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Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy Volume 16 Issue 4 Article 8 27-12-2022 A scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day: ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’ – A Conference Report Babita Rani Kondle Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India, babitajamwal801@gmail.com Divya Taneja Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India, drdivyataneja@gmail.com Subhash Kaushik Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India, subhashccrh@gmail.com Follow this and additional works at: https://www.ijrh.org/journal Part of the Homeopathy Commons How to cite this article Kondle BR, Taneja D, Kaushik S. A scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day: ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’ – A Conference Report. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2022;16(4). doi: 10.53945/2320-7094.1294 This Conference Report is brought to you for free and open access by Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy. It has been accepted for inclusion in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy by an authorized editor of Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy. For more information, please contact ijrhonline@gmail.com. A scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day: ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’ – A Conference Report Abstract Three apex bodies, namely the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, the National Commission for Homoeopathy and the National Institute of Homoeopathy, jointly organised a scientific convention on the occasion of the World Homoeopathy Day to commemorate the 267th birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann which was held on 9 and 10 April 2022 at New Delhi on the theme ‘Homoeopathy: People’s Choice for Wellness’. Over the 2 days, scientific sessions and interactive meets were held. This convention was an opportunity to review the developments in the field of Homoeopathy and formulate future strategies for the advancements of Homoeopathy to make homoeopathy the first choice for people for wellness. Acknowledgments and Source of Funding We acknowledge the presentations made by all the speakers and acknowledge all the moderators and rapporteurs for compiling the report of the conference. This conference report is available in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy: https://www.ijrh.org/journal/vol16/ iss4/8 Conference Report A scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day: ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’ – A Conference Report Babita R. Kondle*, Divya Taneja, Subhash Kaushik Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi, India Abstract Three apex bodies, namely the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, the National Commission for Homoeopathy and the National Institute of Homoeopathy, jointly organised a scientific convention on the occasion of the World Homoeopathy Day to commemorate the 267th birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann which was held on 9 and 10 April 2022 at New Delhi on the theme ‘Homoeopathy: People’s Choice for Wellness’. Over the 2 days, scientific sessions and interactive meets were held. This convention was an opportunity to review the developments in the field of Homoeopathy and formulate future strategies for the advancements of Homoeopathy to make homoeopathy the first choice for people for wellness. Keywords: Interactive meet, Public health, Research Evidence, Wellness, World Homoeopathy Day IntroductIon The Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH), New Delhi, National Commission for Homoeopathy (NCH), New Delhi, and National Institute of Homoeopathy (NIH), Kolkata, jointly organised a Scientific Convention on the occasion of World Homoeopathy Day. The conference, with the theme ‘Homoeopathy: People’s Choice for Wellness’, brought together homoeopathic practitioners, researchers and academicians to discuss the potential role that Homoeopathy can play in the wellness of people. Held on 9 and 10 April 2022 at Bharat Ratna C. Subramanium Auditorium, New Delhi, the World Homoeopathy Day commemorated the 267th birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Inaugural ceremony Inauguration was done by Sh. Sarbnanda Sonowal, Hon’ble Union Minister, Ministry of Ayush and Hon’ble Union Minister, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, along with Dr Mahendrabhai Munjpara, Hon’ble Minister of State (MoS) for Ministry of Ayush and Minister of State Access this article online Quick Response Code: Available in print version only Website: www.ijrh.org DOI: 10.53945/2320-7094.1294 (MoS) for Ministry of Women and Child Development and Sh. Manoj Rajoria, Member of Parliament, as Guest of Honour. Vaidya Rajesh Kotecha, Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, Sh. Pramod Kumar Pathak, Special Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, Sh. D. Senthil Pandiyan, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Ayush, Padmashree Dr VK Gupta, Chairman, Scientific Advisory Board, CCRH, Dr Sangeeta A. Duggal, Advisor, Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush, Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, NCH, Dr Subhash Kaushik, Director General, CCRH and Prof (Dr) Subhas Singh, Director, NIH, graced the occasion. Since the formation of the Ministry of Ayush, tremendous progress has been made in Homoeopathy regulations, educational standards, research and public health activities and practice quality. India is a model of healthcare, *Address for correspondence: Babita R. Kondle, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Jawahar Lal Nehru Chikitsa Avum Anusandhan Bhawan - 110 065, Institutional Area, Opposite D Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi, India. E-mail: babitajamwal801@gmail.com Received: 08 November 2022; Accepted: 22 November 2022 This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms. How to cite this article: Kondle BR, Taneja D, Kaushik S. A scientific convention on the World Homoeopathy Day: ‘Homoeopathy: People’s choice for wellness’ – A Conference Report. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2022;16(4):313-321. © 2022 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy | Hosted online by Digital Commons (Bepress) 313 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report integrating traditional medicine, Ayush systems and conventional medicine to enhance health, wellness and happiness in people. Homoeopathy is regulated under the Ministry of Ayush and can play an essential role in improving wellness through its approaches which are safe and effective. The convention had more than 1000 participants, including homoeopathic researchers, scientists from interdisciplinary streams, practitioners, students, industrialists and representatives of various homoeopathic associations [Figures 1 and 2]. releases durIng the conventIon • • Documentary videos: • Bharat me Homoeopathy ke 75 varsh developed by CCRH. • Homoeopathy: Ek Sashakth Chikitsa Paddhathi developed by CCRH. Books: ▪ Homoeopathic Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving Research) Portal of the CCRH. ▪ Experimental Homoeopathy; a book by Dr Girish Gupta. ▪ Annotated edition of chronic diseases, their peculiar nature and Homoeopathic cure; a book by ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Dr Anusware Dev. A and Dr Arundas Menon. Journal of Homoeopathy, Volume 2 of the journal by NIH. A Journey Through Homoeopathic Research Publications: a compilation of CCRH publications by CCRH Homoeopathic Medicines in COVID-19 – A Therapeutic Compendium developed by CCRH based on research studies and practical utility of treating COVID cases. Souvenir of the Convention, ‘Homoeopathy: People’s Choice for Wellness’ by CCRH. scIentIfIc sessIons The session-wise speakers’ details are given in Table 1. research evIdence In PublIc health The session was chaired by Dr Raj K. Manchanda, Director, Ayush, Government of Delhi and Dr Kanwal Sethi, former Advisor (Homoeopathy), Ministry of Ayush. The speakers discussed different public health approaches developed and implemented over the past few years to enhance the utilisation of homoeopathy in public health, including health promotion and disease prevention. CCRH, Delhi Government and local non-governmental organisations have conducted a number of public health programmes in research mode. These are on specific conditions such as COVID-19, Post-COVID Functional Disability and Dengue, identified population groups such as geriatrics and adolescents and some pre-identified areas. Public participation is needed to create consciousness for homoeopathy, which can be expanded by various models, such as the involvement of healthcare workers from within the community to contribute to curative, preventive and promotive care, and promote homoeopathy as a cost-effective way of treatment in public health. covId-19: research evIdence Figure 1: Dr Subhash Kaushik, Director General, giving the welcome address in the inauguration session of the scientific convention Figure 2: A scientific session in progress 314 The session was chaired by Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman of NCH and Dr Kanjanksha Ghosh, Chairman, Ethical Committee, CCRH and former Director, National Institute of Immunohaematology, Indian Council of Medical Research. The studies presented revealed that Arsenicum album 30C, recommended by the Ministry of Ayush as a homoeopathic prophylactic for COVID-19, provided consistent protection against COVID-19 infection. Immunomodulatory potential of Arsenic album 30C was seen in cell culture-based studies taking RAW 264.7 cell as a representative of macrophage with a significant increase in the expression of innate immune markers such as TLR3 and TLR7 and effector molecules such as MYD88 and NFkβ. Another study was about how add-on homoeopathic treatment along with the standard of care for COVID-19 reduced morbidity and mortality of respiratory distress in severe COVID-19 patients. An in vitro study Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report presented in the session identified a positive role of Cinchona Mother Tincture as an antiviral against the coronavirus. evIdence-based case rePorts The session was chaired by Dr M.P. Arya, Member, Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), CCRH, and former Principal, D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune. The session encouraged young scientists to showcase their successful cases and to sensitise the students and practitioners on how to present the cases they treat in their hospitals, OPDs and clinics. Cases of warts, vitiligo, manic episode, infertility, prurigo nodularis, alopecia areata, nasal polyps, endometrial polyps and erythrodermic psoriasis treated with individualised homoeopathy were presented. Assessment of case response on Modified Naranjo Criteria to validate treatment effects was discussed in detail. The criteria provide an objective causal assessment of treatment response, thereby enhancing credibility and supporting evidence in favour of homoeopathy. Health information systems such as Ayush Health management and information system and research database like Ayush research portal are further initiatives by the Ministry of Ayush to enhance the credibility of homoeopathic treatment and other Ayush systems. The homoeopathic Clinical Case repository (HCCR) developed by CCRH permits the publication of cases treated with homoeopathy to create metadata of clinical cases. The details of the HCCR portal were also presented in the valedictory session of the convention. homoeoPathIc drug develoPment: Issues and challenges The session was chaired by Dr J.D. Daryani, Chairperson of the Special Committee on Drug Proving, CCRH, Dr S.P. Singh, former Advisor, Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush; former Director CCRH; Chairperson of Special Committee of Drug Standardisation and Dr S.K. Tiwari; former Principal, Fr. Muller Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Mangalore. The discussion in the session was focused on various aspects of drug development, a drug standardisation, proving drugs in healthy human volunteers and verifying symptoms appearing during drug proving in clinical settings. It was opined that a uniform methodology for drug development would ensure that more drugs are added in homoeopathy, whose authenticity and quality are assured, with reliable pathogenesis, to ensure its acceptance and usage by profession. InteractIve meets wIth PrIncIPals of colleges The sessions were chaired by Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, NCH and Dr MP Arya, Member, Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), CCRH, former Principal, D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune. Evidence from the world shows that the most effective teaching and learning processes at the higher education level occur in an environment with a strong culture of research and knowledge creation. NCH held consultative meets with the principals and faculty of the homoeopathic colleges to identify strategies for innovation in education. These include the introduction of research methodology and biostatistics at undergraduation and postgraduation levels, integration of e-contents into teaching-learning, online and digital education by ensuring equitable use of technology, undertaking collaborations, introducing elective courses for student personal and professional development. Furthermore, the hospitals associated with the colleges need to enhance OPD and IPD services and modernise hospital administration and services to provide wholistic quality care. It is imperative to build upon the capacity of the organisations by developing the art of prioritising problems, training for knowledge, skill selfefficiency, self-confidence and behaviour changes. state homoeoPathIc board’s/councIl’s regIstrars’ meet The session was chaired by Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman NCH. ‘One Nation, One Registration’ wherein the National Register, its procedure of formation and listing of homoeopathic practitioners after receiving data from respective State Boards/ Councils, along with other aspects related to registration of practitioners, was discussed. The need for e-registration and synchronisation between state and national registers so that hassles towards registration may be reduced with optimum use of resources at the time of crisis was also discussed. NCH Act 2020 envisages a robust medical education system to deliver quality homoeopathic medical professionals, transparent assessment of medical institutions, maintenance of the national register for homoeopathy and enforces high ethical standards in all aspects of medical services. The session had deliberations on the duties of a homoeopathic practitioner towards the profession, patients and society. homoeoPathIc educatIon and PractIce The session was chaired by Dr Raj K. Manchanda, Director, AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and Prof. (Dr) Subhas Singh, Director, National Institute of Homoeopathy. The speakers discussed the need for quality homoeopathic education, where homoeopathic colleges could be equipped to provide world standard curriculums delivered by highly qualified and experienced teachers using the latest delivery techniques. Relevant technologies can be used in this expanding field, including online lectures, examination, telemedicine, virtual reality, computer-assisted learning (flipped classrooms), mobile devices (personal digital assistants) and digital medical records. role of homoeoPathy In lIfestyle dIseases The session was chaired by Dr Sangeeta A. Duggal, Adviser (Homoeopathy), Ministry of Ayush and Dr Hari Singh, former Research Officer, Central Council for Research in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 315 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Homoeopathy. Speakers discussed that scientific evidence is the most important area where dedication is required to promote Homoeopathy in the world. Outcomes of studies on hypertension, breast fibroadenoma, diabetic foot ulcer and hypolipidemia were reported. It was deliberated as to how homoeopathy can be applied meaningfully for all, especially for elderly population, in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of lifestyle conditions. Lifestyle measures such as a plant-based diet, exercise, sports and mental training can be combined with homoeopathy to achieve the best possible outcomes and reduce the use of side-effect-laden drugs. and to formulate future strategies for the development of homoeopathy. There is an imminent need to initiate a dialogue among the major stakeholders of homoeopathy, which will address much-needed practice standards in clinical research informatics, data standards in clinical research, policy issues, educational standards and instructional resources. This can be achieved by merging clinical care delivery and research as a part of a changing paradigm in global healthcare delivery in the context of rapid technological innovations. A necessity to identify and propose strategic actions towards an effective and efficient inclusion of homoeopathy in integrative care is indispensable. valedIctory sessIon An open forum was held to conclude the 2-day convention, wherein the participants presented their views and experiences. The participants suggested that innovation is the need of the hour in research and education. Educational institutes need to adopt information technology and automation in teaching. There should be more active collaborations in the profession. Research outcomes should be translated into clinical practice more effectively. This convention was an opportunity to review the path trodden so far and achievements in the field of homoeopathy conclusIon The deliberations during the scientific convention aimed at enhancing the acceptability of homoeopathy by the public in general and giving insights into a future roadmap for advancing homoeopathy as the first choice for people’s wellness. acknowledgement We acknowledge the presentations made by all the speakers and acknowledge all the moderators and rapporteurs for compiling the report of the conference. Table 1: WHD 2022 Sessions Session – Research Evidence in Public Health Chairpersons: • Dr Raj K Manchanda, Director, AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi • Dr Kanwal Sethi, former Advisor Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush. Name Designation Topic Dr Kumar Dhawle Chairman Clinical Research Special Committee, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Establishing Homoeopathy in public health through trained and empowered Ayush Swasthya Karyakarta (ASK) Public health initiatives by CCRH Dr Subhash Kaushik Director General, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Dr Renu Mittal Research officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Central Public health initiative on post COVID-19 functional Council for Research in Homoeopathy disability Dr Deepti Singh Research officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Central Homoeopathy in public health in India and patients’ Council for Research in Homoeopathy. profile Moderator: Dr Divya Taneja, RO (H)/S-II, CCRH, New Delhi. Rapporteurs: • Dr Shweta Singh, SRF (H), CCRH • Dr Pankhuri Mishra, SRF (H), CCRH Session: Homoeopathic Drug Development: Issues and challenges Chairpersons: • Dr J. D. Daryani, former Chairperson, Special Committee on Drug Proving, CCRH • Dr S.P. Singh, former Advisor Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush; former Director CCRH; Former Chairperson of Special Committee of Drug Standardisation • Dr S.K. Tiwari, former Member, Special Committee Drug Proving, CCRH; former Principal, Fr Muller Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Mangalore Name Designation Topic Dr Pritha Mehra Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, CCRH Dr Ashish Mahajan Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Central Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Jaipur. Drug Proving Research Programme of Council: Experiences and Challenges. Homoeopathic Pathogenetic trial of Cuprum aceticum: A Multicentric Double-Blind Randomised Placebo-Controlled Trial (Contd...) 316 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Table 1: (Continued) Name Designation Topic Dr Amulya Ratna Sahoo Research officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Regional Research Institute of Homoeopathy, Guwahati Research officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. Clinical verification of indigenous, rare and fragmentarily proved remedies: Key Outcomes Paradigm shift in clinical verification research conducted by CCRH: Challenges, advances, and way forward. Challenges in homoeopathic drug standardisation. Dr Suhana P. Azis Dr Sreekanth Gopinathan Pillai Dr Pankaj Gupta Scientist-3, Department of Applied Biology, CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (CSIR-IICT), Hyderabad Assistant Director (Pharmacology), DDPRCRI (H), Noida Cuprum metallicum exhibits antiepileptic activity against PTZ-induced convulsions in mice and zebra fish. Moderator: Dr Digvijay, RO (Phg)/S-1, CCRH, New Delhi. Rapporteurs: • Dr Surbhi Tiwari, SRF (Chemistry) • Dr Kavita Bharti, SRF (H), CCRH Session: Interactive meet with Principals of colleges Chairpersons: • Dr Anil Khurana, Chairperson, NCH • Dr Sangeeta A. Duggal, Advisor Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush Name Designation Topic Dr Tarakeshwar Jain President Homoeopathy Education Board and Secretary Incharge National Commission for Homoeopathy Member, NCH-MARBH Expert Committee Provisions of NCH Act 2020 vis-a-vis NEP 2020 Dr Navin Pawasker Dr Juhi Gupta Dr K.R. Janardanan Nair Assistant Professor, Department of Practice of Medicine Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh President, Medical Assessment and Rating Board for Homoeopathy National Commission for Homoeopathy Classifying and Relative Positioning of Institutions on Performance to Revitalise Homoeopathic Education in India Improving quality of education in UG and PG Colleges Strengthening Research infrastructure for Quality Dissertations Moderator: Dr Rupali Bhalerao, Consultant, HEB, NCH Rapporteurs: • Dr Lovely Rajput, Consultant, NCH • Dr Soni Gupta, Consultant, NCH • Dr Bithi Roy, Consultant, NCH Session: COVID‑19: Research Evidences Chairpersons: • Dr Kanjanksha Ghosh Former Chairman, Ethical Committee, CCRH • Dr Anil Khurana, Chairperson, NCH. Name Designation Topic Dr Alex Joseph Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology, SRM School of Public Health, SRM IST, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu Research officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy. Director, Department of Biotechnology; Director, Research and Development; Coordinator, Centre of Excellence in Integrated Omics and Computational Biology, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Officer Incharge, Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Mumbai Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Homoeopathy Consultant, Department of Pulmonology, Dr ML. Dhawale Memorial Trust’s Hospital A cluster randomised clinical trial to assess the efficacy of Homoeopathic prophylaxis Arsenicum album against COVID-19 (EPAC) in Tamil Nadu, India Effectiveness of Arsenic album 30C in preventing COVID-19: A 02 years longitudinal study Arsenic album: A prospective homoeopathic drug as immune modulator Dr Debadatta Nayak Dr Jagneshwar Dandapat Dr Ramesh Bawaskar Dr Harleen Kaur Dr Bhavik Ramesh Parekh Randomised controlled trial to compare efficacy of standard of care alone and in combination with homoeopathic treatment of COVID-19 in moderate and severe cases A randomised control study for evaluating the efficacy of individualised homoeopathic medicines as an adjuvant therapy in mild to moderate cased of COVID-19 (Contd...) Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 317 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Table 1: (Continued) Name Designation Topic Dr Anupriya Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Association Between Prophylactic Ayush Interventions and Disease Outcome in COVID-19 Positive Patients: A Retrospective Cohort study COVID-19 – Research studies conducted by National institute of Homoeopathy: A gist of research Evidence Dr Subhash Chaudhary Associate Professor, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, Nodal Officer, Ayush Grid Moderator: Dr Suniti Chugh, RO (H)/S-II Rapporteurs: • Dr Ruchika Bhalla, Research Associate (H) CCRH • Dr Swati Pandey SRF (H), CCRH Session: Homoeopathic Education and Practice Chairpersons: • Dr Raj K Manchanda, Director, AYUSH, Govt. of NCT of Delhi • Prof. (Dr) Subhas Singh, Director, National Institute of Homoeopathy. Name Designation Topic Assistant Professor, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacovigilance in Homoeopathy Materia Medica National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata Dr N Priyadarshini Deputy Medical Superintendent, National Institute of Technology and innovation in homoeopathic education Homoeopathy, Kolkata Moderator: Dr Usha Ghelani Uchat, Prof. HOD, Dept. of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, NIH Rapporteurs: • Dr Aditi Chadha, Program Asst. (Pharmacovigilance) • Dr Shalini Rao, SRF (H), CCRH Session: Interactive meet with Principals of colleges Chairpersons: • Dr MP Arya, former Member, Scientific Advisory Board, CCRH, former Principal, D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune Dr Prasanta Rath Professor & H.O.D. Community Medicine, Academic Introducing elective courses for Homoeopathy Incharge (Post Graduate) National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata Dr Ram Krishna Ghosh Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Surgery, Introducing elective courses for Homoeopathy National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata Dr Austin Jose T. RMO, Deputy Medical Superintendent I/C, National Strengthening of Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata IPD and OPD – Overview on the Challenges in general with a special Focus on HMIS Dr Pralay Sharma MO (SAG), Deputy Medical Superintendent I/C, Strengthening of National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata IPD and OPD – Overview on the Challenges in general with a special Focus on HMIS Dr Chitamani Nayak Associate Professor, Department of Materia Medica, NABH Accreditation Preparedness of the Hospital, National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata NIH, Kolkata Dr Anoop M. Nigwekar Prof. & HOD-Repertory, Dr M.L Dhawale Memorial NABH Accreditation Preparedness of the Hospital, Homoeopathic Institue NIH, Kolkata Moderator: Dr Ajoy Choudhary, HOD, Dept. of Physiology and Biochemistry Rapporteurs: • Dr Pooja, Homoeopathic Consultant, NCH • Dr Gagandeep Kaur Homoeopathic Consultant, NCH Session: Role of Homoeopathy in lifestyle diseases Chairpersons: • Dr Sangeeta A Duggal, Adviser (Homoeopathy), Ministry of Ayush • Dr Hari Singh, Former Research Officer, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Dr Swapan Paul Name Designation Topic Dr Michael Teut, Germany Dr P. Hima Bindu Homoeopathic Family Physician, Berlin, Germany The elderly patient: Combining lifestyle medicine and homoeopathy (Online) Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Regional Research Institute (H), Hyderabad Individualised Homoeopathic Intervention in the management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer with an add-on of Calendula mother tincture versus normal saline for ulcer dressing: A Randomised Controlled Pilot Study (Contd...) 318 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Table 1: (Continued) Name Designation Topic Dr Gaurisankar Sah Professor of Molecular Medicine Bose Institute, Kolkata Dr Suraia Parveen Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Dr Anjali Chatterji Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy (H) Kolkata Dr G. Ravi Chandra Reddy Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-4, Homoeopathic Clinical Research Unit, Tirupati Dr Kalaiselvi Periandavan Professor, Department of Medical Biochemistry University of Madras Homoeogenomic approach towards precision oncotherapy of Silicia (Online) A multicentric single-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of individualised homoeopathic intervention in breast fibroadenoma Effects of individualised homoeopathic intervention in Stage I essential hypertension: A single-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial Evaluation of hypolipidemic activity of homoeopathic drug Allium sativum on different grades of dyslipidaemia in Wistar albino rat models (Online) Clinical Research in Homoeopathy: challenges and way forward Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Moderator: Dr Shaji Kumar, RO (H)/S-III, CCRH, Delhi Rapporteurs: • Dr Khushboo Garg SRF (H), CCRH • Dr Jyotika Bhatti SRF (H), CCRH Session: Evidence‑Based Case Reports Chairperson: • Dr M.P. Arya, Former Member, SAB, CCRH, former Principal, D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College, Pune Dr Varanasi Roja Name Designation Topic Dr Akshaya Prusty Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Regional Research Institute for Homoeopathy, Puri, Odisha Dr K Moorthy Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-2, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health, Kottayam Officer Incharge; Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/ Scientist-1, CRI (H), Jaipur, Rajasthan Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-2, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health, Kottayam Officer Incharge; Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/ Scientist-1, Clinical Research Unit for Homoeopathy, Dimapur, Nagaland Homoeopathic Medical Officer, Department of Health and Family Welfare (Govt. of West Bengal Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, Clinical Research Unit for Homoeopathy, Silliguri A comorbid condition of warts and vitiligo treated with individualised homoeopathy: An evidence-based case report Usefulness of individualised homoeopathic medicine in manic episode – A case report Dr Nidhi Mahajan Dr Bhuvaneswari Rajachandra Sekar Dr Sivakumar K. Dr Abhijit Dutta Dr Baidurjya Bhattacharjee Dr Nishant Daryani Chief Physician, Homoeopathic Migraine Clinic, Jaipur Dr Dastagiri P. Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-1, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health, Kottayam Research Officer (Homoeopathy)/Scientist-3, Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy Dr Chetna Lamba A case report of Prurigo Nodular is responsive to Homoeopathy Individualised homoeopathic medicine in the treatment of infertility: A case series Alopecia areata cured with individualised Homoeopathy medicine – An evidence-based Homoeopathy case report Homoeopathic treatment of large endometrial polyp: A case report Homoeopathic medicine Teucrium Marum Varum in treatment of nasal polyps associated with chronic rhinosinusitis: A case report Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with migraine: an evidence-based case report Individualised homoeopathic management of erythrodermic psoriasis – An evidence-based case report Evaluation of the modified Naranjo Criteria for Assessing Causal Attribution of Clinical Outcome to Homoeopathic Intervention as presented in case reports Moderator: Dr Harleen Kaur, RO (H)/S-1, CCRH, Delhi Rapporteurs: • Dr Daisy Katarmal SRF (H), CCRH • Dr Tania Chatterjee SRF (H), CCRH Session : State Homoeopathic Board’s/Council’s Registrars Meet Chairpersons: • Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, NCH, former Director General, CCRH (Contd...) Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 319 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Table 1: (Continued) Name Designation Topic Dr Pinakin Trivedi President, Board of Ethics and Registration of Homoeopathy, NCH Dr M R Srivatsan Member of Expert Committee, BERH, National Commission for Homoeopathy Senior Homoeopathic Medical Officer, Department of Ayush, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh, Member of expert committee of BERH in NCH Member, Expert Committee of National Commission for Homoeopathy Regulations registration – Draft Regulations for National Commission for Homoeopathy (Manner of preparation and maintenance of National Register for Homoeopathic Medical Practitioners) Professional Conduct and Code of Ethics Dr Ashuthosh Bhardwaj Dr Kalpit Sanghvi The NCH Act 2020: The probability of uniformity with State Councils Demonstration of online State Registration and Vision for National Register in reference to E-registration need Moderator: Dr Bithi Roy, Homoeopathic consultant, NCH, Delhi Rapporteurs: • Dr Sindhu Mary Jacob, Homoeopathic Consultant, NCH • Dr Varsha Homoeopathic Consultant, NCH Enhancing quality of research, education and practice and open forum Dignitaries on the dais: • Dr Anil Khurana, Chairman, NCH, former Director General, CCRH • Dr Subhash Kaushik, Director General, CCRH • Prof. (Dr) Subhas Singh, Director, NIH Kolkata • Dr Sangeeta A. Duggal, Advisor Homoeopathy, Ministry of Ayush • Dr PraveenOberai, Deputy Director General, CCRH Moderators: • Dr Shaji Kumar, RO (H)/S- III, CCRH, Delhi • Dr Renu Mittal RO (H)/S- III, CCRH, Delhi Rapporteurs: • Dr Babita Rani KondleSRF (H), CCRH • Dr Vinay Sharma SRF (H), CCRH 320 Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 Kondle, et al.: WHD 2022 - Conference Report Une convention scientifique sur la Journée mondiale de l'homéopathie: "L'homéopathie: Le choix du peuple pour le bien-être" - Rapport de conférence Trois organismes de premier plan, à savoir le Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, la National Commission for Homoeopathy et le National Institute of Homoeopathy, ont organisé conjointement une convention scientifique à l'occasion de la Journée mondiale de l'homéopathie pour commémorer le 267e anniversaire de naissance du fondateur de l'homéopathie, le Dr Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann. La convention s'est tenue les 9 et 10 avril 2022 à New Delhi sur le thème "Homéopathie: Le choix du peuple pour le bien-être". Durant ces deux jours, des sessions scientifiques et des rencontres interactives ont été organisées. Cette convention a été l'occasion d'examiner les développements dans le domaine de l'homéopathie et de formuler des stratégies futures pour l'avancement de l'homéopathie afin d'en faire le premier choix des gens pour le bien-être.. Eine wissenschaftliche Tagung zum Welthomöopathietag: “Homöopathie: Die Wahl der Menschen für das Wohlbefinden” ‑ Ein Tagungsbericht Drei Spitzengremien, nämlich der Zentralrat für Forschung in der Homöopathie, die Nationale Kommission für Homöopathie und das Nationale Institut für Homöopathie, organisierten gemeinsam einen wissenschaftlichen Kongress anlässlich des Welthomöopathietages, um den 267. Geburtstag des Begründers der Homöopathie, Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann, zu feiern. Geburtstag des Begründers der Homöopathie, Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann, zu gedenken. Der Kongress fand am 9. und 10. April 2022 in Neu-Delhi statt und stand unter dem Motto “Homöopathie: People’s Choice for Wellness” statt. Während der zwei Tage wurden wissenschaftliche Sitzungen und interaktive Treffen abgehalten. Der Kongress bot die Gelegenheit, die Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Homöopathie zu überprüfen und zukünftige Strategien für die Weiterentwicklung der Homöopathie zu formulieren, um sie zur ersten Wahl für das Wohlbefinden der Menschen zu machen.. विश्व होम्ोपैथी वििस पर एक िैज्ञाविक सम्मेलि: 'होम्ोपैथी: कल्ञाण कमे वलए लोगों की पसंि' - एक सम्मेलि ररपोर्ट राष्ट्रीय होम्ोपैथरी आयोग, राष्ट्रीय होम्ोपैथरी अनुसंधान पररषद और राष्ट्रीय होम्ोपैथरी संसथान नामक तरीन शरीष्ष ननकायों ने संयुक्त रूप से होम्ोपैथरी के संसथापक डॉ नरिनचियन फ्ेडररक सैमुअल है ननमैन करी 267 वरीं जयंतरी मनाने के नलए नवश्व होम्ोपैथरी नदवस के अवसर पर एक वैज्ाननक सम्ेलन का आयोजन नकया। यह सम्ेलन 9 और 10 अप्ैल 2022 को नई नदल्री में 'होम्ोपैथी: कल्ाण के नलए लोगों करी पसंद' नवषय पर आयोनजत नकया गया था। दो नदनों में, वैज्ाननक सत्र और संवादात्मक बैठकें आयोनजत करी गईं। यह सम्ेलन होम्ोपैथरी के क्ेत्र में नवकास करी समरीक्ा करने और होम्ोपैथरी करी उन्ननत के नलए भनवष्य करी रणनरीनत तैयार करने का एक अवसर था, तानक यह लोगों के कल्ाण के नलए पहलरी पसंद बन सके। una convención científica sobre el Día Mundial de la Homeopatía: “Homeopatía: La elección de las personas por el bienestar” – Informe de la Conferencia Tres órganos principales, a saber, el Consejo Central de Investigación de la Homeopatía, la Comisión Nacional de la Homeopatía y el Instituto Nacional de la Homeopatía, organizaron conjuntamente una convención científica con ocasión del Día Mundial de la Homeopatía para conmemorar el 267th aniversario del nacimiento del fundador de la Homeopatía, Dr. Christian Fredrich Samuel Hahnemann. La convención se celebró los días 9 y 10 de abril de 2022 en Nueva Delhi sobre el tema de la Homeopatía: La elección de las personas para el bienestar. Durante los dos días, se celebraron sesiones científicas y reuniones interactivas. Esta convención fue una oportunidad para revisar los desarrollos en el campo de la Homeopatía y formular futuras estrategias para el avance de la Homeopatía, para convertirla en la primera opción para las personas por el bienestar. 世界顺势疗法日的科学大会: ‘顺势疗法。人们对健康的选择– 一份会议报告 三个顶级机构,即中央顺势疗法研究委员会、国家顺势疗法委员会和国家顺势疗法研究所,在世界顺势疗法日之际 联合组织了一次科学大会,以纪念顺势疗法创始人克里斯蒂安-弗雷德里克-塞缪尔-哈内曼博士的267周年诞辰。. 该大会于2022年4月9日和10日在新德里举行,主题是 "顺势疗法。人们对健康的选择"。在两天的时间里,举行了 科学会议和互动会议。这次大会是一次回顾同济病领域发展的机会,并为同济病的发展制定未来战略,使其成为人 们健康的首选。. Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy ¦ Volume 16 ¦ Issue 4 ¦ Oct-Dec 2022 321