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Forage fish c0 nsum ption by m arine m am m als and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 33 CHAPTER 3 FORAGE FISH CONSUMPTION BY MARINE MAMMALS AND SEABIRDS3 Kristin Kaschner, Vasiliki Karpouzi, Reg Watson, and Daniel Pauly Fisheries Centre, Aquatic Ecosy stem s Research Laboratory (AERL), University of British Colum bia. 220 2 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC., V6T 1Z4, Canada k.kaschner@fisheries.ubc.ca; v.karpouzi@fisheries.ubc.ca; r.w atson@fisheries.ubc.ca; d.pauly @fisheries.ubc.ca ABSTRACT This contribution presents estimates of the amounts and distributions of small pelagic fishes (i.e., ‘forage fish’) consumed by the 115 species of marine mammals and the 351 species of seabirds known to feed in the world’s marine waters. The methods used for mapping the distribution of these predators and of their prey, detailed elsewhere, are briefly recalled. Marine mammals, in the 1990s, annually consumed about 20.2 million t of small pelagics, or roughly 12 % of their food consumption; for seabirds, the corresponding figures, also applying to the 1990s, are 12.1 million t of small pelagics and 12.5 % of their food consumption. Overall, we find that marine mammals and seabirds do not compromise human exploitation of small pelagics. On the other hand, reduced biomasses of small pelagics are a challenge for numerous species of marine mammals and seabirds. INTRODUCTION The marine mammals of the world, belonging to 115 species, jointly consume a large amount of food, about four times as much as humans catch (above 100 million t if illegal and misreported catches are included), while the 351 species of seabirds consume about as much as we catch (Kaschner and Pauly, 2005; Brooke, 2004; Karpouzi, 2005). This study is devoted to investigating how much of this consumption (which, due to the nature of our data, represents an average year of the 1990s) consist(ed) of small pelagic fishes (i.e. ‘forage fish’), and thus to what extent humans may compete with marine mammals and seabirds for small pelagic fishes. METHODS Marine m am m als Our model encompassed 115 species of marine mammals that live predominantly in the marine environment (Kaschner, 2004), but did not include sirenians, sea otters, the polar bear nor any of the exclusively freshwater cetacean or pinniped species. We used a relatively simple generic model (Trites et al., 1997) to generate estimates of forage fish consumption of marine mammal species: (1) Q i = 365 * ∑N i,s Wi,s R i,s s where the annual food consumption Q of forage fish of species i was estimated from the pelagic prey consumed daily by each individual of species i and sex s is calculated based on the number of individuals N of the sex s of a species i, and a weight- and sex-specific daily ration R. Cite as: Kaschner, K., Karpouzi, V., Watson, R., Pauly, D. 2006. Forage fish consumption by marine mammals and seabirds, p. 3346. In: Alder, J., Pauly, D., (eds). On the multiple uses of forage fish: from ecosystems to markets. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14(3). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727]. 3 Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 34 We obtained global abundance of marine mammal species during the 1990s by extracting and combining available regional abundance estimates and information about associated uncertainties from more than 1,000 published primary (e.g., Branch and Butterworth, 2001, Whitehead, 2002, Mullin and Fulling, 2003) and secondary sources (e.g., Reijnders et al., 1993, Ridgeway and Harrison, 1999, Perrin et al., 2002) Mean abundance estimates that were used in this study are available in Appendix 3 (Kaschner, 2004). We assumed sex ratios were balanced for most species, except for those for which available published information explicitly indicated otherwise (e.g., Wickens and York, 1997) or if unequal sex ratios seemed highly likely based on information about closely-related species with similar life history traits. We used the sex-specific mean body mass estimates for each species generated by Trites and Pauly (1998), who estimated female and male body weights averaged across all age classes for marine mammal species, based on the strong relationship between more readily-available maximum length information and species-specific growth rates, survival and longevity. We calculated daily food ration of small pelagic fish consumed by each species based on the weightspecific energy requirements and information about diet composition. Food intake of specific species was calculated using an empirical model developed by Innes et al. (1987) and later modified by Trites et al. (1997): (2) R i,s = 0.1 * Wi0.s.8 * pSPi,s where R is the daily food intake of forage fish of an individual of sex s belonging to species i, W is the mean body weight of that individual in kilograms, and pSP is the proportion of small pelagic fishes in the species diet as determined by Pauly et al. (1998). Annual spatially-explicit food-consumption densities were generated by linking food intake to global distributions of species predicted using a large-scale Relative Environmental Suitability (RES) model (Kaschner et al., 2006). Within a global grid of 0.5 degree latitude x 0.5 degree longitude cells, we then compared predicted marine mammal food-consumption densities with average fisheries catch densities during the 1990s as generated by the Sea Around Us Project (Watson et al., 2004) using a modified version of an ecological niche overlap index. This index is derived from or related to the ‘competition coefficients’ of the Lotka-Volterra equations by Morisita (1959; see also Horn, 1966) and originally only considered the qualitative overlap of resource utilization of two players exploiting the same resources (i.e., the similarity of marine mammal diet and fisheries catch composition), but ignored the absolute amounts of the resource that is being used or consumed. We therefore further modified this index by introducing a weighting factor to provide a measure of the importance of each cell for either fisheries or marine mammals based on overall quantity of catch or food taken by either consumer in this cell, leading to: (3) ' j,l ( ( & 2 p l,k p j,k $ $ k = $ p l,2k + p 2j,k $ % k # ! ! * pQ * pC l j ! ! " ( ) where αj,l describes the quantitative overlap between a fishery j and marine mammals l in each cell, and the first term expresses the qualitative similarity in diet/catch composition between marine mammals and fisheries sharing the resource or food type k (in this case: small pelagics) as the ratio of ‘niche proximity’ to ‘niche breadth’ (MacArthur and Levins, 1967), with pl,k and pj,k representing the proportions of forage fish in the diet or catch. This term is multiplied by the product of the proportion of global food consumption of small pelagic prey taken by marine mammals (Q) and the total fisheries (C) within this cell. The continuous resource overlap values thus generated were subsequently sub-divided to create a categorical index ranging from low to high. Seabirds We compiled information for 351 marine bird species (belonging to four orders and 14 families) in a Microsoft Access database. Of these species, 334 are traditionally considered to be seabirds. The remaining 17 were species of sea ducks, which consist of birds that breed inland but which winter at sea close to shore, and prey upon small fish and invertebrates that occur along the coast. Information was gathered using the following databases: (a) Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA); (b) Web of Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 35 Science, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI); and (c) BioSciences Information Service (BIOSIS) of Biological Abstracts. These cover peer-reviewed journals and grey literature sources. The following online databases were also consulted: (a) Avibase – the world bird database (Anon 2006); (b) The World Conservation Monitoring Centre Species Database (WCMC, 2006); (c) BirdLife International (www.birdlife.net); (d) the National Audubon Society (www.audubon.org) Christmas Bird Count (http://www.audubon.org/bird/cbc/index.html); (e) the Birds of North America Online (http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/BNA/); and (f) Wetlands International (www.wetlands.org). Information required to estimate the seabirds’ daily food intake (DFI), and hence their annual food consumption, included: (a) body mass (m; in g) of seabird species taken from Dunning (1993) and Schreiber and Burger (2002); (b) Basal and Field Metabolic Rates [BMR and FMR respectively, estimated using order-specific allometric equations from Ellis & Gabrielsen (2002); in kJ/day]. BMR and FMR were used to estimate energy requirements (ER) of seabirds in the non-breeding and breeding season respectively; (c) A matrix of standardized diet composition and; (d) population sizes of breeding seabirds. Daily food intake (DFI) was estimated using a bioenergetic model created by the ICES Working Group on Seabird Ecology (ICES, 2000): (4) DFI i = ER i G ! DC ij * ED j * 1 AE i j=1 where DFIi denotes daily food intake for each seabird species i, ERi is the energy requirements for each i, DCij is the fraction of food item j in the diet of each i, and EDj is the mean energy density of each prey j. EDj values were available either at the species or the genus level for prey items. AEi is the mean food assimilation efficiency for each i, and G the total number of food groups encountered in the diet of each i. AEi was assumed equal to 75% (Gabrielsen, 1994; ICES, 2000; Barrett et al., 2002), unless species-specific information was found in the literature (see Karpouzi, 2005). In order to estimate seabird species’ annual food consumption, DFIi was estimated separately for the breeding and non-breeding season, by considering ERi for the breeding season equal to FMR (ICES, 2000), and for the non-breeding season equal to 2.5 · BMR (ICES,2000). The length of the breeding season was assumed equal to incubation period + time from hatching to leaving the nest or burrow + 20 days (Cramp 1985). Consumption by seabirds was specified using 25 food groups. Six out of 25 food groups represented the forage fish groups considered here (i.e., Capelin, Mallotus villosus; Exocoetidae; Engraulidae; Clupeidae; Osmeridae; Sandlance, Ammodytes spp.). Food groups were compiled based on the taxonomic groups represented in the Sea Around Us Project database. In order to map total food consumption by seabirds, we used a GIS-based modeling approach and the same spatial grid of 30-min cells developed by the Sea Around Us Project (Watson et al., 2004; www.seaaroundus.org). Total food consumption by seabirds was estimated per spatial cell, based on the seabird density of each cell (see details in Karpouzi, 2005). RESULTS Spatially explicit consumption of forage fish by marine mammals We estimated that food intake of forage fish by all marine mammal species combined was about twothirds of the amount of small pelagics taken by fisheries in the 1990s (Figure 1). While small pelagics represent the single most important prey type targeted by fisheries, contributing over 50 % of the total catch, this food type makes up – at the most – 20% of the diet of any marine mammal species group. Baleen whales and pinnipeds consume the bulk of small pelagics consumed by marine mammals, although which of the two species groups takes the majority of this prey type may vary depending on the type of feeding rate model used to estimate food intake. Toothed whales, in contrast, are much less dependent on forage fish, and this prey type makes up less than 10% of the total amount consumed by both small and large odontocetes (Figure 2). 36 Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly Spatial disaggregation of fisheries catches in the 1990s showed that the vast majority of reported catches was taken on the continental shelves of Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and the west coast of South America (Figure 3). Fisheries were concentrated in relatively small areas and fishing rates can be extremely high, amounting to more than 1,000 t per km2 per year in some of the dark red areas shown in Figure 3. Highest catches occurred in areas where continental shelves are wide, such as the East China or North Seas, or in productive upwelling systems, such as those that can be found along the west coasts of South America and South Africa. However, despite the many distant water fleets and the development of deep-sea fisheries operating far offshore, major fishing grounds generally lay in close proximity to areas with high human populations along the coasts of major industrial fishing nations. We predicted most of the forage fish that marine mammals consume to be taken in polar waters, with particularly high concentrations along the continental shelves in the North Atlantic (Figure 4). Due to the sheer size of the distributional ranges of many of the baleen and larger toothed whale species, consumption densities (annual food intake per km2) are comparatively low and homogenous across large areas (Figure 4). Areas of highest forage fish consumption are closely linked with pinniped occurrence, since the generally more restricted, coastal ranges of this species group – combined with high abundances and a preference for small pelagic prey types – resulted in locally concentrated feeding densities. However, predicted maximum food consumption densities did not exceed 0.75 t per km2 per year anywhere in the world, i.e., maximum food intake of small pelagic prey by marine mammals is several orders of magnitude lower than the highest fisheries catch rates. Overall, the model predicted low overlap in resource exploitation between all marine mammals and fisheries in the 1990s (Figure 5). High overlap appeared to be restricted to small geographical regions and was mostly concentrated in temperate continental shelf areas of the northern hemisphere and the highly productive upwelling systems in the southern hemisphere. Highest overlap was predicted in areas where high fishing effort coincided with high densities of seals such as the North Atlantic shelves (harp, hooded, harbour and grey seals) or the Benguela system (South African fur seals) or along the coast of western South America where productive upwelling systems support a wide range of marine mammal species and fisheries. Although only a few pinniped species occur in the waters around Japan, high overlap in this region can be attributed to the large number of dolphins and some baleen whale species feeding on small pelagics, combined with very high fishing rates in these waters. Figure 1. Mean estimated annual consumption of small pelagics by marine mammals in comparison to fisheries catches in the 1990s. Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 37 Figure 2. Mean estimated annual proportion of small pelagics in the diet of marine mammals and in fisheries catches during the 1990s. Figure 3. Distribution of fisheries catches of small pelagics for an average year in the 1990s. Note open-ended scale of legend, which indicates that fisheries catch rates can reach up to 150 000 t·km-2·year-1 in some areas. 38 Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly Figure 4. Distribution of estimated marine mammal food consumption rates (t·km-2·year-1) of small pelagics for an average year in the 1990s. Figure 5: Map of estimated overlap in resource exploitation of small pelagics by marine mammals and fisheries for an average year in the 1990s. Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 39 Spatially explicit consumption of forage fish by seabirds We estimated that food intake of forage fish by all seabird species combined was at least eight times lower than what is taken by fisheries in the 1990s (Table 1). Small pelagics comprised about 12.5% of the overall food consumed annually by the world’s seabirds. Alcids (puffins and murres) and larids (gulls) are responsible for about 75% of small pelagic fish consumption by all seabird species combined. Table 1. Small pelagic fish (in t) taken annually by seabirds from different FAO statistical areas. FAO Area 18 21 27 31 34 37 41 47 48 51 57 58 61 67 71 77 81 87 88 Total Capelin 31,289 207,258 2,556,958 3,457 5,854 111,008 2,915,824 Exocoetidae Engraulidae Clupeidae Osmeridae Ammodytes 1 13,828 4,569 410,265 2,310,191 40,054 56,489 2,835,396 144 42 5,282 2,241 234 20,888 7,018 15,322 11,288 43,726 12,044 26,193 174,629 809,532 249,765 1,378,348 1,716 22,722 657,668 2,439 812 24,843 17 5,927 4,431 650 34,554 48,321 3,252 27,784 207,668 13,059 1,055,864 86 22 31 2,278 28,785 31,202 62,621 119,055 3,071,392 5,809 172,607 405,430 2,337 7,328 174 3,846,752 All 95,625 349,265 6,286,082 17,018 3,053 25,077 20,905 12,946 33,582 16,506 259,019 605,588 442,048 2,519,931 1,057,427 319,312 12,063,385 We predicted that more than 52% of the forage fish that seabirds consume is extracted over the continental shelves of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean (Figure 6; Table 1). In this area, sandlance and capelin accounted for >54% of the food taken annually by seabirds. The Eastern Central Pacific Ocean (Figure 6; Table 1) was the second most important area, where small pelagics taken by seabirds comprised 21% of the overall forage fish consumption. In this area, forage fish groups in the diet of seabirds were dominated (up to 92%) by fish species of the family Exocoetidae. Areas of highest forage fish consumption were closely linked with the distribution of those seabird species that are limited to waters above continental shelves when foraging (Karpouzi, 2005). Furthermore, predicted maximum food consumption rates exceeded 10 t · kmֿ2 · yearֿ¹ along the continental shelves of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and around islands of the Western Central Pacific Ocean. This figure is more than ten times larger than what marine mammals were predicted to consume. However, it still remains several orders of magnitude lower than the highest fisheries catch rates. 40 Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly Figure 6. Map of predicted global small pelagic fish consumption rate by all seabirds combined for an average year in the 1990s. DISCUSSION Spatially explicit food consumption and overlap with fisheries Based on the small size of predicted ‘hotspots’ of potential conflict, in combination with highly concentrated fishing operations and the mobility of many species of marine mammal and seabirds, we suggest that it is unlikely for direct competition to represent a severe threat to species with large foraging ranges. In contrast, our findings support a previously proposed hypothesis that the most common type of harmful competitive interaction will be one in which fisheries adversely impact species with restricted distributional ranges (DeMaster et al., 2001; Frederiksen et al., 2004), indicating that local depletions of food resources through intensive fisheries may pose serious threats to species such as the Vaquita in the Gulf of California, South Africa’s Heaviside’s dolphins, the North Sea populations of Black-legged kittiwakes, and also to localized populations of other species. Quantitative validation of our resource overlap analysis will be difficult to achieve. However, even though resource overlap does not automatically imply competition and vice versa, it is reassuring that the ‘hotspots’ of potential conflict highlighted by our approach coincide with many areas that have been the focal points of much previous debate about marine mammal-fisheries and seabird-fisheries interactions. This indicates that the models capture at least some important aspects of the processes that drive these interactions. Prominent hotspots for marine mammals in Figure 5 include the east coast of North America, where the largest annual cull worldwide is – in part – being justified based on the perception that the growing harp seal population impedes the recovery of the northwest Atlantic cod stocks (e.g., Yodzis, 2001). In addition, the model identifies areas of potential conflict in the Benguela system off southwest Africa, where the potential impacts of the increasing population of South African fur seals on the hake stocks has been an issue of much debate (Wickens et al., 1992, Punt and Butterworth, 1995), or in the waters surrounding Japan where the perception of marine mammals as competitors appears to be particularly prevalent (Anon., 2001b, a). Furthermore for seabirds, the model identified several areas of potential conflict, for instance in the Norwegian and Barents Seas, where rapid decline in the numbers of Common murres has been attributed to the development of industrial fisheries, which target mainly Sandeel for industrial raw materials, fish oil and fishmeal (Anker-Nilssen et al., 1997). Looking at our maps, the skewed perception of this issue by nations in close vicinity to these hotspots of interaction becomes an understandable, if somewhat myopic, viewpoint when extrapolated to the global scale. Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 41 On the other hand, there is a growing literature on marine mammals and seabirds being starved by depletion of small pelagics by fishing. We shall not pursue this theme here, except for mentioning the Mediterranean, where the fattening of Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) has generated a huge demand for small pelagics. It has been proposed that this demand, which is added to that of the seafood markets of Mediterranean countries, has led to a radical depletion of the stocks of small pelagics in certain areas (e.g. the Ionian Sea) and, therefore, to a depletion of previously abundant Common dolphins (Delphinus delphi) (CIESM 2004; Bearzi et al., 2004,2005). BIASES AND LIMITATIONS OF FOOD CONSUMPTION MODELS All input parameters of the basic food consumption models are affected by a number of conceptual and/or methodological biases. Abundance Estimating abundance of any marine mammal and seabird species is challenging due to the vast distributional ranges of most species and, for marine mammals, the fact that they spend the majority of their time underwater (Buckland et al., 1993). Moreover, dedicated surveys are labour- and cost-intensive, are generally conducted at irregular intervals and cover only a small proportion of a species’ total range. A lack of standard surveying techniques and coverages, and seasonal and inter-annual variation in species occurrence patterns, hamper direct comparison and summation of available regional areas. For all of these reasons, the global estimates used here should be regarded with caution. Nevertheless, we arrive at abundance estimates that are largely comparable to those previously used in similar studies assessing food consumption of marine mammals and seabirds on very large scales (Trites et al., 1997; Young, 2000; Tamura, 2003; Brooke, 2004). Feeding rates The selection of feeding rates used in any food consumption model strongly affects estimates of total consumption. Feeding rates have been estimated based on a variety of different methods ranging from direct measurements of food intake or maximum stomach contents (Innes et al., 1987) to bioenergtic models (Lockyer, 1981b, a; Nagy et al., 1999; Winship et al., 2002). All models are based on certain assumptions about physiological parameters and the feeding requirements of a specific individual (e.g., Klumov, 1963; Innes et al., 1986) or standard metabolic rates of species (Lilliendahl and Solmundsson, 1997; Sigurjónsson and Víkingsson, 1997). Models are thus associated with high uncertainties, particularly for baleen whales owing, e.g., to the difficulties associated with studying metabolic rates of large animals and the non-linear relationship between body mass and consumption (Leaper and Lavigne, 2002). In the case of marine mammals, our model ignored seasonal difference in food intake. The annual life cycle of many marine mammal species includes extensive fasting periods, often coinciding with reproductive activities (Brown and Lockyer, 1984). Some of the methods used to estimate daily rations implicitly account for the seasonal differences in food intake through the adjustment of the feeding rate exponent, but the effects of such feeding patterns are mostly ignored in these simple models. Unfortunately, evaluating the impact of the lack of seasonal feeding patterns on our estimates is difficult as direct comparisons with other studies that have considered such seasonal variation (Kenney et al., 1997; Shelton et al., 1997; Sigurjónsson and Víkingsson, 1997; Boyd, 2002) are hampered by the differences in modeling approaches and parameterization. In the case of seabirds, energy requirements also fluctuate seasonally, because the energetic costs of various stages in the life cycle of mature seabirds differ (see e.g., Ellis and Gabrielsen, 2002). This is why energy demands of seabird species were estimated here using BMR and FMR for the breeding and the non-breeding season respectively. However, BMR and FMR values were estimated using order-specific allometric equations, which may generate bias in the predictions of the model. Diet composition The composition of the diet is affected by various uncertainties, including the difficulties associated with obtaining diet information from sufficient sample sizes in the wild (Duffy and Jackson, 1986; Barros and Clarke, 2002). Diet composition estimates based on stomach content or scat analyses tend to be biased with respect to cephalopods, as their hard parts are less readily digested than those of other prey groups 42 Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly and accumulate in the stomach (Furness et al., 1984; Zeppelin et al., 2004). Such biases may, however, be addressed by applying correction factors that compensate for differential effects of digestion on different prey types (Tollit et al., 1997, 2003). More serious biases are introduced, for marine mammals, by the predominance of stranded animals in the overall sample. Such animals may not be representative of the rest of the population, as they are often sick and/or their stomach contents over-represent the coastal components of their diet (Barros and Clarke, 2002). Overall, stomach and scat samples only represent brief snapshots of what is often a highly variable, geographically and inter- and intra-annually changing diet spectrum of a given species (Haug et al., 1995; Nilssen, 1995; Velando and Freire, 1999; Tamura 2001). More recently developed molecular methods, including stable isotope (Hobson et al., 1994; Best and Schell, 1996; Hooker et al., 2001; Das et al., 2003) and fatty acid (Iverson 1993, Hooker et al., 2001; Lea et al., 2002; Grahl-Nielsen et al., 2003) analyses allow the investigation of diets over longer time periods, but results are often difficult to interpret and come with their own set of uncertainties (Smith et al., 1997). Spatially explicit food consumption model There are a number of discrepancies between the species distributions that underlie our food consumption maps and the currently-documented occurrence of the species. This is not surprising given the broad approach we took. By their nature, predictions are often closer to likely historical distributions of species than their currently utilized range extent (Kaschner, 2004). The predictions likely overestimate food intake in the lower latitudes by not considering seasonal differences in species occurrence and associated feeding patterns. Many marine mammal species undertake extensive annual or semi-annual migrations that cover large distances between areas used primarily for foraging and reproductive purposes (Stern, 2002; Stevick et al., 2002). Migrations and feeding patterns have been incorporated into the model for a subset of species (i.e. the Great whales) in the context of another project (Kaschner et al., 2006) and results indicated that the consideration of these factors only exaggerated the patterns shown in Figure 5. Nevertheless, there are on-going efforts to generate seasonal RES predictions for all marine mammal species in the near future which will be incorporated in future versions of the analysis conducted here. Similarly to marine mammals, the current lack of consideration of seasonal difference in distributions will have impacted the seabird results presented here. For instance, some species of the genus Puffinus (shearwaters) breed in areas of the southern hemisphere. At the end of the breeding season they migrate to feed and winter in the temperate and polar waters of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic Oceans (e.g., Spear and Ainley, 1999; Ito, 2002). Spatially-explicit resource overlap and sensitivity analysis A multitude of different conceptual approaches have been developed to investigate different aspects of ecological niche overlap between species and communities (Hanski, 1978; Hurlbert, 1978; Chase and Leibold, 2003). The index developed by Horn (1966) and Morisita (1959) that formed the basis for our resource overlap index (Equation 3) has been deemed inappropriate to measure ecological niche overlap by some (e.g., Hurlbert, 1978). Hurlbert’s (1978) main criticism concerns an implicit assumption of this approach that the overlap index is partially determined by the niche width outside the overlap zone (i.e., the extent of utilization of non-shared resources by either player and the overall availability of the resource used is not taken into account). However, in the context of investigating marine mammal-fisheries and seabird-fisheries interactions, we regarded the extent to which either relied on resources not consumed/targeted by the others as an important factor. The abundance or availability of resources would be an important consideration that will partially determine the extent of actual competition between two players (i.e., if the resource is limited and available amounts cannot sustain existing demands of all present consumers). Given the index used here, our model would, for instance, predict low overlap in areas where both marine mammals (or seabirds) and fisheries take relatively small amounts. However, if the abundance of the targeted food type is very low, competition may still conceivably be high in areas of predicted low resource overlap. Forage fish c0nsumption by marine mammals and seabirds, K. Kaschner, V. Karpouzi, R. Watson and D. Pauly 43 Efforts are underway to develop models to generate large-scale biomass estimates of fish (Christensen et al., 2003) that could be incorporated into the analysis in the future. However, for the most part, global estimates for most prey types are currently unavailable, making the consideration of prey abundance in overlap equations difficult. Our analysis of resource overlap was affected by the biases of all input parameters as discussed above. Yet, the nature of the models and the type of data used make it difficult to attach a quantitative estimate of uncertainty to our predictions. Nevertheless, a basic sensitivity analysis was conducted by running the model with global marine mammal food consumption estimates that varied by an order of magnitude. Results showed that such variation had little to no effect on the spatial extent of areas of predicted high resource overlap. This indicates that areas of high overlap are largely caused by extremely high catch rates, due to highly concentrated fishing effort. REFERENCES Anker-Nilssen, T., Barrett, R.T., Krasnov, J.V. 1997. Long- and short-term responses of seabirds in the Norwegian and Barents Seas to changes in stocks of prey fish. p. 683-698. In: Forage fishes in marine ecosystems. Proceeding of the International Symposium on the Role of Forage Fishes in Marine Ecosystems, Alaska Sea Grant College Program Report 97-01, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. Anon. 2001a. Didn't we forget something? Cetaceans and food for humankind. Institute of Cetacean Research, Tokyo, Japan. Anon. 2001b. 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