A Comparative Analysis of Latent Variable Models for Web Page Classification
István Bı́ró
András Benczúr
Jácint Szabó
Data Mining and Web Search Research Group
Informatics Laboratory
Computer and Automation Research Institute
Hungarian Academy of Science
Budapest, Hungary
A main challenge for Web content classification is how to
model the input data. This paper discusses the application
of two text modeling approaches, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), in the Web
page classification task. We report results on a comparison
of these two approaches using different vocabularies consisting of links and text. Both models are evaluated using
different numbers of latent topics. Finally, we evaluate a
hybrid latent variable model that combines the latent topics
resulting from both LSA and LDA. This new approach turns
out to be superior to the basic LSA and LDA models. In our
experiments with categories and pages obtained from the
ODP web directory the hybrid model achieves an averaged
F-measure value of 0.852 and an averaged ROC value of
1. Introduction
Web content classification is expected to help with the
automatic generation of topic directories, community detection, advertise blocking and webspam filtering, among other
applications. A main problem for classification is how to
model the input data. Attempting to model text using a relatively small set of representative topics not only can help
alleviate the effect of the curse of dimensionality, but it can
also help avoid the false-negative match problem that arises
when documents with similar topics but different term vocabulary cannot be associated.
A corpus of web pages can be characterized by the individual words and structure of each particular page (intradocument structure), through labeled hyperlinks or recurrent words relating one page to another (inter-document
structure), and by the semantic relations between words,
Ana Maguitman
Grupo de Investigación en Recuperación de
Información y Gestión del Conocimiento
Departamento de Cs. e Ing. de la Computación
Universidad Nacional del Sur - CONICET
Bahı́a Blanca, Argentina
which defines the concept- or topic-space. While traditional feature selection schemes [14] have some appealing
characteristics, they are deficient in revealing the inter-or
intra-document statistical structure of the corpus. To address these limitations other dimensionality reduction techniques have been proposed including Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) [6] and Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis
(PLSA) [13]. These approaches can achieve significant reduction of the feature-space dimensionality and have found
successful application not only in tasks where the huge
number of features would have make it impossible to process the dataset further but also in applications where documents are to be compared in concept- or topic-space.
A successful text modeling approach is Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) developed by Blei, Ng and Jordan [2].
LDA models every topic as a distribution over the terms of
the vocabulary, and every document as a distribution over
the topics. These distributions are sampled from Dirichlet
This paper presents an evaluation of LSA and LDA as
text modeling approaches for the task of supervised text categorization. We compare the performance of both methods
for Web page classification and discuss the benefits of integrating both approaches to capture various aspects of the
modeled material.
2. Background
An important question that arises at the moment of implementing a Web page classifier is how to model each page.
The goal is to obtain compact representations that are sufficiently descriptive and discriminative of the topics associated with the pages. Three important questions that need to
be answered at the moment of designing a Web page classifier are (1) what features should be extracted from the pages,
(2) how to use these features to model the content of each
page, and (3) what algorithm should be used to issue a prediction of a page category.
Web page classification is significantly different from
traditional text classification because of the presence of
links. While “text-only” approaches often provide a good
indication of relatedness, the incorporation of link signals
can considerably improve methods for grouping similar resources [24]. However, running a topic prediction algorithm
by taking directly the text and links of the pages has some
limitations. The main problem is that the underlying topics that can lead to a semantic representation of the pages
remain hidden. Therefore, even semantically similar pages
can have low similarity if they don’t share a significant number of terms and links.
To address these issues, some modeling approaches that
attempt to uncover the hidden structure of a document collection have been proposed. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 present an
overview of LSA and LDA, two text modeling techniques
where documents are associated with latent topics. Documents can then be compared by means of their topics and
therefore documents can have high similarity even if they
don’t share any features—as long as these features are related in a sense to be described in the next two sections.
Contrary to the usual setup, links are not used to propagate topics, but instead we treat them as words and build
latent topic models on them. Although links are not words
of a natural language, and so one cannot take it for granted
that applying latent topic models on them will work, the
results of this paper justify the use of such models. LDA
with a vocabulary consisting of links was first considered
by Zhang, Qiu, Giles, Foley, and Yen [26]. Their model,
called SSN-LDA, is exactly our LDA model on links, applied in a social network context. Aside from this paper, we
are not aware of any results on latent topic models built on
cepts, the documents and their features are projected into
a lower-dimension concept space. As a consequence, new
and previously latent relations will arise between documents and features. In order to apply LSA we first generate a document-feature matrix M from the given corpus.
Then, singular-value decomposition (SVD) is applied to M,
resulting in matrices U, S, and V. The SVD decomposition
is such that M = USVT , U and V have orthogonal columns
(i.e., UT U=I and VT V=I) and S has entries only along the
diagonal. The next step is to reduce the dimensions of S to
a significant lower value k to obtain a matrix S’. The same
reduction is performed on the row dimension and column
dimension of U and VT respectively, resulting in the lowerrank matrices U’ and V’T . By multiplying matrices U’, S’
and V’T we obtain a new matrix M’ that relates documents
and their features through a concept-space.
The matrix M’ can be thought of as a low-rank approximation to the document-feature matrix M. This reduction
is sometimes necessary when the original document-feature
matrix is presumed too large for the computing resources
or when it is considered noisy. Most commonly, this lowrank approximation is performed to represent documents in
concept space.
A problem with this approach is that the resulting dimensions might be difficult to interpret. LSA assumes that
documents and features form a joint Gaussian model, while
a Poisson distribution is typically observed.
To overcome some of these problems, Hofmann [13] introduced Probabilistic LSA (PLSA), which is a generative,
graphical model enhancing latent semantic analysis by a
sounder probabilistic model. Although PLSA had promising results, it suffers from two limitations: the number of
parameters is linear in the number of documents, and it is
not possible to make inference for unseen data. In this paper
PLSA is not applied, only LSA.
2.1. Latent Semantic Analysis
2.2. Latent Dirichlet Allocation
LSA is a theory and method for extracting and representing the contextual usage meaning of words by statistical computations applied to a large corpus [6]. The method
requires a corpus of documents from any domain and the
vector space model [22] is used to represent this corpus. In
this model a document is represented as a vector where each
dimension corresponds to a separate feature from the document. A feature could be a term or any other unit that is
a representative attribute of the documents in the given corpus. If a feature occurs in the document, its value in the
vector is non-zero. A common way of computing these values is the tf-idf weighting scheme [21].
An important step in LSA is to transform the documentfeature vector space into a document-concept and conceptdocument vector space. By reducing the number of con-
In this section we present a short overview of LDA [2],
for a detailed elaboration, we refer the reader to [12]. The
LDA method takes a vocabulary V consisting of features, a
set T of k topics and n documents of arbitrary length. For
every topic z a distribution ϕz on V is sampled from Dir(β),
where β ∈ RV+ is a smoothing parameter. Similarly, for
every document d a distribution ϑd on T is sampled from
Dir(α), where α ∈ RT+ is a smoothing parameter.
The words of the documents are drawn as follows: for
every word-position of document d a topic z is drawn from
ϑd , and then a term (or other useful feature) is drawn from
ϕz and filled into the position. LDA can be thought of as a
Bayesian network, see Figure 1.
One method for finding the LDA model via inference is
using Gibbs sampling [9]. (Additional methods are varia-
ϕ ∼ Dir(β)
3. Comparing and Integrating LSA and LDA
in Web Page Classification
Our goal is to compare LSA and LDA as text modeling
approaches in the Web page classification task. For that
purpose, we run a series of tests described next.
ϑ ∼ Dir(α)
w ∼ ϕz
Figure 1. LDA as a Bayesian network
tional expectation maximization [2], and expectation propagation [16]). Gibbs sampling is a Monte Carlo Markovchain algorithm for sampling from a joint distribution
p(x), x ∈ Rn , if all conditional distributions p(xi |x−i ) are
known (x−i = (x1 , . . . , xi−1 , xi+1 , . . . , xn )). In LDA the
goal is to estimate the distribution p(z|w) for z ∈ T P , w ∈
V P where P denotes the set of word-positions in the documents. Thus in the Gibbs sampling one has to calculate
p(zi |z−i , w) for i ∈ P . This has an efficiently computable
closed form (for a deduction, see [12])
p(zi |z−i , w) =
ntzii − 1 + βti
nzi − 1 + αzi
· d
. (1)
nzi − 1 + t βt nd − 1 + z αz
Here d is the document of position i, ti is the actual word in
position i, ntzii is the number of positions with topic zi and
term ti , nzi is the number of positions with topic zi , nzdi is
the number of topics zi in document d, and nd is the length
of document d. After a sufficient number of iterations we
arrive at a topic assignment sample z. Knowing z, ϕ and ϑ
are estimated as
ϕz,t =
ntz + βt
n z + t βt
nzd + αz
nd + z αz
We call the above method model inference. After the
model is built, we make unseen inference for every new,
unseen document d. The ϑ topic-distribution of d can be estimated exactly as in (3) once we have a sample from its
word-topic assignment z. Sampling z can be performed
with a similar method as before, but now only for the positions i in d:
ϑd,z =
ñtzii − 1 + βti
nzi − 1 + αzi
· d
. (4)
p(zi |z−i , w) =
ñzi − 1 + t βt nd − 1 + z αz
The notation ñ refers to the union of the whole corpus and
document d.
Input Data
In order to run our comparison tests we used a subset
of the Open Directory Project (ODP)1 corpus, from which
we chose the 8 top-level categories: Arts, Business, Computers, Health, Science, Shopping, Society, Sports. The resulting corpus contained more than 350K documents distributed among these eight categories. We randomly split
this collection of pages into training (80%) and test (20%)
Text and links were extracted from the collected pages
and used to generate two vocabulary sets. We refer to the
vocabulary set based on text as T and to the vocabulary set
based on links as L. In order to generate T we extracted
all terms from the selected Web pages and kept only the
30K terms that occurred with the highest frequency. This
vocabulary was filtered further by eliminating stop-words2
and keeping only terms consisting of alphanumeric characters, including those containing the hyphen, and the apostrophe. Documents with length less than 1000 terms were
discarded. Finally, the text was run through a tree-tagger
software3 . The final number of words in T was 21308.
The vocabulary set L combines the incoming links and
outgoing links associated with our corpus, that is the vocabulary consists of web pages linking to or linked by a page in
our corpus. Incoming links were obtained using the Google
Web API. To avoid circularity in our classification tests, we
took special care to filter out those links coming from topical directories. Finally, we extracted all the outgoing links
from the pages and added them to L. Links that occur in
less than 10 documents were removed from our vocabulary
and we only kept (train and test) documents with at least 3
links. The size of vocabulary L was 44561. It is important
to notice that distinct portions of the training and test data
are kept for the link and text vocabularies. By intersecting
these two test sets we obtain a common test set with 1218
Using the training collection we created models for LSA
and LDA based on different vocabularies and using differ1 http://dmoz.org
2 We
3 http://www.ims.uni-stuttgart.de/projekte/corplex/TreeTagger/
ent number of latent topics. By taking this approach, we
were able to compare the performance of our models across
different dimensions. For LSA we used the tf.idf pivoted
scheme [23] and applied SVD with dimensions 5, 15 and
30. LDA was run for 1000 iterations to generate 5, 15 and
30 latent topics.
In what follows we will use a simple convention to name
the tested models. For example, an LSA model that uses
text vocabulary and 15 latent topics is referred to as LSA-T15, while one that uses link vocabulary for the same number of topics is named LSA-L-15. In addition, one could
explore alternative text and link combinations, as well as
the integration of latent topics from LSA and LDA. For
example, by combining LDA-T-15 with LDA-L-30 we obtained the LDA-T-15-L-30 model, and by combing, LDAL-15-T-30 with LSA-L-15-T-30 we obtained LDA-L-15-T30-LSA-L-15-T-30.
In order to generate the LSA models we used the Lanczos code of svdpack [1] to run SVD. For LDA we
used Phan’s GibbsLDA++ C++-code [19]. Once our models were generated we used the Weka machine learning
toolkit [25] with 10 fold cross validation to run two different binary classifiers: C4.5 and SVM, separately for every
category. The F-measures and ROC values presented in the
rest of the paper are average over the 8 categories.
4. Results
In this section we report the averaged F-measures and
ROC values for the tested models. Although we generated
models with 5, 15 and 30 latent topics, we will omit the results for the models with 5 topics given that they performed
poorly. Tables 1 and 2 compare the performance of the LSA
and LDA models using different text and link vocabulary
combinations (FMR stands for F-measure). We can observe
that for both models the text vocabulary is superior to the
link vocabulary. This is not surprising considering that the
number of links associated with each pages is usually much
smaller than the number of terms. However, we observe that
the models that combine text and link features are appreciably superior to those based on text only.
The most effective model for LSA is LSA-L-15-T-30,
which combines 15 link-based topics with 30 text-based
topics. Similarly, the best LDA model is LDA-L-15-T-30.
Table 3 summarizes the improvements obtained when link
features are included in the vocabulary, the classifier was
We also observe that LDA was superior to LSA for all
the tested combinations. Table 4 shows the averaged FMR
& ROC values for the best LSA/LDA configuration, using
Finally, we looked into the combination of the two latent variable models. Interestingly, by combining the best
Table 1. Averaged FMR/ROC values with LSA
Table 2. Averaged FMR/ROC values with LDA
Table 3. Comparison of text (T) and link (L)
based classification results
configurations of LDA and LSA we obtain the best model
with an averaged FMR value of 0.852 and an averaged ROC
value of 0.96. Table 5 summarizes these results.
The improvement registered by integrating both models
points to the fact that the LDA and LSA models capture
different aspects of the corpus hidden structure and that the
combination of these models can be highly beneficial.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
It has long been recognized that text and link features
extracted from pages can help discover Web communities,
which often lead to the extraction of topically coherent subgraphs useful for clustering or classifying Web pages. Many
algorithms based solely on link information have been pro-
NKTH and MinCyT.
Table 4. Averaged FMR & ROC values for the
best LSA/LDA configuration
Improvement LDA-LSA over LSA
Improvement LDA-LSA over LDA
Table 5. Averaged FMR & ROC values for the
best LSA, LDA, and LSA-LDA combined configuration
posed to partition hypertext environments [11, 3, 20], to
identify and examine the structure of topics on the Web
[8, 7, 4] and for Web content categorization [10]. Other
algorithms use the hyperlink structure of the Web to find
related pages [15, 5]. An approach, totally different from
ours, that combines latent variable models to identify topics
on the Web is Link-PLSA-LDA [18].
LSA and LDA are based on different principles. On
the one hand, LSA assumes that words and documents can
be represented as points in Euclidean space. On the other
hand, LDA (like other statistical models) assumes that the
semantic properties of words and documents are expressed
in terms of probabilistic topics. Although some recent theoretical work has been carried out comparing Euclidean and
probabilistic latent variable models (e.g, [17]), to the best
of our knowledge this is the first attempt to provide a thorough empirical comparison of the two modeling approaches
in the Web page classification task.
In our evaluations we observe that although LDA is superior to LSA for all the tested configurations, the improvements achieved by combining latent structures from both
approaches are noteworthy. Despite the different underlying
assumption of these two approaches and the seeming superiority of LDA, each one appears to have something unique
to contribute at the moment of modeling text and links for
6 Acknowledgements
We wish to thank anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions. This research work is partially supported by an international cooperation project funded by
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