to 24 Mar, at St. Paul's Bay on 22 Mar and at Qawra on 7 Dec. Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus 1996: Up to 700 in Jan-Mar mostly in the Grand Harbour area. 3 sightings of singles at Ghadira on 13 May, 27 Jun and 3 Aug. Regular sightings from 2 Sep, increasing to 150 mostly in harbour areas by end of year. 1997: Almost daily in Jan & Feb, up to 19th, then on 7 scattered dates from 13 Mar to 6 Apr; usually in single figures, on 3 dates (highest 30+ off Ricasoli on 14 Jan), and reaching treble figures on another three but in low double fi~ures dates: ca. 300 on 4t' and ca. 150 on 5 January, and 150+ on 13 Mar, all at Pt. St. Elmo. In summer 6 birds seen in July at Pt. St. Elmo and 1 at Ghadira on 7 Jul. In autumn, first 1 at Pt. St. Elmo on 4 Oct; then almost daily till end of year in single or low double figures, but max of 75+ on 25 Oct and 50+ on 4 Nov, both at Pt. St.Eimo!Valletta, and reaching treble figures on 6 dates: 100+ on 1st and 150+ on 2 Nov, and 350+ on 12 Dec, all at Pt. St. Elmo, and 200+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 1J'h and 28th and at Sliema on 31 Dec. 1998: Almost daily in single or double figures from Jan-27 1\/lar, mostly from Marsamxett Harbour area, but in treble figures on 6 dates, highest 500 at Wied Qammieq on 2 Feb. Singles at Ghadira on 21 Jun, at Salina on 23 Jun and in Grand Harbour on 4 Jul. Then 1-3 at Ghadira on 4 dates from 6th to 10 Jul and 1-2 on 3 dates from 21st to 27 Sep. On most dates from 3 Oct till end of year in single or low double figures of up to 50, but 100 at Manoel Island on 20 Dec. 1999: Almost daily in single or double figures from Jan to 20 1\/lar, mostly in Harbour area, but in treble figures on 11 dates, highest 600+ at Marsa on 29 Jan. 2 at Blata L-Bajda on 6 Sep and i at Qawra on 9 Oct, then on most dates from 22 Oct till end of year in single or low double figures of up to 53, except for 150 at Pt. St. Elmo on 22 Dec and 200 at 1\/larsa on 31 Dec. Slender-billed Gull Larus genei 1996: Singles at Oammieh on 1ih and at Ghadira on 27 Mar. 9 sightings of 1-2 from 6 Aug to 7 Sep, then 2 at Salina on 9 Oct, 1 at Ghadira on 9 Nov, and 5 off Qawra on 1 Dec. 1997: One at Ghadira on 5 Sep, then on 4 dates in Nov at Qawra (2 on 2nd, 1 on gth and 10th, and 8 on 18th), and i at Ghallis/Qawra on 20 Dec. 1998: 2 at Ghadira on 2ih and singles at Salina on 29th and 31 1\/lar, and at Blata L-Bajda on 28 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 18 Jun and 24 Aug, and 8 at M'Scala on 25 Aug. Then 1-3 on 8 dates from 20 Sep to 12 Oct, but 7 at Qawra on 5 Oct. 3 on 2nd and singles on i oth and 28 Nov, all at Qawra. 1 at Qammieh on 27 Dec. 16 11-Merill 31 2005 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 27 Feb and 1-4 on 5 dates from 19 Mar to 4 Apr, but 30 at Qawra on 20 Mar. Singles at Ghadira on 25-26 May, 23 Jun and on 8-9 Jul. Up to 3 on 3 dates from 24th to 30 Jul, but 6 at Ghadira Bay on 24 Jul. 1-2 at Qawra on 11 dates from 19 Sep to 28 Oct, but 7 on 27 Oct. i at Qawra on 24 Nov. Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 21 Jan. 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 24-25 Apr. Common Gull Larus canus 1996: 1 at Ghadira from 20 Jan till 19 Feb and 2 again there on 27 Nov. 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 5 Nov. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 22-25 Feb and 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 23 Feb. Singles on 7 dates from 2nd to 15 Mar. 8 sightings of singles on 6 dates in Sep, then 2 at Qawra on 20 Oct and 3 at Dingli on 21 Dec. 1997: 1-3 on 5 scattered dates at Qammieh from 9 Mar to 4 Apr, and singles at Cirkewwa on 4 May and on 6 dates, mostly at Pt. St. Elmo from 11 Aug to 15 Sep. Then 2 on 4 Oct, and single birds on 14 scattered dates from 10 Oct to 28 Dec, but 2 on 2 Nov and 3 on last date. All records off the coast from St. Elmo to Qawra. 1998: 1-3 on 13 dates from 14 Feb to 28 Mar. In autumn, up to 6 on 13 dates from 18 Sep to 26 Oct, but 9 at Qawra on 4 Oct. Singles at Ghadira on 5th and 12 Dec. 1999: Singles on 8 dates from 6 Mar to 3 Apr, but 3 at Qammieh on 23 Mar. 5 at Qawra on 18 Sep, then up to 3 on 13 dates from 20 Sep to 23 Nov. 1 at M'Scala on 20 Dec. Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahel/is 1996: Present throughout the year and breeding at Filfla, Dingli Cliffs and at least one site in Gozo. Mostly in single to low double figures, but up to 40 on good days in winter, spring and autumn months, with very few sightings in Jul and Aug. 200+ adults were present on Filfla on 21 May. 1997: Present throughout the year in single or low double figures along the coast, highest ca. 100 at Pt. St. Emo on 25 Oct, 45+ on 27 Mar and 40+ on 4 Apr, both at Qammieh. 350+ adults were present on Filfla on 19 May. 1998: Present all year round in single or !ow double figures with highest records at breeding colony on Fi!f!a with 350+ adults on 22 May 1999: Present all year round in single or low double figures; highest 300+ adults at breeding colony on Filfla on 24 May and off Lapsi 250+ on 13 Dec. Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla 1999: 1 at Qawra on 12 Dec. Little Tern Sternula albifrons 1996: 2 at Ghadira on 1 May. 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 23 Apr. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 2-4 May. 1999: 1 at Camino on 4 May. Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 28 May and at Cirkewwa on 30 Jun. 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 9-10 Jun, 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 11 Aug, 2 at Qawra on 3 Oct, and 6 at Ghallis on 7 Dec. 1998: Singles at Salina on 19 Apr, 16 Jul, and 28 Aug. Then on 12 dates at Qawra from 5 Sep to 13 Oct, mostly up to 4 but 8 on 18 Sep and 9 on 13 Oct. 1 at Sliema on 29 Oct 1999: 1 on 28 Aug, and 2 on 19th and 3 on 22 Sep, all at Qawra. Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 1996: 3 on 26 Aug, 2 on 28 Sep and 2 on 1-2 Oct all at Ghadira and i on 6 Oct at Simar. 1997: 3 at Ghadira on 8 Apr, 1 at Marsascala on 21-22 Aug, 3 at Ghadira on 23rd and 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 27 Sep, and 2 at Qawra on 16-17 Oct. 1998: Singles at Blata L-Bajda on 24 Apr and at M'Scala on 25 Aug, then 1-4 on 9 dates from 13 Sep to 12 Oct, but 5 at Qawra on 10 Oct. 1 at S!iema on 2 Nov. 1999: 2 on 5th and 4 on i 7 Sep, both ai Qawra and 4 at Ghadira on i 8 Oct. Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 1996: 1 at Salina on 18 Sep. 1997: i at Ghadira from 30 May to 1 Jun. 1998: 3 at Ghadira on 2 Apr and 1 at same place on 29 May. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 23 May and at Manoellsland on 9 Jun. Black Tern Chfidonias niger 1996: 1997: 1998: 1999: 18 off Gozo on 17 Aug. 25 off Qawra on 23rd and 2 off Tigne on 28 Aug. 2 at Qawra on 3 Oct. 10 at Qawra on 22 Aug. 17 11-Merill 31 2005 White-Winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 1996: 2 at Ghadira on 25 May. 1998: 1 at Qawra on 3 Oct. Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvincensis 1996: 5 sightings of 1-3 from 9 Feb to 4 Apr, then another 5 sightings of 1-2 from 27 Sep to i 3 Oct, but 6 at Ghadira on 27 Sep. 1997: 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 4th and 1 at Ghallis on 26 Jan, and singles at Qammieh on 9 Mar and 11 Apr. In summer singles at Pt. St. Elmo on 5 Jul and 4 Aug , and 3 at Marsascala on 1ih and at Deli mara on 17 Aug. Then in single figures on 26 scattered dates in from 25 Sep to 22 Nov, and on 5 dates from ih to 28 Dec, reaching low double figures only on 3 dates: 18 at Ghallis on 18th and 12 at Qawra on 19 Oc( and 14 at Ghallis on 7 Dec. 1998: 1 at Ghallis on 2 Jan, then 1-3 on 5 dates from 21-31 Mar, mostly from Qammieh. 1 at M'Scala on 23 Aug, 2 on 24th and 4 on 25 Sep, both at Tigne', then up to 5 on 31 dates from 2 Oct to 14 Dec, but 9 at Qawra on 10 Nov. 1999: Up to 6 on 6 dates from 20 Mar to 7 Apr, but 11 at Qammieh on 31 Mar. Up to 6 on 6 dates at Qawra from 13-29 Oct, but 13 on last date. Then up to 5 on 13 dates from 12 Nov to 31 Dec, mainly at Qawra. Rock Dove Columba Iivia 1996: 1 at Qammieh on 2 Mar. 1997: 4 at Qammieh on 28 Mar. Woodpigeon Columba palumbus 1996: 1 at Buskett on 9 Oct. 1998: 1 at Mdina on 17 Oct. 1999: 1 at Qawra on 19 Nov. Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto 1999: Singles at Salina on 21 Feb (found dead) and at Comino on 23 Apr. Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur 1996: i on 31 Mar, then almost daily from 7 Apr til! 2 Jun. 1-10 on most dates, but 14sightings of 14-100 on 9 dates from 18 Apr to 13 May, with largest influx on 25 Apr. 1-3 on 9 dates from 7 Jun to 7 Jul. Autumn passage from 18 Aug till 28 Sep, up to 14 on most dates, but 31 on 31 Aug, 50 on 9 Sep and 38 on 11 Sep, all at Buskett. 1997: Daily in single or low double figures from 12 Apr till end of month (highest 35+ at Xaghra on 25th and 29 at Comino on 21 5 \ in low single figures in May (but 10 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11th), singles on 10 scattered dates in June (but 2 at Simar on gth), and in single figures on 9 scattered dates in Jul (highest 5 at Simar on 81h). Then singles at Simar on 3rd and at Dwejra (M) on 13 Aug, and almost daily in single or low double figures from 21 Aug to 1 Oct (highest 27 at Blata 1-Bajda and 14 at Buskett on 5th and 13 again at Buskett on 22 Sep), but a heavy passage (2000+) at Gozo on 5th and a smaller passage (200+) at Lunzjata on 7 Sep. Late bird at Ghadira on 17 Oct. 1998: 1 at B'Kara on 18th and 2 at Mosta on 26 Mar, then almost daily from 10 Apr to 28 Jun in single or double figures, but 180 at Blata L-Bajda on 23 Apr and an influx on 28 Apr with 555 at Blata L-Bajda, 130 at B'Kara and 100 at Manoel Island. 1-3 at Buskett on 8 dates in Jul and 1 at Ghadira on 21 Jul. 1 at Chadwick Lakes on 15 Aug, then up to 8 almost daily from 27 Aug to 30 Sep, but 33 on 28 Aug and 30 on 8 Sep, both at Buskett. Singles at Blata L-Bajda on 15 Oct and at Ta'Oali on 13 Dec. 1999: Singles at Blata L-Bajda on 22 Mar and at Lunzjata on 2 Apr, then up to 50 almost daily from 7 Apr to 31 May, but 300+ at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 25 Apr. Up to 3 on 12 dates inJun, 1-2 on 7 dates in Jul, and 1-2 on 5 dates from 151 to 19 Aug. In autumn, almost daily in single or low double figures from 25 Aug to 24 Sep, highest 43 at Buskett and 26 at Dwejra (M) on 10 Sep, otherwise up to 19. Singles at Buskett on 1st and at Naxxar on 8 Oct and at Dwejra (G) on 13 Nov. Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis 1997: One at Comino on 5 May. Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 1996: 13 sightings of i -2 on 13 dates from 5 Apr to 7 May; then s1ngles on return passage: on 3 Aug at Dwejra, and at Buskett on 24 Aug, 9 Sep and 5 Oct. 1997: Singles on 9 scattered dates from 8 Apr to 4 May, but 2 on first date at Dwejra (M) with 5 records from Camino. i autumn record: at Dwejra (M) on 8 Sep. 1998: 1 at Qammieh on 15 Mar, then singles on 9 dates from 1 Apr to i 3 May with 3 sightings from 3 different localities on 28 Apr. Singles on 3 dates from 11-18 Jul including a fully fledged young found dead in a reservoir at Xaghra (G) on 18 Jul. 2 at Mdina on 5 Sep. 1999: 1-2 on 18 dates from 4 Apr to 26 May, but 4 at Dwejra (M) on 7 Apr. Singles at Buskett on 27 Jun and 9 Sep. Barn Owl Tyto alba 1997: 1 at Buskett on 27 Sep. Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops 1996: 1-4 at Comino on 7 dates from 17-28 Apr, 10 at Ta' Pinu on 19 Apr, and i at Lunzjata on 6 May. Then, singles at Simar on 14 Sep and at Lunzjata on 17 Oct. 1997: Singles at Lunzjata on i 4th and at Comino on 201h and 21 Apr, and at Girgenti on i 1 Nov. 18 li-Meri!l31 2005 1998: Singles at Camino on 7 dates from 8 1h to 28 Apr except for 2 on 21 Apr. 1 at Lunzjata on 25 Oct. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 29 Mar; then singles on 181h and 21st and 2 on 22 Apr all at Camino. Short-eared Owl Asio ffammeus 1996:5 sightings of singles from 9 1h to 14 Mar, then 1 reported from Gozo on 15 Nov. 1997: Singles at Qammieh on 9th, 21-23rd and 29 Mar, at Camino on 1ih and 19 Apr and at Ta' Gene on 4 Nov. 1998: Singles at Qammieh on 25 Mar, and at Dwejra (M) and Qawra on 2 Oct. 1999: Singles at Qammieh on 22 Mar and at Qawra on 5th and 23 Nov and 18 Dec. European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus 1996: 16 sightings of up to 5 birds on 12 dates from 18 Apr to 11 May, mostly from Camino. Then, 8 sightings of singles on 7 dates from 11 Sep to 8 Oct. 1997: Singles at B'Kara and at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11th, at Simar on 15th, at Camino on 24 and at San Anton on 25 Apr, and 2 again at Camino on 5 May. Then singles at Buskett on ih and 2ih, and at Lunzjata on 26th and 2ih all in Sep. 3 at Dwejra (M) also on 27 Sep, and 1 at Buskett on 18 Oct. 1998: 13 sightings of 1-2 on 9 dates from 21 Apr to 16 May. In autumn, singles at Dwejra (M) on 20 Sep and at Mdina on 17 Oct. 1999: 2 at Mistra on 3 Apr, then 1-2 at Camino on 7 dates from 18 Apr to 9 May. 1 at Ghadira on 9 Jun. In autumn, 1-2 on 7 dates from 10 Sep to 17 Oct. Alpine Swift Apus melba 1996: 8 sightings of up to 8 from 8 Mar to 13 Apr. 1 on 31 Aug, then 11 sightings of up to 4 on 8 dates from 15 Sep to 9 Oct, but 7 on 29 Sep and 6 on 6 Oct both at Dwejra (M). 1997: On 12 scattered dates from 15 Mar to 25 May, singles but 2 at Qammieh on 26th and 4 at Ghadira on 29 Mar, and 3 at Dwejra (M) on 25 May. 5 summer records: 4 at B'Kara on 13th, i at Mellieha on 21st and 2 at Rabat on 28 Jun, and singles at Mellieha on 6th and at Dingli Cliffs on 20 Jul. Then up to 10 on 6 scattered dates (7 localities) from 11 Sep to 18 Oct, highest 10 at Buskett on 1 Oct, and 8 at Dwejra (M) on 21st and 5 at Buskett on 11 Sep. 1998: 23 sightings of 1-5 on 17 dates from 24 Mar to 10 May, but 40 at Dwejra (M) on 6 Apr. In autumn, 15 sightings of 1-4 on 14 dates from 5 Sep to 15 Oct but 11 on 26th and 12 on 30 Sep, both at Buskett. 1999: 1-3 on 5 dates from 20th to 27 Mar but 6 at Migra L-Ferha on 26 Mar. 4 at Marfa on 11 Apr and 2 singles in Gozo on 5 Jun. !n autumn, 2 on 11 Aug, then up to 7 on 10 dates from 6 Sep to 11 Oct, but 10 at Buskett on 11 Sep. 5 at Dwejra (M) on 23 Oct. Common Swift Apus apus 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 24 Feb, then on most dates in Mar-Jun and Aug-Sep, with sightings on 8 dates in Jul. Latest sighting on 15 Oct. Double to low treble figures on many dates, with peak sightings of 300-500 on 4 scattered dates from 31 Mar to 15 Jun. 1997: First 1 at Kennedy Grove on 15 Mar. Then almost daily from 20 Mar to 28 September in single or double figures, but reaching low treble figures on 13 dates, max. 300 at Dwejra (M) on 21-22 May, 200+ at Ta' Gajdoru on 5 Apr, and at Dwejra on 23 May and 31 Aug, and 150+ at Camino on 9 May. Two late singles at Dwejra (M) on 1oth and at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 25 Oct. Pair bred at Marsascala in July. 1998: On most days from 22 Mar to 10 Oct, latest record 2 at Buskett on 17 Oct. Mostly in single to high double figures but treble figures on 28 dates, most in Apr, highest 800 at Gozo on 10 Apr, 1500 at Deli mara on 12 Apr, and 800 at Dwejra (M) on 17 Jul, otherwise up to 500. 1999: Singles on 41h and 10-11 Mar, then on most days from 19 Mar to 11 Oct. Mostly in single to high double figures but treble figures on 10 dates highest 900+ at Blata L-Bajda on 23 Mar, otherNise up to 200. Pallid Swift Apus pallidus 1996: Singles at Blata 1-Bajda and Mdina on 20 Sep. 1997: Singles at Camino on 23rd and at St Elmo on 30 Apr, and at Dwejra (M) on 28 Sep. 1998: Singles at Luqa airport on 19th and at Camino on 29 Apr, and at M'Scala on 6 Aug. 1999: Singles at Simar on 1 fh and at Qammieh on 20 Mar and at Ghadira on 31 Mar and i Apr. Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1996: Up to 3, mostly at Ghadira, during Jan-Mar. Then regular again from 18 Jul onwards, mostly at Ghadira and Simar and other coastal areas. 1-3 on most dates, but up to 4 in Aug and Sep. 1997: Singles on most days at Ghadira and/or Simar from 1 Jan to 31 Mar, and at Qammieh on 8 Mar. 1 at Simar on 5 jui. Then i -2 on most days from 4 Aug to 16 Nov at Simar and till end of year at Ghadira, but 4 at Simar on 25 Oct and 3 on several dates in Oct at Ghadira. Singles at other sites on 8 scattered dates from 5 Aug to 25 Oct, but 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 18 Oct. 1998: i-2 at Ghadira from Jan to 15 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 25 Jul, then up to 3 almost daily from 1 Aug till end of year at Ghadira and Simar. Outside the reserves, 16 sightings of 1-2 from 11 Aug to 16 Nov. 1999: 1 at Ghadira from Jan to 27 Feb but 2 on 4 Jan. 1 at Lunzjata on 31 Mar. Singles on 29 Jul and 7 Aug, then up to 5 almost daily from 11 Aug till end of year, all at Ghadira and Simar except 2 at Qawra on 28 Aug and 1 at Mgarr (G) on 9 Sep. Eurcrpean Bee-eater Merops apiaster 1996: 11 sightings on 9 dates from 12 Apr to 4 Jun, mostly up to 6 but 20 on 12 Apr at Simar and 22 on 1 May at Camino. 1 at Buskett on 26 Aug, then 25 sightings on 18 dates from 3 Sep to 16 Oct; in double figures of up to 80 on many dates, but 150 on 191h and 135 on 20 Sep both at Buskett. 19 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: An early bird on 31 Mar at Qammieh. Then in single or low double figures on 13 dates from 19 Apr to 24 May, highest 30+ at Ghadira on 18th, 25 at Camino on 1st, and 20+ at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 3'd, all in May. 5+ at Ghadira on 4th and 2 at Simar on 6 Jun. Then again in single or low double figures on most days from 3'd to 30 Sep, highest 40+ on 3'd and 23 on 11th at Buskett, and 20 at Dwejra (M) on 12th. Late bird on 11 Oct at Buskett. 1998: 16 sightings of 1-8 on 13 dates from 11 Apr to 12 May but 26 at Blata L-Bajda on 11 Apr. 2 at Ghadira on 3'd and 2 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 16 Jun. In autumn, 8 at Xemxija on 15 Aug, then 23 sightings of up to 36 on 18 dates from 1st to 30 Sep, but 52 at Buskett on 1 Sep. 1999: Up to 5 on 11 dates in spring from i 6 Apr to 16 May and 1-2 oni-2 Jun. In autumn, 49 on 281h and i on 29 Aug at Buskett, then in single or low double figures almost daily from 3'd to 25 Sep, highest 66 at Buskett on 9 Sep, otherwise up to 50. European Roller Coracias garrulus 1996: 5 sightings of 1-5 on 3 dates from 10th to 20 Sep. 1997: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 10 May and at Buskett on 11 Sep. 1998: Singles at Comino on 24 Apr and at Xaghra on 23 May. 1999: 1 at Comino on 4 May, and 2 on 9th and 1 on 14 Sep both at Buskett Hoopoe Upupa epops 1996: Regular sightings from 28 Feb to 23 May, mostly from mid-Mar to mid-Apr. Up to 6 on most dates, but 11 at Camino on 12 Apr and 15 at Camino and 20 at Manoel Island on 20 Apr. In Autumn, 23 sightings from 8 Aug to 30 Sep, mostly 1-2 but 6 at Dwejra (M) on i 9 Aug. 1997: First 1 at Ghadira on 11 Mar, then almost daily in single figures from 19 Mar to 23 Apr, highest 6+ at Comino on 29 Mar, 5+ at Ghadira on 23 Apr and 4 at Camino on 30 Mar and at Dwejra (M) on 5 Apr. Latest spring single birds at San Gwann on 30 Apr, on Filfla on 1st and at Camino on 3'd and 4 May. Then early autumn single birds at Dwejra (M) on 13th and at Mellieha on 19 Aug, followed by 1-2 on 8 dates, mostly at Buskett, from 25 Aug to 8 Sep, with a late single at Mellieha on 27 Sep. 1998: On most dates from 13 Mar to 28 Apr, mostly 1-6 but 100+ at Gozo on 26th and 10 at Ghadira on 28 Mar. 1 at Manoel Island on 1 May. In autumn, 7 sightings of singles from 16 Aug to 12 Sep. 1 at Qawra on 6 Oct. 1999: 1 on 10 Mar, then up to 3 almost daily from 17 Mar to 15 Apr, but 31 at Qammieh on 7 Apr. Singles on 3 dates from 21 Apr to 4 May. In autumn, 1 on 30 Jul, then singles on 6 dates from 19 Aug to 4 Sep. Singles at Lunzjata on 20th and at Bahar lc-Caghaq on 29 Sep. Wryneck Jynx torquilla 1996: Singles on 7th and 16 Jan and on 25 Feb. Then 24 sightings on 15 dates from 16 Mar to 10 May, mostly 1-2 but 4-5 at Camino on 18-19 Apr . On most dates from 6 Sep till end of year, up to 3 on most dates, but 4-5 on Camino on 11-12 Oct. 1997: Single birds recorded on several dates in Jan-Mar (mainly at Ghadira, Simar and Ta' Gajdoru) and almost daily from 11th to 24 April, but 2 at Camino on 12th and at Ghadira on 15th. 1 at Dwejra (M) on 4 May. Then 1-2 almost daily from 1 Sep till end of year, but 3 at Ghadira on 8 scattered dates from 27 Sep to 27 Oct, and 4 there on 16 Oct. 1998: 1-3 on most dates from Jan to 28 Apr but 5 at Camino on 15th and and 21 Apr. 1 at Camino on 13 May. Then 1-3 on most dates from 31 Aug to 15 Nov, but 4 at Ghadira on 16-17 Oct. Singles on most dates from 18 Nov till end of year. 1999: Singles on most days from Jan to 9 May but 2 at Rabat on 14 Mar and 2 at Ghadira and Camino on 20 Apr. Singles at Buskett on 4 dates from 28 Aug to 3 Sep, then up to 4 on most days from 11 Sep to 4 Nov, but 6 at Lunzjata on 17 Sep. 1-2 on most days from 5 Nov to end of year but 4 at Lunzjata Valley on 4 Dec. Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra 1996: Singles at Pt. St. Elmo on 2ih and at Ghadira on 28 Oct. 1998: 1 at Qawra on 28 Oct. Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla 1996: Present from 3 Mar to 29 Sep. Mostly in single figures but up to 30 at usual breeding sites. Highest figures of 40 at Ghadira on 6 Sep and 55 at Dwejra (M) on i 7 Sep. 1997: First arrivals: 5 at Qammieh on 16 Mar. Then on most days in various localities from 19 Mar until 13 Apr, daily from 15 Apr until early September, and almost daily until 17 Sep. Usually in single or low double figures of up to 30, but 50 on 8th, 70+ (flock) on 91h and 40 on 1i Sep recorded at Dwejra (M). Max for Gozo 25+ at ta' Gene on 5 JuL Max for Camino 30+ on 12 Apr. 1998: First on 7 Mar, then up to 30 on most dates from 15 Mar to 29 Jun, but 150 at Gozo on 15 Apr, 50 at Ramla Valley on 3 Jun, and 40 at Xaghra on 11 Jun. 1 on 5th and 3 on 9 Jul, then up to 18 on a few dates from 9 Aug to 29 Sep, but 40 on 15th and 30 on 16 Aug, both at Dwejra (M). Last records: 6 at Sarraflu on 22nd and 1 at Lunzjata on 25 Oct. 1999: Singles on 10th and 13 Mar, then up to 80 almost daily from 18 Mar to 7 Jun, but 100+ at Sarraflu on 30 May. 2+ at Ghajn Rihana on 23 Jun, and 5 on 22nd and 10 on 27 Jul, both at Dwejra (M). Up to 40 on most days !rom 14 Aug to 27 Sep, but 50+ at Dwejra (M) on 16 Sep. Wood Lark Lullula arborea 1998: 1 at Qawra on 24 Oct. Sky Lark Alauda arvensis 1996: Regular sightings from beginning of Jan till 24 Mar, mostly in single to low double figures, but passages of 70-80 on 9-11 Mar. Singles on 13 Apr and on 1 May. Then again from 28 Sep till end of year, double to low treble figures regularly during Oct, with 1009 at Ghallis on 20 Oct, then in single to low double figures on most dates in Nov and Dec. 20 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: On most days, usually in single figures from 1 Jan till 30 Mar, mainly from Ghadira, Simar and Dwejra (M), but 250+ at Qammieh on 15 Mar, otherwise highest 24 1/o Siggiewi on 16 Feb, 20+ at Ghadira on 25 1h and 1 0+ at Ta' Gene on 30 Mar. Two late records at Camino: 1 on 1ih and 4 on 18 Apr. In autumn first 1 at Simar on 7 Sep. Then almost daily from 3 Oct till end of year, in single or double figures, reaching treble figures on 4 dates: 100 on 1 yth and 225 on 26 Oct, and 137+ on 2 Nov, all at Qawra, and 300+ at Ghadira on 4 Nov. 1998: Up to 6 on most days from Jan to 12 Mar, then up to 15 almost daily from 18 Mar to 5 Apr, but 28 on 19th at Qammieh and 20 at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar. Autumn passage daily from 13 Oct to 12 Nov in single or double figures but 107 on 24th and 2010 on 28 Oct, and 156 on 7 Nov, all at Qawra; and 102 at Bahar lc-Cahaq on 9 Nov. In single figures from 14 Nov till end of year except fm 30 on 16th and 15 on 18 Nov, both at Luqa airport. 1999: Up to 6 on 8 dates from 1 Jan to 15 Feb and on most days from 26 Feb to 7 Apr. In single or double figures of up to 43 almost daily from 9 Oct to end of year, but 200 on 28 Oct and 431 on 29 Oct, both at Qawra. Sand Martin Riparia riparia 1996: Up to 50 on most dates from 1 Mar to 23 Jun, but 100-200 in Gozo on 4 dates from 25 Apr till 11 May. Return passage from 13 Aug till 29 Oct; single to low double figures of up to 30 in Sep, then regularly in double figures in Oct with ca. 100 at Simar on 15 Oct. 1997: Almost daily in single, double or treble figures from 19 Mar to 7 Jun, reaching quadruple figures on 11 dates, always at Simar: 1,500+ on 1ih and 25 Apr and on 16 May, and 1000+ on 11-1ih, 22"d and 26 Apr and on 14-151h, and 17-18 May. Late bird on 14 Jun at Simar and then singles at Ghadira on 7-8th and at Simar on 8 Jul. In autumn almost daily in single or double figures from 13 Aug to 24th May reaching treble figures on 6 dates, again all at Simar: 500+ on 6th and 200+ on 8 Oct, and 100+ on 26-28 Sep and on 5 Oct. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 10-11 Feb and on 10 Mar; 8 on 14th and 20 on 16 Mar, both at Lunzjata, then on most dates from 24 Mar to 31 May, mostly in single or double figures but 19 sightings of treble figures in late Apr to early May, highest 800 at Simar on 10-11 May. Up to 3 on 8 dates inJun till 2i 8 t. In autumn, 1 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 1 Aug and 1-2 on 13 dates from 28 Aug to 20 Sep, then on most days from 21 Sep to 16 Oct in single or low double figures of up to 50 except for 80 at Simar on 4 Oct. 1-2 on 3 dates from 18th to 24 Oct. 1999: In spring, in single or double figures of up to 70 on most days from 6 Mar to 31 May but 200+ at Simar on 29-30 Apr, 100+ at Ta' Gajdoru on 1 May and 150+ at Lunzjata Valley on 21 May. 2 at Ghadira on 6 Jun. In autumn, singles on 20!!! and 27 Aug, then up to 30 on most days from 3 Sep to 26 Oct but 50+ at Buskett on 22 Sep. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 1996: Almost daily from 19 Feb to 7 Jun, in single, double or low treble figures and mostly from mid-Mar to end of Apr, with highest figure of 500 in Gozo on 29-30 Apr. 1-2 on 4 dates from 16 Jun to 18 Jul. Return passage between 19 Aug and 9 Nov. Mostly in double to treble figures of up to 500, but 800-2000 regularly on 2"d to 17 Oct, mainly at roosting sites at Buskett, Rabat (M), Simar and Lunzjata. 1997: early bird at Ta' Qali on 16 Feb. Then almost daily up to treble figures from 12 Mar to 24 May, and in single figures till 8 Jun, reaching 1000 on two dates: at Simar on 14th and at Burmarrad on 30th; otherwise highest 800+ at Ghadira on 21st and at Simar on 25th, and 500+ on 6 scattered dates from 14th to 26th at Lunzjata and Simar, all dates in ApriL Summer records up to 3 on 10 scattered dates from 12 Jun to 17 Jul, most records from Simar. Then in autumn first records, 1 at Buskett on 23'd, and 3 at Simar on 26th and at Ghadira on 26 Aug. Then daily at various sites in single, double or treble figures from 30 Aug to 5 Nov, but reaching quadruple figures on 8 dates, highest 1500+ on 6th, 2000-3000 on 8th, 2000+ on 9th, and 1500+ on 18th all in October at Simar. Then up to 3 on most days till end of year, mainly at Ghadira and/or at Simar. 1998: 1 at Simar from Jan to 3 ~v1ar. 1 at TajQali on 22 Feb, 2 at Simar on 7 ~v1ar then on most days from ·11 ~v1ar to 26 May (daily from 19 Mar to 19 May). Highest numbers from 9 Apr to 8 May, with several sightings of treble figures, max. 800 at Marsalforn on 11 Apr. 1-6 on most days from 29 May to 28 Jun, and 1-2 on 6 dates in Jul from 1ih -261h. In autumn, daily from 29 Aug to 31 Oct in double or treble figures on most days but 1000 at Buskett on 27 Sep, and 1000 on 61h and 1500 on 19 Oct both at Lunzjata. In single figures on most days in Nov till 14th except for 30 at Buskett on 5th. 1999: ion 16 Feb, then up to 200 almost daily from 23 Feb to 20 Jun, but 400+ at Lunzjata Valley on 19th, 400+ at Salina on 25th and 700+ at Simar on 29-30th all Apr. 1 at Buskett on 13 .JuL In autumn, 1 on 23 Aug then almost daily in double or treble figures of up to 500 from 26 Aug to 30 Oct, but 800+ at Buskett on 30 Sep and at Simar on 9 Oct. 1-3 on 8 dates from 1si to 21 Nov but 6 at Simar on sin. (Note:A hybrid between a Swallow and a House Martin was ringed at Lunzjata on 23 Apr 1997). House Martin Delichon urbicum 1996: Singles at Simar on 13 Jan and on 9 Feb, then almost daily from 12 Feb till 1 Jun, in single to low treble figures of up to 200, with highest figures mostly during Mar. 2 at Simar on 9 Jul, then regularly again from 8 Sep till 23 Oct, mostly in single to double figures of up to 75, but 300 at Buskett on 6 Oct. Latest sightings of singles at Simar on 17 Nov and at Ghadira on 15 Dec. 1997: Early single on 12th and 2 on i 9 Jan at Ghadira. Then almost daily in various localities in single or double figures, from 6 Feb to 6 June, reaching treble figures on 18 scattered dates from 28 Mar to 23 May (highest 600 + at Blata 1-Bajda on 28 Apr, and 300+ at Simar on 12 Apr and at Dwejra on 10 May), but 1000+ at Lunzjata on 3 May. Then in low single figures, on 5 scattered dates, from 14 Junto 13 Jul, highest 4 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on last date. In autumn almost daily at various localities from 1 Sep to 12 Oct in single or double figures, reaching 100 on 28th and 30 Sep at Dwejra. Then latest records: a total of 120+ from Dingli, Buskett and Ghadira on 18th, 10+ at Qammieh on 19 Oct, and up to 3 on 5 dates from 1st to 13 Nov, but 9 at Buskett on 1st. 1998: Up to 5 on 5 dates in Feb from 1- i 8 Feb, 1 on 3 Mar, then single or double figures on most days from 1 0 Mar to 16 Jun with some treble figures from 10 Apr to 8 May, max 350 at Camino and 350 at Wardija on 25 Apr. 1 at Ghadira 21 11-Merill 31 2005 on 6 Jul. In autumn, 6 on 5th and 5 on 7 Sep, then in single or double figures on most days from 19 Sep to 29 Oct with some treble figures at Buskett on a few dates, highest 300 on 8 Oct 1 at Blata L-Bajda on 6 Nov. 1999: Singles at Simar on 2-4 Feb then almost daily from 16 Feb to 30 May in double or treble figures of up to 200 but 300+ at Simar on 29-30 Apr and at Lunzjata Valley on 21 May. 10 on 6th and 2 on 12 Jun, both at Ghadira. In autumn, up to 200 almost daily, from 3 Sep to 30 Oct but 400+ at Buskett on 30 Sep. Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica 1996: 12 sightings on 9 dates from 1 Mar to 11 May, all 1-2 but 4 at Kapuccini Valley, Gozo on 11 May. Singles at Salina on 19 Sep and at Lunzjata on 8 Oct. 1997: 1-2 on i 2 scattered dates from 23 Mar to 3 May, but 3 on 22nd and 5+ on 23 Apr at Lunzjata. Single late birds on 181h and 22 May at Simar. Then singles at Buskett on ih, and 14-16 Sep, 2 at Pt. St. Elmo on 11 Sep, and 3 at Simar on 23-24 Oct. 1998: 13 sightings of 1-3 on 9 dates from 24 Mar to 7 May. 1999: 1-3 almost daily from i yth to 30 Mar and on 16-18 Apr, but 8+ on 21 Mar and 5 on 17 Apr, both at Simar. Singles on 1st and 3 May. 1 at Rabat on 6 Jul. In autumn, singles at Bahrija on 22nd and at Ta' Qali on 25 Sep, and at Qawra on 15 Nov. Richard's Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae 1996: 2 at Ghadira on 16 Oct. 1998: 2 at Luqa Airport on 20 Oct. Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris 1996: On 18 dates from 3 Mar to 11 May, mostly from 18th to 28 Apr, up to 8 on any single sighting but 20 at Comino on 19 Apr. 1 on 21 Aug, then 1-3 on 10 dates from 8th to 29 Sep, but 22 at Dwejra (M) on 29 Sep. 1997: In single figures on most days from 27 Mar to 12 May, highest 5 at Zurrieq on 6th and at Cumnija on 19th and at Munxar (G) on 20th, and 4 at Comino on 1yth all in Apr. In autumn 1-2 on most days from 1 Sep to 12 Oct, but 6 at Buskett on 22 Sep. 1998: 1-2 on 5 dates from 12 Mar to 1 Apr, then up to 6 on most days from 8 Apr to 2 May, but 18 at Comino on 25 Apr. Singles on 3 dates from 1ih to 19 May. In autumn, singles on gth and 27 Aug, then 1-2 on most days from 4 Sep to 2 Oct, but 3 at Qammieh on 1 Oct. 1999: 1-3 on 5 dates from 14 Mar to 11 Apr, then up to 5 on 12 dates from 15 Apr to 14 May but 10 at Comino on 24 Apr. In autumn, up to 3 on 12 dates from 3'd to 25 Sep. Tree Pipit Anthus trivia/is 1996: Almost daily from 8 Mar to 13 May, mostly in single to low double figures of up to 50 but 160 at Qammieh on 6 Apr. On most dates from 31 Aug to 23 Oct, mostly up to 10 but 17 on 18 Sep and 20-50 on 5 dates from 4th to 20 Oct. 1997: First i at Oammieh on 16 Mar, then almost daily in single or double figures from 23 Mar to 7 May, but reaching treble figures on 4 dates: 100 at Mellieha on 10th, 500+ at Ghadira and 200 at Mellieha on 11th, ca 200 at Camino, 1OO+at Simar, 100+ at Mellieha and 200+ at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 12th, and 300+ at Munxar (G) on 20th, all in April. Then almost daily in single figures or very low double figures from 31 Aug to 19 October, but highest 20+ at Ghadira and 30+ at Dwejra (M) on 27 Sep. Late bird at Ghadira on 29 Oct and a winter record at Rabat on 10 Dec. 1998: 1 at Qammieh on 8 Mar, then on most days from 14 Mar to 15 May (daily from 31 Mar to 1 May), mostly in single or double figures but 120 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11 Apr, 115 at Gozo on i 5 Apr, and influx on 28 Apr with 1000 at Blata L-Bajda, 180 at B'Kara and 150 at Ghadira. 1 at Ghadira on 9 Jun. In autumn on most days from 3 Sep to 25 Oct in single or iow double figures, max. 15 at Lunzjata on 12 Oct. 1 at Lunzjata on 1 Nov. 1999: 1 on 10 Mar, then almost daily in single or low double figures from 12 Mar to 17 May highest 50+ at Camino on 23 Apr. Singles on 30 May and 13 Jun. In autumn, 1 on 4 Sep then up to 5 on most days from 9 Sep to 18 Oct. 1 at Simar on 16 Nov. Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis 1996: Lov.t double figures of up to 40 From Jan till 7 Apr, but 80 on 20-21 ~v1ar at Dvvejra (~v1). Then from 27 Sep onwards till end of year, with high double figures during Oct and Nov, highest 100 on 21 Oct at Ghadira. 1997: Daily in single to medium double figures at various localities from 1 Jan till 9 Apr. Highest numbers 40+ at Ghadira on 18 Jan and 21 Feb, and at Qamrnieh on 1 Feb, and 35+ at Ghadira on 7 dates: 12 Jan, and 4-ih, 18th and and 14 Jun. Then 22 Feb. Late singles at VVied Qannota and at Comino on 20 Apr, and at Simar on 3-4th and 11 ~v1ay daily from 16 October till end of year in single or up to high double figures at various localities, but 200+ at Ghadira and 100+ at Qawra on 17 Nov, otherwise max of 86 at Blata 1-Bajda on 26 Oct, and 80+ at Rabat and at Ghadira on on 6th and 26 Nov respectively. 1998: In single or low double figures in Jan-Feb, max 50 at Qammieh on 24 Feb. In Mar, return passage marked b~ increase in sightings with numbers generally low, highest 80 at Qammieh on 15 Mar. 1-4 on most days in Apr till 14t but 50 at Dwejra (M) on 1st Then in single or double figures from 15 Oct till end of year but 100 at Lunzjata on 3 Oct, 100 at Ghadira on 9-10 Nov, and 150 at Buskett and 100 at Migra L-Ferha on 14 Nov. 1999: In single or low double figures from Jan to 16 Apr, highest 50+ at Ghadira on 4 dates from 5th to 11 Mar. 1 at Comino on 21 Apr. 1 on 11 Oct, then daily from 22 Oct to end of year, in single or double figures but 165 at Qawra on 28 Oct. Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus 1996: 10 sightings on 8 dates from 18 Mar to 5 May, all1-3 but 8 at L-Ahrax on 18 Mar. In autumn 1-2 on 5 dates from 25 Sep to 3 Nov. 22 1 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: One at Ghadira on 91h and 4 at Oammieh on 31 Mar; then on 11 dates from 10th to 28 Apr, highest 10+ on iih and 5+ on 13th at Simar and another 5+ at Munxar (G) on 20th, otherwise 1-2. Four autumn records: Singles at Ghadira on 28 Sep and at Simar on 4 Oct and 3 at Oawra on sth and 1 at Luqa on 21 Nov. 1998: 4 at Marsa on 2 Jan. Then 7 sightings of 1-3 on 5 dates from 4th to 28 Apr. 1 at Ghadira on 25 Sep. 1999: 1-2 on 9 dates from 15 Apr to 6 May but 4+ at Camino on last date. Singles on 24th and 29 Oct. Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta 1996: Singles at Ta' Oali on 18 Feb and at Ghadira on 3 dates from 29 Oct to 3 Nov. 1997: 1 at Rabat on 27 Oct 1998: 1 at Anchor Bay on 8 Feb. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 15 Mar and from 31 Oct to 6 Nov. 1 at Ta' Oali on 31 Oct Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 1996: In single to low double figures from 7 Mar to 1 Jun, but 200 at Manoel Island on 18 Apr, and 100 on 28 Apr and 300 on 6 May both at Luqa Airport. Regular from 2 Aug till 31 Oct, in double to moderately high treble figures on most dates but 1000-1500 at Simar on 18-21 Sep. Singles at Ghallis on 3 Nov and daily at Simar in Nov-Dec. 1997: 1 almost daily at Simar from 1 Jan to 4 Mar, then in single or double figures on most days in various places from 14 Mar to 31 May, highest double figures 80+ on 26 Apr and 3 May, and 60+ on 8 Apr at Simar, but reaching treble figures also at Simar with 400+ on 11th and 300+ on 22 Apr, and 100+ on 6 other dates from 13th to 25 Apr. In summer, single at Ghadira on 4 Jul. Then in single, double or treble figures on most days from 9 Aug till 2 Nov, highest numbers all in September: 650+ at Buskett on 22nd, 500+ at Simar on 6th and 18th, and at Lunzjata on 2ih, 450+ on 21st and 400+ on 14th and 23'd at Simar, and 300+ on 3'd, th, 8th, and 13th at Simar and on 19th at Buskett. Then single on 9 Nov, and 1-2 on 9 dates from 6th till 30 Dec all at Simar. 1998: 1-2 at Simar on most days in Jan till15 Feb. 2 on 1st and 15 Mar, then almost daily from 19 Mar to 7 Jun, mostly in single or double figures, but influx on 28 Apr with 600 at Blata L-Bajda, 150 at Camino and 250 at Ghadira; and on 6 May with 150 at Simar. Singles at Chadwick Lakes on 21st and at Ghadira on 25 Jun. Singles at Salina on 5 dates from 12 Jul to 4 Aug. In autumn, singles at Ghadira on 12th and 19 Aug, then on most days from 22 Aug to 27 Oct in single or double figures but 8 sightings in low treble figures, max. 200 at Simar on 26 Sep. Singles on 3 dates from 4th to 9 Nov. 1999: In spring, up to 80 almost daily from 5 Mar to 4 Jun. In autumn, singles on 4 dates at Ghadira from 1st to 17 Aug then up to 150 almost daily from 20 Aug to 30 Oct but 200-250 on 5 dates at Simar from 11th to 22 Sep and 200+ at Lunzjata Valley on 8-9 Oct. Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 1996: 1-3 on Jan and until 8 Mar. 1 on 8 Sep, then regular from 17 Sep onwards, in low single figures with up to 10 on most dates, but 15 on 3 Nov and 20 on 22 Nov, both at Lunzjata. 1997: Daily in low single figures in several localities, but mainly at Ghadira, from January till 5 Mar (highest 4+ at Chadwick Lakes on 13 Feb), and singles on 1oth and 17 March and a late bird on 20 May, all at Ghadira. In autumn first single at Blata 1-Bajda on 13 Sep, and 1-2 on 5 dates from 18th to 29 Sep, then daily in single figures from 3 Oct till end of year, highest 8 on 27 Oct and 9+ on 9 Nov at Blata 1-Bajda (at roosting time), 6 at Pt. St Elmo on 25 Oct and at Blata 1-Bajda on 6 Nov, and 5 +on 5 dates in Oct, mainly at Ghadira, and on 26 Dec at Lunzjata. 1998: 1-3 almost daily from Jan to 16 Mar. In autumn, singles on 4 dates from 5th to i 7 Sep, then up to 6 almost daily from 20 Sep till end of year but 7 sightings of 7-10 from 5th to 18 Oct and 7 at Blata L-Bajda on 5 Nov. 1999: 1-2 almost daily from Jan to 13 Mar but 4 at Valletta on 5 Jan and 3 at Lunzjata Valley on 6 Mar. 1 at Blata L-Bajda on 29 Mar. Singles on 3 dates from 16th to 28 Sep then up to 5 almost daily frorn 3 Oct to end of year but 7 at Blata L-Bajda on 8th and 18 Oct. White Wagtail Motacilla alba 1996: Wintering with up to 50 on any single sighting until 25 Mar. i at Marsalforn on 6 Apr; then 2 at Ghadim from 4th to 10 May and 1 remaining there till 20 Sep. Regular from 1 Oct onwards, in single to low double figures on most dates but i 67 on 2 Nov and i 27 on 6 Nov at Biata 1-Bajda (heading towards roost), and 150-200 roosting at Lunzjata on 5 dates from 21 Nov to 3 Dec. 1997: Daily in single or very low double figures in various places from Jan till 2 Apr, highest 25+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 10 Jan, and 15+ at Ghadira on 27 Feb and 9-11 Mar. Then 2 on 5th and 9 Apr at Ghadira and a late bird at Munxar (G) on 20 Apr. One summer record: single at Simar on 7 Jun. in autumn earliest bird on 19 Sep at Dwejra (M), then singles at Buskett on 1st and at Mellieha on 4 Oct, and daily in single or double figures from 9 Oct till end of year, reaching treble figures (at roosting time) on several dates, highest 700+ at Valletta on 2 Nov, 450+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 27 Oct, and 300+ again at Blata 1-Bajda on 6th and at Valleta on 13 Nov. 1998: In single or low double figures daily from Jan to 1 Apr, but 200 on 22 Jan and 100 on i 1 Feb, both at Valletta roost, 800 at Victoria on i 4 Feb, and 100 at Lunzjata on i 1 Mar. Singles on 4 dates from 3'd to 21 Apr and singles at Ghadira on 3'd and 22 Jun. In autumn, singles on 6 dates from 28 Sep to i 1 Oct but 10 at Blata L-Bajda on 6 Oct. Then daily from 13 Oct till end of year, mostly in single or double figures but 13 sightings of treble figures, max. 258 at Blata L-Bajda on 27 Nov. 1999: In single or double figures daily from Jan to 29 Mar but 150+ on 5 Jan and 2247 on 16 Jan at Valletta roost. Singles on 4-5 Apr and 1-4 May at Ghadira. Singles on 23 Sep, and 4th and 7 Oct, then daily from 9 Oct to end of year, mostly in single or double figures but 200+ at Valletta roost on 16 Nov and 20 Dec. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 1997: Singles at Fiddien on i 0 Jan, and at Ghadira on 14 Dec. 23 11-Merill 31 2005 Dunnock Prunella modularis 1996: In single figures of up to 10 until 21 Mar, but 30 at Buskett on 3 Jan and 20 at Ghadira on 7 Mar. Regular again from 16 Oct onwards, up to 10 on most dates but 15-30 at Ghadira on 9 dates from 23 Oct to 4 Nov, and i 5 at Buskett on 30 Dec. 1997: Daily in single figures from 1 Jan to i 0 Mar and singles on 4 dates from 15 to 26 March, but 30+ on 22 Feb and i 0+ on 5 dates: 6-7 Jan and 21st and 24-25 Feb, all at Ghadira. Then again daily in single or low double figures from 16 Oct till end of year, max 40+ at Buskett on i 3 Dec, 20+ at Ghadira on 6th and 20 Nov, and 15+ again at Ghadira on 25th and 27-28 Oct and on 5 dates from 41h to 21 Nov. 1998: Up to 5 almost daily in Jan to 28 Mar but 10 at Ghadira on 16 Jan. Then up to i 0 almost daily from 17 Oct till end of year. 1999: Up to 5 recorded on most days from Jan to 22 Mar but 10+ at Ghadira on 5th and 16 Feb. In single or low double figures almost daily from 28 Oct to end of year, highest 50+ at Ghadira on 29 Oct and 40+ at Lunzjata Valley on 30 Oct, otherwise up to 35. Alpine Accentor Prunella coflaris 1999: 1 at Ta' Gene on 2 Nov. Rufous Bush Robin Cercotrichas galactotes 1998: Singles at Camino on 3'd, 5th and 7 May. Robin Erithacus rubecula 1996: Present during all months of the year, with largest numbers during Jan-Mar and Oct-Dec. 75 at Buskett on 3 Jan, otherwise in single to low double figures of up to 50 in Jan-Mar; up to 6 in Apr-Sep, then peaks of 100 at Buskett and Ghadira on 24-25 Oct, otherwise in single to high double figures. 1997: Daily and widespread in single or medium double figures from 1 Jan to 22 February (highest 50+ at Qammieh on 18 Jan and 1 Feb, 35+ at Buskett also on 1 Feb, and 30+ on several dates at Ghadira), but 200+ at Buskett on 2 Jan. Then in low double figures till 3 Apr and in single figures till 3 May, and 1-2 mainly at Ghadira on 10 scattered dates from ih to 28 May. In June 4+ on ih, 2 on 15th and 1 on 24th at Buskett and 2 at Villa Rundle (Victoria) on 19th. Then in July 1 at Victoria and 2 at Buskett on 13th, 2 adults and a juvenile at Villa Rundle on 14th, 2 again at Villa Rundle on 1 gth and 1 at Beltissebh on 21st. In August 1-2 on 8 scattered dates from 2nd to 2ih, mainly at Buskett. Then almost daily in single figures in September, but 10+ at Buskett on 2ih, and daily till end of year in single, double or low treble figures, rnax. 150 on 27 Oct, and 120+ on 41h and 6 Nov all at Ghadira 1998: Daily in single to low double figures from Jan to 6 Apr, max 80 at Buskett on 2 Jan. Singles almost daily from 10th to 28 Apr. Up to 5 on most days from 5 May to 23 Sep but 7 at Chadwick Lakes on 12 Jul and 8 at Wied 11-Luq on 16 Aug. Then daily in single or double figures from 25 Sep till end of year but 100 on 17-18 Oct and 200 on 28 Nov, both at Buskett. 1999: Daily in single to low double figures from Jan to 10 Apr, max 70+ at Buskett on 14 Feb. 1-2 on 17 dates from 12 Apr to 17 May. Up to 4 on a few dates from 13 Jun to 2 Aug and almost daily from 23 Aug to 30 Sep. Daily from 1 Oct to end of year in single or double figures but 150+ at Ghadira on 29-30 Oct and 500+ at Buskett on 30 Oct. Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos 1996: Up to 8 from 18 Mar to 16 May, but 15 at Camino on 3 dates from 14th to 19 Apr and 20 at Manoel Island on 18 Apr. In autumn, 1-5 on most dates from 28 Aug to 15 Oct, but 10 at Ghadira on 10 Sep. 1997: On most days in single figures from 26 Mar to 7 May, but 12+ at Camino on 12th and 10+ at Ghadira on 11th and at Ghajn Tuffieha on 13th all in April. Late bird at Buskett on 17 May. Then again in single figures almost daily from 28 Aug to 9 Oct, max 5 at Dwejra (M) on 8 1h and 5+ at Ghadira on 6 scattered dates, all in September. Late bird at Buskett on 18 Oct. 1998: 1 on 10 Mar and singles on 6 dates from 1gth to 29 l'v1ar, but 4 at Qammieh on 25 Mar. Then daily in single or low double figures from 3 Apr to 6 May, max 20 at Comino on 21 Apr. 1-2 on most days from gth to 16 May. In autumn, 2 on 5 Sep, then singles on 17 dates from 10 Sep to 20 Oct, most at Dwejra (M). 1999: In spring, almost daily in single figures from 14 Mar to 14 May but 10+ at Comino on 24-25 Apr and on 3 May. In autumn, 1-2 on most days from 21 Aug to 7 Oct. Biuethroat Luscinia svecica 1996: 1 at Lunzjata on 19 Mar, then 10 sightings from 29 Sep to 3 Nov, all in singles but 2 at Lunzjata on 1 i -12 Oct. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on 6 Jan and i7- i 8 Feb, and at Simar on 8 Sep and on 81h and i 7 Oct. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 22nd and 28 Sep, at Simar on 16th and at Rabat on 18 Oct, at Ghadira on 17 Nov and at Simar on 30 Dec. 1999: Singles at Lunzjata Valley on 23 Jan, at Simar on 26 Feb and 2 Mar, at Ghadira and Simar on 2 Apr, at Simar on 20-21 Sep and at Lunzjata Valley on 17 Oct. Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros 1996: Up to 15 almost daily from Jan till 30 Mar; then up to 8 from 27 Oct till end of year. 1997: In single figures at various localities in January till 24 Mar, max 6 at Pt. St. Elmo on 5 Jan, and 5 at Ghadira on 15 Feb and at Marsalforn on 4 Mar. Late birds: 1 at Fomm ir-Rih on 1st and 2 at Comino on 12 Apr. In autumn first single at St. Elmo on 12 Oct, then daily from 17 Oct till end of year, highest 10+ at Qawra on 2-3'd and 26 Nov. 1998: Wintering in single figures of up to 8 from Jan to 1 Apr, but 15 at Wied Babu on 19 Feb. 2 at Lunzjata on 14 Oct, then in single figures daily from 23 Oct till end of year but 10 at Manoellsland on 4th and 14 Dec. 1999: Wintering in low single figures of up to 5 from Jan to 29 Mar. 1 on 27 Oct then daily from 29 Oct to end of year in single figures, but 1 0+ at Buskett on 30 Oct and at Ta' Gene on 2nd and 14 Nov and 13 Dec. 24 11-Merill 31 2005 Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus 1996: 1-8 regularly from 7 Apr till 25 May; then 1-2 from 25 Aug till 9 Nov. 1997: Almost daily in single figures at various localities from 23 Mar to 11 May, but ca. 15 at Buskett and 10+ on Camino on 21 Apr, and again ca. 10 at Camino on 29 Apr and on 4 May. In autumn first single at Buskett on i Sep, then up to 3 on most days from 13 Sep to 27 October, with a late bird at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 8 Nov. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 24th and 28 Mar, then almost daily from 8 Apr to 15 May, mostly up to 8 but 10 at Camino on 1st and 5 May. 1 at Buskett on 30 May. In autumn, 1-4 on most dates from 20 Sep to 28 Oct. 1999: Singles on 12 Mar and on 7 dates from 21 Mar to 10 Apr, then up to 6 daily from 15 Apr to 9 May but 8+ at Camino on 6 May. Singles on 3 dates from 16th to 19 May. In autumn, 1 on 27 Aug, then 1-2 on i 7 dates from 10 Sep to 22 Oct, but 8+ at Buskett on 28 Sep. Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 1996: Regular in spring from iO Mar to 25 May, mostly between 12 Apr and i 1 May, in single to low double figures of up to 30, but 100 at Luqa Airport on i 8 Apr. In autumn, 11 sightings of 1-2 on 9 dates from 25 Sep to 16 Oct. 1997: First 2 at Ta' Gene on 30 Mar, then daily in single or double figures from 10 Apr to 11 May, max 70+ at Comino on 1ih, 50+ on 11th and 40+ on 12th at is-Simar, all in April. In autumn singles on 7 scattered dates from gth to 26 Sep, mainly at Ghadira and Simar, but 2 at Wied Speranza on 8th. Late single at Chadwick Lakes on 3 Oct. 1998: First 1 at Qammieh on 29 Mar. 2 at Dwejra (M) and 1 at Ghadira on 5th and 1 at Gudja on 6th all in Apr; then daily in single or low double figures from 9 Apr to 15 May, but 50 at Luqa Airport on 25th and 40 at Camino on 28 Apr. In autumn, singles at Dwejra (M) on 8 Sep, and at Lunzjata on ;stand at Ghadira on 4 Oct. 1999: Recorded only in spring. 1 on 9 Apr, then in single or double figures of up to 70 daily from 14 Apr to 15 May, but 100+ at Camino on 23 Apr. Common Stonechat Saxicola torquatus 1996: 1-10 on most dates from jan till 23 Mar, but 30 at Ghadira on 5 Mar. Latest sightings on 8 Apr at Rabat. Present again from 2 Oct onwards, mostly in single to low double figures of up to 30, with higher numbers from mid-Oct till mid-Nov, and peak of 40 at Ghadira on 25 Oct. 1997: Daily in single or low double figures from January till 28 March, max 30+ on 27 Feb, 15+ on 14 Jan, and 10+ on many dates (up to 4 Mar), all at Ghadira. Then daily in single to medium double figures from 6th Oct till end of year, max 60+ on 2ih, and 40+ from 20th to 23'd, all in Oct at Ghadira. 1998 : Up to 10 daily at various sites from Jan to 29 Mar but 20 on 141n and 15 on 16 Feb, both at Ghadira. In autumn, 1 at Rabat on 4th and 2 at Dwejra (G) on 11 Oct, then daily in single or low double figures from 13 Oct till end of year, max. 30 at Ghadira on 17 Oct and on 2-3 Nov. 1999: Up to 10 daily at various sites from Jan to 10 Mar. 2 on 15th and 1 on 19 Mar. Daily from 9 Oct to end of year in single or low double figures of up to 30 but 50+ at Ghadira on 30 Oct. lsabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabel/ina 1996: 1 at Camino on 28 Apr. 1998: 2 at Cumnija on 5th and 1 at Ta'Cenc on 11 Apr. Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 1996: Regular sightings from 3 Mar to 4 May, in single to low double figures of up to 35, but 80 at Camino and 50 at Luqa both on 19 Apr. 1 at Selmun on 13 Jun; then up to 6 regularly again from 19 Aug till 17 Oct. 1997: Almost daily in single or low double figures from 12 Mar to 4 May, max 15 at Selmun on 29 Mar; and 20+ at Deli mara on 191h and i 2 at Selmun on 5 Apr. Then in single figures almost daily from 26 Aug to 26 Oct, but 10 at Dwejra (M) on 26-27 Sep. 1998: In single or low double figures of up to 15 almost daily from 15 Mar to 2 May but 40 at Paradise Bay on 4 Apr. Singles at Hal Far on 23'd and 28 May, and at 11-Qaws on i Jun. In autumn, i at 11-Qaws on 18 Aug, then up to 4 almost daily from 28 Aug to 14 Oct. 1 at Siggiewi on 25 Oct. 1999: Singles on 5th, i 3th and 14 Mar, then up to 25 on most days from 18 Mar to 30 Apr but 35+ at Qammieh on 7 Apr. In autumn, 1 on 21 Aug then up to 6 on most days from 26 Aug to 10 Oct. Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 1996: 18 sightings of 1-8 on 9 dates from 6 Apr to i ~J1ay. 1997: Recorded only in spring in single figures on 13 scattered dates from 23 Mar to 4 May (daily from 18th to 22 Apr), but 1i on 20 April (5 at Camino, 4 at rvlunxar, Gozo and singles at Mellieha and Mosta), otherwise max of 5+ also on Camino on 18 Apr. Singles on 4 dates at Pt. St. Elmo from 31 Aug to 22 Sep. 1998: 1 at Migra L-Ferha on 18 Mar, then 12 sightings of 1-3 on 11 dates from 2 Apr to 11 May. In autumn, singles at Qawra on 12th and at Buskett on 19th and 21st all in Sep. 1999: 1-2 on 8 dates from 21 Mar to 29 Apr. In autumn, singles at Dwejra (M) on 3 Sep and at Qawra on 12 Sep. Rock Thrush Monticola saxaiilis 1996: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 20th and at Camino on 31 Mar, at Oammieh on 7 Apr, and at Buskett on 9 Sep. 1997: Singles at Camino on 28 Mar, at Mellieha on 1ih and 20 Apr, at Wied Oannotta on 20 Apr, and at Dwejra (M) on 4 May. In autumn 1 at Pt. St. Elmo on 14th, and 1on 20th and 2 on 21st at Dwejra (M) all in Sep .. 1998: 7 singles in Apr (at Manoellsland on 2nd, at Gharghur and Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 11th, at Mistra on 18th, and at Camino on 21st and 26-2ih), and 1 on 11 May at Camino. 1 at Victoria on 20 Oct. 1999: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 5-6 Sep. 25 11-Merill 31 2005 Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius 1996: Present throughout the year and breeding in usual numbers. Generally seen in low single figures at any one site, with highest counts at Comino, where 10 present on 7 Apr and on 12 Oct. 1997: Present throughout the year at various localities mostly in single figures. Highest numbers: 15+ at Qammieh on gth and 22 Mar, and 19 Oct, and 12+ at Comino on 12 Apr. 1998: Breeding resident at suitable areas; always in single figures but 10-20 at Qammieh/Paradise Bay area especially in Mar and Apr. 1999: Breeding resident at suitable areas. Always in single figures but 10+ at Qammieh on a few days in Mar, 15+ at Dingli Cliffs on 24 May and 10+ at Ta' Cenc on 3 Jun. Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus 1996: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 29 Mar. Blackbird Turdus merula 1996: 14 sightings from 3 Jan to 9 Mar, all in singles but 2 at Buskett on 1 Mar. Then 18 sightings from 22 Oct to 30 Dec, all in singles but 3 at Buskett on 29 Oct and on 30 Dec. 1997: Singles (most records from Ghadira) on most days in January till 27 Feb, but 6 at Buskett on 2 Jan and 2 at Ghadira on 24 Feb. 21ate singles at Ghadira on 12 Mar and at Comino on 16 Apr. Then on 10 dates (12 sites) from 16 Oct to 15 Nov, at 1-Ahrax on 29 Nov, and at Buskett on 24th and 30 Dec; all singles. 1998: Singles at Buskett on 2nd and at Simar on 11 Jan, and at Qammieh on 21 Mar. In autumn, 1 at Mdina on 17 Oct, then singles on 9 dates from 31 Oct to 21 Nov, but 2 at Ghadira on 11 Nov. 1 at Lunzjata on 28 Dec. 1999: 1-2 at Buskett and at Lunzjata Valley on a few days in Jan to 14 Feb. In autumn, 1-2 on 17 dates from 26 Oct to 30 Nov but 3 at Blata L-Bajda on 29 Oct. Singles on 3 dates from 4th to 24 Dec. Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 1996: Singles at Ghadira on 17 Apr and at Pt. St. Elmo on 13 Oct. 1997: Singles at Ricasoli on 5 Nov, at Ghadira on 10 dates (from 15th to 30 Dec) and at Cumnija on 26 Dec. 1998: 2 at Ghadira on 1 Jan, then singles at same place on most days till 22 Feb. 1 at Buskett on 2 Jan. Then on 6 dates from 11th to 28 Dec, mostly 1-4, but 7 at Ghadira on 19 Dec. 1999: 1-4 on 12 dates from 4 Jan to 7 Mar, but 6+ at Rabat on ih and at Buskett on 1oth and 14th ail in Feb. Singles at Ghadira on gth and at B'Kara on 31 Dec. Song Thrush Turdus philomefos 1996: In single to low double figures of up to 15 from Jan until 25 Mar, but 25 at Buskett on 22nd and 23 at Wied Qirda on 25 Feb. Then 5 sightings of singles until 19 Apr. In autumn 2 at Ghadira on 27 Sep and 1 at B'Kara on 3 Oct, then up to 15 almost daily from 11 Oct till end of year, but 15-35 daily from 21st to 29 Oct. 1997: In single figures on most days in Jan till 28 Mar, but 40+ on 2nd and 15+ on 5 Jan at Buskett, and 45 at Dwejra (M) on 4 Mar. 1-2 on 9 dates from 2nd to 16 Apr, and singles on 5th and 7 May at Camino, on ih and 151h Jun at Buskett, on 10 Jul at Mellieha, on 8 dates from 14 Jul to 4 Aug at Ghadira, on 28th at Ghadira and on 30 Aug at Buskett, and again at Ghadira on 1st and 4 Sep. Then in autumn almost daily in single or double figures from 8 Oct till end of year, but reaching treble figures on 18 Oct with 170+ at Buskett, 173 at B'Kara and ca. 250 at Mellieha, otherwise max 80+ at Hurd's Bank on 18th and at Qammieh on 19th, and 70 at Dwejra (M) on 28th all in Oct. 1998: Up to 10 wintering at several sites from Jan-Feb, but 40 at Buskett on 8 Feb. Present throughout Mar with an evident increase in numbers due to return passage, max 27 at Mdina and 25 at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar. Up to 5 daily from 1st to 4 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 17 Apr and on most days at Blata L-Bajda from 29 Jul to 18 Aug. In autumn, singles at Buskett on 5th and 10th and at Ghallis on 1 ith, and 2 at Dingli Cliffs on 1ih all in Oct. Then up to 25 dail~ from 14 Oct till end of year, but 55 at Buskett and 32 at Dwejra (M) on 17th and 70 at Rabat and 28 at B'Kara on 28t both dates in Oct. 1999: Up to 20 wintering at several sites from Jan to Feb. Seen almost daily in Mar till 4 Apr, highest 20+ at Buskett on 7 Mar, otherwise up to 7. Singles on 15 May and on 24 Aug. 1 on 4 Oct, then daily from 9 Oct to end of year in single or low double figures of up to 20, but influx on 29t (60 at Blata L-Bajda and 200+ at Buskett) and 80+ at Buskett on 30th both dates in Oct. 1 ' Redwing Turdus iliacus 1996: 7 sightings of 1-3 from 3 sites from 27 Oct to 7 Dec. 1997: Singles on 7 scattered dates from 2 Jan to 28 March mainly at Buskett and Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra), but 2 on 5 Jan at Buskett. Then 1 at Blata 1-Bajda on 7 Nov, and 6 singles on 5 dates in Dec (at Mellieha on 14th, at Ghadira on 18th, 20-21 stand 24th, and at Simar on 21st). 1998: 1-2 at Buskett on 3 dates from 1 Jan to 8 Feb. 1 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 29 Oct, then singles on 5 dates from iih to 30 Nov, mostly at Simar. 1999: 1-2 on 6 dates from i 7 Jan to 7 Mar but 7+ at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 23 Jan and i 0+ at Buskett on 7 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 26 Nov. Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 20 Dec. 1998: 1 at Qawra on 24 Oct. 1999: 1 at Lunzjata Valley on 30 Jan. 26 11-Merill 31 2005 Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti 1996: Present throughout year, and breeding in usual numbers at various sites in Malta and Gozo. Mostly recorded in low single figures at any one site, but 10 reported at Buskett on 31 Mar and at Simar on 11 Aug. 1997: Present throughout the year with up to 5 at various localities, but 10+ at Buskett on 20 Aug and at Lunzjata on 20 Sep, 8+ at Simar on 19 Jul, and 6+ on 10 dates (mostly in Apr and Sep), at Buskett, Ghajn Zejtuna, Wied Qannotta, Simar, Salina, Ghadira and Lunzjata. 1998: Breeding resident with up to 5 in suitable areas, but 8-10 at Buskett from Junto Aug, 10 at Chadwick Lakes in Jun, and 8-10 at Simar from Sep to Oct. 1999: Breeding resident with up to 6 in suitable areas, but 8- i 5 on a few days at Simar especially in summer. Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis 1996: Resident and breeding commonly on Malta and Gozo. 1-2 at Camino on on 3 dates from 27 Apr to 2 May, and on 4 dates from 21 Sep to 12 Oct. Up to 30 on any single sighting, with somewhat lower numbers during the winter months, and with 4 sightings of 40-60 from 8 Jun to 2 Sep. 1997: Present and widespread throughout the year in single or low double figures, highest 50+ on 22nd Mar and ca. 35 on 6 Apr at Qammieh, and 30+ on several dates in various places, particularly at Ghadira and Simar. Late breeding records in Nov: 2 fledging from nest at Mellieha on 5th, and female with 2 fledglings at Wied Dalam on 16th. 1998: Widespread and breeding in single or low double figures of up to 30 at various sites but 40 at Qammieh on 21 Mar, 40 at Ramla Valley on 3 Jun, and 35-40 at Ghadira on 7 dates from 2 Jul to 21 Aug. 1999: Widespread and breeding in single or low double figures of up to 25 at various sites. Grasshopper Warbler Locuste/la naevia 1997: Single at Camino on 2 May. Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides 1996: 1 at Lunzjata on 29 Sep. 1997: Singles at Simar on 26 Jul, 8th and 14 Sep, and 21-22nd and 26th Oct. 1998: Singles at Camino on 21 Apr and at Lunzjata on 18th and 20 Sep. 1999: Singles at Simar on 21 Aug and at Ghadira on 13 Sep. Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus malanopogon 1996: 1-2 at Simar on 6 dates from 7 Jan to 11 Mar; then 1-2 on 12 dates from 12 Oct till end of year, mostly at Simar. 1997: 1-2 present on most days at Simar from 1 Jan to 25 Feb, and from 19 Oct till end of year, but 3 on 9 Nov. 1 at Ghadira on 25 Nov. 1998: 1-2 at Simar almost daily from 1 Jan to 8 Mar and on most days from 21 Nov to 30 Dec. 1999: 1 at Simar on a few dates from 23 Feb to i 1 Mar. 1-2 on 13 dates at Simar and Ghadira from 30 Oct to 30 Dec. Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 1996: 1-6 regularly from 7 Mar to 30 May, but 15-20 on 13-14 May at Ghadira. 1-2 regularly from 11 Aug to 29 Oct, all sightings from Ghadira, Simar and Lunzjata. 1997: In single or low double figures on most days from 22 Mar till end of Apr and in single figures till end of May, max. 40+ on 12th and 20th, 25+ on 13u\ and 15+ on 1ih and 19th, all at Simar in Apr. Late bird at Ghadira on 5 Jun and early autumn bird at Simar on 26 Jul. Then on most days in low single figures from 13 Aug to 28 Sep, and on 5 dates in Oct tiii i91n, max ca. 5 at Simar on 7-8 Sep. Late bird at Simar on 9 i\]ov. 1998: Up to 8 on most days from 28 Mar to 16 Jun. In autumn, singles at Simar on i ih and at Chadwick Lakes on 16 Aug, at Lunzjata on 2 Sep, and on 10 dates, mostly at Lunzjata from 23 Sep to 18 Oct. 1999: Almost daily in spring from 7 Mar to 15 May, in single or low double figures of up to 15 but 20+ at Sirnar on 3'd and at Camino on 29 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 21st and 31 May. In autumn, 1 on 2 Aug and singles on 4 dates from 9 Sep to 7 Oct. Late bird at Ghadira on 3 dates from 101h to 17 Nov. Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus 1996: 1 at Salina on i 0 Mar and 2 at Simar on 19 Apr, then regular from 30 Apr throughout summer mostly at Simar where breeding (max 8 on 29 Jun including 4 pulli). Regular on return passage from end of Aug till 30 Oct, mostly 1-5 but i 0 at Lunzjata on 25 Sep. 1997: First single at Kennedy Grove on 15 Mar, then 1-2 at Simar on 20th and 25-261h and 1 at Lunzjata on 23 Apr. Daily at is-Simar in single figures from 17 May till end of July. max 8+ on 12 Jul. 2 on 5 Jun at Salina and 1 at Ramia Bay on 13 Jul, were the only other records during May-July. Then almost daily in single figures from 1 Aug till 2 Nov, highest 8+ at is-Simar on 3 Aug, with most records from Simar, Ghadira and Lunzjata. 1 at Simar on 6 Dec, 1998: Singles at Simar on 25t1l and 27 Apr, then up to 4 on most days from 3 May to 7 Jun, but 6 at Simar on 6 Jun. Up to 7 present at Simar in Jun and Jul where 2-3 pairs bred successfully. Singles at Ghadira on 23'd and 31 Jul. Up to 6 almost daily from Aug to 25 Oct, mostly from Lunzjata, Simar and Ghadira. 1 at Ghadira on 16 Nov. 1999: 1 on 12 Apr, then up to 10 almost daily from 18 Apr to 4 Nov but 15 at Simar on 7 Jul and 17 Jul. 1 at Ghadira on 9 Nov. Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus pafustris 1996: Singles at Ramla Dam on 25 Aug, at Rabat (M) on 8 Sep, and at Lunzjata on 12 Sep and on 6th and 15 Oct. 1997: 1 at Lunzjata on 28 Sep. 1998: Singles on 4th and gih and 3 on 16th all in Sep at Lunzjata. 1999: Singles at Lunzjata on 22 Sep and 19 Oct. 27 11-Merill 31 2005 Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum 1998: 1 at Lunzjata on 13 Oct. Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1996: Regular from 31 Mar to 1 Jun, mostly 1-2 but 5 at Simar on 8 May. On regular dates from 19 Aug to 4 Nov, mostly in singles but up to 5 daily from 3'd to 16 Sep. 1997: In single or low double figures on most days from 28 Mar to 29th May, max. 30+ on 13th and 201h and 20+ on 12th at Simar in Apr. Late bird at Simar on 12 Jun. First autumn records: 1 on 5th and 2 on 9 Aug at Simar, followed by 1-2 on most days from 26 Aug to 28 Sep, but 3+ at Simar on 7-8th and 3 at Chadwick Lakes on 27 Sep. Then singles on 3'd at Chadwick lakes and on gth and i gth at Simar all in Oct. 1998: Up to 5 almost daily from 7 Apr to 25 May but 8 at Simar on 25 Apr. Singles at Ghadira and Ramla Bay on 3'd and at Ghajnsielem on 9 Jun. In autumn, singles on 12 dates from 12 Aug to 26 Sep but 4 on 29 Aug and 3 on 8 Sep, both at Simar; then 1-2 almost daily, mostly at Lunzjata, from 4th to 20 Oct. 1 at Lunzjata on 25 Oct. 1999: 1 on 30 Mar, then in single figures almost daily from 3 Apr to 25 May, but 10+ at Simar on 27 Apr. 1-2 at Simar on 6 dates from 3 Jul to 9 Aug and 1 at Ghadira on 7 Aug. In autumn, 1-3 on 21 dates from 22 Aug to 29 Oct. Western Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais opaca 1998: Singles at Camino on 5th and 8 May. 1999: 1 at Camino on 4 May Western/Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais opaca/pallida 1996: Singles at Buskett on gth and 23 Jun. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 13-14 Apr. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 7 May. lcterine Warbler Hippolais icterina 1996: 1 on i 3 Apr, then regular from 21 Apr to 27 May, with a late sighting on 9 Jun. Mostly 1-5 but 8-25 on 6 dates from 2nd to 12 May, mainly on Comino. Then, 5 sightings of singles on 4 dates from 3 Sep to 12 Oct. 1997: On most days in single or low double figures from 19 Apr to 22 May, max 15+ at Comino on 28 Apr and 9 May. Then in low single figures on 12 scattered dates from 25 Aug to 1 Oct, max 3 at Wied Speranza on 13 Sep. 1998: Singles at Camino on 21st and 25 Apr, then in single or low double figures of up to 20 almost daily from 27 Apr to 21 May, but 30 on 1st and 40 on 7 May, both at Comino. 1 at Ghadira on 26-27 May. In autumn, singles at Buskett and Ghadira on 1st and 21 Sep respectively; and at Lunzjata on 1st, at Simar on 16-1 ih and at Ghadira on 25th all in Oct. 1999: 1 on 21 Apr, then up to 10 daily from 29 Apr to 15 May but 15+ at Comino on 6 May. Singles at Ghadira on 22nd and 26 May. In autumn, 1 on 8 Aug, then singles on 5 dates from 30 Aug to 28 Sep. Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta 1997: 1 at Ghadira on 26 Apr. 1998: i at Comino on 4 May. Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 1996: 1-1 0 on most dates from Jan to Apr, but 100 on 22 Feb and 60 on 1 Mar both at Buskett. Latest sightings on 14 May at Ghadira. Lower figures from 4 Oct till end of year, mainly up to i 0, but 20 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 6 Nov and 40 at Buskett on 30 Dec. 1997: Daily in single or low double figures in January till 26 Apr but reaching treble figures at Buskett: 250+ on 5th and ca 200 on 12 Jan, and 200+ on 21 Feb, otherwise max 40+ also at Buskett on 1 Feb. Singles at Camino on 5 May and at Buskett on 13 Jul. In autumn first singles at Ghajn Zejtuna on 131h and at Lunzjata on 28 Sep and 12 Oct. Then daily from 16 Oct till end of year in single figures but ca. 10 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 5th and 10 Nov, 10+ at Ghadira on 10 scattered dates (from 25 Nov till end of year), and 20+ at Buskett on 24 Dec. 1998: Up to 25 almost daily from Jan to 25 Apr but 40 at Buskett on 8 Feb. In autumn 2 on 22nd and 1 on 29 Sep both at Ghadira, then in single figures almost daily from 2 Oct and up to 10 from 30 Oct till end of year, but 25 at Buskett on 28 Nov, and 20 at Bingemma on 12th and 15 at Dwejra (M) on 19 Dec. 1999: Up to 50 almost daily from Jan to 19 Apr, but 100+ on 23 Jan and 150+ on 28 Feb at Buskett. Singles on 4 dates from 23 Apr to 4 May. Almost daily in single figures from 5 Oct to end of year but 15+ on 10 Nov and 10+ on 22 Dec at Buskett. Garden Warbler Sylvia borin 1996: Almost daily from 13 Apr to 31 May, in single to !ow double figures of up to 35 on most dates but 50-100 on 5 dates from 2nd to 12 May. Up to 20 on most dates from 24 Aug to 23 Oct, then 1 on 7 Nov at Ghajn Zejtuna. 1997: On most days in single or medium double figures from 12 Apr to 28 May, highest 50+ on 29 Apr, ca. 40 on 6 May and 30+ on 30 Apr, on 4- 5 May and on 10 May, all at Comino. One at Buskett on 15 June. In autumn first single at Dwejra (M) on 15 Aug, then almost daily from 21 Aug to 28 Oct, max 50+ at Buskett on 2ih, and 30 at Dwejra (M) and 25+ at Buskett on 7 Sep. Late singles at Ghajn Zejtuna on 6th, 81h and 12 Nov. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 28 Mar and at Wied Qannotta on gth and 12 Apr; then almost daily from 16 Apr to 10 Jun in single or low double figures of up to 50, but 200 at Camino on 7 May. In autumn, singles at Bingemma and Wied 11-Luq on 151h and at Buskett on 29-30 Aug, and 10 at Wied 11-Luq on 5 Sep. Then up to 3 on most days from 14 Sep to 31 Oct but 10 at Buskett on 17 Oct. 1 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 7 Nov. 1999: Almost daily from 11 Apr to 25 May in single or double figures but 100+ at Comino on 30 Apr-1 May. Singles at Ghadira on 6 dates from 26 May to 6 Jun. In autumn, almost daily from 21 Aug to 13 Oct in single figures but 15+ at Buskett on 26 Sep. 1 at Buskett on 30 Oct. 28 11-Merill 31 2005 Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca 1996: Singles at Ghadira and Simar on 13 Oct. 1997: Singles at Camino on 21st and 27 Apr and at Wied Dalam on 1 Oct. 1998: 1 at Lunzjata on 15 Oct. 1999: 1 at Ghadira on 26 Apr. Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis 1996: Almost daily in single to low double figure of up to 30 from 11 Apr to 25 May, but 50 at Camino on i 8 Apr. Then, 4 sightings of singles from 19 Sep to 19 Oct. 1997: Daily in single or low double figures from 1 i Apr to 23 May, max 30 at Qammieh on 11 Apr and at Camino on 4 May, and 25+ on 12 Apr and 20 on 5-7 May also at Camino. In autumn, singles at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 14th, at Lunzjata on 16th and at Ghadira on 29th, all in Sep. 1998: Singles at Ghadira and Simar on 5th and at Gharghur on 11 Apr; then daily from i 3 Apr to 16 May in single or low double figures of up to 30, but 100 at Camino on 28 Apr. 1-2 on 3 dates from 26th to 31 May. In autumn, singles at Floriana on 25 Sep and at Rabat on 14 Oct. 1999: Singles on 27 Mar, snd 4th and 10 Apr. Then almost daily in single or double figures from 13 Apr to 16 May, but 100+ on 23'd and150+ on 29 Apr, and 100+ on 30 Apr-1 May, all at Camino. 1 at Ta' Gene on 29 May. Spectacled Warbler Sylvia conspicillata 1996: Resident and breeding in usual low numbers. Reported from the three main islands. Mainly in low single figures at any one site, max of 10 at Dahlet Qorrot on 4 Jun. 1997: Present throughout the year in low single figures in several localities, max 5 at Dwjera (G) on 9 Feb, and 4 at Ghar Lapsi on 15 Mar, at Mgarr on 9 Apr and at Ghadira on 3 May 1998: Present in small numbers in several places in Malta and Gozo throughout the year, highest 10 at Wied Bassasa on 25 Feb, 15 at Wied \1-Ghasri on 9th and 10 at Dabrani (G) on 10 Jun, otherwise in single figures. 1-2 at Camino on 3 dates from 26 Apr to 10 May. 1999: Present and breeding in small numbers in several places in Malta and Gozo, highest 15+ at San Dimitri (G) on 25th and at Sarraflu (G) on 30 May, and 12 at Gharb on 5 Jun, otherwise up to 10. At least 1 pair bred at Camino in May where 6 (2 ad and 4 young) were seen on 11 May. Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata 1996: 1 at Sliema on 6 Nov. 1997: 1 at Qawra on 27 Oct. 1998: Singles at Lunzjata on 1 Nov, then singles at Qawra on most days from 4 Nov to 19 Dec, but 2 on 25 Nov. Singles at Lunzjata on 8 Nov, at Cumnija and Qammieh on 3rd and at lmgiebah on 4 Dec. 1999: Singles at Cumnija on 19th and at Wied Anglu on 20 Feb, and at Ta' Gene on 13 Dec. Ri.ippeli's Warbler Sylvia ruepelli 1996: 1 at Clapham Junction on 15 Mar. 1999: 1 at 1/o Zabbar on 23 Mar. Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans 1996: On most dates in single to low double figures of up to 15 from 8 Mar to 12 May, but 25-40 on 18- i 9 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 21st and 23 Jul, then in single to low double figures of up to 25 almost daily from 3 Aug to i 6 Oct. 1997: Amost daily in single figures in various localities from 18 Mar to 7 May, but 20+ on 28th and ca. 10 on 30 Mar, and 15+ on 19th and 25+ on 20 Apr all at Comino. Then up to 3 on 3 dates from 26 Jul to 2 Aug, and almost daily in single figures from 8 Aug to 28 Sep reaching double figures on 5 dates: i 5+ on 1oth and 20 + on 15 Aug at Bingemma, and 10+ at Targa Gap on ih and at Ghadira on 22nd and 24 Sep. Late singles at Ghadira on ih and 9 Oct. 1998: Up to 5 almost daily from 15 Mar to 4 May, but 8 at Ghadira on 3 Apr. In autumn, up to 10 almost daily from 22 Ju! to 7 Oct, but 35 at Bingemma and 15 at Wied 11-Luq on 1st and 15-20 at Bingemma on 15-16 Aug. 1999: 2 on 10th and i on 13 Mar, then almost daily from 17 Mar to 3 May in single or low double figures of up to 10, but 20+ at Manoel Island on 23rd, at Oammieh on 24th, and at Ghadira on 29 1h all in Mar. 1 at Camino on 15 May. In autumn, up to 8 almost daily from 15 to 28 Jul, then almost daily from 11 Aug to 15 Oct in single or low double figures of up to 10, but 20 at Bingemma on 24 Aug and 15+ at Ghadira on 13 Sep. 2 at Lunzjata Valley on 24 Oct. Sardinian Warbler Sylvia meianocephaia 1996: Common, resident and breeding on the three main islands. Reported in single to mid-double figures with generally lower figures for the winter months. 1997: Present and widespread throughout the year in single or low double figures in various localities, highest 40+ at Camino on 28 Mar, 30+ on 25 Aug at Buskett, and 25 + on 12 scattered dates, mainly at Camino and Buskett, but reaching once ca. 100 at Buskett on 2 Jan. 1998: Cornman and widespread breeding resident on the three rnain islands, usually in single or low double figures with higher numbers in spring and summer with up to 35 at Camino and 40 at Buskett. 1999: Common and widespread breeding resident on the three main islands in single or low double figures. Arctic Warbler Phyiloscopus borealis 1997: One at Lunzjata on 12 Oct. 1999: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 3 dates from ih to 10 Oct. 29 11-Merill 31 2005 Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inomatus 1996: Singles at Lunzjata on 8 Apr and at Addolorata Cemetry on 2 Nov. 1997: One at Lunzjata on 3 Apr. Radde's Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi 1999: i at Lunzjata on 23 Oct. Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus 1997: 1 at is-Simar on 2 Nov. Western Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli 1999: i at Ghadira on 21 Oct. Eastern Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus orienta/is 1998: Singles daily on 21st and 23-25 Mar, and 5 May, all at Ghadira. 1999: 1-2 almost daily from 15 Mar to 1 Apr, but 3 on 16th and 4 on 18 Mar at Ghadira. Western/Eastern Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli/orientalis 1996: Up to 4 at Ghadira from 15th to 25 Mar, then 1 again there from 20 Apr to 1 May. 1997: Singles at Ghadira on most days from 1 Apr to 1 May, but 2 on gth, 3 on 24th and 2 on 28th all in Apr. Other singles at Camino on 121h, 21-22nd, and 30th, at Lunzjata on 16th, and at Simar on 19th, all in Apr, and at Dwejra (M) on 6 May. 1998: 1 at Simar on 22 Mar. 1999: Singles at Ghadira on 17 Mar, at Salina on 2nd at Simar on 4th and and again at Ghadira on 17 Apr. Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 1996: In single to low double figures from 3 Apr to 18 May, with highest sightings of 45 at Ghadira on 6 May. Return passage: 1-2 on 14 dates from 24 Aug to 21 Oct. 1997: On most days in single to medium double figures from 25 Mar to 19 May, max 50+ at Camino on 291h and 40+ at Ghadira on 14th and 28th all in Apr. Then up to 3 on most days from 16 Aug to 5 Oct, but 8+ at Buskett and 5 at Dwejra (M) on 27 Sep. 1998: 1 at Simar on 24 Mar, then daily from 31 Mar to 16 May, mostly up to 35 but influx on 28 Apr with 40 at Camino, 70 at Ghadira and 50 at Manoel Island. Singles on 4 dates from 26th to 30 May. In autumn, 1 at Dwejra (M) on 13 Aug, then singles on 10 dates from 5 Sep to 24 Oct. 1999: Almost daily from 29 Mar to 13 May in single or low double figures of up to 25, but 30+ at Simar on 27 Apr. 1 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 26 May. In autumn, singles on 9 dates from 24 Aug to i 1 Oct but 2 at Buskett on 24 Aug and 3 at Ghadira on 10 Sep. Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita 1996: 100-150 reported on 7 dates from 6 Jan to 10 Mar, otherwise up to 70 daily until 8 Apr. Singles on 18th and 21 Apr and on 3 Jun. Up to 60 again from 3 Oct, but 80-150 on 6 dates from ih to 21 Dec at Lunzjata. 1997: Daily in single or double figures in various places from January till 11 Apr, and then on 5 dates till 26 Apr, max. 80+ at Ghadira on 4th, 13th, 14th, 21st and 22 Feb. Single at Ghadira on 22 scattered dates from 14 Jun to 14 Sep. Then daily in single or double figures from i 2 Oct till end of year, but 200+ on 26th and 100+ on 21st and 28 Dec at Lunzjata, otherwise max 80+ on 6th and 60+ on 7 Dec at Simar and on 6 scattered dates (from 25 f\Jov til! end of year) at Ghadira. 1998: Daily in single or double figures of up to 60 from Jan to 5 Apr, but 100 at Lunzjata on 4 Jan and 10 Feb. Singles at Ghadira on 1ih and 22 Apr. Then daily from 13 Oct till end of year in single or double figures of up to 60, but 100 at Lunzjata on 2nd and 7 Nov. 1999: Almost daily in single or double figures of up to 80 from Jan to 24 Apr, but 100-120 at Ghadira on most days from 1st to 11 Mar. Singles on 4 dates from 29 Apr to 8 Mayo Singles at Chadwick Lakes on 20 Jun and at Buskett on 11 Jul. Then almost daily from 14 Oct till end of year in single or low double figures of up to 30. Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochiius 1996: Up to 15 almost daily from 14 Mar to 13 May, but 40 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 16 Apr. In autumn, in single to low double figures of up to 20 on most dates from 13 Aug to 5 Nov mostly in the second half of Sep. 1997: Daily in single or low double figures from 22 Mar to 18 May, max 40+ at Simar on 20th and 35+ at Comino on 21 Apr. Then almost daily in low single figures from 16 Aug to 16 Oc, max 5+ at Lunzjata on 21st and at Ghadira on 26 Sep. 1998: Singles at Simar on 11th and at Lunzjata on 14 Mar; then almost daily from 17 Mar to 14 May in single or lovv double figures of up to 15, but 30 at Camino on 28 Apr. In autumn, 2 at Ghadira on 12 Aug, then up to 8 almost daily from 16 Aug to 24 Oct, but 10 at Lunzjata on 5th and 15 at Ghadira on 7 Oct. 1999: Singles on 3 dates from 8th to 15 Mar; then almost daily from 18 Mar to 16 May in single or low double figures of up to 30, but 40 at Camino on 23 Apr. In autumn, single figures almost daily from 23 Aug to 25 Oct but 10+ on i Sep and 11 Sep and 15+ on 16 Sep, all at Ghadira. Late bird at Ghadira on 5 Nov. Goldcrest Regulus regulus 1996: Singles on 4 dates from 1 Jan to 21 Mar, but 6 at Howard Gardens on 18 Feb. Then on 6 dates from 12 Oct to 11 Dec, mostly 1-2 but 4 at Addolorata Cemetry on 2 Nov and 8 at Buskett on 23 Nov. 1997: Singles on 4 dates in Jan from 3rd to 13th, and 1-2 on 5 dates in Feb from 4th to 21st, all at Ghadira. Single at Dwejra (M) on 15 Mar. Then up to 5 on 5 dates in Nov (2 on 6th at Ghadira, singles on ih at Mellieha and on 12th at Ghadira, 5+ at Targa Gap on 25th and 1 at Ghadira on 26th). 10+ at Buskett on 13 Dec. 30 11-Merill 31 2005 1998: Up to 5 (mostly at Buskett) on 7 dates from 1 Jan to 22 Feb. 1 at Dwejra (M) on 28 Mar. Then 13 sightings of 1-3 on 11 dates from 23 Oct to 10 Dec. 1999: 1 at San Anton on 15th and 4 at Valletta on 16 Jan, and 2 at B'Bugia on 21 Feb. Only 1 sighting in autumn: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 10 Oct. Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla 1996: 8 sightings of 1-2 from 28 Feb to 19 Mar; then on 5 dates from 12 Oct to 30 Dec, all in singles but 4 at Buskett on 30 Dec. 1997: 1 at Buskett on 2 Jan, then 4 on 2"d, 1 on 3'd and 2 on 15 Mar, and 2 on 5 Apr all at Dwejra (M). In autumn singles on 27 Sep also at Dwejra (M), and at Ghadira on 1st and 26 Nov. 1998: Singles on 19 dates from 21 Oct to 23 Dec, mostly at Ghadira and Simar, but 2 at Simar on 20 Nov. 1999: 1-2 on 16 dates from 8 Jan to 6 Mar but 4 at Rabat on 9 Jan. Singles on 5 dates from 5 Nov to 10 Dec but 2 at Lunzjata Valley on 4 Dec. Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 1996: 1 on 7 Apr , then daily from 18 Apr to 19 May, in single to low double figures of up to 20 on most dates, but 30 at Camino on 10 May. Present and breeding at least at 3 localities with a max of 19 at Buskett on 7 Jul. In autumn up to 12 almost daily again from 19Aug to 19 Oct. 1997: Almost daily in single or low double figures from 10 Apr to 25 May, max 25+ at Ghadira on 12 Apr and 20+ at Camino on 6 May. 3 pairs and 2 pairs were present at Buskett and at Addolorata respectively in June; max 10 at Buskett on on 7th and 15th, and 7 (4 ad+3 juvs) at Addolorata on 20th.1 at Ta' Qali on 14 Jun. 2 were still present at Addolorata on 14th and 8+ at Buskett on 20 July. 3+ on iih and 7 (2 ad+ 3 juv) on 14 Aug at Ta' Oali. Then almost daily in single or low double figures from 20 Aug to 28 Sep, highest 20+ on 8 Sep and 12+ on 25 Aug. Late singles at Simar on 16th and at Mellieha on 28 Oct. 1998: 1-2 at Comino on 4 dates from 13th to 22 Apr, then almost daily from 24 Apr to 24 May in single or low double figures of up to 35, but 60 at Comino on 7 May. Then present at Buskett from 30 May to 7 Sep and at Addolorata Cemetry from 27 May to 26 Jun where breeding was confirmed at both sites with 4 pairs at Buskett and 2 pairs at Addolorata Cemetry. In autumn, singles on 6 dates from 23 Sep to 23 Oct, but 2 at Rabat on 11 Oct. 1999: Almost daily from 20 Apr to 27 May in single or low double figures of up to 20. 2 on 2 Jun. Then up to 10 present at Buskett from 13 Jun to 10 Aug and up to 7 at Addolorata Cemetry on 4 dates from 11 Jun to 4 Aug. where breeding was confirmed at both sites with 4 pairs at Buskett and 2 pairs at Addolorata Cemetry. 1 at Simar on 21 Aug and up to 4 at Buskett from 25 Aug to 14 Sep. Then 1-3 on 10 dates from 16 Sep to 2 Oct. Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 1996: 11 sightings on 9 dates from 24 Sep to 22 Oct, all singles but 2 at Ghadira on 11 Oct. 1997: Singles at Buskett on 13 Sep and 18 Oct, at Simar on i 9 Oct and at Ghadira on 10 Nov. 1998: Singles at Rabat on 1ih and at Lunzjata on 27 Sep, at Ghadira on 3'd and at Simar on 11 Oct, and at Lunzjata on 2 Nov. Semi-collared Flycatcher Ficedula semitorquata 1996: 1 at Ghadira on 19 Mar. 1997: Singles at Lunzjata on 12th and at Simar on 13 Apr. 1998: 1 at Ghadira on 29 Apr. Collared Flycatcher Ficedu!a albicol!is 1996: i -5 on 16 dates from 5 Apr to 2 May. 1997: First single at Camino on 28 Mar. Then almost daily in single or low double figures from 10 Apr to 4 May, max 40+ at Simar on 121h, 25+ at Ghadira on 14th, and 20+ at Simar on 11th and at Ghadira on 15-161h, all in April. 1998:25 sightings of 1-3 on 17 dates from 3'd to 30 Apr. 1 at Mosta on 10 May. 1 at Wied 11-Luq on 16 Aug. 1999: Up to 7 almost daily from 12 Apr to 6 May. 1 at Ghadira on 11 May. Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca 1996: i on 20 Mar, then almost daily from 5 Apr to 22 May, 1-10 on most dates but 30-40 on 18-19 Apr at Camino. 1 on 16 Aug, then 1-2 on 8 dates from 2 Sep to 3 Oct. 1997: First single at Lunzjata on 2 Apr then daily in single or low double figures from 9 Apr to 10 May, but 50 at Oamrnieh and 20+ at Simar on 11th, 40+ at Simar on 1ih, and 20+ at Ghadira on i 5th and at Comino on 29th all in April. 1 at Buskett on 17 May. In autumn singles at Buskett on 41h, at Dwejra (M) and Wied Speranza on gth, at Buskett on 9th and at Ghajn Zejtuna on 20th, ali in September. 1998: 1 at Bidnija on 4 Apr, then almost daily from 6 Apr to 13 May in single or low double figures of up to 30, but 40 at Camino on 25 Apr. 1999: 1 at Simar on 30 Mar, then almost daily from 13 Apr to 16 May in single or low double figures of up to 25, but 100+ at Camino on 23 Apr. 1 at Ghadira on 18 Sep. Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria 1998: 1 at Sliema on 28 Sep. Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 1996: 1-10 on most dates from 17 Apr to 18 May. 1 at Buskett on 16 Jun, then 1-4 on 8 dates from 31 Aug to 16 Sep. 1997: In single figures on most days from 12 Apr to 18 May, but 12 at San Anton and 10+ at Comino on 29 Apr and 17 at San Anton and 10 at Lunzjata on 3 May. Late singles on 31 May at Dwejra (M), and on ih and 15 Jun at Buskett. In 31 11-Merill 31 2005 autumn in single figures on most days from 30 Aug to 14 Sep, but 12+ on 6th at Buskett and 100+ on ih and 50+ and 14 on 8 Sep at Lunzjata and Buskett respectively. Then 2 at Lunzjata on 20th, and 2 at Buskett and 1 at Simar on 2ih, all in Sep. 1998: 3 at Comino on 8 Apr, then up to 6 on most days from 12 Apr to 19 May, but 10 at Lunzjata and 11 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 28 Apr, and 10 at Buskett and at Camino on 3'd and 6 May respectively. Singles on 6 dates from 30 May to 28 Jun and 2 late birds at Wied 11-Luq on 11 Jul. In autumn, singles at Buskett on 26-27 Aug and at B'Kara on 7 Oct. 1999: Up to 8 almost daily in spring from 16 Apr to 17 May. Singles at Ghadira on 26 May, at Buskett on 13 Jun and at Chadwick Lakes on 20 Jun. In autumn, only 4 sightings of singles from 2nd to 17 Sep. Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 1996: 5 sightings of singles on 4 dates from 11 Sep to 12 Oct. 1997: Singles at Dwejra (M) on 18 May, at Ghajn Zejtuna on 17 Oct, and at Dwejra (G) on 7 Nov. 1998: Singles at Saqqajja on gth and at Camino on 10th and 1ih all in May, and at Ghadira on 13 Oct. Great Grey Shrike/Southern Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor/meridionalis 1997: Singles at San Gwann on 13th and 18 Feb. Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator 1996: Up to 25, mostly at Comino, from 7 Apr to 11 May. 1 at Dwejra (M) on 7 Jun, then up to 5 again there from 8 Aug to 11 Sep. 1 at Ghadira on 5 Sep. 1997: In single figures on most days from 11 Apr to 14 May, but 20+ on 21 Apr and 10+ on 5 May at Comino. Singles on 22 May at Ghadira and Dwejra (M). Then singles at Dwejra (M) on 5 scattered dates from 10th to 23 Aug, at Kuncizzjoni and Zabbar on 24 Aug, and again at Dwejra (M) on 31 Aug and on 12-13 Sep. 1998: Singles at Ghadira on 6th and 8th and at Wied Qannotta on gth all in Apr, then up to 8 almost daily from 13 Apr to 15 May, but 18 at Blata L-Bajda and 20 at Comino on 28 Apr, and 20 at Comino on 1st and 14 May. 2 at Qortin 11-Kbir on 2 Jun and 1 at Buskett on 12 Jul. In autumn, singles on 8 dates from 12 Aug to 4 Sep, but 4 at Dwejra (M) on 15 Aug. 1999: 1 on 30 Mar, then up to 12 almost daily from 8 Apr to 15 May, but 15+ at Comino on 29 Apr. Singles on 3 dates from 26th to 30 May. In autumn, 1-3 on most days from 22 Jul to 27 Aug, all at Dwejra (M) except for 2 at Rabat on 23 Aug. Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris 1996: Up to 500 in Jan-Mar; then 2 at Ghadira till 15 May and up to 16 at Comino. 1 at Buskett on 31 Aug, then regular again from 21 Sep. Mostly in double to high treble figures of up to 700, but 2000 at Marsa on 7 Nov, and 1000 on 29 Dec at Simar. 1997: Daily in single, double or treble figures from 1 Jan to 2 Feb, highest 500+ at B'Kara on 51h, and 400+ at Ghadira on 17-18 Jan. Then almost daily until19 March, highest 400+ at Ta' Qali on 23 Feb, numbers going down to double figures in March highest 30+ at Simar on 4th and 9 Mar. Then recorded at Comino on several dates in single figures from 28 Mar to 26 April, but 12 + on first date, and on a few dates during summer until 23Jun, highest 10 on last date. 2 at salina on 24 Jun. 1-2 on 3'd, 51h and 14 Jul at Simar and 2 at San Anton on 17 Aug. In autumn first singles at Blata 1-Bajda on 5th and at Dwejra (M) on 15 Sep. Then almost daily from 21st to 28 Sep (max 30 at Buskett on 261h) and daily ftom 3 Oct tili end of year, in single, double, treble or quadruple figures, max 5000+ over Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 13 Nov, 4000+ at Simar on 21-22 Oct, and 2000+ at Simar on 23-251h and 28-29 Oct and 5 Nov. 1998: Up to 500 almost daily from Jan to 31 Mar. Up to 10 daily at Comino from 7 Apr to 16 May, but 20 on 13 Apr and 16 on 3 May. Singles at Simar on 5th and 20 Apr, and 2 iviay. in summer, singles at Simar on 10t11 and 25 Jun, and 28 11l and 31 Aug. Then daily from 25 Sep till end of year with up to 1000 on several days from Oct to Dec, but 2000 at Marsa and Simar on 21 Oct, 2000 at Simar on 23 Oct, 1500 at Simar on 12 Nov, and 7000 at Luqa airport on 18 Nov. 1999: Single to low treble figures of up to 600 almost daily from Jan to 2 Apr but 800+ at Luqa on 13 Jan. Up to 8 daily at Comino from 15 Apr to 14 May. Singles on 4 dates from 12 Apr to 3 May from other localities. Up to 3 at Simar on most days from 31 May to 14 Sep. 2-5 at Ghammieri from 26 Junto 6 Jul. Singles at Ghadira on 1st and 4 Sep and at Buskett and Simar on 28 Sep,. then up to treble figures daily from 1 Oct to end of year, but 1000+ on 25 Oct at Luqa, on 4 dates in Nov (6th and 13th at Qawra, 15th at Luqa and on 29th at Simar), and on 6 Dec at Qormi. Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis 1996: Resident and breeding abundantly on the three main islands. 1997: Present and widespread throughout the year mostly in double or low treble figures in several localities, highest 500+ at Birkirkara on 5 Jan. Larger numbers at several roosting sites, but no counts were carried out. 1998: Abundant and breeding resident on the three main islands. 1999: Abundant and breeding resident on the three main islands. Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 1996: Resident and breeding in usual numbers but also recorded on migration. In single to low double figures of up to 30, but 80-100 on 1-2 Oct at Simar. 1997: Recorded throughout the year in single figures, but 15+ at Simar on 8 Aug, 10+ on 5 dates in Oct (at Buskett on 1st, at Simar on 3'd and 9th, and at Ghadira on 131h and 23'd), and 20+ at Simar on 2nd November. 1998: Breeding at usual sites with up to 10 from Jan to May and up to 30 from Jun to Dec, but 40 at Chadwick Lakes on i 9 Jul and 80 at B'Kara on 24 Oct. 1999: Breeding at usual sites. Highest numbers: 50+ on 21-22 Sep and 45+ on 4 Oct at Buskett, otherwise up to 35. 32 li-Merill 31 2005 Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 1996: 50-1 00 on 10 dates in Jan, otherwise in single to low double figures during Jan-Mar, but 51 on 20 Feb and 50 on 8t11 and 41 on18 Mar at B'Kara. Up to 5 at several sites during Apr-Sep. In single to low double figures of up to 28 during Oct-Dec, but 100 at Lunzjata on 31 Oct and 50 at Buskett on 30 Dec. 1997: Recorded throughout the year in single figures, but in double figures on i 2 dates, and in low treble figures on 2 dates: highest 130+ at Bus kelt on 2 Jan, i 00+ at Ghadira on 12 Apr, 70+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 16 Nov, 50+ at Mosta on i 9 Oct, 30+ at Blata 1-Bajda on 10 Nov and 28 at Qawra on 2 Nov. 1998: In single or low double figures of up to 30 in Jan-Mar, but 40 at Buskett on 1 Jan. Up to 4 almost daily in Apr, but 10 at Blata L-Bajda on 1st. 1-2 on most days at Ghadira and Buskett from May to Aug. Singles on 7 dates from 3 Sep to 4 Oct, but 3 at Buskett on first date. Then almost daily in single figures from 10 Oct till end of year, but 10 at Buskett on 25th and 15 at Rabat on 28 Oct, and 20 at Buskett on 14 Nov. 1999: In single or low double figures of up to 18 from Jan to Mar, but 40+ at San Anton on 15 Jan. 1-2 on most days from Apr to 14 Sep from a few localities. 1 on 5 Oct, then up to 10 almost daily from 21 Oct to end of year but 50+ at Buskett on 10 Nov. Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 1997: 1 at B'Kara on 30 Nov. 1998: 1 at Xaghra (G) on 28 Mar. European Serin Serinus serinus 1996: 1-2 on 13 dates from 4 Jan to 11 Apr, then singles at Ghadira on 26 Jun and 24 Jul. 1-2 on 9 dates from 23 Sep to 11 Nov, and 1-3 almost daily from 13th to 31 Dec, mostly at Ghadira. 1997: Up to 6 on 6 scattered dates from 1 Jan to i 5 Feb mostly at Ghadira. Then singles at Valletta on 28 Mar, at Ghadira on ih and at Comino on 26 Apr, at Simar on 18 May, and at Mellieha/Ghadira on 16th and 29 Jun. In autumn in low single figures on 11 scattered dates from 25 Oct to 29 Nov, but 22+ at Blata 1-Bajda and 6 at Targa Gap on 16 Nov. 2 winter records: singles at B'Kara on 1ih and at Ghadira on 25 Dec. 1998: 2 at Buskett on 1st and 2 at Simar on 4 Jan, and 3 at B'Kara on 17 Mar. Singles at Ghadira on 20 Mar and 2 Apr, at Buskett on 5th and 11 Jul, on 3 dates from 2"d to 8 Aug and on 2 dates from 26-28 Sep. 1 at Buskett on 18 Oct, then up to 7 on most days from 25 Oct till end of year, but 12 at Sliema on 29 Oct. 1999: in single or low double figures of up to 15 on most days frorn Jan to 7 Mar but 35+ at Blata L-Bajda on 17 Jan. 1-2 on 16 dates from 22 Mar to 10 Aug. 1 on 9 Oct, then up to 3 on 11 dates from 1 Nov to 3 Dec but 15 at Buskett on 10 Nov. Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 1996: Singles on 7 scattered dates in Feb-Apr, but double figures (max 33) on 3 dates at B'Kara from 12th to 19 Mar. Then 2 juvs. At B'Kara on 19 Aug and 1-4 on 2·1 dates from 30 Aug till end of year. 1997: Singles at San Gwann on 3'd and at Qammieh on 18 Jan and at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 13 Feb. In spring 1-2 on 6 scattered dates from 2 Mar to 5 Apr. One summer record: 1 at Ghadira on 20 Aug. In autumn singles at Mosta on 25 1h and at Buskett on 27 Sep and 10 at Mellieha on 11 Oct. Then in single or low double figures on17-18th and 26-28 Oct, almost daily from 31 Oct to 14 Nov and on 3 dates from 25th to 28 Nov, highest 22 (total from 4 localities) on 26 Oct. Then 1 at Simar on th and 4 at Qawra on 20 Dec. 1998: 1-5 on 10 dates in Jan and Feb, but 8 at Buskett on 1 Jan. Then in single or low double figures on 15 dates from 1 Mar to 3 Apr, max 15 at B'Kara on 24 Mar. Singles on 11 dates from 20 Apr to 27 Jul, then 3 at Wied 11-Luq on i 6th and 2 at Ghammieri on 18 Aua. and sinales on 4 dates from 24 Aua to 1 Sep, mostly at Buskett. 1 at Ghadira on 3 Oct, then single figures almost dailY from 10~ct to 28 Nov, but 28 at Qawra on17 Oct,. and 31 at Blata L-Bajda on 1st and 10 at Buskett on 14 Nov. 1-3 on 6 dates from 1oth to 24 Dec, but 9 at Lija on 15 Dec. 1999: In single or low double figures of up to 34 on 19 dates from Jan to 14 Apr but 54 at Blata L-Bajda on 24 Mar. 1-2 on 4 dates from 20 Apr to 4 May, and 1-2 on most days at Ghadira from 17 May to 10 Sep but 4 at same place on 12 Jun. 1 at Buskett on 29 Aug. Then 1-2 on 19 dates from 11 Oct to 17 Dec but 4 at Ghajn Zejtuna on 12 Nov. Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 1996: 1-5 on 5 scattered dates in Jan-Apr, then 1-3 on 16 dates from 12 Jul to 25 Sep, and 1-2 on 3 dates in Nov-Dec. 1997: Singles on 16 scattered dates from 13 Feb to 9 Dec (recorded in all months except in May, with 6 records from Ghadira), but 4 at Ghadira on 8 Dec;. 1998: Singles at Blata L-Bajda on 11 Jan, at Ghadira on 8 dates from 7 Mar to 4 Apr and at Blata L-Bajda on 22 Mar and 2 Apr. 2 at Dwejra (M) on 24 Mar. Singles at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 3 Jun, at Ghadira on 5 Aug, and at Rabat on 30 Sep. Then 1-3 on 6 dates from 17 Oct to 6 Nov and 2 at Blata L-Bajda on 24 Dec. 1999: 1 at Ras 11-Pellegrin on 3 Apr, 2 at Ghadira on 23 Oct and 1 at Qawra on 3 Dec. Siskin Carduelis spinus 1996: Singles at Comino on 11 Apr, at Buskett on 29 Sep and at B'Kara on 29 Dec. 1997: 2 males at Simar on 31 May. Then 2 at Mellieha on 25th, 20+ at Qawra and singles at Mellieha on 26th and 27 Oct, at Blata 1-Bajda on 4 Nov and at Ghadira on 31 Dec. 1999: Singles at Floriana on 9 Mar and at Buskett on 2 Oct. 2 at Qawra on 10th and 4 at Ghadira on 24 Nov. linnet Carduelis cannabina 1996: 1-5 on 13 dates from 4 Jan to 10 Apr, but 25 at Qammieh on 16 Mar. 1 on 3 Oct, then on 13 dates from 21 Oct till end of year, mostly 1-4, but 10 on 29 Oct at Ghadira. 33 11-Merill 31 2005 1997: 6 at Qammieh on 18 Jan and 2 at Ta' Qali on 16 Feb. Then in single figures on 10 dates from st 11 to 29 Mar, max 5 at Ta' Gajdoru (Xaghra) on 18th. 2 at Ta' Gene on 5 Jul and singles at Targa Gap on 13th and at Pt. St. Elmo on 27 Sep. Then in single figures on 26 dates (34 localities) from 15 Oct to 26 Nov, but 20+ at Manikata on 25th and 20 at Mellieha on 26 Oct, and 30+ at Qawra on 3rd, 13 at Ghadira on ih and 13 at Blata 1-Bajda on 9 Nov. 2 winter records: 2 at Ghajn Tuffieha and at Ghadira on 30 Dec. 1998: 4 at Buskett on 1st and 1 at Simar on 17 Jan; then 1-6 on 10 dates from 10 Mar to 4 Apr. Singles at Ghadira on 18th and at Camino on 20 Apr. 2 at Ghadira on 31 Aug and singles on 3 dates from 4th to 27 Sep. Then on most dates from 16 Oct to 20 Nov in single or low double figures of up to 30, but 54 at Qawra on 28 Oct. Up to 7 on 5 dates from 27 Nov to 24 Dec. 1999: Up to 6 on 16 dates from 12 Jan to 30 Apr. Singles on 10 dates from 13 May to 17 Aug. Up to 8 on 20 dates from 22 Sep to 22 Dec. Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 1996: 6 at Salina on 6 Oct. Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus 1996: 1 at Camino on 25 Sep. Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus 1998: Singles at Mdina on 4 Sep, at Ghadira on 14 Sep, at Rabat on 27 Sep, and at Lunzjata on 18 Oct. Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula 1999: 1 at Dwejra (M) on 7 Oci. Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes 1996: 1-5 on 9 dates from 22 Oct to 12 Nov. 1997: 1 at Qawra on 20 Dec 1998: Singles on 9 dates from 16 Oct to 15 Dec. "A few hundreds" reported on 28 Oct from many parts of Gozo and Malta. 1999: 1 at Xaghra Gozo on 1 0 Jan. Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella 1998: 1 caught at Xatt L-Ahmar (G) on 9 Nov. Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana 1998: 3 at B'Kara on 28 Aprand 1 at Simar on 2 May. 1999: 1 at Luqa on 22 Mar. Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 1997: 1 at Lunzjata on 4 Nov. 1998: 1 at Lunzjata on 3 Nov. little Bunting Emberiza pusifla 1998: 1 at Lunzjata on 2 Nov. Reed Bunting Emberiza schoenic!us 1996: 1-3 at Ghadira and Simar in Jan-Feb, with latest sighting on 9 Mar. 1-3 from 14 Oct till end of year, all at Ghadira, Simar, Lunzjata and Salina. 1997: One at Simar on 9 Feb. Then 1-2 again at Simar on 9 dates from 28 Oct till end of year and at Ghadira on 11 dates from 1 Nov till end of year. Only one record elsewhere: 2 at Lunzjata on 8 Nov. 1998: Singles at Simar on 1st and 3 Jan, 7-8 Feb, 10 Feb, 29 Mar, and 22-23 May. In autumn singles at Ghadira on 13 Sep and at Lunzjata on 12 Oct, then 1-2 on most days at Ghadira, Simar, and Lunzjata, from 23 Oct till end of year, but 3 at Lunzjata on 8 Nov. 1999: Singles at Simar on ih and 28 Jan and at Ghadira on 27 Mar. 1 at Ghadira on 16 Oct, then up to 3 almost daily at same place from 27 Oct to 17 Dec and at Simar from 5 Nov to 24 Dec. Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra 1996: Scarce resident and breeding in low numbers. Reported in low single figures, but 12 on 27 Oct near Ghadira. 1997: In single figures, mostly 1-2, throughout the year in various localities, reaching double figures only on 6 dates: i 2+ on 18 Jan at Qammieh; the rest in March, 1 0+ on 1st at Manikata, 1 0+ on 15th at Ghar La psi, and 40 on 22nd, 20 on 23rd and 10 on 28th, at Qammieh. 1998: Breeding uncommonly at a few sites. Mostly seen in single figures of up to 10, but 13 at Buskett on 17 Oct and 11 at Ghadira on 25 Oct. 1999: Breeding uncommonly at a few sites. Seen in low single figures at a lew localities, but ca. 10 mainly at Qammieh on several dates in March. 34