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QuickSet: Multimodal Interaction for Distributed Applications Philip R. Cohen, Michael Johnston, David McGee, Sharon Oviatt, Jay Pittman, Ira Smith, Liang Chen and Josh Glow Centerfor HumanComputerCommunication OregonGraduateInstituteof Scienceand Technology P.O.Box 91000 Portland, OR 97291-1000 USA Tel: l-503-690-1326 E-mail: pcohen@cse.ogi.edu http://www.cse.ogi.edu/CHCC _ ABSTRACT Fortunately, a new generation of distributed system frameworks is now becoming standardized, including the CORBA and DCOM frameworks for distributed object systems. At a higher level, multiagent architectures are being developed that allow integration and interoperation of semi-autonomous knowledgebased components or “agents”. The advantages of these architectural frameworks are modularity, distribution, and asynchrony a subsystem can request that a certain functionality be provided without knowing who will provide it, where it resides, how to invoke it, or how long to wait for it. In virtue of these qualities, these frameworks provide a convenient platform for experimenting with new architectures and applications. This paper presents an emerging application of multimodal We have interface research to distributed applications. developed the QuickSet prototype, a pen/voice system running on a hand-held PC, communicating via wireless LAN through an agent architecture to a number of systems, including NRaD’s’ LeatherNet system, a distributed interactive training simulator built for the US Marine Corps. The paper describes the overall system architecture, a novel multimodal integration strategy offering mutual compensation among modalities, and provides examples of multimodal simulation setup. Finally, we discuss our applications experience and evaluation. KEY WO R D S : multimodal interfaces, agent architecture, gesture recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, distributed interactive simulation. 1. In this paper, we describe QuickSet, a collaborative, multimodal system that employs such a distributed, multiagent architecture to integrate not only the various user interface components, but also a collection of distributed applications. QuickSet provides a new unification-based mechanism for fusing partial meaning representation fragments derived from the input modalities. In so doing, it selects the best joint interpretation among the alternatives presented by the underlying spoken language and gestural modalities. Unification also supports multimodal discourse. The system is scaleable from haqdheld to wall-sized interfaces, and interoperates across a number of platforms (PC’s to UNIX workstations). Finally, QuickSet has been applied to a collaborative military training system, in which it is used to control a simulator and a 3-D virtual terrain visualization INTRODUCTION A new generation of multimodal systems is emerging in which the user will be able to employ natural communication modalities, including voice, hand and pen-based gesture, eyetracking, body-movement, etc. [Koons et al., 1993; Oviatt, 1992, 1996; Waibel et al., 19951 in addition to the usual In order to make graphical user interface technologies. progress on building such systems, a principled method of modality integration, and a general architecture to support it is needed. Such a framework should provide sufficient flexibility to enable rapid experimentation with different modality applications. architectures and This integration experimentation will allow researchers to discover how each communication modality can best contribute its strengths yet compensate for the weaknesses of the others. system. This paper describes the “look and feel” of the multimodal interaction with a variety of back-end applications, and discusses the unification-based architecture that makes this new class of interface possible. Finally, the paper discusses the application of the technology for the Department of Defense. ’ NRaD= US Navy Commandand ControlOcean SystemsCenter ResearchDevelopmentTest and Evaluation (San Diego). 31 2. screen size and for more entities requires a different paradigm for human-computer interaction with simulators. QUICKSET QuickSet is a collaborative, handheld, multimodal system for In virtue of its interacting with distributed applications. modular, agent-based design, QuickSet has been applied to a number of applications in a relatively short Period of time, including: l . l Amajor design goal for QuickSet is to provide the same user input capabilities for handheld, desktop, and wall-sized terminal hardware. We believe that only voice and gesturce based interaction comfortably span this range. QuickSot provides both of these modalities because it has been demonstrated that there exist substantive language, task performance, and user preference advantages for multimodal interaction over speech-only and gesture-only interaction with map-based tasks [Oviatt, 1996; Oviatt, in press]? Specificnlly, for these tasks, multimodal input results in 36% fewer task performance errors, 35% fewer spoken disfluencies, 10% faster “task performance, and 23% fewer words, as comppred to a speech-only interaction. Multimodal pen/voice interaction is known to be advantageous for small devices, for mobile users who may encounter different circumstances, for error avoidance and correction, and for robustness [Oviatt, 1992; Ovintt 19951, Simulation Set-up and Control - Quickset is used to control LeatherNet [Clarkson and Yi, 19961, a system training platoon leaders and company employed in commanders at the USMC base at Twentynine Palms, California. LeatherNet simulations are created using the ModSAP simulator [Courtmanche and i3eranowicz, 19951 and can be visualized in a wall-sized virtual reality CAVE environment [Cruz-Neira et al., 1993; Zyda et al., 19921 called CommandVu. A QuickSet user can create entities, give them missions, and control the virtual reality environment from the handheld PC. QuickSet communicates over a wireless LAN via the Open Agent Architecture (OAA) [Cohen et al., 19941 to ModSAP, and to CommandVu, each of which have been made into agents in the architecture. voice/gesture In summary, a multimodal interface complements, but also promises to address the limitations of, cnrrent GUI technologies for controlling simulators, In addition, it has been shown to have numemus advantages over voice-only interaction for map-based tasks. These findings had a direct bearing on the interface design and architecture of QuickSet. Force Luyabwn- QuickSet is being used in a second effort called ExInit (Exercise Initialization), that enables users to create large-scale (division- and brigade- sized) exercises. Here, QuickSet interoperates via the agent architecture with a collection of CORBA servers. 4. Medical informatics - Aversion of QuickSet is used in In this selecting healthcare in Portland, Oregon. application, QuickSet retrieves data from a database of 2000 records about doctors, specialties, and clinics. Next, we turn to the primary technology. application SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE In order to build QuickSet, distributed agent technologies based on the Open Agent Architecture’ were employed because of its flexible asynchronous capabilities, its ability to run the snmo components in a variety of hardwaro set of software configurations, ranging from standalone on the handheld PC to distributed operation across numerous computers, and its easy connection to legacy applications. Additionally, the in that less user mobility architecture supports computationally-intensive agents (e.g., the map interface) can run on the handheld PC, while more computationolly-intensive processes (e.g., natural language processing) can opernte elsewhere on the network. The agents may be written in any programming language (here, Quintns Prolog, Visual C++, Visual Basic, and Java), as long as they communicnte via an interagent communication language. The configuration of agents used in the QuickSet system is illustrated in Figum 1, A brief description of each agent follows. of QuickSet 3. NEW INTERFACES FOR DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION Begun as SIGNET in the 1980’s [Thorpe, 19871, distributed, interactive simulation (DIS) training environments attempt to provide a high degree of fidelity in simulating combat equipment, movement, atmospheric effects, etc. One of the U.S. Government’s goals, which has partially motivated the present research, is to develop technologies that can aid in substantially reducing the time and effort needed to create largescale scenarios. A recently achieved milestone is the ability to create and simulate a large-scale exercise, in which there may be on the order of 60,000 entities (e.g., a vehicle or a person). QuickSet addresses two phases of user interaction with these creating and positioning the entities, and simulations: In the first phase, a user supplying their initial behavior. “lays down” or places forces on the terrain, which need to be positioned in realistic ways, given the terrain, mission, available equipment, etc. In addition to force laydown the user needs to supply them with behavior, which may involve complex maneuvering, communication, etc. Our contribution to this overall effort is to rethink the nature of the user interaction. As with most modem simulators, DISs are controlled via graphical user interfaces (GUIs). However, GUI-based interaction is rapidly losing its benefits, especially when large numbers of entities need to be created and controlled, often resulting in enormous menu trees. At the same time, for reasons of mobility and affordability, there is a strong user desire to be able to create simulations on small devices (e.g., PDA’s). This impending collision of trends for smaller Figure 1: The facilitator, channeling queries to capable agents. 2 Our prior research [Cohenet al., 1989;Cohen, 19921has demonstrated the advantagesof a multimodal interface offering natural lnngusge sad direct manipulation for controlling simulators and reviewing their results. * Open Agent Architecture. is a trademark of SRI International. 23 Two specific aspects of QuickSet to be discussed below are its usage as a collaborative system, and its ability to control a virtual reality environment. 5. EXAMPLES 5.1 Leathernet Holding QuickSet, the user views a map from the ModSAF simulation. With speech and pen, she then adds entities into the ModSAF simulation. For example, to create a unit in QuickSet, the user would hoId the pen at the desired location and utter: “red T72 platoon” resulting in a new platoon of the specified type being created. The user then adds a barbed-wire fence to the simulation by drawing a line at the desired location while uttering “barbed wire.” A fortified line can be added multimodally, by drawing a simple line and speaking its label, or unimodally, by drawing its military symbology. A minefield of an amorphous shape is drawn and is labeled verbally. Finally an MlAl platoon is created as above. Then the user can assign a task to the platoon by saying “MIA1 platoon follow this route” while drawing the route with the pen. 5.1.1 Collaboration. In virtue of the facilitated agent architecture, when two or more user interfaces connected to the same network of facilitators subscribe to and/or produce common messages, they (and their users) become part of a collaboration. The agent architecture offers a framework for heterogeneous collaboration, in that users can have very different interfaces, operating on different types of hardware platforms, and yet be part of a collaboration. For instance, by subscribing to the entity-location database messages, multiple QuickSet user interfaces can be notified of changes in the locations of entities, and can then render them in whatever form is suitable, including 2-D map-based, webbased, and 3-D virtual reality displays. Likewise, users can interact with different interfaces (e.g., placing entities on the 2-D map or 3-D VR) and thereby affect the views seen by other users. To allow for tighter synchronicity, the current implementation also allows users to decide to couple their interface to those of the other users connected to a given network of facilitators. Then, when one interface pans and zooms, the other coupled ones do as well. Furthermore, coupled interfaces subscribe to the “ink” messages, meaning one user’s ink appears on the others’ screens, immediately providing a shared drawing system. On the other hand, collaborative systems also require facilities to prevent users from interfering with one another. QuickSet incorporates authentication of messages in order that one user’s speech is not accidentally integrated with another’s gesture. In the future, we will provide a subgrouping mechanism for users, such that there can be multiple collaborating groups using the same facilitator, thereby allowing users to be able to choose to join collaborations of specific subgroups. Also to be developed is a method for handling conflicting actions during a collaboration. Figure 4: Quick&t running on a wireless hanchekl PC. The user has created numerous units, fortifications and objectives. The results of these commands are visible on the QuickSet screen, as seen in Figure 4, as well as on the ModSAF simulation, which has been executing the user’s QuickSet commands in the virtual world (Figure 5). 5.1.2 Multimodal Control of Virtual Travel Most terrain visualization systems allow only for flight control, either through a joystick (or equivalent), via keyboard commands, or via mouse movement. Unfortunately, to make effective use of such interfaces, people need to be pilots, or at least know where they are going. Believing this to be unnecessarily restrictive, our virtual reality set-up follows the approach recommended by Baker and Wickens [unpublished ms]., Brooks [1996], and StoakIey et al., [1995] in offering two “linked” displays - a 2-D “birds-eye” map-based display (QuickSet), and the 3-D CommandVu visualization. In addition to the existing 3-D controls, the user can issue spoken or multimodal commands via the handheld PC to be executed by CommandVu. Sample commands am: “CommandVu, heads up display on,” “take me to objective alpha” “fly me to this platoon <gesture on QuickSet map>” (see Figure 4). ‘Y’lyme along this route <draws route on QuickSet map> at fifty meters” Spoken interaction with virtual worlds offers advantages over direct manipulation, in that users are describe entities and locations that are not in view, teleported to those out-of-view locations and entities, Figure 5: Controlling the CommandVu 3-D visualization via Quick!% interaction. QuickSet tablets are cm the desks. 33 distinct able to can be and can QuickSet interface: On the handheld PC is a geo-referenced map of some region,4 such that entities displayed on the map are registered to their positions on the actual terrain, and thereby to their positions on each of the various user interfaces connected to the simulation. The map interface provides the usual pan and zoom capabilities, multiple overlays, icons, etc. Two levels of map are shown at once, with a small rectangle shown on a miniature version of the larger scale map indicating the portion of it shown on the main map interface. mortar tank platoon deletion mechanized company Figure 3: Typical pen input from real usars. Tha recognizer must be robust in the face of sloppy input. Employing pen, speech, or mom frequently, multimod,al input, the user can annotate the map, creating points, lines, and areas of various types. The user can also create,entities, give them behavior, and watch the simulation unfold from the handheld. When the pen is placed on the screen, the speech recognizer is activated, thereby allowing users to speak and gesture simultaneously. The interface offers controls for various parameters of speech recognition, for loading different maps, for entering into collaborations ,with other users, for connecting to different facilitators, and for discovering other agents who am connected to the facilitator. The QuickSet system also offers a novel map-labeling algorithm that attempts to miniie the overlap of map labels as the user creates more complex scenarios, and as the entities move (cf. [Christensen et al., 19961). Natural language agent: The natural language agent currently employs a definite clause grammar and produces typed feature structures as a representation of the utterance meaning, Currently, for the force laydown and mission assignment tasks, the language consists of noun phrases that label entities, as well as a variety of imperative constructs for supplying behavior. Text-to-Speech agent: Microsoft’s text-to-speech system has been incorporated as an agent, residing on each individual PC. agent: Multimodal integration The task of tho integrator agent is to field incoming typed feature structures representing individual interpretations of speech and of gesture, and identify the best potential unified interpretation, multimodal or unimodal. In order for speech and gesture to bo incorporated into a multimodal interpretation, they need to bo both semantically and temporally compatible. The output of this agent is a typed feature structure representing the preferred interpretation, which is ultimately routed to the bridge agent for execution. A more detailed description of multimodal interpretation is in Section 6. Speech recognition agent: The speech recognition-, agent used in QuickSet is built on IBM’s VoiceType Application Factory and VoiceType 3.0, recognizers, as well as Microsoft Whisper speech recognizer. Gesture recognition agent: QuickSet’s pen-based gesture recognizer consists of both a neural network [Pittman, 1991, Mar&e et al., 19941 and a set of hidden Markov models. The digital ink is size-normalized, centered in, a 2D image, and fed into the neural network as pixels. The ink is also smoothed, resampled, converted to deltas, and given as input to the HMM recognizer. The system currently recognizes 68 pen-gestures, including various military map symbols (platoon, mortar, fortified line, etc.), editing gestures (deletion, grouping), route The probability indications, area indications, taps, etc. estimates from the two recognizers are combined to yield probabilities for each of the possible interpretations. The inclusion of route and area indications creates a special problem for the recognizers, since route and ama indications may have a variety of shapes. This problem is further compounded by the fact that the recognizer needs to be robust in the face of sloppy writing. More typically, sloppy forms of various map symbols, such as those illustrated in Figure 3, will often take the same shape as some route and area indications. A solution for this problem can be found by combining the outputs from the gesture recognizer with the outputs from the speech recognizer, as is described in the following section. The simulation agent, devoloped Simulation agent: primarily by SRI International [Moore et al., 19971, but modiied by us for multimodal interaction, serves as tho communication channel between the OAA-bmkercd agents and the ModSAF simulation system. This agent offers an API for ModSAF that other agents can use. Web display agent: The Web display agent can be used to create entities, points, lines, and areas, and posts queries for updates to the state of the simulation via Java code that interacts with the blackboard and facilitator. The queries arc routed to the running ModSAF simulation, and the availablo entities can be viewed over a WWW connection. CommandVu agent: Since the CommsndVu virtual reality system is an agent, the same multimodal interface on tho handheld PC can be used to create entities and to fly the user through the 3-D terrain. Application bridge agent: The bridge agent generalizes the underlying applications’ API to typed feature structures, thereby providing an interface to the various applications such This allows for a as ModSAF, CommandVu, and Exinit. architecture in which domain-independent integration constraints on multimodal interpretation are stated in terms of higher-level constructs such as typed feature structures, greatly facilitating reuse. Figure 2 Pan drawings of mutes and areas. Floutas and areas do not have signature shapes that can he CORBA bridge agent: This agent converts OAA messages to COBBA IDL (Interface Definition Language) for the Exercise Initialization project. used to lctsnfifythem. To see how examples. 4 QuickSetcan employ either UTM or I.&udelLongitude coordinate system. 34 QuickSet is used, we present the following Numerous features describing engineering works, such as a fortified line, a berm, minefields, etc. have also been added to the map using speech and gesture. Then the user creates a number of armored companies facing 45 degrees in defensive posture; he is now beginning to add armored companies facing 225 degrees, etc. Once the user is finished positioning the entities, he can ask for them to be deployed to a lower-level (e.g., platoon). ask questions about entities in the scene. We are currently engaged in research to allow the user to gesture directly into the 3-D scene while speaking, a capability that will make these more sophisticated interactions possible. 5.2 Exercise initialization: Exlnit QuickSet has been incorporated into the DOD’S new Exercise Initialization tool, whose job is to create the force laydown and initial mission assignments for very large-scale simulated scenarios. Whereas previous manual methods for initializing scenarios resulted in a large number of people spending more than a year in order to create a division-sized scenario, a 60,OOOt entity scenario recently took a single ExInit user 63 hours, most of which was computation. An informal user test was recently run in which an experienced ExInit user (who had created the 60,000 entity scenario) designed his own test scenario involving the creation of 8 units and 15 control measures (e.g., the lines and areas shown in Figure 7). The user fiit entered the scenario via the ExInit graphical user interface, a standard Microsoft Windows mousemenu-based GUI. Then, at& a relatively short training session with QuickSet, he created the same scenario using speech and gesture. Interaction via QuickSet resulted in a twofold to seven-fold speedup, depending on the size of the units involved (companies or battalions). Although a more comprehensive user test remains to be conducted, this early data point indicates the productivity gains that can potentially be derived from using multimodal interaction. ExInit is distinctive in its use of CORBA technologies as the interoperation framework, and its use of inexpensive off-theshelf personal computers. ExInit’s CORBA servers (written or integrated by MRJ Corp. and Ascent Technologies) include a relational database (Microsoft Access or Oracle), a geographical information system (CARIS), a “deployment” server that knows how to decompose a high-level unit into smaller ones and position them in realistic ways with respect to the terrain, a graphical user interface, and QuickSet for voice/gesture interaction. In order for the QuickSet interface to work as part of the larger ExInit system, a CORBA bridge agent was written for the O& which communicated via IDL to the CORBA side, and via the interagent communication language to the OAA agents. Thus, to the CORBA servers, QuickSet is viewed as a Voice/Gesture server, whereas to the QuickSet agents, ExInit is simply another application agent. Users can interact with the QuickSet map interface (which offers a fluid multimodal interface), and view ExInit as a “back-end” application similar to ModSAF. A diagram of the QuickSet-ExInit architecture can be found in Figure 6. Shown there as well is a connection to DARPA’s Advanced Logistics Program demonstration system for which QuickSet is the user interface. To illustrate the use of QuickSet for ExInit, consider the example of Figure 7, in which, a user has said: “Multiple boundaries,” followed in rapid succession by a series of multimodal utterances such as “Battalion <draws line>,” “Company <draws line>,” etc. The first utterance tells ExInit that subsequent input is to be interpreted as a boundary line, if possible. When the user then names an echelon and draws a line, the multimodal input is interpreted as a boundary of the appropriate echelon. 5.3 Multimodal interaction with Medical Information: MIMI The last example a QuickSet-based application is MIMI, which allows users to find appropriate health care in Portland, Oregon. Working with the Oregon Health Sciences University, a prototype was developed that allows users to inquire using speech and gesture about available health care providers. For example, a user might say “show me all psychiatrists in this neighborhood -&rcling gesture on map>“. The system translates the multimodal input into a query to a database of doctor records. The query results in a series of icons being displayed on the map. Each of these icons contains one or more health care providers meeting the appropriate criterion. Figure 8 show the map-based interaction supported by MIMI. QuickSet oice/Gcsture Server Exlnit 35 - Figure 8: Information’ .._ _--.- ._.__-_-- T--I--” Multimodal InteractIon .__..*,--- with -___; .--.P- 6.1 Multimodal Architecture Requirements In order to create such a mechanism we need: . Parallel mcognizers and “understanders” that produce a set of time-stamped meaning fragments for each continuous input stream . A common framework within which to represent those meaning fragments . A time-sensitive grouping process that decides whicl~ meaning fragments from each modality stream should be combined. For example, should the gesture in a sequence of <speech, gesture, speech> be interpreted with the preceding speech, the following speech, or by itself? i Meaning “fusion” operations that combine semantically compatible meaning fragments. modality The combination operation needs to allow any meaningful ‘part to be expressed in any of the available modalities . A process that chooses the best &~int interpretation of the multimodal input. Such a process wlll support mutual compensation of modes - allowing, for example, speech to compensate for errors in gesture recognition, and viceversa. . A flexible asynchronous architecture that allows multiprocessing and can keep pace with human input. J Medical Users can ask to see details of the providers and clinics, ask follow-up questions, and inquire about transportation to those sites. In summary, QuickSet provides a multimodal interface to a number of distributed applications, including simulation, force laydown, virtual reality, and medical informatics. The heart of the system is its ability to integrate continuous spoken language and continuous gesture. Section 6 discusses the unification-based architecture that supports this multimodal integration. Overview Of Quickset’s 6.2 Approach To Multimodal Integration Using a distributed agent architecture, we have developed a multimodal integration process for QuickSet that meets these goals. 6. MULTIMODAL INTEGRATION Given the advantages of multimodal interaction, the problem of integrating multiple communication modalities is key to future human-computer interfaces. However, in the sixteen years since the “Put-That-There” system [Bolt 19801, research on multimodal integration has yet to yield a reusable scaleable architecture for the construction of multimodal systems that integrate gesture and voice. As we reported in Johnston et al. [1997], we see four major limiting factors in previous approaches to multimodal integration: l l The system employs continuous speech and continuous gesture recognizers running in parallel. A wide range of continuous gestural input is supported, and Integration may be driven by either mode. Typed feature structures are used to provide a clearly defined and well understood common meaning representation for the modes. Multimodal unification. l None of the existing approaches provide a general and formally-well defined mechanism for multimodal integration. accomplished through The unification-based integration method allows spoken language and gesture to compensate for recognition errors in the other modality. Most previous approaches have been primarily languagedriven, treating gesture as a secondary dependent mode [Neal and Shapiro 1991, Cohen 1992; Brison and Vigouroux (ms.), Koons et al 1993, Wauchope 19941. In these approaches, integration of gesture is triggered by the appearance of expressions in the speech stream whose reference needs to be resolved, such as definite and deictic noun phrases (e.g. ‘the platoon facing east,’ ‘this one’, etc.). None of the existing approaches provide a well-understood and generally applicable common meaning representation for the different modes. is The integration is sensitive to the temporal characteristics of the input in each mode. The majority of approaches only consider simple deictic pointing gestures made with a mouse [Brison and Vigouroux (ms.); Cohen 1992; Neal and Shapiro 1991; Wauchope 19941 or with the hand [Bolt, 1980; Koons et al 19931. l integration The agent architecture offers a flexible asynchronous framework within which to build multimodal systems, In the remainder of this section, we briefly present the multimodal integration method. Further information can be found in [Johnston et al., 19971. 6.3 A Temporally-Sensitive Architecture for Multimodal Unification-Based Integration One the most significant challenges facing the development of effective multimodal interfaces concerns the integration of input from different modes. In QuickSet, inputs from each mode need to be both temporally and semantically compatible before they will be fused into an integrated meaning. 6.3.1 Temporal compatibility In recent empirical work [Oviatt et al. 19971, it was discovered that when users speak and gesture in a sequential manner, they 36 can combine complementary or redundant input from both modes ‘but rules out contradictory inputs. gesture fit, then speak within a relatively short time window; speech rarely precedes gesture. As a consequence, our multimodal intepreter prefers to integrate gesture with speech that follows within a short time interval, than with preceding speech. If speech arrives after that interval, the gesture wiII be interpreted unimodally. This temporally-sensitive architecture requires that there at Ieast be time stamps for the beginning and end of each input stream. However, this strategy may be difficult to implement for a distributed environment in which speech recognition and gesture recognition might be performed by different machines on a network, requiring a synchronization of clocks. For this reason, it is preferable to have speech and gestural processing performed on the same machine. 6.3.3 Advantages of typed feature structure unification We identify four advantages of using typed feature structure unification to support multimodal integration - partiality, mutual compensation, structure sharing, and multimodal discourse. These are discussed below. Partial meaning representations. The use of feature structures as a semantic representation framework facilitates the specification of partial meanings. Spoken or gestural input which partially specifies a command can be represented as an underspecified feature structure in which certain features are not instantiated, but are given a certain type based on the semantics of the input. For example, if a given speech input can be integrated with a line gesture, it can be assigned a feature structure with an underspecified location feature whose value is required to be of type line, as in Figure 9 where the spoken phrase ‘barbed wire’ is assigned the feature structure shown, 6.3.2 Semantic compatibility through unification of typed feature structures Semantic compatibility is captured via unification over typed feature structures [Carpenter 1990, 1992; Calder 19871. Unification is an operation that determines the consistency of two representational structures, and if they are consistent combines them into a single result. Feature structure unification is a generalization of term Unification in logic programming languages, such as Prolog (and is often implemented using term unification). Feature structure unification differs from term unification in logic programming where the features are positionally encoded in a term, in that they are explicitly labeled and unordered in a feature structure. A feature structure consists of a collection of feature-value pairs. The value of a feature may be an atom, a variable, or another feature structure. When two features structures are unified, a composite structure containing all of the feature specifications from each component structure is formed. Any feature common to both feature structures must not clash in its value. If the values of a common feature are atoms they must be identical. If one is a variable, it becomes bound to the value of the corresponding feature in the other feature structure. If both are variables, they become bound together, constraining them to always receive the same value (ii unified with another appropriate feature structure). If the values are themselves feature structures, the unification operation is applied recursively. Importantly, feature structure unification can result in a directed acyclic graph structure when more than one value in the collection of feature/values pairs makes use of the same Whatever value is ultimately unified with that variable. variable thus will fill the value slot of all the corresponding features, resulting in a DAG. Typed feature structures are an extension of the representation whereby feature structures and atoms are assigned to hierarchically ordered types. Typed feature structure unification requires pairs of feature structures or pairs of atoms which are being unified to be compatible in type. To be compatible in type, one must be in the transitive closure of the subtype relation with respect to the other. The result of a typed unification is the more specific feature structure or atom in the type hierarchy. Typed feature structure unification is ideally suited to the task of multimodal integration because we want to determine whether a given piece of gestural input is compatible with a given piece of spoken input, and if they are compatible, to combine the two inputs into a single result that can be interpreted by the system. Unification is appropriate for multimodal integration because it ptyle: barbed- wire object: 11 color:red line location:li,ze[ create- line 1 1abel:“Barbed Wire” ] Figure 9: Feature Stwturs for’barbed tire’ Since QuickSet is a task-based system directed toward setting up a scenario for simulation, this phrase is interpreted as a partially specified creation command. Before it can be executed, it needs a location feature indicating where to create the line, which is provided by the user’s drawing on the screen. The user’s ink is likely to be assigned a number of interpretations, for example, both a point interpretation and a line interpretation, which are represented’ as typed feature structures (see Figures 10 and 11). Interpretations of gestures as location features are assigned the more general command type which unifies with alI of the commands supported by the system, one of which is create-line (see Figure 9). Figure 10: Point Interpretationof Gesture F~um 11: Line Interpretationof Gesture Multimodal Compensation. In the example case above, both speech and gesture have only partial interpretations, one for speech, and two for gesture. Since the speech interpretation (Figure7) requires its location feature to be of type line, only unification with the line interpretation of the gesture will 5 Redundant multimodal input occurs infrequently in map-based tasks [Oviattand Olsen, 1994; Oviatt et al. 19771. 37 succeed and be passed on as a valid multimodal interpretation (Figure 12). type: mlal echelon: platoon object: location: POjnl[ ] posture: posfure,d 1 creare_unit _ orieniation: orjenr-vaJ I location: create=lin Figure 12: Feature Structure for Multimodal tine Creation 4 Figure 13 Feature structure for the “mode” of creating Ml Al platoons” 1’ For example, the user could then place the pen at a dcsirrd location and say “whiskey four six,” intending to create an MlAl platoon named “‘W46” at that location. Any phmso resulting in a structure that unifies with the type of entity that is be&g created will result in the creation of that more specific For instance, the subsequent utterances type of entity. “whiskey four seven facing southeast.” “whiskey four eight oriented one hundred and thirty five degrees,” (see Figure 7), result in the creation of units with those names and orientations, When there is no interpretation thnt unifies with the one initially specified, the “mode” is ended. The ambiguity of interpretation of the gesture was resolved by integration with speech, which in this case required a location feature of type line. If the spoken command had instead been ‘MIA1 Platoon’, intending to create an entity at the indicated location, it would have selected the point interpretation of the gesture in Figure 10. Similarly, if the spoken command described an area, for example a swamp, it would only unify with an interpretation of gesture as an area designation. In each case the unification-based integration strategy compensates for errors in gesture recognition through type constraints on the values of features. In summary, we have identified four main advantages to using unification of typed. feature structures as the core of a process: partiality, multimodal integration mutual ’ compensation, structure sharing, and multimodal discourse. In virtue of these capabilities, the QuickSet system is now a usable testbed for experimenting with multimodal architectures, and for developing next-generation multimodal systems. Gesture also compensates for errors in speech recognition. As a simple example, in the open microphone mode, spurious speech recognition errors are more common than with click-tospeak, but are frequently rejected by the system because of the absence of a compatible gesture for intkgration. For example, if the system recognizes ‘MlAl platoon’, but there is no overlapping or immediately preceding gesture to provide the location, the speech will be ignored. More generally, the architectme also supports selection among the n-best speech recognition results on the basis of the preferred gesture recognition. We obtain the best joint interpretation using the maximum of the sum of the log probabilities of the spoken and gestural interpretations among the semantically ,and temporally We are currently engaged in compatible joint interpretations. quantifying the benefits observed by this mutually compensatory recognition process. Vo’and Wood [1996] and Waibel et al., [1995] present an approach to multimodal integration similar in spirit to that presented here in that it accepts a variety of gestures and is not solely speech-driven. However, we believe that unification of typed feature structures provides a more general, formally wallunderstood, and reusable mechanism for multimodal integration than the frame merging strategy that they describe. In particular, the unification approach allows for DAG interpretations and supports multimodal discourse in an elegant Cheyer and Julia [1995] sketch a system based on way. Oviatt’s [1996] results and the Open Agent Architecture [Coheb et al., 19941, but describe neither the integration strategy nor multimodal compensation. Structure Sharing. Another advantage of typed featur.e structure unification is the use of shared variables among elements of the feature stmcture. For example, if the tiser says “MIA1 platoon facing this way <draws arrow>“, in the resulting feature structure, the orientation feature of the command is structured-shared with the angle of its location feature. When it is unified with an arrow gesture feature structure, the orientation feature is automatically instantiated with the angle at which the arrow was drawn. 7. CONCLUDING HEMARKS QuickSet has been delivered to the US Navy and US Marina Corps. for use at Twentynine Palms, California, where it is primarily used to set up trainingrscenarios and to control the The system was also used by the US virtual environment. Army’s 82 Airborne Corps. at Ft. Bragg during the Royal Dragon Exercise. There, QuickSet was deployed in a tent, where it was subjected to noise from explosions, low-flying jet aircraft, generators, etc. Not surprisingly, it readily became apparent that spoken interaction with QuickSet would not bc feasible. To support usage in such a harsh environment, a complete overlap in functionality between speech, gesture, and direct manipulation was desired. The system has been revised to accommodate these needs. As part of ExInit, QuickSet is being delivered to STRICOM, the US Army’s Simulation and Training Command for use in DARPA’s STOW-97 Advanced Concept Demonstration. Multimodal Discourse. The user can explicitly enter into a “‘mode” in which s/he is creating a specific type of entity, for example, MlAl platoons, by simply saying “multiple MlAl platoons.” This results in a more specific feature structure that will subsequently be unified with future input (Figure 13). Regarding the multimodal interface itself, undergone a “proactive” interface evaluation 38 QuickSet has in that high- Gazdar (Eds.), Proceedings of the ITK Workshop: Inheritance in Natural Language Processing, Tilburg University, pp. 9-18. fidelity “wizard-of-02” studies were performed in advance of building the system, which predicted the utility of multimodal over unimodal speech as an input to mapbased systems [Oviatt, 1996; Oviatt et al., 19971. 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