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2009, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
PloS one, 2017
The identification of immune correlates that are predictive of disease outcome for tuberculosis remains an ongoing challenge. To address this issue, we evaluated gene expression profiles from peripheral blood mononuclear cells following ex vivo challenge with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, among participants with active TB disease (ATBD, n = 10), latent TB infection (LTBI, n = 10), and previous active TB disease (after successful treatment; PTBD, n = 10), relative to controls (n = 10). Differential gene expression profiles were assessed by suppression-subtractive hybridization, dot blot, real-time polymerase chain reaction, and the comparative cycle threshold methods. Comparing ATBD to control samples, greater fold-increases of gene expression were observed for a number of chemotactic factors (CXCL1, CXCL3, IL8, MCP1, MIP1α). ATBD was also associated with higher IL1B gene expression, relative to controls. Among LTBI samples, gene expression of several chemotactic factors (CXCL2, CXCL3,...
Clinical Immunology, 2006
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 2004
Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes the illness tuberculosis with an annual mortality of 2 million. Understanding the nature of the host-pathogen interactions at different stages of tuberculosis is central to new strategies for developing chemotherapies and vaccines. Toward this end, we adapted microarray technology to analyze the change in gene expression profiles of M. tuberculosis during infection in mice. This protocol provides the transcription profile of genes expressed during the course of early tuberculosis in immune-competent (BALB/c) and severe combined immune-deficient (SCID) hosts in comparison with growth in medium. The microarray analysis revealed clusters of genes that changed their transcription levels exclusively in the lungs of BALB/c, SCID mice, or medium over time. We identified a set of genes (n = 67) activated only in BALB/c and not in SCID mice at 21 days after infection, a key point in the progression of tuberculosis. A subset of the lung-activated genes was previously identified as induced during mycobacterial survival in a macrophage cell line. Another group of in vivo-expressed genes may also define a previously unreported genomic island. In addition, our analysis suggests the similarity between mycobacterial transcriptional machinery during growth in SCID and in broth, which questions the validity of using the SCID model for assessing mycobacterial virulence. The in vivo expression-profiling technology presented should be applicable to any microbial model of infection.
Journal of Bacteriology, 2007
European Journal of Immunology, 2009
isara solutions, 2023
The tripartite merger of three Indian public sector banks reflected the government's focus on amalgamating and firming up public sector banking system. The core objectivity behind the merger was to generate a good customer base, infusing more service orientation in the public sector banking activities
Brill's Companion to Ancient Geography edited by S. Bianchetti, M. R. Cataudella, H. J. Gehrke is the first collection of studies on historical geography of the ancient world that focuses on a selection of topics considered crucial for understanding the development of geographical thought. In this work, scholars, all of whom are specialists in a variety of fields, examine the interaction of humans with their environment and try to reconstruct the representations of the inhabited world in the works of ancient historians, scientists, and cartographers. Topics include: Eudoxus, Dicaearchus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Agatharchides, Agrippa, Strabo, Pliny and Solinus, Ptolemy, and the Peutinger Map. Other issues are also discussed such as onomastics, the boundaries of states, Pythagorism, sacred itineraries, measurement systems, and the Holy Land.
GUERRA E PACE Storia e teoria di un'esperienza filosofica e politica, 2015
La relazione tra guerra e religione non dovrebbe essere esaminata come un tema capace di attirare la nostra attenzione unicamente per i suoi riti cruenti o per la manifesta opposizione della religione ai conflitti. Il pro- blema che si pone nel presente contributo appartiene piut- tosto a un’altra linea di riflessione: quali sono le funzioni politiche che spettano alla religione sotto la pressione che la guerra comporta per il sistema politico o più precisamente per l’intera società? Il fatto che tali funzioni siano rilevate implica già una concezione funzionalistica della religione, mostrando così il modo in cui la religione è in grado di con- frontarsi con le contingenze e quali sono le sue capacità di integrazione. L’immagine che ne emerge, in cui religione e guerra si rafforzano reciprocamente, non dovrebbe essere considerata un’affermazione definitiva: è invece una conse- guenza dell’approccio metodologico e può essere tanto fa- cilmente smentita quanto provata in una moltitudine di singoli casi. È per questo che solo una concreta ricerca sto- rica può risultare significativa: a che punto del corso della guerra, in quali forme, e soprattutto, in quali segmenti del complesso sistema rappresentato dalla «religione», o più precisamente per conto di chi, le funzioni politiche della religione sono percepibili?
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Actas del IV Congreso Internacional sobre la Nobleza, Madrid, 2022
Nationalities Papers, 2013
PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), 2017
Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 2022
Iet Power Electronics, 2016
Diagnostic Molecular Pathology, 2007
Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 2014
Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2015
Iran Journal of Nursing, 2006
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
IEEE Transactions on Education, 2007