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Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Earth and Planetary Science Letters www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl Prolonged monsoon droughts and links to Indo-Pacific warm pool: A Holocene record from Lonar Lake, central India Sushma Prasad a,c,∗ , A. Anoop a , N. Riedel b , S. Sarkar c , P. Menzel d , N. Basavaiah e , R. Krishnan f , D. Fuller g , B. Plessen a , B. Gaye d , U. Röhl h , H. Wilkes a , D. Sachse c , R. Sawant i , M.G. Wiesner d , M. Stebich b a Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany Senckenberg Research Institute, Research Station of Quaternary Palaeontology, Am Jakobskirchhof 4, D-99423 Weimar, Germany c Institute for Earth and Environmental Science, University of Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht Straße 24-25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany d Universität Hamburg, Institute of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry, Hamburg, Germany e Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, India f Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India g Institute of Archaeology, University College London, London, UK h MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany i Deccan College, Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Pune-411006, India b a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 15 August 2013 Received in revised form 24 January 2014 Accepted 26 January 2014 Available online xxxx Editor: G. Henderson Keywords: Indian summer monsoon ENSO prolonged droughts Holocene Lonar Lake a b s t r a c t Concerns about the regional impact of global climate change in a warming scenario have highlighted the gaps in our understanding of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM, also referred to as the Indian Ocean summer monsoon) and the absence of long term palaeoclimate data from the central Indian core monsoon zone (CMZ). Here we present the first high resolution, well-dated, multiproxy reconstruction of Holocene palaeoclimate from a 10 m long sediment core raised from the Lonar Lake in central India. We show that while the early Holocene onset of intensified monsoon in the CMZ is similar to that reported from other ISM records, the Lonar data shows two prolonged droughts (PD, multidecadal to centennial periods of weaker monsoon) between 4.6–3.9 and 2–0.6 cal ka. A comparison of our record with available data from other ISM influenced sites shows that the impact of these PD was observed in varying degrees throughout the ISM realm and coincides with intervals of higher solar irradiance. We demonstrate that (i) the regional warming in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) plays an important role in causing ISM PD through changes in meridional overturning circulation and position of the anomalous Walker cell; (ii) the long term influence of conditions like El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the ISM began only ca. 2 cal ka BP and is coincident with the warming of the southern IPWP; (iii) the first settlements in central India coincided with the onset of the first PD and agricultural populations flourished between the two PD, highlighting the significance of natural climate variability and PD as major environmental factors affecting human settlements.  2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction The ISM is a major component of the Asian monsoon system (Wang et al., 2005). While considerable data is available on Holocene East Asian monsoon variability (e.g., Yancheva et al., 2007; Dong et al., 2010; Wohlfarth et al., 2012; Chawchai et al., 2013), not much is known about the ISM that affects climate throughout south Asia, and as such the livelihood of more than a billion people in largely agriculture dependent societies (Krishna Kumar et al., 2011) over a variety of timescales. The * Corresponding author at: Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany. E-mail address: sprasad@gmx.de (S. Prasad). 0012-821X/$ – see front matter  2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.043 devastating socio-economic impacts of droughts (a deficit of 10% below the long term mean rainfall) in the ISM realm are well documented (Mooley and Parthasarathy, 1982; Sinha et al., 2011), yet little is known about the dynamical processes underlying these natural catastrophes. ENSO is commonly linked to droughts in the ISM realm – the weakening of this relationship in recent decades has implications on the predictability of the ISM (e.g., Krishna Kumar et al., 1999). While indirect indicators of “ENSO-like” (ENSO-l) activity during the Holocene over multidecadal to centennial scales are available (Moy et al., 2002; Rein et al., 2005), testing the long term stability of the link between ENSO-l conditions with the ISM has not been possible as long term palaeoclimate reconstructions exist mostly from the peripheral ISM regions (Enzel et al., 1999; Staubwasser et al., 2003; Berkelhammer et al., 2012). There are no 172 S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 Fig. 1. (a) Location of sites discussed in the text-1: δ 18 O from Oman Stalagmite (Fleitmann et al., 2003); 2: Marine core with catchment in Godavari delta (Ponton et al., 2012); 3: Lonar Lake (our study); 4: δ 18 O from Mawmluh cave stalagmite (Berkelhammer et al., 2012); 5: Hyongong peat (Hong et al., 2003). (b) Geology of the Lonar Lake (after Maloof et al., 2009) and position of the core. continuous well-dated Holocene palaeoclimate records from central India, the core of the monsoon zone (CMZ) (Gadgil, 2003). Here we present the first well-dated Holocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from the CMZ of central India. Our archive, Lonar Lake, is the only long term “rain gauge” for central India (Fig. 1a) and its sedimentary record is used here to reconstruct the longterm regional palaeomonsoon variability in high-resolution. This lake is the only natural lake in central India as most of this region is covered by the Deccan basalts and lacks natural lakes, with the exception of Lonar crater that was formed by a meteorite impact ca. 570 ka (Jourdan et al., 2011) on the ∼65 Ma old (Fredriksson et al., 1973; Milton et al., 1975) basalt flows of the Deccan Traps. Currently, this crater contains a shallow (6 m deep, 1.2 km diameter) saline lake. We also compare the Lonar record with the reconstructed ENSO-l, and sea surface temperature (SST) changes in the IPWP to examine the forcing mechanisms behind extended droughts in the ISM realm. The Lonar Lake is a closed (endorrheic), hyposaline, and alkaline lake (Jhingran and Rao, 1958; Joshi et al., 2008). The lake is stratified with an anoxic bottom layer below 4 m water (AD 2011) depth with pH values between 9.5 and 10.4. The water level in Lonar Lake fluctuates in response to ISM precipitation with higher lake level during stronger monsoon years with input from both the surface runoff and groundwater (Komatsu et al., in press). During the dry season, the evaporation from the lake exceeds the input resulting in the significant drop of the lake level (Komatsu et al., in press). The δ 18 O and δ D of the inflowing streams range from −2.1 to −3.1❤ and −15.4 to −21.4❤ respectively. However, the lake waters showed relatively enriched values for δ 18 O and δ D fluctuating between +4.2 to +5.5❤ and +14.7 to +21❤ respectively. Similarly, δ 13 CDIC was enriched (+11 to +14.8❤) in lake waters and relatively depleted (between −9.9 and −12.6❤) in the inflowing streams indicative of biological productivity and evaporative enrichment in lake waters (Anoop et al., 2013). 1.1. Study area 1.1.3. Modern vegetation Lonar crater is located within the Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest biome sensu Champion and Seth (1968). Our investigations indicate that the landscape outside the crater is heavily influenced through grazing, fuel cutting and agriculture, thus only shrubby thorn-vegetation occurs with Acacia spp., Annona squamosa, Senna auriculata, and Ziziphus mauritiana. Forestvegetation inside Lonar crater is roughly divided into three zones, which form concentric belts. The crater slope between ca. 500 and 560 m asl is vegetated with tropical dry deciduous forest vegetation comprising teak (Tectona grandis), Azadirachta indica, Cassia fistula, Wrightia tinctoria, and Butea monosperma. Vegetation on the crater ground is dominated by Prosopis juliflora, with an admixture of Alangium salviifolium, Ficus benghalesis, Trewia nudiflora, Ailanthus excelsa, etc. The lake shore is solely vegetated with Prosopis juliflora. The north–eastern part of the crater ground is used for agricultural purposes. Except in the dense and shady forest vegetation on the crater ground, the open character of vegetation on the crater slopes and outside Lonar crater promotes a rich understory dominated by Poaceae and various herbs of the Fabaceae, Asteraceae, and Acanthaceae families. The mouth of the Dhara rivulet features extensive stands of swamp vegetation comprising Cyperaceae and Typha sp. 1.1.1. Geology Lonar crater is a near-circular depression (Fig. 1b) with a rimto-rim diameter of 1.8 km and an average depth of around 135 m from the rim crest to the lake level. The lake is fed by surface runoff from ISM precipitation and three perennial streams (Dhara, Sitanahani and Ramgaya). Since the lake has no outlet, the water level is presently controlled by the balance between evapotranspiration and precipitation, plus discharge from the groundwater fed springs. Tritium dating (Anoop et al., 2013) indicated a modern to sub-modern age for the groundwater. This is consistent with the local observations that a succession of below average rainfall results in partial or, as in AD 1982 (single year), a complete drying of the lake. 1.1.2. Modern climate, hydrology, and hydrochemistry The modern-day rainfall in the Lonar region is mostly provided by the Arabian Sea branch of the southwest monsoon (Sengupta and Sarkar, 2006). Temperatures during the pre-monsoon period are around 31 ◦ C, but may increase up to 45 ◦ C; southwestmonsoon and post-monsoon temperatures average 27 ◦ C and 23 ◦ C respectively. The average summer monsoon rainfall is ca. 680 mm. S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 173 Fig. 2. (a) Lonar litholog. Two prominent evaporite gaylussite horizons indicate drier conditions. Symbols adjacent to the lithology indicate the position of dated samples: blue circles: terrestrial fragments, yellow circles: bulk organic matter, and brown circles: dated gaylussite. (b) Age model of composite Lonar profile, derived from the P_Sequence depositional model implemented in OxCal 4.1 (Bronk Ramsey, 1999, 2008). The coloured shading represents the 2σ probability range. Individual AMS 14 C dates obtained from bulk organic matter, terrestrial fragments, and gaylussite crystal are displayed as calibrated 2σ probability functions. (c) Correlation using marker layers. (d) Evaporitic gaylussite crystal. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) 2. Sample collection and methodology 2.1. Coring, documentation and correlation Two long cores, with an offset of 50 cm were raised from the Lonar Lake in May–June AD 2008 using a floating platform and a UWITEC piston corer. Samples were collected in 1–2 m long plastic liners with an inner diameter of 9 cm. The cores were opened and the lithology documented in detail in the laboratory. The correlation between cores was achieved using a combination of at least two of the three parameters: marker layers, magnetic susceptibility, and XRF scanner data. The overlap between cores ranged from a few centimeters to tens of centimeters. A continuous composite core of 10.04 m is now available from the Lonar Lake (Fig. 2a) and has been subdivided into 14 lithostratigraphic units (Table 1 in Supplementary Online Material (SOM)-1). 2.2. Thin section preparation A continuous set of overlapping petrographic thin sections (10 cm long) from selected core sections was prepared for microfacies analyses from the composite part following the method described by Brauer and Casanova (2001). Thin-section images were obtained with a digital camera (Carl Zeiss Axiocam) and the software Carl Zeiss Axiovision 2.0. 2.3. Chronology We have collected terrestrial wood samples throughout the core to obtain a radiocarbon chronology (Fig. 2b, Table 2 in SOM-1). We have also selectively dated the carbonate crystals, bulk organic matter, and leaf fragments along with the wood fragments to ascertain the possibility of errors arising from reworked samples and/or any “hard water effect”. For age modelling, we have used the P_Sequence method from OxCal (e.g., Bronk Ramsey 1999, 2008; Blockley et al., 2008). This method recognises that many processes are in fact a series of events and can be modelled by using representative information on the relationships between individual events. This model requires the estimation of the factor (k) which is the relationship between the events and the overall stratigraphical process – a high value for k would rigidly constrain the data and would be suitable for very simple sedimentary processes with little change in the sedimentation rate, whereas a low k value would be the opposite. 2.4. Isotope analyses The stable isotope compositions of bulk (gaylussite was removed by handpicking under the microscope) carbonates (δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb ) were determined using a Finnigan GasBenchII with carbonate option coupled to a DELTAplusXL mass spectrometer, following the analytical procedure described in Spötl and Vennemann (2003). The TC, TN, and TOC contents and the δ 15 N and δ 13 Corg isotopic compositions were determined using an elemental analyser (NC2500 Carlo Erba) coupled with a ConFlowIII interface on a DELTAplusXL mass spectrometer (Thermo Fischer Scientific). Subsamples (0.5 cm thickness) were collected for isotope (organic and carbonate) analyses representing a time resolution ranging from <10 yr between 0 and 5.5 cal ka to multidecadal (ca. 10–80 yr) in older sediments. 174 S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 2.5. XRF core scanning Continuous down-core X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning of the sediment core surface was performed using the Avaatech XRF Core Scanner III. The tube voltage was operated at 10 kV, with 5 mm resolution, and the X-PIPS SXP5C-200-1500 detector from Canberra to allow obtaining the elemental abundances of major elements (Al, Si, Ca, K, Fe, Ti and Mn). The data was normalised using the calculated sedimentation rate. 2.6. Lipid biomarker and stable isotope (δ 13 C) analysis The sediment core was sub-sampled (70 samples) for extraction of lipid biomarkers. Subsamples (2 cm thickness) represented a time resolution ranging from 8–20 yr until 5.1 cal ka to 60–120 yr in older sediments. Ca. 2–4 g of samples, freeze-dried and homogenised, were extracted using an accelerated solvent extractor (Dionex ASE 350) with a 9:1 mixture of dichloromethane and methanol. After removal of elemental sulphur (passing through activated copper pipette columns) and addition of internal standards the total lipid extracts (TLEs) were separated on SPE silica gel columns into fractions of different polarity. Fractions (containing alcohols) were measured on an Agilent GC-FID/MSD system for compound identification (comparison of mass spectra with published data) and quantification. The stable isotope (δ 13 C) composition of tetrahymanol was measured on a GC system (Agilent 6890N) coupled via combustion interface (GC-C III), to a Thermo Fischer Scientific (model 253) isotope ratio mass spectrometer (GC-IRM-MS). Calibration of isotope values was performed by injecting several pulses of CO2 at the beginning and at the end of each GC run and by measurement of certified standards between sample runs. GC-IRM-MS analyses were run in triplicate with standard deviations better than 0.5❤. Isotopic ratios are expressed as δ 13 C values in per mil relative to the Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (V-PDB) standard. 2.7. Pollen analysis Pollen assemblages were studied at a resolution of 1 cm between 878 and 870 cm composite core depth, 2 cm between 870 and 794 cm and 10 cm between 790 cm and the composite core top. In total, 120 sediment samples were analysed, representing a time resolution between 150 and 40 yr. Samples were treated with HF and hot acetolysis mixture and sieved on 200 µm and 5 µm following the standard guidelines of Faegri and Iversen (1989). All samples were spiked with Lycopodium marker grains (Stockmarr, 1971). At least 600 pollen grains were counted per sample. For identification of the pollen types, the reference collection of the Senckenberg Research Station Weimar, the pollen atlas for Maharashtra (Nayar, 1990), and a web-based pollen atlas for the Australasian realm (APSA Members, 2007) were consulted. 511–612 cm lie on the trend formed by the dates on terrestrial fragments. The magnitude of the “ageing” of bulk organics is not constant throughout the profile and ranges from ca. 450 to 1500 yr. The apparent “older” ages for the bulk sediments could be caused by several factors, potentially the most important being hard water effect (Fontes et al., 1996; Björck and Wohlfarth, 2001). However, the absence of carbonate outcrops in the region eliminates the overestimation of bulk 14 C due to hard water effect. Because the Lonar Lake shows high salinity, stratification, and high pH, the apparent “ageing” could be most likely caused by lack of equilibration with the atmosphere. The coincidences of some of the older ages with zones of gaylussite crystals (high pH, stratification, and salinity) also support such a scenario. We have excluded the dates that are obvious outliers (see Table 2 in SOM-1). For the remaining dates the calibration was done using the OxCal programme (Bronk Ramsey, 2008) using the INTCAL04 and NH3 curves. In the P_sequence method, we have used three boundaries based on lithological changes and used a k value of 0.1. The agreement index (AI) for single ages, a measure of the fit between the data and the model should be above the threshold of 60 (Bronk Ramsey, 2008). The overall AI of 115.8 testifies to the suitability of this approach. The clay in the lower section (904–980 cm) is similar in appearance and texture to the clay found in the upper core, hence age extrapolation for this part was done using the sedimentation rate for the uppermost section (0–446 cm). 3.2. Lithology and evaporitic mineralogy The lithology of the Lonar core is shown in Fig. 2a. Thin section investigations reveal that the laminated calcareous clay (11.15–9 cal ka; Fig. 2c) comprises of seasonality controlled sub-laminations: clay (monsoon rainfall erosion) with intercalations of organic (productivity) and calcareous (summer evaporation) layers, indicating these laminae to be varves. Several terrestrial wood fragments and one leaf were also found in this horizon indicating strong surficial inflow into the lake. Calcareous silty clay with evaporitic gaylussite crystals (Fig. 2), indicate highly saline conditions in two zones: mid (4.6–3.9 cal ka) and upper (2–0.6 cal ka) parts of the core (Anoop et al., 2013). Although no modern analogues are available, we note that between 2002 and 2011 AD the average summer rainfall was ca. 20% below the long term mean (Indian Meteorological Department). However, there was no gaylussite formation clearly indicating that a substantially longer interval of reduced summer monsoon is needed for the formation of these evaporites. Most of the crystals in the core appear parallel to the original sediment laminations and range in length from sub-mm to 8 mm. With a few exceptions, the crystals are devoid of any sediment inclusions (Fig. 2d). Their evaporative origin is also confirmed by isotope analyses (Anoop et al., 2013). 3.3. Geochemistry, isotope, and biomarker studies 3. Results 3.1. Chronology The core chronology is based on AMS dating (Fig. 2b and Table 2 in SOM-1) of wood, leaf, gaylussite, and bulk material from the sediments. The radiocarbon dates on terrestrial fragments (wood, twigs and leaf) and a gaylussite crystal (see Section 3.2) are in stratigraphic order. Paired radiocarbon dates obtained on bulk sediments and terrestrial fragments at the same depth show similar ages (within errors) except for the single paired sample at 383.5 cm where the date on bulk material is significantly older (Table 2 in SOM-1). Only two bulk organic matter dates between XRF data (see SOM-2 for data) show that the elements K, Ti, Fe and Si are significantly correlated with Al (r = 0.89, 0.81, 0.63, 0.93) for the whole core. Hence, Al was chosen as a representative for these elements. Our investigations of modern catchment and lake surface sediments (Basavaiah et al., in press) show that Al is contributed by catchment erosion and its distribution parallels the lithogenic content in surface sediments with higher values near the shoreline. Hence, Al can be used as an indicator of detrital input into the lake and proximity to the shoreline. The detrital input is highest between 11.4–11.15 cal ka and remains consistently low until 5.2 cal ka when higher detrital inflow is seen (Fig. 3). S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 175 Fig. 3. Results of multiproxy investigations on the 10 m long Lonar core. In the first column (dotted grey box) are shown the prominent chalcolithic cultural periods (Kayatha, Savalda, Malwa and Jorwe) (Misra, 2001) detected in this region. Arrow with (∗ ) indicates adoption of low rainfall crop patterns, and arrow with (∗∗ ) indicates decadal scale drought induced famines. The Al (total counts) have been normalised with respect to sedimentation rate. The Corg /N values of bulk organic matter remain consistently high (>25) except for short intervals (11.4–11.2; 4.4–4.2, and from 1.4 cal ka to present) when they fall to <15 (Fig. 3). The δ 13 Corg and δ 15 N values vary between −22❤ and −6❤ and between +4❤ and +15❤ respectively. The variability is low between ca. 11 and 6.2 cal ka when a shift towards enriched values, most prominently between 6.2 and 5.3 cal ka is seen. Subsequently, a depletion is observed but the values remain higher than during the early Holocene. The δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb values (after removal of gaylussite) are high (δ 13 Ccarb = 6–20❤ and δ 18 Ocarb = ca. 3–9❤) during the 11.2–5.8 cal ka. δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb co-vary (r = 0.78) for the whole core indicating their evaporative origin (Fig. 3). The bacterial/ciliate community biomarker tetrahymanol makes its first appearance at ca. 5.2 cal ka in exceptional concentrations and persists until 3.9 cal ka and in lower abundance subsequently. An unusual enrichment in δ 13 C (ca. 5.1–4 cal ka) is observed for tetrahymanol (−17.2❤ to −7.2❤) (Fig. 3). 3.4. Pollen Poaceae contribute between 63.5 and 96.5% to the terrestrial pollen assemblage, while other herbs (e.g., Amaranthaceae and Asteraceae) account for 0.6 to 14.2% of the terrestrial pollen spectrum. Arboreal pollen contribute between 1.2 and 32.6% to the total terrestrial pollen assemblage. Pollen of woody plants representing moist forest communities appear with up to 7.7% between 8.9 and 5 cal ka (Fig. 4). Pollen of dry deciduous forest trees prevail steadily throughout the core, highest values of up to 30% are found between 8.6 and 7.1 cal ka, 5.6 and 4.1 cal ka and again at 3.0 cal ka. Pollen percentages of xeric thorn shrub elements occur from 5 cal ka BP onwards, with maxima of 6.3% between 3.8 and 2.8 cal ka. Pollen of Ailanthus excelsa, a tree species considered as disturbance indicator, appear between 4.6 and 3.0 cal ka, and around 1.5 cal ka, with up to 10%. 4. Discussion In our palaeoclimate reconstruction from a 10 m long sediment core, we have used clastic influx, isotopic data from bulk organic matter, pollen, biomarker flux and compound specific isotope data, together with published data (Anoop et al., 2013) on evaporite mineral assemblages and their respective isotopic composition, to reconstruct past hydrological changes in the CMZ. 4.1. Environmental sensitivity of Lonar core proxies The Corg /N ratio of sediments is used as an organic matter source indicator. Based on the analysis of modern Lonar Lake sediments, it was inferred that a Corg /N ratio 25 represents a major terrestrial contribution and a Corg /N ratio below 25 a mixed plankton and terrestrial signal (Menzel et al., 2013). Changes in phytoplankton biological productivity are reconstructed here from variations in carbon and nitrogen isotopes of bulk organic matter. δ 13 C values of terrestrial organic material are mainly determined by the contribution of plants using the C3 (wetter conditions; δ 13 C = −25 to −30❤) or the C4 (drier; δ 13 C = −10 to −15❤) pathway for CO2 uptake (Meyers, 1994). The δ 13 C record of the phytoplankton component is governed by changes in organic productivity, salinity, and pH of the water (Stuiver, 1975). Photosynthetic organic productivity preferentially uses 12 C and 14 N, leaving the DIC and DIN pools enriched in 13 C and 15 N, respectively (Swart, 1983; Talbot and Laerdal, 2000). Under CO2 deficient conditions (<0.01 mol/l), which are promoted in highly alkaline water (Schelske and Hodell, 1991; Xu et al., 2006), phytoplankton may be forced to change from CO2 to HCO− 3 based metabolism, which produces relatively 13 C enriched organic matter (Talbot, 1990; Leng and Marshall, 2004). Additionally, high evaporation during drier (saline) conditions can cause supersaturation of carbonate in the lake water, and consequently 12 CO2 degassing (Lei et al., 2012). 176 S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 Fig. 4. Simplified pollen diagram for the Lonar Lake sediment sequence. The colours in the far right column have the same implications for climate as in Fig. 3. Arrows indicate the major transition points in the catchment vegetation. Increased or decreased productivity in a stratified lake therefore should be reflected in increasing or decreasing δ 13 C and δ 15 N values of organic matter that was produced in surface waters (Hodell and Schelske, 1998). Within the core, the oxygen and carbon isotope values of calcium carbonate (δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb ) correlate (r = 0.78) indicating their evaporative origin (Li and Ku, 1997). The carbonates in surface sediments show less enriched values near the stream inflow (shore proximity) as compared with deep water due to the dilution by the isotopically depleted inflowing streams (Anoop et al., 2013). We note that due to the damping of the drying signal by the stream inflow (5 yr of age) and the high solubility of the evaporites (Anoop et al., 2013), the Lonar isotopic record is sensitive to, and preserves, only the evidence of weaker than normal decadal ISM fluctuations. S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 The normalised aluminium (Al) (XRF, total counts) content indicates clastic influx – in the closed Lonar Lake, an increased detrital influx could be indicative of increased catchment erosion and/or shoreline proximity (lake level changes). However, since the stream inflow is linked to recharge by monsoon, a combination of both the proxies (δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb , and Al) can give a clear picture of the lake level changes and monsoon inflow. Pollen analysis is used for vegetation reconstruction in the Lonar Lake catchment and the discrimination between different vegetation types. Pollen of woody plants were assigned to three forest types, with wet to moist forest today occurring under annual rainfall values of 5000 to 1800 mm and a 7–8 month-long dry season, represented by Olea, Ligustrum Eleaeodendron, Trema and Trewia, semi-arid dry deciduous forest (1500–800 mm/a rainfall, 7 month-long dry season), with Combretaceae, Phyllanthus, Tectona, Lagerstroemia and Grewia, and arid thorn shrub vegetation (800–400 mm/a, 7–8 month dry season), comprising Acacia, Prosopis, Rhamnaceae and Azadirachta. The classification follows Gaussen et al. (1964, 1966, 1970) and Champion and Seth (1968). Following these data, available moisture which controls the distribution of the different trees and forest types on regional scale is primarily determined by the strong gradient in annual rainfall amounts. Grasses of the Poaceae family dominate the lower stratum of most vegetation formations in tropical India, including moist forest types (Dabadghao and Shankarnarayan, 1973). An identification of Poaceae pollen grains on higher taxonomic levels is usually not possible using light microscopy (Beug, 2004) and thus grass pollen are not indicative for changes in rainfall amounts at Lonar crater. The identification of pollen grains of cultivated plants is commonly used to detect agricultural activity in the past (Bottema, 1992). However, based on the pollen morphology an identification of common cultivated cereals in S-India is not feasible (Vishnu-Mittre, 1975). Moreover, pollen of cultivated pulses were not identified in the Lonar pollen record, because of the large number of native Fabaceae herbs occurring in the vegetation. However, we interpret increasing herb pollen values after ca. 1.3 cal ka as indirect indicators for artificial changes in the understory vegetation, since herbs might be promoted over grasses through prolonged grazing pressure. Additionally, many woody thorn shrub taxa may also reflect anthropogenic degradation of dry deciduous vegetation (Asouti and Fuller, 2008). The lipid biomarker tetrahymanol is a pentacyclic triterpenoid lipid that frequently occurs in lake sediments (e.g., Thiel et al., 1997; Castañeda et al., 2011). It may have different biological origins among which predatory ciliates appear to be the most relevant in sedimentary records (Harvey and McManus, 1991). Other documented sources of tetrahymanol are the phototrophic purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris (Kleemann et al., 1990), the fern Oleandra wallichii (Zander et al., 1969) and the rumen fungus Piromonas communi (Kemp et al., 1984). In Lonar, tetrahymanol occurs in high amounts in surface sediments and bacterial mats retrieved from various locations in Lonar Lake (Sarkar et al., 2014) suggesting that bacteria/ciliate communities are the most likely source of tetrahymanol in this ecosystem. Sinninghe Damsté et al. (1995) proposed that tetrahymanol may be synthesised by anaerobic ciliates living at or below the chemocline, and thus may be indicative of water column stratification. Periods of increased abundance of tetrahymanol during the Holocene in the saline and alkaline Lake Van (Turkey) have been related to pronounced stagnation accompanied by the establishment of an anoxic water body (Thiel et al., 1997). In Lonar Lake sediments we interpret tetrahymanol as originating from bacteria/ciliate communities and consider it as a marker for watercolumn stratification (Sinninghe Damsté et al., 1995) and its δ 13 C is used here to assess alkalinity of the lake water. 177 4.2. Holocene proxy variability and climate reconstruction In contrast to the lakes in NW India that dried out or became seasonal after 4 cal ka (Prasad and Enzel, 2006), the Lonar Lake has retained water level until today and provides the best preserved, high resolution record of Holocene climate variability from the core monsoon region. The driest period (>11.4 cal ka) (Fig. 2a), was marked by soil developing on the dry lake bed and followed by a short period (∼300 yr) of intensive erosion, fluctuating salinity as indicated by the presence of evaporative gaylussite, and high aquatic productivity (low Corg /N, high δ 13 Corg and δ 15 N) that resulted from a sudden increase in precipitation (Fig. 3). During ∼11–6.2 cal ka, wet conditions are indicated by the lowest δ 13 Corg values (indicating C3 plants) and low clastic influx. We infer stratified, deep water conditions between 11–9 cal ka when seasonally laminated (varved) sediments were deposited. Counterintuitively, the early Holocene evaporative carbonates show less negative δ 18 O values that could be related to reduce dilution by the isotopically depleted stream inflow during periods of higher lake levels. However, the amplitude of spatial isotopic variability (8.5❤ for δ 13 C and 4❤ for δ 18 O) in surface bulk carbonates (Anoop et al., 2013) cannot alone explain the range of variability seen in the core bulk carbonate isotopic composition. We exclude any contribution from the winter westerlies as this region was under the influence of the ISM during the Holocene (Prasad and Negendank, 2004) – the only possible explanation for the apparently reverse trend in carbonate isotope values is a change in source water composition or paths of precipitation tracks related to shifts in the mean position of the ITCZ (Haug et al., 2001). Moist forests occurred from 8.8 cal ka onwards throughout the early and lower middle Holocene, as evident from the pollen data. Gradually decreasing pollen of dry deciduous forest elements after ca. 8.5 cal ka, indicates further increasing rainfall amounts. A significant rise in moist forest pollen types around 7.1 cal ka attests to the wettest phase. From 6.2 cal ka a stepwise shift to a weaker summer monsoon is evident from salinity and pH related enrichments of δ 13 Corg and δ 15 N (Fig. 3) that precede the expansion (5.6–3.9 cal ka) of semi-arid dry deciduous forest (Fig. 4). Lake shoaling, accompanied by an increase in clastic influx, sedimentation rate (Fig. 3, >1.5 mm/yr compared to 0.18 mm/yr in lower sediments), and less enriched evaporitic isotope values indicating increased proximity to inflowing streams, indicate onset of drier conditions ca. 5.2 cal ka. The bacterial/ciliate community biomarker tetrahymanol makes its first appearance at this time in exceptional concentrations and persists until 3.9 cal ka and in lower abundance subsequently. The unusual enrichment in δ 13 C (ca. 5.1–4 cal ka) observed for tetrahymanol (−17.2❤ to −7.2❤) can only be explained fully by the utilisation of a 13 C-enriched carbon source by the tetrahymanol-producing organism indicating increasing lake water alkalinity. This shift to drier climate conditions is accompanied by a marked shift in the composition of the pollen assemblage at ca. 5 cal ka (Fig. 4), pointing to a significant reduction of moist arboreal vegetation while dry thorn shrub elements become established. The drying trend beginning ca. 5.2 cal ka culminates in the formation of evaporative gaylussite (Anoop et al., 2013) between 4.6 and 3.9 cal ka when lake salinity increased. We refer to the highly saline, drier periods as prolonged droughts (PD, centennial long intervals with weak summer monsoon) as 20% below the long term mean is needed for the formation of gaylussite. Within this interval (PD1: 4.6–3.9 cal ka), tetrahymanol showed the least negative δ 13 C values, pollen of dry deciduous forest elements declined, and pollen of light demanding species (Ailanthus excelsa) increased indicating a noticeable opening of the vegetation. Within PD1, between ca. 4.4 and 4.2 cal ka, the Corg /N ratios drop to values 10. Although these values are 178 S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 typical of planktonic organic matter (Meyers and Lallier-Vergès, 1999), and thus might indicate enhanced aquatic productivity, we attribute them to reduced supply of terrestrial organic matter due to drier conditions, as no corresponding δ 13 Corg enrichment is seen, and the drop in Corg /N occurs during the cycle of continuous evaporation and reduced Al supply (Anoop et al., 2013) – this short arid event led to a rapid reduction of the forest vegetation, followed by a considerable expansion of thorn shrub and savanna vegetation. Within dating errors, this short dry period coincides with the 4.2 ka event (Staubwasser et al., 2003; Anoop et al., 2013), but our data demonstrate that the pronounced drying began at least ca. 200 years earlier in the CMZ. The disappearance of evaporitic gaylussite between 3.9 and 2 cal ka (Fig. 3) indicates reduced salinity. Nearly in parallel, a gradual humidification is seen in the change from arid thorn shrub vegetation to semi-arid deciduous forest between 3.8 and 3 cal ka with the denser forest vegetation persisting until ca. 2 cal ka (Fig. 4). The onset (ca. 2 cal ka) of PD2 is marked by the re-appearance of gaylussite crystals that become abundant 1.4–0.6 cal ka when enrichment in δ 13 Ccarb and δ 18 Ocarb , lowered Corg /N and higher δ 13 Corg indicate increasing eutrophication of the lake. During PD2 the pollen (Fig. 4) of dry deciduous forest plants decline while thorn shrub vegetation expanded after 1.2 cal ka. A marked increase in herb pollen values furthermore points to intensified anthropogenic impacts on the vegetation from ca. 1.2 cal ka onwards. The occurrence of severe droughts (PD2) is also seen in the Dandak cave record (Sinha et al., 2007) but the drier periods in the latter occur after (0.7–0.3 ka) those found in the Lonar Lake. This may be due to either differing proxy sensitivities or spatial heterogeneity in ISM precipitation during the late Holocene. 4.3. Possible climate-culture link? An examination of archaeological data from the region reveals that it is only around 4.5 cal ka that sedentary agricultural villages first occur in the northern and central Deccan, in response to the ISM weakening in the CMZ (Fuller, 2011). The cultural development (Kayatha, see Misra, 2001) is significantly later than the establishment of the early Indus Valley Civilisation (5.2–3.9 cal ka), with Indus urbanism from 4.6 cal ka (Possehl, 1999). The majority of the northern Deccan sites dated to this period are close to the rivers (Misra, 2001; Fuller, 2011) suggesting a need for a reliable source of water. After 4 cal ka there is a major increase in the known archaeological sites (Savalda, Malwa, Jorwe), focused on 3.8–3.4 cal ka (Misra, 2001; supplementary text in Ponton et al., 2012) and migration to locations distant from the rivers probably in response to wetter climate. This expansion would have extended and maintained thorn shrub vegetation (Asouti and Fuller, 2008). The cultivation systems of this period incorporated winter crops, like wheat and barley that had been adopted from the northwest, as well as indigenous monsoon-grown millets (Fuller, 2011). Wheat and barley cultivation was facilitated by the relatively wetter conditions of this period as they would have needed to be grown on water retained by clay-rich soils for the northern peninsula or artificial irrigation. This is indicated in the higher presence of wheat and barley during this era and on the northern peninsula, with the representation of millets increasing after 3.5 cal ka and even further after 3 cal ka (Fuller, 2011). In central India, archaeological evidence indicates adoption of low rainfall crop patterns beginning ca. 1.5 cal ka (Deotare, 2006), while decadal scale droughtinduced famines are documented in historical records from the 13th and 14th centuries AD (Dhavalikar, 1992; Maharatna, 1996; Sinha et al., 2007). Fig. 5. Comparison of Holocene reconstructions of the ISM. Location of sites is shown in Fig. 1a. The colour bars have the same interpretation as in Fig. 3. (a) Oxygen isotope record from Oman (Fleitmann et al., 2003). The light grey bar shows the range of modern stalagmite. (b) Carbon isotope data from biomarkers (C28) derived from the Godavari catchment (Ponton et al., 2012). (c) Oxygen isotope record from NE India (Berkelhammer et al., 2012). (d) Carbon isotopic composition from Hyongyang peat, eastern Tibet (Hong et al., 2003). (e) ENSO reconstruction from Laguna Pallacocha, Ecuador (Moy et al., 2002). (f) Percentage of sand in a core from El Junco Lake, San Cristobal, Galápagos (Conroy et al., 2008). (g) A 10-year running mean of the relative percentage of lithic sediments in a deep-sea core off the coast of Peru (Rein et al., 2005). (h) The 14 C record from tree rings which largely reflects changes in solar activity (Stuiver et al., 1998). Single point arrows indicate direction of increase/decrease while double pointed arrow indicates no major change. 4.4. Regional correlation Modern meteorological studies show differing climatic pattern between regions in India (Hoyos and Webster, 2007). However, the palaeoclimate data clearly show synchroneity of several events throughout the ISM realm. The onset of ISM at ca. 11.4 cal ka, fol- S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 179 Fig. 6. SST anomalies in the IPWP calculated with respect to averaged SST over last 2 cal ka during PD1 (a), in the less saline interval (D–D) sandwiched between the two PD (b), and PD2 (c). See text for references. Only records covering all the three time slices are shown. Red circles and blue circles indicate warmer and cooler SST anomalies respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) lowing the drier period in the Lonar Lake, is coincident with the Arabian Sea (Sirocko et al., 1993), the Indus catchment (Limmer et al., 2012), and the Bay of Bengal (Govil and Naidu, 2011) records. The generally wetter phase recorded in Lonar between 11 and 6.2 cal ka is not seen in NW India (Prasad and Enzel, 2006) but this could be related to the low precipitation/evaporation rates in NW India. A change in Lonar hydrology beginning at ca. 6.2 cal ka coincides with the final reduction in the monsoon rainfall contribution to the water balance in NW Indian lakes (Prasad and Enzel, 2006), Oman (Fleitmann et al., 2003), and NE India (Berkelhammer et al., 2012), as well as eastern Tibet (Hong et al., 2003). A pivotal change in Lonar hydrology is seen ca. 4.6 cal ka with the occurrence of two PD separated by a less saline phase (Fig. 3). The impact of both these PD is seen to varying degrees at several sites in the ISM realm (Fleitmann et al., 2003; Ponton et al., 2012; Berkelhammer et al., 2012; Hong et al., 2003) (Fig. 5). 4.5. What could have caused the prolonged droughts? The onset of weakening of the ISM at 6.2 cal ka recorded in the Lonar data is coincident with the orbitally forced weakening of solar insolation. However, a comparison of available ISM records (Fig. 5) with solar variability (Stuiver et al., 1998) show that, contrary to the previously known studies (Neff et al., 2001; Fleitmann et al., 2003; Gupta et al., 2005), the mid to late Holocene prolonged droughts occurred during periods of stronger solar irradiance. Clearly, a simple model linking solar insolation, southward shift of the mean position of the ITCZ (Haug et al., 2001) and reduced ISM strength in observed regions cannot explain the late Holocene PD observed in the ISM realm (Fig. 5) and alternative internal forcing mechanisms need to be explored. Variations in ISM precipitation can also be driven by ENSO, which modulates the regional monsoonal circulation through anomalous changes in the planetary scale Walker circulation (e.g., Krishna Kumar et al., 2006). We note that ENSO is an interannual phenomenon and long, high resolution records that can provide information on palaeo-ENSO activity currently are not available. We have therefore used reconstructions of ENSO-l on centennial and millennial scales (Moy et al., 2002; Rein et al., 2005) that resulted in precipitation changes. However, during PD1, ENSO-l is moderately intense (Rein et al., 2005) but less frequent as compared to the subsequent interval (Moy et al., 2002; Conroy et al., 2008) indicating some other forcing mechanism for the ISM weakening. A late Holocene interval with highly variable, intense ENSO-l activity occurred 3.5–2.5 cal ka (Moy et al., 2002; Rein et al., 2005) and had a widespread impact elsewhere (Moy et al., 2002; Rein et al., 2005; Langton et al., 2008; Toth et al., 2012), but does not appear to have had any significant impact in the CMZ where Lonar shows reduced salinity after the PD1. Other ISM sites show little or no change (Fig. 5). The ISM and ENSO-l link is established between 2 and 0.6 cal ka when PD2, coincident with increased solar activity, is recorded in the CMZ. Climate model simulations indicate a likely intensification of the Walker circulation with stronger easterly trade winds and enhanced cooling over the eastern Pacific during periods of increased solar irradiance (Meehl et al., 2009). Therefore, it is rather intriguing to note the coincidence of PD associated with increased solar irradiance (Fig. 5). We argue that during such periods, the impact of the direct or indirect warming of the equatorial Indian Ocean (IO) and the IPWP can actually weaken the ISM. The basis for this argument comes from understanding of the link between the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) variability and the Indian Ocean SST warming. It is important to mention that the period of PD1 coincided with positive temperature anomalies in the western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) (Stott et al., 2004; Linsley et al., 2010) and eastern IO (Govil and Naidu, 2011) (Fig. 6a). Terrestrial archives indicate anomalous cooling in the western IO (Thompson et al., 2002), fall in lake levels in eastern Africa (Garcin et al., 2012), and stronger monsoon in southern Indonesia (Griffiths et al., 2009) – these temperature and precipitation anomalies strongly resemble those during the negative phase 180 S. Prasad et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 391 (2014) 171–182 of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD, Saji et al., 1999) (warming in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean). The primary role of the eastern IO in causing spatial climate heterogeneity is also supported by the larger amplitude change in NE India (Berkelhammer et al., 2012) as compared to Oman (Fleitmann et al., 2003). While the enhanced SST warming in the eastern IO favours increased precipitation over the equatorial IO, the regional equatorial anomalies actually tend to weaken the boreal summer monsoon circulation by inducing subsidence and rainfall suppression over the Indian subcontinent (see Krishnan et al., 2006). In turn the weakened summer monsoon winds can amplify the SST warming in the eastern IO through wind-thermocline feedback (Krishnan et al., 2006; Swapna et al., in press). The interval 3.5–2.5 cal ka, coincident with reduced solar irradiance is characterised by highly variable and intense ENSO-l activity (Moy et al., 2002; Rein et al., 2005) with little impact over CMZ where Lonar showed reduced salinity after the preceding PD1 (Fig. 3, 4). At this time, the eastern IO is cooler (Govil and Naidu, 2011). Between 2 and 0.6 cal ka (PD2) the stronger solar irradiance during PD2 is consistent with the enhanced SST warming of the equatorial eastern IO and the southward expansion of positive temperature anomalies in the WPWP, with stronger impacts over CMZ (Fig. 6c). A comparison of the SSTs in the IPWP during the three time slices (Fig. 6), suggests that the ISM and ENSO-l link on millennial scales is dependent on the SST anomalies in the equatorial eastern IO and the southern part of the WPWP. Notwithstanding the mechanisms that control the position and magnitude of temperature anomalies in the equatorial IO and WPWP (Newton et al., 2011; Abram et al., 2009), it appears that the occurrence of persistent droughts over India involve not only changes in the Pacific east–west Walker circulation (Krishna Kumar et al., 2006), but also regional changes in the meridional overturning circulation over the Indian Ocean (Krishnan et al., 2006; Swapna et al., in press). 5. Conclusions The high resolution Holocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from the Lonar Lake in central India provides evidence of an extended dry period prior to 11.4 cal ka. This was followed by the establishment of a shallow lake (for ca. 300 yr) marked by high aquatic productivity and increased detrital input. The Holocene wetter period lasted from 11 to 6.2 cal ka BP. Subsequently, two prolonged intervals of drier conditions (PD) are indicated by the presence of evaporative gaylussite (PD1: 4.6–3.90 cal ka) and (PD2: 2.03–0.56 cal ka) that are separated by calcareous clay sediments indicative of lower salinity. Archaeological evidence indicates that the first settlements in this region coincided with the onset of the first PD and agricultural populations flourished between these two prolonged droughts. A comparison of the Lonar record with ENSO-l activity indicates that PD1 occurred during lower ENSO-l activity. Our data show that the ISM and ENSO-l link, proposed for the modern time, was established only ca. 2 cal ka. The Holocene PD occur largely during periods of higher solar irradiance suggesting that the solar signal could have amplified and/or modified the IPWP teleconnections through changes in sea surface temperatures. While in recent decades the warming in the western Pacific may be faster and result in more frequent ENSO (Hansen et al., 2006), it is the warming of the eastern IO and southern part of the WPWP that will crucially determine the long term monsoon rainfall activity over the subcontinent. Acknowledgements We thank all the people that have provided help during field work including K. Deenadayalan and Md. Arif. Cooperation by the Forest and Wildlife Department of Maharashtra State, India is gratefully acknowledged. This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (FOR 1380) within the framework of the HIMPAC project. This research used data acquired in the XRF Core Scanner Lab at the MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany, and was supported by the DFG-Leibniz Center for Surface Process and Climate Studies at the University of Potsdam. Additional support was provided through the DFG Graduate School (GRK 1364). The hard work invested by Richard Niederreiter for raising the core in 40 ◦ C summer temperatures is gratefully acknowledged. Appendix A. Supplementary material Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2014.01.043. References Abram, N.J., McGregor, H.V., Gagan, M.K., Hantoro, W.S., Suwargadi, B.W., 2009. Oscillations in the southern extent of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the midHolocene. Quat. Sci. Rev. 28, 2794–2803. Anoop, A., Prasad, S., Plessen, B., Naumann, R., Menzel, P., Basavaiah, N., Weise, S., Gaye, B., Brauer, A., 2013. 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