Unification-based Multimodal Integration
Michael Johnston,
Philip R. Cohen, David McGee,
Sharon L. Oviatt, James A. Pittman,
Ira Smith
C e n t e r for H u m a n C o m p u t e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
O r e g o n G r a d u a t e I n s t i t u t e , P O B O X 91000, P o r t l a n d , O R 97291, U S A .
{johnston, pcohen, dmcgee, oviatt, jay, ira}©cse, ogi. edu
Recent empirical research has shown conclusive advantages of multimodal interaction over speech-only interaction for mapbased tasks. This paper describes a multimodal language processing architecture
which supports interfaces allowing simultaneous input from speech and gesture recognition. Integration of spoken and gestural
input is driven by unification of typed feature structures representing the semantic
contributions of the different modes. This
integration method allows the component
modalities to mutually compensate for each
others' errors. It is implemented in QuickSet, a multimodal (pen/voice) system that
enables users to set up and control distributed interactive simulations.
By providing a number of channels through which
information may pass between user and computer,
multimodal interfaces promise to significantly increase the bandwidth and fluidity of the interface
between humans and machines. In this work, we are
concerned with the addition of multimodal input to
the interface. In particular, we focus on interfaces
which support simultaneous input from speech and
pen, utilizing speech recognition and recognition of
gestures and drawings made with a pen on a complex
visual display, such as a map.
Our focus on multimodal interfaces is motivated,
in part, by the trend toward portable computing devices for which complex graphical user interfaces are
infeasible. For such devices, speech and gesture will
be the primary means of user input. Recent empirical results (Oviatt 1996) demonstrate clear task
performance and user preference advantages for multimodal interfaces over speech only interfaces, in par-
ticular for spatial tasks such as those involving maps.
Specifically, in a within-subject experiment during
which the same users performed the same tasks in
various conditions using only speech, only pen, or
both speech and pen-based input, users' multimodal
input to maps resulted in 10% faster task completion time, 23% fewer words, 35% fewer spoken disfluencies, and 36% fewer task errors compared to
unimodal spoken input. Of the user errors, 48% involved location errors on the map--errors that were
nearly eliminated by the simple ability to use penbased input. Finally, 100% of users indicated a preference for multimodal interaction over speech-only
interaction with maps. These results indicate that
for map-based tasks, users would both perform better and be more satisfied when using a multimodal
interface. As an illustrative example, in the distributed simulation application we describe in this
paper, one user task is to add a "phase line" to a
map. In the existing unimodal interface for this application (CommandTalk, Moore 1997), this is accomplished with a spoken utterance such as 'CREATE A LINE FROM COORDINATES NINE FOUR
LINE GREEN'. In contrast the same task can be accomplished by saying 'PHASE LINE GREEN' and
simultaneously drawing the gesture in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Line gesture
The multimodal command involves speech recognition of only a three word phrase, while the equivalent unimodal speech command involves recognition
of a complex twenty four word expression. Furthermore, using unimodal speech to indicate more com-
We present an approach to multimodal integration which overcomes these limiting factors. A wide
base of continuous gestural input is supported and
integration may be driven by either mode. Typed
feature structures (Carpenter 1992) are used to provide a clearly defined and well understood common
meaning representation for the modes, and multimodal integration is accomplished through unification.
plex spatial features such as routes and areas is practically infeasible if accuracy of shape is important.
Another significant advantage of multimodal over
unimodal speech is that it allows the user to switch
modes when environmental noise or security concerns make speech an unacceptable input medium,
or for avoiding and repairing recognition errors (Oviatt and Van Gent 1996). Multimodality also offers
the potential for input modes to mutually compensate for each others' errors. We will demonstrate
:~'~.,, in our system, multimodal integration allows
speech input to compensate for errors in gesture
recognition and vice versa.
Systems capable of integration of speech and gesture have existed since the early 80's. One of the
first such systems was the "Put-That-There" system (Bolt 1980). However, in the sixteen years since
then, research on multimodal integration has not
yielded a reusable scalable architecture for the c o n struction of multimodal systems that integrate gesture and voice. There are four major limiting factors
in previous approaches to multimodal integration:
A Multimodal
for Distributed
The initial application of our multimodal interface
architecture has been in the development of the
QuickSet system, an interface for setting up and
interacting with distributed interactive simulations.
QuickSet provides a portal into LeatherNet 3, a simulation system used for the training of US Marine
Corps platoon leaders. LeatherNet simulates training exercises using the ModSAF simulator (Courtemanche and Ceranowicz 1995) and supports 3D visualization of the simulated exercises using CommandVu (Clarkson and Yi 1996). SRI International's CommandTalk provides a unimodal spoken
interface to LeatherNet (Moore et al 1997).
QuickSet is a distributed system consisting of a
collection of agents that communicate through the
Open Agent Architecture 4 (Cohen et al 1994). It
runs on both desktop and hand-held PCs under Windows 95, communicating over wired and wireless
LANs (respectively), or modem links. The wireless hand-held unit is a 3-1b Fujitsu Stylistic 1000
(Figure 2). We have also developed a Java-based
QuickSet agent that provides a portal to the simulation over the World Wide Web. The QuickSet user
interface displays a map of the terrain on which the
simulated military exercise is to take place (Figure
2). The user can gesture and draw directly on the
map with the pen and simultaneously issue spoken
commands. Units and objectives can be laid down
on the map by speaking their name and gesturing
on the desired location. The map can also be annotated with line features such as barbed wire and
fortified lines, and area features such as minefields
and landing zones. These are created by drawing the
appropriate spatial feature on the m a p and speak-
(1) The majority of approaches limit the bandwidth
of the gestural mode to simple deictic pointing
gestures made with a mouse (Neal and Shapiro
1991, Cohen 1991, Cohen 1992, Brison and
Vigouroux (ms.), Wauchope 1994) or with the
hand (Koons et al 19931).
(ii) Most previous approaches have been primarily
speech-driven ~ , treating gesture as a secondary
dependent mode (Neal and Shapiro 1991, Cohen 1991, Cohen 1992, Brison and Vigouroux
(ms.), Koons et al 1993, Wauchope 1994). In
these systems, integration of gesture is triggered
by the appearance of expressions in the speech
stream whose reference needs to be resolved,
such as definite and deictic noun phrases (e.g.
'this one', 'the red cube').
(iii) None of the existing approaches provide a wellunderstood generally applicable common meaning representation for the different modes, or,
(iv) A general and formally-welldefined mechanism
for multimodal integration.
I Koons et al 1993 describe two different systems. The
first uses input from hand gestures and eye gaze in order
to aid in determining the reference of noun phrases in the
speech stream. The second allows users to manipulate
objects in a blocks world using iconic and pantomimic
gestures in addition to deictic gestures.
~More precisely, they are 'verbal language'-driven.
Either spoken or typed linguistic expressions are the
driving force of interpretation.
3LeatherNet is currently being developed by the
Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center (NCCOSC) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Division (NRaD) in coordination with a number
of contractors.
4Open Agent Architecture is a trademark of SRI
Figure 2: The QuickSet user interface
ing its name. Units, objectives, and lines can also
be generated using unimodal gestures by drawing
their m a p symbols in the desired location. Orders
can be assigned to units, for example, in Figure 2
an M1A1 platoon on the bottom left has been assigned a route to follow. This order is created multimodally by drawing the curved route and saying
As entities are created and assigned orders they are
displayed on the UI and automatically instantiated
in a simulation database maintained by the ModSAF
Speech recognition operates in either a click-tospeak mode, in which the microphone is activated
when the pen is placed on the screen, or open microphone mode. The speech recognition agent is built
using a continuous speaker-independent recognizer
commercially available from IBM.
When the user draws or gestures on the map, the
resulting electronic 'ink' is passed to a gesture recognition agent, which utilizes both a neural network
and a set of hidden Markov models. The ink is sizenormalized, centered in a 2D image, and fed into the
neural network as pixels, as well as being smoothed,
resampled, converted to deltas, and fed to the HMM
recognizer. The gesture recognizer currently recog-
nizes a total of twenty six different gestures, some of
which are illustrated in Figure 3. They include various military map symbols such as platoon, mortar,
and fortified line, editing gestures such as deletion,
and spatial features such as routes and areas.
- G
f o ~ i e d line
barbed wire
Figure 3: Example symbols and gestures
As with all recognition technologies, gesture
recognition may result in errors. One of the factors
contributing to this is that routes and areas do not
have signature shapes that can be used to identify
them and are frequently confused (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Pen drawings of routes and areas
Another contributing factor is that users' pen input is often sloppy (Figure 5) and map symbols can
be confused among themselves and with route and
area gestures.
1989, Moshier 1988). Unification is an operation
that determines the consistency of two pieces of partial information, and if they are consistent combines
them into a single result. As such, it is ideally suited
to the task at hand, in which we want to determine
whether a given piece of gestural input is compatible
with a given piece of spoken input, and if they are
compatible, to combine the two inputs into a single
result that can be interpreted by the system.
The use of feature structures as a semantic representation framework facilitates the specification of
partial meanings. Spoken or gestural input which
partially specifies a command can be represented
as an underspecified feature structure in which certain features are not instantiated. The adoption of
typed feature structures facilitates the statement of
constraints on integration. For example, if a given
speech input can be integrated with a line gesture,
it can be assigned a feature structure with an underspecified location feature whose value is required to
be of type line.
deletion mechanized
Figure 5: Typical pen input from real users
Given the potential for error, the gesture recognizer issues not just a single interpretation, but a
series of potential interpretations ranked with respect to probability. The correct interpretation is
frequently determined as a result of multimodal integration, as illustrated below 5.
A Unification-based
for Multimodal
One the most significant challenges facing the development of effective multimodal interfaces concerns
the integration of input from different modes. Input signals from each of the modes can be assigned
meanings. The problem is to work out how to combine the meanings contribute d by each of the modes
in order to determine what the user actually intends
to communicate.
To model this integration, we utilize a unification
operation over typed feature structures (Carpenter
1990, 1992, Pollard and Sag 1987, Calder 1987, King
SSee Wahlster 1991 for discussion of the role of dialog
in resolving ambiguous gestures.
Figure 6: Multimodal integration architecture
Figure 6 presents the main agents involved in the
QuickSet system. Spoken and gestural input originates in the user interface client agent and it is
passed on to the speech recognition and gesture
recognition agents respectively. The natural language agent uses a parser implemented in Prolog to
parse strings that originate from the speech recognition agent and assign typed feature structures to
issue a typed feature structure representing the preferred interpretation to the bridge agent, which will
execute the command. This involves parsing of the
speech and gesture streams in order to determine potential multimodal integrations. Two factors guide
this: tagging of speech and gesture as either complete or partial and examination of time stamps associated with speech and gesture.
Speech or gesture input is marked as complete if it
provides a full command specification and therefore
does not need to be integrated with another mode.
Speech or gesture marked as partial needs to be integrated with another mode in order to derive an
executable command.
Empirical study of the nature of multimodal interaction has shown that speech typically follows gesture within a window of a three to four seconds while
gesture following speech is very uncommon (Oviatt
et al 97). Therefore, in our multimodal architecture, the integrator temporally licenses integration
of speech and gesture if their time intervals overlap,
or if the onset of the speech signal is within a brief
time window following the end of gesture. Speech
and gesture are integrated appropriately even if the
integrator agent receives them in a different order
from their actual order of occurrence. If speech is
temporally compatible with gesture, in this respect,
then the integrator takes the sets of interpretations
for both speech and gesture, and for each pairing
in the product set attempts to unify the two feature structures. The probability of each multimodal
interpretation in the resulting set licensed by unification is determined by multiplying the probabilities
assigned to the speech and gesture interpretations.
In the example case above, both speech and
gesture have only partial interpretations, one for
speech, and two for gesture. Since the speech interpretation (Figure 7) requires its location feature
to be of type point, only unification with the point
interpretation of the gesture will succeed and be
passed on as a valid multimodal interpretation (Figure 10).
them. The potential interpretations of gesture from
the gesture recognition agent are also represented as
typed feature structures. The multimodal integration agent determines and ranks potential unifications of spoken and gestural input and issues complete commands to the bridge agent. The bridge
agent accepts commands in the form of typed feature structures and translates them into commands
for whichever applications the system is providing
an interface to.
For example, if the user utters 'M1A1 PLATOON', the name of a particular type of tank platoon, the natural language agent assigns this phrase
the feature structure in Figure 7. The type of each
feature structure is indicated in italics at its bottom
right or left corner.
object :
echelon : platoon
location :
] point
Figure 7: Feature structure for 'M1A1 PLATOON'
Since QuickSet is a task-based system directed toward setting up a scenario for simulation, this phrase
is interpreted as a partially specified unit creation
command. Before it can be executed, it needs a location feature indicating where to create the unit,
which is provided by the user's gesturing on the
screen. The user's ink is likely to be assigned a number of interpretations, for example, both a point interpretation and a line interpretation, which the gesture recognition agent assigns typed feature structures (see Figures 8 and 9). Interpretations of gestures as location features are assigned a general command type which unifies with all of commands taken
by the system.
location :
[xcoord9 30 ] ]
xcoord : 94365
Figure 8: Point interpretation of gesture
[ icoorit ] 1
location :
object :
[(95301, 94360),
(95310, 94380)]
location :
echelon : platoon J =nit
xcoord : 95305 ]
xcoord : 94365 J poi,~t
Figure 9: Line interpretation of gesture
Figure 10: Multimodal interpretation
The task of the integrator agent is to field incoming typed feature structures representing interpretations of speech and of gesture, identify the best potential interpretation, multimodal or unimodal, and
The ambiguity of interpretation of the gesture was
resolved by integration with speech which in this
case required a location feature of type point. If
the spoken command had instead been 'BARBED
WIRE' it would have been assigned the feature
structure in Figure 11. This structure would only
unify with the line interpretation of gesture resulting in the interpretation in Figure 12.
and complete interpretations, the integrator agent
waits for an incoming signal from the other mode. If
no signal is forthcoming from the other mode within
the time window, or if interpretations from the other
mode do not integrate with any interpretations in
[ style:barbed_wire ]
] the set, then the best of the complete unimodal
object :
color : red
interpretations from the original set is sent to the
bridge agent.
For example, the gesture in Figure 13 is used for
unimodal specification of the location of a fortified
line. If recognition is successful the gesture agent
Figure 11: Feature structure for 'BARBED WIRE'
would assign the gesture an interpretation like that
in Figure 14.
location :
[oorot ]
[(95301, 9436o),
(95305, 94365),
(95310, 94380)]
Figure 13: Fortified line gesture
Figure 12: Multimodal line creation
Similarly, if the spoken command described an
area, for example an 'ANTI TANK MINEFIELD' ,
it would only unify with an interpretation of gesture
as an area designation. In each case the unificationbased integration strategy compensates for errors in
gesture recognition through type constraints on the
values of features.
Gesture also compensates for errors in speech
recognition. In the open microphone mode, where
the user does not have to gesture in order to speak,
spurious speech recognition errors are more common
than with click-to-speak, but are frequently rejected
by the system because of the absence of a compatible
gesture for integration. For example, if the system
spuriously recognizes 'M1A1 PLATOON', but there
is no overlapping or immediately preceding gesture
to provide the location, the speech will be ignored.
The architecture also supports selection among nbest speech recognition results on the basis of the
preferred gesture recognition. In the future, n-best
recognition results will be available from the recognizer, and we will further examine the potential for
gesture to help select among speech recognition alternatives.
Since speech may follow gesture, and since even simultaneously produced speech and gesture are processed sequentially, the integrator cannot execute
what appears to be a complete unimodal command
on receiving it, in case it is immediately followed by
input from the other mode suggesting a multimodal
interpretation. If a given speech or gesture input
has a set of interpretations including both partial
location :
style : fortified._fine
[ color : blue
] . b. j. . .
coordlist :
[(93000, 94360),
(93025, 94365),
Figure 14: Unimodal fortified line feature structure
However, it might also receive an additional potential interpretation as a location feature of a more
general line type (Figure 15).
location :
i 3112, 94362)]
Figure 15: Line feature structure
On receiving this set of interpretations, the integrator cannot immediately execute the complete
interpretation to create a fortified line, even if it is
assigned the highest probability by the recognizer,
since speech contradicting this may immediately follow. For example, if overlapping with or just after
the gesture, the user said 'BARBED WIRE' then
the line feature interpretation would be preferred. If
speech does not follow within the three to four second window, or following speech does not integrate
with the gesture, then the unimodal interpretation
QuickSet has undergone a form of pro-active evaluation in that its design is informed by detailed predictive modeling of how users interact multimodally
and it incorporates the results of existing empirical
studies of multimodal interaction (Oviatt 1996, Oviatt et al 1997). It has also undergone participatory
design and user testing with the US Marine Corps
at their training base at 29 Palms, California, with
the US Army at the Royal Dragon exercise at Fort
Bragg, North Carolina, and as part of the Command
Center of the Future at NRaD.
Our initial application of this architecture has
been to map-based tasks such as distributed simulation. It supports a fully-implemented usable system
in which hundreds of different kinds of entities can
be created and manipulated. We believe that the
unification-based method described here will readily scale to larger tasks and is sufficiently general
to support a wide variety of other application areas,
including graphically-based information systems and
editing of textual and graphical content. The architecture has already been successfully re-deployed in
the construction of multimodal interface to health
care information.
We are actively pursuing incorporation of
statistically-derived heuristics and a more sophisticated dialogue model into the integration architecture. We are also developing a capability for automatic logging of spoken and gestural input in order
to collect more fine-grained empirical data on the
nature of multimodal interaction.
is chosen. This approach embodies a preference for
multimodal interpretations over unimodal ones, motivated by the possibility of unintended complete
unimodal interpretations of gestures. After more
detailed empirical investigation, this will be refined
so that the possibility of integration weighs in favor
of the multimodal interpretation, but it can still be
beaten by a unimodal gestural interpretation with a
significantly higher probability.
We have presented an architecture for multimodal
interfaces in which integration of speech and gesture is mediated and constrained by a unification
operation over typed feature structures. Our approach supports a full spectrum of gestural input,
not just deixis. It also can be driven by either mode
and enables a wide and flexible range of interactions.
Complete commands can originate in a single mode
yielding unimodal spoken and gestural commands,
or in a combination of modes yielding multimodal
commands, in which speech and gesture are able to
contribute either the predicate or the arguments of
the command. This architecture allows the modes
to synergistically mutual compensate for each others' errors. We have informally observed that integration with speech does succeed in resolving ambiguous gestures. In the majority of cases, gestures
will have multiple interpretations, but this is rarely
apparent to the user, because the erroneous interpretations of gesture are screened out by the unification process. We have also observed that in the
open microphone mode multimodality allows erroneous speech recognition results to be screened out.
For the application tasks described here, we have
observed a reduction in the length and complexity
of spoken input, compared to the unimodal spoken
interface to LeatherNet, informally reconfirming the
empirical results of Oviatt et al 1997. For this family of applications at least, it appears to be the case
that as part of a multimodal architecture, current
speech recognition technology is sufficiently robust
to support easy-to-use interfaces.
Vo and Wood 1996 present an approach to multimodal integration similar in spirit to that presented here in that it accepts a variety of gestures
and is not solely speech-driven. However, we believe that unification of typed feature structures
provides a more general, formally well-understood,
and reusable mechanism for multimodal integration
than the frame merging strategy that they describe.
Cheyer and Julia (1995) sketch a system based on
Oviatt's (1996) results but describe neither the integration strategy nor multimodal compensation.
This work is supported in part by the Information Technology and Information Systems offices of
DARPA under contract number DABT63-95-C-007,
in part by ONR grant number N00014-95-1-1164,
and has been done in collaboration with the US
Navy's NCCOSC RDT&E Division (NRaD), Ascent
Technologies, Mitre Corp., MRJ Corp., and SRI International.
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