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Pensamiento palabra y obra
La cultura contra el Arte El vínculo entre educación artística y cultura parece obvio, pero en realidad esconde relaciones sembradas de múltiples paradojas. Aún los países que tienen una tradición cultural histórica y contemporánea de mucho reconocimiento mundial necesitan impulsar un profundo replanteamientodel lugar del arte no sólo en la escuela, sino en la vida cotidiana. En términos generales necesitan repensar el vínculo arte y sociedad.La cultura ha sido vista como el continente natural de los lenguajes artísticos y efectivamente, su peso es tan grande dentro de la cultura que incluso ésta ha tendido a verse como sinónimo de artes, sobre todo en las políticas públicas. Ya sabemos que la cultura es mucho más que artes y también que el arte tiene una especificidad que nos obliga a pensarlo dentro, pero al mismo tiempo separado de la cultura.
PEDAGOGIA La pedagogía es un conjunto de saberes que buscan tener impacto e n el proceso educativo, en cualquiera de las dimensiones que este tenga, así como en la comprensión y organización de la cultura y la construcción del sujeto. Etimológicamente, la palabra pedagogía deriva del griego paidos que significa niño y agein que significa guiar, conducir. Se llama pedagogo a todo aquel que se encarga de instruir a los niños. El término "pedagogía" se origina en la antigua Grecia, al igual que todas las ciencias primero se realizó la acción educativa y después nació la pedagogía para tratar de recopilar datos sobre el hecho educativo, clasificarlos, estudiarlos, sistematizarlos y c oncluir una serie de principios normativos. A pesar de que se piensa que es una ciencia de carácter psicosocial que tiene por objeto el estudio de la educación con el fin de conocerla, analizarla y perfeccionarla, y a pesar de que la pedagogía es una ciencia que se nutre de disciplinas como la sociología, la economía, la antropología, la psicología, la historia, la medicina, etc., es preciso señalar que es fundamentalmente filosófica y que su objeto de estudio es läformación¨, es decir en palabras de Hegel, de aquel proceso en donde el sujeto pasa de una «conciencia en sí» a una «conciencia para sí» y donde el sujeto reconoce el lugar que ocupa en el mundo y se reconoce como constructor y transformador de éste.
Enseñanza e investigación artística, 2022
Libro colectivo sobre la enseñanza de las artes
Brief essay about the function of the photography like testimony of the reality lived by the humanity in the last 175 years. It analyses his irruption and consolidation like information base to represent the collective memory and from which elaborate the historical investigation. Especially, it attends to the photojournalism that fixes the actuality and transmits the most notable events like historical value. Without forgetting the anonymous photographies that contextualize people in his daily life. It stops in the conditionings to attain the objectivity and the rigor of analysts and historians to interpret the pictures. Finally, in his relation with the painting, it examines the dislocation of this like exact memory of the reality, the forced changeover of the realistic images to the abstraction and the representation in black and white of the facts, life and people of the 20th century. It concludes defending the creation, conservation and management of pictures in digital photo-li...
Bu Makale : Tarihin ilk adimi olan Sumer Devri 'nin yazinin icadindan sonra kapanmadigini, III. Ur Hanedanligiyla devam ettigini bircok Sumer eseri ve zenginliginin bu donemden gunumuze tasindigini anlatmak icin yazilmistir.
energy Management of Air-conditioning Systems Apart from the logical practice of switching off the air conditioner when no one is in the room or tuning up the thermostat when the temperature gets too cold, operation and maintenance considerations also play a pivotal role I conserving and managing efficiency. It should be noted however that, where specialist services are required, then such servicing should be dealt with such equipment specialist. The primary source of energy loss in air conditioning systems stems mainly from operational and maintenance factors. Operation Factors 1.Unduly low temperature settings 2.Unregulated operating hours of the system 3.Absence or malfunction of monitoring or control equipment to adjust cooling loads to changing requirement 4.Losses caused by open windows and doors 5.Improper selection of equipment for the equipment for the required application Maintenance Factors 1.Clogged chiller/ evaporator coils- effectively reduces the volumetric supply of chiller air to the system. 2.Clogged condenser coil-reduces the amount of heat rejected by the system putting additional loads on the compressor. 3.Clogged tubings and pipelines- impeded fluid flows reduces both chilling and heat rejections by the system. 4.Clogged air filters-reduced air flow to the system. 5.Refrigerant leaking-reduces chilling capacity and increases energy usage. 6.Leaking air ducting-losses that reduce air flow to the system. 7.Loose power transmission belts, if used The common preventive maintenance activities that can contribute to reliable and efficient operation are: 1.Regularly clean all air filters to remove any built -up of dust and other airborne substances that will impede airflow. 2.Where cooling towers are used, regularly clean the troughs to remove any build-u of algae and other bacterial growth that may choke pipelines and tubings. If necessary, close the water with chemical agents to prevent any growth. Chemical closing is also recommended to avoid the build-up of scales in pipelines. 3.Where appropriate, regularly check ductings for air leaks. Older air conditioning systems or improperly insulated ductings are prone to leaks. The leaks are usually the result of badly corroded ductings. 4.Tighten any loose power transmission belts or replace, is damaged.
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
Soil health plays a crucial role in agricultural productivity, environmental sustainability, and global food security. In recent years, biochar has emerged as a promising soil amendment due to its ability to enhance soil fertility, nutrient retention, water holding capacity, and overall soil health. From an agricultural standpoint, using biochar as a soil conditioner has various advantages, including improved physical, chemical, and biological qualities of soils, which leads to enhanced crop output. Biochar can be utilised for soil carbon sequestration, reducing the bioavailability of pollutants impacting living organisms, and water treatment due to its physicochemical qualities This review paper aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the role of biochar in improving soil health.
Sandoval Forero, Eduardo Andrés. ETNOGRAFÍA E INVESTIGACIÓN ACCIÓN INTERCULTURAL PARA LOS CONFLICTOS Y LA PAZ. Metodologías Descolonizadoras . Primera Edición . Venezuela . Editorial Alfonso Arena , F. P. Año: 2018. 278 pp. 15,24 cm x 22,86 cm.
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Aca’ib: Occasional papers on the Ottoman perceptions of the supernatural, 2022
Andreu, J., Cabrero, J., Rodá, I., Hispaniae. Las provincias hispanas en el mundo romano. Tarragona 2009 pp. 323-338., 2009
Revue Des Sciences Philosophiques Et Theologiques, 2003
Salerno Editrice (Piccoli Saggi) - Carocci Editore, 2024
Contexto Internacional, 2023
Church History and Religious Culture, 2010
L. M. de Araújo, J. das Candeias Sales (eds.), Novos trabalhos de Egiptologia Ibérica, 2012
American Heart Journal, 1993
تحقیقات علوم رفتاری, 2014
Materials Today Communications, 2020
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023
PharmaNutrition, 2014
Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2019